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人生长激素释放因子基因的合成和克隆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道人生长激素释放因子(Leu27,Met44)hGRF(1-44)基因的合成和克隆。选用大肠杆菌高效表达所偏爱的简并密码子,用计算机辅助设计合成基因的顺序,用固相亚磷酸酰胺法合成了hGRF的6个寡聚核苷酸片段,长度分别为39至51个桉苷酸,总共141个碱基对。通过酶促连接反应构建完整的hGRF基因,并直接克隆到pUC-19质粒中,克隆的宿主菌为E.Coll JM83。通过抗性筛选、阳性标记筛选、限制酶分析和分子杂交确定阳性克隆株。用M13双脱氧末端终止法对克隆基因序列分析,证实台成和克隆的hGRF基因序列完全正确。  相似文献   

人溶菌酶基因的克隆和生物信息学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:克隆人溶菌酶基因并进行生物信息学分析及构建其原核表达载体方法:采用RT-PCR法扩增人溶菌酶基因,运用相关生物信息学软件对其理化性质、疏/亲水性、功能结构域及蛋白质二级结构等进行分析.将该基因克隆入载体pET32a,PCR、双酶切鉴定和核苷酸序列测定.结果:获得约400bp的人溶菌酶基因,其序列与GenBank中公布序列完全一致.生物信息学分析显示人溶菌酶基因编码130个氨基酸,分子量为14.7kDa,理论等电点为9.28,含有一个功能结构域,二级结构主要由α-螺旋、无规则卷曲、延伸链和β-转角组成.经PCR、双酶切鉴定和核苷酸序列测定,表明重级表达质粒构建成功.结论:该基因的克隆、生物信息学分析及原核表达质粒的构建为进一步研究其功能奠定了基础.  相似文献   

噬菌体T7溶菌酶基因的克隆   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以Pbr322及含有噬菌体T7 RNA聚合酶强启动子φ10的Pbr322衍生物作为克隆载体,经限制内切酶AvaⅡ+HaeⅢ切割的一段噬菌体T7 DNA片段分别克隆到Pbr322及其衍生质粒的BamHⅠ位点上。插入的DNA片段为632碱基对。该片段包括噬菌体T7基因3.5和T7 RNA聚合酶弱启动子φ3.8的全部编码序列。已知噬菌体T7基因3.5的功能为产生噬菌体T7溶菌酶,利用氯仿处理检测带有重组质粒的转化子胞内溶菌酶活力。证明两种克隆株整体细胞中,均有溶菌酶存在。用10一20%SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝肢电泳检查噬菌体T7基因3.5蛋白带,结果表明T7基因3.5在Pbr322衍生质粒中的表达优于Pbr322。  相似文献   

重组人溶菌酶研究进展   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
与其他来源的溶菌酶相比,人溶菌酶具有独特的优越性和多种多样的药理作用效果,在临床上具有多种重要应用价值。但天然人溶菌酶来源极其困难,利用重组DNA技术进行生产是解决这一难题的有效途径。迄今人们已利用化学合成或从人类细胞组织中制备cDNA等途径获取人溶菌酶基因,并在大肠杆菌、酵母菌和真菌表达系统中进行了表达,最高水平为40mgL,低于人乳中溶菌酶含量(50~250mgL),虽然距离工业化生产仍有一定距离。但重组人溶菌酶发展前景看好。  相似文献   

家蝇溶菌酶2基因的克隆及其性质研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
溶菌酶(lysozyme)作为抗菌肽重要一员,在昆虫先天免疫系统中起着重要作用.本文通过家蝇EST序列筛选并结合RACE技术克隆了家蝇Musca domestica的lysozyme 2基因(Md-lysozyme 2,MdL2)全长516 bp的cDNA序列.MdL2包含429 bp的开放阅读框,编码142个氨基酸残基,推导的氨基酸序列N端包括加个氨基酸残基的信号肽,成熟肽由122个氨基酸残基组成,理论分子量为13.89 kD,理论等电点为6.45,有8个半胱氨酸组成4对分子内二硫键.实时荧光定量PCR结果显示大肠杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌分别刺激后,家蝇幼虫体内MdL2基因的表达模式发生了非常相似的变化.在刺激3~12 h表达下调,12~24 h出现一个短暂的恢复,在刺激24 h后表达又开始下调.不同组织定量PCR结果表明MdL2表达量在肠和血细胞中较高,而在表皮和脂肪体中较低.MdL2成熟肽编码序列被克隆人pET-DsbA表达载体,并转化大肠杆菌后得到高效表达.  相似文献   

