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Abstract. Consequences of habitat fragmentation have garnered much attention over the past few decades. The resulting literature has been useful for understanding how land‐use changes influence population viability and community structure, but we are still hampered by a major aspect of the conceptual framework within which most fragmentation work arises. Specifically, habitat between fragments (‘matrix’) is usually treated as uniform and ecologically irrelevant. However, recent work on animals shows that matrix habitat can profoundly influence within‐fragment dynamics. We review related evidence for plants. Various matrix types (e.g. clear‐cutting, agriculture, or urbanization) can act in different ways to alter resource availability and movement of pollinators, seed dispersers, and herbivores. Inclusion of matrix qualities in fragmentation studies is further complicated since most matrices are not static; sites in which timber harvesting or agriculture occur develop through succession or change as crops are rotated, respectively, such that their influence on within‐fragment processes vary temporally. Also, many plants are not restricted to remnants of original habitat. Using studies of forest understory plants, we summarize work showing how diversity can change significantly through time in matrix. Understanding the persistence of a species across fragmented landscapes will require more attention to matrix habitat, and to the species utilizing the matrix.  相似文献   

D Y Dodek  A Dodek 《CMAJ》1997,156(6):847-852
Although patient confidentiality has been a fundamental ethical principle since the Hippocratic Oath, it is under increasing threat. The main area of confidentiality is patient records. Physicians must be able to store and dispose of medical records securely. Patients should be asked whether some information should be kept out of the record or withheld if information is released. Patient identity should be kept secret during peer review of medical records. Provincial legislation outlines circumstances in which confidential information must be divulged. Because of the "team approach" to care, hospital records may be seen by many health care and administrative personnel. All hospital workers must respect confidentiality, especially when giving out information about patients by telephone or to the media. Research based on medical-record review also creates challenges for confidentiality. Electronic technology and communications are potential major sources of breaches of confidentiality. Computer records must be carefully protected from casual browsing or from unauthorized access. Fax machines and cordless and cellular telephones can allow unauthorized people to see or overhear confidential information. Confidentiality is also a concern in clinical settings, including physicians'' offices and hospitals. Conversations among hospital personnel in elevators or public cafeterias can result in breaches of confidentiality. Patient confidentiality is a right that must be safeguarded by all health care personnel.  相似文献   

Cultured cells provide an important in vitro system for examining metabolic interactions between the intracellular bacterium, Wolbachia pipientis, and its insect hosts. To test whether Wolbachia-associated changes in antioxidant activities could provide a tool to select for infected cells, we tested the effects of paraquat (PQ) on Aedes albopictus mosquito cells. Like mammalian cells, mosquito cells tolerate PQ over a wide range of concentrations, and for considerable lengths of time, depending on cell density at the time of treatment. When mosquito cells were plated at low density and allowed to grow in the presence of PQ, we measured an LC50 of approximately 1–2 μM. Unexpectedly, cells persistently infected with Wolbachia strain wStr, from the planthopper Laodelphax striatellus, grew to higher densities in the presence of 1.5 μM PQ than in its absence. This effect of PQ was similar to the improved growth of host cells that occurs in the presence of antibiotics that suppress the Wolbachia infection. A more detailed examination of growth and metabolic sensitivity indicated that wStr is about 10-fold more sensitive to PQ than the mosquito host cells. Microscopic examination confirmed that Wolbachia levels were reduced in PQ-treated cells, and DNA estimates based on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) indicated that Wolbachia abundance decreased by approximately 100-fold over a 10-d period. Although Wolbachia genomes encode superoxide dismutase, inspection of annotated genomes indicates that they lack several genes encoding products that ameliorate oxidative damage, including catalase, which converts the PQ byproduct, hydrogen peroxide, to molecular oxygen and water. We suggest that loss of multiple genes that participate in repair of oxidative damage accounts for increased sensitivity of Wolbachia to PQ, relative to its host cells.  相似文献   

