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Vibrio fischeri colonizes the squid Euprymna scolopes in a mutualistic symbiosis. Hatchling squid lack these bacterial symbionts, and V. fischeri strains must compete to occupy this privileged niche. We cloned a V. fischeri gene, designated pilA, that contributes to colonization competitiveness and encodes a protein similar to type IV-A pilins. Unlike its closest known relatives, Vibrio cholerae mshA and vcfA, pilA is monocistronic and not clustered with genes associated with pilin export or assembly. Using wild-type strain ES114 as the parent, we generated an in-frame pilA deletion mutant, as well as pilA mutants marked with a kanamycin resistance gene. In mixed inocula, marked mutants were repeatedly outcompeted by ES114 (P < 0.05) but not by an unmarked pilA mutant, for squid colonization. In contrast, the ratio of mutant to ES114 CFUs did not change during 70 generations of coculturing. The competitive defect of pilA mutants ranged from 1.7- to 10-fold and was more pronounced when inocula were within the range estimated for V. fischeri populations in Hawaiian seawater (200 to 2,000 cells/ml) than when higher densities were used. ES114 also outcompeted a pilA mutant by an average of twofold at lower inoculum densities, when only a fraction of the squid became infected, most by only one strain. V. fischeri strain ET101, which was isolated from Euprymna tasmanica and is outcompeted by ES114, lacks pilA; however, 11 other diverse V. fischeri isolates apparently possess pilA. The competitive defect of pilA mutants suggests that cell surface molecules may play important roles in the initiation of beneficial symbioses in which animals must acquire symbionts from a mixed community of environmental bacteria.  相似文献   

Specific bacteria are found in association with animal tissue. Such host-bacterial associations (symbioses) can be detrimental (pathogenic), have no fitness consequence (commensal), or be beneficial (mutualistic). While much attention has been given to pathogenic interactions, little is known about the processes that dictate the reproducible acquisition of beneficial/commensal bacteria from the environment. The light-organ mutualism between the marine Gram-negative bacterium V. fischeri and the Hawaiian bobtail squid, E. scolopes, represents a highly specific interaction in which one host (E. scolopes) establishes a symbiotic relationship with only one bacterial species (V. fischeri) throughout the course of its lifetime. Bioluminescence produced by V. fischeri during this interaction provides an anti-predatory benefit to E. scolopes during nocturnal activities, while the nutrient-rich host tissue provides V. fischeri with a protected niche. During each host generation, this relationship is recapitulated, thus representing a predictable process that can be assessed in detail at various stages of symbiotic development. In the laboratory, the juvenile squid hatch aposymbiotically (uncolonized), and, if collected within the first 30-60 minutes and transferred to symbiont-free water, cannot be colonized except by the experimental inoculum. This interaction thus provides a useful model system in which to assess the individual steps that lead to specific acquisition of a symbiotic microbe from the environment. Here we describe a method to assess the degree of colonization that occurs when newly hatched aposymbiotic E. scolopes are exposed to (artificial) seawater containing V. fischeri. This simple assay describes inoculation, natural infection, and recovery of the bacterial symbiont from the nascent light organ of E. scolopes. Care is taken to provide a consistent environment for the animals during symbiotic development, especially with regard to water quality and light cues. Methods to characterize the symbiotic population described include (1) measurement of bacterially-derived bioluminescence, and (2) direct colony counting of recovered symbionts.  相似文献   

The luminous bacterium Vibrio fischeri colonizes a specialized light-emitting organ within its squid host, Euprymna scolopes. Newly hatched juvenile squid must acquire their symbiont from ambient seawater, where the bacteria are present at low concentrations. To understand the population dynamics of V. fischeri during colonization more fully, we used mini-Tn7 transposons to mark bacteria with antibiotic resistance so that the growth of their progeny could be monitored. When grown in culture, there was no detectable metabolic burden on V. fischeri cells carrying the transposon, which inserts in single copy in a specific intergenic region of the V. fischeri genome. Strains marked with mini-Tn7 also appeared to be equivalent to the wild type in their ability to infect and multiply within the host during coinoculation experiments. Studies of the early stages of colonization suggested that only a few bacteria became associated with symbiotic tissue when animals were exposed for a discrete period (3 h) to an inoculum of V. fischeri cells equivalent to natural population levels; nevertheless, all these hosts became infected. When three differentially marked strains of V. fischeri were coincubated with juvenile squid, the number of strains recovered from an individual symbiotic organ was directly dependent on the size of the inoculum. Further, these results indicated that, when exposed to low numbers of V. fischeri, the host may become colonized by only one or a few bacterial cells, suggesting that symbiotic infection is highly efficient.  相似文献   

