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FUTAO  HELIU 《Cell research》1996,6(2):145-153
Effects of antisense epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) sequence on apoptotic cell death were examined in a human hepatoma cell line BEL-7404 cells.In the cells of JX-1,a sub clone of BEL-7404 stably transfected with antisense EGFR vector (Cell Research,3:75,1993),an enhanced rate(9.5%) of spontaneous apoptosis was detected by flow cytometry,whereas the rates of spontaneous apoptosis in JX-0 cells,a sub-clone of BEL-7404 transfected by control vector,and the parent BEL-7404 transfected by control vector,and the parent BEL-7404 transfected by control vector,and the parent BEL-7404 cells were almost equal and about 1.7%.Serum-starvation for 72h increased the rate of apoptosis of JX-lcells up to 33.7%,while JX-0 and BEL-7404 cells,under the same condition,produced less than 5% of apoptotic cells.Observation with electron microscope demonstrated that condensation and fragmentation of chromatin and formation of apoptotic bodies often occurred in JX-1 cells,especially during serumstarvation.These results,combined with the data of DNA fragmentation Elisa test,suggested that antisense EGFR sequence enhances apoptosis in the human hepatoma cells.Comparison of intracellular Ca^2 level and the responsiveness of JX-1 cells to the induced action of EGF and tharpsigargin (TG) treatment with that of control JX-0 cells indicated that antisense egfr might interrupt the EGF/EGFR sigaling pathway resulting in the decreass of intracellular Ca^2 pool content as well as the responsiveness of these cells to the extracellular signals.These findings suggest that antisense EGFR either directly or indirectly regulates Ca^2 storage in endoplasmic reticulum,thereby enhances apoptosis in the human hepatoma cells.  相似文献   

In human beings, serum transferrin levels increase during iron deficiency and decrease with iron overload. Yet, whether or not iron levels actually affect the synthesis of transferrin in human liver cells is not known. In previous studies, iron was shown to suppress the expression of chimeric human transferrin genes in livers of transgenic mice. The goal of this study was to determine if iron suppresses intact endogenous human transferrin synthesis by testing the effects of changes in iron levels on synthesis of transferrin in a human hepatoma cell line HepG2. In HepG2 cells, normalized(35)S-metabolically labeled transferrin synthesis was consistently less following iron treatment with hemin or ferric citrate, than following treatment with an iron-chelator deferroxamine. Thus, this study provides new evidence that iron can regulate synthesis of intact endogenous human transferrin.  相似文献   

The binding and metabolism of [3H]vitamin A-containing chylomicron (CM) remnants by the human hepatoma cell line HepG2 were studied. Mesenteric lymph chylomicrons were collected from [3H]retinol-fed rats and incubated with lipoprotein lipase to obtain CM remnants. At 4 degrees C, specific CM remnant binding was inhibited by an excess of unlabeled CM remnants. Specific binding predominated at low concentrations and approached saturation while total binding continued to increase over an extensive concentration range (0.45-32 microgram triglyceride/ml). CM remnant uptake at 37 degrees C was greater than that of CM and at least 70 times more efficient than the pinocytosis of sucrose. CM remnant binding increased with the extent of lipolysis. Addition of human apolipoprotein E enhanced both CM remnant and CM binding. After internalization, HepG2 cells hydrolyzed CM remnant-[3H]retinyl esters, and radiolabeled metabolites accumulated. As a function of the concentration of [3H]retinoid initially bound to cells, retinol and retinyl esters accumulated as the major cell-associated metabolites. In contrast, retinol was the major metabolite in the medium only at low retinoid concentrations; other more polar metabolites accumulated at higher concentrations (greater than 110 pmol retinoid/mg cell protein). The accumulation in the medium of labeled metabolites derived from CM remnant-retinoid was reduced when cells were preincubated in unlabeled retinol-supplemented media. The specific activity of retinol in the medium indicated that CM remnant-vitamin A had mixed with the cellular store prior to its secretion as retinol. These results indicate that HepG2 cells internalize CM remnants in part by specific binding sites, and that the metabolism of CM remnant-retinoids by the HepG2 cell involves retinyl ester hydrolysis and the secretion of retinol and other more polar metabolites. These processes were regulated in part by the concentration of retinoid delivered by the CM remnant and by the initial retinoid content of the cell.  相似文献   

