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C W Lin  S H Chiou 《FEBS letters》1992,311(3):276-280
delta-Crystallin is a major lens protein present in the avian and reptilian lenses. To facilitate the cloning of the delta-crystallin gene, cDNA was constructed from the poly(A)+ RNA of pigeon lenses, amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The PCR product was then subcloned into pUC19 vector and transformed into E. coli strain JM109. Plasmids purified from the positive clones were prepared for nucleotide sequencing by the dideoxynucleotide chain-termination method. Sequencing two clones, containing 1.4 kb DNA inserts coding for delta-crystallin allowed the construction of a complete, full-length reading frame of 1,417 bp covering a deduced protein sequence of 466 amino acids, including the universal translation-initiating methionine. The pigeon delta-crystallin shows 88, 83 and 69% sequence identity to duck delta 2, chicken delta 1 crystallins and human argininosuccinate lyase respectively. It is also shown that, in contrast to duck delta 2 crystallin which has a high argininosuccinate lyase activity, pigeon delta-crystallin appears to contain very low activity of this enzyme, despite the fact that they share a highly homologous structure. A structural comparison of delta-crystallins with or without enzymatic activity suggested several amino acid replacements which may account for the loss of argininosuccinate lyase activity in the lenses of certain avian species.  相似文献   

The major soluble avian eye lens protein, delta crystallin, is highly homologous to the housekeeping enzyme argininosuccinate lyase (ASL). ASL is part of the urea and arginine-citrulline cycles and catalyzes the reversible breakdown of argininosuccinate to arginine and fumarate. In duck lenses, there are two delta crystallin isoforms that are 94% identical in amino acid sequence. Only the delta2 isoform has maintained ASL activity and has been used to investigate the enzymatic mechanism of ASL. The role of the active site residues Ser-29, Asp-33, Asp-89, Asn-116, Thr-161, His-162, Arg-238, Thr-281, Ser-283, Asn-291, Asp-293, Glu-296, Lys-325, Asp-330, and Lys-331 have been investigated by site-directed mutagenesis, and the structure of the inactive duck delta2 crystallin (ddeltac2) mutant S283A with bound argininosuccinate was determined at 1.96 A resolution. The S283A mutation does not interfere with substrate binding, because the 280's loop (residues 270-290) is in the open conformation and Ala-283 is more than 7 A from the substrate. The substrate is bound in a different conformation to that observed previously indicating a large degree of conformational flexibility in the fumarate moiety when the 280's loop is in the open conformation. The structure of the S283A ddeltac2 mutant and mutagenesis results reveal that a complex network of interactions of both protein residues and water molecules are involved in substrate binding and specificity. Small changes even to residues not involved directly in anchoring the argininosuccinate have a significant effect on catalysis. The results suggest that either His-162 or Thr-161 are responsible for proton abstraction and reinforce the putative role of Ser-283 as the catalytic acid, although we cannot eliminate the possibility that arginine is released in an uncharged form, with the solvent providing the required proton. A detailed enzymatic mechanism of ASL/ddeltac2 is presented.  相似文献   

The tetrameric delta2-crystallin from duck lens exhibits a reversible dissociation-denaturation process in solutions containing guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl). Sigmoidal or biphasic curves for the dissociation/denaturation processes, obtained using different methods of structural analysis, as a function of GdnHCl concentration were not coincidental with each other. delta2-crystallin in 0.91 M GdnHCl existed primarily as a monomer, which had no endogenous argininosuccinate lyase activity. After dilution of the GdnHCl-treated protein, the monomers reassociated into tetramers with concomitant recovery of enzyme activity. The sigmoidal recovery of enzyme activity demonstrates a cooperative hysteretic reactivation process. When the concentration of GdnHCl was higher than 1.2 M, various partially unfolded soluble forms of delta2-crystallin were produced from the dissociated monomers as shown by size-exclusion chromatography. The formation of a partially unfolded intermediate during the dissociation-denaturation process is proposed.  相似文献   

