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The Srs2 DNA helicase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae affects recombination in multiple ways. Srs2 not only inhibits recombination at stalled replication forks but also promotes the synthesis-dependent strand annealing (SDSA) pathway of recombination. Both functions of Srs2 are regulated by sumoylation-sumoylated PCNA recruits Srs2 to the replication fork to disfavor recombination, and sumoylation of Srs2 can be inhibitory to SDSA in certain backgrounds. To understand Srs2 function, we characterize the mechanism of its sumoylation in vitro and in vivo. Our data show that Srs2 is sumoylated at three lysines, and its sumoylation is facilitated by the Siz SUMO ligases. We also show that Srs2 binds to SUMO via a C-terminal SUMO-interacting motif (SIM). The SIM region is required for Srs2 sumoylation, likely by binding to SUMO-charged Ubc9. Srs2's SIM also cooperates with an adjacent PCNA-specific interaction site in binding to sumoylated PCNA to ensure the specificity of the interaction. These two functions of Srs2's SIM exhibit a competitive relationship: sumoylation of Srs2 decreases the interaction between the SIM and SUMO-PCNA, and the SUMO-PCNA-SIM interaction disfavors Srs2 sumoylation. Our findings suggest a potential mechanism for the equilibrium of sumoylated and PCNA-bound pools of Srs2 in cells.  相似文献   

The MGOUN3(MGO3)/BRUSHY1(BRU1)/TONSOKU(TSK) gene of Arabidopsis thaliana encodes a nuclear leucine-glycine-asparagine (LGN) domain protein that may be implicated in chromatin dynamics and genome maintenance. Mutants with defects in MGO3 display a fasciated stem and disorganized meristem structures. The transition to flowering was examined in mgo3 mutants and it was found that, under short days, the mutants flowered significantly earlier than the wild-type plants. Study of flowering-time associated gene expression showed that the floral transition inhibitor gene FLC was under-expressed in the mutant background. Ectopic expression of the flower-specific genes AGAMOUS (AG), PISTILLATA (PI), and SEPALLATA3 (SEP3) in mgo3 vegetative organs was also detected. Western blot and chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments suggested that histone H3 acetylation may be altered in the mgo3 background. Together, these data suggest that MGO3 is required for the correct transition to flowering and that this may be mediated by histone acetylation and associated changes in FLC expression.  相似文献   

How the mitosis of neuroepithelial stem cells is restricted to the apical ventricular area remains unclear. In zebrafish, the mosaic eyes(rw306) (moe/epb41l5(rw306)) mutation disrupts the interaction between the putative adaptor protein Moe and the apicobasal polarity regulator Crumbs (Crb), and impairs the maintenance of neuroepithelial apicobasal polarity. While Crb interacts directly with Notch and inhibits its activity, Moe reverses this inhibition. In the moe(rw306) hindbrain, Notch activity is significantly reduced, and the number of cells that proliferate basally away from the apical area is increased. Surprisingly, activation of Notch in the moe(rw306) mutant rescues not only the basally localized proliferation but also the aberrant neuroepithelial apicobasal polarity. We present evidence that the Crb?Moe complex and Notch play key roles in a positive feedback loop to maintain the apicobasal polarity and the apical-high basal-low gradient of Notch activity in neuroepithelial cells, both of which are essential for their apically restricted mitosis.  相似文献   

A report of the Keystone Symposium 'Diverse roles for RNA in gene regulation', Breckenridge, USA, 8-15 January 2005.  相似文献   

Dual roles of intermediate filaments in apoptosis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
New roles have emerged recently for intermediate filaments (IFs), namely in modulating cell adhesion and growth, and providing resistance to various forms of stress and to apoptosis. In this context, we first summarize findings on the IF association with the cell response to mechanical stress and growth stimulation, in light of growth-related signaling events that are relevant to death-receptor engagement. We then address the molecular mechanisms by which IFs can provide cell resistance to apoptosis initiated by death-receptor stimulation and to necrosis triggered by excessive oxidative stress. In the same way, we examine IF involvement, along with cytolinker participation, in sequential caspase-mediated protein cleavages that are part of the overall cell death execution, particularly those that generate new functional IF protein fragments and uncover neoantigen markers. Finally, we report on the usefulness of these markers as diagnostic tools for disease-related aspects of apoptosis in humans. Clearly, the data accumulated in recent years provide new and significant insights into the multiple functions of IFs, particularly their dual roles in cell response to apoptotic insults.  相似文献   

FLC or not FLC: the other side of vernalization   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Vernalization is the promotion of the competence for floweringby long periods of low temperatures such as those typicallyexperienced during winters. In Arabidopsis, the vernalizationresponse is, to a large extent, mediated by the repression ofthe floral repressor FLC, and the stable epigenetic silencingof FLC after cold treatments is essential for vernalization.In addition to FLC, other vernalization targets exist in Arabidopsis.In grasses, vernalization seems to be entirely independent ofFLC. Here, the current understanding of FLC-independent branchesof the vernalization pathway in Arabidopsis and vernalizationwithout FLC in grasses is discussed. This review focuses onthe role of AGL19, AGL24, and the MAF genes in Arabidopsis.Interestingly, vernalization acts through related molecularmachineries on distinct targets. In particular, protein complexessimilar to Drosophila Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 play a prominentrole in establishing an epigenetic cellular memory for cold-regulatedexpression states of AGL19 and FLC. Finally, the similar networktopology of the apparently independently evolved vernalizationpathways of grasses and Arabidopsis is discussed. Key words: AGL19, Arabidopsis, chromatin, epigenetics, FLC, flowering time, polycomb, PRC2, vernalization Received 19 December 2007; Revised 11 February 2008 Accepted 15 February 2008  相似文献   

