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In this study, the concentrations of heavy metal (Cd, Pb, Fe, and Ni) in contaminated soils adjacent to two steel mill companies and in three crops (i.e., wheat, rice, and onion) grown in these regions were compared with a non-industrial site in Isfahan province, central Iran. The results were manifold. The heavy metal concentrations of both the soil and crops within the two industrial regions turned out to be more significant than the nonindustrial counterpart. In addition, the soils surrounding the companies were demonstrated to be contaminated by Cd, Pb, and Ni according to the limits provided by the international standards (i.e., USEPA and European Union standards). As for the crops from the investigated contaminated sites, the mean concentrations of Cd, Ni, and Pb exceeded the maximum permissible levels for human consumption stipulated by FAO/WHO standards. Furthermore, the values gained from the target hazard quotient were above one, meaning that the crops are contaminated. Given the results gained from a comparison made between estimated daily intake and tolerable daily intake, it can be concluded that the inhabitants of the two investigated contaminated sites are at a potentially serious health risk caused by exposure to the crops contaminated with the heavy metal.  相似文献   

The present study was aimed at assessing drinking water quality regarding arsenic (As) and its impact on health from Mailsi (Punjab), Pakistan. Forty-four groundwater samples were collected from two sites, Sargana and Mailsi. Arsenic and other cations were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometer, whereas the anions were determined either through titration or spectrophotometer. The results revealed that dominant anions were HCO3? and Cl?, Ca+2 was the dominant cation, and overall water chemistry of the area was CaMgHCO3? type. Arsenic concentrations were high, ranging from 11 to 828 µg/L that crossed the World Health Organization permissible limits. Likewise, higher SO4?2 concentrations ranging from 247 to 1053 mg/L were observed. The health risk index was higher in the Sargana site, which employed the differences in terms of higher Average Daily Dose, Hazard Quotient, and Carcinogenic Risk of arsenic, which is unsuitable for drinking purposes. The area seems to be at high risk due to arsenic pollution and wells have never been tested for arsenic concentrations earlier; therefore, necessary measures should be taken to test the wells with respect to arsenic.  相似文献   

The pollution and potential health risk due to lifetime exposure to heavy metals in urban soil of China were evaluated, based on the urban soil samples collected from published papers from 2005 to 2014. The contamination levels were in the order of Cd > Hg > Cu > Zn > Pb >As > Ni > Cr, and Hg and Cd fell into the category of “moderately contaminated” to “heavily contaminated.” The non-carcinogenic risk for different populations varied greatly, among which children faced high risk, and then the adult female and adult male followed. The hazard index (non-carcinogenic risk) higher than 1.00 occurred in Shanghai, Gansu, Qinghai, Hunan, and Anhui, whereas most of those in northern and western China had low risks. For the carcinogenic risk, Anhui and Ningxia provinces had urban soils exceeding the safe reference (1 × 10?6–1 × 10?4). Qinghai and Gansu had high carcinogenic risks since their risk indexes were much closer to the reference, and the others were in low risk.  相似文献   

One of the problematic issues in soil pollution studies is heavy metal particles which are produced by mines and smelting units and spread through wind action and/or runoff. Pollution and health risk assessment of cadmium, lead, zinc, copper, and nickel in soil around the lead and zinc smelting factory was carried out in Zanjan City, Iran. Contamination factor (Cf), pollution load index (PLI), geoaccumulation index (Igeo), hazard quotient (HQ), hazard index (HI), and carcinogenic risk were pollution and human health risk assessment metrics in this study. Based on the Iranian soil guideline value, soil samples in the studied areas were contaminated the least by copper and nickel and the most by cadmium. PLI results showed that soils near the production line were heavily or extremely heavily polluted. The results of Cf and Igeo showed that lead and zinc were the most important contaminants. Health risk assessment indicated that lead and cadmium in soil were the main contaminants, which pose both carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks to human health; carcinogenic risk levels were unacceptably high (above 1 × 10?4). It can be concluded that mining and smelting activities degrade soil quality in this region and the soil pollution might be extended to farming areas.  相似文献   

