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Despite pressing needs, there are currently no FDA approved prosthetic valves available for use in the pediatric population. This study is performed for predictive assessment of blood damage in bileaflet mechanical heart valves (BMHVs) with pediatric sizing and flow conditions. A model of an adult-sized 23 mm St. Jude Medical (SJM) Regent valve is selected for use in simulations, which is scaled in size for a 5-year old child and 6-month old infant. A previously validated lattice-Boltzmann method (LBM) is used to simulate pulsatile flow with thousands of suspended platelets for cases of adult, child, and infant BMHV flows. Adult BMHV flows demonstrate more disorganized small-scale flow features, but pediatric flows are associated with higher fluid shear stresses. Platelet damage in the pediatric cases is higher than in adult flow, highlighting thrombus complication dangers of pediatric BMHV flows. This does not necessarily suggest clinically important differences in thromboembolic potential. Highly damaged platelets in pediatric flows are primarily found far downstream of the valve, as there is less flow recirculation in pediatric flows. In addition, damage levels are well below expected thresholds for platelet activation. The extent of differences here documented between the pediatric and adult cases is of concern, demanding particular attention when pediatric valves are designed and manufactured. However, the differences between the pediatric and adult cases are not such that development of pediatric sized valves is untenable. This study may push for eventual approval of prosthetic valves resized for the pediatric population. Further studies will be necessary to determine the validity and potential thrombotic and clinical implications of these findings.  相似文献   

The effects of polar nature of blood and pulsatility on flow through a stenosed tube have been analysed by assuming blood as a micropolar fluid. Linearized solutions of basic equations are obtained through consecutive applications of finite Hankel and Laplace transforms. The analytical expressions for axial and particle angular velocities, wall shear stress, resistance to flow and apparent viscosity have been obtained. The axial velocity profiles for Newtonian and micropolar fluids have been compared. The interesting observation of this analysis is velocity, in certain parts of cycle, for micropolar fluid is higher than Newtonain fluid. Variation of apparent viscosity eta a with tube radius shows both inverse Fahraeus-Lindqvist and Fahraeus-Lindqvist effects. Finally, the resistance to flow and wall shear stress for normal and diseased blood have been computed and compared.  相似文献   

Fang J  Owens RG 《Biorheology》2006,43(5):637-660
In the present paper we use a new constitutive equation for whole human blood [R.G. Owens, A new microstructure-based constitutive model for human blood, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. (2006), to appear] to investigate the steady, oscillatory and pulsatile flow of blood in a straight, rigid walled tube at modest Womersley numbers. Comparisons are made with the experimental results of Thurston [Elastic effects in pulsatile blood flow, Microvasc. Res. 9 (1975), 145-157] for the pressure drop per unit length against volume flow rate and oscillatory flow rate amplitude. Agreement in all cases is very good. In the presentation of the numerical and experimental results we discuss the microstructural changes in the blood that account for its rheological behaviour in this simple class of flows. In this context, the concept of an apparent complex viscosity proves to be useful.  相似文献   

A three beam laser Doppler anemometer system was used to study the flow fields created by various types of mitral heart valve prostheses under physiological pulsatile flow conditions. The prosthetic valves studied were: Beall caged disc valve, Bjork-Shiley tilting disc valve, Medtronic-Hall tilting disc valve and St. Jude bileaflet valve. The results indicate that all four prosthetic valve designs studied create very disturbed flow fields with elevated turbulent shear stresses and regions of flow separation and/or stagnation. The observed elevated turbulent shear stresses could cause sublethal and/or lethal damage to red cells and platelets. The regions of flow separation and/or stagnation, could lead to thrombus formation and/or tissue overgrowth on the valve structure, as observed on clinically recovered prosthetic valves.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations of pulsatile blood flow in straight tube stenosis models were performed to investigate the poststenotic flow phenomena. In this study, three axisymmetrical and three asymmetrical stenosis models with area reduction of 25%, 50% and 75% were constructed. A measured human common carotid artery blood flow waveform was used as the upstream flow condition which has a mean Reynold's number of 300. All calculations were performed with high spatial and temporal resolutions. Flow features such as velocity profiles, flow separation zone (FSZ), and wall shear stress (WSS) distributions in the poststenotic region for all models are presented. The results have demonstrated that the formation and development of FSZs in the poststenotic region are very complex, especially in the flow deceleration phase. In axisymmetric stenoses the poststenotic flow is more sensitive to changes in the degree of stenosis than in asymmetric models. For severe stenoses, the stenosis influence length is shorter in asymmetrical models than in axisymmetrical cases. WSS oscillations (between positive and negative values) have been observed at various downstream locations in some models. The amplitude of the oscillation depends strongly on the axial location and the degree of stenosis.  相似文献   

