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Buller’s Albatross, Thalassarche bulleri, is a New Zealand breeding endemic that is frequently observed in the subtropical and sub-Antarctic South Pacific Ocean between Australia and Peru. However, in the South Atlantic Ocean, it is a vagrant, as information on its presence in this region is limited to only a few sightings. Here, we report a new record of T. bulleri in the south-western Atlantic Ocean off Argentina (55°06′13″S, 66°06′44″W) while investigating interactions between commercial fisheries and seabirds. This record provides new information about the distribution of this albatross species and its relation with fisheries outside of its regular range.  相似文献   

Slovenia has one of the most extensive Natura 2000 networks in Europe with 259 SAC’s covering 31.4% of the country. To determine how well does the current network cover the areas of high butterfly diversity and/or aggregation of the butterfly species of conservation concern, the data from the recent survey for a distribution atlas were used. Altogether 99,423 records of 173 species collated after 1979 were used. The data distribution is slightly biased towards SAC’s, with 44.8% of localities within them, most likely due to sparsely sampled urban areas and intensive farmland areas which are found only outside SAC’s. The diversity and distribution of red listed species was evaluated at a 5 × 5 km grid square level. Additionally the importance of the size of the SAC’s was compared to their butterfly species diversity. In general the high diversity areas also hold the largest aggregation of red listed species with core areas concentrated in SW Slovenia. The SAC’s cover majority of areas with high diversity and the distribution of all but one threatened butterfly species. That species is Colias myrmidone, which is now considered extinct in Slovenia with no records after 1993. The most prominent areas with high conservation value in Slovenia not included in the SAC’s network are the Koro?ka region, Gori?ka Brda region, lower Sava River valley and Slovenske Gorice region. The butterfly diversity in small SAC’s is relatively high with increases in size only gradually increasing the species numbers, thus emphasizing the importance and conservation value of small SAC’s for sustaining high butterfly diversity in Slovenia.  相似文献   

We address the question to which degree ridge habitats in tropical montane forests contribute to overall plant diversity by analysing patterns of pteridophyte (i.e. lycophytes and ferns) assemblages on ridges and slopes in three montane forest sites near Podocarpus National Park, Ecuador. The analyses, which involved 158 pteridophyte species (110 terrestrial, 96 epiphytic, 48 both) from 28 plots of 20 m × 20 m (or an equivalent of 400 m2), showed that more species were typical of one of the three study sites than of one of the two habitats (ridge/slope). As found in previous studies, alpha diversity on ridges was lower than on slopes, accounted for by the absence of numerous species that are found on slopes. Pteridophyte assemblages on ridges were more similar across study sites than those on slopes. Thus, unlike the structurally comparable (i.e. stunted, open) Amazonian forests, the studied montane ridge forests harbour fairly homogenous pteridophytes assemblages with very few specialised species. Our study implies that slope forests are of higher conservation priority for pteridophytes in the study region than ridge habitats. However, comparative studies are needed because other geographical regions and other groups of organisms may not share this pattern. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Spiders are a megadiverse group that can be useful indicators of the overall species richness and health of biotic communities. The spider diversity in subtropical forests of the Neotropical region are not yet well known, especially in Argentinean subtropical forests where systematic fieldwork has not been done until recently. The Great Chaco is very important as the unique dry subtropical forest of the earth, but it is suffering increasing degradation by the advance of agriculture. Spider communities have been shown to be more directly influenced by vegetation architecture than vegetation species composition. In this study, we aim to assess whether spider diversity and assemblages change in adjacent habitats with different types of vegetation. We compare the diversity and spider assemblages in two different contiguous protected habitats (hygrophilous woodland and savannah parkland) of the Mburucuyá National Park, (Humid Chaco ecoregion). Seasonal samples were obtained using three types of sampling methods: pitfall trapping, beating, and manual litter extraction. The spider assemblages were different in the studied areas, and the abundance, diversity, evenness, and species richness were higher in the hygrophilous woodland than the savannah parkland. These differences in spider diversity and assemblages indicate that both types of habitats are important if the biodiversity is to be conserved in the Chaco ecoregion, where different types of habitat are shown as a patchy distribution.  相似文献   