Understanding the evolutionary forces that influence sexual dimorphism is a fundamental goal in biology. Here, we focus on one particularly extreme example of sexual dimorphism. Many mammal species possess a bone in their penis called a baculum. The female equivalent of this bone is called the baubellum and occurs in the clitoris, which is developmentally homologous to the male penis. To understand the potential linkage between these two structures, we scored baculum/baubellum presence/absence across 163 species and analyzed their distribution in a phylogenetic framework. The majority of species (N = 134) shared the same state in males and females (both baculum and baubellum present or absent). However, the baubellum has experienced significantly more transitions, and more recent transitions, so that the remaining 29 species have a baculum but not a well‐developed baubellum. Even in species where both bones are present, the baubellum shows more ontogenetic variability and harbors more morphological variation than the baculum. Our study demonstrates that the baculum and baubellum are generally correlated across mammals, but that the baubellum is more evolutionarily and developmentally labile than the baculum. The accumulation of more evolutionary transitions, especially losses in the baubellum, as well as noisier developmental patterns, suggests that the baubellum may be nonfunctional, and lost over time.  相似文献   

Theoretical models predict that drylands can cross critical thresholds, but experimental manipulations to evaluate them are non‐existent. We used a long‐term (13‐year) pulse‐perturbation experiment featuring heavy grazing and shrub removal to determine if critical thresholds and their determinants can be demonstrated in Chihuahuan Desert grasslands. We asked if cover values or patch‐size metrics could predict vegetation recovery, supporting their use as early‐warning indicators. We found that season of grazing, but not the presence of competing shrubs, mediated the severity of grazing impacts on dominant grasses. Recovery occurred at the same rate irrespective of grazing history, suggesting that critical thresholds were not crossed, even at low cover levels. Grass cover, but not patch size metrics, predicted variation in recovery rates. Some transition‐prone ecosystems are surprisingly resilient; management of grazing impacts and simple cover measurements can be used to avert undesired transitions and initiate restoration.  相似文献   

Measuring the magnitudes and specificities of antiviral CD8 T-cell responses is critical for understanding the dynamics and regulation of adaptive immunity. Despite many excellent studies, the accurate measurement of the total CD8 T-cell response directed against a particular infection has been hampered by an incomplete knowledge of all CD8 T-cell epitopes and also by potential contributions of bystander expansion among CD8 T cells of irrelevant specificities. Here, we use several techniques to provide a more complete accounting of the CD8 T-cell response generated upon infection of C57BL/6 mice with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV). Eight days following infection, we found that 85 to 95% of CD8 T cells exhibit an effector phenotype as indicated by granzyme B, 1B11, CD62L, CD11a, and CD127 expression. We demonstrate that CD8 T-cell expansion is due to cells that divide >7 times, whereas heterologous viral infections only elicited <3 divisions among bystander memory CD8 T cells. Furthermore, we found that approximately 80% of CD8 T cells in spleen were specific for ten different LCMV-derived epitopes at the peak of primary infection. These data suggest that following a single LCMV infection, effector CD8 T cells divide > or =15 times and account for at least 80%, and possibly as much as 95%, of the CD8 T-cell pool. Moreover, the response targeted a very broad array of peptide major histocompatibility complexes (MHCs), even though we examined epitopes derived from only two of the four proteins encoded by the LCMV genome and C57BL/6 mice only have two MHC class I alleles. These data illustrate the potential enormity, specificity, and breadth of CD8 T-cell responses to viral infection and demonstrate that bystander activation does not contribute to CD8 T-cell expansion.  相似文献   

