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We report the development of three new microsatellites and four transferred across‐species for fork‐marked lemurs (Phaner furcifer). Two markers were isolated from Cheirogaleus medius and one from Microcebus murinus. The transferred markers also originate from Cheirogaleus medius and Microcebus murinus. The seven markers were tested on 30 individuals of Phaner furcifer and have proven to be useful for inclusion and exclusion of potential parents. The markers presented here are the first published for application on Phaner furcifer.  相似文献   

Pair-living evolved several times independently in the primate lineage and most likely for more than one reason. Currently, there are 7 hypotheses regarding the evolution of pair-living in primates. They may explain several but not all cases. I investigated the applicability of the explanations to fork-marked lemurs Phaner furcifer. I used information from a long-term study on 8 fork-marked lemur families in Kirindy Forest to evaluate the hypotheses. Fork-marked lemurs live in uniform dispersed pairs, which share and defend a territory but spend three-quarters of their activity time apart from each other. Unconditional female dominance and lack of permanent close association between pair-partners disqualify most hypotheses. Lack of male parental care and long travel distances in small home ranges disqualify other explanations. I conclude that there is no support a priori for any current pair-living hypothesis and that the newly formulated intersexual-feeding-competition hypothesis best explains the evolution of pair-living in fork-marked lemurs. Accordingly, female range exclusivity evolved first as a consequence of intense feeding competition. Subsequently, indirect feeding competition drove females to accept a single male to share their territory as a defense against feeding competition from males whose ranges unsystematically overlap those of several females. This situation led to pair-living because formation of dispersed one-male-multifemale-units was too costly for males in terms of reduced foraging efficiency.  相似文献   

Die Flechtenflora der Dolomit-Felshänge beiderseits der Mödlinger Klause ist in den Jahren 1856–1868 zum ersten und im Jahre 1984 ein zweites Mal erfaßSt worden. Sie hat sich in den rund 120 Jahren kaum verändert im Gegensatz zur Rindenflechtenflora, die nach Ausweis der alten Angaben und rezenter Beobachtungen stark verarmt ist und deutliche Zeichen von Schädigungen zeigt. Für das Gebiet der Klause sind an Flechten auf Dolomitgestein, sowie auf Erde und Moosen iiber Dolomit bisher 82 Taxa beobachtet worden, nicht eingerechnet die meist nur in fragmentarischen Individuen auftretende Gattung Collema, die meisten Verrucariaceen sowie einige schwer deutbare Namen der alten Literatur. Einige der 1984 aufgefundenen Flechten sind iiber das lokale Interesse hinaus bemerkenswert; Catillaria scotina und Dermatocarpon leptophyllum sind neu fiir die Alpen, Caloplaca atra ined. ist eine vermutlich unbeschriebene, ganz iiberwiegend sterile Art. Die Flechtenfloren von Kalk- und Dolomitgesteinen weichen nicht unwesentlich voneinander ab, wurden aber bisher zu wenig vergleichend studiert. Auf Dolomit treten Z. B. einige Arten auf, die sich sonst auf kalkarmen Silikaten finden.  相似文献   

The karotypes of five species of Malagasy lemurs are described and compared with those of 12 previously studied species or subspecies. Based on these studies, phylogenetic relationships among nearly all the species of Cheirogaleidae and Lemuridae are proposed. The karyotype of the common ancestor is identical or very similar to that of Microcebus. Nearly 60 chromosomal changes, including five intrachromosomal rearrangements of the X chromosome, have been detected during the evolution of these two families. The possible evolutionary role of the different chromosomal rearrangements is discussed.  相似文献   

2,4-Bis(3'-indolyl)thiazoles, 3,5-bis(3'-indolyl)-2(1H)pyrazinone and 3,6-bis(3'-indolyl)pyrazine were synthesized and evaluated for cytotoxic activity against diverse human cancer cell lines by the National Cancer Institute. These compounds demonstrated significant inhibitory effects in the growth of a range of cancer cell lines. 2,4-Bis(3'-indolyl)thiazole displayed selective cytotoxicity against certain leukemia cell lines with GI50 values in the low micromolar range while the substituted derivatives showed a broad spectrum of cytotoxic activity. 3,5-Bis(3'-indolyl)-2(1H)pyrazinone and 3,6-bis[3'-(N-methyl-indolyl)]pyrazine possessed strong inhibitory activity against a wide range of human tumor cell lines. The mechanism of action remained unknown. The results suggested that 2,4-bis(3'-indolyl)thiazoles, 3,5-bis(3'-indolyl)-2(1H)pyrazinone and 3,6-bis[3'-(N-methyl-indolyl)] pyrazine offer potential as lead compounds for the discovery of anticancer agents.  相似文献   

Four classes of UK-1 analogues were synthesized and their cytotoxicity testing against human A-549, BFTC-905, RD, MES-SA, and HeLa carcinoma cell lines was determined. The results revealed that UK-1 and four of these analogues (15-18) are potent against the cancer cell lines. In particular, compound 16 is more potent than UK-1 against A-549 and HeLa cell lines, and compounds 15, 17, and 18 selectively exhibit potent cytotoxic activity against the BFTV-905 cells (IC50 9.6 microM), A-549 cells (IC50 6.6 microM), and MES-SA cells (IC50 9.2 microM), respectively.  相似文献   

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