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A biogeographic study of Saxifraga section Saxifraga was performed based on phylogenetic analyses of ITS (internal transcribed spacer) sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA. ITS sequences from 21 species and 31 populations were examined to identify colonization patterns for the two species of Saxifraga occurring in Macaronesia and for S. globulifera in the west Mediterranean basin. Phylogenetic analysis of the sequence data yield a single most parsimonious tree with many of the major clades well supported by bootstrap and decay values. The ITS tree provided resolution at specific and populational levels that points to two biogeographic patterns within the genus. In contrast to the molecular evidence provided by other authors for a Mediterranean origin of several Macaronesian genera of angiosperms, our results indicate that the Madeiran archipelago was colonized a single time by a species of Saxifraga originating from the Eurosiberian region. On the other hand, the molecular evidence also suggests that populations of S. globulifera from North Africa have been isolated for a long time from populations occurring in the Iberian Peninsula, and that the endemic S. reuteriana has evolved from the Iberian populations of S. globulifera. The Mediterranean Sea has probably been an effective isolating barrier for some plant groups that occur in Europe and North Africa.  相似文献   

Aim To examine the phylogeography and population structure of three dung beetle species of the genus Trypocopris (Coleoptera, Geotrupidae). We wanted to test whether genetic differences and genealogies among populations were in accordance with morphologically described subspecies and we aimed to establish times of divergence among subspecies to depict the appropriate temporal framework of their phylogeographical differentiation. We also wished to investigate the historical demographic events and the relative influences of gene flow and drift on the distribution of genetic variability of the different populations. Location Europe (mostly Italy). Methods We collected adult males from dung pats from 15 Italian localities over the period 2000–2002. For sequence analysis, some dried specimens from Albania, Croatia, Slovakia and Spain were also used. We applied cytochrome oxidase I mitochondrial DNA sequencing and the amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique to determine whether phylogeographical patterns within the three species support the proposed hypotheses of subspecies designations, and to detect further structure among populations that might mediate diversification. Results and main conclusions The results show a high concordance between the distribution of mtDNA variation and the main morphological groups recognized as subspecies, which thus may represent independent evolutionary units. The degree of mitochondrial divergence suggests that speciation events occurred during the Pliocene, while diversification of the main subspecific lineages took place in the Pleistocene, from c. 0.3 to 1.5 Ma. Mitochondrial and nuclear data also reveal that there is phylogeographical structuring among populations within each of the main groups and that both contemporary and historical processes determined this pattern of genetic structure. Geographical populations form monophyletic clades in both phylogenetic and network reconstructions. Despite the high levels of intrapopulational diversity, FST values indicate moderate but significant genetic differentiation among populations, and a Bayesian clustering analysis of the AFLP data clearly separates the geographical populations. Nucleotide and gene diversity estimates reveal interspecific differences in the degree of diversification among populations that may be related to the different ecological requirements of the three species.  相似文献   

The long antennal flagellum of Neoconocephalus ensiger is covered with many sharp-tipped hairs that appear to be non-innervated; thick-walled chemoreceptors, that may also have a tactile function; thin-walled chemoreceptors of several kinds and coeloconic chemoreceptors. All of the chemoreceptors are innervated by small groups of neurons. The first flagellar subsegment is unusual in that it bears a small protuberance on its latero-ventral surface. This marks the site of the attachment, internally, of a scoloparium containing about eleven scolopales in which the dendrites of some 23 sensory neurons terminate. The most distal subsegment lacks the scoloparium reported earlier for the grasshopper. No conspicuous difference between the antennae of males and of females was found.  相似文献   

This paper describes Artiotonus, a new genus of tropical katydid from Colombia and Ecuador. These acoustic ensiferans are represented by three species with a geographic distribution generally restricted to the rainforest of the Bolivar geosyncline of northwestern South America (Pacific). A phylogenetic analysis based on 28 morphological and six behavioural characters produced a tree (A. artius, (A. tinae, A. captivus)) with a consistency index of 0.9. All species are defined by a few autapomorphic changes. The most reliable character for identification is the temporal pattern of the calling song, suggesting a recent genetic divergence. Biogeographic analysis indicates that such genetic divergence began with geographic isolation produced before the Holocene transgression. Species of this genus are remarkable in that the calling song of males exhibits a narrow spectrum with a high quality factor (37–42), unusual values for such ultrasonic signals. A broad discussion on the evolution of tonal calls and pulse trains is offered.  相似文献   

