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Guanosine 3',5'-monophosphate-dependent protein kinase (cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase) and adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate-dependent protein kinase (cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase) exhibited a high degree of cyclic nucleotide specificity when hormone-sensitive triacylglycerol lipase, phosphorylase kinase, and cardiac troponin were used as substrates. The concentration of cyclic GMP required to activate half-maximally cyclic dependent protein kinase was 1000- to 100-fold less than that of cyclic AMP with these substrates. The opposite was true with cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase where 1000- to 100-fold less cyclic AMP than cyclic GMP was required for half-maximal enzyme activation. This contrasts with the lower degree of cyclic nucleotide specificity of cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase of 25-fold when histone H2b was used as a substrate for phosphorylation. Cyclic IMP resembled cyclic AMP in effectiveness in stimulating cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase but was intermediate between cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP in stimulating cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. The effect of cyclic IMP on cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase was confirmed in studies of autophosphorylation of cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase where both cyclic AMP and cyclic IMP enhanced autophosphorylation. The high degree of cyclic nucleotide specificity observed suggests that cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP activate only their specific kinase and that crossover to the opposite kinase is unlikely to occur at reported cellular concentrations of cyclic nucleotides.  相似文献   

C W Davis 《Life sciences》1985,37(1):85-94
Alterations in the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase activity ratio in response to putative neurotransmitters and other cyclic AMP-elevating agents in intact cerebral cortical slices and Krebs-Ringer particulate preparations from cerebral cortex were examined. Both norepinephrine (30 microM) and forskolin (20 microM) produced a time-dependent increase in intracellular levels of cyclic AMP in cerebral cortical slices which was paralleled by an increase in both cyclic AMP and the protein kinase activity ratio. The increases were maximal at 5 min. and remained elevated for at least 15 min. Forskolin, norepinephrine, adenosine and isoproterenol produced a concentration-dependent increase in both cyclic AMP and the protein kinase activity ratio, however, the degree of increase observed was dissimilar. Thus, a 5-fold change in intracellular cyclic AMP resulted in only a 2-fold increase in the activity ratio. Of the agents examined, forskolin produced the most marked change in the activity ratio (from 0.23 to 0.78 at 100 microM) while isoproterenol at 100 microM produced only a 50% increase in the activity ratio. The half-time for the decline in forskolin elicited elevations of either the activity ratio or cyclic AMP was about 4-6 min. In the presence of the phosphodiesterase inhibitor, Ro 20-1724, both were significantly prolonged being 60-70% of the maximum observed immediately after forskolin stimulation, at 15 min. Potentiation of forskolin elicited increases in the activity ratio by Ro 20-1724 were also observed but the increase in the activity ratio was maximal at 7.5 min. while cyclic AMP accumulations continued to rise during the entire 15 min. incubation. Particulate preparations from cerebral cortex were found to contain a cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase which could be activated 2 to 3-fold with either forskolin, norepinephrine, or adenosine. Unlike the intact brain slice the changes in protein kinase activity ratio and intracellular levels of cyclic AMP in cell-free particulate preparations were similar in both time and degree.  相似文献   

The substrate specificity of protein kinase C was studied and compared with that of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase A) by using bovine brain myelin basic protein as a model substrate. This basic protein was phosphorylated at multiple sites by both of these protein kinases. In this analysis, the basic protein was thoroughly phosphorylated in vitro with [gamma-32P]ATP and each protein kinase, and then digested with trypsin. The resulting radioactive phosphopeptides were isolated by gel filtration followed by high performance liquid chromatography on a reverse-phase column. Subsequent amino acid analysis and/or sequential Edman degradation of the purified phosphopeptides, together with the known primary sequence of this protein, revealed that Ser-46 and Ser-151 were specifically phosphorylated by protein kinase C, whereas Thr-34 and Ser-115 were phosphorylated preferentially by protein kinase A. Both kinases reacted with Ser-8, Ser-11, Ser-55, Ser-110, Ser-132, and Ser-161 at various reaction velocities. Contrary to protein kinase A, protein kinase C appears to react preferentially with seryl residues that are located at the amino-terminal side close to lysine or arginine. The seryl residues that are phosphorylated commonly by these two protein kinases have basic amino acids at both the amino- and carboxyl-terminal sides. These results provide some clues to understanding the rationale that these kinases may show different but sometimes similar functions depending on the structure of target phosphate acceptor proteins.  相似文献   

The functional domains of the regulatory subunit of isozyme II of cAMP-dependent protein kinase were studied. It was shown using Edman degradation that the regulatory subunit contained a phosphorylated residue which was very close in primary sequence to the site most sensitive to hydrolysis by low trypsin concentrations as postulated previously (Corbin, J.D., Sugden, P.H., West, L., Flockhart, D.A., Lincoln, T.M., and McCarthy, D. (1978) J. Biol. Chem. 253, 3997-4003). Catalytic subunit incorporated 0.9 mol of 32P from [gamma-32P]ATP into a preparation of regulatory subunit that contained 1.1 mol of endogenous phosphate. After phosphorylation by the catalytic subunit, the regulatory subunit contained 2.2 mol of chemical phosphate. The effects of heat denaturation upon the rate and extent of phosphorylation of the regulatory subunit were compared with the effects of these treatments upon the cAMP binding and inhibitory domains. These data suggested that the regulatory subunit required factors in addition to an intact phosphorylatable primary sequence in order for inhibitory activity to be expressed. Such factors might be part of the secondary or tertiary structure of the protein. These studies are discussed with respect to the mechanism of inhibition of catalytic activity, and a model of the regulatory subunit structure is proposed.  相似文献   