A total of 195 farmland soil samples were collected in Yanqi Basin, Xinjiang, northwest China, and the concentrations of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn were analyzed for their concentrations and pollution levels using the Nemerow comprehensive index. The health risk assessment model introduced by USEPA was utilized to evaluate the human health risks of heavy metals. Results indicated that the average concentrations of these seven metals were lower than the allowed soil environmental quality standards of China, while the average concentrations of Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb and Zn exceeded the background values of irrigation soils in Xinjiang. The average contamination factor (CF) for Pb indicated the heavy pollution, whereas the CF for Cd, Zn, Ni, Cu and Cr indicated the moderate pollution. The average PLI of heavy metals indicated the low pollution. The non-carcinogenic hazard index were below the threshold values, and the total carcinogenic risks due to As and Cr were within the acceptable range for both children and adults. As and Pb were the main non-carcinogenic factors, while As was the main carcinogenic factor in the study area. Special attentions should be paid to these priority control metals in order to target the lowest threats to human health.  相似文献   

Heavy metals in soil can affect human health through the exposure pathways of oral ingestion, dermal contact, and inhalation. In this study, to assess the health risk of heavy metals in the agricultural area of Xinglonggang, 52 soil samples were collected and tested to obtain the concentrations of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, V, and Zn in the soil. The enrichment factor indicated that the heavy metals of the agricultural soils were enriched, but the degree of enrichment was mild for all of the heavy metals. Coefficient analysis and principal component analysis indicated that V, Cr, Ni, and Pb were mainly from natural sources, As was from irrigation, Cu and Cd tended to be from chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and Zn was from mixed sources including irrigation, chemical fertilizers, and pesticides. A human-health risk assessment indicated that the residents in the study area face high risk from carcinogens and low risk from noncarcinogens; As and Cr are the major heavy metals affecting human health. This study provides a reference and a basis for formulating effective measures to prevent and control heavy metal enrichment in agricultural soils.  相似文献   

湖南省主要水系底泥重金属污染特征及其生态风险评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为全面了解湖南省主要水系底泥中重金属含量及其潜在生态风险,在湖南省内的湘、资、沅、澧以及洞庭湖5个主要水系共采集了75个位点的底泥样品,分析了重金属元素含量和来源分布特征,并采用地累积指数法、内梅罗指数法和潜在生态风险指数法对其污染程度和潜在生态风险进行评价。结果表明,As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Mn、Pb和Zn的平均含量分别为32.87、7.59、78.09、70.69、1182.60、85.64 mg/kg和482.44 mg/kg。湘江和洞庭湖的污染相对严重,底泥中重金属含量明显高于资江、沅江和澧水;相关性分析表明多种重金属具有相同污染来源;地累积指数评价结果显示,湖南省主要水系底泥中Cd为重污染水平,Zn为中度污染,Cu、Mn和Pb均为轻度污染,而As和Cr污染程度为清洁;内梅罗指数法评价结果表明,除Cr为轻度污染外,湖南省主要水系底泥中其他6种重金属污染均为重污染级别;潜在生态风险评价结果显示,湖南省总体潜在生态风险属于中等级别,各水系潜在生态风险大小顺序为洞庭湖>资江>湘江>澧水>沅江,重金属Cd的潜在生态风险级别为很强,其他重金属元素都属于轻微级别。  相似文献   