Manipulative endoparasites with complex life cycles can alter their intermediate host immunity and behaviour in ways that increase survival probability within the host body cavity and enhance successful transmission to the definitive host. These parasitic manipulations are variable among and within parasite species and may result from co-evolutionary processes, in which the parasite is constrained for adaptation to the local intermediate host. Hence, arrival of a new host species in a local host population may promote local parasite maladaptation. This study tested the occurrence of local adaptation in two distantly located populations of the acanthocephalan parasite Pomphorhynchus laevis and its effect on the immunity and behaviour of its gammarid intermediate host Gammarus roeseli. This was done in France (an area for which G. roeseli is a recent invader) and Hungary (an area from which G. roeseli was believed to be native). As expected, we found no alteration in G. roeseli's immune defence and behaviour associated with infection by P. laevis in localities, where the gammarid is invasive. Unexpectedly, we found similar results in Hungarian populations, where the parasite was even more exposed to the host immune response. Whilst these results suggest maladaptation of the parasite to the gammarid in both countries, they also suggest that the gammarid host might be locally adapted to the parasite. Genetic analyses were performed on both the parasite and the host and the results suggest that the two subsets of populations we studied harbour rather isolated host-parasite systems, both probably deriving from a common ancestral population. We propose that G. roeseli is also of recent acquisition in Hungary, and that a recent co-evolutionary history between P. laevis and G. roeseli in association with a long generation time in the parasite has constrained parasite adaptations in Europe or even favoured host adaptation to the parasite.  相似文献   

The diversity in different groups of obligate saproxylic beetles was related to ecological variables at three levels of spatial scale in mature spruce-dominated forest. The variables were connected to: (i) decaying wood, (ii) wood-inhabiting fungi, (iii) the level of disturbance, (iv) landscape ecology, and (v) vegetational structure. Several strong relationships were found at medium (1 km2) and large scales (4 km2), while only weak relationships were found at a small scale (0.16 ha; 1 ha=104 m2). This may be explained by the local variations in habitat parameters and the high mobilities of many beetle species. Factors connected to decaying wood and wood-inhabiting fungi were clearly the most important factors at all scale levels. In particular, the variables diversity of dead tree parts, number of dead trees of large diameter and number of polypore fungi species increased the species richness of many groups and increased the abundance of many species. Eight species were absent below a certain density of decaying wood per 1 or 4 km2. Former extensive cutting was a negative factor at large scale, probably because of decreasing recolonization with increasing distance to the source habitats. Thinning reduced the diversity of species associated with birch. The development of guidelines favouring the diversity of saproxylic beetles are discussed below.  相似文献   

Grassland restoration on arable land is the second most implemented compensation measure in Germany to counteract impacts of infrastructural projects on nature. Most grassland restoration has been carried out using standardized commercial seed mixtures with large amounts of perennial generalists, cultivars and seeds of non-local origin. To evaluate whether this current practice is appropriate for developing regional types of species-rich mesophile grasslands, we analyzed four widely used treatments in a real-world setting (48 plots): (1) sowing a non-site-specific herb-poor mixture; (2) sowing a non-site-specific herb-enriched mixture; (3) sowing a site-specific herb-enriched mixture; and (4) spontaneous regeneration. After up to nine years, restored sites differed from target grasslands in: (1) number of species; (2) abundance and dominance of target species; and (3) dominance structure. Sown fields were dominated by sown species from the beginning. Because most differences were due to increasing cover of a small number of sown species, we found little development toward regional types of species-rich mesophile grasslands. In contrast, species composition on spontaneously regenerated sites changed to a greater degree and showed gradual development toward target grasslands. The limiting factor for successful restoration on all sites was availability of propagules. On sown sites, dominance patterns - particularly of Festuca rubra cultivars - had a negative effect on immigration and development of target species. For future restoration practice, we strongly recommend avoiding standardized commercial non-local seed mixtures. In particular, highly competitive cultivars should never be used. Even spontaneous regeneration should be preferred over standardized mixtures. However, in species-poor environments enrichment with selected species is necessary to reach target state.  相似文献   