In many acoustic insects, mate finding and mate choice are primarily based on acoustic signals. In several species with high-intensity calling songs, such as the studied katydid Mecopoda sp., males exhibit an increase in their thoracic temperature during singing, which is linearly correlated with the amount of energy invested in song production. If this increased body temperature is used by females as an additional cue to assess the male's quality during mate choice, as has been recently hypothesized (“hot-male” hypothesis), thermosensory structures would be required to evaluate this cue. In the present study, therefore, we investigated the ultrastructure and physiology of thermosensitive sensilla coeloconica on the antennal flagella of Mecopoda sp. using a combination of electron microscopy and electrophysiological recording techniques.We could identify three distinct types of sensilla coeloconica based on differences in the number and branching pattern of their dendrites. Physiological recordings revealed the innervation by antagonistically responding thermoreceptors (cold and warm) and bimodal hygro-/thermoreceptors (moist or dry) in various combinations. Our findings indicate that Mecopoda sp. females are capable of detecting a singing male from distances of at least several centimetres solely by assessing thermal cues.  相似文献   

We used molecular characters to infer the phylogenetic position of the Western Mediterranean bushcricket genus Odontura and to trace its high karyotype diversity. Analysis of 1391 base pairs of two mitochondrial genes (COI and ND1) and one nuclear sequence (ITS2) was conducted. Phylogenetic topologies were estimated using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and likelihood‐based Bayesian inference. The genus Odontura is a phylogenetic outlier in respect of all other European Phaneropterinae genera and has been proposed to have originated from a hitherto unknown ancestor. Our results support the monophyly of the genus Odontura and the recognition of two subgenera: Odontura and Odonturella. We found that both Sicilian taxa of the subgenus Odontura have a completely identical morphology and song patterns. Combining these results, we proposed that both should be treated as subspecies: O. (Odontura) stenoxypha stenoxypha and O. (O.) st. arcuata. Bioacoustic data also proved to support independent markers, with song characteristics reflecting the molecular topology. Mapping the karyotypic characters onto the phylogenetic tree allows a reconstruction of the directions and transitional stages of chromosome differentiation. The number of autosomes within the genus Odontura ranges from 26 to 30. In addition to the ancestral X0 sex determination mechanism, neo‐XY and neo‐X1X2Y sex chromosomes have evolved independently.  相似文献   

Complex geographical distribution patterns and agamospermy have united to obscure systematic relationships in the genusErigeron (400+ species). Sequence data were analyzed from the internal transcribed spacer region of nrDNA (ITS) and 5.8S cistron for 77 taxa including 63Erigeron species. Results support the North American origin ofErigeron and document thatAphanostephus, Conyza, and three small genera restricted to South America (Apopyros, Hysterionica, Neja) are all derived from withinErigeron. Phylogenetic data indicate that agamospermy has arisen at least three times inErigeron and that autogamy has evolved independently inConyza and inE. sect.Trimorpha.  相似文献   

We present a revision of the genus Troglophilus in the western part of the Balkan Peninsula based on morphological and genetic analysis, and provide distribution data for the species. The results of these analyses reduced the number of the known taxa within the genus Troglophilus in this area to five valid species: Troglophilus cavicola ( Kollar, 1833 ), Troglophilus neglectus Krauss, 1879 , Troglophilus ovuliformis Karny, 1907 , Troglophilus brevicauda Chopard, 1934, and Troglophilus lazaropolensis Karaman, 1958. A new species Troglophilus zorae sp. nov. is described and Troglophilus neglectus serbicus Maran, 1958, Troglophilus neglectus vlasinensis Maran, 1958, Troglophilus bukoviki Karaman, 1968 and Troglophilus pretneri Us, 1970 are synonymized. The distribution pattern of the western Balkan species supports a general east?west migration route. We also determined the centres of origin and spreading directions of particular species according to the distribution of the taxa and the structure of the haplotypes. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 163 , 1035–1063.  相似文献   

