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I examined the geographic distribution of genetic variation in the livebearing freshwater fish Brachyrhaphis rhabdophora in northwestern Costa Rica as revealed by allozymes and mitochondrial DNA sequences. Allelic variability at 11 enzyme-coding loci surveyed across 12 localities revealed marked genetic differentiation among populations within drainages (0P= 0.36) and among drainages within regions (0D=0.17), but not between northern and southern geographic regions (0R=– 0.02). Allozyme variation was hierarchically organized such that populations found within stream drainages were more similar to each other than to populations found in adjacent drainages, a result confirmed by cluster analysis. In contrast to the allozyme data, there was extremely little DNA sequence variation among populations in the mitochondrial control region (3 variable nucleotide positions out of 444 bp examined). The difference in genetic divergence between allozyme and mtDNA markers was unexpected and is discussed in terms of biogeographical colonization events and a molecular selective swéep on the mitochondrial genome, both processes that could explain the lack of mitochondrial variability in this highly subdivided species.  相似文献   

The widespread occurrence of female multiple mating (FMM) demands evolutionary explanation, particularly in the light of the costs of mating. One explanation encapsulated by “good sperm” and “sexy‐sperm” (GS‐SS) theoretical models is that FMM facilitates sperm competition, thus ensuring paternity by males that pass on genes for elevated sperm competitiveness to their male offspring. While support for this component of GS‐SS theory is accumulating, a second but poorly tested assumption of these models is that there should be corresponding heritable genetic variation in FMM – the proposed mechanism of postcopulatory preferences underlying GS‐SS models. Here, we conduct quantitative genetic analyses on paternal half‐siblings to test this component of GS‐SS theory in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata), a freshwater fish with some of the highest known rates of FMM in vertebrates. As with most previous quantitative genetic analyses of FMM in other species, our results reveal high levels of phenotypic variation in this trait and a correspondingly low narrow‐sense heritability (h2 = 0.11). Furthermore, although our analysis of additive genetic variance in FMM was not statistically significant (probably owing to limited statistical power), the ensuing estimate of mean‐standardized additive genetic variance (IA = 0.7) was nevertheless relatively low compared with estimates published for life‐history traits across a broad range of taxa. Our results therefore add to a growing body of evidence that FMM is characterized by relatively low additive genetic variation, thus apparently contradicting GS‐SS theory. However, we qualify this conclusion by drawing attention to potential deficiencies in most designs (including ours) that have tested for genetic variation in FMM, particularly those that fail to account for intersexual interactions that underlie FMM in many systems.  相似文献   

One consequence of human‐driven habitat degradation in general, and habitat fragmentation in particular, is loss of biodiversity. An often‐underappreciated aspect of habitat fragmentation relates to changes in the ecology of species that persist in altered habitats. In Bahamian wetlands, ecosystem fragmentation causes disruption of hydrological connectivity between inland fragmented wetlands and adjacent marine areas, with the consequent loss of marine piscivores from fragmented sections. We took advantage of this environmental gradient to investigate effects of ecosystem fragmentation on patterns of resource use in the livebearing fish Gambusia hubbsi (Family Poeciliidae), using both population‐ and individual‐level perspectives. We show that fragmentation‐induced release from predation led to increased G. hubbsi population densities, which consequently led to lower mean growth rates, likely as a result of higher intraspecific competition for food. This was accompanied by a broadening of dietary niches via increased interindividual diet variation, suggesting a negative effect of predation and a positive effect of intraspecific competition on the degree of diet variation in natural populations. Our results therefore indicate that habitat fragmentation can greatly impact the ecology of resilient populations, with potentially important ecological and evolutionary implications.  相似文献   

