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The proteasome subunit beta type 8 gene (PSMB8) encodes one of the beta subunits of the immunoproteasome responsible for the generation of peptides presented by major histocompatibility complex class I molecules. Dimorphic alleles of the PSMB8 gene, termed A and F types, based on the deduced 31st amino acid residue of the mature protein have been reported from various vertebrates. Phylogenetic analysis revealed the presence of dichotomous ancient lineages, one comprising the F-type PSMB8 of basal ray-finned fishes, and the other comprising the A-type PSMB8 of these animals and both the F- and A-type PSMB8 of Xenopus and acanthopterygians, indicating that evolutionary history of the PSMB8 dimorphism was not straightforward. We analyzed the PSMB8 gene of five reptile and one amphibian species and found both the A and F types from all six. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the PSMB8 F type was apparently regenerated from the PSMB8 A type at least five times independently during tetrapod evolution. Genomic typing of wild individuals of geckos and newts indicated that the frequencies of the A- and F-type alleles are not highly biased in these species. Phylogenetic analysis of each exon of the reptile PSMB8 gene suggested interallelic sequence homogenization as a possible evolutionary mechanism for the apparent recurrent regeneration of PSMB8 dimorphism in tetrapods. An extremely strong balancing selection acting on PSMB8 dimorphism was implicated in an unprecedented pattern of allele evolution.  相似文献   

Fujito NT  Nonaka M 《Immunogenetics》2012,64(6):447-453
The proteasome subunit beta type-8 (PSMB8) gene encodes a catalytic subunit of the immunoproteasome, which is involved in the generation of peptides presented by MHC class I molecules. To date, highly diverged dichotomous alleles of PSMB8 have been reported in Oryzias species (actinopterygian teleosts) and Xenopus species (sarcopterygian amphibians). These dimorphic alleles share a similar substitution (A/V(31)F/Y) at the 31st position of the mature protein, which is most probably involved in formation of the S1 pocket. This substitution likely confers different cleavage specificities on the dimorphic PSMB8s. In addition, two paralogous PSMB8 genes possessing the A and F residues at the 31st position have been reported in sharks. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the two types of PSMB8 of Oryzias, Xenopus, and sharks arose by independent evolutionary events. Here, we identified another pair of dimorphic alleles of PSMB8, which have the A and F residues at the 31st position of the mature protein, from bichir, Polypterus senegalus, a basal actinopterygian. The sequences of the mature proteins-encoding region of the dimorphic alleles of bichir PSMB8, the A and F types, showed only 72.7% and 77.5% identities at the nucleotide and the deduced amino acid levels, respectively. Their intronic sequences show almost no similarity, indicating that the dimorphic alleles of bichir PSMB8 have a very ancient origin. However, phylogenetic analysis showed that the dimorphisms of PSMB8 of bichir, Xenopus, and Oryzias arose by independent evolutionary events, suggesting the presence of a strong selective pressure for possessing the dimorphism.  相似文献   



The facial musculature is a remarkable anatomical complex involved in vital activities of fishes, such as food capture and gill ventilation. The evolution of the facial muscles is largely unknown in most major fish lineages, such as the Actinopterygii. This megadiverse group includes all ray-finned fishes and comprises approximately half of the living vertebrate species. The Polypteriformes, Acipenseriformes, Lepisosteiformes, Amiiformes, Elopiformes, and Hiodontiformes occupy basal positions in the actinopterygian phylogeny and a comparative study of their facial musculature is crucial for understanding the cranial evolution of bony fishes (Osteichthyes) as a whole.


The facial musculature of basal actinopterygians is revised, redescribed, and analyzed under an evolutionary perspective. We identified twenty main muscle components ontogenetically and evolutionarily derived from three primordial muscles. Homologies of these components are clarified and serve as basis for the proposition of a standardized and unifying myological terminology for all ray-finned fishes. The evolutionary changes in the facial musculature are optimized on the osteichthyan tree and several new synapomorphies are identified for its largest clades, including the Actinopterygii, Neopterygii, and Teleostei. Myological data alone ambiguously support the monophyly of the Holostei. A newly identified specialization constitutes the first unequivocal morphological synapomorphy for the Elopiformes. The myological survey additionally allowed a reinterpretation of the homologies of ossifications in the upper jaw of acipenseriforms.


