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Mammary tumors induced in Sprague-Dawley Rats by the carcinogen 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene contain a DNA polymerase similar to that found in RNA tumor viruses. It has a molecular weight of 105,000 daltons and is active on the synthetic templates poly(rA):oligo(dT) and poly(rC):-oligo(dG) but is inactive on poly(dA):oligo(dT). This polymerase may be purified more than 300 fold with a 25% yield by ammonium sulfate precipitation, phosphocellulose chromatography and hydroxyapatite chromatography. A similar polymerase is also found in lactating normal rat mammary tissues.  相似文献   

Biogenesis of the purple membrane of Halobacterium halobium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A protein closely resembling the purple membrane protein pre-exists in the cell membrane of H. halobium prior to the appearance of functional bacteriorhodopsin. It is associated with a differentiated membranous structure which has been isolated on a sucrose gradient and appears to be a precursor of the purple membrane. The identity of the precursor protein as a form of the purple membrane protein was established in different ways: (1) The cell proteins were labelled in vivo with 14C-proline during dark aerobic growth, the label was chased, and the cells transferred to the illuminated near-anaerobic conditions under which purple membrane is optimally synthesised (induction conditions). Cell lysates were fractionated on sucrose gradients at different times after induction. Label first found in the precursor fraction appeared within 24 h in the purple membrane fraction. (2) SDS-urea-acrylamide gel electrophoresis of the purple membrane protein and the precursor showed only one protein band whose migration coincided with that of the purple membrane band. (3) The amino-acid analysis of the purified precursor was very similar to that of the purple membrane.The absorption spectrum of the precursor showed little of the characteristic absorption of bacteriorhodopsin at 570 nm. A major band appears at 412 nm, the exact nature of which is not known. The difference spectrum (reduced versus oxidised) of a purified fraction showed only traces of cytochrome. Thin-layer chromatography of an acetone-soluble lipid extract indicated the presence of retinal and -carotene. Cells grown in the presence of nicotine did not develop purple membrane after induction: the species absorbing at 412 nm was much less abundant than in non-inhibited cells, but a new fraction was present with a sharp peak at 345 nm consisting mainly of lycopene.Abbreviations CTAB cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - CAP chloramphenicol - TLC thin layer chromatography - CD circular dichroism  相似文献   

Absorption, circular dichroism and optical rotatory dispersion of the bacteriorhodopsin containing purple membrane form Halobacterium halobium were studied in regard to the structural stability of this membrane during the photoisomerization of the retinal of the bacteriorhodopsin from the 13-cis to the all-trans configuration. The following conclusions were reached: (a) the macromolecular structure (protein-protein interaction which may result in the possible exciton interaction of the retinal pi-pi* (NV1) transition moments and protein-lipid interaction) are not significantly altered, (b) possibilities of delocalized conformation changes of the apoprotein involving secondary and/or tertiary structure can be ruled out, (c) localized secondary structure conformation changes of the apoprotein must be limited to the involvement of no more than one or two amino acid residues and localized tertiary structure conformation changes of the apoprotein must be limited to a very short segment of the protein chain containing only a few aromatic amino acid residues, and (d) the interaction between the apoprotein and retinal seems to be relatively more pronounced when the retinal is in the all-trans form than the 13-cis from and also the apoprotein seems to impose a more pronounced dissymmetric constraint on the retinal in the all-trans form than in the 13-cis form.  相似文献   

Aqueous suspensions of fragments of the purple membrane of Halobacterium halobium are exposed to short electric field pulses. The relaxation kinetics of the induced dichroism are studied as a function of environmental factors such as temperature, medium viscosity, and treatment of the membranes with glutaraldehyde and dimethylsulfoxide. The data indicate that the alignment of the retinyl chromophore is due to orientation of the whole membrane fragments with their planes parallel to the electric field, as well as to an intramembrane orientation of bacteriorhodopsin molecules (or of a part of such molecules). Wavelength effects on the dichroic ratio show that weak, out of (membrane) plane components contribute to the chromophore spectrum on the red side (lambda greater than 560 nm) of the main (alpha) absorption band as well as the range of the beta band (lambda less than 480 nm). The former effect is attributed to exciton interactions, while the latter is assigned to the contribution of a transition to the lowest 1Ag+ state ("cis" band). It is also concluded that the transition moment along the short (kappa) axis, in the plane of the polyene molecule, has a substantial component perpendicular to the membrane plane.  相似文献   