Smooth muscle myosin light chain kinase, purified to homogeneity, has a molecular weight of 130,000 +/- 5,000 in sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The purified enzyme has a specific activity under maximal conditions of 30 mumol Pi transferred to myosin light chain/mg kinase/min at 24 C and is totally dependent on calmodulin and calcium for activity. Incubation of myosin kinase with the catalytic subunit of cyclic adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate-dependent protein kinase results in the covalent incorporation of up to one mol of phosphate per mol of myosin kinase in the absence of bound calmodulin. Limited tryptic digestion of the radioactively labeled kinase indicates that all of the label has been incorporated into a single tryptic peptide (mol wt approximately 22,000), suggesting that a single site is being phosphorylated. Phosphorylation of myosin kinase lowers the rate at which the kinase phosphorylates myosin light chain. The lower rate of light chain phosphorylation is due to a weaker binding of calmodulin to the phosphorylated kinase than to the unphosphorylated kinase. Cyclic adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate-dependent phosphorylation of the kinase actin-myosin interaction represents a possible link between hormonal binding to smooth muscle receptors and muscle relaxation. A scheme for this sequence of events is presented.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that the regulatory subunit (RII) of a type II cyclic AMP (cAMP)-dependent protein kinase is tightly associated with mammalian sperm flagella (J. A. Horowitz et al. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 832-838; J. A. Horowitz et al. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 2098-2104). In the present study the flagellar RII was compared to other well-characterized RIIs using biochemical and immunological methods. Flagellar polypeptides were screened by immunoblot analysis with monoclonal antibodies directed against the RII alpha and RII beta isoforms. An RII beta monoclonal antibody failed to cross-react with any flagellar polypeptide. In contrast, mAB 622, an RII alpha/RII beta monoclonal antibody, cross-reacted with a 57,000 Da polypeptide. However, another RII alpha/RII beta monoclonal antibody interacted weakly with the flagellar RII, suggesting that the epitope for this antibody is modified in flagellar RII. Partial peptide mapping of 8-azido-[32P]cAMP-labeled RIIs revealed that although heart and testis generated similar fragmentation patterns, there were differences in the maps from flagellar RII. Two-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis of 8-azido-[32P]cAMP-labeled RII from rat flagella and bovine heart showed that the former possessed a considerably more acidic isoelectric point. Partial proteolysis of the flagellar RII by either endogenous or exogenous proteases resulted in the cleavage of RII to a 40,000 Mr fragment. Complete release of this fragment from the flagellum was achieved if proteolysis was performed in the presence of thiol reducing agents. In their absence, approximately 50% of the fragment remained bound to the flagellum. The soluble proteolytic fragment was shown to be monomeric by native high-resolution gel-permeation chromatography and contained a functional cAMP-binding site(s).  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to characterize the phosphorylation of bovine cardiac troponin by cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. The purified troponin-tropomyosin complex from beef heart contained 0.78 +/- 0.15 mol of phosphate per mol of protein. Analysis of the isolated protein components indicated that the endogenous phosphate was predominately in the inhibitory subunit (TN-I) and the tropomyosin-binding subunit (TN-T) of troponin. When cardiac troponin or the troponin-tropomyosin complex was incubated with cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase and [gamma-32P]ATP, the rate of phosphorylation was stimulated by cyclic AMP and inhibited by the heat-stable protein inhibitor of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. The 32P was incorporated specifically into the TN-I subunit with a maximal incorporation of 1 mol of phosphate per mol of protein. The maximal amount of phosphate incorporated did not vary significantly between troponin preparations that contained low or high amounts of endogenous phosphate. The Vmax of the initial rates of phosphorylation with troponin or troponin-tropomyosin as substrates was 3.5-fold greater than the value obtained with unfractionated histones. The rate or extent of phosphorylation was not altered by actin in the presence or absence of Ca2+. The maximal rate of phosphorylation occurred between pH 8.5 and 9.0. At pH 6.0 and 7.0 the maximal rates of phosphorylation were 13 and 45% of that observed at pH 8.5, respectively. These results indicate that cyclic AMP formation in cardiac muscle may be associated with the rapid and specific phosphorylation of the TN-I subunit of troponin. The presence of endogenous phosphate in TN-T and TN-I suggests that kinases other than cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase may also phosphorylate troponin in vivo.  相似文献   

