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Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) - To date, more than 75% of Austrian elderberry acreage is planted with cultivar ‘Haschberg’. This leads to high costs during harvest, since...  相似文献   

A new plant lectin from elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.) bark, which was shown by immunochemical techniques to bind specifically to terminal Neu5Ac(alpha 2-6)Gal/GalNAc residues of glycoconjugates, was immobilized onto Sepharose 4B (SNA-Sepharose) and its carbohydrate binding properties was determined using a series of standard compounds. Oligosaccharides, glycopeptides, or glycoproteins containing terminal Neu5Ac(alpha 2-6)Gal/GalNAc sequences bound to SNA-Sepharose and were eluted with 50-100 mM lactose, whereas those with Neu5Ac(alpha 2-3)Gal/GalNAc failed to bind to this column. Furthermore, the SNA-Sepharose column was capable of resolving two oligosaccharides/glycopeptides based on the number of Neu5Ac(alpha 2-6)Gal units present in each molecule. Application of this technique to two glycoproteins, fetuin and orosomucoid, revealed the presence of microheterogeneity. It was also shown that esterification of the carboxyl group of Neu5Ac units, or branching at the O-3 of the subterminal GalNAc (probably also Gal) destroyed the binding ability of the molecule.  相似文献   

A second lectin (SNA-II) has been isolated from elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.) bark by affinity chromatography on immobilized asialo-glycophorin. This lectin is a blood group nonspecific glycoprotein containing 7.8% carbohydrate and which is rich in asparagine/aspartic acid, glutamine/glutamic acid, glycine, valine, and leucine. Gel filtration on Superose 12 gave a single symmetrical peak corresponding to Mr, 51,000; SDS-acrylamide electrophoresis gave a single polypeptide, Mr, 30,000. Hence SNA-II appears to be a homodimer. The lectin is a Gal/GalNAc-specific lectin which is precipitated by glycoproteins containing GalNAc-terminated oligosaccharide chains (e.g., asialo-ovine submaxillary and hog gastric mucins), and by glycoproteins and polysaccharides having multiple terminal nonreducing D-galactosyl groups as occur in asialoglycophorin, asialo-laminin and Type 14 pneumococcal polysaccharide. The carbohydrate binding specificity of SNA-II was studied by sugar hapten inhibition of the asialo-glycophorin precipitation reaction. The lectin's binding site appears to be most complementary to Gal-NAc linked alpha to the C-2, C-3, or C-6 hydroxyl group of galactose. These disaccharide units are approximately 100 times more potent than melibiose, 60 times more potent than N-acetyllactosamine, and 30 times more potent than lactose. Interestingly, the blood group A-active trisaccharide containing an L-fucosyl group linked alpha 1-2 to galactose was 10-fold poorer as an inhibitor than the parent oligosaccharide (GalNAc alpha 1-3Gal), suggesting steric hindrance to binding by the alpha-L-fucosyl group; this explains the failure of the lectin to exhibit blood group A specificity.  相似文献   