Autophagy, a highly conserved catabolic program for degrading proteins and organelles, is essential for cell and tissue homeostasis. Primarily, this process has a cytoprotective role under nutrient deprivation, but several stress stimuli can induce autophagy and, thus, distinct programmed cell death (PCD) pathways can be actived when stress is not abolished. Fish ovaries are a suitable experimental model system for studying the mechanisms of PCD due to the presence of postovulatory and atretic (i.e., non-ovulated) follicles, which follow different routes after spawning. Apoptosis of the follicular cells is the major mechanism responsible for the rapid resorption of the postovulatory follicles. Recently, we investigated the contribution of PCD during follicular atresia in two species of freshwater fish. In contrast to mammals, this study revealed that follicular apoptosis is not a major process for deletion of follicular cells in atretic follicles. Furthermore, we detected autophagic vacuoles containing degenerating organelles increasing through follicular atresia in both species. In this addendum, we propose a hypothesis for follicular cell removal during ovarian regression in oviparous fish. In this model, autophagy could have dual roles in follicular atresia. Thus, fish ovaries after breeding are suitable models for studying the interactions among the different cell death pathways.  相似文献   

Multiple roles for Cdc42 in cell regulation   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The Rho family member Cdc42 can signal through a number of cellular pathways fundamental to growth, differentiation and apoptosis. Recently, information has come at an impressive pace, both with regard to previously identified targets for Cdc42 that regulate the actin cytoskeleton (e.g. WASP) and cellular stress pathways (e.g. PAK) and with regard to newly identified targets such as the coatomer protein complex and PAR6. Recent results hint at a previously unappreciated link between these various cellular processes.  相似文献   

Dual roles for calcium ions in apical growth of Neurospora crassa   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We report initial attempts to define the role of Ca2+ in the polarized extension of Neurospora crassa. Growth of the organism was diminished in media containing less than 1 mM-Ca2+; extension was more severely impaired than biomass synthesis, resulting in the formation of stubby, bulbous hyphae, even of spherical cells. Reduced extension and abnormal morphology were correlated with the loss of surface-bound Ca2+, probably associated with the cell wall. Intracellular Ca2+ may be represented by material that fluoresces brightly in the presence of chlortetracycline. Punctate fluorescent bodies and diffuse fluorescence were both arrayed in a longitudinal gradient, maximum apically. Addition of the calcium ionophore A23187 induced dissipation of the fluorescence; concurrently, the hyphae lost as much as one half of their Ca2+ content. Extension continued almost unabated, but multiple branches quickly emerged from the apex. The observations suggest that a cytoplasmic Ca2+ gradient is not required for polarized extension, but may play a role in ensuring the dominance of the apex.  相似文献   

The fly morphogen Hedgehog (Hh) and its mammalian orthologs, Sonic, Indian, and Desert hedgehog, are secreted signaling molecules that mediate tissue patterning during embryogenesis and function in tissue homeostasis and regeneration in the adult. The function of all Hh family members is regulated at the levels of morphogen multimerization on the surface of producing cells, multimer release, multimer diffusion to target cells, and signal reception. These mechanisms are all known to depend on interactions of positively charged Hh amino acids (the Cardin-Weintraub (CW) motif) with negatively charged heparan sulfate (HS) glycosaminoglycan chains. However, a precise mechanistic understanding of these interactions is still lacking. In this work, we characterized ionic HS interactions of multimeric Sonic hedgehog (called ShhNp) as well as mutant forms lacking one or more CW residues. We found that deletion of all five CW residues as well as site-directed mutagenesis of CW residues Lys(33), Arg(35), and Lys(39) (mouse nomenclature) abolished HS binding. In contrast, CW residues Arg(34) and Lys(38) did not contribute to HS binding. Analysis and validation of Shh crystal lattice contacts provided an explanation for this finding. We demonstrate that CW residues Arg(34) and Lys(38) make contact with an acidic groove on the adjacent molecule in the multimer, suggesting a new function of these residues in ShhNp multimerization rather than HS binding. Therefore, the recombinant monomeric morphogen (called ShhN) differs in CW-dependent HS binding and biological activity from physiologically relevant ShhNp multimers, providing new explanations for functional differences observed between ShhN and ShhNp.  相似文献   

Dual roles of E-cadherin in prostate cancer invasion   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The role(s) of E-cadherin in tumor progression, invasion, and metastasis remains somewhat enigmatic. In order to investigate various aspects of E-cadherin biological activity, particularly in prostate cancer progression, our laboratory cloned unique subpopulations of the heterogeneous DU145 human prostatic carcinoma cell line and characterized their distinct biological functions. The data revealed that the highly invasive, fibroblastic-like subpopulation of DU145 cells (designated DU145-F) expressed less than 0.1-fold of E-cadherin protein when compared to the parental DU145 or the poorly invasive DU145 cells (designated DU145-E). Experimental disruption of E-cadherin function stimulated migration and invasion of DU145-E and other E-cadherin-positive prostate cancer cell lines, but did not affect the fibroblastic-like DU145-F subpopulation. Within the medium of parental DU145 cells, the presence of an 80 kDa E-cadherin fragment was detected. Subsequent functional analyses revealed the stimulatory effect of this fragment on the migratory and invasive capability of E-cadherin-positive cells. These results suggest that E-cadherin plays an important role in regulating the invasive potential of prostate cancer cells through an unique paracrine mechanism.  相似文献   

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