This study was performed to measure arsenic (As) contents in groundwater/drinking water of high schools and its effects on human health. Chronic daily intake, hazardous quotient (HQ), carcinogenic risk (CR), hazardous index (HI), and carcinogenic indices (CI) for oral and dermal exposure to arsenic were calculated. Samples were taken from high schools in four tehsils of Multan. As contents ranged from 3.25 to 184?µg/l and 99% samples exceeded World Health Organization safe limit (10?µg/l). HQ for Multan city (1.70) and for Multan Saddar (1.38) exceeded USEPA permissible toxic risk value (1.0). CR in four tehsils for oral (0.0001–0.0003) and dermal exposure (0.0000049–0.000011) exceeded USEPA limit (10?6). HI for tehsil Multan city (1.75) and Multan Saddar (1.42) exceeded the limit (1.0). CI for four tehsils ranged from 0.00022 to 0.0008 exceeding USEPA limit (10?6) indicating high chronic and carcinogenic health risk to exposed population. Results indicated that groundwater of district Multan is not fit for human consumption due to excessive arsenic contamination. It invites attention of water supplying agency and educational authorities to take steps for provision of arsenic free safe drinking water to students and local area peoples.  相似文献   

对沈阳地区河流水体、沿岸地下水和表层沉积物中重金属进行了调查,并运用污染因子法及潜在生态风险指数法对污染程度进行评价。结果表明:河水中As的浓度为0.49~11.9μg.L-1,沈抚灌渠>蒲河>细河>浑河。Cd的浓度为0.01~0.66μg.L-1,细河>沈抚灌渠>浑河>蒲河。Zn浓度范围为1.0~115μg.L-1,最高浓度出现在沈抚灌渠。Pb、Cu、Cr平均浓度最高是在细河。浑河和蒲河河水中6种重金属的单因子污染指数及内梅罗指数都<1,未受污染;沈抚灌渠水中Zn和Cr的单因子污染指数和内梅罗指数都>1,为轻度污染;细河夏季内梅罗指数>1,为轻度污染。细河周边地区浅层地下水中Cd和Cr的污染较为严重,致使内梅罗指数都>1,甚至>2,污染水平为中等污染。深层地下水和水稻田水的所有污染指数均<1,未受污染。蒲河和浑河沉积物中6种重金属元素属低潜在生态风险。细河沉积物中Cd属较高潜在生态风险;Cu为中等潜在生态风险。污染来源大致分为3类:1)污水排放和固体废弃物;2)施用磷肥或粪肥;3)冶金、电镀和不锈钢产业的排放。  相似文献   

In recent years, heavy metal contamination in suburban vegetable soils calls for significant concerns due to the rapid urbanization and industrialization. In present study, 110 suburban vegetable soil samples from Yanbian, Northeast China, were collected. Concentration characteristics, pollution level, health risk, and source identification were evaluated by using different quantitative indices. Concentrations of Pb, Cr, Cu, Ni, Zn, Cd, and As in suburban soils were measured. Mean concentrations of Pb, Cr, Cu, Ni, Zn Cd, and As were 34.9 ± 10.5, 73.5 ± 44.4, 29.6 ± 19.4, 23.4 ± 12.0, 88.5 ± 26.7, 0.16 ± 0.16, and 9.24 ± 3.79 mg/kg, which were showed significantly higher than corresponding background values of Jilin province, respectively. The soils were moderately heavy polluted by Cu and Cd based on the results of geo-accumulated index and pollution indices. The pollution load index indicated that almost all of the study area were middle or heavy polluted, especially in Antu County and Helong City. Children in Yanbian may pose non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic risks with the major exposure pathway of ingestion. Principle component analysis results suggested that Pb, Cu, Zn, and Cd were mainly associated with agricultural activities, Ni and Cr were defined as combined source (lithogenic and anthropogenic), and As was tended to be from excessive application of pesticides and industrial activities.  相似文献   


With industrialization and human activities, shellfish may be contaminated by various pollutants such as heavy metals. This study aims at the concentrations of As, Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Sn, Sb and Pb in shellfish collected from Fujian of China, and the risk of heavy metals in shellfish on human health based on target hazard quotients (THQ). Results showed that the THQ values of the elements were far below 1, except for As with an average value of 1.148 in razor clam. No detrimental health effects of heavy metals on humans health was observed by daily consumption of mussel and oyster, but the exposed population to short-necked clam, scallop and razor clam might experience noncarcinogenic health risks because each of the total THQ values was above 1 for the three shellfish.  相似文献   

