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Birds move between breeding locations to gain a better territory, avoid competition or reduce the deleterious effect of inbreeding. We investigated breeding site fidelity in a small European passerine, the penduline tit (Remiz pendulinus). This species has an exceptionally diverse breeding system, in which both males and females may have up to 5–7 mates in a single breeding season, and the eggs are incubated by a single parent: either the male or the female. We investigated the movements of males and females within three breeding seasons in Southern Hungary (2002–2004). Males moved for shorter distances between breeding sites (116 m, 63–333 m; median, lower quartile–upper quartile) than females (942 m, 415–2,382 m). Movements of males and females were consistent between years, and they were repeatable between subsequent nests of males, but not of females. Taken together, our results suggest that adult male penduline tits are more site-faithful than adult females. We suggest that this difference has an implication on their breeding ecology since male parental behaviour (desert/care) is expected to be influenced by local mating opportunities, whilst female parental behaviour is likely to depend on the mating opportunities in a large area around their breeding site.  相似文献   

To describe the exceptional mating system of the penduline tit, Remiz pendulinus, we aim to combine field observation records with DNA analysis based on polymorphic microsatellite DNA markers. Here we describe features of nine loci and their corresponding polymerase chain reaction primers. The observed number of alleles varied from four to seven and the observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.419 to 0.802. Neither of the loci is sex-linked and as linkage disequilibrium analysis showed they assort independently. Seven of the nine loci were polymorphic in the Cape penduline tit, Anthoscopus minutus.  相似文献   

One important component in the mating strategy of an already-matedindividual is the decision to remain with the partner and carefor the offspring or to desert. Almost all research on nestdesertion has focused on the costs and benefits of continuedparental care versus desertion of both parents. However, ifit pays both parents to desert, the timing of desertion is mostimportant. In birds, where all eggs are fertilized well beforethe last egg is laid, males should be the first to desert. Evenif females try to hide their fertile period, it is likely thatthe appearance of eggs acts as a cue that males can use to calculatethe timing of their desertion. Here we examine egg burial behaviorin penduline tits and its possible effects on parental behaviorand desertion. Penduline tits perform uniparental care fromthe earliest point of breeding, and both sexes try to becomepolygamous. We found that 36% of investigated males were polygynousand deserted as soon as the first egg appeared in their nest,and 12.5% of females became polyandrous. About 27% of the nestswere deserted by both sexes, which means high costs for femalesin terms of wasted energy in eggs and for males in terms ofwasted energy and time in building elaborate nests. Femalescover the eggs, and several facts indicate that egg coveringis a deceptive behavior of females: (1) females cover the eggsin the morning before leaving the nest for the first time, (2)females are more aggressive toward their mates during the layingperiod than before laying, (3) females try to prevent malesfrom entering the nest when eggs have been experimentally uncovered,and (4) females uncover the eggs as soon as males are experimentallyremoved. Finally, we found that a female can only desert thenest before the male deserts when she covers the eggs. We concludethat the higher the proportion of eggs a female can hide, thegreater her chance of becoming polyandrous  相似文献   



The trade-off between current and future parental investment is often different between males and females. This difference may lead to sexual conflict between parents over care provisioning in animals that breed with multiple mates. One of the most obvious manifestations of sexual conflict over care is offspring desertion whereby one parent deserts the young to increase its reproductive success at the expense of its mate. Offspring desertion is a wide-spread behavior, and its frequency often varies within populations. We studied the consistency of offspring desertion in a small passerine bird, the Eurasian penduline tit Remiz pendulinus, that has an extremely variable breeding system. Both males and females are sequentially polygamous, and a single parent (either the male or the female) incubates the eggs and rears the young. About 28–40% of offspring are abandoned by both parents, and these offspring perish. Here we investigate whether the variation in offspring desertion in a population emerges either by each individual behaving consistently between different broods, or it is driven by the environment.  相似文献   