Euprymna scolopes, a Hawaiian species of bioluminescent squid, harbors Vibrio fischeri as its specific light organ symbiont. The population of symbionts grew inside the adult light organ with an average doubling time of about 5 h, which produced an excess of cells that were expelled into the surrounding seawater on a diurnal basis at the beginning of each period of daylight. These symbionts, when expelled into the ambient seawater, maintain or slightly increase their numbers for at least 24 h. Hence, locations inhabited by their hosts periodically receive a daily input of symbiotic V. fischeri cells and, as a result, become significantly enriched with these bacteria. As estimated by hybridization with a species-specific luxA gene probe, the typical number of V. fischeri CFU, both in the water column and in the sediments of E. scolopes habitats, was as much as 24 to 30 times that in similar locations where squids were not observed. In addition, the number of symbiotic V. fischeri CFU in seawater samples that were collected along a transect through Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, decreased as a function of the distance from a location inhabited by E. scolopes. These findings constitute evidence for the first recognized instance of the abundance and distribution of a marine bacterium being driven primarily by its symbiotic association with an animal host.  相似文献   

The luminous bacterium Vibrio fischeri colonizes a specialized light-emitting organ within its squid host, Euprymna scolopes. Newly hatched juvenile squid must acquire their symbiont from ambient seawater, where the bacteria are present at low concentrations. To understand the population dynamics of V. fischeri during colonization more fully, we used mini-Tn7 transposons to mark bacteria with antibiotic resistance so that the growth of their progeny could be monitored. When grown in culture, there was no detectable metabolic burden on V. fischeri cells carrying the transposon, which inserts in single copy in a specific intergenic region of the V. fischeri genome. Strains marked with mini-Tn7 also appeared to be equivalent to the wild type in their ability to infect and multiply within the host during coinoculation experiments. Studies of the early stages of colonization suggested that only a few bacteria became associated with symbiotic tissue when animals were exposed for a discrete period (3 h) to an inoculum of V. fischeri cells equivalent to natural population levels; nevertheless, all these hosts became infected. When three differentially marked strains of V. fischeri were coincubated with juvenile squid, the number of strains recovered from an individual symbiotic organ was directly dependent on the size of the inoculum. Further, these results indicated that, when exposed to low numbers of V. fischeri, the host may become colonized by only one or a few bacterial cells, suggesting that symbiotic infection is highly efficient.  相似文献   

We resolved the intraspecific diversity of Vibrio fischeri, the bioluminescent symbiont of the Hawaiian sepiolid squid Euprymna scolopes, at two previously unexplored morphological and geographical scales. These scales ranged from submillimeter regions within the host light organ to the several kilometers encompassing two host populations around Oahu. To facilitate this effort, we employed both novel and standard genetic and phenotypic assays of light-organ symbiont populations. A V. fischeri-specific fingerprinting method and five phenotypic assays were used to gauge the genetic richness of V. fischeri populations; these methods confirmed that the symbiont population present in each adult host's light organ is polyclonal. Upon statistical analysis of these genetic and phenotypic population data, we concluded that the characteristics of symbiotic populations were more similar within individual host populations than between the two distinct Oahu populations of E. scolopes, providing evidence that local geographic symbiont population structure exists. Finally, to better understand the genesis of symbiont diversity within host light organs, the process of symbiosis initiation in newly hatched juvenile squid was examined both experimentally and by mathematical modeling. We concluded that, after the juvenile hatches, only one or two cells of V. fischeri enter each of six internal epithelium-lined crypts present in the developing light organ. We hypothesize that the expansion of different, crypt-segregated, clonal populations creates the polyclonal adult light-organ population structure observed in this study. The stability of the luminous-bacterium-sepiolid squid mutualism in the presence of a polyclonal symbiont population structure is discussed in the context of contemporary evolutionary theory.  相似文献   

