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为明确黄河三角洲石油开采区表层土壤和玉米中多环芳烃(PAHs)的含量及其污染水平,采集农田土壤和玉米各71个样品,检测农田土壤和玉米各部位中16种PAHs含量,并采用内梅罗指数法和健康风险评价模型评估了农田土壤中多环芳烃的生态健康风险。结果表明,农田土壤、玉米根、茎和叶中多环芳烃的含量分别为256.6-1936、291.4-680.9、324.9-527.9、289.5-2400 μg/kg。农田土壤中多环芳烃以4-6环为主。多环芳烃在玉米根茎叶富集系数大小排序为:叶 > 茎 > 根。玉米不同组织中PAHs浓度与相应农田土壤中PAHs浓度的进行相关分析结果表明,农田土壤中PAHs含量与玉米根、茎中PAHs含量均存在极显著正相关关系,相关系数分别为0.98(P<0.01)、0.98(P<0.01),表明玉米根和茎的多环芳烃主要来源于农田土壤中,农田土壤中PAHs的含量影响着PAHs在玉米根茎中的积累和分布。玉米叶中PAHs含量与农田土壤中PAHs含量与玉米根、茎中PAHs含量不存在相关关系,表明玉米叶中多环芳烃并非来自土壤中PAHs的迁移,可能来源于大气。内梅罗指数结果表明,农田土壤PAHs达到了中度污染,其中BaA、Pyr和BbF达到了偏重污染;健康风险评价结果表明,农田土壤PAHs对儿童和成人的平均非致癌风险分别为0.44和0.12(均小于1),表明农田土壤多环芳烃对成人和儿童的非致癌风险是可接受;农田土壤PAHs对儿童和成人的平均致癌风险分别为3.6×10-5、9.0×10-6,没有超过致癌风险水平上限(10-4),致癌风险尚在可接受范围内。3种暴露途径中,皮肤接触是土壤PAHs的最主要暴露方式,其次是经口摄食,吸入暴露途径甚微,可忽略不计。PAHs对儿童健康的威胁风险要大于成人,所以应尽可能避免儿童直接接触或误食土壤等其他介质的污染物。  相似文献   

城市土壤中多环芳烃分布和风险评价研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
随着城市化进程的加快,城市土壤中的多环芳烃(PAHs)污染日趋严重.本文从城市土壤中多环芳烃的分布和来源等方面综述了国内外取得的最新研究成果,对影响城市土壤多环芳烃分布的人为因素、自然因素,常见的多环芳烃源解析方法,以及城市土壤多环芳烃污染的风险评价进行了全面的阐述,尤其对地统计学在多环芳烃空间分析及风险评价上的应用进行了总结.最后,对未来城市土壤中多环芳烃研究的重点与发展趋势进行了展望.  相似文献   

Although reservoirs in China are of great significance, very few studies on risk assessment have been reported for reservoirs. This study investigated distribution characteristics, cancer and ecological risks, and source diagnosis of 16 priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediments from Shitou Koumen Reservoir in Jilin Province, China. A total of 12 sediment samples were collected from the reservoir in August (wet season) 2014. Total PAH concentrations in sediment samples ranged from 1294.51 ng/g to 2755.35 ng/g with a mean concentration of 1757.54 ng/g. For individual PAHs, average concentration of Nap was the highest, 800.56 ng/g, while Acy, Fla, BkF, and DahA were undetected in sediment samples. Light PAHs (2–3 rings) accounting for 74.21% was a dominant PAH compositional pattern. Pearson correlation analysis was carried out; results showed that total PAHs was strongly correlated with the highly enriched sedimentary PAHs, and pH was a major factor in controlling PAH distribution. Lifetime cancer risk was employed to assess cancer risk; results indicated that the fish-culturing area was exposed to cancer risk. The molecular diagnostic ratios of isomeric PAHs were applied to identify possible PAH sources; primary PAH sources were identified as oil-related activities, burning agricultural wastes, vehicular emissions, and industrial discharges.  相似文献   

长江口南支表层沉积物中多环芳烃分布特征及生态风险   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2008年5月和8月先后2次采集长江口南支表层沉积物样品,采用高效液相色谱进行多环芳烃测定,研究其分布、来源与生态风险。结果表明:长江口南支表层沉积物中PAHs总量在8.9~312.2ng.g-1;PAHs组成以芘、菲、苯并[b]荧蒽、苯并[a]蒽、苯并[a]芘为主,各站芘的含量均最高,本研究PAHs总含量与长江口、黄河口和鸭绿江口近期的调查数据相近,但明显低于珠江口和闽江口数据,以及长江口潮滩沉积物中PAHs数据;PAHs环数组成以中、高环为主,表明长江口南支PAHs主要来源于相对高温条件下不完全燃烧过程。采用平均效应中值商法评价长江口南支PAHs生态风险结果表明,调查区域PAHs产生生态风险的概率较小(<10%)。  相似文献   