Protected areas, a corestone of biodiversity conservation, provide a vast array of ecosystem services to support livelihoods of people. However, protected areas, especially freshwater, are under threat with overexploitation of resources changing the land covers and degrading their capacity to supply services. Information on land cover changes and its implications on ecosystems, its services and people, especially in developing countries at a local scale, is largely absent. This study, therefore, seeks to understand people's dependency on ecosystem services and implications of land cover change on ecosystem services and people, with a case study in the Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve of Nepal. Using both qualitative and quantitative methods, our findings show high dependency of the locals on a vast array of ecosystem services provided by the reserve. More than half of the sampled households were found to directly derive income from ecosystem services of the reserve. However, land cover changes especially declines in forest (16%), swamps/marshes (4%), rivers (14%) and other ecosystems over a period of 34-years impacted the provision of ecosystem services and people’s dependency notably. The services from forests declined by about 94%, swamps services by 36% and services from river by 57% which were reported to be the high service suppliers. People's dependency, as perceived by the locals, was reduced by 67% over the last ten years. The study highlighting the supply, demand and implications on ecosystem services and people helped to better understand the complex interaction between humans and ecosystems. These results can be used to develop holistic approaches to restore, conserve and manage the ecosystems, and its services by balancing equal supply and demand of ecosystem services required for a self-sustaining human-environment system. It can also contribute to development of important environmental policies and programs in the area.  相似文献   

Background and objectiveSelf-esteem refers to a degree to which a person esteem himself or herself, the summation in light of cognizant self-evaluative considerations and feeling or in short as global emotional placement of self. This study investigates the relationship between self-esteem, social factors, and academic achievement in the form of grade point average (GPA) standing for academic achievement in the health science colleges.MethodsThis study is a quantitative cross-sectional design. The study was conducted at Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University (PNU), and the participants were health Science Colleges' undergraduate students. The questionnaire is composed of 24 questions in 4 main sections. The self-esteem was evaluated by using a validated Rosenberg Self-Esteem 7-questions Scale used only.ResultsA total of 551 questionnaires were distributed to the students, and 507 of them responded. Out of 507 responded, 7 were excluded due to a lack of the information. 47 (9.4%) were Foundation year students, 109 (21.8%) Medical students, 44 (8.8%) Dental students, 97 (19.4%) Pharmacy students, 101 (20.2%) Nursing students and 102 (20.4%) from Applied science. The students’ overall responses demonstrated that most of the health science students agreed in a positive way of self-esteem (1.68 ± 0.31).ConclusionThe findings from the current study contribute to the resources to better oversee projects to upgrade health sciences students' self-esteem, some short term courses (i.e. English, personality development and motivation) are requested to boost the academic career and confidence by lifting self-esteem; it indirectly helps to better academic performance. Students also need special counseling for how to deal with stress, anxiety and depression.  相似文献   

The fossil remains of the moschid Micromeryx flourensianus from the Sansan type locality (middle Miocene, France) show indications of fluvial transport and clear signs of carnivore activity. Most remarkable are bite marks with a distinctive pattern on the heels of the moschids (marks predominantly on the medial side of the astragalus and on the lateral side of the calcaneus). These allow the reconstruction of a specific hunting behaviour: most likely, the predator was attacking the moschid prey by deliberate bites on the heel during the chase, probably to immobilize it. This kind of behaviour is recorded for mustelids hunting moschids in modern ecosystems. Considering this and evaluating the size and pattern of the bite marks, it was possible to name the mustelids Martes sansaniensis, Taxodon sansaniensis and Proputorius sansaniensis as the most likely candidates for the hunt on Micromeryx. This offers an insight into a predator–prey relationship in the fossil‐rich locality Sansan and reveals that a hunting behaviour present in modern mustelids might actually represent a trait at least 14 million years old.  相似文献   

R Padmanabhan 《Acta anatomica》1991,141(2):182-192
Exencephaly is said to precede anencephaly resulting from failure of the rostral neuropore closure. In order to verify if the exencephaly induced after neural tube closure would also lead to anencephaly, exencephaly was induced in rat fetuses by maternal administration of a single dose (15 mg/kg) of cyclophosphamide on day 12 of gestation and pregnancy was prolonged by uterine ligation until postconception (PC) day 24. Fetal death was found to increase with prolongation of gestation and no sign of recovery from growth retardation was observed. Alizarin red-S-stained skeletal preparations substantiated the persistence of skull malformations in the exencephalic fetuses. Histological observations of the mesenchyme and the brain indicated degenerative changes that were intensifying with time. The ventricular system expanded progressively; the ependyma was denuded and neural mass lay free in the ventricle. The choroid plexus appeared to be elaborate and extensive. The haemorrhagic capillary network around the brain tissue was highly proliferative and appeared to penetrate the former from the exterior. Tissue necrosis seemed to progress unabated. Cystic spaces appeared beneath the base of the brain and became progressively large and it appeared as if the brain was being pushed out of the shallow cranial fossae. By PC day 24, most of the brain tissue had degenerated, thus giving clearly the appearance of the anencephalic condition.  相似文献   

