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The shoulder complex has a larger range of motion (ROM) than any other joint complex in the human body, leaving it prone to numerous injuries. Objective kinematic analysis could yield useful functional insights that may assist clinical practice. Non-invasive optoelectronic motion analysis techniques have been used to assess the shoulders of five healthy subjects performing ROM tasks and 10 functional tasks of daily living. The four most demanding tasks – touching the side and back of the head, brushing the opposite side of the head, lifting an object to shoulder height and lifting an object to head height, required 78%, 60%, 61% and 71%, respectively, of the glenohumeral elevation necessary for full abduction in the scapular plane for the 10 shoulders. This has implications for clinical practice where maximum arm elevation is commonly used to determine a patient's ability to return to work and other everyday activities.  相似文献   

The shoulder complex has a larger range of motion (ROM) than any other joint complex in the human body, leaving it prone to numerous injuries. Objective kinematic analysis could yield useful functional insights that may assist clinical practice. Non-invasive optoelectronic motion analysis techniques have been used to assess the shoulders of five healthy subjects performing ROM tasks and 10 functional tasks of daily living. The four most demanding tasks - touching the side and back of the head, brushing the opposite side of the head, lifting an object to shoulder height and lifting an object to head height, required 78%, 60%, 61% and 71%, respectively, of the glenohumeral elevation necessary for full abduction in the scapular plane for the 10 shoulders. This has implications for clinical practice where maximum arm elevation is commonly used to determine a patient's ability to return to work and other everyday activities.  相似文献   

Despite significant advances in scaffold design, manufacture, and development, it remains unclear what forces these scaffolds must withstand when implanted into the heavily loaded environment of the knee joint. The objective of this study was to fully quantify the dynamic contact mechanics across the tibial plateau of the human knee joint during gait and stair climbing. Our model consisted of a modified Stanmore knee simulator (to apply multi-directional dynamic forces), a two-camera motion capture system (to record joint kinematics), an electronic sensor (to record contact stresses on the tibial plateau), and a suite of post-processing algorithms. During gait, peak contact stresses on the medial plateau occurred in areas of cartilage–cartilage contact; while during stair climb, peak contact stresses were located in the posterior aspect of the plateau, under the meniscus. On the lateral plateau, during gait and in early stair-climb, peak contact stresses occurred under the meniscus, while in late stair-climb, peak contact stresses were experienced in the zone of cartilage–cartilage contact. At 45% of the gait cycle, and 20% and 48% of the stair-climb cycle, peak stresses were simultaneously experienced on both the medial and lateral compartment, suggesting that these phases of loading warrant particular consideration in any simulation intended to evaluate scaffold performance. Our study suggests that in order to design a scaffold capable of restoring ‘normal’ contact mechanics to the injured knees, the mechanics of the intended site of implantation should be taken into account in any pre-clinical testing regime.  相似文献   

Until recently the contact loads acting in the glenohumeral joint have been calculated using musculoskeletal models or measured in vitro. Now, contact forces and moments are measured in vivo using telemeterized shoulder implants. Mean total contact forces from four patients during eight activities of daily living are reported here.Lifting a coffee pot (1.5 kg) with straight arm caused an average force of 105.0%BW (%body weight) (range: 90–124.6%BW), while setting down the coffee pot in the same position led to higher forces of 122.9%BW on the average (105.3–153.4%BW). The highest joint contact forces were measured when the straight arm was abducted or elevated by 90° or more, with a weight in the hand. Lifting up 2 kg from a board up to head height caused a contact force of 98.3%BW (93–103.6%BW); again, setting it down on the board led to higher forces of 131.5%BW (118.8–144.1%BW). In contrast to previously calculated high loads, the contact force during passive holding of a 10 kg weight laterally was only 12.3%BW (9.2–17.9%BW), but when lifting it up to belt height it increased to 91.5%BW (87–95%BW).The moments transferred inside the joint at our patients varied much more than did the forces both inter and intra-individually.Our data suggest that patients with shoulder problems or during the first post-operative weeks after shoulder fractures or joint replacements should avoid certain activities encountered during daily living e.g. lifting or holding a weight with an outstretched arm. Some energy-related optimization criteria used in the literature for analytical musculoskeletal shoulder models must now be reconsidered.  相似文献   