Carcinogenic risk assessments of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in four sites from the Central Himalayas (Bode, Lumbini, Pokhara, and Dhunche) were performed. Lifetime Average Daily Dose (LADD), Lifetime lung cancer risk (LLCR) and Incremental lifetime cancer risk (ILCR) were calculated in order to evaluate the cancer risk. PAHs levels were converted to BaP equivalent concentrations (B[a]Peq), and models of health risk assessment were applied. B[a]Peq concentrations exceeded the standard limited value (1 ng/m3) in all the four sites. The human health risk assessment (HHRA) demonstrated high carcinogenic risk on residents of Bode and Lumbini. Further, LLCR in all sites were over the acceptable range (1.15E-03, 7.90E-04, 1.40E-04 and 9.96E-05, respectively); however, ILCR ranking exhibited acceptable range in Lumbini, Pokhara, and Dhunche (7.10E-06, 1.26E-06, and 8.95E-07). The risk variation among the sites is due to the difference in pollution status. The study shows health risk due to atmospheric PAHs via inhalation prevails all the seasons throughout, differing only seasonally; nevertheless, the concentration and carcinogenic risk decreased remarkably from south-north transect of the central Himalaya. Keeping some uncertainties aside, this study provides noble insights and helps to formulate new advance assessment on the carcinogenic risk of atmospheric PAHs over the Central Himalayas.  相似文献   

In this research, ecological risks for eight individual polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and ∑PAH8 in surface sediments from middle and lower reaches of Yellow River are evaluated using overlapping areas of probability density curves and margin of safety (MOS), based on the toxicity data and the exposure concentrations of PAHs in sediments collected from 23 sites. In the overlapping areas of probability density curves, the risk of Ant and Pyr are the highest, then the risk level is in the order of Flua > Nap > Phe > BaP > Flu > Ace. The values of MOS10 present that Pyr (4.62 × 10?4), Ant (5.60 × 10?3), and Flua (6.4 × 10?3) have a significantly high ecological risk level, while Nap and Phe have middle-level ecological risk. As for Ace, BaP, and Flu, they pose limited risk to the ecological system with MOS10 greater than 1.0. The ∑PAH8 (2.66 × 10?5) is a higher risk level than that of any individual PAHs, where the probabilities of ∑PAH8 in excess of the 10th percentile of the toxicity data were 86%.  相似文献   

The Hanjiang River is the most important tributary ofthe Changjiang River,which has alength of1570km.Theconfluence of the river withthe Yangtze Riveris at Wuhancity.Fromthe Danjiangkoutothe Nianpanshanextendsthemiddle reach of the Hanjiang River,whichis240kmlongand represents a forkriver section,havingtributaries suchas the Bei River,the Nan River,the Tangbai River,andothers.The lower reach extents from Nianpanshan to theestuary,stretching over409km.,This stretchis a curvedriver sectio…  相似文献   

Sixteen USEPA priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were analyzed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. Twenty samples were collected from the surface sediments of Haizhou Bay in this survey. This research aimed to identify the PAHs' contamination level, composition pattern, pollution sources, and assess the ecological risk of PAHs. The results showed that the sum of PAH concentrations ranged from 116.6 ng g?1 to 2414.9 ng g?1 (mean: 662.42 ng g?1), which is higher than the reported values for different wetlands worldwide. Three- and four-ring PAHs (accounts for more than 70% of the total PAH content) were predominant in the wetland sediment. The PAHs source distribution in the surface sediments were determined using diagnostic ratio and PCA/MLR. Consequently, multiple PAHs sources were found. Of the total PAH, 79.25% was derived from vehicular emission, 20.75% from coal combustion. The effect range low/effect range median (ERL/ERM) values indicated a low toxicity risk level. However, the fluoranthene concentrations exceeded the ERL level, and even the ERM level, in some stations. The mean effects range–median quotient (M-ERM-Q) suggests a low ecological risk for the PAHs in the sediments.  相似文献   