A. DAROLOVà  H. HOI  B. SCHLEICHER 《Ibis》1997,139(1):115-120
In this study we investigated the importance of ectoparasite load in the nest on the breed-ing system of the Penduline Tit Remiz pendulinus, examining the effect of mite abundance in the nest on mate choice, reproductive success and parental effort. The two most common ectoparasites were the Northern Fowl Mite Dermanyssus hirundinis and the Northern Feather Mite Ornithonyssus sylviarum. The results show that mite load is important in mate choice but has no adverse effect on reproductive success. The results also indicate that infestation level is related to the quality of the male (mask-width). Parental feeding rate was negatively related to mite load. This relationship indicated that Penduline Tits did not compensate for higher parasite loads by increasing feeding but rather reflected the con dition of the parent and its investment in self-maintenance behaviour.  相似文献   

Do the two parents at a nest make simultaneous decisions whether to care for their offspring or to desert? If a single parent is sufficient for rearing young, one parent (typically, the male) may desert and reproduce with a new mate within the same breeding season, leaving the other parent with the brunt of care. As each parent is expected to maximize its own reproductive success, the interests of the two parents do not necessarily coincide, and a sexual conflict over care may emerge. Here we investigate the process of clutch desertion in a small passerine bird, the Penduline Tit Remiz pendulinus. Among birds, this species has a remarkably variable breeding system, because a single parent (either the male or the female) may provide the full care of the young, whereas about 30% of clutches are abandoned by both parents. First, we show that biparental desertion occurs within a single day in 73.7% of the clutches (n = 14), whereas desertion decisions are sequential in 26.3% of the clutches (n = 5) (male first: 10.5% (n = 2); female first: 15.8% (n = 3); n = 19 clutches in total). Secondly, we observed the behaviour of both parents before desertion, and investigated whether desertion can be predicted from their behaviour. However, neither singing nor nest‐building behaviour predicted whether the male or the female would desert. We therefore suggest that biparental desertion may be simultaneous by male and female in our population of Penduline Tits. Furthermore, the parents do not appear to signal their intention to desert their mate. We argue that the parents’ interest may be actually to disguise their intention to desert.  相似文献   

Weavers build domed, long-lasting nests that may also be adopted by other species for breeding, probably reducing the energetic costs of nest building to varying degrees. In an extensive literature search, 57 species were found to have at least one record of adopting a weaver nest. There is one known obligate nest user, the Pygmy Falcon Polihierax semitorquatus. Four species were classed as near obligate nest adopters. Four species were listed as common, 10 as occasional, and 38 species as rare nest adopters. Other than the falcon and lovebirds Agapornis species, these nest adopters are passerines. Of the 57 species of nest adopters, 35 species had confirmed eggs and/or chicks found in the weaver nests. Most nest adopter species were in the Estrildidae family (20 species), with three estrildids classed as near obligates. This was followed by the Muscicapidae family, species that build cup nests. By building their cup nests inside weaver nests, there is likely protection from adverse weather and predators. Overall, there appeared to be a large diversity of nest adopter species for the traditional savanna living weavers (Ploceus, Bubalornis, Anaplectes, Plocepasser and Philetairus).  相似文献   

Pasinelli G  Mayer C  Gouskov A  Schiegg K 《Oecologia》2008,156(3):703-714
Large habitat fragments are generally thought to host more species and to offer more diverse and/or better quality habitats than small fragments. However, the importance of small fragments for population dynamics in general and for reproductive performance in particular is highly controversial. Using an information-theoretic approach, we examined reproductive performance and probability of local recruitment of color-banded reed buntings Emberiza schoeniclus in relation to the size of 18 wetland fragments in northeastern Switzerland over 4 years. We also investigated if reproductive performance and recruitment probability were density-dependent. None of the four measures of reproductive performance (laying date, nest failure probability, fledgling production per territory, fledgling condition) nor recruitment probability were found to be related to wetland fragment size. In terms of fledgling production, however, fragment size interacted with year, indicating that small fragments were better reproductive grounds in some years than large fragments. Reproductive performance and recruitment probability were not density-dependent. Our results suggest that small fragments are equally suited as breeding grounds for the reed bunting as large fragments and should therefore be managed to provide a habitat for this and other specialists occurring in the same habitat. Moreover, large fragments may represent sinks in specific years because a substantial percentage of all breeding pairs in our study area breed in large fragments, and reproductive failure in these fragments due to the regularly occurring floods may have a much stronger impact on regional population dynamics than comparable events in small fragments. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Qualitative, quantitative and trophic structure of insects found in Eurasian griffon vulture nests were analysed. A total of 249 insects belonging to six orders were found in 18 griffon vulture nests, collected in three colonies on the islands Cres and Plavnik (Adriatic Sea). Eudominant orders were beetles (64.26%) and ants (22.49%). Dermestid beetles were present in all examined nests and comprise the permanent nest fauna. Other groups of insects (cockroaches, web spinners, ants, flies, aphids) were found to occur occasionally in nests.  相似文献   