The call of male Scudderia curvicauda (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)consists of a series of phrases, and each phrase contains syllables.Females respond to the male signal with ticks that follow malephrases after a specific period of time. Pair formation takesplace after males locate the female using her response sounds.Repeated recordings of males revealed that the average numberof syllables produced per phrase was a table, within-male parameterand that this parameter was a reliable predictor of male size(pronotum length). Thus, phrase length could be a reliable cueby which females evaluate males. We presented virgin femaleswith a sequential choice of two tape-recorded male calls thatdiffered only in the mean number of syllables produced per phrase.Two different playback tapes were used, and each female wastested on each of 5 consecutive days with the same playbacktape. Females responded more often and with a greater numberof ticks to calls containing more syllables per phrase, andthis preference was maintained throughout the testing period.Male size was a poor predictor of the size of the spermatophorefood-gift produced by the male; therefore, females are probablynot selecting males for this attribute. For one of the playbacktapes, there was a significant increase in female responsivenessover several playback trials, suggesting that females may employa falling-threshold tactic with respect to mate preference.  相似文献   

Life history and acoustic signaling of a Central Asian species Deracantha onos (Pall.) are described. Males and females produce calling signals and protest sounds. For the first time, electronograms of stridulatory files, oscillograms, and frequency spectra of some acoustic signals are given.  相似文献   

In August 2018, unidentified damages were reported on cranberries in a conventional bog located in Quebec (Eastern Canada). Following a field inspection, high percentage of nibbled fruits as well as katydids (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) were observed. Several individuals (nymphs and adults) were seen feeding directly on the fruits. Specimens were captured and sent to the “Laboratoire d'expertise et de diagnostic en phytoprotection” of the “Quebec Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food" (LEDP-MAPAQ). They were identified as Scudderia pistillata Brunner von Wattenwyl (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae). Subsequently, a systematic fruit sampling was realized into the beds where damages were observed to assess spatial patterns of infestation. To our knowledge, it constitutes the first mention of significant damages associated to this species in cranberry bogs and, in some cases, up to 5% damages to the fruits were observed. This observation suggests that S. pistillata represents a potential pest for this crop. Additionally, a decrease of damage rates was observed when distancing from the north-eastern corner of the bog. Hypothesis in regards of damages' spatial pattern is discussed.  相似文献   

The great green bush-cricket, Tettigonia viridissima, is at the northern limits of its geographic distribution in the UK and has suffered a significant reduction in population abundance and range over the last 50 years, now being largely confined to the southern UK. This study uses five characters to investigate differences between UK and mainland Western European populations, questioning the possibility that UK populations might represent a distinct species or sub-species and thus deserve special conservation status. Males of T. viridissima from UK, France and Spain were compared using morphometry, flight, male calling song and analysis of mitochondrial DNA sequences. Results suggest morphological differences between UK population samples and continental Europe with the UK samples showing shorter wing length relative to body length than populations in continental Europe. Morphological differences between French and Spanish populations followed a size cline related to latitude with more southerly populations showing larger features. Analysis of male flight distances and calling song showed significant differences with increased flight distance and minimum stridulation following a southerly latitude which correlates with wing length results. No differences consistent with geographical distributions were found in mitochondrial DNA COI sequence alignments. Morphological differences could be due to developmental differences linked to differing temperature clines or a non-adaptive difference caused by the colonisation history of the species. The consequences of morphometric variation on flight function and stridulation in bush-crickets are discussed.  相似文献   



The ectomycorrhizal genus Strobilomyces is widely distributed throughout many parts of the world, but its origin, divergence and distribution patterns remain largely unresolved. In this study, we aim to explore the species diversity, distribution and evolutionary patterns of Strobilomyces on a global scale by establishing a general phylogenetic framework with extensive sampling.


Africa, Australasia, East Asia, Europe, North America, Central America and Southeast Asia.


The genealogical concordance phylogenetic species recognition method was used to delimit phylogenetic species. Divergence times were estimated using a Bayesian uncorrelated lognormal relaxed molecular clock. The ancestral area and host of Strobilomyces were inferred via the programs rasp and mesquite . The change of diversification rate over time was estimated using Ape, Laser and Bammtools software packages.


We recognize a novel African clade and 49 phylogenetic species with morphological evidence, including 18 new phylogenetic species and 23 previously described ones. Strobilomyces probably originated in Africa, in association with Detarioideae/Phyllanthaceae/Monotoideae during the early Eocene. The dispersal to Southeast Asia can be explained by Wolfe's “Boreotropical migration” hypothesis. East Asia, Australasia, Europe and North/Central America are primarily the recipients of immigrant taxa during the Oligocene or later. A rapid radiation implied by one diversification shift was inferred within Strobilomyces during the Miocene.

