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We investigated sources of error in estimating steady-state O2 consumption (VO2ss) by calculating O2 uptake from an anesthesia bag containing O2, He, and N2 during 10-20 s of rebreathing (VO2rb). In 11 normal resting subjects, VO2rb calculated with end-tidal sampling overestimated VO2ss by 16 +/- 15% (SD) (P less than 0.003). This error was proportional to the increase in pulse rate during rebreathing, so that pulse-corrected VO2rb slightly underestimated VO2ss by 2.1 +/- 12.2% (P = 0.66) in the six subjects who rebreathed 28% O2 in the rebreathing bag but significantly underestimated VO2ss by 7.5 +/- 6.7% (P less than 0.04) in the six subjects who rebreathed 21% O2 in the rebreathing bag. During exercise, VO2rb underestimated VO2ss by 4 +/- 12% (P less than 0.001) and by 7 +/- 6% at O2 consumptions greater than 2,000 ml/min if O2 in the rebreathing bag was kept above 20% throughout rebreathing. We found that VO2rb calculated with end-tidal gas concentrations underestimated VO2ss by 1-43% in patients with moderate-to-severe obstructive lung disease, with even greater errors when mixed expired samples were used. The magnitude of the discrepancy correlated poorly with abnormalities in standard pulmonary function tests. Based on these data, VO2rb closely approximates VO2ss in normal subjects, provided hypoxia during rebreathing is avoided and cardiac acceleration from rebreathing is taken into account during resting measurement.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated appreciable inhomogeneity of alveolar pressures measured by a capsule technique in excised canine lobes deflated at submaximal flows (J. Appl. Physiol. 65: 1757-1765, 1988). We further analyzed the results of these experiments by estimating alveolar volumes (VA) and regional flows from regional transpulmonary pressures, assuming that regional pressure-volume relationships were homogeneous. Deflation at submaximal flows of lungs suspended in air caused significant flow-dependent inhomogeneity of VA that increased as lung volume decreased. Immersion of lungs in stable foams that simulated the gradient of pleural pressure modified the pattern of emptying, but not always to a gravity-dependent sequence. Limitation of regional expiratory flow was often asynchronous during both air suspension and foam immersion. There was no evidence of a common regional flow-volume curve. Submaximal deflation is a complex heterogeneous process, with the interregional pattern of emptying determined by the interaction of factors that are both intrinsic and extrinsic to the lungs.  相似文献   

Tracheal dimensions at total lung capacity (TLC) and residual volume (RV) were analyzed roentgenographically in 17 pairs of male adolescent twins (mean age 16.3 yr; 12 monozygotic pairs and 5 dizygotic pairs). Genetic factors dominated environmental traits in intra- as well as extrathoracic tracheal width at RV. Extrathoracic tracheal width at TLC was also governed by genetic components. Intrathoracic tracheal depth (anteroposterior diameter), length, and cross-sectional area did not seem to be genetically controlled at TLC and RV. Intrathoracic tracheal cross-sectional area increased by 14.4% and became more elliptical from RV to TLC, owing mainly to an increase in tracheal depth (16.7%). Increments from RV to TLC in tracheal depth but not width correlated with increases in lung width, depth, and height. Intrathoracic trachea was elongated 14% in association with increase in lung height from RV to TLC. At TLC, extrathoracic tracheal width was larger than intrathoracic tracheal width, but this dimension did not differ at RV. These results indicate that genetic factors influence, at least at RV, the tracheal rings more strongly than membranous parts. Intrathoracic tracheal depth but not width increases during inspiration in accordance with increase in lung volume. Extrathoracic tracheal width widens more than intrathoracic trachea from RV to TLC.  相似文献   