Byers DL 《Genetica》2005,123(1-2):107-124
The maintenance of genetic variation in traits of adaptive significance has been a major dilemma of evolutionary biology. Considering the pattern of increased genetic variation associated with environmental clines and heterogeneous environments, selection in heterogeneous environments has been proposed to facilitate the maintenance of genetic variation. Some models examining whether genetic variation can be maintained, in heterogeneous environments are reviewed. Genetic mechanisms that constrain evolution in quantitative genetic traits indicate that genetic variation can be maintained but when is not clear. Furthermore, no comprehensive models have been developed, likely due to the genetic and environmental complexity of this issue. Therefore, I have suggested two empirical approaches to provide insight for future theoretical and empirical research. Traditional path analysis has been a very powerful approach for understanding phenotypic selection. However, it requires substantial information on the biology of the study system to construct a causal model and alternatives. Exploratory path analysis is a data driven approach that uses the statistical relationships in the data to construct a set of models. For example, it can be used for understanding phenotypic selection in different environments, where there is no prior information to develop path models in the different environments. Data from Brassica rapa grown in different nutrients indicated that selection changed in the different environments. Experimental evolutionary studies will provide direct tests as to when genetic variation is maintained.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Tradeoffs in performance or fitness across environments have important implications regarding the nature of evolutionary constraints. It remains controversial whether tradeoffs such as these reflect genetic correlations that are genuine evolutionary constraints. However, if such long-term genetic constraints do exist, they must be due to underlying pleiotropy such that alleles that confer high performance in one environment invariably confer low performance in another. The distribution of genetic correlations within and among populations can provide insight about the existence of such pleiotropic tradeoffs. The long-term association of certain teleost fish taxa with particular abiotic environments suggests that tradeoffs in performance across environments have constrained the geographic distribution of those taxa. Here we report the results of an experiment in which we artificially selected on acute heat- and cold-stress tolerance in two stocks of the poeciliid fish Heterandria formosa from source populations with different thermal histories. Unexpectedly, we observed no direct responses to selection. Under certain conditions, fish from the different source populations differed significantly in cold tolerance, but not in heat tolerance. The results suggest there are no strong pleiotropic tradeoffs between heat- and cold-stress tolerance in these populations.  相似文献   

G. D. Constantz 《Oecologia》1979,40(2):189-201
Summary The population dynamics and energy allocations of the Gila topminnow, a small livebearing fish, were studied in two contrasting environments, a spring run of constant characteristics and a fluctuating desert wash. Topminnows grew and matured in two basic patterns. First, many fish in both areas matured the year after their birth. Second, spring fish born early in the breeding season grew rapidly, bred within five months, and died by eight months of age. Although spring fish assimilated more energy, wash fish actually expended more calories for growth and reproduction, partly because of lower maintenance costs. Reproductive effort of long-lived spring fish varied with age between 3.1 and 6.5%; whereas efforts of short-lived spring and wash fish increased steadily with age to 5.2 and 9.8%, respectively. Although spring fish produced eggs of higher energy content, females in both areas varied their investment per offspring, apparently tracking seasonal changes in the availability of food for fry. When long-lived spring fish experienced food shortage, they allocated less energy to both growth and reproduction; in contrast, wash and short-lived spring fish under similar conditions reduced only their growth allocation. The reproductive mass in spring fish appeared to be limited by food availability, incompletely filled the abdominal space, and reflected no tradeoff between fecundity and investment per offspring. Reproduction by wash fish appeared to be limited by body space and was characterized by a tradeoff between fecundity and egg size.  相似文献   

Lindström  K.  St Mary  C.  Gunnels  B.  Hale  R.  Osenberg  C.  Stevens  S.  Vonesh  J.  & Wilson  J. 《Journal of fish biology》2003,63(S1):236-236
Fish have comparatively small brains and are not renowned for their intelligence. Yet a series of laboratory experiments on the guppy reveals that they can be surprisingly good at learning from each other, and that social learning processes can mediate behavioural traditions analogous to the tool using traditions of different populations of chimpanzees. Transmission chain experiments have established that arbitrary and even maladaptive information can be socially transmitted among shoals of fish. Studies of behavioural innovation in guppies are strikingly consistent with findings of equivalent studies in primates. There are strong sex differences in innovatory tendencies and social learning abilities in guppies, which also parallel observations of primates. These studies suggest that the adage 'necessity is the mother of invention' may be a characteristic feature of animal innovation. When considered in combination with the findings of transfer experiments carried out on natural populations of fish, it becomes apparent that fish are an excellent model system for studies of animal social learning and culture.  相似文献   