Vigorous knowledge on the occurrence and distribution of toxic metals (TMs) in theenvironment is needed to assess their toxicological impacts on human health especially in developing countries like Pakistan. For the first time, the concentrations of TMs like Ni, Zn, Pb, Cr, and Cd in both ground and surface water and their potential health risk in the district Buner (Pakistan) were determined using Inductive Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS, Agilent Technologies, 7500 CX, USA) and their results were compared with their safe limits defined by Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency (Pak-EPA) and World Health Organization WHO (2008 WHO (World Health Organization). 2008. Guidelines for drinking water quality, First Addendum to third ed. Recommendations, vol 1. Geneva, Switzerland [Google Scholar]). The concentrations of TMs, like Pb (43% and 86%), Ni (63% and 32%), Cr (41%), and Cd (1% and 20%) in drinking water samples exceeded their respective permissible limits set by Pak-EPA and WHO (2008), respectively. The mean concentrations of TMs were found in decreasing order Ni > Pb > Cr > Cd > Zn. The HRI values of TMs in drinking water samples for both adults and children were observed <1 indicating no health risk to the local population. Excessive marble industries are present in the study area; therefore, it is necessary to reduce metal contamination via proper disposal and treatment of marble wastewater, for which the government should take serious action in the study area.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the Pb and Cd contamination and health risk assessment for population via consumption of vegetables sold in fresh markets around the lower north of Thailand. The concentrations of Pb and Cd in various vegetables such as root/tuber, stem, inflorescence, fruit, and leaf vegetables were analyzed using an atomic absorption spec-trophotometer. Human health risks of these metals in vegetables were assessed based on target hazard quotient (THQ). The results indicated that more than 80% of the Pb and Cd in almost all vegetable samples exceeded the maximum allowable concentration by National Food Institute criteria with an average range of 0.96–3.39 and 0.48–1.40 mg/kg, respectively. The estimated daily intakes (EDI) of Pb and Cd via dietary consumption of vegetables were between 0.001–0.010 and 0.002–0.008 mg/kg/d, respectively. All EDIs of Pb contaminated vegetables were higher than the reference dose recommended by the USEPA except for leaf edible vegetables, while all EDIs of Cd contaminated vegetables were higher than the reference dose recommended by the USEPA. THQ indicated that the consumption of Pb contaminated root/tuber, stem, inflorescence, and fruit edible vegetables and Cd contaminated leaf vegetable for the local population in the lower north of Thailand could be a severe health risk problem.  相似文献   

Soil heavy metal pollution from mining activities is potentially harmful to human health through the food chain. In this study, a total of 43 soil samples were collected from a depth of 0–20 cm from fields close to a Pb and Zn smelter. The samples were used to: 1) analyze the pollution level of heavy metals (Pb, Zn, Cr, and Cu) and spatial distribution pattern; 2) evaluate the degree of accumulation and enrichment, potential ecological risk, and human health risk; and 3) perform source apportionment in Fengxiang County, Shaanxi Province of China. The results showed that the concentration ranged from 43.67 to 189.55, 131.43 to 239.53, 74.77 to 112.25, and 24.69 to 37.71 mg·kg?1 for Pb, Zn, Cr, and Cu, respectively, and the mean concentration for Pb, Zn, Cr, and Cu was 129.46, 192.85, 91.98 and 31.67 mg·kg?1, respectively. The concentrations were greater than the Shaanxi Province background values, while they were lower than the second-level limits of Environmental Quality Standard for Soils of China (EQSS). The spatial distribution of heavy metal contents showed a banded in soil except Cu. The spatial distribution pattern and pollution assessment indexes (Igeo, EF) indicated that the investigated metals had been accumulated in the study areas, and implied significant influences from anthropogenic activities, local meteorological situation, and soil properties. The ecological risk assessment showed that the risks were relatively low (RI<150). Compared with the exposure risk for adults, that for children was significantly greater. The ingestion of heavy metals in the soils by humans was the main exposure pathway compared with the dermal exposure. There may be a risk of noncarcinogenic adverse health effects (HQ < 1, 0.377 ≤ HI≤1.553) on children, but the adults were unlikely to experience obvious adverse health effects (HQ < 1, HI < 1). The carcinogenic risk of Cr for adults and children was at an unacceptable level. The carcinogenic and noncarcinogenic risks were in the order of children > adults. The correlation analysis showed that Pb, Cr, and Cu have identical anthropogenic and natural sources, while Zn has another identical source. This study could provide a basis for the sustainable management of this region by reducing metal inputs and to protect soils from long-term heavy metal accumulation.  相似文献   