Yanagida K  Natsuka S  Hase S 《Glycobiology》2006,16(4):294-304
It is thought that free oligosaccharides in the cytosol are an outcome of quality control of glycoproteins by endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation (ERAD). Although considerable amounts of free oligosaccharides accumulate in the cytosol, where they presumably have some function, detailed analyses of their structures have not yet been carried out. We isolated 21 oligosaccharides from the cytosolic fraction of HepG2 cells and analyzed their structures by the two-dimensional high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) sugar-mapping method. Sixteen novel oligosaccharides were identified in the cytosol in this study. All had a single N-acetylglucosamine at their reducing-end cores and could be expressed as (Man)n (GlcNAc)1. No free oligosaccharide with N,N'-diacetylchitobiose was detected in the cytosolic fraction of HepG2 cells. This suggested that endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase was a key enzyme in the production of cytosolic free oligosaccharides. The 21 oligosaccharides were classified into three series--series 1: oligosaccharides processed from Manalpha1-2Manalpha1-6 (Manalpha1-2Manalpha1-3)Manalpha1-6(Manalpha1-2Manalpha1-2Manalpha1-3) Manbeta1-4GlcNAc (M9A') and Manalpha1-2Manalpha1-6(Manalpha1-3) Manalpha1-6(Manalpha1-2Manalpha1-2Manalpha1-3)Manbeta1-4GlcNAc (M8A') by digestion with cytosolic alpha-mannosidase; series 2: oligosaccharides processed with Golgi alpha-mannosidases in addition to endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and cytosolic alpha-mannosidases; and series 3: glucosylated oligosaccharides produced from Glc1Man9GlcNAc1 by hydrolysis with cytosolic alpha-mannosidase. The presence of the series "2" oligosaccharides suggests that some of the misfolded glycoproteins had been processed in pre-cis-Golgi vesicles and/or the Golgi apparatus. When the cells were treated with swainsonine to inhibit cytosolic alpha-mannosidase, the amounts of M9A' and M8A' increased remarkably, suggesting that these oligosaccharides were translocated into the cytosol. Four oligosaccharides of series "2" also increased. In contrast, there were obvious reductions in Manalpha1-6(Manalpha1-2Manalpha1-2Manalpha1-3)Manbeta1-4GlcNAc (M5B'), the end product from M9A' by digestion with cytosolic alpha-mannosidase, and Manalpha1-6(Manalpha1- 2Manalpha1-3)Manbeta1-4GlcNAc, derived from series "2" oligosaccharides by digestion with cytosolic alpha-mannosidase. Our data suggest that (1) some of the cytosolic oligosaccharides had been processed with Golgi alpha-mannosidases, (2) the major oligosaccharides translocated from the ER were M9A' and M8A', and (3) M5B' and Glc1M5B' were maintained at relatively high concentrations in the cytosol.  相似文献   

The human liver cell line HepG2 was investigated for its synthesis and secretion of lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase. The cells were grown to confluency in Eagle's minimal essential medium plus 10% fetal bovine serum. At the onset of the study, fetal bovine serum was removed and cells were grown in minimal essential medium only. At 6, 12, 24, and 48 h the cells were harvested, and the culture medium collected at each time point was assayed for lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase mass and activity, cholesterol esterification rate, and apolipoprotein A-I mass. The rate of the enzyme secretion measured by both mass and activity was linear over 24 h of culture. The enzyme mass by radioimmunoassay was 1.7, 4.1, 7.9 and 13.7 ng/ml culture medium (or 8.3, 19.9, 38.5 and 66.7 ng/mg cell protein), respectively, and enzyme activity using an exogenous source of phosphatidylcholine/cholesterol liposomes containing apolipoprotein A-I as substrate was 85, 170, 315, and 402 pmol cholesterol esterified/h per ml culture medium (or 414, 828, 1534 and 1957 pmol cholesterol esterified/h per mg cell protein) for 6, 12, 24, and 48 h of culture, respectively. The endogenous cholesterol esterification rate of the culture medium was 47, 104, 224 and 330 pmol/h per ml and apolipoprotein A-I mass was 305, 720, 2400 and 3940 ng/ml culture medium over the same time frame. In contrast to culture medium, low levels of enzyme activity (approximately 10% of that in culture medium at 24 and 48 h) were observed in the extracts of HepG2 cells. The enzyme secreted by HepG2 was found to be similarly activated by apolipoprotein A-I, apolipoprotein E, or apolipoprotein A-IV, and was similarly inhibited by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, dithiobisnitrobenzoate, p-hydroxymercuribenzoate, or iodoacetate as compared to human plasma enzyme. High-performance gel filtration of the culture medium revealed that the HepG2-secreted enzyme was associated with a fraction having a mean apparent molecular weight of approximately 200,000. We concluded that human hepatoma HepG2 cells synthesize and secrete lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase, which is functionally homologous to the human plasma enzyme.  相似文献   