The existence of individual differences in handedness and other lateralized functions is an unresolved problem. Genetic factors account for only a small proportion of the variance but the contribution of environmental influences is still largely unexplored. In chicks and zebrafish the amount of environmental light reaching embryos during development greatly influences the lateralization of adults. To investigate whether a similar effect is present in livebearers, we measured behavioural lateralization in ten-day-old goldbelly topminnows born from females that have been maintained at high or low light intensities during pregnancy. Fish from high-light treatment were significantly lateralized in both visual and motor tests while fish exposed to low light intensities were not. As observed in chicks and zebrafish, the main consequence of light exposure was the alignment of the laterality of different individuals in the same direction. Lateralization is known to affect a number of fitness-related traits in topminnow and we suggest that light influence may be part of an adaptive mechanism allowing to adjust the developmental trajectories of offspring to the prevailing environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Understanding the factors that maintain genetic variation in natural populations is a foundational goal of evolutionary biology. To this end, population geneticists have developed a variety of models that can produce stable polymorphisms. In one of the earliest models, Owen ( 1953 ) demonstrated that differences in selection pressures acting on males and females could maintain multiple alleles of a gene at a stable equilibrium. If the selection pressures act in opposite directions in males and females, we refer to this as (inter‐) sexual conflict or sexual antagonism (Arnqvist & Rowe, 2005 ). Testing if sexual conflict maintains genetic variation in natural populations is a tremendous challenge—it requires both identifying loci that harbor sexually antagonistic alleles and determining whether those alleles are maintained as stable polymorphisms (Mank, 2017 ). Doing so genome‐wide is even harder because it is not tractable to identify sexually antagonistic alleles and test for stable polymorphisms at all loci. Dutoit et al. ( 2018 ) confront this challenge in a paper published in this issue of Molecular Ecology. Using gene expression and population genomic data from the collared flycatcher, Dutoit et al. ( 2018 ) identify associations and correlations between genomic signatures of balanced polymorphisms and sexual conflict.  相似文献   

Evolutionary Ecology - Variation in animal behavior can have important consequences for ecological processes like mate choice, resource competition and invasive potential. Characterizing behavioral...  相似文献   

Synopsis Liver regeneration is induced by heat stress in the small viviparous fish, Poeciliopsis. Acute exposure to sublethal temperatures, one to two degrees below their killing temperature, damages tissue and initiates liver cell proliferation in P. lucida, P. monacha, and P. monacha-lucida hybrid clones, SYN-4 and SYN-5. Regeneration of liver cells began within 1–2 days following heat stress and proceeded over 5 days. Peak cell proliferation occurred 2–3 days after treatment in fish of all four genotypes. Cell proliferation was induced in the two all-female clones, SYN-4 and SYN-5, by exposure to 40.5° C for 60 minutes. This treatment imposed mortalities of 17.9% and 16.7%, respectively, whereas reduction of the temperature to 39.5°C and reduction of the time to 30 minutes resulted in no mortalities without significantly lowering the level of cell proliferation (p > 0.05). Liver cell proliferation induced by both heat treatments was significantly higher (p < 0.05) in the SYN-5 hybrids than in SYN-4. The induction of liver cell proliferation with sublethal temperature exposures is discussed as it may relate to chemical carcinogenesis in both feral and laboratory fish. Acute heat exposure may be used experimentally in fish as an independent stimulus for liver cell proliferation in carcinogenesis studies. In poikilothermic animals-heat exposure offers an alternative to surgical removal of approximately two-thirds of the liver, the method most frequently used in rodents to study the process of liver regeneration.  相似文献   

Sexually selected traits can be costly to produce and maintain. The amount of resources available to an individual is therefore expected to influence investment in costly sexual traits. While resource-dependent expression of sexually selected traits has traditionally been examined in males, resource limitation can also influence how sexual selection operates in females. Female reproductive fluids are thought to be costly to produce and may play an important role in shaping the outcome of postcopulatory sexual selection by influencing sperm performance. However, we know surprisingly little about whether and how female reproductive fluids are influenced by resource limitation. Here, we examine if resource restriction influences female reproductive fluid-sperm interactive effects in the pygmy halfbeak (Dermogenys collettei), a small internally fertilizing freshwater fish where females store sperm. After experimentally altering female diets (high vs. restricted diets), we compared how female reproductive fluids influence two key metrics of sperm quality: sperm viability and velocity. While female reproductive fluids enhanced sperm viability and velocity, we found no evidence that female diet influenced the interactive effect between female reproductive fluids and sperm viability or velocity. Our findings build on the growing evidence that female reproductive fluids influence sperm performance and call for further attention to be devoted to understanding how resource quantity and quality influence how female reproductive fluids affect sperm performance.  相似文献   