The light organ crypts of the squid Euprymna scolopes permit colonization exclusively by the luminous bacterium Vibrio fischeri. Because the crypt interior remains in contact with seawater, the squid must not only foster the specific symbiosis, but also continue to exclude other bacteria. Investigation of the role of the innate immune system in these processes revealed that macrophage-like haemocytes isolated from E. scolopes recognized and phagocytosed V. fischeri less than other closely related bacterial species common to the host's environment. Interestingly, phagocytes isolated from hosts that had been cured of their symbionts bound five times more V. fischeri cells than those from uncured hosts. No such change in the ability to bind other species of bacteria was observed, suggesting that the host adapts specifically to V. fischeri . Deletion of the gene encoding OmpU, the major outer membrane protein of V. fischeri , increased binding by haemocytes from uncured animals to the level observed for haemocytes from cured animals. Co-incubation with wild-type V. fischeri reduced this binding, suggesting that they produce a factor that complements the mutant's defect. Analyses of the phagocytosis of bound cells by fluorescence-activated cell sorting indicated that once binding to haemocytes had occurred, V. fischeri cells are phagocytosed as effectively as other bacteria. Thus, discrimination by this component of the squid immune system occurs at the level of haemocyte binding, and this response: (i) is modified by previous exposure to the symbiont and (ii) relies on outer membrane and/or secreted components of the symbionts. These data suggest that regulation of host haemocyte binding by the symbiont may be one of many factors that contribute to specificity in this association.  相似文献   

To successfully colonize and persist within a host niche, bacteria must properly regulate their gene expression profiles. The marine bacterium Vibrio fischeri establishes a mutualistic symbiosis within the light organ of the Hawaiian squid, Euprymna scolopes. Here, we show that the repressor NagC of V. fischeri directly regulates several chitin- and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine-utilization genes that are co-regulated during productive symbiosis. We also demonstrate that repression by NagC is relieved in the presence of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine-6-phosphate, the intracellular form of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine. We find that gene repression by NagC is critical for efficient colonization of E. scolopes. Further, our study shows that NagC regulates genes that affect the normal dynamics of host colonization.  相似文献   

Vibrio fischeri colonizes the squid Euprymna scolopes in a mutualistic symbiosis. Hatchling squid lack these bacterial symbionts, and V. fischeri strains must compete to occupy this privileged niche. We cloned a V. fischeri gene, designated pilA, that contributes to colonization competitiveness and encodes a protein similar to type IV-A pilins. Unlike its closest known relatives, Vibrio cholerae mshA and vcfA, pilA is monocistronic and not clustered with genes associated with pilin export or assembly. Using wild-type strain ES114 as the parent, we generated an in-frame pilA deletion mutant, as well as pilA mutants marked with a kanamycin resistance gene. In mixed inocula, marked mutants were repeatedly outcompeted by ES114 (P < 0.05) but not by an unmarked pilA mutant, for squid colonization. In contrast, the ratio of mutant to ES114 CFUs did not change during 70 generations of coculturing. The competitive defect of pilA mutants ranged from 1.7- to 10-fold and was more pronounced when inocula were within the range estimated for V. fischeri populations in Hawaiian seawater (200 to 2,000 cells/ml) than when higher densities were used. ES114 also outcompeted a pilA mutant by an average of twofold at lower inoculum densities, when only a fraction of the squid became infected, most by only one strain. V. fischeri strain ET101, which was isolated from Euprymna tasmanica and is outcompeted by ES114, lacks pilA; however, 11 other diverse V. fischeri isolates apparently possess pilA. The competitive defect of pilA mutants suggests that cell surface molecules may play important roles in the initiation of beneficial symbioses in which animals must acquire symbionts from a mixed community of environmental bacteria.  相似文献   