分别提取罗氏沼虾和日本沼虾血细胞总RNA,RT-PCR扩增获得特异性cDNA片段,纯化后克隆到T载体上。序列测定表明所克隆的两种沼虾溶菌酶基因的开放阅读框(ORF)为477bp,共编码158个氨基酸,包括溶菌酶成熟肽140个氨基酸残基和信号肽18个氨基酸残基。同源性分析表明,罗氏沼虾和日本沼虾溶菌酶基因的碱基序列及推测氨基酸序列高度同源,分别为99.4%和98.1%。两种沼虾溶菌酶基因的碱基序列和推测氨基酸序列与Gen-Bank上其他对虾溶菌酶的同源性达83.0%和80.0%以上。两种沼虾溶菌酶都具有c-型溶菌酶典型的两个酶活性位点(Glu51)和(Asp68),以及8个保守结构氨基酸残基Cys,且在101、106和107位上缺少Asp,因而推测本实验所克隆的两种沼虾溶菌酶基因属c-型溶菌酶基因的非钙结合亚型。以PCR法制备罗氏沼虾溶菌酶基因的生物素标记探针,斑点杂交检测感染弧菌后溶菌酶基因mRNA在各组织中的转录水平,结果表明受感染6h后在眼、肌肉、鳃、肝胰腺、肠管中的表达量均有升高,其中在肝胰腺中的表达量最高,约为对照组的560%。在不同感染时间里,肝胰腺中该基因表达量有较大的变化:感染后3h表达量最低,24h后表达量升至最高,大约为对照组的430%,48h时的表达量又有所下降,但仍明显高于对照组(约为330%)。受弧菌感染后罗氏沼虾溶菌酶基因转录的上调证明溶菌酶基因在非特异性免疫中的直接作用,同时表明肝胰腺可能在沼虾的免疫防御过程起重要作用。  相似文献   

工程菌人溶菌酶的纯化和性质   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
将人溶菌酶工程菌株在发酵培养、菌体经超声破碎、变性和复性后所得的粗酶液经ExpressIon S阳离子交换柱层析,得到电泳纯的酶,比活达到48KG*4]000u/mg。此酶的最适pH为6.5;等电点为8.91;对溶壁微球菌的米氏常数Km=0.0311mg/mL;60℃保温30〖KG*4]min,酶活力剩余48.3%。N末端氨基酸序列除了第一个Met,其余4个与预期相符。一些重金属离子对酶的活性影响不尽相同,在0.01  相似文献   

人生长素基因的合成及克隆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据人生长素基因的氨基酸序列,选择大肠杆菌所偏好的密码子,人工设计并合成了20个寡核苷酸片断。通过重叠区扩增法,利用PCR成功地合成了人生长激素基因的全序列。经克隆测序,证明已成功地实现了人生长素基因的合成及克隆。  相似文献   

溶菌酶的研究进展   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
溶菌酶在自然界中广泛存在,是一种与单核-巨噬细胞系统有关的非特异性防御机制。人溶菌酶在临床上具有潜在的使用价值。由于来源有限,利用基因工程技术从细菌或酶母中生产人溶菌酶实现产业化,是解决其供需矛盾的有效途径。有关溶菌酶抗菌功能以外的其它未知生物学作用,也是当前研究的热点。  相似文献   

人工合成人溶菌酶基因在大肠杆菌中表达   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
利用DNA重组技术生产自然界不能或难以得到的多肽产品用于医药、农业、食品工业等领域,目前在生物领域已有了很大的进展。近年来,科学工作者经体外合成人溶菌酶基因,经克隆、转化,在真核、原核细胞中获得表达[1-3]。溶菌酶能水解革兰氏阳性菌细胞壁上的β-1,4糖苷键,在内部渗透压的作用下,细胞胀裂开[4,5]。它对有些革兰氏阴性菌,如埃希氏大肠杆菌、伤寒沙门氏菌,也有同样作用。因此此酶在食品,特别是在医药上具有重要意义。在这篇文章中,我们报道人工合成人溶酶的克隆和在温控启动子PRPL调控下在大肠杆菌中的表达。  相似文献   