External load at the tibia during activities of daily living provides baseline measures for the improvement of the design of the bone–implant interface for relevant internal and external prostheses. A motion analysis system was used together with an established protocol with skin markers to estimate three-dimensional forces and moments acting on ten equidistant points along the tibial shaft. Twenty young and able-bodied volunteers were analysed while performing three repetitions of the following tasks: level walking at three different speeds, in a straight-line and with sudden changes of direction to the right and to the left, stair ascending and descending, squatting, rising from a chair and sitting down. Moment and force patterns were normalised to the percentage of body weight per height and body weight, respectively, and then averaged over all subjects for each point, about the three tibial anatomical axes, and for each task. Load patterns were found to be consistent over subjects, but different among the anatomical axes, tasks and points. Generally, moments were higher in the medio/lateral axis and influenced by walking speed. In all five walking tasks and in ascending stairs with alternating feet, the more proximal the point was the smaller the mean moment was. For the remaining tasks the opposite trend was observed. The overall largest value was observed in the medio/lateral direction at the ankle centre in level walking at high speed (9.1% body weight * height on average), nearly three times larger than that of the anterior/posterior axis (2.9) during level walking with a sidestep turn. The present results should be of value also for in-vitro mechanical tests and finite element models.  相似文献   

As fixation of cementless total knee replacement components during the first 4–6 weeks after surgery is crucial to establish bony ingrowth into the porous surface, several studies have quantified implant-bone micromotion. Relative motion between the tray and bone can be measured in vitro, but the full micromotion contour map cannot typically be accessed experimentally. Finite element models have been employed to estimate the full micromotion map, but have not been directly validated over a range of loading conditions. The goal of this study was to develop and validate computational models for the prediction of tray-bone micromotion under simulated activities of daily living. Gait, stair descent and deep knee bend were experimentally evaluated on four samples of a cementless tibial tray implanted into proximal tibial Sawbones™ constructs. Measurements of the relative motion between the tray and the anterior cortical shell were collected with digital image correlation and used to validate a finite element model that replicated the experiment. Additionally, a probabilistic analysis was performed to account for experimental uncertainty and determine model sensitivity to alignment and frictional parameters. The finite element models were able to distinguish between activities and capture the experimental trends. Best-matching simulations from the probabilistic analysis matched measured displacement with an average root mean square (RMS) difference of 14.3 µm and Pearson-product correlation of 0.93, while the mean model presented an average RMS difference of 27.1 µm and a correlation of 0.8. Maximum deviations from average experimental measurements were 40.5 and 87.1 µm for the best-matching and average simulations, respectively. The computational pipeline developed in this study can facilitate and enhance pre-clinical assessment of novel implant components.  相似文献   

There is increasing interest in wearable sensor technology as a tool for rehabilitation applications in community or home environments. Recent studies have focused on evaluating inertial based sensing (accelerometers, gyroscopes, etc.) that provide only indirect measures of joint motion. Measurement of joint kinematics using flexible goniometry is more direct, and still popular in laboratory environments, but has received little attention as a potential tool for wearable systems. The aim of this study was to compare two goniometric devices: a traditional strain-gauge flexible goniometer, and a fiberoptic flexible goniometer, for measuring dynamic knee flexion/extension angles during activity of daily living: chair rise, and gait; and exercise: deep knee bends, against joint angles computed from a "gold standard" Vicon motion tracking system. Six young adults were recruited to perform the above activities in the lab while wearing a goniometer on each knee, and reflective markers for motion tracking. Kinematic data were collected simultaneously from the goniometers (one on each leg) and the motion tracking system (both legs). The results indicate that both goniometers were within 2-5 degrees of the Vicon angles for gait and chair rise. For some deep knee bend trials, disagreement with Vicon angles exceeded ten degrees for both devices. We conclude that both goniometers can record ADL knee movement faithfully and accurately, but should be carefully considered when high (>120?deg) knee flexion angles are required.  相似文献   