Wild cherry (Prunus avium L.) is a widespread, partially asexual, noble hardwood European species characterized by a scattered distribution, small population sizes, and human exploitation for its valuable wood. These characteristics, especially at the southern limits of the species natural distribution where additional varying stresses may occur, render P. avium populations prone to potential stochastic, genetic, and demographic events. In this study, we used dominant inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) and codominant simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers to infer the genetic structure of P. avium. Five populations from northern Greece were evaluated based on 46 ISSR and 11 SSR loci. Populations presented a relatively high level of genetic variation, with a mean genetic diversity of H e?=?0.166 and H e?=?0.740 regarding ISSR and SSR analysis, respectively. We observed moderate population differentiation for ISSR (G ST?=?0.113) and SSR (F ST?=?0.097) markers. AMOVA also detected significant differentiation among populations for ISSRs (?? ST?=?0.338) and SRRs (?? ST?=?0.162). According to linkage disequilibrium analysis, estimates of effective population size were generally sufficient for maintaining extant genetic variability and evolutionary potential. A possible bottleneck was detected for only one population. In general, it appears that despite the particular characteristics of the P. avium populations studied, genetic stochasticity events were not apparent. The studied populations, located at the rear edge of the species European distribution, reveal a wealth of genetic variation that is very valuable for the genetic conservation of local adaptive gene complexes, especially under contemporary climatic change scenarios.  相似文献   

We amplified, TA-cloned, and sequenced the 16S-23S internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions from single isolates of several cyanobacterial species, Calothrix parietina, Scytonema hyalinum, Coelodesmium wrangelii, Tolypothrix distorta, and a putative new genus (isolates SRS6 and SRS70), to investigate the potential of this DNA sequence for phylogenetic and population genetic studies. All isolates carried ITS regions containing the sequences coding for two tRNA molecules (tRNA and tRNA). We retrieved additional sequences without tRNA features from both C. parietina and S. hyalinum. Furthermore, in S. hyalinum, we found two of these non-tRNA-encoding regions to be identical in length but different in sequence. This is the first report of ITS regions from a single cyanobacterial isolate not only different in configuration, but also, within one configuration, different in sequence. The potential of the ITS region as a tool for studying molecular systematics and population genetics is significant, but the presence of multiple nonidentical rRNA operons poses problems. Multiple nonidentical rRNA operons may impact both studies that depend on comparisons of phylogenetically homologous sequences and those that employ restriction enzyme digests of PCR products. We review current knowledge of the numbers and kinds of 16S-23S ITS regions present across bacterial groups and plastids, and we discuss broad patterns congruent with higher-level systematics of prokaryotes.  相似文献   

The article describes how economic resilience of farming households can be measured using a composite indicator of revealed adaptive actions, and investigates how capabilities of farm households to recombine human, financial, natural and physical capitals are linked to observed economic resilience to land set-aside interventions. The land set-aside intervention known as the Grain for Green Project (GGP), which has been altering livelihoods of farming households in China’s Loess Hills since 1999, is taken as a case study. Household surveys were conducted in three V-shaped valleys and three riparian areas in Yanhe Township in northwestern China in an effort to measure household resilience and explore its’ relationship to forms of capital. A composite index of adaptive strategies that can reorganize livelihood activities under land set-aside intervention into a new economic equilibrium is crafted using an objective weighting scheme based on principal component analysis. Subsequently, a multiple regression model was utilized to examine the relationship between the composite resilience index and various indicators related to human, social, financial, natural and physical capitals. The results reveal the latent structure and internal correlations of adaptive strategies, and present quantitative evidence about the relationship between livelihood capitals and household economic resilience. The analysis shows that household resilience deteriorates when the ratio of GGP land to cultivated farmland goes above a threshold level, and revealed that interventions targeting various forms of capitals can enhance the economic resilience for households to conservation efforts.  相似文献   

