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The weakness of hip abductor muscles is related to lower-limb joint osteoarthritis, and joint overloading may increase the risk for disease progression. The relationship between muscle strength, structural joint deterioration and joint loading makes the latter an important parameter in the study of onset and follow-up of the disease. Since the relationship between hip abductor weakness and joint loading still remains an open question, the purpose of this study was to adopt a probabilistic modeling approach to give insights into how the weakness of hip abductor muscles, in the extent to which normal gait could be unaltered, affects ipsilateral joint contact forces. A generic musculoskeletal model was scaled to each healthy subject included in the study, and the maximum force-generating capacity of each hip abductor muscle in the model was perturbed to evaluate how all physiologically possible configurations of hip abductor weakness affected the joint contact forces during walking. In general, the muscular system was able to compensate for abductor weakness. The reduced force-generating capacity of the abductor muscles affected joint contact forces to a mild extent, with 50th percentile mean differences up to 0.5 BW (maximum 1.7 BW). There were greater increases in the peak knee joint loads than in loads at the hip or ankle. Gluteus medius, particularly the anterior compartment, was the abductor muscle with the most influence on hip and knee loads. Further studies should assess if these increases in joint loading may affect initiation and progression of osteoarthritis.  相似文献   

Muscles are significant contributors to the high joint forces developed in the knee during human walking. Not only do muscles contribute to the knee joint forces by acting to compress the joint, but they also develop joint forces indirectly through their contributions to the ground reaction forces via dynamic coupling. Thus, muscles can have significant contributions to forces at joints they do not span. However, few studies have investigated how the major lower-limb muscles contribute to the knee joint contact forces during walking. The goal of this study was to use a muscle-actuated forward dynamics simulation of walking to identify how individual muscles contribute to the axial tibio-femoral joint force. The simulation results showed that the vastii muscles are the primary contributors to the axial joint force in early stance while the gastrocnemius is the primary contributor in late stance. The tibio-femoral joint force generated by these muscles was at times greater than the muscle forces themselves. Muscles that do not cross the knee joint (e.g., the gluteus maximus and soleus) also have significant contributions to the tibio-femoral joint force through their contributions to the ground reaction forces. Further, small changes in walking kinematics (e.g., knee flexion angle) can have a significant effect on the magnitude of the knee joint forces. Thus, altering walking mechanics and muscle coordination patterns to utilize muscle groups that perform the same biomechanical function, yet contribute less to the knee joint forces may be an effective way to reduce knee joint loading during walking.  相似文献   

The emu is a large, (bipedal) flightless bird that potentially can be used to study various orthopaedic disorders in which load protection of the experimental limb is a limitation of quadrupedal models. An anatomy-based analysis of normal emu walking gait was undertaken to determine hip contact forces for comparison with human data. Kinematic and kinetic data captured for two laboratory-habituated emus were used to drive the model. Muscle attachment data were obtained by dissection, and bony geometries were obtained by CT scan. Inverse dynamics calculations at all major lower-limb joints were used in conjunction with optimization of muscle forces to determine hip contact forces. Like human walking gait, emu ground reaction forces showed a bimodal distribution over the course of the stance phase. Two-bird averaged maximum hip contact force was approximately 5.5 times body weight, directed nominally axially along the femur. This value is only modestly larger than optimization-based hip contact forces reported in literature for humans. The interspecies similarity in hip contact forces makes the emu a biomechanically attractive animal in which to model loading-dependent human orthopaedic hip disorders.  相似文献   