A pathogenesis-related protein induced by infection with Ascochyta rabiei was purified from intercellular washing fluid of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) leaves. Amino-terminal sequencing identified the protein, named PR-5a, as a thaumatin-like protein. The isoelectric point was determined with 6.5 and the molecular mass is 16 kDa. Therefore, chickpea PR-5a is the first dicot member of a TLP subgroup containing small TLPs with a molecular weight between 15 and 18 kDa. PR-5a shows no antifungal activity towards A. rabiei. Screening of a chickpea cDNA library led to the isolation of a cDNA clone (p5a-241) for this protein. A second cDNA clone (ELR112) encoding a TLP was isolated using differential hybridisation of cDNA libraries obtained from elicited and water treated cell suspension cultures of chickpea. The deduced protein (PR-5b) has a molecular mass of 22 kDa. PR-5b is postulated to be located in the vacuole due to the presence of a respective N-terminal signal peptide and a carboxy-terminal extension. Southern blot analyses showed that ELR112 and p5a-241 represent single copy genes. During fungal infection of chickpea plants expression of both genes proceeds much faster in an A. rabiei resistant cultivar than in a susceptible one.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate binding properties of a new plant lectin isolated from elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.) (SNA) bark were studied using the techniques of quantitative precipitation, hapten inhibition, and equilibrium dialysis. Purified SNA precipitates highly sialylated glycoproteins such as fetuin, orosomucoid, and ovine submaxillary mucin, but not their asialo derivatives. Hapten inhibition experiments showed that both D-Gal and D-GalNAc are weak inhibitors of SNA-glycophorin precipitation, but neither New5Ac nor Neu5Gc is an inhibitor. A series of oligosaccharides which contain the terminal Neu5Ac(alpha 2-6)Gal sequence showed an extremely high inhibitory potency (1,600-10,000 times more inhibitory than Gal). On the other hand, oligosaccharides with the Neu5Ac(alpha 2-3)Gal linkage were only 30-80 times more inhibitory than Gal, thus showing a marked preference for the 2,6-linked isomer. Hapten inhibition with Gal and its epimers suggested that the equatorial OH at C-3 and the axial OH at C-4 of the D-pyranose ring are strict requirements for binding. Conversion of the Neu5Ac residue to its 7-carbon analogue by selective periodate oxidation of its glyceryl side chain, followed by NaBH4 reduction, completely destroyed the ability of fetuin and orosomucoid to precipitate with SNA. Moreover, the same treatment of Neu5Ac(alpha 2-3)lactitol also abolished its ability to inhibit the precipitation reaction, suggesting that the glyceryl side chain of NBu5Ac (especially the C-8 and/or C-9 portion) is an important determinant for SNA. The increased inhibitory potency of various glycosides with beta-linked nonpolar aglycons suggested the presence of a hydrophibic interacting region adjacent to the carbohydrate binding site. The results of equilibrium dialysis using [3H] Neu5Ac(alpha 2-6)lactitol as ligand showed the presence of two equivalent, noninteracting carbohydrate binding sites in this tetrameric glycoprotein lectin (Ka = 3.9 X 10(5) M-1).  相似文献   

Cherry leaf roll, tomato black ring and two previously unrecorded viruses were transmitted to Chenopodium quinoa from Sambucus canadensis plants imported from the U.S.A. Of the two newly recognized viruses one, code-named elderberry virus A, has filamentous particles about 650 times 15 nm; the other, named elderberry latent virus (ELV), was transmitted to several herbaceous species but remained symptomless in elder and most other hosts. In C. quinoa sap ELV lost infectivity after dilution to 10--5 to 10-- 6 , 10 min at 85–90°C, and 7 days at 18°C. Infectivity of nucleic acid extracts was abolished by ribonuclease in 0.2 m sodium chloride. ELV was purified from C. quinoa leaf extracts that were clarified with chloroform, by precipitation at pH 5 and differential centrifugation. Purified preparations contained numerous isometric particles c. 30 nm in diameter and a few particles c. 17 nm in diameter. In 0.06 M phosphate buffer ELV sedimented as a major 112 S (calculated for infinite dilution) component and a 48 S minor component. ELV showed no serological relationship to twenty-seven other isometric plant viruses. Its present cryptogram is R/I: *I*:S/S:S/*.  相似文献   