Blood damage and platelet activation are inherent problems with present day mechanical heart valve designs. We investigate the approach of passive flow control applied to bileaflet mechanical heart valve (BMHV) flows as a means of optimizing leakage flow hemodynamics at length scales relevant to blood damage and platelet activation. Rectangular and hemispherical vortex generator (VG) arrays were mounted on the downstream surfaces of a 25 mm St. Jude Medical valve adjacent to the b-datum leaflet edge (central line where the two leaflets touch in closed position). The effect of VGs on the flow structure emanating from the b-datum line under both pulsatile and steady flow conditions was measured using high resolution particle image velocimetry technique. The VGs were seen to spatially disperse and dissipate the coherent leakage jet structure emanating from the b-datum line. This resulted in a significant diminution of turbulence stresses, particularly with the rectangular VG configuration. This study shows that passive flow control techniques deployed on BHMVs is potentially beneficial as significant control of flow at small length scales may be achieved without altering large scale designs of the valve.  相似文献   

Elevated turbulent shear stresses resulting from disturbed blood flow through prosthetic heart valves can cause damage to red blood cells and platelets. The purpose of this study was to measure the turbulent shear stresses occurring downstream of aortic prosthetic valves during in-vitro pulsatile flow. By matching the indices of refraction of the blood analog fluid and model aorta, correlated, simultaneous two-component laser velocimeter measurements of the axial and radial velocity components were made immediately downstream of two aortic prosthetic valves. Velocity data were ensemble averaged over 200 or more cycles for a 15-ms window opened at peak systolic flow. The systolic duration for cardiac flows of 8.4 L/min was 200 ms. Ensemble-averaged total shear stress levels of 2820 dynes/cm2 and 2070 dynes/cm2 were found downstream of a trileaflet valve and a tilting disk valve, respectively. These shear stress levels decreased with axial distance downstream much faster for the tilting disk valve than for the trileaflet valve.  相似文献   

Blood damage and thrombosis are major complications that are commonly seen in patients with implanted mechanical heart valves. For this in vitro study, we isolated the closing phase of a bileaflet mechanical heart valve to study near valve fluid velocities and stresses. By manipulating the valve housing, we gained optical access to a previously inaccessible region of the flow. Laser Doppler velocimetry and particle image velocimetry were used to characterize the flow regime and help to identify the key design characteristics responsible for high shear and rotational flow. Impact of the closing mechanical leaflet with its rigid housing produced the highest fluid stresses observed during the cardiac cycle. Mean velocities as high as 2.4 m/s were observed at the initial valve impact. The velocities measured at the leaflet tip resulted in sustained shear rates in the range of 1500-3500 s(-1), with peak values on the order of 11,000-23,000 s(-1). Using velocity maps, we identified regurgitation zones near the valve tip and through the central orifice of the valve. Entrained flow from the transvalvular jets and flow shed off the leaflet tip during closure combined to generate a dominant vortex posterior to both leaflets after each valve closing cycle. The strength of the peripheral vortex peaked within 2 ms of the initial impact of the leaflet with the housing and rapidly dissipated thereafter, whereas the vortex near the central orifice continued to grow during the rebound phase of the valve. Rebound of the leaflets played a secondary role in sustaining closure-induced vortices.  相似文献   