The facial musculature proved to be extremely informative for the higher-level phylogeny of bony fishes. These muscles have undergone remarkable changes during the early radiation of ray-finned fishes, with significant implications for the knowledge of the musculoskeletal evolution of both derived actinopterygians and lobe-finned fishes (Sarcopterygii).

Sometime before or during the early Mesozoic era, new lineages of actinopterygian (ray-finned) fishes radically transformed their mode of gastrulation. During this evolutionary transformation, yolky endoderm was a hotspot for ontogenetic change. As holoblastic cleavage patterns were modified into meroblastic cleavage patterns, major changes in cell identity specification occurred within the mesendodermal marginal zone, as well as in the superficial epithelium of the embryo. These cellular identity changes resulted in the appearance of two novel extra-embryonic tissues within the embryos of teleostean fishes: the enveloping layer (EVL) and the yolk syncytial layer (YSL). The generation of these extra-embryonic tissues prompted major morphogenetic changes within the Organizer Region. As these evolutionary changes occurred, the outermost cell layer of the Organizer (the Organizer Epithelium) was apparently retained as a signaling center necessary for the establishment of left-right embryonic asymmetry in the embryo. Conserved and derived features of Organizer morphogenesis and gastrulation within ancient lineages of ray-finned fishes provide important insights into how the genetically encoded cell behaviors of early morphogenesis can be altered during the course of evolution. In particular, a highly divergent form of actinopterygian gastrulation, which is found in the annual fishes of South America, demonstrates that no aspect of vertebrate gastrulation is inherently immutable to evolutionary change.  相似文献   

Neurogenic placodes are transient, thickened patches of embryonic vertebrate head ectoderm that give rise to the paired peripheral sense organs and most neurons in cranial sensory ganglia. We present the first analysis of gene expression during neurogenic placode development in a basal actinopterygian (ray-finned fish), the North American paddlefish (Polyodon spathula). Pax3 expression in the profundal placode confirms its homology with the ophthalmic trigeminal placode of amniotes. We report the conservation of expression of Pax2 and Pax8 in the otic and/or epibranchial placodes, Phox2b in epibranchial placode-derived neurons, Sox3 during epibranchial and lateral line placode development, and NeuroD in developing cranial sensory ganglia. We identify Sox3 as a novel marker for developing fields of electrosensory ampullary organs and for ampullary organs themselves. Sox3 is also the first molecular marker for actinopterygian ampullary organs. This is consistent with, though does not prove, a lateral line placode origin for actinopterygian ampullary organs.  相似文献   

The apoptosis protection by plasminogen activator inhibitor-2(PAI-2) is dependent on a 33 amino acid fragment between helix C and D of PAI-2 which is probably due to the interaction of PAI-2 with unknown intracellular proteins. In this study, we used the fragment between helix C and D of PAI-2 as bait to screen a HeLa cell cDNA library constructed during apoptosis in a yeast two-hybrid system and retrieved a clone encoding 241 amino acids of proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, beta type l(PSMβ1) which plays important roles in NF-jjjjjjjjB activation. GST-pulldown experiments confirmed the interaction between PAI-2 and PSMβ1 in vitro. These data suggest that the antiapoptosis activity of PAI-2 is probably related to its interation with PSMβ1.  相似文献   

蛋白酶体是真核细胞中的一类多亚基蛋白酶复合物,它在胞内蛋白质降解的泛素-蛋白酶体通路中起关键作用。重组表达蛋白酶体的活性亚基可以用于在体外筛选、寻找具有蛋白酶体抑制剂作用的化合物。将人蛋白酶体催化亚基(PSMB1)cDNA的编码区(全长726 bp)克隆至原核表达载体pET28a(+),构建重组质粒pET28a-PSMB1,转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3),通过1 mmol/L IPTG,20℃过夜诱导,获得相对分子量约为27 kDa的重组蛋白,采用IMAC亲和层析柱纯化重组蛋白,纯化后的重组蛋白纯度超过95%。重组蛋白酶解后经NanoLC-MS/MS鉴定表明所表达的融合蛋白氨基酸序列完全正确。在体外BIAcore分析中,重组蛋白表现出对不同化合物的选择性结合能力,其中与蛋白酶体抑制剂雷公藤红素的结合较强,10μmol/L的雷公藤红素与重组蛋白的结合达到27 RU,并且具有良好的浓度依赖型。本研究建立了表达、纯化人蛋白酶体催化亚基PSMB1的方法,并应用于具有蛋白酶体抑制活性化合物的体外筛选。  相似文献   