Factors both intrinsic and extrinsic to the lung may cause inhomogeneity of alveolar pressures during deflation. Wilson et al. (J. Appl. Physiol. 59: 1924-1928, 1985) predicted that any such inhomogeneity would be limited by interdependence of regional expiratory flows. To test this hypothesis and to explore how the pleural pressure gradient might affect inhomogeneity of alveolar pressures, we deflated at submaximal flows excised canine lobes that first were suspended in air and then were immersed in foams that simulated the vertical gradient of pleural pressure. Interregional inhomogeneity of regional transpulmonary pressures was measured with use of an alveolar capsule technique. Flow-dependent inhomogeneity of alveolar pressures was present, with differences in alveolar pressure quickly relaxing to a constant limiting value at each flow. Foam immersion increased inhomogeneity at a given flow. We conclude that factors intrinsic to the lung cause significant inhomogeneity of alveolar pressures at submaximal expiratory flows and that this inhomogeneity is enhanced by the extrinsic gradient of pleural pressure. These observations are consistent with the interdependence of flow proposed by Wilson et al.  相似文献   

The alveolar air-tissue interface affects the lung NMR signal, because it results in a susceptibility-induced magnetic field inhomogeneity. The air-tissue interface effect can be detected and quantified by measuring the difference signal (Delta) from a pair of NMR images obtained using temporally symmetric and asymmetric spin-echo sequences. The present study describes a multicompartment alveolar model (consisting of a collection of noninteracting spherical water shells) that simulates the behavior of Delta as a function of the level of lung inflation and can be used to predict the NMR response to various types of lung injury. The model was used to predict Delta as a function of the inflation level (with the assumption of sequential alveolar recruitment, partly parallel to distension) and to simulate pulmonary edema by deriving equations that describe Delta for a collection of spherical shells representing combinations of collapsed, flooded, and inflated alveoli. Our theoretical data were compared with those provided by other models and with experimental data obtained from the literature. Our results suggest that NMR Delta measurements can be used to study the mechanisms underlying the lung pressure-volume behavior, to characterize lung injury, and to assess the contributions of alveolar recruitment and distension to the lung volume changes in response to the application of positive airway pressure (e.g., positive end-expiratory pressure).  相似文献   

Iron regulatory proteins (IRPs) are cytoplasmic mRNA binding proteins involved in intracellular regulation of iron homeostasis. IRPs regulate expression of ferritin and transferrin receptor at the mRNA level by interacting with a conserved RNA structure termed the iron-responsive element (IRE). This concordant regulation of transferrin receptors and ferritin is designed so a cell can obtain iron when it is needed, and sequester iron when it is in excess. However, we have reported that iron accumulates in the brain in Alzheimer's disease without a concomitant increase in ferritin. An increase in iron without proper sequestration can increase the vulnerability of cells to oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is a component of many neurological diseases including Alzheimer's. We hypothesized that alterations in the IRP/IRE interaction could be the site at which iron mismanagement occurs in the Alzheimer's brains. In this report we demonstrate that in normal human brain extracts, the IRP is detected as a double IRE/IRP complex by RNA band shift assay, but in 2 of 6 Alzheimer's brain (AD) extracts examined a single IRE/IRP complex was obtained. Furthermore, the mobility of the single IRE/IRP complex in Alzheimer's brain extracts is decreased relative to the double IRE/IRP complex. Western blot and RNA band super shift assay demonstrate that IRP1 is involved in the formation of the single IRE/IRP complex. In vitro analyses suggest that the stability of the doublet complex and single AD complex are different. The single complex from the AD brain are more stable. A more stable IRE/IRP complex in the AD brain could increase stability of the transferrin receptor mRNA and inhibit ferritin synthesis. At the cellular level, the outcome of this alteration in the molecular regulatory mechanism would be increased iron accumulation without an increase in ferritin; identical to the observation we reported in AD brains. The appearance of the single IRE/IRP complex in Alzheimer's brain extracts is associated with relatively high endogenous ribonuclease activity. We propose that elevated RNase activity is one mechanism by which the iron regulatory system becomes dysfunctional.  相似文献   

Localized morphometric deformations of small airways and alveoli during respiration have many biomedical and physiological implications. We developed fast synchrotron radiation CT system to visualize the small airways and alveoli of an intact mouse lung without fixation and dehydration, and analyzed their localized morphometric deformations between functional residual capacity (FRC) and total lung capacity (TLC). In the diameter behavior, the averaged and range values were significantly larger for smaller airways (68.8%, range: 0.36-0.89) than larger airways (45.2%, range: 0.40-0.57). These results indicated that the airway did not deformed in same manner and that these morphological differences characterized the heterogeneous lung function.  相似文献   

