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Inferences on the active contribution of plantar flexors to the stabilisation of human standing posture have been drawn from surface electromyograms (EMGs). Surface EMGs were however often detected unilaterally, presuming the myoelectric activity from muscles in a single leg reflects the pattern of muscle activation in both legs. In this study we question whether surface EMGs detected from plantar flexor muscles in both legs provide equal estimates of the duration of activity. Arrays of surface electrodes were used to collect EMGs from gastrocnemius and soleus muscles while twelve, young male participants stood at ease for 60 s. Muscles in each leg were deemed active whenever the Root Mean Square amplitude of EMGs (40 ms epochs) detected by any channel in the arrays exceeded the noise level, defined from EMGs detected during rest. The Chi-Square statistics revealed significant differences in the relative number of active periods for both muscles in 10 out of 12 participants tested, ranging from 2% to 65% (χ2 > 17.90; P < 0.01). Pearson correlation analysis indicated side differences in the duration of gastrocnemius though not soleus activity were associated with the centre of pressure mean, lateral position (R = 0.60; P = 0.035). These results suggest therefore that surface EMGs may provide different estimates of the timing of plantar flexors’ activity if collected unilaterally during standing and that asymmetric activation may be not necessarily associated with weight distribution between limbs. Depending on the body side from which EMGs are collected, the active contribution of plantar flexors to standing stabilization may be either under- or over-valued.  相似文献   

Myoelectric fatigue typically manifests as variations in the amplitude and spectrum of surface electromyograms (EMGs). Interestingly, these variations seem to be represented locally in different muscles. In this study, we ask whether such a regional distribution of myoelectric fatigue extends to the medial gastrocnemius (MG) muscle. If the MG muscle is activated locally during fatiguing contractions, or if the most fatigable MG fibers are located at distinct muscle regions, then, the myoelectric manifestations of MG fatigue are expected to appear locally in a grid of surface electrodes. With a matrix of surface electrodes (7 × 15 single-differential EMGs) we show that myoelectric fatigue, indeed, manifests regionally in the MG muscle of 12 subjects, who exerted intermittent, fatiguing plantar flections at 50% of their maximal effort. Contrary to the root mean square amplitude, the median frequency of surface EMGs varied consistently across subjects throughout the plantar flections (P = 0.002). On average, changes in EMG spectrum were represented at 78–93 (interquartile interval) out of the 105 channels in the matrix, though with different degrees across channels. For all participants, about 29% of the channels detected significantly greater reductions in median frequency when compared to all channels in the matrix (P < 0.003). Strikingly, these channels were not sparsely distributed; they rather occupied localized skin regions across subjects. Physiologically, our results suggest that, during sub-maximal fatiguing tasks, myoelectric manifestations of MG fatigue are represented in spatially localized muscle regions. Technically, the possibility of studying myoelectric fatigue in the MG muscle appears to depend on the electrode location.  相似文献   

Circular mantle muscle of squids and cuttlefishes consists of distinct zones of aerobic and anaerobic muscle fibers that are thought to have functional roles analogous to red and white muscle in fishes. To test predictions of the functional role of the circular muscle zones during swimming, electromyograms (EMGs) in conjunction with video footage were recorded from brief squid Lolliguncula brevis (5.0-6.8 cm dorsal mantle length, 10.9-18.3 g) swimming in a flume at speeds of 3-27 cm s(-1). In one set of experiments, in which EMGs were recorded from electrodes intersecting both the central anaerobic and peripheral aerobic circular mantle muscles, electrical activity was detected during each mantle contraction at all swimming speeds, and the amplitude and frequency of responses increased with speed. In another set of experiments, in which EMGs were recorded from electrodes placed in the central anaerobic circular muscle fibers alone, electrical activity was not detected during mantle contraction until speeds of about 15 cm s(-1), when EMG activity was sporadic. At speeds greater than 15 cm s(-1), the frequency of central circular muscle activity subsequently increased with swimming speed until maximum speeds of 21-27 cm s(-1), when muscular activity coincided with the majority of mantle contractions. These results indicate that peripheral aerobic circular muscle is used for low, intermediate, and probably high speeds, whereas central anaerobic circular muscle is recruited at intermediate speeds and used progressively more with speed for powerful, unsteady jetting. This is significant because it suggests that there is specialization and efficient use of locomotive muscle in squids.  相似文献   