A theoretical framework is presented for describing blood flow through the irregular vasculature of a solid tumor. The tumor capillary bed is modeled as a capillary tree of bifurcating segments whose geometrical construction involves deterministic and random parameters. Blood flow along the individual capillaries accounts for plasma leakage through the capillary walls due to the transmural pressure according to Sterling’s law. The extravasation flow into the interstitium is described by Darcy’s law for a biological porous medium. The pressure field developing in the interstitium is computed by solving Laplace’s equation subject to derived boundary conditions at the capillary vessel walls. Given the arterial, venous, and tumor surface pressures, the problem is formulated as a coupled system of integral and differential equations arising from the interstitium and capillary flow transport equations. Numerical discretization yields a system of linear algebraic equations for the interstitial and capillary segment pressures whose solution is found by iterative methods. Results of numerical computations document the effect of the interstitial hydraulic and vascular permeability on the fractional plasma leakage. Given the material properties, the fractional leakage reaches a maximum at a particular grade of the bifurcating vascular tree.  相似文献   

Laminar-to-turbulent transition in pulsatile flow through a stenosis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mallinger F  Drikakis D 《Biorheology》2002,39(3-4):437-441
Laminar-to-turbulent transition in pulsatile flow through a stenosis is studied by means of three-dimensional numerical simulations. The flow transition is associated with the occurrence of a flow instability initiating in the stenosis region. The instability is manifested by a three-dimensional symmetry-breaking and leads to asymmetric separation and intense swirling motion downstream of the stenosis. The above have profound effects on the wall shear stress (WSS). The simulations reveal that the asymmetric separation is extended several radii downstream of the stenosis with substantial WSS fluctuations, in both space and time, occurring in the poststenotic region.  相似文献   

The pulsatile flow of non-Newtonian fluid in a bifurcation model with a non-planar daughter branch is investigated numerically by using the Carreau-Yasuda model to take into account the shear thinning behavior of the analog blood fluid. The objective of this study is to deal with the influence of the non-Newtonian property of fluid and of out-of-plane curvature in the non-planar daughter vessel on wall shear stress (WSS), oscillatory shear index (OSI), and flow phenomena during the pulse cycle. The non-Newtonian property in the daughter vessels induces a flattened axial velocity profile due to its shear thinning behavior. The non-planarity deflects flow from the inner wall of the vessel to the outer wall and changes the distribution of WSS along the vessel, in particular in systole phase. Downstream of the bifurcation, the velocity profiles are shifted toward the flow divider, and low WSS and high shear stress temporal oscillations characterized by OSI occur on the outer wall region of the daughter vessels close to the bifurcation. Secondary motions become stronger with the addition of the out-of-plane curvature induced by the bending of the vessel, and the secondary flow patterns swirl along the non-planar daughter vessel. A significant difference between the non-Newtonian and the Newtonian pulsatile flow is revealed during the pulse cycle; however, reasonable agreement between the non-Newtonian and the rescaled Newtonian flow is found. Calculated results for the pulsatile flow support the view that the non-planarity of blood vessels and the non-Newtonian properties of blood are an important factor in hemodynamics and may play a significant role in vascular biology and pathophysiology.  相似文献   

Symmetrical 30-60% stenosis in a common carotid artery under unsteady flow condition for Newtonian and six non-Newtonian viscosity models are investigated numerically. Results show power-law model produces higher deviations, in terms of velocity and wall shear stress in comparison with other models while generalized power-law and modified-Casson models are more prone to Newtonian state. Comparing separation length of recirculation region at different critical points of cardiac cycle confirms the necessity of considering blood flow in unsteady mode. Increasing stenosis intensity causes flow patterns more disturbed downstream of the stenosis and WSS appear to develop remarkably at the stenosis throat.  相似文献   

Stent size selection and placement are among the most challenging tasks in the treatment of pulmonary artery stenosis in congenital heart defects (CHD). Patient-specific 3D model from CT or MR improves the understanding of the patient’s anatomy and information about the hemodynamics aid in patient risk assessment and treatment planning. This work presents a new approach for personalized stent design in pulmonary artery interventions combining personalized patient geometry and hemodynamic simulations. First, the stent position is initialized using a geometric approach. Second, the stent and artery expansion, including the foreshortening behavior of the stent is simulated. Two stent designs are considered, a regular stent and a Y-stent for bifurcations. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations of the blood flow in the initial and expanded artery models are performed using patient-specific boundary conditions in form of a pulsatile inflow waveform, 3-element Windkessel outflow conditions, and deformable vessel walls. The simulations have been applied to 16 patient cases with a large variability of anatomies. Finally, the simulations have been clinically validated using retrospective imaging from angiography and pressure measurements. The simulated pressure, volume flow and flow velocity values were on the same order of magnitude as the reference values obtained from clinical measurements, and the simulated stent placement showed a positive impact on the hemodynamic values. Simulation of geometric changes combined with CFD simulations offers the possibility to optimize stent type, size, and position by evaluating different configurations before the intervention, and eventually allow to test customized stent geometries and new deployment techniques in CHD.  相似文献   