G J Wistow  J Piatigorsky 《Gene》1990,96(2):263-270
Argininosuccinate lyase(ASL)/delta-crystallin is a prominent example of an enzyme-crystallin with roles as both a catalyst and a major structural component of the eye lens in birds and reptiles. In chicken it appears that gene duplication and separation of function may have occurred with one gene product acting primarily as a crystallin and one primarily as an enzyme. However, two delta-crystallin-encoding genes are abundantly expressed in the lens of the embryonic duck (Anas platyrhynchos) which has extremely high ASL activity. Here the isolation and sequence analysis of full length cDNA clones for both duck delta-crystallins are described. The two delta-crystallins are highly similar (94% identical in predicted aa sequence), probably as a result of gene conversion. However, the cDNA for duck delta 2-crystallin contains an in-frame insertion of two codons, probably the result of a recent intron boundary slippage. ASL/delta-crystallin belongs to a superfamily of lyases, including fumarases, aspartases and adenylosuccinate lyase which possess some highly conserved blocks of aa sequence. There may be some clues to the tertiary structures of these conserved motifs in otherwise unrelated proteins for which three-dimensional structures are known.  相似文献   

Segments of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) DNA cloned on various plasmid vectors in Escherichia coli can be functionally expressed to produce active enzymes. We have identified several ColE1-DNA(yeast) plasmids capable of complementing argH mutations, including deletions, in E. coli. Variants of the original transformants that grow faster on selective media and contain higher levels of the complementing enzyme activity (argininosuccinate lyase) can be readily isolated. The genetic alterations leading to increased expression of the yeast gene are associated with the cloned yeast DNA segment, rather than the host genome. The yeast DNA segment cloned in these plasmids also specifies a suppressor of the leuB6 mutation in E. coli. The argH and leuB6 complementing activities are expressed from discrete regions of the cloned yeast DNA segment, since the two genetic functions can be separated on individual recloned restriction fragments. The ease with which the bacterial cell can achieve functional high-level gene expression from cloned yeast DNA indicates that there are no significant barriers preventing expression of many yeast genes in E. coli.  相似文献   

Argininosuccinic aciduria is an inborn error of metabolism due to the genetic deficiency of argininosuccinate lyase. In order to determine the molecular basis for the disease, RNA isolated from cultured skin fibroblasts derived from four unrelated patients was reverse-transcribed and amplified using the polymerase chain reaction and the products were cloned and sequenced. Three single base missense mutations were identified: Arg111----Trp, Gln286----Arg, and Arg193----Gln. One single base amber mutation was identified at Gln454. One mutation involved a 13-base pair deletion within exon 13, and it was noted that the majority of the mature RNA derived from this allele was deleted for the entire exon rather than containing the exon with the 13 bases deleted. A final mutation was observed in which exon 2 was deleted from the mature RNA. The molecular basis for this deletion was not determined. Of the eight potential mutations present in the four cell lines studied, six mutations were identified and further data indicate that the remaining two unidentified mutations were different from those identified. Two site-directed mutations were created in the cDNA, Lys51----Asn and His89----Gln, and these were expressed in yeast. The Lys51 mutation caused an approximate 2-fold reduction in activity and the His89 mutation resulted in an approximate 10-fold reduction in activity. The combination of determination of naturally occurring mutations and the study of the effect of site-directed mutations on the activity of argininosuccinate lyase provide insight into the amino acid residues critical to the function of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The coding sequence of the mature dalcochinase, a beta-glucosidase from Dalbergia cochinchinensis Pierre, was cloned and expressed in various systems. Expression in Escherichia coli resulted in an insoluble protein, which could be made soluble by co-expression with bacterial chaperonin GroESL. However, the enzyme had no activity. Recombinant expression in Pichia pastoris and Saccharomyces cerevisiae yielded an active enzyme. Dalcochinase was expressed under methanol induction in P. pastoris, since this was much more efficient than constitutive expression in P. pastoris or in S. cerevisiae. Addition of 0.5% casamino acids to the culture medium stabilized the pH of the culture and increased the protein yield by 3- to 5-folds. Insertion of a polyhistidine-tag either after the N-terminal alpha factor signal sequence or at the C-terminus failed to assist in purification by immobilized metal-ion affinity chromatography (IMAC) due to post-translational processing at both termini. A new construct of dalcochinase with an N-terminal truncation following the propeptide and eight histidine residues enabled its purification by IMAC, following hydrophobic interaction chromatography. The purified recombinant dalcochinase was apparently composed of differently post-translationally modified forms, but had kinetic properties and pH and temperature optima comparable to natural dalcochinase. The procedures reported here overcome the limitation in enzyme supply from natural sources, and allow further studies on structure-function relationships in this enzyme.  相似文献   

