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Constitutive activation of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) is a frequent event in human cancer cells. Activating mutations in Fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 (FLT-3), notably, internal tandem duplications in the juxtamembrane domain (FLT-3 ITD), have been causally linked to acute myeloid leukemia. As we describe here, FLT-3 ITD exists predominantly in an immature, underglycosylated 130-kDa form, whereas wild-type FLT-3 is expressed predominantly as a mature, complex glycosylated 150-kDa molecule. Endogenous FLT-3 ITD, but little wild-type FLT-3, is detectable in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) compartment. Conversely, cell surface expression of FLT-3 ITD is less efficient than that of wild-type FLT-3. Inhibition of FLT-3 ITD kinase by small molecules, inactivating point mutations, or coexpression with the protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) SHP-1, PTP1B, and PTP-PEST but not RPTPalpha promotes complex glycosylation and surface localization. However, PTP coexpression has no effect on the maturation of a surface glycoprotein of vesicular stomatitis virus. The maturation of wild-type FLT-3 is impaired by general PTP inhibition or by suppression of endogenous PTP1B. Enhanced complex formation of FLT-3 ITD with the ER-resident chaperone calnexin indicates that its retention in the ER is related to inefficient folding. The regulation of RTK maturation by tyrosine phosphorylation was observed with other RTKs as well, defines a possible role for ER-resident PTPs, and may be related to the altered signaling quality of constitutively active, transforming RTK mutants.  相似文献   

beta2-Chimaerin, an intracellular receptor for the second messenger diacylglycerol and phorbol esters, is a GTPase-activating protein (GAP) specific for Rac. beta2-Chimaerin negatively controls many Rac-dependent pathophysiological events including tumor development. However, the regulatory mechanism of beta2-chimaerin remains largely unknown. Here we report that beta2-chimaerin is tyrosine-phosphorylated by Src-family kinases (SFKs) upon cell stimulation with epidermal growth factor (EGF). Mutational analysis identified Tyr-21 in the N-terminal regulatory region as a major phosphorylation site. Intriguingly, the addition of SFK inhibitor and the replacement of Tyr-21 with Phe (Y21F) markedly enhanced Rac-GAP activity of beta2-chimaerin in EGF-treated cells. Moreover, the Y21F mutant inhibited integrin-dependent cell spreading, in which Rac1 plays a critical role, more strongly than wild-type beta2-chimaerin. These results suggest Tyr-21 phosphorylation as a novel, SFK-dependent mechanism that negatively regulates beta2-chimaerin Rac-GAP activity.  相似文献   

Purinergic Signalling -  相似文献   

In Streptococcus pneumoniae, the first four genes of the capsule locus (cpsA to cpsD) are common to most serotypes. By analysis of various in-frame deletion and site-directed mutants, the function of their gene products in capsular polysaccharide (CPS) biosynthesis was investigated. We found that while CpsB, C and D are essential for encapsulation, CpsA is not. CpsC and CpsD have similarity to the amino-terminal and carboxy-terminal regions, respectively, of the autophosphorylating protein-tyrosine kinase Wzc from Escherichia coli. Alignment of CpsD with Wzc and other related proteins identified conserved Walker A and B sequence motifs and a tyrosine rich domain close to the carboxy-terminus. We have shown that CpsD is also an autophosphorylating protein-tyrosine kinase and that point mutations in cpsD affecting either the ATP-binding domain (Walker A motif) or the carboxy-terminal [YGX]4 repeat domain eliminated tyrosine phosphorylation of CpsD. We describe, for the first time, the phenotypic impact of these two mutations on polysaccharide production and show that they affect CPS production differently. Whereas a mutation in the Walker A motif resulted in loss of encapsulation, mutation of the tyrosines in the [YGX]4 repeat domain resulted in an apparent increase in encapsulation and a mucoid phenotype. These data suggest that autophosphorylation of CpsD at tyrosine attenuates its activity and reduces the level of encapsulation. Additionally, we demonstrated that CpsC is required for CpsD tyrosine phosphorylation and that CpsB influences dephosphorylation of CpsD. These results are consistent with CpsD tyrosine phosphorylation acting to negatively regulate CPS production. This has implications for the function of CpsC/CpsD homologues in both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and provides a mechanism to explain regulation of CPS production during pathogenesis.  相似文献   