Highly reliable information on the range of motion (ROM) required to perform activities of daily living (ADL) is important to allow rehabilitation professionals to make appropriate clinical judgments of patients with limited ROM of the upper extremity joints. There are, however, no data available that take full account of corrections for gimbal-lock and soft tissue artifacts, which affect estimation errors for joint angles. We used an electromagnetic three-dimensional tracking system (FASTRAK) to measure the three-dimensional ROM of the upper extremity joints of healthy adults (N=20, age range 18–34) during 16 ADL movement tasks. The ROM required for the performance of each movement was shown in terms of the joint angle at the completion of the task, using a new definition of joint angle and regression analysis to compensate for estimation errors. The results of this study may be useful in setting goals for the treatment of upper extremity joint function.  相似文献   

Inverse dynamics based simulations on musculoskeletal models is a commonly used method for the analysis of human movement. Due to inaccuracies in the kinematic and force plate data, and a mismatch between the model and the subject, the equations of motion are violated when solving the inverse dynamics problem. As a result, dynamic inconsistency will exist and lead to residual forces and moments. In this study, we present and evaluate a computational method to perform inverse dynamics-based simulations without force plates, which both improves the dynamic consistency as well as removes the model?s dependency on measured external forces. Using the equations of motion and a scaled musculoskeletal model, the ground reaction forces and moments (GRF&Ms) are derived from three-dimensional full-body motion. The method entails a dynamic contact model and optimization techniques to solve the indeterminacy problem during a double contact phase and, in contrast to previously proposed techniques, does not require training or empirical data. The method was applied to nine healthy subjects performing several Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) and evaluated with simultaneously measured force plate data. Except for the transverse ground reaction moment, no significant differences (P>0.05) were found between the mean predicted and measured GRF&Ms for almost all ADLs. The mean residual forces and moments, however, were significantly reduced (P>0.05) in almost all ADLs using our method compared to conventional inverse dynamic simulations. Hence, the proposed method may be used instead of raw force plate data in human movement analysis using inverse dynamics.  相似文献   

Estimation of the hip joint contact area and pressure distribution during activities of daily living is important in predicting joint degeneration mechanism, prosthetic implant wear, providing biomechanical rationales for preoperative planning and postoperative rehabilitation. These biomechanical data were estimated utilizing a generic hip model, the Discrete Element Analysis technique, and the in vivo hip joint contact force data. The three-dimensional joint potential contact area was obtained from the anteroposterior radiograph of a subject and the actual joint contact area and pressure distribution in eight activities of daily living were calculated. During fast, normal, and slow walking, the peak pressure of moderate magnitude was located at the lateral roof of the acetabulum during mid-stance. In standing up and sitting down, and during knee bending, the peak pressures were located at the edge of the posterior horn and the magnitude of the peak pressure during sitting down was 2.8 times that of normal walking. The peak pressure was found at the lateral roof in climbing up stairs which was higher than that in going down stairs. These results can be used to rationalize rehabilitation protocols, functional restrictions after complex acetabular reconstructions, and prosthetic component wear and fatigue test set up. The same model and analysis can provide further insight to soft tissue loading and pathology such as labral injury. When the pressure distribution on the acetabulum is inverted onto the femoral head, prediction of subchondral bone collapse associated with avascular necrosis can be achieved with improved accuracy.  相似文献   