The mechanism of hepatic catabolism of human low density lipoproteins (LDL) by human-derived hepatoma cell line HepG2 was studied. The binding of 125I-labeled LDL to HepG2 cells at 4 degrees C was time dependent and inhibited by excess unlabeled LDL. The specific binding was predominant at low concentrations of 125I-labeled LDL (less than 50 micrograms protein/ml), whereas the nonsaturable binding prevailed at higher concentrations of substrate. The cellular uptake and degradation of 125I-labeled LDL were curvilinear functions of substrate concentration. Preincubation of HepG2 cells with unlabeled LDL caused a 56% inhibition in the degradation of 125I-labeled LDL. Reductive methylation of unlabeled LDL abolished its ability to compete with 125I-labeled LDL for uptake and degradation. Chloroquine (50 microM) and colchicine (1 microM) inhibited the degradation of 125I-labeled LDL by 64% and 30%, respectively. The LDL catabolism by HepG2 cells suppressed de novo synthesis of cholesterol and enhanced cholesterol esterification; this stimulation was abolished by chloroquine. When tested at a similar content of apolipoprotein B, very low density lipoproteins (VLDL), LDL and high density lipoproteins (HDL) inhibited the catabolism of 125I-labeled LDL to the same degree, indicating that in HepG2 cells normal LDL are most probably recognized by the receptor via apolipoprotein B. The current study thus demonstrates that the catabolism of human LDL by HepG2 cells proceeds in part through a receptor-mediated mechanism.  相似文献   

The lipid content of cultured cells can be experimentally modified by supplementing the culture medium with specific lipids or by the use of phospholipases. In the case of the insulin receptor, these methods have contributed to a better understanding of lipid disorder-related diseases. Previously, our laboratory demonstrated that experimental modification of the cellular lipid composition of an insulin-sensitive rat hepatoma cell line (ZHC) resulted in an alteration in insulin receptor binding and biological action (Bruneau et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta 928 (1987) 287-296/297-304). In this paper, we have examined the effects of lipid modification in another hepatoma cell line, HepG2. Exogenous linoleic acid (LA, n-6), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, n-3) or hemisuccinate of cholesterol (CHS) was added to HepG2 cells, to create a cellular model in which membrane composition was modified. In this model, we have shown that: (1) lipids were incorporated in treated HepG2 cells, but redistributed differently when compared to treated ZHC cells; (2) that insulin signaling events, such as insulin receptor autophosphorylation and the phosphorylation of the major insulin receptor substrate (IRS-1) were altered in response to the addition of membrane lipids or cholesterol derived components; and (3) different lipids affected insulin receptor signaling differently. We have also shown that the loss of insulin receptor autophosphorylation in CHS-treated cells can be correlated with a decreased sensitivity to insulin. Overall, the results suggest that the lipid environment of the insulin receptor may play an important role in insulin signal transduction.  相似文献   

A 24h pretreatment of the human hepatoma cell line HepG2 with dibutyryl cyclic AMP in the presence of theophylline induced a dose dependent decrease in low density lipoprotein binding, uptake and degradation. This effect is most likely due to a reduction of the LDL receptor number. Sterol synthesis from sodium acetate is markedly inhibited, either in the presence or absence of LDL, whereas synthesis from mevalonic acid is unchanged. Cyclic AMP also induced a decrease in hydroxy methyl glutaryl coenzyme A reductase activity. These effects of cyclic AMP might be involved in some hormonal regulation of the LDL pathway and cholesterol metabolism in the liver.  相似文献   

The catabolism of human HDL was studied in human hepatoma cell line HepG2. The binding of 125I-labeled HDL at 4 degrees C was time-dependent and reached completion within 2 h. The observed rates of binding of 125I-labeled HDL at 4 degrees C and uptake and degradation at 37 degrees C indicated the presence of both high-affinity and low-affinity binding sites for this lipoprotein density class. The specific binding of 125I-labeled HDL accounted for 55% of the total binding capacity. The lysosomal degradation of 125I-labeled HDL was inhibited 25 and 60% by chloroquine at 50 and 100 microM, respectively. Depolymerization of microtubules by colchicine (1 microM) inhibited the degradation of 125I-labeled HDL by 36%. Incubation of cells with HDL caused no significant change in the cellular cholesterol content or in the de novo sterol synthesis and cholesterol esterification. Binding and degradation of 125I-labeled HDL was not affected by prior incubation of cells with HDL. When added at the same protein concentration, unlabeled VLDL, LDL and HDL had similar inhibitory effects on the degradation of 125I-labeled HDL, irrespective of a short or prolonged incubation time. Reductive methylation of unlabeled HDL had no significant effect on its capacity to inhibit the 125I-labeled HDL degradation. The competition study indicated no correlation between the concentrations of apolipoproteins A-I, A-II, B, C-II, C-III, E and F in VLDL, LDL and HDL and the inhibitory effect of these lipoprotein density classes on the degradation of 125I-labeled HDL. There was, however, some association between the inhibitory effect and the levels of apolipoprotein D and C-I.  相似文献   