The low molecular mass polypeptide (LMP2, LMP7, and MECL-1) genes code for beta-type subunits of the proteasome, a multimeric complex that degrades proteins into peptides as part of the MHC class I-mediated Ag-presenting pathway. These gene products are up-regulated in response to infection by IFN-gamma and replace the corresponding constitutively expressed subunits (X, Y, and Z) during the immune response. In humans, the LMP2 and LMP7 genes both reside within the class II region of the MHC (6p21.3), while MECL-1 is located at 16q22.1. In the present study, we have identified all three IFN-gamma-regulated beta-type proteasome subunits in Fugu, which are present as a cluster within the Fugu MHC class I region. We show that in this species, LMP7, LMP2, and MECL-1 are linked. Also within this cluster is an LMP2-like subunit (which seems specific to all teleosts tested to date) and a closely linked LMP7 pseudogene, indicating that within Fugu and potentially other teleosts, there has been an additional regional duplication involving these genes.  相似文献   

The proteasome subunit DELTA is unusually closely related to the major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-linked proteasome subunit, LMP2. The sequence of a mouse cDNA for DELTA confirms that this 22 100 M r proteasome subunit is highly conserved across species. Sequence analysis of the mouse gene encoding DELTA, designated Lmp19, indicates that it consists of six exons and five introns, similar to the Lmp2 gene. The 5 upstream region lacks a TATA regulatory sequence, which is also absent from proteasome genes isolated from Drosophila. BXD recombinant inbred (RI) mice were used to map the potential chromosomal location of Lmp19, and revealed that the DELTA subunit has related sequences present on two different mouse chromosomes, chromosomes 1 and 11. Typing of 89 progeny from a C57BL/6J X Mus spretus DNA backcross panel (BSS) confirmed the chromosome 1 assignment. Southern hybridization with a polymerase chain reaction-generated Lmp19 intron 2-specific probe indicates that the Lmp19 genomic clone corresponds to the sequence on chromosome 11, and further suggests that the chromosome 1 copy represents a processed pseudogene (Lmp19-ps1).  相似文献   

Ryanodine receptors (RyRs) are large homotetrameric protein complexes that mediate the release of intracellular stores of calcium. Mammals possess three gene copies, RyR1, RyR2, and RyR3 that are expressed in a variety of tissue types. Teleost fish express RyR1a and RyR1b genes that are expressed in slow twitch skeletal muscle and fast twitch skeletal muscles respectively. Here we report the results of a survey of the genome of bichir (Polypterus ornatipinnis), considered the most basal ray-finned fish, for its RyR genes. The bichir genome encodes four RyR genes, RyR1a, RyR1b, RyR2, and RyR3 that phylogenetically cluster with their vertebrate orthologs. Quantitative real time PCR shows fibre type-specific expression of the RyR1a and RyR1b genes. The RyR3 gene, however, is down regulated in bichir in contrast to derived teleosts including zebrafish in which the RyR1 and RyR3 genes are co-expressed at equivalent levels.  相似文献   

The (beta/alpha)(8)-barrel is the most common fold in structurally characterized enzymes. Whether the functionally diverse enzymes that share this fold are the products of either divergent or convergent evolution (or both) is an unresolved question that will probably be answered as the sequence databases continue to expand. Recent work has examined natural, designed, and directed evolution of function in several superfamilies of (beta/alpha)(8)-barrel containing enzymes.  相似文献   

Proteasomes are large multisubunit particles that act as the proteolytic machinery for the ubiquitin-dependent proteolytic pathway. The core of this complex, the 20S proteasome, is made up of seven α-type and seven β-type subunits, arranged in an (α1–α7)(β1–β7)(β1–β7)(α1–α7) configuration. Previous work had shown that there exist alternative isoforms of the Drosophila melanogaster α4-type subunit, encoded by two distinct genes, α4t1_dm and α4t2_dm, and that these are expressed exclusively in the germline of the testes. We sought to investigate the evolutionary conservation of this phenomenon by screening for orthologs of the α4-type gene family in the distantly related Drosophila species, D. virilis. We isolated the D. virilis orthologs of the somatically expressed gene, α4_dm, and the testes-specific gene, α4t2_dm. We failed to find an ortholog of the other testes-specific gene, α4t1_dm. The α4_dv gene maps to the X chromosome at 12A-C, its product shares 90% amino acid identity with α4_dm, and it is expressed at high levels in both males and females. The other gene, α4t_dv, encodes a protein most similar to the testes-specific α4t2_dm proteasome subunit (59% a.a. identity), and it maps to position 27 on chomosome 2. The expression of the α4t_dv gene is testes-specific, like that of α4t2_dm. The existence of testes-specific α4-type subunits in two widely diverged subgenera of Drosophila suggests that these subunit isoforms have important functional roles in spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