A new six-degree-of-freedom force transducer has been manufactured, with the sensitivity to measure forces in the range +/-100 N and moments of up to +/-5 Nm. The transducer incorporates two mechanical components: shear forces and bending moments are measured via a strain-gauged tubular section whilst axial forces are transmitted to a cantilevered load cell. Both components are instrumented with 350 ohms strain gauge full bridge circuits and are temperature compensated. After calibration, measurement errors are less than +/-0.3 N for direct forces and +/-0.03 Nm for applied moments. In order to measure sub-maximal finger loads during activities of daily living, the transducer has been incorporated into several housings representing objects in domestic use: a jar, a tap, a key in a lock and a jug kettle.  相似文献   

The problem of modelling stresses incurred at the finger joints is critical to the design of durable joint replacements in the hand. The goal of this study was to characterise the forces and stresses at the finger and thumb joints occurring during activities such as typing at a keyboard, playing piano, gripping a pen, carrying a weight and opening a jar. The metacarpal and proximal phalanx were modelled using a COMSOL-based finite element analysis. Analysis of these activities indicates that joint forces in excess of 100 N may be common at the metacarpophalangeal joint (MCP) due to carrying objects such as groceries or while opening jars. The model predicted that stresses in excess of 2 MPa, similar to stresses at the hip, occur at the MCP with the properties of cancellous bone playing a significant role in the magnitude and distribution of stress.  相似文献   

The supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles each have multiple sub-regions that may activate differentially in activities of daily living. Awareness of these differential demands critically informs rehabilitation of rotator cuff muscle following injury, particularly if centered on recovering and strengthening the rotator cuff to perform daily tasks. This study quantified muscle activation of supraspinatus and infraspinatus sub-regions during the performance of six activities of daily living. Twenty-three participants (mean: 22.6 ± 2.6 years) completed the following tasks: opening a jar, reaching at shoulder height, overhead reaching, pouring water from a pitcher, eating with a spoon, and combing hair. Indwelling electromyography was collected from the anterior and posterior supraspinatus and superior, middle, and inferior infraspinatus. Tasks requiring high arm elevations (e.g. reaching at shoulder and overhead height) activated anterior supraspinatus between 21 and 28% MVC. The posterior supraspinatus consistently activated between 10 and 30% MVC across all tasks. All sub-regions of infraspinatus activated highly (between 18 and 25% MVC) in tasks requiring high arm elevations in flexion. These findings may be leveraged to define effective measures to increase rotator cuff function in daily tasks.  相似文献   

PurposeTo compare the responses in knee joint muscle activation patterns to different perturbations during gait in healthy subjects.ScopeNine healthy participants were subjected to perturbed walking on a split-belt treadmill. Four perturbation types were applied, each at five intensities. The activations of seven muscles surrounding the knee were measured using surface EMG. The responses in muscle activation were expressed by calculating mean, peak, co-contraction (CCI) and perturbation responses (PR) values. PR captures the responses relative to unperturbed gait. Statistical parametric mapping analysis was used to compare the muscle activation patterns between conditions.ResultsPerturbations evoked only small responses in muscle activation, though higher perturbation intensities yielded a higher mean activation in five muscles, as well as higher PR. Different types of perturbation led to different responses in the rectus femoris, medial gastrocnemius and lateral gastrocnemius. The participants had lower CCI just before perturbation compared to the same phase of unperturbed gait.ConclusionsHealthy participants respond to different perturbations during gait with small adaptations in their knee joint muscle activation patterns. This study provides insights in how the muscles are activated to stabilize the knee when challenged. Furthermore it could guide future studies in determining aberrant muscle activation in patients with knee disorders.  相似文献   

The problem of modelling stresses incurred at the finger joints is critical to the design of durable joint replacements in the hand. The goal of this study was to characterise the forces and stresses at the finger and thumb joints occurring during activities such as typing at a keyboard, playing piano, gripping a pen, carrying a weight and opening a jar. The metacarpal and proximal phalanx were modelled using a COMSOL-based finite element analysis. Analysis of these activities indicates that joint forces in excess of 100 N may be common at the metacarpophalangeal joint (MCP) due to carrying objects such as groceries or while opening jars. The model predicted that stresses in excess of 2 MPa, similar to stresses at the hip, occur at the MCP with the properties of cancellous bone playing a significant role in the magnitude and distribution of stress.  相似文献   

