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Mesocoelium lanfrediaesp. nov. (Digenea: Mesocoeliidae) inhabits the small intestine of Rhinella marina (Amphibia: Bufonidae) and is described here, with illustrations provided by light, scanning electron microscopy and molecular approachs. M. lanfrediae sp. nov. presents the typical characteristics of the genus, but is morphometrically and morphologically different from the species described previously. The main diagnostic characteristics of M. lanfrediae sp. nov. are (i) seven pairs of regularly-distributed spherical papillae on the oral sucker, (ii) ventral sucker outlined by four pairs of papillae distributed in a uniform pattern and interspersed with numerous spines, which are larger at the posterior margin and (iii) small, rounded tegumentary papillae around the opening of the oral sucker, which are morphologically different from those of the oral sucker itself, some of which are randomly disposed in the ventrolateral tegumentary region of the anterior third of the body. Addionally, based on SSU rDNA, a phylogenetic analysis including Brachycoeliidae and Mesocoeliidae taxa available on GenBank established the close relationship between M. lanfrediae sp. nov. and Mesocoelium sp.  相似文献   

The immunohistochemical distribution of galanin (Gal) in the brain and pituitary of Rhinella arenarum was studied during development. Gal-immunoreactivity was first observed in the brain just after hatching in anterior preoptic area, infundibular area, median eminence and pars distalis of the pituitary as well as in the olfactory epithelium. At the beginning of prometamorphosis new Gal-immunoreactive (ir) cells were observed in the olfactory nerve and bulb. Later in prometamorphosis new Gal-ir cells were observed in the telencephalon, suprachiasmatic nucleus, rostral rhombencephalon and in the pars nervosa of the pituitary. The most numerous accumulations of Gal-ir neurons throughout the larval development were observed in the ventral hyphothalamus where numerous Gal-ir cells of cerebrospinal fluid-contacting type were found. During metamorphic climax and soon after we did not detect Gal-ir neurons in the pallium, medial or pretectal dorsal thalamus. In the median eminence and pars distalis of the pituitary many Gal-ir fibers were found during development indicating that Gal may play a role in the modulation of hypophyseal secretion. Furthermore, the distribution of Gal-ir elements observed throughout larvae development indicates that galaninergic system maturation continues until sexual maturity.  相似文献   

Genetic variation of Rana pirica , an east Asian brown frog of the R. temporaria group, was elucidated by analysing 140 specimens from 11 populations from Hokkaido and Sakhalin, both locating near the eastern coasts of the Asian continent, and 12 specimens of R. ornativentris from Honshu, Japan mainland, as an outgroup, through horizontal starch gel electrophoresis. Rana pirica shows relatively low genetic differentiation, and high genetic affinities are found between Hokkaido and Sakhalin populations. Populations from these islands are morphologically somewhat differentiated but should be regarded as conspecific. Degree of genetic divergence among populations of amphibian species from Hokkaido, including R. pirica , is not so extensive as that reported for species from Japan mainland and relatively recent formation of amphibian fauna in Hokkaido is suggested.  相似文献   

Morphological differentiation among local trout (Salmo trutta) populations   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The trout (Salmo trutta) has been divided into three forms: sea-run trout, lake-run brown trout, and resident brown trout. They differ in their living environment, migratory behaviour, growth and appearance. As local trout populations are often isolated, and gene flow between them is minimal, differentiation between populations can be expected. The morphology of 1-year-old trout from ten populations representing all three forms was studied in a common-garden experiment. The fish were reared under similar environmental conditions, and 20 morphometric characters were measured from each individual fish. Marked morphological differentiation was found, and differences between populations were greater than differences between forms. The results suggest that the differences have a genetic basis, and they are likely to indicate adaptation to local environmental conditions in the native habitat of the trout.  相似文献   

