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To assess the performance of femoral orthopedic implants, they are often attached to cadaveric femurs, and biomechanical testing is performed. To identify areas of high stress, stress shielding, and to facilitate implant redesign, these tests are often accompanied by finite element (FE) models of the bone/implant system. However, cadaveric bone suffers from wide specimen to specimen variability both in terms of bone geometry and mechanical properties, making it virtually impossible for experimental results to be reproduced. An alternative approach is to utilize synthetic femurs of standardized geometry, having material behavior approximating that of human bone, but with very small specimen to specimen variability. This approach allows for repeatable experimental results and a standard geometry for use in accompanying FE models. While the synthetic bones appear to be of appropriate geometry to simulate bone mechanical behavior, it has not, however, been established what bone quality they most resemble, i.e., osteoporotic or osteopenic versus healthy bone. Furthermore, it is also of interest to determine whether FE models of synthetic bones, with appropriate adjustments in input material properties or geometric size, could be used to simulate the mechanical behavior of a wider range of bone quality and size. To shed light on these questions, the axial and torsional stiffness of cadaveric femurs were compared to those measured on synthetic femurs. A FE model, previously validated by the authors to represent the geometry of a synthetic femur, was then used with a range of input material properties and change in geometric size, to establish whether cadaveric results could be simulated. Axial and torsional stiffnesses and rigidities were measured for 25 human cadaveric femurs (simulating poor bone stock) and three synthetic "third generation composite" femurs (3GCF) (simulating normal healthy bone stock) in the midstance orientation. The measured results were compared, under identical loading conditions, to those predicted by a previously validated three-dimensional finite element model of the 3GCF at a variety of Young's modulus values. A smaller FE model of the 3GCF was also created to examine the effects of a simple change in bone size. The 3GCF was found to be significantly stiffer (2.3 times in torsional loading, 1.7 times in axial loading) than the presently utilized cadaveric samples. Nevertheless, the FE model was able to successfully simulate both the behavior of the 3GCF, and a wide range of cadaveric bone data scatter by an appropriate adjustment of Young's modulus or geometric size. The synthetic femur had a significantly higher stiffness than the cadaveric bone samples. The finite element model provided a good estimate of upper and lower bounds for the axial and torsional stiffness of human femurs because it was effective at reproducing the geometric properties of a femur. Cadaveric bone experiments can be used to calibrate FE models' input material properties so that bones of varying quality can be simulated. 相似文献
E M Timanin 《Biofizika》1989,34(3):512-516
It is shown by an example of a forearm that to determine objective characteristics of rheological properties of soft human tissues by measuring their transverse stiffness (K) one should first investigate the relation between K and the diameter of the used indentor (d). The nonlinearity of the dependence K(d) for indentor diameters from 2 to 8 mm is demonstrated and it is assumed that this nonlinearity is due to heterogeneity of tissue properties in the directions normal to the axis of force action. 相似文献
Assessment of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides chromatophore membrane asymmetry through bilateral antiserum adsorption studies. 总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2

The asymmetric structure of the Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides chromatophore membrane was examined in detail by crossed immunoelectrophoresis techniques. Because these methods are quantitative and allow increased resolution and sensitivity, it was possible to analyze simultaneously the relative transmembrane distribution of a number of previously identified antigenic components. This was demonstrated by analysis of immunoglobulin samples that were adsorbed by preincubation with either isolated chromatophores or osmotically protected spheroplasts. The photochemical reaction center, the light-harvesting bacteriochlorophyll a-protein complex, the L-lactate dehydrogenase, and reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenase (EC were found to be exposed on the chromatophore surface (cytoplasmic aspect of the membrane within the cell). Other antigenic components were found to be exposed on the surface of spheroplasts (periplasmic aspect of the in vivo chromatophore membrane). Antigens with determinants expressed on both sides of the chromatophore membrane were also identified. Charge shift crossed immunoelectrophoresis confirmed the suggested amphiphilic character of the pigment-protein complexes and identified several additional amphiphilic membrane components. 相似文献