Marine pCO2 enrichment via ocean acidification (OA), upwelling and release from carbon capture and storage (CCS) facilities is projected to have devastating impacts on marine biomineralisers and the services they provide. However, empirical studies using stable endpoint pCO2 concentrations find species exhibit variable biological and geochemical responses rather than the expected negative patterns. In addition, the carbonate chemistry of many marine systems is now being observed to be more variable than previously thought. To underpin more robust projections of future OA impacts on marine biomineralisers and their role in ecosystem service provision, we investigate coralline algal responses to realistically variable scenarios of marine pCO2 enrichment. Coralline algae are important in ecosystem function; providing habitats and nursery areas, hosting high biodiversity, stabilizing reef structures and contributing to the carbon cycle. Red coralline marine algae were exposed for 80 days to one of three pH treatments: (i) current pH (control); (ii) low pH (7.7) representing OA change; and (iii) an abrupt drop to low pH (7.7) representing the higher rates of pH change observed at natural vent systems, in areas of upwelling and during CCS releases. We demonstrate that red coralline algae respond differently to the rate and the magnitude of pH change induced by pCO2 enrichment. At low pH, coralline algae survived by increasing their calcification rates. However, when the change to low pH occurred at a fast rate we detected, using Raman spectroscopy, weaknesses in the calcite skeleton, with evidence of dissolution and molecular positional disorder. This suggests that, while coralline algae will continue to calcify, they may be structurally weakened, putting at risk the ecosystem services they provide. Notwithstanding evolutionary adaptation, the ability of coralline algae to cope with OA may thus be determined primarily by the rate, rather than magnitude, at which pCO2 enrichment occurs.  相似文献   

The grpE gene of Escherichia coli is essential for bacteriophage lambda DNA replication and is also necessary for host RNA and DNA synthesis at high temperature. A grpE mutant of E. coli was found to be substantially more resistant to 50 degrees C heat treatment than the wild-type. Upon receiving a 42 degrees C heat shock for 15 min, both the wild-type and the grpE mutant became more resistant to heat (i.e. they became thermotolerant). A grpE+ revertant behaved similarly to the wild-type in that it was more sensitive to heat than grpE cells. In addition, grpE cells had the same H2O2 and UV sensitivity as the wild-type. This implies that the conditions for which a grpE mutation is beneficial are unique to heat exposure and are not caused by H2O2 or UV exposure. Furthermore, synthesis of heat-shock proteins occurred sooner in the grpE mutant than in the wild-type, indicating that the grpE gene of E. coli may influence the regulation of the heat-shock response.  相似文献   

1. Reynolds (1998) recently wrote a short piece in this journal lamenting the state of the art of freshwater ecology. Others have recently foreshadowed the end of science altogether. It is my argument here that the end of science is not nigh and that there are fundamental advances to be made in understanding ecosystem function. Despite changes to the funding base of freshwater ecology over the years, the discipline can continue to make fundamental contributions to ecology. We have an excellent base of raw material to work with, however, collected.
2. As a rebuttal R eynolds (1997) I present evidence that ecosystems (and freshwater ecosystems in particular) may well be a lot simpler than we think. Buried deep within a very complex world there are some general modes of behaviour, determined by fundamental principles, which impart certain kinds of high level order and predictability.
3. By means of six propositions I argue the case for the existence of these fundamental principles and present empirical evidence for each.
4. In conclusion it is clear that there is a need for fundamental information about the role of biodiversity in ecosystem function. There is also a need to understand the interplay between environmental perturbations, biodiversity and functional groups which together determine the cycling of energy and materials within freshwater and estuarine systems. While we have considerable information about northern hemisphere aquatic ecosystems less is known about southern hemisphere systems.  相似文献   

The amiloride-sensitiveepithelial sodium channel (ENaC) plays a critical role in fluid andelectrolyte homeostasis and is composed of three homologous subunits:, , and . Only heteromultimeric channels made of ENaCare efficiently expressed at the cell surface, resulting in maximallyamiloride-sensitive currents. To study the relative importance ofvarious regions of the - and -subunits for the expression offunctional ENaC channels at the cell surface, we constructedhemagglutinin (HA)-tagged --chimeric subunits composed of -and -subunit regions and coexpressed them with HA-tagged - and-subunits in Xenopus laevis oocytes. The whole cellamiloride-sensitive sodium current (Iami) andsurface expression of channels were assessed in parallel using thetwo-electrode voltage-clamp technique and a chemiluminescence assay.Because coexpression of ENaC resulted in largerIami and surface expression compared withcoexpression of ENaC, we hypothesized that the -subunit ismore important for ENaC trafficking than the -subunit. Usingchimeras, we demonstrated that channel activity is largely preservedwhen the highly conserved second cysteine rich domains (CRD2) of the- and -subunits are exchanged. In contrast, exchanging the wholeextracellular loops of the - and the -subunits largely reducedENaC currents and ENaC expression in the membrane. This indicates thatthere is limited interchangeability between molecular regions of thetwo subunits. Interestingly, our chimera studies demonstrated that theintracellular termini and the two transmembrane domains of ENaC aremore important for the expression of functional channels at the cellsurface than the corresponding regions of ENaC.