Heavy metals enrichment in groundwater poses great ecological risks to human beings. In the present research work, a total of 59 groundwater samples from 12 sampling points in Dingji coal mine, Huainan coalfield, were collected and measured for Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Ni, Mn, Cr, and Fe by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The human health risk caused by heavy metals through the pathway of drinking water was evaluated and analyzed using the US Environment Protection Agency (USEPA) evaluation model. It has been found that the carcinogenic risk values were between 1.05 × 10?5 and 3.5 × 10?4, all exceeding the maximum acceptable level recommended by the USEPA, and the carcinogenic risk of Cr accounted for 99.67% of the total carcinogenic risk. The non-carcinogenic health risk values were all lower than the negligible level given by the USEPA, and the contribution of non-carcinogenic health risk was in the order of Cr > Zn > Cu / Pb >Mn > Fe > Cd > Ni. Among them, Cr had the largest contribution, accounting for 36% of the total non-carcinogenic risk value. In this study, the carcinogenic risk constituted 99.99% of the total health risk, indicating that the total health risk essentially consisted of carcinogenic risk. The research results suggest that much more attention should be paid to the health risk caused by Cr in the groundwater.  相似文献   

Access to safe and clean drinking water is an essential element of healthy life also known as the primary human needs. The present study was conducted to investigate heavy metal (HM) concentrations of drinking water. Excess health risk of HM (Cr, Pb, and Cd) intake is related to the drinking water consumption in local population. HMs concentrations were analyzed by using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometer and were compared with permissible limits regulated by country and World Health Organization (WHO). The hazard quotient (HQ) and Excess Lifetime Cancer Risk (ELCR) were determined to show the carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic effects of HMs, respectively. HQs were found in the order of Pb > Cd > Cr and subsequently HI index was also estimated for all HM in two age groups (children and adults). The comparisons indicate no possibility of non-carcinogenic effects to the local population. The values for ELCR were found in the order of Cr > Cd > Pb. The ELCR index was found above acceptable risk levels for chromium and cadmium in both children and adults groups. Furthermore, intermetal correlation results revealed that heavy metals have common sources resulting from geogenic and anthropogenic activities and these are major sources of water contamination in Sistan and Baluchestan province.  相似文献   

Sukinda is one of the most polluted regions of the globe due to chromium pollution. The study sheds light into the heavy metal pollution around the mining area and its effect on the health of the resident populace. The Cr(VI) was in the range of 0.027–2.48 mg/L in surface water and BDL–1.35 mg/L in the groundwater. Multivariate analysis revealed that mining activity was the main source of TCr, Cr(VI), and Zn in the surface water that warrants attention. Heavy metal evaluation index showed high levels of Fe, Mn, and Cr in groundwater that can pose serious threat to the exposed population. Cancer and non-cancer risk of Cr(VI) was higher than other metals in groundwater. The results revealed that the total cancer risk was 1.21E-03 and 1.05E-03 in adults and children, respectively, which exceeded the USEPA acceptable cancer health risk. High health risk was observed through oral intake of water, while both cancer and non-cancer risks were negligible through dermal contact. This study strongly advocates proper periodic assessment of drinking as well as surface water in the area and regulation to restrict the use of contaminated water for daily use.  相似文献   