With the increasing development of the petrochemical industry and the growing demand for oil, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) pollutions in the environment, especially in petroleum exploitation areas, are caused by the discharge of waste from the petroleum extraction process into an environmental system. This study aims to develop a new health risk assessment approach based on interval dynamic multimedia fugacity (IDMF) model and uncertainty analysis that could analyze the human exposure risk level for PAH contamination. The developed IDM health risk assessment (IDMHRA) approach is applied to assess previous, current, and future risks at a case study site in Daqing, Heilongjiang, China, from 1985 to 2020 for model validation. The human health risk assessment results show that 11 PAHs (NAP, ANT, FLA, PYR, BaA, CHR, BbF, BkF, BaP, IPY, and DBA) in the study site require further remediation efforts in terms of their unacceptable non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic risk. The results of risk source analysis reveal that soil media is the main risk pathway as compared with other exposure pathways. It can be seen that remediation process for soil contamination in the study site is urgently demanded. The assessment results demonstrate that the developed IDMHRA approach provides an effective tool for decision-makers and environmental managers to make remediation decisions in contaminated sites.  相似文献   

大辽河水系表层水中多环芳烃的污染特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用GC/MS对大辽河水系的浑河、太子河和大辽河表层水和悬浮物中的多环芳烃 (PAHs) 进行了定量分析,探讨了大辽河水系表层水和悬浮物中多环芳烃分布特征与来源.结果表明,水样和悬浮颗粒物中PAHs总量浓度分布范围分别为:水样946.1~13 448.5 ng·L-1;悬浮颗粒物317.5~238 518.7 ng·g-1.多环芳烃的浓度分布表现为太子河>大辽河>浑河,靠近工业区的PAHs浓度明显高于城市和非工业区.水样中PAHs以3~5环为主,悬浮颗粒物样中PAHs以2环为主.PAHs特定分子比率分析表明,大辽河水系受到石油输入和热解的复合PAH污染,采样站位附近石油化工和钢铁工业是PAHs的主要来源.与世界其他河流和海洋地区相比,水和悬浮颗粒物中污染浓度较高,具有一定的生态风险.  相似文献   

【目的】外来物种在入侵地的扩张蔓延是其造成危害的关键。南水北调工程可为已入侵外来物种的进一步扩张蔓延提供通道和驱动力。风险评估可为预防入侵植物通过该途径的扩散蔓延提供依据。【方法】以国家重点管理外来入侵物种名录中的入侵植物为研究对象,根据生物入侵的发生过程(传入、定殖、扩散、危害)构建了包括4个层次29个指标的外来物种入侵综合风险评估的指标体系,规范了风险指数的计算方法,系统评估了24种入侵植物沿南水北调输水通道向北扩散而入侵京津冀受水区的风险。【结果】紫茎泽兰和互花米草的入侵风险值(R)相对较低(R0.6),其余22种入侵植物的风险值均较高(R0.6),其中,喜旱莲子草、凤眼莲和大薸3种外来水生植物的入侵风险等级最高(R0.8)。【结论】南水北调工程可能会促进入侵植物向北扩张蔓延并最终入侵京津冀受水区。建议尽早开展监测预警工作,以控制入侵物种随南水北调工程的扩张蔓延,进而阻止或降低其对京津冀尤其是华北最大水源地——白洋淀和雄安新区生态环境的威胁。  相似文献   

目前,具有阿舍利技术因素的工具组合已发现于包括百色盆地和洛南盆地在内的多个地区,其不同于奥杜威文化所代表的石核-石片技术体系,反映出中更新世以来中国境内古人类技术演化存在的多样性和复杂性。薄刃斧作为阿舍利技术体系中富有特征性的工具类型,为我们研究遗址的文化属性提供了重要依据。本文对丹江口库区调查发现的薄刃斧标本进行了分析,结果表明,在技术、形态以及所占石制品比例等方面,丹江口库区薄刃斧既表现出与旧大陆西部典型薄刃斧的一致性,同时也具有一定程度的变异性,这种变异性可能主要受到原料、生态环境、遗址性质和人群规模等因素的影响。  相似文献   

Coking is one of the most important emission sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in China. Investigation of the contamination, distribution, and sources of PAHs in agricultural soils around Rong Xin coking plant, China, was conducted, and the potential human health risks were addressed. The total concentration of the 16 PAHs (∑16PAHs) on the United States Environmental Protection Agency priority list had a range from 1774 to 4621 µg/kg (mean 3016 µg/kg). Meanwhile, seven carcinogenic PAHs (∑PAH7c) owned the total concentrations of 684–2105 µg/kg, and they had the benzo[a]pyrene equivalent (BaPeq) concentrations at 139.616–1672.850 µg/kg. All soil samples were dominated by PAHs with two to four rings. Data analyses for the potential sources of PAHs showed that the PAHs in soils were principally from pyrogenic sources. Ecological risk assessment of soil PAHs showed that the BaPeq concentrations of ∑PAH7c accounted for 99% of the total ∑16PAHs, being a major carcinogenic contributors of ∑16PAHs. Higher levels of PAHs and higher total BaPeq concentrations in this study indicate a potential carcinogenic risk for humans. Therefore, long-term exposure to coking plants may increase the PAH concentrations in the environment and further raise a potential risk to human health.  相似文献   