Analysis of polyethylene component wear and implant loosening in total knee arthroplasty (TKA) requires precise knowledge of in vivo articular motion and loading conditions. This study presents a simultaneous in vivo measurement of tibiofemoral articular contact forces and contact kinematics in three TKA patients. These measurements were accomplished via a dual fluoroscopic imaging system and instrumented tibial implants, during dynamic single leg lunge and chair rising-sitting. The measured forces and contact locations were also used to determine mediolateral distribution of axial contact forces. Contact kinematics data showed a medial pivot during flexion of the knee, for all patients in the study. Average axial forces were higher for lunge compared to chair rising-sitting (224% vs. 187% body weight). In this study, we measured peak anteroposterior and mediolateral forces averaging 13.3% BW during lunge and 18.5% BW during chair rising-sitting. Mediolateral distributions of axial contact force were both patient and activity specific. All patients showed equitable medial-lateral loading during lunge but greater loads at the lateral compartment during chair rising-sitting. The results of this study may enable more accurate reproduction of in vivo loads and articular motion patterns in wear simulators and finite element models. This in turn may help advance our understanding of factors limiting longevity of TKA implants, such as aseptic loosening and polyethylene component wear, and enable improved TKA designs.  相似文献   

Osteoarthritis of the hip can result from mechanical factors, which can be studied using finite element (FE) analysis. FE studies of the hip often assume there is no significant loss of fluid pressurization in the articular cartilage during simulated activities and approximate the material as incompressible and elastic. This study examined the conditions under which interstitial fluid load support remains sustained during physiological motions, as well as the role of the labrum in maintaining fluid load support and the effect of its presence on the solid phase of the surrounding cartilage. We found that dynamic motions of gait and squatting maintained consistent fluid load support between cycles, while static single-leg stance experienced slight fluid depressurization with significant reduction of solid phase stress and strain. Presence of the labrum did not significantly influence fluid load support within the articular cartilage, but prevented deformation at the cartilage edge, leading to lower stress and strain conditions in the cartilage. A morphologically accurate representation of collagen fibril orientation through the thickness of the articular cartilage was not necessary to predict fluid load support. However, comparison with simplified fibril reinforcement underscored the physiological importance. The results of this study demonstrate that an elastic incompressible material approximation is reasonable for modeling a limited number of cyclic motions of gait and squatting without significant loss of accuracy, but is not appropriate for static motions or numerous repeated motions. Additionally, effects seen from removal of the labrum motivate evaluation of labral reattachment strategies in the context of labral repair.  相似文献   

Walking is a task that we seek to understand because it is the most relevant human locomotion. Walking causes complex loading patterns and high load magnitudes within the human body. This work summarizes partially published load data collected in earlier in vivo measurement studies on 9 patients with telemeterized knee endoprostheses, 10 with hip endoprostheses and 5 with vertebral body replacements. Moreover, for the 19 endoprosthesis patients, additional simultaneously measured and previously unreported ground reaction forces are presented.The ground reaction force and the implant forces in the knee and hip exhibited a double peak during each step. The maxima of the ground reaction forces ranged from 100% to 126% bodyweight. In comparison, the greatest implant forces in the hip (249% bodyweight) and knee (271% bodyweight) were much greater. The mean peak force measured in the vertebral body replacement was 39% bodyweight and occurred at different time points of the stance phase.We concluded that walking leads to high load magnitudes in the knee and hip, whereas the forces in the vertebral body replacement remained relatively low. This indicates that the first peak force was greater in the hip than in the knee joint while this was reversed for the second peak force. The forces in the spinal implant were considerably lower than in the knee and hip joints.  相似文献   

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