Y-family DNA polymerases bypass DNA adducts in a process known as translesion synthesis (TLS). Y-family polymerases make contacts with the minor groove side of the DNA substrate at the nascent base pair. The Y-family polymerases also contact the DNA major groove via the unique little finger domain, but they generally lack contacts with the major groove at the nascent base pair. Escherichia coli DinB efficiently and accurately copies certain minor groove guanosine adducts. In contrast, we previously showed that the presence in the DNA template of the major groove-modified base 1,3-diaza-2-oxophenothiazine (tC) inhibits the activity of E. coli DinB. Even when the DNA primer is extended up to three nucleotides beyond the site of the tC analog, DinB activity is strongly inhibited. These findings prompted us to investigate discrimination against other major groove modifications by DinB and its orthologs. We chose a set of pyrimidines and purines with modifications in the major groove and determined the activity of DinB and several orthologs with these substrates. DinB, human pol kappa, and Sulfolobus solfataricus Dpo4 show differing specificities for the major groove adducts pyrrolo-dC, dP, N6-furfuryl-dA, and etheno-dA. In general, DinB was least efficient for bypass of all of these major groove adducts, whereas Dpo4 was most efficient. DinB activity was essentially completely inhibited by the presence of etheno-dA, while pol kappa activity was strongly inhibited. All three of these DNA polymerases were able to bypass N6-furfuryl-dA with modest efficiency, with DinB being the least efficient. We also determined that the R35A variant of DinB enhances bypass of N6-furfuryl-dA but not etheno-dA. In sum, we find that whereas DinB is specific for bypass of minor groove adducts, it is specifically inhibited by major groove DNA modifications.  相似文献   

人溶菌酶工程菌株培养条件的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
人溶菌酶在食品工业和医药上具有广泛的用途,最近发现它在癌症的继承性免疫治疗上也有作用。为使人溶菌酶达到工业化生产,我们已成功地人工合成厂人溶菌酶基因,并构建了人溶菌酶基因的重组质粒和工程菌株。为提高该工程菌人溶菌酶的表达水平,我们对影响该工程菌表达人溶菌酶的培养条件进行探讨。  相似文献   

Replicative DNA synthesis in normal human fibroblasts was inhibited by 50% when they were X-irradiated (8 Gy) and made permeable 30 min later, whereas only a slight inhibition (20%) was observed in similarly treated ataxia-telangiectasia cells. Treatment of irradiated normal cells with caffeine (2 mM) before permeabilization reversed the inhibitory effects of X-rays, buf caffeine had no effect on DNA synthesis in permeable ataxia-telangiectasia cells. Diadenosine tetraphosphate (0.1 mM) did not affect DNA synthesis in permeable normal fibroblasts.  相似文献   

3-Nitrobenzanthrone (3-NBA), a byproduct of diesel exhaust, is highly present in the environment and poses a significant health risk. Exposure to 3-NBA results in formation of N-(2′-deoxyguanosin-8-yl)-3-aminobenzanthrone (dGC8-N-ABA), a bulky DNA lesion that is of particular importance due to its mutagenic and carcinogenic potential. If not repaired or bypassed during genomic replication, dGC8-N-ABA can stall replication forks, leading to senescence and cell death. Here we used pre-steady-state kinetic methods to determine which of the four human Y-family DNA polymerases (hPolη, hPolκ, hPolι, or hRev1) are able to catalyze translesion synthesis of dGC8-N-ABA in vitro. Our studies demonstrated that hPolη and hPolκ most efficiently bypassed a site-specifically placed dGC8-N-ABA lesion, making them good candidates for catalyzing translesion synthesis (TLS) of this bulky lesion in vivo. Consistently, our publication (Biochemistry 53, 5323-31) in 2014 has shown that small interfering RNA-mediated knockdown of hPolη and hPolκ in HEK293T cells significantly reduces the efficiency of TLS of dGC8-N-ABA. In contrast, hPolι and hRev1 were severely stalled by dGC8-N-ABA and their potential role in vivo was discussed. Subsequently, we determined the kinetic parameters for correct and incorrect nucleotide incorporation catalyzed by hPolη at various positions upstream, opposite, and downstream from dGC8-N-ABA. Notably, nucleotide incorporation efficiency and fidelity both decreased significantly during dGC8-N-ABA bypass and the subsequent extension step, leading to polymerase pausing and error-prone DNA synthesis by hPolη. Furthermore, hPolη displayed nucleotide concentration-dependent biphasic kinetics at the two polymerase pause sites, suggesting that multiple enzyme•DNA complexes likely exist during nucleotide incorporation.  相似文献   

