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Mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of tailings from a gold mine in northeastern Thailand were investigated in relation to acid mine drainage (AMD) and the release potentials of toxic elements. The tailings can be divided into upper tailings and lower tailings. The upper tailings usually contain pyrrhotite, pyrite ± chalcopyrite, calcite, quartz, andradite and diopside. The lower tailings mainly contain goethite, quartz, chlorite, muscovite, calcite and hematite ± pyrrhotite. These assemblages clearly relate to the original types of gold deposit prior to mining and mineral processing. The upper tailings are defined as potential acid forming (PAF), whereas the lower tailings are classified as non-acid forming (NAF). Regarding heavy metals, apart from high Mn level, the other heavy metals appear to have low concentrations in the upper tailings. On the other hand, the lower tailings contain high contents of As, Cu and Pb, which appear to be higher than the National Total Threshold Limit Concentrations. Goethite, the main mineral assemblage in the lower tailings, reveals characteristic of arsenic adsorbent. As a result, the tailing pond is recommended to be covered to prevent the oxidizing processes of the upper tailings; otherwise, AMD generation may take place soon after the mine closure. Land reclamation and monitoring plans must be planned very well and carried out with great care since arsenic contamination has been reported in steam water close to the tailing dam.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), and lead (Pb), contamination in water, sediment, and Rasbora tornieri samples and chromosomal aberration in R. tornieri near gold mine area compared to unaffected area. The heavy metal concentrations in the samples were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). The difference of As, Cr, and Pb concentrations in R. tornieri samples between the gold mine and unaffected areas was statistically significant (p < 0.05), but the difference was not significant for Cd. The diploid chromosome number of R. tornieri from both areas was 2n = 50, and the chromosomal aberrations of R. tornieri were higher in the gold mine area than those in the unaffected area. There are six types of chromosomal aberrations, including centric fragmentation (CF), centric gap, single chromatid gap, fragmentation, deletion, and polyploidy. The most common chromosomal aberration in the samples from the gold mine area was CF, and the difference in chromosomal aberration and the cells with chromosomal aberrations in R. tornieri between the areas was statistically significant (p < 0.05). The percentages of chromosomal aberrations in the R. tornieri samples from the gold mine and the unaffected areas were 16.60 and 1.66, respectively.  相似文献   

超富集植物遏蓝菜对重金属吸收、运输和累积的机制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
遏蓝菜Thlaspi caerulescens可以在其地上部累积大量重金属如锌、镉等,是公认的超富集植物。由于该植物生物量小,不宜直接用于重金属污染的土壤植物修复,而被广泛作为一种模式植物来进行重金属富集机制研究。遏蓝菜对重金属离子的累积大致经过螯合剂解毒、地上部长距离运输以及在液泡中的储存等生理过程。已经发现的植物体内的金属螯合剂——有机酸、氨基酸、植物络合素(PCs)、金属硫蛋白(MT)和尼克烟酰胺NA等,区室化以及长距离运输相关的转运蛋白——ZIP(ZRT/IRTlike protein)、CDF(Cation diffusion facilitator)、Nramp(Natural resistance and macrophage protein)和HMA(Heavy metal ATPase)等家族,以上各种基因、多肽与蛋白等共同参与了植物对金属累积与耐受过程并发挥各自重要的作用。以下主要介绍了遏蓝菜重金属超富集相关的基因、多肽和蛋白,以及它们在重金属螯合作用和运输过程中的功能。  相似文献   

龙健  冉海燕 《生态科学》2019,38(2):212-218
对贵阳花溪区麦坪乡煤矿废弃地进行了野外调查, 对该地优势植物和土壤进行了采样, 测定样品As、Cd、Cu、Hg、Pb和Zn的含量, 发现当地优势植物雀稗(Paspalum thunbergii Kunth ex Steud.)地上部分Cu含量达到1058.12 mg•kg-1, 转移系数2.89, 富集系数16.07。研究了雀稗在铜离子胁迫实验中的根系活力变化和叶绿素浓度变化, 雀稗根系活力随实验进行而逐渐降低, 铜离子浓度为500 µg•mL-1的实验进行到第四周时TTC还原量达到最低值; 叶绿素浓度随着铜离子浓度的增加而缓慢降低, 进一步确认当地土著植物雀稗对铜离子有一定的耐受性。  相似文献   