To explore the role of highly conserved tyrosine residues in the putative cytoplasmic domains of the seven-transmembrane G protein-coupled opioid receptors, we expressed the rat kappa-opioid receptor (KOR) in Xenopus oocytes and then activated the intrinsic insulin receptor tyrosine kinase. KOR activation by the agonist produced a strong increase in potassium current through coexpressed G protein-gated inwardly rectifying potassium channels (K(IR)3). Brief pretreatment with insulin caused a 60% potentiation of the KOR-activated response. The insulin-induced increase in kappa-opioid response was blocked by the tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein. In contrast, insulin had no effect on the basal activity of K(IR)3, suggesting that KOR is the target of the tyrosine kinase cascade. Mutation of tyrosine residues to phenylalanines in either the first or second intracellular loop of KOR to produce KOR(Y87F) and KOR(Y157F) had no effect on either the potency or maximal effect of. However, neither KOR(Y87F)- nor KOR(Y157F)-mediated responses were potentiated by insulin treatment. Insulin pretreatment shifted the dose-response curve for activation of KOR by increasing the maximal response without changing the EC(50) value for. These results suggest that insulin increases the efficacy of KOR activation by phosphorylating two tyrosine residues in the first and second intracellular loops of the receptor. Thus, tyrosine phosphorylation may provide an important mechanism for modulation of G protein-coupled receptor signaling.  相似文献   

This study was designed to explore the effect of P2X7 receptor (P2X7R) activation on the expression of p38 MAP kinase (p38 MAPK) enzyme in hippocampal slices of wild-type (WT) and P2X7R−/− mice using the Western blot technique and to clarify its role in P2X7 receptor mediated [3H]glutamate release. ATP (1 mM) and the P2X7R agonist BzATP (100 μM) significantly increased p38 MAPK phosphorylation in WT mice, and these effects were absent in the hippocampal slices of P2X7R−/− mice. Both ATP- and BzATP-induced p38 MAPK phosphorylations were sensitive to the p38 MAP kinase inhibitor, SB203580 (1 μM). ATP elicited [3H]glutamate release from hippocampal slices, which was significantly attenuated by SB203580 (1 μM) but not by the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK1/2) inhibitor, PD098095 (10 μM). Consequently, we suggest that P2X7Rs and p38 MAPK are involved in the stimulatory effect of ATP on glutamate release in the hippocampal slices of WT mice.  相似文献   

P2X2 receptor channel, a homotrimer activated by the binding of extracellular adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to three intersubunit ATP-binding sites (each located ∼50 Å from the ion permeation pore), also shows voltage-dependent activation upon hyperpolarization. Here, we used tandem trimeric constructs (TTCs) harboring critical mutations at the ATP-binding, linker, and pore regions to investigate how the ATP activation signal is transmitted within the trimer and how signals generated by ATP and hyperpolarization converge. Analysis of voltage- and [ATP]-dependent gating in these TTCs showed that: (a) Voltage- and [ATP]-dependent gating of P2X2 requires binding of at least two ATP molecules. (b) D315A mutation in the β-14 strand of the linker region connecting the ATP-binding domains to the pore-forming helices induces two different gating modes; this requires the presence of the D315A mutation in at least two subunits. (c) The T339S mutation in the pore domains of all three subunits abolishes the voltage dependence of P2X2 gating in saturating [ATP], making P2X2 equally active at all membrane potentials. Increasing the number of T339S mutations in the TTC results in gradual changes in the voltage dependence of gating from that of the wild-type channel, suggesting equal and independent contributions of the subunits at the pore level. (d) Voltage- and [ATP]-dependent gating in TTCs differs depending on the location of one D315A relative to one K308A that blocks the ATP binding and downstream signal transmission. (e) Voltage- and [ATP]-dependent gating does not depend on where one T339S is located relative to K308A (or D315A). Our results suggest that each intersubunit ATP-binding signal is directly transmitted on the same subunit to the level of D315 via the domain that contributes K308 to the β-14 strand. The signal subsequently spreads equally to all three subunits at the level of the pore, resulting in symmetric and independent contributions of the three subunits to pore opening.  相似文献   

The synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of a new series of potent P2X(7) receptor antagonists is disclosed. The compounds inhibit BzATP-mediated pore formation in THP-1 cells. The distribution of the P2X(7) receptor in inflammatory cells, most notably the macrophage, mast cell and lymphocyte, suggests that P2X(7) antagonists have a significant role to play in the treatment of inflammatory disease.  相似文献   