Duck delta2-crystallin is a soluble tetrameric lens protein. In the presence of guanidinium hydrochloride (GdnHCl), it undergoes stepwise dissociation and unfolding. Gel-filtration chromatography and sedimentation velocity analysis has demonstrated the dissociation of the tetramer protein to a monomeric intermediate with a dissociation constant of 0.34 microM3. Dimers were also detected during the dissociation and refolding processes. The sharp enhancement of 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonic acid (ANS) fluorescence at 1 M GdnHCl strongly suggested that the dissociated monomers were in a molten globule state under these conditions. The similar binding affinity (approximately 60 microM) of ANS to protein in the presence or absence of GdnHCl suggested the potential assembly of crystallins via hydrophobic interactions, which might also produce off-pathway aggregates in higher protein concentrations. The dynamic quenching constant corresponding to GdnHCl concentration followed a multistate unfolding model implying that the solvent accessibility of tryptophans was a sensitive probe for analyzing delta2-crystallin unfolding.  相似文献   

During the course of a search for cDNAs encoding plant sterol acyltransferases, an expressed sequence tag clone presenting substantial identity with yeast and animal acyl CoA:cholesterol acyltransferases was used to screen cDNA libraries from Arabidopsis and tobacco. This resulted in the isolation of two full-length cDNAs encoding proteins of 520 and 532 amino acids, respectively. Attempts to complement the yeast double-mutant are1 are2 defective in acyl CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase were unsuccessful, showing that neither gene encodes acyl CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase. Their deduced amino acid sequences were then shown to have 40 and 38% identity, respectively, with a murine acyl CoA:diacylglycerol acyltransferase and their expression in are1 are2 or wild-type yeast resulted in a strong increase in the incorporation of oleyl CoA into triacylglycerols. Incorporation was 2-3 times higher in microsomes from yeast transformed with these plant cDNAs than in yeast transformed with the void vector, clearly showing that these cDNAs encode acyl CoA:diacylglycerol acyltransferases. Moreover, during the preparation of microsomes from the Arabidopsis DGAT-transformed yeast, a floating layer was observed on top of the 100 000 g supernatant. This fraction was enriched in triacylglycerols and exhibited strong acyl CoA:diacylglycerol acyltransferase activity, whereas almost no activity was detected in the corresponding clear fraction from the control yeast. Thanks to the use of this active fraction and dihexanoylglycerol as a substrate, the de novo synthesis of 1,2-dihexanoyl 3-oleyl glycerol by AtDGAT could be demonstrated. Transformation of tobacco with AtDGAT was also performed. Analysis of 19 primary transformants allowed detection, in several individuals, of a marked increase (up to seven times) of triacylglycerol content which correlated with the AtDGAT mRNA expression. Furthermore, light-microscopy observations of leaf epidermis cells, stained with a lipid-specific dye, showed the presence of lipid droplets in the cells of triacylglycerol-overproducer plants, thus illustrating the potential application of acyl CoA:diacylglycerol acyltransferase-transformed plants.  相似文献   

M S?gaard  B Svensson 《Gene》1990,94(2):173-179
Amylolytic strains of the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, were constructed by transformation with expression plasmids containing cDNAs encoding either AMY1 (clone E) or AMY2 (clone pM/C). The alpha-amylases were efficiently secreted into the culture medium directed by their own signal peptides. When clone E without its 5'-noncoding region was expressed from the yeast PGK promoter, AMY1 was produced as 1% of total cell protein and was thus the major protein secreted, whereas a similar construct derived from pM/C produced much less AMY2. This level is the highest reported for a plant protein secreted by yeast as mediated by the endogenous signal peptide. Production of AMY1 increased 25-fold when the 5'-noncoding part of clone E which contains a 12-bp dG.dC homopolymer tail had been removed. Moreover, expression was one to two orders of magnitude higher when genes encoding AMY1 or AMY2 were inserted between promoter and terminator of the yeast PGK gene in comparison to expression directed from the ADC1 or GAL1 promoters. Recombinant AMY1 and AMY2 had the same Mr and N-terminal sequence as the corresponding barley malt enzymes. Furthermore, none of the enzymes were found to be N-glycosylated. Isoelectric focusing indicated that transformed yeast cells secreted one major form of AMY2 and four dominant forms of AMY1. One AMY1 form corresponded to one of the major forms found in malt while the others, having either low activity or unusually high pI, probably reflect inefficient/incorrect processing. Enzyme kinetic properties and pH activity-dependence of recombinant AMY2 were essentially identical to those of malt AMY2.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Expression of active yeast pyruvate decarboxylase in Escherichia coli.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have shown by appropriate modification of the translational signals and using the strong T7 RNA polymerase promoter phi 10, that a cloned Saccharomyces cerevisiae pyruvate decarboxylase gene (pdc1) can be expressed in Escherichia coli. This protein, which migrated as a single band on SDS-polyacrylamide gels, was found to have a subunit molecular mass of approximately 62 kDa, similar to that of the enzyme produced by yeast. Polyclonal antibodies raised against purified yeast pyruvate decarboxylase recognized this bacterially produced protein. We found that this recombinant enzyme is active, indicating that the homotetramer encoded by the pdc1 gene is functional.  相似文献   