Biofeedback based on electromyograms (EMGs) has been recently proposed to reduce exaggerated postural activity. Whether the effect of EMG biofeedback on the targeted muscles generalizes to – or is compensated by – other muscles is still an open question we address here. Fourteen young individuals were tested in three 60 s standing trials, without and with EMG-audio feedback: (i) collectively from soleus and medial gastrocnemius and (ii) from medial gastrocnemii. The Root Mean Square (RMS) of bipolar EMGs sampled from postural muscles bilaterally was computed to assess the degree of activity and postural sway was assessed from the center of pressure (CoP). In relation to standing at naturally, EMG-audio feedback from soleus and medial gastrocnemii decreased plantar flexors’ activity (∼10 %) but at the cost of increased amplitude of tibialis anterior (∼5%) and vasti muscles (∼20 %) accompanied by a posterior shift of the mean CoP position. However, EMG-audio feedback from medial gastrocnemii reduced only plantar flexors’ activity (∼5%) when compared to standing at naturally. Current results suggest the EMG biofeedback has the potential to reduce calf muscles’ activity without loading other postural muscles especially when using medial gastrocnemii as feedback source, with implications on postural training aimed at assisting individuals in activating more efficiently postural muscles during standing.  相似文献   

Electromyography can be used to record activity from sets of muscles in awake, freely moving animals using implanted intramuscular electrodes. As a tool, EMG has a wide range of applications ranging from inferring neural processes to analyzing movement. The amplitude of the rectified and filtered electromyogram (EMG) can be used as an indirect measure of muscle activity. Although it is often tempting to correlate the EMG with muscle force, the fact that force varies more with different activation strategies than with EMG estimates must be taken into account. The purpose of this article is to provide the researcher wishing to introduce the technique of recording EMGs from conscious animals using intramuscular electrodes with a step-by-step guide. It includes details on the manufacture of electromyograph electrodes, recording, and analysis considerations along with a section on solving common problems. For the sake of clarity, this article focuses on using the cat as a model and on the implantation of hindlimb muscles with intramuscular wire electrodes. However, the procedures can be adapted for use on other striated muscles and species.  相似文献   

Interpretation of surface electromyograms (EMG) is usually based on the assumption that the surface representation of action potentials does not change during their propagation. This assumption does not hold for muscles whose fibers are oblique to the skin. Consequently, the interpretation of surface EMGs recorded from pinnate muscles unlikely prompts from current knowledge. Here we present a complete analytical model that supports the interpretation of experimental EMGs detected from muscles with oblique architecture. EMGs were recorded from the medial gastrocnemius muscle during voluntary and electrically elicited contractions. Preliminary indications obtained from simulated and experimental signals concern the spatial localization of surface potentials and the myoelectric fatigue. Specifically, the spatial distribution of surface EMGs was localized about the fibers superficial extremity. Strikingly, this localization increased with the pinnation angle, both for the simulated EMGs and the recorded M-waves. Moreover, the average rectified value (ARV) and the mean frequency (MNF) of interference EMGs increased and decreased with simulated fatigue, respectively. The degree of variation in ARV and MNF did not depend on the pinnation angle simulated. Similar variations were observed for the experimental EMGs, although being less evident for a higher fiber inclination. These results are discussed on a physiological context, highlighting the relevance of the model proposed here for the interpretation of gastrocnemius EMGs and for conceiving future experiments on muscles with pinnate geometry.  相似文献   