Male genital morphology is remarkably diverse across internally fertilizing animals, a phenomenon largely attributed to sexual selection. Ecological differences across environments can alter the context of sexual selection, yet little research has addressed how this may influence the rapid, divergent evolution of male genitalia. Using the model system of Bahamas mosquitofish (Gambusia hubbsi) undergoing ecological speciation across blue holes, we used geometric morphometric methods to test (i) whether male genital shape (the small, approximately 1 mm long, distal tip of the sperm‐transfer organ, the gonopodium) has diverged between populations with and without predatory fish and (ii) whether any observed divergence has a genetic basis. We additionally examined the effects of genetic relatedness and employed model selection to investigate other environmental factors (i.e. interspecific competition, adult sex ratio and resource availability) that could potentially influence genital shape via changes in sexual selection. Predation regime comprised the most important factor associated with male genital divergence in this system, although sex ratio and some aspects of resource availability had suggestive effects. We found consistent, heritable differences in male genital morphology between predation regimes: Bahamas mosquitofish coexisting with predatory fish possessed more elongate genital tips with reduced soft tissue compared with counterparts inhabiting blue holes without predatory fish. We suggest this may reflect selection for greater efficiency of sperm transfer and fertilization during rapid and often forced copulations in high‐predation populations or differences in sexual conflict between predation regimes. Our study highlights the potential importance of ecological variation, particularly predation risk, in indirectly generating genital diversity.  相似文献   

Predators can cause a shift in both density and frequency of a prey phenotype that may lead to phenotypic divergence through natural selection. What is less investigated is that predators have a variety of indirect effects on prey that could potentially have large evolutionary responses. We conducted a pond experiment to test whether differences in predation risk in different habitats caused shifts in behavior of prey that, in turn, would affect their morphology. We also tested whether the experimental data could explain the morphological variation of perch in the natural environment. In the experiment, predators caused the prey fish to shift to the habitat with the lower predation risk. The prey specialized on habitat-specific resources, and there was a strong correlation between diet of the prey fish and morphological variation, suggesting that resource specialization ultimately affected the morphology. The lack of differences in competition and mortality suggest that the morphological variation among prey was induced by differences in predation risk among habitats. The field study demonstrated that there are differences in growth related to morphology of perch in two different habitats. Thus, a trade-off between foraging and predator avoidance could be responsible for adaptive morphological variation of young perch.  相似文献   

Human-induced environmental change can affect the evolutionary trajectory of populations. In Mexico, indigenous Zoque people annually introduce barbasco, a fish toxicant, into the Cueva del Azufre to harvest fish during a religious ceremony. Here, we investigated tolerance to barbasco in fish from sites exposed and unexposed to the ritual. We found that barbasco tolerance increases with body size and differs between the sexes. Furthermore, fish from sites exposed to the ceremony had a significantly higher tolerance. Consequently, the annual ceremony may not only affect population structure and gene flow among habitat types, but the increased tolerance in exposed fish may indicate adaptation to human cultural practices in a natural population on a very small spatial scale.  相似文献   

Whether and how habitat fragmentation and population size jointly affect adaptive genetic variation and adaptive population differentiation are largely unexplored. Owing to pronounced genetic drift, small, fragmented populations are thought to exhibit reduced adaptive genetic variation relative to large populations. Yet fragmentation is known to increase variability within and among habitats as population size decreases. Such variability might instead favour the maintenance of adaptive polymorphisms and/or generate more variability in adaptive differentiation at smaller population size. We investigated these alternative hypotheses by analysing coding-gene, single-nucleotide polymorphisms associated with different biological functions in fragmented brook trout populations of variable sizes. Putative adaptive differentiation was greater between small and large populations or among small populations than among large populations. These trends were stronger for genetic population size measures than demographic ones and were present despite pronounced drift in small populations. Our results suggest that fragmentation affects natural selection and that the changes elicited in the adaptive genetic composition and differentiation of fragmented populations vary with population size. By generating more variable evolutionary responses, the alteration of selective pressures during habitat fragmentation may affect future population persistence independently of, and perhaps long before, the effects of demographic and genetic stochasticity are manifest.  相似文献   