Agents that elevated intracellular cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cAMP) caused a 3- to 10-fold increase in the luteinizing hormone (LH) receptor level and in progesterone biosynthesis in primary cultures of pig ovarian granulosa cells. Associated with these effects was a 2- to 4-fold increase in the total activity of the catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase in the tissue. From quantitation by [3H]cAMP binding and changes in the specific labeling with the photoaffinity analog [32P]-8-azido-cAMP, these agents were found to cause a concomitant 5- to 15-fold increase in two isoforms of the type II R-subunit (Mr = 54,000 and 56,000) of the protein kinase. Since the two intrasubunit cAMP binding sites of the protein kinase have been found to be positively cooperative, the addition of a combination of an analog selective for site 1 and an analog selective for site 2 causes synergistic increases in protein kinase activation in vitro and synergistic increases in intact cell responses if mediated by the cAMP-dependent protein kinase. In the present study, the addition of such a combination of site 1- and site 2-selective analogs to granulosa cells caused a synergistic increase in LH receptor induction and progesterone production. For both responses, synergism did not occur when two analogs selective for the same site were combined. The results indicated that these responses are mediated by either of the two major isozyme types of cAMP-dependent protein kinase.  相似文献   

The phosphoform of the type II regulatory subunit (phospho-RII-cAMP) of cAMP-dependent protein kinase from rat liver was found to possess intrinsic topoisomerase activity towards several DNA substrates such as phi X174, pBR322, SV40, and M13. Like the type I topoisomerases from several eukaryotic cells, phospho-RII X cAMP can relax both positive and negative superhelical turns of phi X174 DNA. Topological isomers with a decreasing number of superhelical turns can be identified as transient products. Conditions under which phospho-RII X cAMP relaxes superhelical phi X174 DNA lead to transient formation of a DNA-phospho-RII X cAMP complex via DNA strand breakage and covalent attachment of the DNA to a tyrosine residue of phospho-RII X cAMP via a phospho-RII X cAMP depends on the presence of cAMP and is altered by changes in the degree of phosphorylation of RII. Both dephosphorylation and removal of cAMP from phospho-RII X cAMP abolish its topoisomerase activity.  相似文献   

An intracellular cAMP-PKA signaling plays a pivotal role in the expression of fertilizing ability in mammalian spermatozoa. The aim of this study is to disclose biological function of serine/threonine protein kinases that are activated by the action of the cAMP-PKA signaling in boar spermatozoa. Ejaculated spermatozoa were incubated with cBiMPS (a cell-permeable cAMP analog) at 38.5 degrees C up to 180 min, and then they were used for biochemical analyses of PKCs by Western blotting and indirect immunofluorescence and for assessment of flagellar movement. The incubation of spermatozoa with cBiMPS gradually activated PKCs in the connecting piece. The activation of sperm PKCs was accompanied with changes of their electrophoretic mobility by the PKA-mediated serine/threonine phosphorylation. In coincidence with the PKC activation, the cBiMPS-incubated spermatozoa were capable of exhibiting hyperactivation of flagellar movement. Moreover, the cBiMPS-induced hyperactivation was dramatically suppressed by the addition of either of specific PKC inhibitors (Ro-32-0432 and bisindolylmaleimide I) to the sperm suspensions. On the other hand, experiments using a calcium-deficient medium showed that the cBiMPS-induced hyperactivation of flagellar movement and activation of PKCs required the extracellular calcium. Based on the obtained data, we have concluded that a cAMP-PKA signaling can induce activation of calcium-sensitive PKCs that is leading to the hyperactivation of flagellar movement in boar spermatozoa. Moreover, the cAMP may have a unique role as the up-regulator of PKCs during the expression of fertilizing ability in boar spermatozoa.  相似文献   

A nondenaturing method for the preparation of R subunits from type II cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase is described. The procedure is based on the exchange of cyclic AMP, which is tightly bound to the R subunit, for more weakly bound cyclic GMP, which can be removed by washing and dialysis. Less than 5% of the available cyclic nucleotide-binding sites of R subunit prepared by this method contained cyclic AMP and less than 3% contained cyclic GMP. The C-subunit contamination (mol of C/mol of R monomer) was approximately 0.2%. These levels of contamination did not affect the properties of the R subunit as judged by (a) the ability of the R subunit to inhibit the activity of the C subunit and (b) the rate of exchange of cAMP into R2 . etheno-cAMP. The advantages of our method are that the protein is not subjected to denaturing conditions and that large amounts of material can be processed relatively rapidly.  相似文献   

Guanosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cyclic GMP)-dependent protein kinase partially purified from silkworm pupae reacts preferentially with H1, H2A, and H2B histones but not with H3 AND H4 histones. However, the latter can serve as substrates in the presence of a stimulatory modulator as described by Kuo and Kuo (J. Biol. Chem. 251, 4283-4286 (1976)). With H2B histone as substrate high Mg2+ concentrations (50-100 mM) are necessary for the maximum rate of reaction. Although effects of the modulator and Mg2+ vary significantly with the histone fractions employed, analysis on the phosphorylation of histone fractions provides evidence that cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase possesses an intrinsic activity that is similar to that of adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate-dependent protein kinase.  相似文献   

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