Several skeletal muscles can be divided into sub-modules, called neuromuscular compartments (NMCs), which are thought to be controlled independently and to have distinct biomechanical functions. We looked for distinct muscle activation patterns in the triceps surae muscle (TS) using surface electromyography (EMG) during voluntary contraction. Nine subjects performed isometric and isotonic plantar flexions combined with forces along pre-defined directions. Besides the forces under the ball of the foot, multi-channel surface EMG was measured with electrodes homogeneously distributed over the entire TS. Using principal component analysis, common (global) components were omitted from the EMG signals, thereby estimating muscle activity sufficiently accurate to track fine fluctuations of force during an isotonic contraction (r = 0.80 ± 0.09). A subsequent cluster analysis showed a topographical organization of co-activated parts of the muscle that was different between subjects. Low and negative correlations between the EMG activity within clusters were found, indicating a substantial heterogeneity of TS activation. The correlations between cluster time series and forces at the foot in specific directions differed substantially between clusters, showing that the differentially activated parts of the TS had specific biomechanical functions.  相似文献   

Electromyograms (EMGs) are measured by bipolar surface electrodes that quantify potential differences. Bipolar potentials over penniform muscles may be associated with errors. Our assumption was that muscle activity can be quantified more reliably and with a higher spatial resolution using current measurements.The purpose of this work is: (a) to introduce the concept of current measurements to detect muscle activity, (b) to show the coherences observed over a segment of a typical penniform muscle, the gastrocnemius medialis where one would expect a synchronicity of the activation, and (c) to show the amount of mixing that is caused by the finite inter electrode resistance.A current amplifier was developed. EMGs were recorded at 40% of maximum voluntary contraction during isometric contractions of the gastrocnemius medialis. EMGs of twelve persons were recorded with an array of four peripheral and one central electrode. Monopolar EMGs were recorded for “all-potential”, “center at current” and “all-current” conditions. Coherence revealed the similarity of signals recorded from neighboring electrodes.Coherence was high for the “all-potential”, significant for the “current at center” condition and disappeared in the “all-current” condition.It was concluded that EMG array recordings strongly depends on the measurement configuration. The proposed current amplifier significantly improves spatial resolution of EMG array recordings because the inter-electrode cross talk is reduced.  相似文献   

Electromyography readings (EMGs) from quadriceps of fifteen subjects were recorded during whole body vibration treatment at different frequencies (10–50 Hz). Additional electrodes were placed on the patella to monitor the occurrence of motion artifact, triaxial accelerometers were placed onto quadriceps to monitor motion. Signal spectra revealed sharp peaks corresponding to vibration frequency and its harmonics, in accordance with the accelerometer data. EMG total power was compared to that associated with vibration harmonics narrow bands, before and during vibration. On average, vibration associated power resulted in only 3% (±0.9%) of the total power prior to vibration and 29% (±13.4%) during vibration. Often, studies employ surface EMG to quantitatively evaluate vibration evoked muscular activity and to set stimulation frequency. However, previous research has not accounted for motion artifacts. The data presented in this study emphasize the need for the removal of motion artifacts, as they consistently affect RMS estimation, which is often used as a concise muscle activity index during vibrations. Such artifacts, rather unpredictable in amplitude, might be the cause of large inter-study differences and must be eliminated before analysis. Motion artifact filtering will contribute to thorough and precise interpretation of neuromuscular response to vibration treatment.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to evaluate the use of cross-correlation analysis between simulated surface electromyograms (EMGs) of two muscles to quantify motor unit synchronization. The volume conductor simulated a cylindrical limb with two muscles and bone, fat, and skin tissues. Models of two motor neuron pools were used to simulate 120 s of surface EMG that were detected over both muscles. Short-term synchrony was established using a phenomenological model that aligned the discharge times of selected motor units within and across muscles to simulate physiological levels of motor unit synchrony. The correlation between pairs of surface EMGs was estimated as the maximum of the normalized cross-correlation function. After imposing four levels of motor unit synchrony across muscles, five parameters were varied concurrently in the two muscles to examine their influence on the correlation between the surface EMGs: 1) excitation level (5, 10, 15, and 50% of maximum); 2) muscle size (350 and 500 motor units); 3) fat thickness (1 and 4 mm); 4) skin conductivity (0.1 and 1 S/m); and 5) mean motor unit conduction velocity (2.5 and 4 m/s). Despite a constant and high level of motor unit synchronization among pairs of motor units across the two muscles, the cross-correlation index ranged from 0.08 to 0.56, with variation in the five parameters. For example, cross-correlation of EMGs from pairs of hand muscles, each having thin layers of subcutaneous fat and mean motor unit conduction velocities of 4 m/s, may be relatively insensitive to the level of synchronization across muscles. In contrast, cross-correlation of EMGs from pairs of leg muscles, with larger fat thickness, may exhibit a different sensitivity. These results indicate that cross correlation of the surface EMGs from two muscles provides a limited measure of the level of synchronization between motor units in the two muscles.  相似文献   