Purinergic Signalling -  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to understand the mechanisms involved in P2X7 receptor activation. Treatments with ATP or with the P2X7 receptor-specific ligand 2',3'-O-(4-benzoylbenzoyl)adenosine 5'-triphosphate (BzATP) induced pore formation, but the effect was slower in CaSki cells expressing endogenous P2X7 receptor than in human embryonic kidney (HEK)-293 cells expressing exogenous P2X7 receptor (HEK-293-hP2X7-R). In both types of cells Western blots revealed expression of three forms of the receptor: the functional 85-kDa form present mainly in the membrane and 65- and 18-kDa forms expressed in both the plasma membrane and the cytosol. Treatments with ATP transiently decreased the 85-kDa form and increased the 18-kDa form in the membrane, suggesting internalization, degradation, and recycling of the receptor. In CaSki cells ATP stimulated phosphorylation of the 85-kDa form on tyrosine and serine residues. Phosphorylation on threonine residues increased with added ATP, and it increased ATP requirements for phosphorylation on tyrosine and serine residues, suggesting a dominant-negative effect. In both CaSki and in HEK-293-hP2X7-R cells ATP also increased binding of the 85-kDa form to G protein-coupled receptor kinase (GRK)-3, -arrestin-2, and dynamin, and it stimulated -arrestin-2 redistribution into submembranous regions of the cell. These results suggest a novel mechanism for P2X7 receptor action, whereby activation involves a GRK-3-, -arrestin-2-, and dynamin-dependent internalization of the receptor into clathrin domains, followed in part by receptor degradation as well as receptor recycling into the plasma membrane. purinergic receptor; recycling; dynamin; clathrin; cervix; epithelium  相似文献   

A truncated naturally occurring variant of the human receptor P2X7 was identified in cancer cervical cells. The novel protein (P2X7-j), a polypeptide of 258 amino acids, lacks the entire intracellular carboxyl terminus, the second transmembrane domain, and the distal third of the extracellular loop of the full-length P2X7 receptor. The P2X7-j was expressed in the plasma membrane; it showed diminished ligand-binding and channel function capacities and failed to form pores and mediate apoptosis in response to treatment with the P2X7 receptor agonist benzoyl-ATP. The P2X7-j interacted with the full-length P2X7 in a manner suggesting heterooligomerization and blocked the P2X7-mediated actions. Interestingly, P2X7-j immunoreactivity and mRNA expression were similar in lysates of human cancer and normal cervical tissues, but full-length P2X7 immunoreactivity and mRNA expression were higher in normal than in cancer tissues, and cancer tissues lacked 205-kDa P2X7 immunoreactivity suggesting lack of P2X7 homo(tri)-oligomerization. These results identify a novel P2X7 variant with apoptosis-inhibitory actions, and demonstrate a distinct regulatory property for a truncated variant to antagonize its full-length counterpart through hetero-oligomerization. This may represent a general paradigm for regulation of a protein function by its variant.  相似文献   

Chronic pain is highly variable between individuals, as is the response to analgesics. Although much of the variability in chronic pain and analgesic response is heritable, an understanding of the genetic determinants underlying this variability is rudimentary. Here we show that variation within the coding sequence of the gene encoding the P2X7 receptor (P2X7R) affects chronic pain sensitivity in both mice and humans. P2X7Rs, which are members of the family of ionotropic ATP-gated receptors, have two distinct modes of function: they can function through their intrinsic cationic channel or by forming nonselective pores that are permeable to molecules with a mass of up to 900 Da. Using genome-wide linkage analyses, we discovered an association between nerve-injury-induced pain behavior (mechanical allodynia) and the P451L mutation of the mouse P2rx7 gene, such that mice in which P2X7Rs have impaired pore formation as a result of this mutation showed less allodynia than mice with the pore-forming P2rx7 allele. Administration of a peptide corresponding to the P2X7R C-terminal domain, which blocked pore formation but not cation channel activity, selectively reduced nerve injury and inflammatory allodynia only in mice with the pore-forming P2rx7 allele. Moreover, in two independent human chronic pain cohorts, a cohort with pain after mastectomy and a cohort with osteoarthritis, we observed a genetic association between lower pain intensity and the hypofunctional His270 (rs7958311) allele of P2RX7. Our findings suggest that selectively targeting P2X7R pore formation may be a new strategy for individualizing the treatment of chronic pain.  相似文献   