Thaumatin-like xylanase inhibitors (TLXI) are recently discovered wheat proteins. They belong to the family of the thaumatin-like proteins and inhibit glycoside hydrolase family 11 endoxylanases commonly used in different cereal based (bio)technological processes. We here report on the biochemical characterisation of TLXI. Its inhibition activity is temperature- and pH-dependent and shows a maximum at approximately 40 degrees C and pH 5.0. The TLXI structure model, generated with the crystal structure of thaumatin as template, shows the occurrence of five disulfide bridges and three beta-sheets. Much as in the structures of other short-chain thaumatin-like proteins, no alpha-helix is present. The circular dichroism spectrum of TLXI confirms the absence of alpha-helices and the presence of antiparallel beta-sheets. All ten cysteine residues in TLXI are involved in disulfide bridges. TLXI is stable for at least 120 min between pH 1-12 and for at least 2 hours at 100 degrees C, making it much more stable than the other two xylanase inhibitors from wheat, i.e. Triticum aestivum xylanase inhibitor (TAXI) and xylanase inhibitor protein (XIP). This high stability can probably be ascribed to the high number of disulfide bridges, much as seen for other thaumatin-like proteins.  相似文献   

Thaumatin-like xylanase inhibitors (TLXI) are recently discovered wheat proteins. They belong to the family of the thaumatin-like proteins and inhibit glycoside hydrolase family 11 endoxylanases commonly used in different cereal based (bio)technological processes. We here report on the biochemical characterisation of TLXI. Its inhibition activity is temperature- and pH-dependent and shows a maximum at approximately 40°C and pH 5.0. The TLXI structure model, generated with the crystal structure of thaumatin as template, shows the occurrence of five disulfide bridges and three β-sheets. Much as in the structures of other short-chain thaumatin-like proteins, no α-helix is present. The circular dichroism spectrum of TLXI confirms the absence of α-helices and the presence of antiparallel β-sheets. All ten cysteine residues in TLXI are involved in disulfide bridges. TLXI is stable for at least 120 min between pH 1–12 and for at least 2 hours at 100°C, making it much more stable than the other two xylanase inhibitors from wheat, i.e. Triticum aestivum xylanase inhibitor (TAXI) and xylanase inhibitor protein (XIP). This high stability can probably be ascribed to the high number of disulfide bridges, much as seen for other thaumatin-like proteins.  相似文献   

Sambucus (Caprifoliaceae) species contain nigrin b and ebulinI, which are two-chain ribosomeinactivating proteins (RIPs)belonging to a new type of RIPS which are non-toxic to miceand cultured human cells. In this work the presence in fruitsof elder (S. nigra L.) of a new non-toxic type 2 RIP (nigrinf) that co-exists with a lectin known as SNA IV is described.Nigrin f strongly inhibited protein synthesis in mammalian,but not in plant, ribosomes, promoting the depurination of sensitiveribosomes and thus allowing the release of the RIP diagnosticRNA fragment. Nigrin f is composed of two dissimilar subunitslinked by disulphide bridges with apparent Mr values of 31 600and 26 300. The N-terminal amino acid sequence revealed closehomology of the catalytic A chain with type 1 RIPs, especiallythose from Cucurbitaceae, and the B chain with several lectinspreviously isolated from Sambucus species. Nigrin f was nottoxic to mice when injected intraperitoneally up to 2 mg kg–1.In addition, NHC human cells were also insensitive to nigrinf up to 60 µg ml–1. Anti-nigrin b rabbit polyclonalantibodies reacted with nigrin f, indicating that nigrin b andnigrin f are proteins with similar structures. Key words: Sambucus nigra, elder fruits, nigrin f, ribosomeinactivating protein, characterization  相似文献   

The Acjachemen Indians of San Juan Capistrano, California, have a rich history predating the establishment of the Spanish Missions. The Acjachemen have many uses for the plants indigenous to the area. The Blue or Mexican Elderberry, Sambucus mexicana C. Presl, Caprifoliaceae, continues to be a plant of great importance to the Acjachemen people. Known as the “tree of music,” its wood is used in the construction of the clapperstick, a percussion instrument used to accompany song. We documented the construction stages of the clapperstick by Acjachemen artisans: harvest, woodworking, and decoration. Tribal elders granted permission to document the process with videotape and photographs. While the methods and tools employed in the process have changed over time, the cultural importance of the clapperstick has not.  相似文献   