Vallinoto, M., Sequeira, F., Sodré, D., Bernardi, J. A. R., Sampaio, I. & Schneider, H. (2009). Phylogeny and biogeography of the Rhinella marina species complex (Amphibia, Bufonidae) revisited: implications for Neotropical diversification hypotheses. —Zoologica Scripta, 39, 128–140. A number of distinct hypotheses have been proposed to account for the origin of the considerable biological diversity found in the Neotropics, which is still a matter of intense debate. Here, we conducted a phylogenetic analysis of the Rhinella marina complex, a group of species widely distributed in Central and South America, combining published data with new sequences of three mtDNA genes (12S, 16S and cyt b) in order to clarify the evolutionary relationships and biogeographical history of the group. We included eight of the ten currently recognized R. marina group species and several outgroups. Maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian inference analyses produced similar topologies, with two well‐supported main clades, each characterized by a deep subdivision. One of these major clades includes the samples of R. marina from Central America and Ecuador (west of the Andes), whereas the other comprises the remaining species of the group and samples of R. marina from the Amazon basin and other areas east of the Andes. A Bayesian coalescent‐based method (BEAST) dated the divergence between the two major clades, and between the Central American and Ecuadorian clades to the Miocene, matching the timing of other Central‐South American faunal divergences. Taken together, the results highlight the importance of Tertiary events such as the Pebas/marine incursions into the Amazon basin and Andean uplift for the diversification and historical biogeography of R. marina, making such taxa paraphyletic, and provide new perspectives on the debate on its species status.  相似文献   

The Bidder's organ (BO) of male true toads of Bufonidae family is located in the anterior pole of the testis and it has been compared to a rudimentary ovary because of the presence of previtellogenic follicles. In some species, BO remains in both sexes, while in others only adult males preserve the structure. Several studies suggest that the development of BO is inhibited by the differentiation of the corresponding gonad. The purpose of this study is to describe morphological and histological variability of the BO of Rhinella arenarum and also analyze its steroidogenic capacity. Observations indicate that although most bidderian follicles are in pre vitellogenesis, there are others in early or late vitellogenesis. Moreover, we found that BOs weight was significantly lower in males during the pre-reproductive period and that there is no significant correlation between the weights of BO and the adjacent testis. We also analyzed the presence of steroidogenic enzymes using immunohistochemistry. Results indicate that all the follicles were immunoreactive with the antibody against aromatase, while only few of them were positive for the cytochrome P450 side-chain cleavage. Furthermore, activities of 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/isomerase, cytochrome P450 17-hydroxylase, C17,20-lyase and aromatase were detected by the transformation of radioactive substrates into products. Taken together, these results confirm the steroidogenic capacity of the BO in adult males of R. arenarum.  相似文献   

The interrenal gland of anurans synthesizes the steroids aldosterone and corticosterone, but it is unknown whether these hormones are synthesized by the same cell type. In this work, we aim to elucidate whether there are different steroidogenic cell types and whether they have specific regionalization in the interrenal gland of the male toad Rhinella arenarum. We characterized all cell types using histological, immuhistochemical, and histochemical methods as well as transmission electron microscopy. Furthermore, we evaluated the organization of the cell types in the gland and anteroposterior variations in the synthesis of the steroids. We found evidence of five cell types: two morphologically different steroidogenic cells, type 1: polyhedral cells tightly attached to each other that have spherical euchromatic nuclei and type 2: retracted cells loosely attached to each other that have oval heterochromatic nuclei. Cell type 2 is mainly observed in the inner zone of the gland. In addition, we observed two types of chromaffin cells, called type 3 and 4 cells, randomly distributed throughout the interrenal gland, as well as type 5 cells, recognized as summer cells. Morphometric analyses of the cell types in the anterior and posterior zones of the interrenal showed that the ratio “area of type 2 cells/total interrenal area” is significantly lower in the posterior zone. In vitro incubations showed that the posterior portion of the gland produces significantly higher amounts of both corticosterone and aldosterone. Overall, our results suggest that the type 2 cells are less active to synthesize both aldosterone and corticosterone, compared to type 1 cells. Unlike most previous reports on the interrenal gland of anurans, in R. arenarum there is a zonation of the steroidogenic cell types, which implies that the organ is not anteroposterior or dorsoventrally homogeneous. © J. Morphol., 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The nematode parasites of Rhinella marina include species of the genus Rhabdias (Rhabdiasidae: Rhabditoidea). The present study describes Rhabdias paraensis sp. nov., which parasitizes the lungs of R. marina in Brazilian Amazonia. Of the more than 70 known species of this genus, 18 are parasites of bufonids, of which, eight are Neotropical. The new species described here is similar to Rhabdias alabialis in the absence of lips is different by the presence of conspicuous cephalic papillae. We describe details of the four rows of pores, which are distributed equally along the whole of the length of the body and connected with hypodermal cells, using histology and scanning electron microscopy. Other histological aspects of the internal structure of this nematode are also described.  相似文献   