水生动物金属硫蛋白分子毒理学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着现代工业的迅速发展,重金属污染问题日益严重。重金属离子主要通过水及食物进入生物机体并累积,对机体的生长发育与新陈代谢产生危害。金属硫蛋白(MT)是一种低分子量、富含半胱氨酸的蛋白质,广泛存在于大多数生物体内,在必需金属元素稳态调节、非必需金属元素解毒以及抗氧化等过程中具有重要作用,因此,MT可作为检测水生生态系统中重金属污染的潜在生物标记,其分子毒理学已成为研究热点。综述了MT的结构、功能、分类与分布,以及鱼类、甲壳类和软体动物的MT分子毒理学研究概况。  相似文献   

超富集植物对重金属耐受和富集机制的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
超富集植物对重金属耐受和富集机制的研究成为近年来植物逆境生理研究的热点,在简要总结细胞壁沉淀、重金属螯合效应、酶活性机制和细胞区室化作用的基础上,概述了超富集植物对重金属的耐受机制,讨论了重金属跨根细胞质膜运输,共质体内运输、木质部运输和跨叶细胞膜运输的富集过程。  相似文献   

香根草在铅锌尾矿上生长及其对重金属的吸收   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
通过野外小区实验 ,研究了垃圾和 NPK肥对铅锌尾矿地中香根草 (Vetiveria zizanioides)生长及其对重金属吸收的影响。结果表明 ,添加垃圾后香根草生物量显著增加 ,而仅加入 NPK肥对其并无显著影响 ,同时添加垃圾和 NPK肥最有利于香根草在铅锌尾矿中生长。尾矿中重金属形态的变化受金属特性和尾矿理化性质的双重影响。对纯尾矿而言 ,种植香根草后尾矿中重金属总量有所减少。尾矿在施加垃圾和 NPK肥后 ,尾矿中 Pb和 Zn总量减少了 13.6 5 %和 32 .4 0 % ,Cu总量则增加了2 3.5 2 %。可交换态和总量 Cu、Pb、Zn变化趋势一致 ,特别是 Cu和 Pb更为显著。香根草积累的 Pb和 Zn显著高于 Cu,并且重金属主要积累在根部。添加垃圾和 NPK肥料对 Cu的积累无显著差异 ,而显著减少香根草茎和根中 Zn和 Pb的积累 ,但显著增加单位面积上茎中 Zn、Pb和 Cu的总积累量 (p<0 .0 5 )。研究表明垃圾和 NPK肥的综合使用是一个较为经济有效的尾矿改良措施 ,但对于尾矿 -植被系统中的重金属迁移问题应引起关注。综合生物量与重金属的吸收特征 ,香根草对于尾矿的植被重建有较高价值  相似文献   

Concentrations of copper, zinc and iron were measured in waters, sediments and invertebrates collected from the River Hayle. In river water at least 70% of copper and iron was associated with the particulate fraction whereas 80% of zinc was in the soluble form. Although total concentrations of zinc in water exceeded those of copper approximately ten fold, copper predominated over zinc in the sediments by a factor of approximately three. Iron was the most abundant metal recorded in both water and sediments.Seasonal differences in total metal content of waters suggested that concentrations of copper, zinc and iron increased during. periods of high flow and decreased during lower flows. Copper concentrations in the sediment, unlike zinc and iron, showed markedly higher values during the summer sampling period when flows were minimal.In the free-living Trichoptera larvae, concentrations of copper and zinc in the tissue appeared to follow copper and zinc levels in the water. Similar relationships in Odonata and Plecoptera larvae were not obtained. Factors affecting animal/metal relationships are discussed with particular reference to adaptation shown by organisms exposed to high concentrations of heavy metals in their environment.Department of Applied Biology, Cambridge  相似文献   