A Mukherjee 《American journal of physical anthropology》1990,81(1):77-89
Bilateral correlations are higher and bilateral variances within individuals smaller in the samples of inbred individuals than in matched control groups of the same sex for pattern intensities on fingers in four series of data and also for pattern intensities on palms, toes, and soles and the palmer main line indices in the data collected from a Muslin population of West Bengal. This trend is not apparent in two series of data from the Yanadi tribe, in which the inbred and noninbred samples are not controlled for random variation of genes and environment. Increased variances between individuals and changes in means and distributions of the traits in the inbred samples of the matched data indicate some influence of homozygosity of genes for the traits on their asymmetry. The reduced variability of asymmetry of the traits in the inbred cannot be explained by homozygosity of genes for either directional or absolute asymmetry. One possible explanation is that heterozygotes for these dermatoglyphic triats are more responsive to environmental stress than homozygotes and/or increased selection in the homozygotes against genetic disorders associated with dermatoglyphic asymmetry may reduce the variability of such asymmetry. 相似文献
动力加压髋螺钉对股骨上段生物力学特征性的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的:探讨股骨上端骨折,以动力加压髋螺钉进行骨固定治疗,骨折愈合后,取出动力加压髋螺钉以后的股骨上段与完整的股骨上段的生物力学特性相比较,为临床内固定取出术后功能锻炼的强度提供量化依据。方法:收集8具新鲜尸体股骨标本进行实验应力分析,分别测定完整股骨上段和动力加压髋螺钉取出后股骨上段的力学特性改变。结果:动力加压髋螺钉取出术后股骨上段的力学特性与完整股骨上段的力学特性相比有显著的差异(P<0.01)。结论:股骨上端骨折如果以动力加压髋螺钉为治疗手段,在骨折愈合取出内固定后,功能锻炼只能控制在慢速步行水平,不能进行奔跑、跳跃等活动,以防止再骨折等并发症的发生。 相似文献
Studying the cytoarchitectonical asymmetry of human brain cortex requires using the new approaches and modern quantitative methods. One of the promising ways is analyzing relation between the macroscopic and neuronal structure of the brain. The present article contains original data of histological and morphological studies. The authors develop the concept of different degree of expression of asymmetry in the cortex formations of left and right hemispheres. The data on the principal differences of topography and types of structure of fissure and gyrus in different brain hemispheres are presented. Results of the analysis carried out enable one to show the basic criteria of peculiarities of cytoarchitecture of human brain cortex in the left and right hemispheres. 相似文献
Effects of structural modifications on some physical characteristics of exopolysaccharides from Lactococcus lactis 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Tuinier R van Casteren WH Looijesteijn PJ Schols HA Voragen AG Zoon P 《Biopolymers》2001,59(3):160-166
The relationship between the primary structure and the chain stiffness of exopolysaccharides (EPSs) and modified EPSs produced by two strains of Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris was investigated. The molar mass and radius of gyration of these exopolysaccharides were analyzed by multiangle static light scattering after size-exclusion chromatography. From these results and the chemical structure of the repeating units of the investigated EPSs, the Kuhn lengths could be calculated. We found that the initial Kuhn lengths of the two native EPSs are similar. Modification of the EPSs by removing parts of the side groups resulted in a decrease in both the absolute value and the normalized value of the Kuhn length. It is therefore concluded that partial removal of the side groups of these polysaccharides could make them less efficient as thickeners if no specific interaction with other components occurs. 相似文献
2009年至2012年研究组调查了中国南方汉族15154例(男性为7340例,女性为7814例)的身高、体重和16项测量指标,并计算出12项指数,将南方汉族与蒙古人种北亚类型族群、南亚类型族群及东亚类型族群的韩国人、日本人进行了比较。结果显示:1)南方汉族头面部主要指标介于北亚、南亚类型族群之间;南方汉族男性更接近于北亚类型族群,而南方汉族女性比男性头面部特征更接近南亚类型族群。2)南方汉族男性头部的长、宽、高、围度小于东亚类型族群,面部比韩国人、日本人狭窄;南方汉族女性头的长、宽、围度、下颌角间宽值小于韩国人、日本人,头较高,面部比韩国人、日本人狭窄。南方汉族男性、女性与韩国人、日本人体质差异较大。3)聚类分析结果提示,中国南方汉族与韩国人、日本人体质差异较大。南方汉族男性体质相对接近于北亚类型族群,女性体质介于北亚、南亚类型族群之间。华南汉族体质在南方汉族中有一定的特殊性。 相似文献