K Adeli  C Sinkevitch 《FEBS letters》1990,263(2):345-348
We have developed a defined medium which can maintain efficient growth of HepG2 cells sustaining the synthesis of a variety of plasma proteins including apolipoprotein B. This defined system was used to investigate long-term effects of insulin, estrogen, triiodothyronine, cholesterol, and oleate on the growth pattern of HepG2 cells and secretion rate of apolipoprotein B. Oleate and triiodothyronine caused significant increases in secretion of apolipoprotein B. The stimulatory effect of triiodothyronine was only observed after long (6 days) exposure of cells to the hormone. In contrast, insulin caused up to a 4-fold decrease in the secretion rate of apolipoprotein B during the early growth periods. This inhibitory effect appeared to be partially abolished after 6 days. Our data suggest that some important questions on regulation of apolipoprotein B expression can be addressed by the long-term culture of HepG2 cells in defined medium.  相似文献   

目的揭示丹酚酸B(Salvianolic Acid B,Sal B)对肝癌细胞株HepG2的杀伤作用。方法用不同浓度的丹酚酸B处理HepG2细胞,37℃培养24h。用RT-PCR检测促凋亡基因Bax的转录水平,并用流式细胞术检测细胞凋亡的水平。结果①100μmol/L、50μmol/L、25μmol/L等浓度的Sal B处理都能使HepG2细胞促凋亡基因bax的转录水平升高,其中100μmol/L处理组最为明显。②不同浓度的Sal B处理都能使HepG2细胞发生凋亡,其中100μmol/L处理组最为明显。结论 Sal B有促进HepG2细胞凋亡的作用。  相似文献   

Trichosanthin (TCS), a type I ribosome-inactivating protein, induces cell death in various cell types including several tumor cell lines. However, the mechanism remains largely uncharacterized. In this study, we investigated the possible mechanism underlying its cytotoxicity by using human chronic myeloid leukemia cell line K562. We found that TCS induced apoptosis in K562 cells in a time- and concentration-dependent manner and can be blocked by caspase-3 inhibitors. Interestingly, TCS treatment induced a transient elevation in intracellular calcium concentration and a slow increase in reactive oxygen species production, while calcium chelators and antioxidants had no obvious effect on TCS-induced apoptosis, suggesting that calcium changes and reactive oxygen species may not be involved in TCS-mediated apoptosis in K562 cells. Instead we found that TCS partly inhibited PKC activity. Indeed, the PKC activator, PMA, inhibited while the PKC inhibitor, calphostin c, enhanced TCS-induced apoptosis. These PKC modulators had similar effects on TCS-induced cleavage of caspase-3, and caspase-3 inhibitors prevented calphostin c-enhanced apoptosis induced by TCS. In summary, we conclude that TCS induces apoptosis in K562 cells partly via PKC inhibition and caspase-3 activation.  相似文献   

Retinol-binding protein (RBP) that is synthesized and secreted by the human hepatoma cell HepG2 has been measured using a sensitive radioimmunoassay in which RBP in media and hepatoma cell sonicates reacts identically to human serum RBP. RBP was synthesized and secreted when cells were grown in retinol-depleted as well as retinol-containing media. However, immunoreactive transthyretin (prealbumin) could not be detected in concentrated HepG2 medium. RBP secretion and accumulation per mg of cell protein could be modulated by the concentration of fetal calf serum in the growth medium: secreted RBP equaled 782 +/- 123 ng/mg of cell protein per 8 hr after preincubation with 10% fetal calf serum versus 555 +/- 86 ng/mg per 8 hr in the absence of serum, whereas RBP in cell sonicates decreased only slightly. When HepG2 cells were cultured for two or more passages in medium containing fetal calf serum depleted of retinol by ultraviolet irradiation, the amounts of RBP in the cells and released to the medium were both significantly increased. When vitamin A (90% as retinyl esters) in the form of chylomicron remnants was presented to cells, there was a significant, dose-dependent redistribution of RBP from cells to medium, both in cells grown in normal fetal calf serum and in retinol-depleted serum. These data indicate that the secretion of RBP by HepG2 can occur constitutively in the absence of retinol, but that secretion can be enhanced and regulated by retinol delivered by the chylomicron remnant.  相似文献   