贵州泥堡卡林型金矿区与非金矿区苔藓植物比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄文琥  张朝晖 《广西植物》2008,28(3):340-343
首次报道了贵州普安县泥堡村韭菜烂滩的卡林型金矿区和非金矿区的苔藓。记录了泥堡韭菜烂滩卡林型金矿生苔藓3科8属15种,非金矿生苔藓9科15属20种。通过比较我们得到韭菜烂滩卡林型金矿区和泥堡非金矿区苔藓的相似性系数为11.4%。这表明这两个生境下的苔藓组成差异极大。在这个地区有13种苔藓植物(包括异芽丝瓜藓Pohlia leucostoma、卵蒴丝瓜藓P.proligera、长蒴藓Trematodon longicollis等)只生长在卡林型金矿上,这表明有一些苔藓植物适应卡林型金矿这种基质。也许,在泥堡地区某些苔藓植物的分布与卡林型金矿存在一定的关系。  相似文献   


This study addresses the issue of heavy metal (HM) accumulation and distribution for three different plant species, Carex pilosa, Dentaria bulbifera, Galium odoratum, in Carpathian beech ecosystems. Data are presented on HM concentrations in forest understory vegetation and a preliminary insight into different HM allocation patterns is provided. Bioaccumulation factors (BCFs) and shoot/root ratios differed considerably among the species and between polluted and unpolluted regions. HMs were accumulated in forest plants as follows: Cu > Zn > Cd >Pb in unpolluted areas and Zn> Cd > Cu >Pb in polluted areas. Zn was preferentially distributed to roots and Cu to shoots. The distribution of Cd and Pb in different plant parts was specific in terms of the species-dependence. Cd and Pb levels in Carex pilosaand Galium odoratumwere more strictly controlled in the transfer zone of root-shoot, compared to Dentaria bulbifera.The highest BCFs were found in Carex pilosafor Cu (5.9) and in Dentaria bulbiferawas found the highest shoot/root ratio for Cd (3.1).  相似文献   

广西锰矿恢复区食用农作物重金属污染评价   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
对广西平乐、荔浦两锰矿恢复区种植的食用农作物进行了调查和重金属含量分析.结果表明:两锰矿区农作物Zn、Pb、Cr、Cu和Cd的含量范围分别在1.18~20.46、0.52~16.16、0.33~6.62、0.01~6.24和0.01~2.76mg.kg-1之间.其中,豆类作物中的重金属含量最高,其次是薯类.单因子污染指数评价表明,农作物基本未受Zn、Cu污染,但受Pb、Cd和Cr污染严重,以Pb污染最重,受污染率达100%,Cr和Cd受污染率分别为96.9%和75.0%;从综合污染指数来看,农作物受污染率达100%,其中,重、中、轻污染分别占87.5%、9.4%和3.1%.表明在锰矿废弃地直接种植食用农作物存在较大风险,应重新考虑其恢复利用模式.  相似文献   

水生双翅目昆虫是监测水体重金属污染的理想对象。文章归纳用于监测重金属污染的水生双翅目昆虫的种类,重点介绍水生双翅目昆虫在重金属污染下外部形态、内部结构、生化及分子水平的变化,以及相关生物标志物的研究,为水生双翅目昆虫用于水体重金属污染的生物监测提供科学依据。  相似文献   