The MgATPase activity of the rabbit skeletal myosin subfragment 1 (S1), in the steady state, was measured by means of the intrinsic fluorescence of tryptophan. This technique gave results similar to those obtained by other methods (linked or radioactive assays). The activity was measured under conditions that effect the monomer/dimer ratio. It is shown that there is a close correlation between MgATPase activity and the proportion of dimer. At 20 degrees C, for pH 6.9 to 8.1 and for [KCl] less than or equal to 1 M, the observed activity (kobs) can be linearly related to the proportion of dimer (Ed/Eo) by: kobs(s-1) = 0.016-7 X 10(-3)[KCl] + 0.031(Ed/Eo), where [KCl] is expressed in M. We deduce that, at 20 degrees C and for [KCl] = 0 M, the activity of the monomer is kmobs = 0.016 s-1 (Ed/Eo = 0) and that of the dimer kdobs = 0.047 s-1 (Ed/Eo = 1), i.e. a ratio kdobs/kmobs approximately equal to 3. Beyond pH approximately equal to 8.3, the activities of both the monomer and the dimer increased steeply with increasing pH value. In the standard conditions (pH 8.0, [KCl] = 0 to 100 mM), S1 is mainly in the form of a dimer, and such conditions are not appropriate for study of the S1 monomer. For studying the pure monomer, the conditions required at 20 degrees C and in bis-Tris-propane are: S1 concentration approximately equal to 0.2 mg/ml, pH 6.9 to 7.8, [KCl] approximately equal to 300 mM. For studying the pure dimer, the conditions required are: S1 concentration greater than or equal to 0.2 mg/ml, pH 7.8 to 8.1 and [KCl] approximately equal to 0. In both cases the MgATP concentration is about 50 microM. Finally, if great care is taken concerning the age of the S1 solutions and the evaluation of the proportion of dimer, the values of kobs are extremely precise: the uncertainty regarding the values of kobs, as determined by means of intrinsic fluorescence, does not exceed +/- 0.001 s-1. Beyond this error bar conditions are uncontrolled.  相似文献   

The effect of phase behaviour (hexagonal II phase and lamellar phase) on the peroxidation of membrane phospholipids has been investigated in dilinoleoyl phosphatidylcholine (DLPC)/dilinoleoyl phosphatidylethanolamine (DLPE) aqueous dispersions. Peroxidation was initiated with a water-soluble radical inducer 2,2'-azobis (2-amidino-propane) dihydrochloride (AAPN). The phospholipid morphology was monitored by 31P-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Phospholipid hydroperoxides (PCOOH and PEOOH) were determined by chemiluminescence high-performance liquid chromatography (CL-HPLC). In pH-induced phase transition systems, DLPE in the bilayer state was much less oxidized than in the hexagonal II state. In composition-induced phase transition systems, the formation of total hydroperoxides and the consumption of alpha-tocopherol in the hexagonal II phase were greater than in the bilayer phase. These data suggest that the hexagonal II phase is more sensitive to hydroperoxidation than the bilayer phase in phospholipid aqueous dispersions.  相似文献   

Proteins of the Bcl-2 family are important regulators of cell fate. The role of these proteins in controlling mitochondrial apoptotic processes has been extensively investigated, although exact molecular mechanisms are incompletely understood. However, mounting evidence indicates that these proteins also function at the endoplasmic reticulum and other locations within the cell. Both pro- and anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family members can regulate endoplasmic reticulum calcium, cellular pH and endoplasmic reticulum resident proteins. In this review, we discuss the activities and potential targets of Bcl-2 family members at the endoplasmic reticulum and other cellular locations.  相似文献   