P2X7受体是嘌呤受体中功能独特的一个亚型,为ATP控制的离子通道,在单核细胞、巨噬细胞、中性粒细胞中高表达,被ATP激活后导致K+外流和Ca^2+内流、非选择性膜孔形成,启动一系列信号途径如炎症小体NALP3的活化,丝裂原蛋白激酶途径激活NF-κB增强炎性细胞因子转录,ROS和氮介质的产生,介导IL-1β、IL-6、IL-18、TNF-α、MIP-2、CCL2、HMGB1等多种炎性细胞因子的释放,参与炎症的发生发展,与真菌感染及阿尔茨海默病、类风湿性关节炎、哮喘等炎症性疾病密切相关.  相似文献   

Diabetic neuropathic pain (DNP) is highly common in diabetes patients. P2X receptors play critical roles in pain sensitization. We previously showed that elevated P2X3 expression in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) contributes to DNP. However, the role of other P2X receptors in DNP is unclear. Here, we established the DNP model using a single high-dose streptozotocin (STZ) injection and investigated the expression of P2X genes in the DRG. Our data revealed elevated P2X2, P2X4, and P2X7 mRNA levels in DRG of DNP rats. The protein levels of P2X4 and P2X7 in DNP rats increased, but the P2X2 did not change significantly. To study the role of P2X4 and P2X7 in diabetes-induced hyperalgesia, we treated the DNP rats with TNP-ATP (2’,3’-O-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)-adenosine 5’-triphosphate), a nonspecific P2X1–7 antagonist, and found that TNP-ATP alleviated thermal hyperalgesia in DNP rats. 2 Hz electroacupuncture is analgesic against DNP and could downregulate P2X4 and P2X7 expression in DRG. Our findings indicate that P2X4 and P2X7 in L4–L6 DRGs contribute to diabetes-induced hyperalgesia, and that EA reduces thermal hyperalgesia and the expression of P2X4 and P2X7.  相似文献   

The purinergic P2X7 receptor (P2X7R) is an adenosine triphosphate (ATP) ligand-gated cationic channel receptor. P2X7R is closely associated with various inflammatory, immune, cancer, neurological, musculoskeletal and cardiovascular disorders. P2X7R is an interesting therapeutic target as well as molecular imaging target. This brief digest highlights the radioligands targeting P2X7R recently developed in drug discovery and molecular imaging agent development.  相似文献   

Macrophages are unique innate immune cells that play an integral role in the defense of the host by virtue of their ability to recognize, engulf, and kill pathogens while sending out danger signals via cytokines to recruit and activate inflammatory cells. It is becoming increasingly clear that purinergic signaling events are essential components of the macrophage response to pathogen challenges and disorders such as sepsis may be, at least in part, regulated by these important sensors. The activation of the P2X7 receptor is a powerful event in the regulation of the caspase-1 inflammasome. We provide evidence that the inflammasome activation requires “priming” of macrophages prior to ATP activation of the P2X7R. Inhibition of the inflammasome activation by the tyrosine kinase inhibitor, AG126, suggests regulation by phosphorylation. Finally, the P2X7R may also be activated by other elements of the host response such as the antimicrobial peptide LL-37, which adds a new, physiologically relevant agonist to the P2X7R pathway. Therapeutic approaches to inflammation and sepsis will certainly be enhanced by an increased understanding of how purinergic receptors modulate the inflammasomes.  相似文献   

P2X receptors are ATP-gated ion channels in the plasma membrane, but activation of the P2X7 receptor also leads to rapid cytoskeletal re-arrangements such as membrane blebbing. We identified 11 proteins in human embryonic kidney cells that interact with the rat P2X7 receptor, by affinity purification followed by mass spectroscopy and immunoblotting [laminin alpha3, integrin beta2, beta-actin, alpha-actinin, supervillin, MAGuK, three heat shock proteins, phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase and receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase-beta (RPTPbeta)]. Activation of the P2X7 receptor resulted in its dephosphorylation. Whole-cell recordings from cells expressing P2X7 receptors showed that this markedly reduced subsequent ionic currents and it also slowed membrane bleb formation. By mutagenesis, we identified Tyr(343) in the putative second transmembrane domain as the site of phosphorylation. Thus, we have identified a P2X7 receptor signalling complex, some members of which may initiate cytoskeletal rearrangements following receptor activation. Others, such as RPTPbeta, might exert feedback control of the channel itself through its dephosphorylation.  相似文献   