We tested the intergroup spacing hypothesis with a 13-month field study of the interaction of singing behaviour between 3 neighbouring groups of black-crested gibbons (Nomascus concolor jingdongensis) at Mt. Wuliang, Central Yunnan, China. Neighbouring groups tended not to sing on the same day. While it did happen occasionally, a group seldom started a duet while its neighbour was singing, or within 5 min of the singing ceasing. The intersong intervals of 2 groups calling on the same day were similar or significantly longer than the intervals between any song bouts randomly selected from the same 2 groups when calling on different days. Groups did not sing in intergroup encounters and showed similar responses to neighbouring groups and groups with no common border. These results did not support the intergroup spacing hypothesis. The possible reasons are discussed.  相似文献   

The strategy for cold-hardiness and water balance features of two closely related families of Coleoptera, Cerambycidae and Chrysomelidae, were investigated. Cerambycids were freeze-avoiding with low supercooling points, whereas chrysomelids froze at high temperatures and were tolerant to freezing. Hence, the two families have adopted different strategies for cold-hardiness. Due to their low trans-cuticular water permeability, the cerambycids have low rates of evaporative water loss. Chrysomelids have much higher trans-cuticular water permeability, but freezing brings their body fluids in vapour pressure equilibrium with ice and prevents evaporative water loss. The differences in cold-hardiness strategies and rates of water loss are likely to reflect the water content of the diets of the two families. Cerambycids feed on dry wood with low water content, causing a restrictive water balance. Chrysomelids feed on leaves with high water content and may use evaporation through the cuticle as a route of water excretion. Haemolymph ice nucleators help chrysomelids to freeze at a high temperature and thus to maximize the period they spend in the water saving frozen state. The diet-related differences in water balance may be the reason why the two families have developed different strategies for cold-hardiness.  相似文献   

A comparative study on diurnal changes in metabolite levels associated with crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) in the leaves of three CAM species, Ananas comosus (pineapple), a hexose-utilizing species, and Kalancho? daigremontiana and K. pinnata, two starch-utilizing species, were made. All three CAM species showed a typical feature of CAM with nocturnal malate increase. In the two Kalancho? species, isocitrate levels were higher than citrate levels; the reverse was the case in pineapple. In the two Kalancho? species, a small nocturnal citrate increase was found and K. daigremontiana showed a small nocturnal isocitrate increase. Glucose 6-phosphate (G-6-P), fructose 6-phosphate (F-6-P) and glucose 1-phosphate (G-1-P) levels in the three CAM species rose rapidly during the first part of the dark period and decreased during the latter part of the dark period. The levels of the metabolites also decreased during the first 3 h of the light period, then, remained little changed through the rest of the light period. Absolute levels of G-6-P, F-6-P and G-1-P were higher in pineapple than in the two Kalancho? species. Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate (F-1,6-P(2)) levels in the three CAM species increased during the dark period, then dramatically decreased during the first 3 h of the light period and remained unchanged through the rest of the light period. The extent of nocturnal F-1,6-P(2) increase was far greater in the two Kalancho? species than in pineapple. Absolute levels of F-1,6-P(2) were higher in the two Kalancho? species than in pineapple, especially during dark period. Diurnal changes in oxaloacetate (OAA), pyruvate (Pyr) and phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) levels in the three CAM species were similar.  相似文献   

Scintillation proximity assay (SPA) is a radio-isotopic technology format used to measure a wide range of biological interactions, including drug-target binding affinity studies. The assay is homogeneous in nature, as it relies on a “mix and measure” format. It does not involve a filtration step to separate bound from free ligand as is the case in a traditional receptor-binding assay. For G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), it has been shown that optimal binding kinetics, next to a high affinity of a ligand, can result in more desirable pharmacological profiles. However, traditional techniques to assess kinetic parameters tend to be cumbersome and laborious. We thus aimed to evaluate whether SPA can be an alternative platform for real-time receptor-binding kinetic measurements on GPCRs. To do so, we first validated the SPA technology for equilibrium binding studies on a prototypic class A GPCR, the human adenosine A1 receptor (hA1R). Differently to classic kinetic studies, the SPA technology allowed us to study binding kinetic processes almost real time, which is impossible in the filtration assay. To demonstrate the reliability of this technology for kinetic purposes, we performed the so-called competition association experiments. The association and dissociation rate constants (k on and k off) of unlabeled hA1R ligands were reliably and quickly determined and agreed very well with the same parameters from a traditional filtration assay performed simultaneously. In conclusion, SPA is a very promising technique to determine the kinetic profile of the drug-target interaction. Its robustness and potential for high-throughput may render this technology a preferred choice for further kinetic studies.  相似文献   

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