Impaired control of mediolateral body motion during walking is an important health concern. Developing treatments to improve mediolateral control is challenging, partly because the mechanisms by which muscles modulate mediolateral ground reaction force (and thereby modulate mediolateral acceleration of the body mass center) during unimpaired walking are poorly understood. To investigate this, we examined mediolateral ground reaction forces in eight unimpaired subjects walking at four speeds and determined the contributions of muscles, gravity, and velocity-related forces to the mediolateral ground reaction force by analyzing muscle-driven simulations of these subjects. During early stance (0-6% gait cycle), peak ground reaction force on the leading foot was directed laterally and increased significantly (p<0.05) with walking speed. During early single support (14-30% gait cycle), peak ground reaction force on the stance foot was directed medially and increased significantly (p<0.01) with speed. Muscles accounted for more than 92% of the mediolateral ground reaction force over all walking speeds, whereas gravity and velocity-related forces made relatively small contributions. Muscles coordinate mediolateral acceleration via an interplay between the medial ground reaction force contributed by the abductors and the lateral ground reaction forces contributed by the knee extensors, plantarflexors, and adductors. Our findings show how muscles that contribute to forward progression and body-weight support also modulate mediolateral acceleration of the body mass center while weight is transferred from one leg to another during double support.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to analyze the unimpaired control of the trunk during walking. Studying the unimpaired control of the trunk reveals characteristics of good control. These characteristics can be pursued in the rehabilitation of impaired control. Impaired control of the trunk during walking is associated with aging and many movement disorders. This is a concern as it is considered to increase fall risk. Muscles that contribute to the trunk control in normal walking may also contribute to it under perturbation circumstances, attempting to prevent an impending fall. Knowledge of such muscles can be used to rehabilitate impaired control of the trunk. Here, angular accelerations of the trunk induced by individual muscles, in the sagittal and frontal planes, were calculated using 3D muscle-driven simulations of seven young healthy subjects walking at free speed. Analysis of the simulations demonstrated that the abdominal and back muscles displayed large contributions throughout the gait cycle both in the sagittal and frontal planes. Proximal lower-limb muscles contributed more than distal muscles in the sagittal plane, while both proximal and distal muscles showed large contributions in the frontal plane. Along with the stance-limb muscles, the swing-limb muscles also exhibited considerable contribution. The gluteus medius was found to be an important individual frontal-plane control muscle; enhancing its function in pathologies could ameliorate gait by attenuating trunk sway. In addition, since gravity appreciably accelerated the trunk in the frontal plane, it may engender excessive trunk sway in pathologies.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the relative contributions of the deltoid and rotator cuff muscles to glenohumeral joint stability during arm abduction. A three-dimensional model of the upper limb was used to calculate the muscle and joint-contact forces at the shoulder for abduction in the scapular plane. The joints of the shoulder girdle-sternoclavicular joint, acromioclavicular joint, and glenohumeral joint-were each represented as an ideal three degree-of-freedom ball-and-socket joint. The articulation between the scapula and thorax was modeled using two kinematic constraints. Eighteen muscle bundles were used to represent the lines of action of 11 muscle groups spanning the glenohumeral joint. The three-dimensional positions of the clavicle, scapula, and humerus during abduction were measured using intracortical bone pins implanted into one subject. The measured bone positions were inputted into the model, and an optimization problem was solved to calculate the forces developed by the shoulder muscles for abduction in the scapular plane. The model calculations showed that the rotator cuff muscles (specifically, supraspinatus, subscapularis, and infraspinatus) by virtue of their lines of action are perfectly positioned to apply compressive load across the glenohumeral joint, and that these muscles contribute most significantly to shoulder joint stability during abduction. The middle deltoid provides most of the compressive force acting between the humeral head and the glenoid, but this muscle also creates most of the shear, and so its contribution to joint stability is less than that of any of the rotator cuff muscles.  相似文献   