Abstract. We investigate maintenance of quantitative genetic variation at mutation-selection balance for multiple traits. The intrinsic strength of real stabilizing selection on one of these traits denoted the "target trait" and the observed strength of apparent stabilizing selection on the target trait can be quite different: the latter, which is estimable, is much smaller (i.e., implying stronger selection) than the former. Distinguishing them may enable the mutation load to be relaxed when considering multivariate stabilizing selection. It is shown that both correlations among mutational effects and among strengths of real stabilizing selection on the traits are not important unless they are high. The analysis for independent situations thus provides a good approximation to the case where mutant and stabilizing selection effects are correlated. Multivariate stabilizing selection can be regarded as a combination of stabilizing selection on the target trait and the pleiotropic direct selection on fitness that is solely due to the effects of real stabilizing selection on the hidden traits. As the overall fitness approaches a constant value as the number of traits increases, multivariate stabilizing selection can maintain abundant genetic variance only under quite weak selection. The common observations of high polygenic variance and strong stabilizing selection thus imply that if the mutation-selection balance is the true mechanism of maintenance of genetic variation, the apparent stabilizing selection cannot arise solely by real stabilizing selection simultaneously on many metric traits.  相似文献   

Superfetation, the ability of females to simultaneously carry more than one brood at different developmental stages, is an unusual reproductive strategy that has independently evolved several times in the livebearing fish family Poeciliidae. Why this strategy has evolved remains uncertain. One hypothesis is that superfetation is a response to selective pressures that constrain the physical space within a female in which her offspring can develop. This hypothesis is reasonable, because superfetation should reduce the total volume needed to house developing embryos – that is, fewer large, fully developed embryos will be held by a superfetating female (with several broods at different developmental stages) than a non‐superfetating female (where all embryos reach a fully developed stage at the same time). In this study, we explore this ‘morphological constraint’ hypothesis of superfetation by examining the livebearing fish, Poeciliopsis turrubarensis. We found that populations vary markedly in degree of superfetation, with individuals carrying from two to four distinct broods across different geographic areas. These populations also occupy a range of habitat types: some populations occur in slow moving coastal rivers near the ocean, while other populations occur far inland in fast moving waters that drain steep mountain environments. In comparing populations from these two types of environments, we find a strong association between stream habitat type and the degree of superfetation within populations. Fish from inland populations have higher levels of superfetation than their coastal counterparts. In addition, geometric morphometric analysis revealed that inland populations are also more fusiform than fish from coastal locations. Combined, these two lines of evidence support the ‘morphological constraint’ hypothesis, and suggest that the life history strategy of superfetation could be driven by environmental pressures that favor a more streamlined phenotype.  相似文献   

I document a genetic basis for parallel evolution of life-history phenotypes in the livebearing fish Brachyrhaphis rhabdophora from northwestern Costa Rica. In previous work, I showed that populations of B. rhabdophora that co-occur with predators attain maturity at smaller sizes than populations that live in predator-free environments. I also demonstrated that this pattern of phenotypic divergence in life histories was independently repeated in at least five isolated drainages. However, life-history phenotypes measured from wild-caught fish could be attributed to environmental effects rather than to genetic differences among populations. In the present study, I reared male fish from four populations (two that co-occur with predators and two from predator-free environments) under four sets of environmental conditions. The pattern of phenotypic divergence in maturation size documented in the field between populations collected from different predation environments persisted after two generations in the laboratory. I also found a genetic basis for differences between populations in the age at which males attain maturity and in growth rates. By rearing fish in four different common environments, I tested for phenotypic plasticity in male life-history traits in response to nonlethal exposure to predators. There was a significant delay in the onset of sexual maturity in fish exposed to predators relative to those in the control, but no differences among treatments in size at maturity or growth rates. These results, coupled with previous work on B. rhabdophora, demonstrate a repeated pattern of parallel evolutionary divergence among genetically isolated populations that is strongly associated with predation.  相似文献   

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