A subordinal classification of frogs (Amphibia: Anura)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Otto M.  Sokol 《Journal of Zoology》1977,182(4):505-508
Two new anuran suborders, based on two states of the trigeminofacial ganglion character complex are proposed. A subsidiary character is the presence or absence of free ribs in extant taxa. These new suborders are more clades (sister groups) than sequential levels of organization. Discoglossoidei, retaining separate trigeminal and facial ganglia and free ribs, encompasses only Leiopelmatidae and Discoglossidae, although by definition it would include the common ancestor of both lineages. Ranoidei have the trigeminal and facial ganglia fused and extant taxa lack free ribs. This group includes all other frogs.
Only the superfamiliesPelobatoidea and Pipoidea are reallocated by the new arrangement. The former are now regarded as representing the ranoidean stem group. Both laival and adult morphology show that pipoids are highly derived rather than primitive frogs, and their trigeminofacial systems show that they are ranoideans rather than discoglossoideans. They presumably are ultimately derived from pelobatoids, but the known taxa are too specialized for direct derivation and there must have been an intermediate group with pipoid tadpoles but without extreme specializations for either fossorial or aquatic life.  相似文献   

At an invasion front, energetic and physiological trade‐offs may differ from those at the range‐core as a result of selection for enhanced dispersal, combined with a low density of conspecifics (which reduces pathogen transmission and competition for food). We measured traits related to energy stores and immunity in wild cane toads (Rhinella marina) across a 750‐km transect from their invasion front in tropical Australia, back into sites colonized 21 years earlier. Several traits were found to vary with population age; some linearly and others in a curvilinear manner. The relative size of spleens and fat bodies was highest in the oldest and newest populations, where rates of lungworm infection were lowest. Toads from older populations produced more corticosterone in response to a standardized stressor, and had higher lymphocyte counts (but lower basophil counts). The amount of skin swelling elicited by phytohaemagglutinin injection did not vary geographically, although recruitment of leukocytes to the injected tissue was higher in toads from long‐colonized areas. Because this was a field‐based study, we cannot differentiate the effects of population age, toad density or pathogen pressure on our measures of stress and immune responses, nor can we distinguish whether the causation involves hard‐wired adaptive processes or phenotypically plastic responses. Nonetheless, our data demonstrate substantial variation in immune systems among toads at varying distances from an invasion front, showing that a biological invasion imposes strong pressures on physiological systems of the invader.  相似文献   

Using the stomach flushing technique, a total of 188 specimens of the Marsh Frog, Pelophylax ridibundus, were flushed, of which 129 had at least one food item in the stomach. The diet consisted of Annelida, Mollusca, Arthropoda and Chordata with Arthropoda being the most abundant group. Both diet volume and number of food items per stomach were significantly larger in April than in August. The proportion of frequency of occurrence (FOi%) of food categories did not show a constant food item in flushed materials. Pelophylax ridibundus prefers Diptera, Coleoptera, Amphipoda and Hymenoptera over other food categories. The Index of Relative Importance (IRI) for food categories differs between sexes and seasons. Differences were found in the food volume and the number of food items between seasons, but not between sexes. Prey volume is positively correlated with frog size.  相似文献   