Main conclusions

An unexpected phylogenetic species diversity within Strobilomyces was uncovered. The highest diversity, resulting probably from a rapid radiation, was found in East Asia. Dispersal played an important role in the current distribution pattern of Strobilomyces. The Palaeotropical disjunction is explained by species dispersal from Africa to Southeast Asia through boreotropical forests during the early Eocene. Species from the Northern Hemisphere and Australasia are largely derived from immigrant ancestors from Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

Tettigonia ussuriana and T. dolichopoda maritima differ in the length of tegmina, details in venation, and in females in details of the subgenital plate. The two species of the genus Tettigonia have the same number and morphology of autosomes but a different morphology of the X chromosome: in T. ussuriana it is metacentric, whereas in T. dolichopoda maritima acrocentric. In both species, euchromatic zones and breaks of one or to chromatids during meiosis and mitosis in the X chromosome were observed. Additionally, B chromosomes were noted in most individuals of both species.  相似文献   

Due to active tectonic evolution of the Aegean Area during Miocene and Pleistocene, the Balkans and Anatolia have repeatedly connected and disconnected causing isolation and secondary contact of populations along the present Dardanelles – Sea of Marmara – Bosphorus waterway. This has led to an outstandingly rich fauna and a reticulate biogeography in the area. A typical example is Orthoptera having here possibly highest diversity within the Western Palaearctic. With the present study, we concentrate on the bush‐cricket genus Isophya, which is characteristic with a large share of endemics in the Balkans and Anatolia. We aim to understand when and how the isolation of marine or other barriers in the region of the Turkish Straits System influenced the evolution of the morpho‐acoustic groups of species found on both sides of the strait. For this purpose, sequences of two mitochondrial (COI and ND2) and two nuclear (ITS1 and ITS2) markers were obtained and used for phylogenetic reconstructions, time estimations for lineage divergence and automatic species delineation (statistical parsimony, GMYC, ABGD) tests. The phylogenetic analyses did not support all the existing morphogroups and was in favour of a geographical subdivision for the young lineages. Automatic species delineation tests confirmed most of the present morpho‐acoustic species and suggested further cryptic species, at the same time unifying some phenetic species. Time estimation analyses suggested time to most recent common ancestor of the genus as 8.28 Ma corresponding to the Late Tortonian. As a result of the study, we reached to the following conclusions: (i) most of the studied phenetic species are monophyletic, but some earlier suggested morpho‐species groups are not, (ii) three main episodes dominate the evolutionary history of Isophya (7.32–5.84 Myr in the Messinian, 2.2–2.5 Myr in the beginning of the Pleistocene and at around 0.75 Ma corresponding to the end of the Mid‐Pleistocene transition), all of which well correlate with episodes of existing terrestrial connections between Anatolia and the Balkans, and (iii) there are several faunal exchanges in both directions between Anatolia and the Balkans.  相似文献   

The complete 15,831 bp nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial genome from Elimaea cheni(Phaneropterinae)was determined.The putative initiation codon for cox1 was TTA.The phylogeny of Orthoptera based on different mtDNA datasets were analyzed with maximum likelihood(ML)and Bayesian inference(BI).When all 37 genes(mtDNA)were analyzed simultaneously,the monophyly of Caelifera and Ensifera were recovered in the context of our taxon sampling.The phylogeny of Orthoptera was largely consistent with previous phyl...  相似文献   

The complete 15,831 bp nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial genome from Elimaea cheni(Phaneropterinae)was determined.The putative initiation codon for cox1 was TTA.The phylogeny of Orthoptera based on different mtDNA datasets were analyzed with maximum likelihood(ML)and Bayesian inference(BI).When all 37 genes(mtDNA)were analyzed simultaneously,the monophyly of Caelifera and Ensifera were recovered in the context of our taxon sampling.The phylogeny of Orthoptera was largely consistent with previous phylogenetie hypotheses.Rhaphidophoridae to be a sister group of Tettigoniidae,and the relationships among four subfamilies of Tettigoniidae were(Phaneropterinae+(Conocephalinae+(Bradyporinae+Tettigoniinae))).Pyrgomorphidae was the most basal group of Caelifera.The relationships among six acridid subfamilies were(Oedipodinae+(Acridinae+(Gomphocerinae+(Oxyinae+(Calliptaminae +Cyrtacanthaeridinae))))).However,we did not recover a monophyletic Grylloidea.Myrmecophilidae clustered into one clade with Gryllotalpidae instead of with Gryllidae.ML and BI analyses of all protein coding genes(using all nucleotide sequence data or excluding the third codon position,and amino acid sequences)revealed a topology identical to that of the entire mtDNA genome dataset.However,22 tRNAs genes excluding the DHU loop and T()C loop(TRNA),and two rRNA genes(RRNA)perform poorly when analyzed as single dataset.Our results suggest that the best phylogenetie inferences were ML and BI methods based on total mtDNA.Excluding tRNA genes,rRNA genes and the third codon position of protein coding genes from dataset and converting nucleotide sequences to amino acid sequences do not positively affect phylogenetic reconstruction.  相似文献   