Good potentialities in application of elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.) bark lectin for selective histochemical identification of sialylated glycoconjugates has been demonstrated using lectin-peroxidase technique. In order to omit this lectin binding to D-galactose and N-acetyl-D-galactosamine residues, preincubation of tissue sections with non-marked PNA and SBA (or other lectins with similar carbohydrate specificity) is proposed. By means of neuraminidase digestion it has been ascertained, that oligosaccharide chains of secretory glycopolymers, synthesised in ovine submandibular gland mucocytes, contain DGal and DGalNAc residues penultimate to terminal sialic acids.  相似文献   

The major protein of elderberry ( Sambucus nigra L.) fruits is a lectin, called Sambucus nigra agglutinin IVf or SNAIVf. This lectin is composed of subunits that strongly resemble the B chain of the type 2 ribosome-inactivating protein (RIP), called SNAVf, present in the same tissue. To corroborate the possible relationship between both proteins their corresponding cDNAs were cloned and compared. Alignment of the deduced amino acid sequences revealed that the cDNA encoding SNAIVf is almost identical to that of SNAVf except that its A chain is truncated. Northern blot analysis confirmed that the mRNA encoding SNAIVf is about 500 nucleotides shorter than the SNAVf mRNA. In addition, the occurrence of a truncated type 2 RIP gene was unambiguously demonstrated by the analysis of PCR amplified genomic sequences. These results not only demonstrate for the first time that a plant lectin is encoded by a truncated type 2 RIP gene but also address important questions with respect to the molecular evolution of RIP and lectins.  相似文献   

In the past three decades a lot of research has been done on the extended family of carbohydrate-binding proteins from Sambucus nigra, including several so-called type 2 RIPs as well as hololectins. Although all these proteins have been studied for their carbohydrate-binding properties using hapten inhibition assays, detailed carbohydrate specificity studies have only been performed for a few Sambucus proteins. In particular SNA-I, has been studied extensively. Because of its unique binding characteristics this lectin was developed as an important tool in glycoconjugate research to detect sialic acid containing glycoconjugates. At present much less information is available with respect to the detailed carbohydrate binding specificity of other S. nigra lectins and RIPs, and as a consequence their applications remain limited. In this paper we report a comparative analysis of several lectins from S. nigra using the glycan microarray technology. Ultimately a better understanding of the ligands for each lectin can contribute to new/more applications for these lectins in glycoconjugate research. Furthermore, the data from glycan microarray analyses combined with the previously obtained sequence information can help to explain how evolution within a single lectin family eventually yielded a set of carbohydrate-binding proteins with a very broad specificity range.  相似文献   

In recent years, different classes of proteins have been reported to promote toxic effects when ingested. Type-2 ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs) are a group of chimeric proteins built up of an A-chain with RNA N-glycosidase activity and a B-chain with lectin activity. These proteins are thought to play a role in plant protection. Sambucus nigra agglutinin I (SNA-I) is a type-2 RIP, isolated from the bark of elderberry (S. nigra L.). This study demonstrated the insecticidal potency of SNA-I on two Hemipteran insect species using two different methods. An artificial diet supplemented with different concentrations of the purified RIP reduced survival and fecundity of pea aphids Acyrthosiphon pisum. In addition, feeding of tobacco aphids, Myzus nicotianae, on leaves from transfected plants constitutively expressing SNA-I, resulted in a delayed development and reduced adult survival and also the fertility parameters of the surviving aphids were reduced, suggesting that a population of aphids would build up significantly slower on plants expressing SNA-I. Finally, a series of experiments with transgenic lines in which a mutant RIP was expressed, revealed that the carbohydrate-binding activity of SNA-I is necessary for its insecticidal activity. In a first set of mutants, the B-chain was mutated at one position (Asp231ΔGlu), and in the second set both carbohydrate-binding sites were mutated (Asn48ΔSer and Asp231ΔGlu). Mutation of one carbohydrate-binding site strongly reduced the insecticidal activity of SNA-I, whereas mutation of both lectin sites (almost) completely abolished the SNA-I effect on tobacco aphids.  相似文献   