1. Investigations have been carried out on the phospholipid composition, physical state and phospholipase A2 activity of plasma and microsomal membranes from HepG2 cells. 2. The results showed a great similarity in the physico-chemical properties of plasma and microsomal membranes from HepG2 cells. 3. The activity of phospholipase A2 was found to depend on the membrane physical state in both types of membranes.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that besides the LDL-receptor, hepatocytes possess an apo E or remnant receptor. To evaluate which hepatic lipoprotein receptor is involved in VLDL remnant catabolism, we studied the binding of VLDL remnants to HepG2 cells. Native VLDL was obtained from type IIb hyperlipidemic patients and treated with bovine milk lipoprotein lipase (LPL). This LPL-treated VLDL (LPL-VLDL) was used as representative for VLDL remnants. Our results show that LPL-VLDL binds with high affinity to HepG2 cells. Competition experiments showed that the binding of 125I-labelled LPL-VLDL is inhibited to about 30% of the control value by the simultaneous addition of an excess of either unlabelled LDL or LPL-VLDL. Preincubation of HepG2 cells with LDL resulted in a reduction of the binding of LDL and LPL-VLDL to 34 and 55% of the control value, whereas preincubation of the cells with heavy HDL (density between 1.16 and 1.21 g/ml) stimulated the binding of LDL and LPL-VLDL to about 230% of the control value. Preincubation of the cells with insulin (250 nM/l) also stimulated the binding of both LDL and LPL-VLDL (175 and 143% of the control value, respectively). We conclude that LPL-VLDL binds to the LDL-receptor of HepG2 cells and that no evidence has been obtained for the presence on HepG2 cells of an additional receptor that is involved in the binding of VLDL remnants.  相似文献   

The regulation of the hepatic catabolism of normal human very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDL) was studied in human-derived hepatoma cell line HepG2. Concentration-dependent binding, uptake and degradation of 125I-labeled VLDL demonstrated that the hepatic removal of these particles proceeds through both the saturable and non-saturable processes. In the presence of excess unlabeled VLDL, the specific binding of 125-labeled VLDL accounted for 72% of the total binding. The preincubation of cells with unlabeled VLDL had little effect on the expression of receptors, but reductive methylation of VLDL particles reduced their binding capacity. Chloroquine and colchicine inhibited the degradation of 125I-labeled VLDL and increased their accumulation in the cell, indicating the involvement of lysosomes and microtubuli in this process. Receptor-mediated degradation was associated with a slight (13%) reduction in de novo sterol synthesis and had no significant effect on the cellular cholesterol esterification. Competition studies demonstrated the ability of unlabeled VLDL, low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and high-density lipoproteins (HDL) to effectively compete with 125I-labeled VLDL for binding to cells. No correlation was observed between the concentrations of apolipoproteins A-I, A-II, C-I, C-II and C-III of unlabeled lipoproteins and their inhibitory effect on 125I-labeled VLDL binding. When unlabeled VLDL, LDL and HDL were added at equal contents of either apolipoprotein B or apolipoprotein E, their inhibitory effect on the binding and uptake of 125I-labeled VLDL only correlated with apolipoprotein E. Under similar conditions, the ability of unlabeled VLDL, LDL and HDL to compete with 125I-labeled LDL for binding was a direct function of only their apolipoprotein B. These results demonstrate that in HepG2 cells, apolipoprotein E is the main recognition signal for receptor-mediated binding and degradation of VLDL particles, while apolipoprotein B functions as the sole recognition signal for the catabolism of LDL. Furthermore, the lack of any substantial regulation of beta-hydroxy-beta-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase and acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase activities subsequent to VLDL degradation, in contrast to that observed for LDL catabolism, suggests that, in HepG2 cells, the receptor-mediated removal of VLDL proceeds through processes independent of those involved in LDL catabolism.  相似文献   

Our previous reports indicated that cyclic AMP response element-binding (CREB) protein was involved in the regulation of Bcl-2 expression in apoptotic HeLa cells induced by trichosanthin (TCS). Here we presented that blockade the binding site of CREB to Bcl-2 by a CRE decoy oligonucleotide abrogated the TCS-decreased Bcl-2 expression. Furthermore, overexpression of phosphorylated CREB (p-CREB) in cells transfected with p-CREB/GFP fusion construct resulted in an increase of Bcl-2 protein content, however, this increase was attenuated by TCS treatment. Therefore, this data supports the hypothesis that CREB is a possible upstream regulator of Bcl-2 in apoptotic HeLa cells induced by TCS. The study provides new insights into understanding the mechanism of TCS in the treatment of cervical cancer.  相似文献   

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