P2X receptors (P2XR) act as ligand-gated, cation-selective ion channels. A common characteristic of all seven P2X family members is a conserved consensus sequence for protein kinase C (PKC)-mediated phosphorylation in the intracellular N-terminus of the receptor. Activation of PKC has been shown to enhance currents through P2X(3)R, however the molecular mechanism of this potentiation has not been elucidated. In the present study we show that activation of PKC can enhance adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-mediated Ca(2+) signals approximately 2.5-fold in a DT-40 3KO cell culture system (P2 receptor null) transiently overexpressing P2X(3)R. ATP-activated cation currents were also directly studied using whole cell patch clamp techniques in HEK-293 cells, a null background for ionotropic P2XR. PKC activation resulted in a approximately 8.5-fold enhancement of ATP-activated current in HEK-293 cells transfected with P2X(3)R cDNA, but had no effect on currents through either P2X(4)R- or P2X(7)R-transfected cells. P2X(3)R-transfected HEK-293 cells were metabolically labeled with (32)PO(4)(-) and following treatment with phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) and subsequent immunoprecipitation, there was no incorporation of (32)PO(4)(-) in bands corresponding to P2X(3)R. Similarly, in vitro phosphorylation experiments, utilizing purified PKC catalytic subunits failed to establish phosphorylation of either P2X(3)R or P2X(3)R-EGFP. These data indicate that PKC activation can enhance both the Ca(2+) signal as well as the cation current through P2X(3)R, however it appears that the regulation is unlikely to be a result of direct phosphorylation of the receptor.  相似文献   

The present work reports that activation of P2X7 receptor induces synaptic vesicle release in granule neurons and phosphorylation of synapsin-I by calcium-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII), which in turn modulates secretory event. ATP, in absence of magnesium, induced a concentration-dependent glutamate release with an EC50 value of 1.95 microM. The involvement of P2X7 receptor was suggested when maximal secretory response was significantly reduced by the selective P2X7 antagonist Brilliant Blue G (BBG; 100 nM) and abolished by removing extracellular Ca2+. The involvement of P2X7 receptor on synaptic vesicle release was confirmed by measuring the release of FM 1-43 dye. In this case, pharmacological activation of P2X7 was achieved with the more selective agonist 2'-3'-o-(4-benzoylbenzoyl)-adenosine 5'-triphosphate (BzATP; 100 microM) showing a significant FM 1-43 release that was blocked by BBG (100 nM), by Zn2+ ions (100 microM), both P2X7 blockers, but not by suramin (100 microM), antagonist of P2X1, P2X2, P2X3 and P2X5. In addition, BzATP, through P2X7 receptor activation, significantly increased the phosphorylation of synapsin-I, the main presynaptic target of CaMKII. Both effects mediated by BzATP were inhibited by the CaMKII inhibitors KN-62 (10 microM) and KN-93 (10 microM). These results suggest, therefore, that Ca2+ entrance mediated by P2X7 receptor induces glutamate release and in parallel synapsin-I phosphorylation.  相似文献   

P2X(7) receptors are ATP-gated cation channels composed of three identical subunits, each having intracellular amino and carboxyl termini and two transmembrane segments connected by a large ectodomain. Within the P2X family, P2X(7) subunits are unique in possessing an extended carboxyl tail. We expressed the human P2X(7) subunit as two complementary fragments, a carboxyl tail-truncated receptor channel core (residues 1-436 or 1-505) and a tail extension (residues 434-595) in Xenopus laevis oocytes. P2X(7) channel core subunits efficiently assembled as homotrimers that appeared abundantly at the oocyte surface, yet produced only approximately 5% of the full-length P2X(7) receptor current. Co-assembly of channel core subunits with full-length P2X(7) subunits inhibited channel current, indicating that the lack of a single carboxyl tail domain is dominant-negative for P2X(7) receptor activity. Co-expression of the tail extension as a discrete protein increased ATP-gated current amplitudes of P2X(7) channel cores 10-20-fold, fully reconstituting the wild type electrophysiological phenotype of the P2X(7) receptor. Chemical cross-linking revealed that the discrete tail extension bound with unity stoichiometry to the carboxyl tail of the P2X(7) channel core. We conclude that a non-covalent association of crucial functional importance exists between the carboxyl tail of the channel core and the tail extension. Using a slightly shorter P2X(7) subunit core and subfragments of the tail extension, this association could be narrowed down to include residues 409-436 and 434-494 of the split receptor. Together, these results identify the tail extension as a regulatory gating module, potentially making P2X(7) channel gating sensitive to intracellular regulation.  相似文献   

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