Environmental and health risk posed by heavy metals from municipal landfill cannot be over emphasized. However, the toxicity and fate of metal in the soil is dependent on its chemical form and therefore quantification of the different forms of metal is more meaningful than the estimation of its total concentration. This study investigated the chemical form and potential hazards of heavy metal pollution at two municipal landfills in Sagamu, Ogun state, Nigeria. Soil samples were collected around the landfills and chemical form of Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, and Fe were studied, using the Tessier Five-step sequential chemical extraction procedure. The results showed that Cu and Fe were speciated into residual fractions with averages of 23.9 and 31.3% respectively, while Cd and Zn were associated with Carbonate fractions with respective averages of 20.3 and 20.6%. The order of mobility and bioavailability of these metals are: Cd > Pb > Cu > Zn > Fe. A comparison of the result of total extractible metals with standard set by USEPA reveals that Cd and Cu level in the dumpsite soils are far above the critical permissible limit of 3.0 and 250 mg kg?1, respectively which potent a health risk. Assessment of soil pollution level using geoaccumulation index (Igeo) revealed that the landfill was extremely polluted by Cd (Igeo > 5). Pearson correlation and principal component analysis showed that there were no significant correlations (p < 0.05) among all the metals, suggesting that they are all from different anthropogenic sources. The cancer risk ranged from 1.36E?01 to 2.18E?04 and 5.82E?01 to 9.35E?04 for Children and Adult respectively. The level of cancer risk falls above the threshold values (10?4–10?6) which US Environmental Protection Agency considered as unacceptable risk. Based on the above findings, it was suggested that environmental management policy should be implemented to decrease the environmental risks.  相似文献   

Levels of Mo, As, Se, Fe, Cu, Zn, Ni, and Pb were determined in a vegetable commonly consumed in Pakistan. Samples were collected from three different sites (Ratokala, Phularwan, and Mailowal) supplied with three different water sources. Mo and Pb in water and Mo and As in C. sativum were higher than the suggested standards at the international level. Lower bioconcentration factor and pollution load index were seen at Site-I than at other sites. A positive association was found between the rhizosphere metals and those of the vegetable at all three sites. Enrichment factor at three sites ranged from 0.28 to 10.39. The highest value of daily intake of metals was found for Fe (0.245 mg/kg/day) and of the health risk index for As (70.41) at the wastewater inundated site. It is inferred that uptake of Mo, As, Cu, Ni, and Pb through C. sativum represents a high health danger to the individuals using this vegetable.  相似文献   

Concentration of five heavy metals including lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), and zinc (Zn) in wheat collected from silages of Golestan Province, Iran, was determined using atomic absorption spectroscopy. Dry ashing method was applied for precise determination of the five heavy metal contents. The concentrations of heavy metals were recorded as the following: Pb (0.013–0.14), Cd (0.008–0.031) by graphite furnace method and Cu (0.48–6.2), Fe (58.50–406.9), and Zn (3.41–32.75) by flame method, all in mg.kg?1. The mean concentration of all the aforementioned heavy metals was (0.057 ± 0.003), (0.016 ± 0.005), (2.7 ± 0.17), (111.2 ± 21), and (5.7 ± 0.22) mg.kg?1, respectively. The level of heavy metals decreased in the order of Fe>Zn>Cu>Pb > Cd. Highest amount was related to Fe and the lowest amount to Cd. Concentrations of heavy metals in all the wheat samples were below the permissible limits set by the Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization and Iranian National Standard Organization and did not pose any threat to the health of consumers.  相似文献   

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