西藏中部主要是指雅鲁藏布江河谷地带,包括拉萨、日喀则和泽当等地市,是西藏自治区的主要农区和工业矿区。西藏中部矿产资源丰富,其中cu的远景储量居全国第2位[1]。矿产的开发给当地居民带来巨大的经济效益,但同时也排放大量含有重金属的废渣、废水和废气,导致土壤重金属污染严重。土壤是中草药中重金属的主要来源之一,中草药中的重金属含量与地质背景有密切的关系,土壤中重金属元素的多寡在药用植物中都有所表现[2];土壤重金属污染对中草药品质有影响甚至危及人类健康[3]。近年来植物药在国际市场逐渐升温,传统医药在日益受到人们青睐的同时其质量与安全性也成为公众关注的焦点[4-6]。  相似文献   

金属矿区芒草种群对重金属的积累及其与土壤特性的关系   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过分析大型综合金属矿区中经历不同污染强度与污染时间胁迫的芒草(Miscanthus sinensis)种群对4种主要重金属的积累状况,初步揭示芒草对这些重金属的积累特性与土壤重金属含量的关系。结果表明,1芒草根茎叶对4种重金属的的积累顺序为:根〉叶〉茎;2芒草对Cd、Pb的积累量与土壤中这两种重金属含量之间存在显著(P〈0.05)正相关关系;对Cu、Zn的积累量与土壤含量之间无显著相关,主要是因为土壤最高Cu与Zn含量已超过芒草对这两种元素积累所需的最大量,成为对芒草构成胁迫的主要因子。在该矿区的酸性条件下,芒草对Pb、Zn、Cu3种重金属的吸收率随pH值升高而升高,pH接近的样地,芒草的吸收率主要受土壤重金属含量的影响。结合各种群对四种重金属的积累状况判断,强度胁迫下的种群可能已发生耐性分化,从而产生较其它种群更强的耐重金属特性。总体上芒草是一种多重金属耐性植物,对这四种重金属的耐性顺序是:Cd〈Cu〈Zn-Pb。  相似文献   

为探讨铅锌矿废弃地优势植物在重金属污染土壤植物修复中的应用潜力,利用野外采样分析法,从粤东梅县丙村铅锌尾矿区采集其三种优势植物类芦、黄荆、盐肤木的根、茎、叶和土壤样品,测定和分析Pb、Zn、Cu、Cd四种重金属含量.结果表明:该矿区土壤污染严重,Pb、Zn、Cd含量远超土壤环境质量的三级标准,Cu超出二级标准;根际土壤和非根际土壤重金属含量均为Pb>Zn>Cu>Cd,但根际土壤的重金属含量显著低于非根际土壤;这三种植物对Pb、Zn、Cu的转移系数大于1.0,对Cu的富集系数最高,Pb最小,但对四种重金属的富集系数均小于1.0,均未达到超富集植物临界含量标准.三种植物为该矿区的优势植物,说明它们对土壤的重金属污染有很强的耐性,虽然并非典型的超富集植物,但对污染土壤仍有较好的修复效果.  相似文献   

This research was conducted to assess the contamination of heavy metals in the water, sediment, aquatic plants and animals around a municipal landfill. The heavy metals were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The concentrations of cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), and lead (Pb) in water and sediment were Not detected (ND), 0.05 ± 0.98, and 0.02 ± 0.01 mg/L; and 0.47 ± 0.23, 18.65 ± 11.39, and 5.36 ± 2.08 mg/kg, respectively. A total of 24 aquatic plants from 4 species were collected from the municipal landfill. Cd concentrations in all plant species were within the standard, while Cr and Pb exceeded the standard. Forty-four fish from 4 species, 29 freshwater snails from 3 species, 10 freshwater prawns from 1 species, and 9 freshwater crabs from 1 species were collected. Cd and Cr concentrations in 2 species of fish samples exceeded the standard and Pb concentration in all fish species exceeded the standard. Cd and Pb concentrations in all freshwater snails were within the standard, except Cr. Meanwhile, Cd and Pb in freshwater prawns and snails were within the standard, except Cr. Five species of frogs were collected. Cd and Cr concentrations in 2 species exceeded the standard. Pb concentrations in all frog species exceeded the standard. The pattern of metal accumulation was fish > frogs > freshwater snails > freshwater prawns = freshwater crab (Cd), freshwater prawn > frogs > freshwater crab = freshwater snail > fish (Cr), and freshwater prawn > fish > frogs > freshwater snail > freshwater crab (Pb).  相似文献   