During the onset of the cooperative association between the Hawaiian sepiolid squid Euprymna scolopes and the marine luminous bacterium Vibrio fischeri, the anatomy and morphology of the host's symbiotic organ undergo dramatic changes that require interaction with the bacteria. This morphogenetic process involves an array of tissues, including those in direct contact with, as well as those remote from, the symbiotic bacteria. The bacteria induce the developmental program soon after colonization of the organ, although complete morphogenesis requires 96 h. In this study, to determine critical time points, we examined the biochemistry underlying bacterium-induced host development using two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Specifically, V. fischeri-induced changes in the soluble proteome of the symbiotic organ during the first 96 h of symbiosis were identified by comparing the protein profiles of symbiont-colonized and uncolonized organs. Both symbiosis-related changes and age-related changes were analyzed to determine what proportion of the differences in the proteomes was the result of specific responses to interaction with bacteria. Although no differences were detected over the first 24 h, numerous symbiosis-related changes became apparent at 48 and 96 h and were more abundant than age-related changes. In addition, many age-related protein changes occurred 48 h sooner in symbiotic animals, suggesting that the interaction of squid tissue with V. fischeri cells accelerates certain developmental processes of the symbiotic organ. These data suggest that V. fischeri-induced modifications in host tissues that occur in the first 24 h of the symbiosis are independent of marked alterations in the patterns of abundant proteins but that the full 4-day morphogenetic program requires significant alteration of the host soluble proteome.  相似文献   

During the onset of the cooperative association between the Hawaiian sepiolid squid Euprymna scolopes and the marine luminous bacterium Vibrio fischeri, the anatomy and morphology of the host's symbiotic organ undergo dramatic changes that require interaction with the bacteria. This morphogenetic process involves an array of tissues, including those in direct contact with, as well as those remote from, the symbiotic bacteria. The bacteria induce the developmental program soon after colonization of the organ, although complete morphogenesis requires 96 h. In this study, to determine critical time points, we examined the biochemistry underlying bacterium-induced host development using two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Specifically, V. fischeri-induced changes in the soluble proteome of the symbiotic organ during the first 96 h of symbiosis were identified by comparing the protein profiles of symbiont-colonized and uncolonized organs. Both symbiosis-related changes and age-related changes were analyzed to determine what proportion of the differences in the proteomes was the result of specific responses to interaction with bacteria. Although no differences were detected over the first 24 h, numerous symbiosis-related changes became apparent at 48 and 96 h and were more abundant than age-related changes. In addition, many age-related protein changes occurred 48 h sooner in symbiotic animals, suggesting that the interaction of squid tissue with V. fischeri cells accelerates certain developmental processes of the symbiotic organ. These data suggest that V. fischeri-induced modifications in host tissues that occur in the first 24 h of the symbiosis are independent of marked alterations in the patterns of abundant proteins but that the full 4-day morphogenetic program requires significant alteration of the host soluble proteome.  相似文献   

In many bacteria, the twin arginine translocation (Tat) system transports folded proteins across the cytoplasmic membrane, and these proteins can play a role in symbiotic or pathogenic infections. A role for the Vibrio fischeri Tat system was identified during symbiotic colonization of its host Euprymna scolopes, demonstrating a function for the Tat system in host colonization by a member of the Vibrionaceae. Using bioinformatics, mutant analyses, and green fluorescent protein fusions, a set of Tat-targeted proteins in V. fischeri was identified.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The symbiotic association between the Hawaiian sepiolidsquid Euprymna scolopes and the marine luminous bacterium Vibriofischeri is being developed as a model system for the studyof animal-bacterial interactions during development. Changesin light organ morphology during embryogenesis foster successfulinfection of the light organ with the proper bacterial partner.These embryonic events of light organ morphogenesis includethe elaboration of an epithelial surface with a complex ciliated,microvillous field. The squid host hatches without the bacterialsymbionts, but acquires them within hours from the free-livingpopulation of the bacteria in the water column. Upon exposureto the proper symbionts, the host organ undergoes a series ofmorphogenetic changes, including loss of the ciliated, microvillousfield. The light organ then goes on to mature into a morphologicalconfiguration that serves to promotethe maintenance of a stableassociation with the bacteria and that correlates with the useof the bacterial bioluminescence in behavior of the host. Thissymbiosis is discussed in light of other cyclically transmittedanimal-bacterial associations.  相似文献   