Screening of lens homogenates from the representative species of five major classes of vertebrates was undertaken to search for delta-crystallin with argininosuccinate lyase activity. Purification and biochemical characterization of delta-crystallins from the avian and reptilian species revealed differences in their electrophoretic and kinetic properties in spite of their similar tetrameric structure of about 200 kDa in the native forms. Chicken delta-crystallin, in contrast to those obtained from duck, goose and caiman, is almost devoid of the enzymatic activity. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of lens homogenates indicated that in the chicken lens delta-crystallin is composed of a subunit with an isoelectric point of 5.9 and a subunit mass of 50 kDa whereas that of goose lenses possesses heterogeneous subunits with isoelectric points spreading in a range of 5.9 to 6.8. Immunological comparison of inactive and active delta-crystallins from the chicken, duck and caiman lenses established the apparent structural similarity of all delta-crystallins to the authentic enzyme regarding some of common surface epitopes, yet they are not completely identical. Kinetic constants for two of the active delta-crystallins, i.e. those from the duck and goose of the Anatidae family, were also determined and their catalyzed reaction was shown to conform to a random Uni-Bi kinetic mechanism similar to that of the argininosuccinate lyase from the bovine liver.  相似文献   

In Klebsiella pneumoniae, the nifH gene encodes the Fe protein (Kp2) polypeptide that is assembled into a homodimer responsible for the reduction of nitrogenase. Escherichia coli or the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, transformed with the K. pneumoniae nifH gene in suitable expression vectors, synthesize the Fe protein polypeptide. This study examines the assembly of the nifH gene product into its characteristic dimeric structure in E. coli and in yeast. Immunoblotting methods, as well as 55Fe2- labeling of K. pneumoniae were employed to detect native nitrogenase components in cell lysates. E. coli and yeast transformants contained a protein similar to native Kp2 in its immunoreactivity, apparent molecular weight, and lability in the presence of oxygen or MgATP. While in E. coli the co-introduction of nifH and nifM resulted in enhanced levels of the nifH product, it appears that the nifH gene product alone is sufficient for the assembly of an Fe protein-like structure in foreign prokaryotic and eukaryotic hosts.  相似文献   

Summary All five tryptophan biosynthetic genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were unified on plasmid pME554, which is based on 2 m DNA and pBR322 sequences allowing for autonomous replication in yeast and E. coli. Homologous and heterologous expression of this artificial yeast TRP-gene cluster was studied. Plasmid pME554 allowed for nearly normal growth of a yeast strain bearing auxotrophic mutations in all five TRP-genes. The plasmid-borne genes TRP2 to TRP5 were expressed and regulated normally in the frame of the general control. Gene TRP1, carried on an EcoRI/BglII fragment lacking the ARS1 function, was expressed poorly and did not respond to the general control like the chromosomally-borne TRP1 gene.Plasmid pME554 allowed for poor growth of E. coli strain W3110 tna trpEA2 on minimal medium. Marked stimulation was observed, however, when anthranilic acid or indole were added. Accordingly, poor expression of the first Trp-enzyme anthranilate synthase and the last enzyme tryptophan synthase was found, whereas the other three genes were moderately well expressed in E. coli.Abbreviations bp basepair - kb kilobase  相似文献   

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