The relationship between diaphragm electromyogram (EMG), isometric force, and length was studied in the canine diaphragm strip with intact blood supply and innervation under three conditions: supramaximal tetanic (100 Hz) phrenic nerve stimulation (STPS; n = 12), supramaximal phrenic stimulation at 25 Hz (n = 15), and submaximal phrenic stimulation at 25 Hz (n = 5). In the same preparation, the EMG-length relationship was also examined with direct muscle stimulation when the neuromuscular junction was blocked. EMG from three different sites and via two types of electrodes (direct or sewn-in and surface) were recorded during isometric contraction at different lengths. Direct EMGs were recorded from two bipolar electrodes sutured into the strip, one near its central end and the other near its costal end. A third EMG electrode configuration summed potentials from the whole strip by recording potentials between central and costal sites. Surface EMGs were recorded by a bipolar spring clip electrode that made contact with upper and lower surfaces of the muscle strip with light pressure. In all conditions of stimulation with different types of electrodes, all EMGs decreased significantly (P less than 0.05) when muscle length was changed from 50 to 120% of resting length (L0). Minimal and maximal force outputs were observed at 50 and 120% of L0, respectively, in all experiments. The results of this study indicated that the muscle length is a significant variable that affects the EMG recording and that the diaphragmatic EMG may not be an accurate reflection of phrenic nerve activity.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The role of muscle activation in both pathological and spastic populations is of interest for understanding central nervous system function. Muscle activation patterns may provide insight into pathological changes compared to healthy controls. To gain a better understanding of surgical interventions, gait muscle activation patterns are studied before and after surgery. Previous studies using surface electromyography have indicated that muscle activation onset, time to peak, and peak amplitude may be helpful in assessing the neuromuscular control strategy that underlies pathological populations. Geometric artifact may influence electromyographic variables as recorded by different electrode types and electrode placement. The purpose of this investigation was to compare surface and fine-wire activation patterns during gait to elucidate the influence electrode type has on electromyographic variables. Lower leg surface and fine-wire electromyographic activity was recorded simultaneously during gait to assess if electrode type (fine-wire vs. surface) affects muscle onset, time to peak, peak amplitude, and activation patterns. No significant differences were recorded between surface and fine-wire electrodes for muscle onset or time to peak activation. Activation patterns revealed similarity between electrodes. Some significant differences were detected in peak amplitude. Non-invasive surface electrodes provide an adequate representation of timing variables for primary ankle muscles during gait.  相似文献   

The apparently continuous flow of bird song is in reality punctuated by brief periods of silence during which there are short inspirations called minibreaths. To determine whether these minibreaths are accompanied, and thus perhaps caused, by activity in inspiratory muscles, electromyographic (EMG) activity was recorded in M. scalenus in zebra finches and in M. scalenus and Mm. levatores costarum in cowbirds, together with EMGs from the abdominal expiratory muscles, air sac pressure and tracheal airflow. EMG activity in Mm. scalenus and levatores costarum consistently preceded the onset of negative air sac pressure by ∼11 ms during both quiet respiration and singing in both species. The electrical activity of these two muscles was very similar. Compared with during quiet respiration, the amplitude of inspiratory muscle EMG during singing was increased between five- and 12-fold and its duration was decreased from >200 ms to on average 41 ms during minibreaths, again for both species, but inspiratory muscle activity did not overlap with that of the expiratory muscles. Thus, there was no indication that the inspiratory muscles acted either to shorten the duration of expiration or to reduce the expiratory effort as might occur if both expiratory and inspiratory muscles were simultaneously active. Inspiratory and expiratory muscle activities were highly stereotyped during song to the extent that together, they defined the temporal pattern of the songs and song types of individual birds. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 36: 441–453, 1998  相似文献   