The genus Aerotegmina Hemp is common on East African mountains. Two species are known and a third, A. taitensis n. sp., is described in this paper. A. kilimandjarica Hemp is widespread while A. shengenae Hemp is endemic to the South Pare Mountains and A. taitensis n. sp. is known only from the Taita Hills. Morphologically, and from their song, A. shengenae and A. taitensis n. sp. are closely related. In chromosome number A. kilimandjarica (2n?=?33) differs clearly from A. shengenae (2n?=?27). Data presented on other flightless Orthoptera suggest that the South Pare Mountains and the Taita Hills, both belonging to the geologically old mountain chain of the Eastern Arc, show a faunistic similarity not shared by any other mountain range in the area. The mechanisms that led to this phylogeographic pattern in flightless Orthoptera in the Eastern Arc Mountains of northern Tanzania and southern Kenya and the inland volcanoes are discussed. A key to the three Aerotegmina species is presented, as well as bioacoustical data of all species compared to the phaneropterine species Euryastes jagoi.  相似文献   

To gain insights into the relationships among anostracan families, molecular phylogenetic analyses were performed on nuclear (28S D1-D3 ribosomal DNA) and mitochondrial (16S rDNA, COI) gene regions for representatives of seven families and an outgroup. Data matrices used in the analyses included 951 base pairs (bp) of aligned sequences for 28S, 465 bp for 16S, and 658 bp (219 amino acids) for COI. Maximum-parsimony and maximum-likelihood methods were used to construct phylogenetic trees, enabling the evaluation of both previous hypotheses of taxonomic relationships among families based on morphology, and of the relative merits of independent versus simultaneous analyses of multiple data sets for phylogeny construction. Data from various combinations of the gene regions produced relatively congruent patterns of phylogenetic affinity. In most analyses, two monophyletic groups were resolved: one cluster included the families Polyartemiidae, Chirocephalidae, Branchinectidae, Streptocephalidae, and Thamnocephalidae, while the other contained the Artemiidae and Branchipodidae. Comparative analyses showed that combining gene regions in a single matrix generally resulted in increased resolution and support for each cluster relative to those obtained from single-gene analyses. Statistical tests demonstrated that morphology-based hypotheses of relationships among families had poorer support than those determined from molecular data, reflecting the homoplasy in characters used to differentiate families.  相似文献   

Abstract. We present a phylogeny for a selection of species of the butterfly genus Arhopala Boisduval, 1832 based on molecular characters. We sequenced 1778 bases of the mitochondrial genes Cytochrome Oxidase 1 and 2 including tRNALeu, and a 393‐bp fragment of the nuclear wingless gene for a total of 42 specimens of 33 species, representing all major species groups. Analyses of mtDNA and wingless genes show congruent phylogenetic signal. The phylogeny presented here confirms the monophyly of the centaurus, eumolphus, camdeo and epimuta groups and the amphimuta subgroup. It confirms close relationships between species within the agelastus group, that together with the amphimuta subgroup, centaurus and camdeo groups form a monophyletic group. However, incongruencies with previous taxonomic studies also occur; the amphimuta and silhetensis groups are not monophyletic, as is the genus Arhopala itself. One enigmatic species, A. kinabala, was evaluated further for topology and the support for basal placement of this species is due mainly to the wingless gene. However, in the Parsimony analysis, and subsequent Maximum Likelihood evaluations, certain nodes could not be resolved due to insufficient support. The mtDNA shows extreme AT bias with compositional heterogeneity at 3rd codon positions, which may result in saturation. By contrast, the wingless gene does not show compositional bias, suggesting that poor support is not due solely to saturation. The evaluation of morphological characters used in previous studies on Arhopala systematics on the molecular tree indicates that the macular pattern and the absence of tails at the hind wings show extensive homoplasy. A significant phylogenetic signal (as indicated by T‐PTP tests) is present in several of these morphological characters, which are nevertheless of limited use in phylogenetic studies due to their labile nature.  相似文献   

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