Tracey Ann Roy Christopher B. Ruff Chris C. Plato 《American journal of physical anthropology》1994,94(2):203-211
Bilateral asymmetry in the structure of the second metacarpal was examined in relation to functional hand dominance in a large, clinically nonselected, healthy population sample from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. Bilateral bone measurements were made from anteroposterior hand radiographs of a total of 992 individuals, 609 males and 383 females, with an age range of 19–94 years. Hand dominance was determined on the basis of personal impression. Total width and medullary width at the midshaft of the second metacarpal were measured to 0.05 mm using a Helios caliper. These two measurements were used to derive cortical thickness, cortical bone area, periosteal (total) area, medullary area, percent cortical area, and the second moment of area in the mediolateral plane. In both right and left-handed individuals, statistically significant side differences were found in the calculated bone areas and the second moment of area, with the dominant hand being larger. Cortical thickness did not show significant side-related differences for either handedness. These results show that functional handedness leads to periosteal and endosteal expansion of the second metacarpal cortex on the dominant side, increasing bone strength without increasing cortical thickness. This is the first time this pattern of asymmetry has been reported in left-handers as well as right-handers. Our results argue for the primacy of environmental (mechanical) effects in determining bilateral asymmetry of limb bone structural properties. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 相似文献
The palmar prints of 297 male and female Easter Islanders were analyzed according to the Penrose and Loesch topological classification system. While the frequencies of most pattern elements were not found to differ significantly between the sexes, the placement of the axial triradius was found to be highly significant (P less than 0.01). Both males and females were found to exhibit considerable bilateral asymmetry in the a-b count and in the atd angle, but there was no significant difference between the sexes in the amount of asymmetry expressed. Family data for a small subset of the sample (51 individuals) were subjected to further statistical analysis, from which significant results (P less than 0.05) were obtained both on chi-square tests for frequency of pattern elements and ANOVA tests for a-b counts, atd angle, and A-line exit. The implications of these results are considered from a developmental perspective. It is suggested that a particular pattern combination (termed a formula) could be used to represent a default value and that other formulae might then be considered as deviations from this default value. Such variation, theoretically at least, might be traced to genetic influences or to the embryological environment present during the time of dermatoglyphic formation. 相似文献
The development of symmetry,rigidity and anchorage in the structural root system of conifers 总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14
The stability of shallowly rooted trees can be strongly influenced by the symmetry of the ‘structural’ system of woody roots.
Root systems of forest trees are often markedly asymmetric, and many of the factors affecting symmetry, including root initiation
and the growth of primary and woody roots, are poorly understood. The internal and environmental factors that control the
development, with respect to symmetry and rigidity, of shallow structural root systems are reviewed and discussed with particular
reference to Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis Bong. Carr.). Areas where there is insufficient knowledge are highlighted. A scheme
is proposed that represents the root system as a set of spokes that are variable in number, size and radial distribution.
Rigidity can vary between and along each of the spokes. The root system is presented as a zone of competition for assimilates,
where allocation to individual roots depends upon their position and local variations in conditions. Factors considered include
the production of root primordia of different sizes, effects of soil conditions such as the supply of mineral nutrients and
water on growth of primary and woody roots, and the effect of forces caused by wind action on growth of the cambium, giving
rise to roots which, in cross section, resemble I- or T-beams, and efficiently resist bending.