Neural control of embryonic acetylcholine receptor and skeletal muscle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The manner by which motor neurons exert control over the distribution and number of acetylcholine receptors, and muscle development was investigated in the superior oblique muscle of white Peking duck embryos. Clusters of receptors in the normally developing muscle first appeared on day 10 of incubation as determined with I125 alpha-bungarotoxin autoradiography. The initial appearance of receptor clusters coincided with the arrival of motor nerve fibers in the muscle. Clusters of receptors also appeared in normal fashion in muscles made aneural by destruction of motor neurons on day 7. But after day 14 these clusters had disappeared and no new clusters were seen thereafter in the aneural muscle. Receptor clusters persisted throughout development in muscle in which neuromuscular transmission was blocked with either curare or botulinum toxin and in muscles denervated on day 10.5, i.e., shortly after the initial nerve-muscle contact but prior to the onset of muscle activity. A progressive increase in the total number of receptors and in the total amount of protein occurred during the course of normal development. However, the specific activity of the receptor protein declined sharply following innervation on day 10. The total number of receptors and the specific activity of the receptor was affected depending on whether the motor neurons were destroyed before or after innervation and following chronic blockade of neuromuscular transmission. The half-life of the receptor protein was similar in normal, aneural, and paralyzed muscles (26, 25, 26 h, respectively). Measurements of total protein indicated that essentially no muscle growth occurred in the complete absence of innervation. Paralyzed muscles continued to develop but at a slower pace.  相似文献   

Motor unit action potentials (MUAPs) of brachial biceps were simulated. A simulated MUAP was obtained as a sum of single fibre action potentials (SFAPs) from all the muscle fibres of a motor unit (MU). The influence of the following factors on MUAP shape for different kinds of recording electrode was studied: fibre density, neuromuscular jitter, temporal dispersion and electrode displacements. The simulation confirms that typical MUAPs recorded with needle electrodes from muscles of low fibre density such as brachial biceps are usually triphasic. Increased fibre density produces MUAPs of more complex shape and higher amplitude. Normal neuromuscular jitter is responsible for the variability of shape of subsequent potentials from the same MU as well as for electromyographic shimmer. Pathologic (increased) jitter makes the shapes of subsequent potentials unrecognizable. The influence of temporal dispersion is interconnected with other factors but rather of minor importance. The simulation shows how big changes in MUAP shape can be expected due to electrode displacements during single experiment or during estimation of MU territory.  相似文献   

A.  K.  P.J.  C.  J.S.  L.L.  H.B.  M.K.  G.  K.   《Journal of electromyography and kinesiology》2009,19(5):896-902
Task-dependent differences in relative activity between “functional” subdivisions within human muscles are well documented. Contrary, independent voluntary control of anatomical subdivisions, termed neuromuscular compartments is not observed in human muscles. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to investigate whether subdivisions within the human trapezius can be independently activated by voluntary command using biofeedback guidance. Bipolar electromyographical electrodes were situated on four subdivisions of the trapezius muscle. The threshold for “active” and “rest” for each subdivision was set to >12% and <1.5% of the maximal electromyographical amplitude recorded during a maximal voluntary contraction. After 1 h with biofeedback from each of the four trapezius subdivisions, 11 of 15 subjects learned selective activation of at least one of the four anatomical subdivisions of the trapezius muscle. All subjects managed to voluntarily activate the lower subdivisions independently from the upper subdivisions. Half of the subjects succeeded to voluntarily activate both upper subdivisions independently from the two lower subdivisions. These findings show that anatomical subdivisions of the human trapezius muscle can be independently activated by voluntary command, indicating neuromuscular compartmentalization of the trapezius muscle. The independent activation of the upper and lower subdivisions of the trapezius is in accordance with the selective innervation by the fine cranial and main branch of the accessory nerve to the upper and lower subdivisions. These findings provide new insight into motor control characteristics, learning possibilities, and function of the clinically relevant human trapezius muscle.  相似文献   