Woo PC  Zhen H  Cai JJ  Yu J  Lau SK  Wang J  Teng JL  Wong SS  Tse RH  Chen R  Yang H  Liu B  Yuen KY 《FEBS letters》2003,555(3):469-477
We report the complete sequence of the mitochondrial genome of Penicillium marneffei, the first complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of a thermal dimorphic fungus. This 35 kb mitochondrial genome contains the genes encoding ATP synthase subunits 6, 8, and 9 (atp6, atp8, and atp9), cytochrome oxidase subunits I, II, and III (cox1, cox2, and cox3), apocytochrome b (cob), reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide ubiquinone oxireductase subunits (nad1, nad2, nad3, nad4, nad4L, nad5, and nad6), ribosomal protein of the small ribosomal subunit (rps), 28 tRNAs, and small and large ribosomal RNAs. Analysis of gene contents, gene orders, and gene sequences revealed that the mitochondrial genome of P. marneffei is more closely related to those of molds than yeasts.  相似文献   

Having documented that proestrus female rats are more resistant to shock-induced acute gut and hence lung injury than male rats, we tested the hypothesis that the female gut is more resistant to injury and produces less of an inflammatory response than the male gut when exposed to conditions associated with shock states (hypoxia and acidosis) utilizing the ex vivo Ussing chamber system. Ileal mucosal membranes harvested from normal male and female rats mounted in Ussing chamber systems were exposed to normoxia or 40 min of hypoxia at a normal pH (pH 7.3) or acidosis (pH 6.8). Cytokine and nitric oxide levels in the serosal compartment of the Ussing chamber were measured at the end of the 3-h experimental period to assess the immunoinflammatory response, whereas FITC-dextran (mol wt 4,300) was employed to assess barrier function. Histomorphological changes were used to quantitate gut mucosal injury. Hypoxia, acidosis, or hypoxia plus acidosis was associated with a significant increase in proinflammatory cytokine production [interleukin (IL)-6, tumor necrosis factor, and macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-2] by the male compared with the female intestinal segments. In contrast, the female gut manifested a higher anti-inflammatory response (nitric oxide and IL-10) and improved intestinal barrier function as well as less evidence of mucosal injury than the male intestinal segments. Administration of estradiol or the testosterone receptor antagonist, flutamide, to male rats abrogated the increase in gut injury and the increased IL-6 and MIP-2 response observed after hypoxia plus acidosis. These results suggest that gender differences in the ex vivo intestinal response to stresses, such as hypoxia and acidosis, exist and that the administration of estradiol or blockade of the testosterone receptor to male rats mitigates these gender differences.  相似文献   

Lobe-finned fish, particularly lungfish, are thought of as the closest extant relatives to tetrapods. Albumin, the major vertebrate plasma protein, has been well studied in tetrapods, but there exists no comparative study of the presence and characteristics of albumin in lobe-finned fish versus other vertebrates. There is a controversy over the presence of albumin in fish, although it is present in salmonids and lamprey. The presence of albumin in lungfish has also recently been documented. We identified albumin in plasma of the Australian lungfish, Neoceratodus forsteri, using a combination of agarose gel electrophoresis, [(14)C]palmitic acid binding and SDS-PAGE. Lungfish albumin was purified using DEAE-ion exchange chromatography, and has a mass of 67 kDa, is present at approximately 8 g/L in plasma and like other fish albumins, does not bind nickel. However, like tetrapod albumins, it is not glycosylated. N-terminal and internal peptide sequencing generated 101 amino acids of sequence, which showed a high degree of identity with tetrapod albumins. Despite the similarity in sequence but congruent with the evolutionary distances separating them, lungfish albumin did not cross-react with anti-chicken or anti-tuatara A albumin antisera. Lungfish albumin has characteristics more akin with tetrapod albumin and less like those of other fish.  相似文献   

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