This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Summary The method of densitometric measurement of G bands on human metaphase chromosomes is described, and some factors influencing the densitometric patterns are discussed. The densitometric patterns are reproducible and typical for a given chromosomal pair, although they display some degree of variability. Typical patterns of all human metaphase chromosomes are presented, with the patterns obtained from the measurement of some structurally abnormal chromosomes (t13q14q, t14q21q, Xp-).
Zusammenfassung Wir beschreiben die Methode der photometrischen Darstellung von G-Banden an menschlichen Chromosomen und diskutieren über einigen Faktoren, die das Resultat beeinflussen. Die photometrischen Kurven sind reproduzierbar und für jedes Chromosomenpaar typisch. Selbstverständlich muß man mit geringen Abstufungen ihrer Variabilität rechnen. Wir zeigen unsere typischen Kurven aller menschlichen Chromosomen, die mit Hilfe der ASG-Technik gefärbt wurden. Gleichzeitig geben wir einige Kurven abnormaler Chromosomen wieder, die auch in unserem Labordargestellt wurden (t(13q14q), t(14q21q), Xp-).相似文献
Balamurugan B Roshan MN Michael D Ambaree M Divya S Keerthana H Seemanthini M Sekar K 《In silico biology》2006,6(3):229-235
Structure prediction methods aim to identify the relationship between the amino acid sequence of an unknown protein and information comprised in databases of known protein structures. Towards this end, we created a database by combining the amino acid sequences and the corresponding three-dimensional atomic coordinates for all the 25% non-redundant protein chains available in the Protein Data Bank. It contains information about the peptide fragments that are 5 to 10 residues long. In addition, options are provided for the users to visualize the individual motifs and the superposed fragments in the client machine. Further, useful functionalities areprovided to look for similar sequence motifs in all the sequence databases like PDB, 90% non-redundant protein chains, Genome database, PIR and Swiss-Prot. The database is being updated at regular intervals and the same can be accessed over the World Wide Web interface at the following URL: http://pranag.physics.iisc.ernet.in/sms/. 相似文献
Assessment of human bioclimate based on thermal response 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
C. R. de Freitas 《International journal of biometeorology》1985,29(2):97-119
To assess the thermal component of human climate, the adequacy of two body-environment energy balance models is tested. Requirements are that these models should include the full range of atmospheric variables using a system which embraces both the attributes of those exposed and the functional attributes of the environment. They should also account for thermal stress on the body as well as the feedback thermophysiological responses as a result of that stress, and produce a unitary thermal index. Based on detailed field assessment, the study provides an interpretation of index values in terms of thermal sensation and pleasantness using standardised verbal scales. Detailed statistical analysis shows that the associations between index values and thermal sensation votes are strong giving correlation coefficients in the order of 0.86 which is considerably larger than those from comparable results reported in the literature. Optimal thermal conditions for sedentary activity appear to be located in the zone of vasomotor regulation against heat, subjectly interpreted as slightly warm, rather than precisely at the point of minimum heat stress. Sensitivity of model output and thermal sensation are greater in the zone of heat stress than in the zone of cold stress. 相似文献
We have proposed and validated a method for quantitative assessment of phenotypic diversity of natural populations. Method is based on the fluctuated asymmetry (FA) indices of bilateral organisms, and it is applicable for biondicative investigations. Convolution of functions was proposed to estimate the mean (population) value of FA complex of features. This function could be written as finit sum [formula: see text] where eta is power of sample invariance (symmetry) for m individuals (i = 1, m). Eta is characterized by n asymmetric characteristics (j = 1, n) for the left (L) and the right (R) sides of the body. We have validated applicability of generalized function of desirability [formula: see text] (where di is partial desirability function [0,1]) for cumulative characterization of environment quality with results of bioindicative investigations. The value of function coincides with the value of symmetry of indicating species in this case. 相似文献