Both interregional and intraregional mechanisms may cause changes in N2 concentration of expired gas during the phases of the single-breath O2 test (SBO2) that follow dead-space washout. To evaluate the possible importance of each mechanism, we performed the SBO2 in excised canine lungs that were first suspended in air and then immersed in stable foams that simulated the vertical gradient of pleural pressure. The lungs were deflated at constant submaximal flows. The slope of phase III diminished with increasing expiratory flow and increased with foam immersion. The onset of phase IV depended on flow, and a terminal decrease in N2 concentration (phase V) was often observed. Simultaneously measured estimates of regional flows and volumes (J. Appl. Physiol. 65: 1764-1774, 1988) were used to further interpret these results. The onset of phase IV at flows greater than quasi-static signified the onset of flow limitation of dependent regions. The onset of phase V corresponded to flow limitation of nondependent regions.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous, small-airway diameters and alveolar derecruitment in poorly aerated regions of normal lungs could produce ventilation heterogeneity at those anatomic levels. We modeled the washout kinetics of (13)NN with positron emission tomography to examine how specific ventilation (sV) heterogeneity at different length scales is influenced by lung aeration. Three groups of anesthetized, supine sheep were studied: high tidal volume (Vt; 18.4 ± 4.2 ml/kg) and zero end-expiratory pressure (ZEEP) (n = 6); low Vt (9.2 ± 1.0 ml/kg) and ZEEP (n = 6); and low Vt (8.2 ± 0.2 ml/kg) and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP; 19 ± 1 cmH(2)O) (n = 4). We quantified fractional gas content with transmission scans, and sV with emission scans of infused (13)NN-saline. Voxel (13)NN-washout curves were fit with one- or two-compartment models to estimate sV. Total heterogeneity, measured as SD[log(10)(sV)], was divided into length-scale ranges by measuring changes in variance of log(10)(sV), resulting from progressive filtering of sV images. High-Vt ZEEP showed higher sV heterogeneity at <12- (P < 0.01), 12- to 36- (P < 0.01), and 36- to 60-mm (P < 0.05) length scales compared with low-Vt PEEP, with low-Vt ZEEP in between. Increased heterogeneity was associated with the emergence of low sV units in poorly aerated regions, with a high correlation (r = 0.95, P < 0.001) between total heterogeneity and the fraction of lung with slow washout. Regional mean fractional gas content was inversely correlated with regional sV heterogeneity at <12- (r = -0.67), 12- to 36- (r = -0.74), and >36-mm (r = -0.72) length scales (P < 0.001). We conclude that sV heterogeneity at length scales <60 mm increases in poorly aerated regions of mechanically ventilated normal lungs, likely due to heterogeneous small-airway narrowing and alveolar derecruitment. PEEP reduces sV heterogeneity by maintaining lung expansion and airway patency at those small length scales.  相似文献   

At resting end expiration [functional residual capacity (FRC)], the actions of the left and right hemidiaphragms on the lung are synergistic. However, the synergism decreases in magnitude as muscle tension decreases. Therefore, the hypothesis was tested in anesthetized dogs that the degree of synergism between the two hemidiaphragms also decreases with increasing lung volume. In a first experiment, the changes in airway opening pressure (DeltaPao) and abdominal pressure (DeltaPab) obtained during simultaneous stimulation of the left and right phrenic nerves (measured changes in pressure) at different lung volumes were compared with the sum of the pressure changes produced by their separate stimulation (predicted changes in pressure). Although the pressure changes decreased markedly with increasing lung volume, the measured DeltaPao and DeltaPab were substantially greater than the predicted values at all lung volumes. The ratio of the measured to the predicted DeltaPao, in fact, remained constant. In a second experiment, radiographic measurements showed that the fractional shortening of the muscle during bilateral contraction at high lung volumes was similar to that during unilateral contraction. During unilateral contraction at high lung volumes, however, the passive hemidiaphragm moved in the cranial direction, whereas, during unilateral contraction at FRC, it moved in the caudal direction. These observations indicate that 1) for a given muscle tension, the synergism between the two halves of the diaphragm is greater at high lung volumes than at FRC; and 2) this difference is primarily related to the greater distortion of the muscle configuration.  相似文献   