To determine the time scale of tooth replacement in adult Xenopus laevis (Daudin), three large females of similar size were kept in aquaria at 25 °C for ten weeks. They were anaesthetized twice weekly with MS 222 and impressions of their upper jaws were taken using thin sheets of dental gold-casting wax. Because the erupted tips of the teeth were small (100 μm), the impressions were enlarged by projection so that the presence or absence of a tooth at each locus in the jaw could be recorded. Each half of each animal's jaw was analysed separately and a statistical analysis of the records yielded results for the duration of the Replacement Cycle and Functional Life of the teeth. The range of the median Replacement Cycle time between specimens was 910–1,010h, that of the Functional Life 580–700 h and that of the Gap Period (the time over which loci were unoccupied by functional teeth) 230–420 h. A tentative time scale for the complete tooth development cycle (from tooth germ initiation to complete resorption) was calculated by extrapolation from the results and ranged from 59.07 to 71.29 days.  相似文献   

The morphogenesis of gonads in Bufo bufo tadpoles was studied, and ultrastructural differences between sexes were identified. All specimens analyzed initially developed gonads made up of a peripheral fertile layer (cortex) surrounding a small primary cavity. Subsequently a central layer of somatic cells (medulla) developed. Both layers were separated by two uninterrupted basal laminae between which a vestige of the primary cavity persisted. During female differentiation, the peripheral layer continued to be the fertile layer. In males, the central layer blended into the peripheral layer and the basal laminae disappeared. The somatic cells of the central layer came into direct contact with the germ cells; this did not occur in females. Testicular differentiation continued with the migration of germ cells towards the center of the gonad. The somatic elements surrounding the germ cells appeared to play an active role in their transfer to the center of the gonad. The peripheral layer shrank and became sterile. Two basal laminae then re-formed to separate the fertile central layer from the peripheral sterile one. Germ cells have always been thought to perform a passive role in sex differentiation in amphibians. Following the generally accepted "symmetric model", the mechanism of gonad development is symmetrical, with cortical somatic cells determining ovarian differentiation and medullary somatic cells determining testicular differentiation. In contrast, we found that sex differentiation follows an "asymmetric" pattern in which germ cells tend primarily toward a female differentiation and male differentiation depends on a secondary interaction between germ cells and medullary somatic cells.  相似文献   

Recent phylogenetic studies of Southeast Asian megophryid Leptobrachium, while clarifying (1) distinct specific status of three Philippine populations and (2) high genetic diversities within Bornean Leptobrachium montanum, posed two questions, (1) relationships and divergence histories of two Philippine species and Bornean Leptobrachium gunungense, and (2) possible discordance between phylogenetically and morphologically defined lineages. In order to solve these questions, and especially reviewing current taxonomy of Bornean species, we estimated the phylogenetic relationships of endemic Bornean species together with their putative relatives from Philippines and Sumatra, using 2451 bp sequences of the 12S rRNA, tRNA(val), and 16S rRNA of mitochondrial DNA genes. With respect to Leptobrachium hasseltii and Leptobrachium chapaense, lineages from Borneo, Philippines, and Sumatra formed a monophyletic group with Leptobrachium lumadorum from Mindanao as the basal clade, while two other Philippine species from Palawan and Mindoro formed a clade and nested in Bornean lineages. Sister species relationship of the two Philippine species and L. gunungense is not supported, rejecting the hypothesis of Philippine origin of L. gunungense. Phylogeny does not conform to morphological variation, and the topotypic L. montanum and one lineage of Leptobrachium abbotti are genetically very close despite their clear difference in ventral color pattern. Furthermore, each of these species forms a paraphyletic group and contains several lineages, each of which is a candidate of good species. These results clearly indicate that current taxonomy of Bornean species based on several morphological characteristics requires complete revision. Detailed studies on adult and larval morphology, as well as acoustic characteristics, are necessary to evaluate the taxonomic status of all lineages recovered.  相似文献   