Many children with cerebral palsy walk with diminished knee extension during terminal swing, at speeds much slower than unimpaired children. Treatment of these gait abnormalities is challenging because the factors that extend the knee during normal walking, over a range of speeds, are not well understood. This study analyzed a series of three-dimensional, muscle-driven dynamic simulations to determine whether the relative contributions of individual muscles and other factors to angular motions of the swing-limb knee vary with walking speed. Simulations were developed that reproduced the measured gait dynamics of seven unimpaired children walking at self-selected, fast, slow, and very slow speeds (7 subjects×4 speeds=28 simulations). In mid-swing, muscles on the stance limb made the largest net contribution to extension of the swing-limb knee at all speeds examined. The stance-limb hip abductors, in particular, accelerated the pelvis upward, inducing reaction forces at the swing-limb hip that powerfully extended the knee. Velocity-related forces (i.e., Coriolis and centrifugal forces) also contributed to knee extension in mid-swing, though these contributions were diminished at slower speeds. In terminal swing, the hip flexors and other muscles on the swing-limb decelerated knee extension at the subjects’ self-selected, slow, and very slow speeds, but had only a minimal net effect on knee motions at the fastest speeds. Muscles on the stance limb helped brake knee extension at the subjects’ fastest speeds, but induced a net knee extension acceleration at the slowest speeds. These data—which show that the contributions of muscular and velocity-related forces to terminal-swing knee motions vary systematically with walking speed—emphasize the need for speed-matched control subjects when attempting to determine the causes of a patient's abnormal gait.  相似文献   



Sit-to-stand movements are a necessary part of daily life, and excessive mechanical stress on the articular cartilage has been reported to encourage the progression of osteoarthritis. Although a change in hip joint angle at seat-off may affect hip joint contact force during a sit-to-stand movement, the effect is unclear. This study aimed to examine the effect of the hip joint angle at seat-off on the hip joint contact force during a sit-to-stand movement by using a computer simulation.


A musculoskeletal model was created for the computer simulation, and eight muscles were attached to each lower limb. Various sit-to-stand movements were generated using parameters (e.g., seat height and time from seat-off to standing posture) reported by previous studies. The hip joint contact force for each sit-to-stand movement was calculated. Furthermore, the effect of the hip joint angle at seat-off on the hip joint contact force during the sit-to-stand movement was examined. In this study, as the changes to the musculoskeletal model parameters affect the hip joint contact force, a sensitivity analysis was conducted.

Results and conclusions

The hip joint contact force during the sit-to-stand movement increased approximately linearly as the hip flexion angle at the seat-off increased. Moreover, the normal sit-to-stand movement and the sit-to-stand movement yielding a minimum hip joint contact force were approximately equivalent. The effect of the changes to the musculoskeletal model parameters on the main findings of this study was minimal. Thus, the main findings are robust and may help prevent the progression of hip osteoarthritis by decreasing mechanical stress, which will be explored in future studies.

The mechanics of the knee joint in relation to normal walking   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20  

Pattern of anterior cruciate ligament force in normal walking   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The goal of this study was to calculate and explain the pattern of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) loading during normal level walking. Knee-ligament forces were obtained by a two-step procedure. First, a three-dimensional (3D) model of the whole body was used together with dynamic optimization theory to calculate body-segmental motions, ground reaction forces, and leg-muscle forces for one cycle of gait. Joint angles, ground reaction forces, and muscle forces obtained from the gait simulation were then input into a musculoskeletal model of the lower limb that incorporated a 3D model of the knee. The relative positions of the femur, tibia, and patella and the forces induced in the knee ligaments were found by solving a static equilibrium problem at each instant during the simulated gait cycle. The model simulation predicted that the ACL bears load throughout stance. Peak force in the ACL (303 N) occurred at the beginning of single-leg stance (i.e., contralateral toe off). The pattern of ACL force was explained by the shear forces acting at the knee. The balance of muscle forces, ground reaction forces, and joint contact forces applied to the leg determined the magnitude and direction of the total shear force acting at the knee. The ACL was loaded whenever the total shear force pointed anteriorly. In early stance, the anterior shear force from the patellar tendon dominated the total shear force applied to the leg, and so maximum force was transmitted to the ACL at this time. ACL force was small in late stance because the anterior shear forces supplied by the patellar tendon, gastrocnemius, and tibiofemoral contact were nearly balanced by the posterior component of the ground reaction.  相似文献   