Environmental health is an essential component of quality of life in modern societies. Foliar dust contains polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) that may have harmful effects on human health. The PAHs concentration of foliar dust is useful to assess environmental air pollution. Our results indicate that: (1) the highest levels of PAHs were distributed in urban areas, with a mean of 3430.23 ng·g?1, lower mean concentrations were found in suburban (2282.12 ng·g?1), and rural areas (1671.06 ng·g?1). (2) Diagnostic ratios and principal component analysis were used to identify the sources of PAHs: Gasoline vehicle traffic emissions were the predominant source in urban areas, along with coal and coke combustion. In suburban areas, the main sources were petroleum combustion (especially liquid fossil fuels) and coal combustion. Coal and wood combustion were the primary source of PAHs in foliar dust in rural areas. (3) The incremental lifetime cancer risk (ILCR), estimated based on the results of this study indicate that urban residents were potentially exposed to high cancer risk via both dust ingestion and dermal contact. We conclude that urbanization has significant effects on the PAH concentrations of foliar dust, illustrating the importance of trees in improving air quality in urban areas.  相似文献   

BackgroundBio-monitoring of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) contaminants in mother milk is essential to keep mothers and infants healthy against potential risks. The current study assesses the concentration of PAHs in mother milk through a meta-analytic and systematic review approach.MethodsAll the published studies up to December 2020 regarding the concentrations of various PAHs in mother milk were searched throughout major international databases such as PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science. Moreover, the possible carcinogenic and mutagenic risks to infants were evaluated based on the BaP (benzo[a]pyrenee) equivalent dose.ResultsAccording to the results of 13 articles included among 936 retrieved studies, the lowest and highest concentration of PAHs was (0.125 ng/g) and (76.36 ng/g) related to benz(a)anthracenem and 1-methylnaphthalene, respectively. The highest (9.830 ng/g) and lowest (0.009 ng/g) concentration of PAHs was related to Mexico and Japan, respectively. Besides, carcinogenetic and mutagenic risk assessment of the PAHs indicated that risk pattern was different across countries. It can be concluded that the consumption of mother milk is safe and does not pose a risk due to the ingestion of PAHs to the health of infant consumers.  相似文献   

Fifteen polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heavy metals (Cr, Ni, As, Cd, Pb, and Hg) were quantified in 19 surface water sites of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. The total concentrations of 15 PAHs and six heavy metals in the 19 sample sites ranged from 130.8 ng L?1 to 227.5 ng L?1 and 3.2 μg L?1 to 6.0 μg L?1, respectively. The mean concentration of As was the highest among the six heavy metals (2.1 ± 0.3 μg L?1), followed by Cr (0.5 ± 0.3 μg L?1), Ni (1.3 ± 0.1 μg L?1), Cd (0.2 ± 0.01 μg L?1), Pb (0.07 ± 0.08 μ g L?1) and Hg (0.05 ± 0.08 μg L?1). The isomer ratio results suggest that PAHs at most sites were mainly from petroleum combustion, while coal and biomass combustion was the main source at sites 1, 2, 6, 7, 9, 14, and 17. Based on principal component analysis, the main source of heavy metals was anthropogenic activities and weathering of bedrocks. Depending on characteristic of RQ(NCs) ≥ 1 and RQ(MPCs) < 1, BaA showed higher potential ecological risk than other PAHs, therefore, all sampling site needed to be paid much more attention, included some remedial actions. Meanwhile, after assessing human health risk of heavy metal, it was unlikely to experience adverse health effects, even exposing through more pathways and six kinds of heavy metals simultaneously.  相似文献   