Energy transfer in the purple membrane of Halobacterium halobium.   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The absorption spectrum of the primary photoproduct (the bathoproduct, or K) of the purple membrane protein (PM) at-196 degrees C has a maximum at 628 nm and an extinction coefficient of 87,000. Knowing the absorption spectrum allowed us to calculate the quantum efficiencies for PM to K and K to PM conversion at -196 degrees C. Direct measurements of these quantum yeilds at -196 degrees C gave 0.33 +/- 0.05 and 0.67 +/- 0.04, respectively. Determination of relative quantum efficiencies for PM to K and K to PM conversion by analysis of the absorption spectra of several photostationary-state mixtures of PM and K at -196 degrees C, however, gave wavelength-dependent quantum efficiencies that appear to be greater than 1. These anomolous results can be readily explained in terms of energy transfer from PM to K within the trimer clusters of pigment molecules which exist in the purple membrane. A model for such a transfer predicts an efficiency of energy transfer from PM to K of about 43%.  相似文献   

Techniques for purifying teh purple membrane of Halobacterium halobium are given. This purple membrane contains a chromoprotein with a retinal prosthetic group similar to rhodopsin, the chromprotein found in the visual systems of higher invertebrates and vertebrates. The described purple membrane isolation procedures yield a highly purified preparation as determined by transmitting electron microscopy and gel electrophoresis. Critical analysis of the absorption spectra of the purple membrane was also employed to establish criteria of purity for the preparation. The visible absorption spectra of the purified purple membrane preparation in buffer was found to have a maximum at 559 nm which shifted to 567 nm on light exposure. No indication of any spectral perturbation arising from bacterioruberin-containing membrane, the major contaminant in purple membrane preparations, was found. Furthermore, the ratio of protein aromatic amino acid absorbance at 280 nm to chromophore absorbance at 567 nm was found to be 1.5 in light-exposed preparations compared to the previously reported ratio of 2.3.-3 The decrease in the value of this ratio is also indicative of an increase in the purity of the purple membrane preparation.  相似文献   

A new spectral species of the purple membrane of Halobacterium halobium has been observed below pH 3.2. The formation of this new species is temperature-dependent and is favoured by increasing temperature up to the physiological range of the organism. The rate of formation at pH 3.0 and 22 degrees C is 7.9 x 10-3s-1. The spectral distribution and temperature-dependence of the new species suggest that it may be phototransiet O, stabilized by low pH. Flash-photolytic experiments in the pH range 7.2-2.7 show a pH-dependence corresponding to the static events and are consistent with a single protonation of bacteriorhodopsin below pH 3.22. These results can also be interpreted in terms of the stabilization of phototransient O at low pH. The temperature-dependence of the formation of the acid-induced species may reflect a relationship with the phase transition of the membrane.  相似文献   

The permanent dipole moment, polarizability, and the retinal angle of Halobacterium halobium purple membranes were determined at different pH values. All of the parameters have a maximum between pH 5 and 6. There is a reversal in the direction of the permanent dipole moment near pH 5. The value of permanent dipole moment was determined to be 60 D/protein at pH 6.6, and the value obtained for polarizability was 3 X 10(-28) Fm2/membrane fragment. The retinal angle of all-trans retinal was 0.8 degrees smaller than that of the 13-cis conformation.  相似文献   