Electromyographic activity of erector spinae, external oblique, and rectus abdominis muscles was studied during relaxed standing compared to lying down. Activity in the forearm extensors and forearm flexors was also studied. Surface electrodes were used. Each of the torso muscles exhibited 0.2 microV of activity and the forearm muscles 0.1 microV while subjects were relaxed and lying down. During quiet standing the erector spinae, external oblique, and rectus abdominis muscles showed a median activity of 1.0 microV, 2.5 microV, and 0.7 microV respectively (for a minimum of ten 10-sec samples per subject). Examination of the integrated records during standing revealed no periods without increased muscle activity in the torso muscles. By contrast, activity in the forearm muscles did not increase during standing. The major superficial muscles of posture in the torso appear to act as guy wires, being continually active during standing. There is no support for hypotheses of passive support for the torso, nor do torso muscles act in either/or fashion; both anterior and posterior muscles are active at once. There is no sign of generally increased muscle tone in all muscles or in extensors; only the postural muscles are continuously active.  相似文献   

Muscle fiber conduction velocity (CV) is commonly estimated from surface electromyograms (EMGs) collected with electrodes parallel to muscle fibers. If electrodes and muscle fibers are not located in parallel planes, CV estimates are biased towards values far over the physiological range. In virtue of their pinnate architecture, the fibers of muscles such as the gastrocnemius are hardly aligned in planes parallel to surface electrodes. Therefore, in this study we investigate whether physiological CV estimates can be obtained from the gastrocnemius muscle. Specifically, with a large grid of 16 × 8 electrodes we map CV estimates over the whole gastrocnemius muscle while eleven subjects exerted isometric plantar flexions at three different force levels. CV was estimated for couples of single differential EMGs and estimate locations (i.e., channels) were classified as physiological and non-physiological, depending on whether CV estimates were within the physiological range (3–6 ms?1) or not. Physiological CV values could be estimated from a markedly small muscle region for eight participants; channels providing physiological CV estimates corresponded to about 5% of the total number of channels. As expected, physiological and non-physiological channels were clustered in distinct regions. CV estimates within the physiological range were obtained for the most distal gastrocnemius portion (ANOVA, P < 0.001), where occurrences of propagating potentials were often verified through visual analysis. For the first time, this study shows that CV might be reliably assessed from surface EMGs collected from the most distal gastrocnemius region.  相似文献   

The neuromuscular control of the hindlimb of American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) walking on a treadmill was analyzed using simultaneous electromyography (EMG) and cineradiography. EMG and kinematic data were integrated with myological information to discern the interplay of muscles mediating hip and knee movement during the high walk. Twelve muscles, subdivided into 23 individual heads, cross the hip joint of Alligator. Activity patterns of 12 heads of 11 hip muscles and one knee muscle were recorded and quantified. An additional five heads from four muscles were recorded in single individuals. During the stance phase, the caudofemoralis longus prevents hip flexion and actively shortens to retract the femur through an arc of 60–80°. At the same time, the adductor femoris 1 and pubo-ischio-tibialis control femoral abduction. The knee is extended 30–40° during stance by contraction of the femoro-tibialis internus. These stance phase muscles often produce discontinuous, periodic EMG signals within their normal burst profile. In late stance and early swing, the ilio-fibularis and the pubo-ischio-tibialis are responsible for flexing the knee. The limb is protracted by the pubo-ischio-femoralis internus 2 and pubo-ischio-femoralis externus 2, which flex the hip. The ilio-femoralis abducts the limb during swing to suspend it above the tread. The role of the ambiens 1, which is active in midswing, is unclear. The ilio-tibialis 2, flexor-tibialis externus and flexor-tibialis internus 2 yield sporadic, low amplitude EMGs; these muscles are recruited at a very low level, if at all, during the slow high walk. Although EMGs do not conclusively delineate muscle function, activity patterns are particularly helpful in elucidating the complex interaction of muscular heads in this system. J. Morphol. 234:197–212, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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