A new model is used to analyze the fully coupled problem of pulsatile blood flow through a compliant, axisymmetric stenotic artery using the finite element method. The model uses large displacement and large strain theory for the solid, and the full Navier-Stokes equations for the fluid. The effect of increasing area reduction on fluid dynamic and structural stresses is presented. Results show that pressure drop, peak wall shear stress, and maximum principal stress in the lesion all increase dramatically as the area reduction in the stenosis is increased from 51 to 89 percent. Further reductions in stenosis cross-sectional area, however, produce relatively little additional change in these parameters due to a concomitant reduction in flow rate caused by the losses in the constriction. Inner wall hoop stretch amplitude just distal to the stenosis also increases with increasing stenosis severity, as downstream pressures are reduced to a physiological minimum. The contraction of the artery distal to the stenosis generates a significant compressive stress on the downstream shoulder of the lesion. Dynamic narrowing of the stenosis is also seen, further augmenting area constriction at times of peak flow. Pressure drop results are found to compare well to an experimentally based theoretical curve, despite the assumption of laminar flow.  相似文献   

Hemodynamics factors and biomechanical forces play key roles in atherogenesis, plaque development and final rupture. In this paper, we investigated the flow field and stress field for different degrees of stenoses under physiological conditions. Disease is modelled as axisymmetric cosine shape stenoses with varying diameter reductions of 30%, 50% and 70%, respectively. A simulation model which incorporates fluid-structure interaction, a turbulence model and realistic boundary conditions has been developed. The results show that wall motion is constrained at the throat by 60% for the 30% stenosis and 85% for the 50% stenosis; while for the 70% stenosis, wall motion at the throat is negligible through the whole cycle. Peak velocity at the throat varies from 1.47 m/s in the 30% stenosis to 3.2m/s in the 70% stenosis against a value of 0.78 m/s in healthy arteries. Peak wall shear stress values greater than 100 Pa were found for > or =50% stenoses, which in vivo could lead to endothelial stripping. Maximum circumferential stress was found at the shoulders of plaques. The results from this investigation suggest that severe stenoses inhibit wall motion, resulting in higher blood velocities and higher peak wall shear stress, and localization of hoop stress. These factors may contribute to further development and rupture of plaques.  相似文献   

Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) principles may be used to decelerate the flow of arterial blood and hence be of potential value in the treatment of cardiovascular disorders associated with an accelerated circulation. We examine the non-steady flow of blood in a porous parallel plate channel under the influence of a transverse magnetic field and different pressure gradients.  相似文献   

Vertebral arteries are two arteries whose structure and location in human body result in development of special flow conditions. For some of the arteries, one can observe a significant difference between flow rates in the left and the right arteries during ultrasonography diagnosis. Usually the reason of such a difference was connected with pathology of the artery in which a smaller flow rate was detected. Simulations of the flow through the selected type of the vertebral artery geometry for twenty five cases of artery diameters have been carried out. The main aim of the presented experiment was to visualize the flow in the region of vertebral arteries junction in the origin of the basilar artery. It is extremely difficult to examine this part of human circulation system, thus numerical experiments may be helpful in understanding the phenomena occurring when two relatively large arteries join together to form one vessel. The obtained results have shown that an individual configuration and diameters of particular arteries can exert an influence on the flow in them and affect a significant difference between flow rates for vertebral arteries. It has been assumed in the investigations that modelled arteries were absolutely normal, without any pathology. In the numerical experiment, the non-Newtonian model of blood was employed.  相似文献   

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