Leo D. Kahn  Shu-I Tu 《Biopolymers》1984,23(4):707-718
An electric birefringence study was carried out on aqueous suspensions of the purple membrane of Halobacterium halobium. In addition to the characterization of both native and modified membrane samples, the dependence of electric birefringence on pH and ionic strength was also investigated. The results indicate that purple membrane shows electric birefringence at a field strength as low as 200 V/cm. The permanent dipole moment and polarizability ranged from 20,500 debyes and 1.01 × 10?14 cm3 for a purple membrane concentration of 0.40 mg/mL to 41,000 debyes and 2.05 × 10?14 cm3 for a concentration of 0.80 mg/mL. It was also found that removal of the retinyl group of bacteriorhodopsin substantially decreases but does not eliminate the electric birefringence of the membrane. The solubilization of the membrane by Triton X-100, however, completely abolishes the electric birefringence. These experiments indicate that there is an interaction between adjacent bacteriorhodopsin molecules within the purple membrane via the retinyl chromophore moiety that builds up the permanent dipole moment. They also suggest that there are two types of response when purple membrane suspensions are placed in an electric field. One is an alignment of the disk-shaped particles with the field. The other is a stacking of the particles following their alignment by the electric field, which is promoted by the induced dipole moment.  相似文献   

The quantum yield of H+ release in purple membrane (PM) sheets, and H+ uptake in phospholipid (egg phosphatidylcholine, PC) vesicles containing PM, was measured in single turnover light flashes using a pH-sensitive dye, p-nitrophenol, with rhodopsin as an actinometer. We have also calculated the ratio of H+ released per M412 formed (an unprotonated Shiff-base intermediate formed during the photocycle). In PM sheets, the quantum yield of H+ release depends on the medium. The quantum yield of M412 is independent of salt concentration. The ratio H+/M412 is approximately 1.8 M KC; and approximately 0.64 in 10 mM KCl. Direct measurements of the quantum yield of H+ give approximately 0.7 when the PM is suspended in 0.5 M KC; and 0.25 in 10 mM KCl. Using a quantum yield for M412 formation of 0.3 (Becher and Ebrey, 1977 Biophys J. 17:185.), these measurements also give a H+/M412 approximately 2 at high salt. In PM/PC vesicles, the H+/M412 is approximately 2 at all salt concentrations. The M412 decay is biphasic and the dye absorption change is monophasic. The dissipation of the proton gradient is very slow, taking on the order of seconds. Addition of nigericin (H+/K+ antiporter) drastically reduces the pH changes observed in PM/PC vesicles. This and the observation that the proton relaxation time is much longer than the photochemical cycling time suggest that the protons are pumped across the membrane and there is no contribution as a result of reversible binding and release of protons on just one side of the membrane.  相似文献   

A simple technique for electrophoresis of particles is presented. The technique is based on running charged particles in a vertical tube along a sucrose gradient (20–50%). Purple membrane fragments from Halobacterium halobium were used to demonstrate the method. The migration of the fragments was linear with time in the region of 20 to 40% sucrose. Electrophoresis of purple membrane fragments under illumination, darkness, or darkness interrupted by short periods of illumination showed that at pH 4.5 the dark-adapted form of bacteriorhodopsin is less negative than its light-adapted form. At pH 6.5 and 8.5 no difference between these forms could be detected.  相似文献   

The fluorescence emission kinetics at 740 nm of the retinylidence chromophore of the purple membrane protein of Halobacterium halobium have been studied. Using picosecond laser pulses and an optical Kerr gate, the fluorescence risetime is found to be less than 8 ps and its lifetime is 40 +/- 5 ps at 90 degrees K and is estimated to be less than 3 ps at room temperature.  相似文献   