Using an electronic apparatus simulating a bird roosting in a nest at night, we examined the insulating qualities of Eurasian Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus) nests built in nest boxes under winter conditions. Nests of different construction were compared with an empty box, and with roosting in open air. Energy savings in an empty box accounted for 18%, in boxes with incomplete nests for 23% and in boxes with complete nests up to 36%. The insulating value of nests mostly depended on their completeness and the proportion of feathers in the lining.  相似文献   

The effects of caterpillar food supply on the breeding performance of a population of the Japanese great tit Parus major minor were investigated. Since more than 90% of the food items in our study site were caterpillars living on trees, we estimated the food availability using 20 frass traps per hectare. The sampling error of this method was about 10% on average, which was accurate enough to detect differences between territories. Food abundance at laying in each territory affected the timing of egg laying. However, food amount after hatching was correlated with clutch size. No relationship was found between fledgling quality and food availability, probably because the effects of local variation in food abundance could be canceled out by parental effort such as extending the foraging area. There was a significant negative correlation between the length of the nestling period and food availability. We suggest that parent tits decide the timing of fledging at the point where two factors, predation risk before fledging and additional improvement of nestling quality, are balanced. Food availability just after fledging affected the length of post-fledging parental care; it seems that fledglings in “poor” territories would have had difficulty in finding food and hence needed to depend on their parents longer than those in “rich” territories. Received: 10 June 1997 / Accepted: 29 December 1997  相似文献   

Götmark F  Andersson M 《Oecologia》2005,142(2):177-183
Predators may regulate prey populations if predation rate increases with prey density. Alternatively, if space-limited (e.g. territorial) predators become satiated when prey exceed a certain density, increased prey abundance may lead to reduced predation rate. These alternatives have been difficult to test experimentally for mobile prey in the wild. We present such a test, manipulating the density of great tits (Parus major) by adding nest boxes in territories of sparrowhawks (Accipiter nisus). Predation rate was measured for young tits after they left the nests. Although the great tit is an important prey, there was no evidence for regulation during the breeding season: the rate of hawk predation declined with increasing density of tits. This result was not confounded by changes in breeding density of alternative prey species (other songbirds). Hawk predation can therefore favour dense breeding in a territorial (solitary) bird, and conspecific attraction and aggregation reported in several territorial species may partly result from predation pressure. This result also has potential implications for conservation work.  相似文献   

In anthropogenic landscapes, which are usually characterized by the existence of highly heterogeneous patchworks of habitats with different conservation status, restored gravel pits have the potential to play a conservation role for semiaquatic species such as Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra). Here, we report an otter habitat suitability analysis on a complex fluvial system in an anthropogenic landscape to understand the role of different artificial water bodies (i.e. irrigation channels and ditches) and natural water bodies (i.e. rivers) related to a restored gravel pit lagoon system as providers of suitable habitats for otters. We implemented seven sampling campaigns during 2016 and 2017 consisting of 19 transects across all existing types of water bodies. We integrated 34 environmental variables with otter habitat use, measured by three spraint marking intensity indicators. We found that otter use of water bodies was not related to the natural or artificial origin of the water. Three key factors influenced habitat suitability: riparian vegetation tree cover, forestland use (either natural or planted) within 100 m from the banks, and the level of human disturbance. Our results suggest that otters' tolerance of human activities might be lower in key areas of their territory compared to areas they pass through or explore. We argue that restored gravel pit lagoon systems can potentially play a role in providing suitable habitats for otters in anthropogenic landscapes.  相似文献   