This work was to investigate distribution characteristics, human health risk assessment, and possible sources of 16 priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in corn and surface soils of farmlands along main roadside in Changchun City, Jilin Province, China. Total concentrations of 16 PAHs ranged from 1572.4 to 4390.2 µg/kg with a mean value of 2954.9 µg/kg in soils and from 219.9 to 627 µg/kg with a mean value of 362µg/kg in corn. Light-molecular-weight PAHs (2–3 rings) concentration was dominant in soils, accounting for 51%, whereas high-molecular-weight PAHs (5–6 rings) concentration was highest in corn, accounting for 48%. The results of plant concentration factor indicated that high-molecular-weight PAHs have greater mobility. To evaluate potential risk to human health, hazard index (HI) and risk index (RI) were employed. The values of HI for corn and soils were both smaller than 1, indicating that exposure of PAHs posed no or little potential risk to local residents. The fact that values of RI for corn and soils were smaller than 1 × 10–4 suggested that exposure of PAHs posed no or little cancer risk to local residents. The possible sources of PAHs in corn and soils were both identified as mixture patterns of pyrogenic and petrogenic sources.  相似文献   

The concentrations of the 16 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were measured in urban street dust with a view to understanding the potential risk to urban residents exposed to street dust, sources, and distribution of the PAHs. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry was used to measure the concentrations of the PAHs after ultra-sonication with hexane/dichloromethane and clean up. The total concentrations of the ?16 PAHs in the urban street dust from Warri and its environs ranged from 165.1 to 1012 µg kg?1. The isomeric ratios and the PCA indicated that combustion of petroleum and biomass are the major sources of PAHs in Warri and its environs. The total BaP carcinogenic and mutagenic potency concentrations (?BaPTEQ and ?BaPMEQ) were in the range of 0.03 to 219 µg kg?1 and 0.52 to 182 µg kg?1, respectively. The incremental life cancer risk from exposure of the residents of Warri and its environs ranged from 4.07 × 10?7 to 3.11 × 10?3 and 2.13 × 10?7 to 1.49 × 10?3 for the children and adults, respectively, which were higher than the baseline value of acceptable risk of 10?6 (i.e., one case per million people).  相似文献   

Sediment samples collected over a 3-year period from Brisbane River, Australia, were analysed for fifteen (15) polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The total PAH concentrations varied from 148 to 3079 ng/g with a mean concentration of 849 ± 646 ng/g. The study revealed that PAH input into the river was primarily dominated by pyrogenic sources as evidenced by the predominance of the high molecular weight (HMW) PAHs. Temporal variations of PAHs can be linked to the level of urbanization, with continuous input of combustion related PAHs in the commercial area of the river. Inherent deficiencies in using a single source identification/apportionment approach were overcome by using diagnostic ratios, principal component analysis/absolute principal component scores (PCA/APCS) and positive matrix factorization (PMF). Both, PCA/APCS and PMF resolved four (4) identical factors or sources of PAHs, namely: gasoline emissions, diesel emissions, biomass burning and natural gas combustion. Diagnostic ratios, PCA/APCS and PMF analysis indicated that vehicular emissions were the principal sources especially within the lower section of the river while biomass burning had moderate contribution. The distribution, temporal trend and source apportionment suggest the containment of industrial-derived sources of PAHs in the river. From an ecological point of view, the risk posed by PAHs in the Brisbane River sediment appears to be low. Nevertheless, when the investigated sites were ranked using multi-criteria decision making methods(MCDM) the commercial stratum was the most contaminated. Assessment of potential risks posed by incidental dermal exposure to PAHs revealed some degree of cancer risk, especially to children.  相似文献   


This study investigated the distribution, sources, and potential risks of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in coastal waters along over 18,000?km of coastline in China. Concentrations of PAHs in coastal waters ranged from 141.99 to 717.72?ng/L. Approximately 84.38% of sampling sites were determined at moderate PAH pollution level. PAHs in coastal waters at most of sampling sites mainly originated from combustion based on characteristic ratios of PAHs. Ecological risks posed by PAHs in coastal waters were evaluated as high level at 59.38% of sampling sites and moderate level at 40.63% of sampling sites although toxic equivalent quotients of PAHs only ranged from 2.86 to 126.52?ng/L benzo[a]pyrene that was not detected at all sampling sites. Maximal cancer risk/hazard quotient of total PAHs in coastal waters for adults and children reached 6.34?×?10?4/5.85?×?10?2 and 2.25?×?10?3/7.72?×?10?2, respectively. PAHs exerted high cancer risks for children at 31.25% of sampling sites. Health risks posed by PAHs in coastal waters of this study were higher than those of Japan, Belgium, Greece, Italy, Spain, USA, and Australia, but much lower than those of Singapore, Iran, Brazil, and Egypt. These findings indicate that PAH pollution has become a crucial stress affecting the sustainable development of coastal regions.  相似文献   

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