J Bridgen  I D Walker 《Biochemistry》1976,15(4):792-798
The apparent molecular weight of the purple membrane protein of Halobacterium halobium was found to be 20 000 by sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis and by gel filtration in sodium dodecyl sulfate. However, the molecular weight value determined by gel filtration in 6 M guanidine was 28 000. To resolve this discrepancy, methods insensitive to or independent of the conformation of the protein were used to estimate the molecular weight. Analytical ultracentrifugation of the sodium dodecyl sulfate-protein complex, peptide mapping, and amino acid analysis all gave values of 25 000 +/- 1000, a figure in agreement with a recent x-ray study. Borohydride reduction was used to attach the retinal cofactor covalently to a lysine residue. After digestion with thermolysin, peptide maps were prepared of the protein labeled at lysine residues with [14C] succinic anhydride both before and after reduction. Comparison of the maps showed one radioactive peptide with changed mobility. This peptide was isolated and shown to have the sequence Val-Ser-Asp-Pro-Asp-Lys-Lys with only one of the two lysine residues alkylated. Solid-phase sequencing showed the succinyl group to be at position 6 and hence the retinal group to be at position 7. It was possible that a small amount of retinal was also bound to Lys-6. There was no apparent homology with the corresponding peptide of vertebrate rhodopsin. No evidence of chain heterogeneity was found by radiochemical peptide mapping and sequence analysis of peptides containing lysine residues indicating that all protein chains of purple membrane are very similar or identical.  相似文献   

2H-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has been used to study the dynamics of amino acid residues in bacteriorhodopsin with results that depend on the method of sample preparation. We show here that in [2H]-leucine-labeled samples the intensity of the isotropic signal varies according to the degree of residual contamination of the sample with red membrane. We conclude that few of the surface leucine residues of bacteriorhodopsin are moving isotropically on the 2H-NMR time scale.  相似文献   

Direct comparison of purple membrane preparations from Halobacterium cutirubrum and Halobacterium halobium was carried out. Both preparations were found to be essentially identical with respect to their molecular weight, retinal content, lipid composition, fingerprinting of peptides from peptide digestion, electron micrographs and X-ray diffraction patterns, and behaviour as a light-activated proton pump. Thus, there would appear to be no species differences in the purple membranes from these two bacteria.  相似文献   

The formation and reversal of the acid species of purple membrane generated below pH 4.00 (22 degrees C) is studied together with the photochemical cycle over the pH range 6.40--3.20. The buffering capacity of the membrane reaches a peak at pH 4.30, indicating the possibility of a conformational change taking place. The generation of the new spectral species can take place in the dark and is unaffected by the addition of reducing agents. Kinetic parameters measured indicate that the group being titrated below pH 4.00 could be the same as that protonated in the formation of intermediate O. The temporal placement of intermediate O after M in the photochemical cycle is shown to be incompatible with the data presented here. Reneutralization of acidified purple membrane shows that the spectral changes in acid are reversible but the phototransient properties are altered.  相似文献   

盐生盐杆菌在不同营养条件下紫膜蛋白形成的差异   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用四种培养基培养产生紫膜极端嗜盐菌盐生盐杆菌(Halobacteriumhalobium)菌株R1,通过超速离心和蔗糖密度梯度纯化紫膜,SDS-PGAE后用考马斯亮蓝染色的结果显示其合成的紫膜蛋白的形式有所差异。从蛋白胨培养基上获得的紫膜有三条蛋白带,分子量约26~275kD,而从复合培养基、合成培养基和人工海水培养基上获得的紫膜,仅呈现一条蛋白带,分子量约26kD,即蛋白胨培养基上的成熟紫膜蛋白形式。WesternBloting的结果证明,在以上四种培养基上获得的纯化紫膜经SDS-PGAE后考马斯亮蓝染色的条带确系紫膜蛋白,但还存在含量低于考马斯亮蓝染色灵敏度的紫膜蛋白带,从复合培养基、合成培养基和人工海水培养基所得紫膜在28kD左右有一条浅带,但从蛋白胨培养基所得紫膜无此带;四种培养基所得紫膜在235kD左右都有一条浅带。可见,培养基营养成分的差别影响了紫膜蛋白的存在形式  相似文献   

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