The human lysozyme gene, which is assembled by the stepwise ligation of chemically synthesized oligonucleotides, was introduced into tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv `SR1') by the Agrobacterium-mediated method. The introduced human lysozyme gene was highly expressed under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter, and the gene product accumulated in the transgenic tobacco plants. The transgenic tobacco plants showed enhanced resistance against the fungus Erysiphe cichoracearum – both conidia formation and mycelial growth were reduced, and the size of the colony was diminished. Microscopic observation revealed that the transgenic tobacco plants carried the resistant phenotype, analogous to that of the resistant cultivar `Kokubu' which had been selected by conventional breeding. Growth of the phytopathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci was also strongly retarded in the transgenic tobacco, and the chlorotic halo of the disease symptom was reduced to 17% of that observed in the wild-type tobacco. Thus, the introduction of a human lysozyme gene is an effective approach to protect crops against both fungal and bacterial diseases. Received: 9 September 1996 / Revision received: January 9 1997 / Accepted: 20 February 1997  相似文献   

为了比较不同来源乳腺特异表达载体的表达特性 ,将人溶菌酶 (hLYZ)cDNA分别克隆入自行构建的p2 0 5C3载体和国外引进的pBJ41和pBC1载体。重组载体p2 0 5C3LYZ、pBJLYZ和pBCLYZ分别用 2 5kDaPEI包裹后 ,通过尾静脉途径注射哺乳期小鼠。注射后 72h采集乳样 ,经微球菌溶解实验证明 ,3组小鼠乳汁中hLYZ的表达量分别为 87、69、60mg L ;从每组小鼠的 1 2种组织提取总RNA ,经Dotblotting检测证明 ,三种重组载体除在乳腺中表达外 ,p2 0 5C3LYZ还在小鼠的脾和肠、pBJLYZ在脾、pBCLYZ在脾和肾中具有一定的异位表达 ;在有hLYZmRNA转录的上述脏器中用微球菌溶解试验均可检测到hLYZ活性。这些实验结果表明 ,自行构建的乳腺特异表达载体的表达特性与从国外引进的表达载体无明显差别。  相似文献   

Lysozyme is an antimicrobial compound, which has been used in pharmaceutical and food industries. Chicken egg is the commercial source of lysozyme. However, human lysozyme is more effective and safer than egg-white lysozyme. Human milk is an important source for human lysozyme, but it is not feasible to provide the needed lysozyme commercially. Biofilm reactors provide passive immobilization of cells onto the solid support, which may lead to higher productivity. The aim was to evaluate the fermentation medium composition for enhanced human lysozyme production by Kluyveromyces lactis K7 in biofilm reactor with plastic composite supports. Yeast nitrogen base was selected as the best nitrogen source when compared to the yeast extract and corn steep liquor. Moreover, inhibition effect of NaCl and NH4Cl at the concentrations of 25 and 50 mM was observed. Three factors Box–Behnken response surface design was conducted and the results suggested 16.3% lactose, 1.2% casamino acid, 0.8% yeast nitrogen base as optimum medium composition for maximum human lysozyme production. Overall, the human lysozyme production by K. lactis K7 was increased to 173 U/ml, which is about 23% improvement in biofilm reactor and 57% improvement compared to the suspended-cell fermentation.  相似文献   

HL9 is a nonapeptide fragment of human lysozyme which has been shown to have anti-HIV-1 activity in nanomolar concentration. This study aims to explain this inhibitory activity by using molecular dynamics (MD) simulation, focusing on the ectodomain of gp41, the envelope glycoprotein of HIV-1 crucial to membrane fusion. It was found that in HL9, two Trp residues separated by two others occupy the conserved hydrophobic pocket on gp41 and thus inhibit fusion in dominant-negative manner. Detailed HL9-gp41 binding interactions and free energies of binding were obtained through MD simulation and solvated interaction energies (SIE) calculation, giving a binding free energy of −8.25 kcal/mol which is in close agreement with the experimental value of −9.96 kcal/mol. Since C-helical region (C34) of gp41 also has two Trp residues separated by two others, this arrangement may be generalised and used to scan peptide library and to find those having similar manner of inhibition.  相似文献   

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