Specimens of O. americanus collected in eight localities from Rio Grande do Sul and four from Paraná (Brasil) were studied. Patterns of chromosomal localization and activity of nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) were established using the silver banding technique. It was shown that diploid and tetraploid specimens from all localities have homologues of group 4 bearing active NORs. In addition, some populations showed NOR activity on only one homologue number 5 (Uruguaiana, Prudentópolis), 8 (Itaqui) or 2 (Pato Branco). Intrapopulation polymorphism was found, some specimens showing the extra band and others not. Most cells analysed from the intestinal epithelium of an individual showed the same particular staining pattern of NORs, which were unequally stained, suggesting differences in their activity. The tetraploid genomes showed a maximum of five and a minimum of two active NORs. Diploid genomes showed two active NORs and four in the case of one specimen from Pato Branco. Four diploid populations and sympatry of 2n and 4n animals in Santa Bárbara do Sul (RS) were detected for the first time in South Brasil. Karyological evolution, as well as the meaning of number and unequal activity of NORs on tetraploid genomes are discussed.  相似文献   

The larval neurocranium and visceral arches of seven dendrobatid species representing four genera are described, based on cleared-and-stained and serially sectioned specimens. A variety of characters is shared by all seven species. Larval features do not substantiate the assumption of close ranoid affinities of the Dendrobatidae. Instead dendrobatid larvae share features such as the special quadripartite cartilago suprarostralis, the lack of the larval processus oticus, the presence of three foramina acustica, and the lack of a foramen perilymphaticum accessorius with many bufonoid larvae. The first of these characters is unique to bufonids, hylids, dendrobatids, and some New World leptodactylids; the other characters also occur in pelobatids and are presumably plesiomorphic for the Neobatrachia. The free proximal ends of Ceratobranchialia II and III are an autapomorphy of the Dendrobatidae supporting the monophyly of the family. Some features of the cranium are paedomorphic: low cartilago orbitalis, lack of connection between cartilage orbitalis and otic capsule (most species), and vestigal taeniae tecti. New anatomical terms are introduced. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Genetic differentiation of Hyla arborea molleri and H. meridionalis was studied through allozyme electrophoresis and through essays of artificial hybridization. Samples were taken at several localities in Portugal, where these species occur either in sympatry or allopatry, and at one locality in France. Of the 21 presumptive loci analyzed, 6 were monoallelic, while 9 loci were discriminative between both species. A relatively high level of genetic differentiation was found between the two species (NEI's D = 0.725), contrasting with their morphological similarity. Remarkably low levels of genetic variability were found within species, with greater differentiation found among samples of H. meridionalis than of H. a. molleri. Although the capacity for interspecific hybridization was low, hybrid embryos resulted from both reciprocal crosses, but with much greater success in the cross ♂H. a. molleri x δH. meridionalis. Hybrids showed greater similarity with the male parent, and showed heterozygote allozymic phenotypes for discriminative loci. Results are compared with those of similar studies on the same and different species of Hyla, and differentiation of H. a. molleri and H. meridionalis is discussed in relation to their taxonomic status and origin.  相似文献   

Intraspecific variation in habitat-forming species can have important ecological consequences at the population, community, and ecosystem level. However, the contribution of genetic variation among individuals to these effects is seldom documented. We quantified morphological and physiological variation among genotypes of a marine foundation species, the seagrass Zostera marina. We grew replicate shoots of eight genetically distinct Zostera individuals collected from Bodega Bay, California, in a common garden environment and then quantified shoot production and morphology, nutrient uptake, and key photosynthetic parameters. We found that genotypes differed in shoot production, biomass, and both root and shoot nutrient uptake rates, even when corrected for genotype-specific biomass differences. In addition, the rank order of uptake ability differed for ammonium and nitrate, indicating that genotypes may exhibit resource partitioning of different forms of nutrients. Our results suggest that both niche complementarity among genotypes and the sampling/selection effect could contribute to previously observed positive effects of seagrass clonal diversity on resource utilization and biomass production. Further, they highlight that genotypic variation in key traits of habitat-forming species could have measurable effects on community structure and function.  相似文献   

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