Activities at root-soil interface determine the solubility and uptake of metals by plants. Metal accumulation in plant species (Imperata cylindrical, Cynodon dactylon, Eleucine indica, Gomphrena celosoides, Sporobolus pyramidalis, Chromolaena odorata and Rhynchospora corymbosa) growing on Pb contaminated site as influenced by variations in physico-chemical characteristics, dissolved organic matter (DOM), Pb fractionation and different functional groups (using Fourier Transmittance Infra-red) of rhizospheric and non-rhizospheric soils was assessed. The electrical conductivity (2660–5520 µs) and Pb concentrations (51390.0–64080.0 mg/kg) were more in non-rhizospheric than rhizospheric soils having 276 µs to 3160 µs EC and 3289.0 to 44850.0 mg/kg Pb. More nutrients, DOM and carbohydrates functional groups (C-O; 1100 -1000 and O-H; 3700–3600) were found in rhizospheric compared to non-rhizospheric soils. The pH was slightly acidic (5.0–5.54) and E. indica with the lowest pH (5.0) accumulated highest Pb concentrations in shoot (8030 mg/kg) and root (16380 mg/kg) while C. odorata with highest values of pH, P, Ca and Mg in rhizospheric soil accumulated the least (root; 331.6 and shoot: 209.0 mg/kg). Pb was more in organic and residual fractions of rhizospheric and non-rhizospheric soils respectively. Reduction in pH, EC coupled with nutrients and DOM availability increased Pb uptake by plants.  相似文献   

In this study, paddy soil and rice grain samples were collected from the vicinity around the Xinqiao mine in Tongling, China to test for the presence of heavy metals (Cd, Ni, Cr, Cu, Zn, and Pb) in soil-rice system. Results indicated that the soil samples were primarily contaminated with Cd and Cu and followed with Zn and Pb. In rice grains, Cd, Cu, and Cr concentrations exceeded recommended guidelines. However, the regional distribution of heavy metals in rice grains and soil was inconsistent. The bioaccumulation factor of heavy metals in rice grains decreased in the order of Cd > Zn > Cu > Ni > Cr > Pb. The BAF was significantly positively correlated with TCLP-extractable metals and significantly negatively correlated with soil pH. However, the relationship between soil organic matter and the BAF in rice grains was complex. Health risk assessment through rice intake showed that hazard quotients of Cu and Cd were greater than 1 and could pose a considerable non-cancer health risk to adults and children; meanwhile, Cr, Ni, and Cd could pose an unacceptable cancer risk. The results indicated that the government must take measures to reduce heavy metal contents in paddy soil and rice.  相似文献   

芒属植物重金属耐性强,并且是重要的能源植物,其在矿山废弃地植被恢复中的应用备受关注.芒属植物对多种重金属耐性强,但不属于重金属超累积植物.目前的研究认为,根系代谢能力强、根际存在多种共生微生物及抗氧化和光合作用能力强是芒属植物重金属耐性强的重要原因,但更为全面的耐性机理需要深入研究.芒属植物在矿山废弃地植被恢复的应用潜力大,可以清除土壤重金属、改善土壤性质和促进生物多样性发展.本文总结分析了芒属植物生物学特性、重金属耐性特点、机理及其在矿山废弃地植被恢复中的应用潜力,提出了应用芒属植物进行矿山废弃地植被恢复的基本思路,并对芒属植物的重金属耐性机理及应用的未来研究方向进行展望,以期为利用芒属植物开展矿山废弃地植被恢复提供借鉴.  相似文献   

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