The gene encoding the alpha-subunit of the proteasome from the archaebacterium Thermoplasma acidophilum was cloned and sequenced. The gene encodes for a polypeptide with 233 amino acid residues and a calculated molecular weight of 25870. Sequence similarity of the alpha-subunit with the Saccharomyces cerevisiae wild-type suppressor gene scll+ encoded polypeptide, which is probably identical with the subunit YC7-alpha of the yeast proteasome, lends support to a putative role of proteasomes in the regulation of gene expression. The significant sequence similarity to the various subunits of eukaryotic proteasomes make it likely that proteasomal proteins are encoded by one gene family of ancient origin.  相似文献   

Yan J  Cai Z 《PloS one》2010,5(12):e14276


The cytochrome P450 (CYP) superfamily is a multifunctional hemethiolate enzyme that is widely distributed from Bacteria to Eukarya. The CYP3 family contains mainly the four subfamilies CYP3A, CYP3B, CYP3C and CYP3D in vertebrates; however, only the Actinopterygii (ray-finned fish) have all four subfamilies and detailed understanding of the evolutionary relationship of Actinopterygii CYP3 family members would be valuable.

Methods and Findings

Phylogenetic relationships were constructed to trace the evolutionary history of the Actinopterygii CYP3 family genes. Selection analysis, relative rate tests and functional divergence analysis were combined to interpret the relationship of the site-specific evolution and functional divergence in the Actinopterygii CYP3 family. The results showed that the four CYP3 subfamilies in Actinopterygii might be formed by gene duplication. The first gene duplication event was responsible for divergence of the CYP3B/C clusters from ancient CYP3 before the origin of the Actinopterygii, which corresponded to the fish-specific whole genome duplication (WGD). Tandem repeat duplication in each of the homologue clusters produced stable CYP3B, CYP3C, CYP3A and CYP3D subfamilies. Acceleration of asymmetric evolutionary rates and purifying selection together were the main force for the production of new subfamilies and functional divergence in the new subset after gene duplication, whereas positive selection was detected only in the retained CYP3A subfamily. Furthermore, nearly half of the functional divergence sites appear to be related to substrate recognition, which suggests that site-specific evolution is closely related with functional divergence in the Actinopterygii CYP3 family.


The split of fish-specific CYP3 subfamilies was related to the fish-specific WGD, and site-specific acceleration of asymmetric evolutionary rates and purifying selection was the main force for the origin of the new subfamilies and functional divergence in the new subset after gene duplication. Site-specific evolution in substrate recognition was related to functional divergence in the Actinopterygii CYP3 family.  相似文献   

Pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP, vitamin B6), a cofactor in many enzymatic reactions, has two distinct biosynthetic routes, which do not coexist in any organism. Two proteins, known as PdxS and PdxT, together form a PLP synthase in plants, fungi, archaea, and some eubacteria. PLP synthase is a heteromeric glutamine amidotransferase in which PdxT produces ammonia from glutamine and PdxS combines ammonia with five- and three-carbon phosphosugars to form PLP. In the 2.2-A crystal structure, PdxS is a cylindrical dodecamer of subunits having the classic (beta/alpha)8 barrel fold. PdxS subunits form two hexameric rings with the active sites positioned on the inside. The hexamer and dodecamer forms coexist in solution. A novel phosphate-binding site is suggested by bound sulfate. The sulfate and another bound molecule, methyl pentanediol, were used to model the substrate ribulose 5-phosphate, and to propose catalytic roles for residues in the active site. The distribution of conserved surfaces in the PdxS dodecamer was used to predict a docking site for the glutaminase partner, PdxT.  相似文献   

The human thyroid stimulating hormone beta subunit (TSHB) gene, located on chromosome 1, was studied to determine its subregional location by in situ hybridization and Southern blot analysis of human x mouse hybrid cells. The results allowed localization of TSHB to the proximal portion of 1p22, which is in the region of localization of the linkage group including amylase (AMY), nerve growth factor beta subunit (NGFB), and NRAS, which are conserved in humans and rodents.  相似文献   

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