Stiff-knee gait is a common walking problem in cerebral palsy characterized by insufficient knee flexion during swing. To identify factors that may limit knee flexion in swing, it is necessary to understand how unimpaired subjects successfully coordinate muscles and passive dynamics (gravity and velocity-related forces) to accelerate the knee into flexion during double support, a critical phase just prior to swing that establishes the conditions for achieving sufficient knee flexion during swing. It is also necessary to understand how contributions to swing initiation change with walking speed, since patients with stiff-knee gait often walk slowly. We analyzed muscle-driven dynamic simulations of eight unimpaired subjects walking at four speeds to quantify the contributions of muscles, gravity, and velocity-related forces (i.e. Coriolis and centrifugal forces) to preswing knee flexion acceleration during double support at each speed. Analysis of the simulations revealed contributions from muscles and passive dynamics varied systematically with walking speed. Preswing knee flexion acceleration was achieved primarily by hip flexor muscles on the preswing leg with assistance from biceps femoris short head. Hip flexors on the preswing leg were primarily responsible for the increase in preswing knee flexion acceleration during double support with faster walking speed. The hip extensors and abductors on the contralateral leg and velocity-related forces opposed preswing knee flexion acceleration during double support.  相似文献   

Abnormal or excessive force on the anterior hip joint may cause anterior hip pain, subtle hip instability and a tear of the acetabular labrum. We propose that both the pattern of muscle force and hip joint position can affect the magnitude of anterior joint force and thus possibly lead to excessive force and injury. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of hip joint position and of weakness of the gluteal and iliopsoas muscles on anterior hip joint force. We used a musculoskeletal model to estimate hip joint forces during simulated prone hip extension and supine hip flexion under four different muscle force conditions and across a range of hip extension and flexion positions. Weakness of specified muscles was simulated by decreasing the modeled maximum force value for the gluteal muscles during hip extension and the iliopsoas muscle during hip flexion. We found that decreased force contribution from the gluteal muscles during hip extension and the iliopsoas muscle during hip flexion resulted in an increase in the anterior hip joint force. The anterior hip joint force was greater when the hip was in extension than when the hip was in flexion. Further studies are warranted to determine if increased utilization of the gluteal muscles during hip extension and of the iliopsoas muscle during hip flexion, and avoidance of hip extension beyond neutral would be beneficial for people with anterior hip pain, subtle hip instability, or an anterior acetabular labral tear.  相似文献   

Hip loading affects bone remodeling and implant fixation. In this study, we have analyzed the effect of subject-specific modeling of hip geometry on muscle activation patterns and hip contact forces during gait, using musculoskeletal modeling, inverse dynamic analysis and static optimization. We first used sensitivity analysis to analyze the effect of isolated changes in femoral neck-length (NL) and neck-shaft angle (NSA) on calculated muscle activations and hip contact force during the stance phase of gait. A deformable generic musculoskeletal model was adjusted incrementally to adopt a physiological range of NL and NSA. In a second similar analysis, we adjusted hip geometry to the measurements from digitized radiographs of 20 subjects with primary hip osteoarthrosis. Finally, we studied the effect of hip abductor weakness on muscle activation patterns and hip contact force. This analysis showed that differences in NL (41-74 mm) and NSA (113-140 degrees ) affect the muscle activation of the hip abductors during stance phase and hence hip contact force by up to three times body weight. In conclusion, the results from both the sensitivity and subject-specific analysis showed that at the moment of peak contact force, altered NSA has only a minor effect on the loading configuration of the hip. Increased NL, however, results in an increase of the three hip contact-force components and a reduced vertical loading. The results of these analyses are essential to understand modified hip joint loading, and for planning hip surgery for patients with osteoarthrosis.  相似文献   

Individuals with unilateral transtibial amputations have greater prevalence of osteoarthritis in the intact knee joint relative to the residual leg and non-amputees, but the cause of this greater prevalence is unclear. The purpose of this study was to compare knee joint contact forces and the muscles contributing to these forces between amputees and non-amputees during walking using forward dynamics simulations. We predicted that the intact knee contact forces would be higher than those of the residual leg and non-amputees. In the axial and mediolateral directions, the intact and non-amputee legs had greater peak tibio-femoral contact forces and impulses relative to the residual leg. The peak axial contact force was greater in the intact leg relative to the non-amputee leg, but the stance phase impulse was greater in the non-amputee leg. The vasti and hamstrings muscles in early stance and gastrocnemius in late stance were the largest contributors to the joint contact forces in the non-amputee and intact legs. Through dynamic coupling, the soleus and gluteus medius also had large contributions, even though they do not span the knee joint. In the residual leg, the prosthesis had large contributions to the joint forces, similar to the soleus in the intact and non-amputee legs. These results identify the muscles that contribute to knee joint contact forces during transtibial amputee walking and suggest that the peak knee contact forces may be more important than the knee contact impulses in explaining the high prevalence of intact leg osteoarthritis.  相似文献   