Veiga JP  Polo V 《Biology letters》2005,1(3):334-337
Although the presence of feathers in the nest is widespread among birds, it has not been previously suggested that feathers can be used as sexual signals. Females of the spotless starling (Sturnus unicolor) regularly carry feathers to their nest, mostly during laying and incubation. We show that the arrangement of these feathers was non-random with respect to the side (obverse or reverse) placed upwards (which can be viewed from the nest entrance). Feathers of the wood pigeon (Columba palumbus) and the spotless starling, which exhibit higher ultraviolet and visible reflectance on their reverse side, were predominantly placed with this side upwards. On the contrary, feathers of the jay (Garrulus glandarius) were predominantly found exhibiting the obverse side, which possesses higher reflectance in this species. Feathers of the azure-winged magpie (Cyanopica cyana), with similar reflectance values on either side, were placed indiscriminately in obverse and reverse positions. The results suggest that feathers are arranged to maximize their conspicuousness within the nest and hence that they might be potentially used as intraspecific signals.  相似文献   

Migration is a critical period of time with fitness consequences for birds. The development of tracking technologies now allows researchers to examine how different aspects of bird migration affect population dynamics. Weather conditions experienced during migration are expected to influence movements and, subsequently, the timing of arrival and the energetic costs involved. We analysed satellite‐tracking data from 68 Eurasian Woodcock Scolopax rusticola fitted with Argos satellite tags in the British Isles and France (2012–17). First, we evaluated the effect of weather conditions (temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, atmospheric stability and visibility) on migration movements of individuals. Then we investigated the consequences for breeding success (age ratio) and brood precocity (early‐brood ratio) population‐level indices while accounting for climatic variables on the breeding grounds. Air temperature, wind and relative humidity were the main variables related to migration movements, with high temperatures and northward winds greatly increasing the probability of onward flights, whereas a trend towards greater humidity over 4 days decreased the probability of movement. Breeding success was mostly affected by climatic variables on the breeding grounds. The proportion of juveniles in autumn was negatively correlated with temperature in May, but positively correlated with precipitation in June and July. Brood precocity was poorly explained by the covariates used in this study. Our data for the Eurasian Woodcock indicate that, although weather conditions during spring migration affect migration movements, they do not have a major influence on subsequent breeding success.  相似文献   

Kilgour  R. J.  Hillerby  R.  McLennan  D. A. 《Journal of Ethology》2010,28(1):175-178
Sticklebacks are used as a model system in behavioral and evolutionary research, and therefore it is important to have a complete understanding of their biology. Despite this, the presence of acoustic signals has never been explored. This study examines acoustic cues in brook sticklebacks during courtship, spawning, egg guarding, and fry guarding. Although some fish produce sounds during spine flaring, results of this experiment showed that brook sticklebacks do not. Females did produce incidental sounds while depositing eggs in the nest. However, these were low intensity and seem unlikely to be heard over background noise.  相似文献   

Blue tits are exposed to a vast array of bacteria throughout their life cycle and are particularly exposed during a breeding attempt. Any pathogenic bacteria within their microbiome can have a detrimental effect on their fitness and that of the nestlings they are raising. This study aims to identify the bacterial species richness that birds of this species are exposed to during three key stages of the breeding cycle: nest build, clutch completion and immediately post fledging. Nests were swabbed at these time points across four deciduous woodland sites in the United Kingdom and genomic DNA extracted prior to T-RFLP analysis. This is the first known instance of this technique being used to assess the nest microbiome and the first culture independent assessment of nest microbiome within this species. This revealed 103 distinct OTUs (Operational Taxonomic Units) across all sites and stages with an increase in taxa richness at each stage. There were differences in the microbiomes of each nest across breeding stage and site with evidence suggesting the nest microbiome is largely determined by the local environment.  相似文献   

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