RATIONALE AND HYPOTHESIS: Previous studies evaluating the histoarchitecture of distal airspaces have been shown to be limited by the difficulty in adequately differentiating alveoli and alveolar ducts. This limitation has been specially noticed in studies addressing lung recruitment and in situations of diffuse alveolar damage (DAD), where generic nominations for distal airspaces had to be created, such as "peripheral airspaces" (PAS) and "large-volume gas-exchanging airspaces" (LVGEA). Elastic stains have been largely used to describe normal lung structures. Weigert's resorcin-fuchsin staining (WRF) demarcates the thickened free portions of the ductal septum facilitating its recognition. We hypothesized that this staining could help in differentiating alveoli from alveolar ducts in distorted lung parenchyma. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Samples of control lungs and of DAD lungs induced by mechanical ventilation (VILI) were stained with hematoxylin-eosin (HE) and with WRF. Using morphometry we assessed the volume proportion of alveoli, alveolar ducts and LVGEA in control and VILI lungs. RESULTS: WRF stained VILI lungs showed a significant decrease in the volume proportion of LVGEA and alveoli and a significant increase in the volume proportion of alveolar ducts when compared to HE stained samples. CONCLUSION: We conclude that WRF staining is useful to distinguish alveolar ducts from alveoli in a DAD model, and suggest that it should be routinely used when morphometric studies of lung parenchyma are performed.  相似文献   

Increase of the atmospheric concentration of halogenated organic compounds is partially responsible for a change of the global climate. In this work we have investigated the interaction between halogenated ether and water, which is one of the most important constituent of the atmosphere. The structures of the complexes formed by the two most stable conformers of enflurane (a volatile anaesthetic) with one and two water molecules were calculated by means of the counterpoise CP-corrected gradient optimization at the MP2/6–311++G(d,p) level. In these complexes the CH…Ow hydrogen bonds are formed, with the H…Ow distances varying between 2.23 and 2.32 Å. A small contraction of the CH bonds and the blue shifts of the ν(CH) stretching vibrations are predicted. There is also a weak interaction between one of the F atoms and the H atom of water, with the Hw…F distances between 2.41 and 2.87 Å. The CCSD(T)/CBS calculated stabilization energies in these complexes are between ?5.89 and ?4.66 kcal?mol?1, while the enthalpies of formation are between ?4.35 and ?3.22 kcal?mol?1. The Cl halogen bonding between enflurane and water has been found in two complexes. The intermolecular (Cl···O) distance is smaller than the sum of the corresponding van der Waals radii. The CCSD(T)/CBS stabilization energies for these complexes are about ?2 kcal?mol?1.
Complex between enflurane and water molecules  相似文献   

miRNAS in normal and diseased skeletal muscle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The last 20 years have witnessed major advances in the understanding of muscle diseases and significant inroads are being made to treat muscular dystrophy. However, no curative therapy is currently available for any of the muscular dystrophies, despite the immense progress made using several approaches and only palliative and symptomatic treatment is available for patients. The discovery of miRNAs as new and important regulators of gene expression is expected to broaden our biological understanding of the regulatory mechanism in muscle by adding another dimension of regulation to the diversity and complexity of gene-regulatory networks. As important regulators of muscle development, unravelling the regulatory circuits involved may be challenging, given that a single miRNA can regulate the expression of many mRNA targets. Although the identification of the regulatory targets of miRNAs in muscle is a challenge, it will be critical for placing them in genetic pathways and biological contexts. Therefore, combining informatics, biochemical and genetic approaches will not only expected to reveal the elucidation of the miRNA regulatory network in skeletal muscle and to bring a better knowledge on muscle tissue regulation but will also raise new opportunities for therapeutic intervention in muscular dystrophies by identifying candidate miRNAs as potential targets for clinical application.  相似文献   

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