Walking is a motor task requiring coordination of many muscles. Previous biomechanical studies, based primarily on analyses of the net ankle moment during stance, have concluded different functional roles for the plantar flexors. We hypothesize that some of the disparities in interpretation arise because of the effects of the uniarticular and biarticular muscles that comprise the plantar flexor group have not been separated. Furthermore, we believe that an accurate determination of muscle function requires quantification of the contributions of individual plantar flexor muscles to the energetics of individual body segments. In this study, we examined the individual contributions of the ankle plantar flexors (gastrocnemius (GAS); soleus (SOL)) to the body segment energetics using a musculoskeletal model and optimization framework to generate a forward dynamics simulation of normal walking at 1.5 m/s. At any instant in the gait cycle, the contribution of a muscle to support and forward progression was defined by its contribution to trunk vertical and horizontal acceleration, respectively, and its contribution to swing initiation by the mechanical energy it delivers to the leg in pre-swing (i.e., double-leg stance prior to toe-off). GAS and SOL were both found to provide trunk support during single-leg stance and pre-swing. In early single-leg stance, undergoing eccentric and isometric activity, they accelerate the trunk vertically but decelerate forward trunk progression. In mid single-leg stance, while isometric, GAS delivers energy to the leg while SOL decelerates it, and SOL delivers energy to the trunk while GAS decelerates it. In late single-leg stance through pre-swing, though GAS and SOL both undergo concentric activity and accelerate the trunk forward while decelerating the downward motion of the trunk (i.e., providing forward progression and support), they execute different energetic functions. The energy produced from SOL accelerates the trunk forward, whereas GAS delivers almost all its energy to accelerate the leg to initiate swing. Although GAS and SOL maintain or accelerate forward motion in mid single-leg stance through pre-swing, other muscles acting at the beginning of stance contribute comparably to forward progression. In summary, throughout single-leg stance both SOL and GAS provide vertical support, in mid single-leg stance SOL and GAS have opposite energetic effects on the leg and trunk to ensure support and forward progression of both the leg and trunk, and in pre-swing only GAS contributes to swing initiation.  相似文献   

Lower extremity muscle strength training is a focus of rehabilitation following total hip arthroplasty (THA). Strength of the hip abductor muscle group is a predictor of overall function following THA. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of hip abductor strengthening following rehabilitation on joint contact forces (JCFs) in the lower extremity and low back during a high demand step down task. Five THA patients performed lower extremity maximum isometric strength tests and a stair descent task. Patient-specific musculoskeletal models were created in OpenSim and maximum isometric strength parameters were scaled to reproduce measured pre-operative joint torques. A pre-operative forward dynamic simulation of each patient performing the stair descent was constructed using their corresponding patient-specific model to predict JCFs at the ankle, knee, hip, and low back. The hip abductor muscles were strengthened with clinically supported increases (0–30%) above pre-operative values in a probabilistic framework to predict the effects on peak JCFs (99% confidence bounds). Simulated hip abductor strengthening resulted in lower peak JCFs relative to pre-operative for all five patients at the hip (18.9–23.8 ± 16.5%) and knee (20.5–23.8 ± 11.2%). Four of the five patients had reductions at the ankle (7.1–8.5 ± 11.3%) and low back (3.5–7.0 ± 5.3%) with one patient demonstrating no change. The reduction in JCF at the hip joint and at joints other than the hip with hip abductor strengthening demonstrates the dynamic and mechanical interdependencies of the knee, hip and spine that can be targeted in early THA rehabilitation to improve overall patient function.  相似文献   

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