Three elderberry lectins isolated from the bark of three different species of the genus Sambucus which are native to Europe (S. nigra), North America (S. canadensis), and Japan (S. sieboldiana) were studied comparatively with regard to their carbohydrate binding properties and some structural features. All three lectins contained two identical carbohydrate binding sites per molecule and showed a very high specificity for the Neu5Ac(alpha 2-6)-Gal/GalNAc sequence. However, relative affinities for various oligosaccharides were significantly different among them, suggesting differences in the detailed structure of the carbohydrate binding sites of these lectins. The three lectins were immunologically related, but not identical, and all were composed of hydrophobic and hydrophilic subunit regions, although the molecular sizes of these subunits were slightly different among the three lectins. N-terminal sequence analysis of the subunits of these lectins suggested that they have a very similar structure in this region but also indicated the occurrence of N-terminal processing such as the deletion of several amino acid residues at the N-termini for both hydrophobic and hydrophilic subunits of all three lectins. Tryptic peptide mapping of the three lectins showed a similar pattern for all of them but also showed the presence of some unique peptides for each lectin.  相似文献   

Fruits of elderberry (Sambucus nigra) express small quantities of a type-2 ribosome-inactivating protein with an exclusive specificity towards the NeuAc(alpha2,6)Gal/GalNAc disaccharide and a unique molecular structure typified by the occurrence of a disulfide bridge between the B-chains of two adjacent protomers. A cDNA clone encoding this so-called Sambucus nigra fruit specific agglutinin I (SNA-If) was isolated and expressed in tobacco (Samsun NN) under the control of the 35S cauliflower mosaic virus promoter. Characterization of the purified protein indicated that the recombinant SNA-If from tobacco leaves has the same molecular structure and biological activities as native SNA-If from elderberry fruits, demonstrating that transgenic tobacco plants are fully capable of expressing and correctly processing and assembling a type-2 ribosome-inactivating protein with a complex molecular structure. None of the transformants showed a phenotypic effect, indicating that the ectopically expressed SNA-If does not affect the viability of the tobacco cells. Bioassays further demonstrated that none of the transgenic lines exhibited a decreased sensitivity to infection with tobacco mosaic virus suggesting that the elderberry type-2 RIP SNA-If does not act as an antiviral agent in planta.  相似文献   

Affinity chromatography-purifled elderberry (Sambucus nigraL.) seed proteins strongly inhibited protein synthesis and displayedthe 28S rRNA N-glycosidase activity characteristic of all typesof ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs). Western blot analysisrevealed several proteins that reacted with antibodies raisedagainst the novel non-toxic type 2 ribosome-inactivating proteinnigrin b isolated from elder bark, thus indicating the presenceof a new type 2 RIP. Key words: Anti-nigrin b antibodies, protein synthesis, seeds, elder seeds, Sambucus nigra  相似文献   

Root surfaces are protected against the soil environment by the deposition of lignin and suberin. In order to obtain more insight into the regulation of root suberin biosynthesis, elongases from primary roots of corn (Zea mays L.) seedlings were characterized. Elongase activities (acyl-CoA and ATP-dependent) were located in the microsomal fraction of the root cells. C(20), C(22) and C(24) fatty acids were detected as primary products of elongases. Preferred substrates of the acyl-CoA elongases were C(18:0)-CoA and C(20:0)-CoA. Applying a molecular approach, using PCR and degenerate primers derived from the sequences of known leaf and seed 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthases (KCSs), catalysing the first step of very-long-chain fatty acid synthesis, the cDNA of a putative root KCS was obtained showing high homology to known leaf and seed KCSs at the DNA and amino acid levels. Thus, our approach provides the first direct evidence for the presence and the activity of root elongases in Z. mays. Ongoing research is focusing on the molecular analysis and the regulation of KCS expression in roots in reaction to different environmental stimuli.  相似文献   

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