The evolutionary relationship among Vibrio fischeri isolates obtained from the light organs of Euprymna scolopes collected around Oahu, Hawaii, were examined in this study. Phylogenetic reconstructions based on a concatenation of fragments of four housekeeping loci (recA, mdh, katA, pyrC) identified one monophyletic group (‘Group-A'') of V. fischeri from Oahu. Group-A V. fischeri strains could also be identified by a single DNA fingerprint type. V. fischeri strains with this fingerprint type had been observed to be at a significantly higher abundance than other strains in the light organs of adult squid collected from Maunalua Bay, Oahu, in 2005. We hypothesized that these previous observations might be related to a growth/survival advantage of the Group-A strains in the Maunalua Bay environments. Competition experiments between Group-A strains and non-Group-A strains demonstrated an advantage of the former in colonizing juvenile Maunalua Bay hosts. Growth and survival assays in Maunalua Bay seawater microcosms revealed a reduced fitness of Group-A strains relative to non-Group-A strains. From these results, we hypothesize that there may exist trade-offs between growth in the light organ and in seawater environments for local V. fischeri strains from Oahu. Alternatively, Group-A V. fischeri may represent an example of rapid, evolutionarily significant, specialization of a horizontally transmitted symbiont to a local host population.  相似文献   

Viscerotropic virulence of the Asibi strain of yellow fever virus (YFV) for monkeys has been known to be lost after serial passage in HeLa cell monolayers. This phenomenon was investigated in several other mammalian and insect tissue cell lines. Assay in monkeys of original seed virus and of virus after 7 and 11 passages in a porcine kidney cell line (PK) indicated essentially equal infectivity and mortality. Moreover, monkeys receiving the passaged virus exhibited more rapid onset of disease and death than animals infected with original seed virus. Histological changes in animals inoculated with passaged virus were identical to those in animals receiving the seed virus. Virus from later passages in PK cells was also lethal for approximately 50% of the monkeys; however, evidence for progressive attenuation was seen in these preparations. Similar results were obtained with a mosquito (Aedes aegypti) cell line. In contrast to results obtained in PK and mosquito cells, YFV became essentially avirulent (nonlethal and less infective) for monkeys after only seven passages in HeLa cell cultures.  相似文献   

Previous studies of the Euprymna scolopes-Vibrio fischeri symbiosis have demonstrated that, during colonization, the hatchling host secretes mucus in which gram-negative environmental bacteria amass in dense aggregations outside the sites of infection. In this study, experiments with green fluorescent protein-labeled symbiotic and nonsymbiotic species of gram-negative bacteria were used to characterize the behavior of cells in the aggregates. When hatchling animals were exposed to 103 to 106 V. fischeri cells/ml added to natural seawater, which contains a mix of approximately 106 nonspecific bacterial cells/ml, V. fischeri cells were the principal bacterial cells present in the aggregations. Furthermore, when animals were exposed to equal cell numbers of V. fischeri (either a motile or a nonmotile strain) and either Vibrio parahaemolyticus or Photobacterium leiognathi, phylogenetically related gram-negative bacteria that also occur in the host's habitat, the symbiont cells were dominant in the aggregations. The presence of V. fischeri did not compromise the viability of these other species in the aggregations, and no significant growth of V. fischeri cells was detected. These findings suggested that dominance results from the ability of V. fischeri either to accumulate or to be retained more effectively within the mucus. Viability of the V. fischeri cells was required for both the formation of tight aggregates and their dominance in the mucus. Neither of the V. fischeri quorum-sensing compounds accumulated in the aggregations, which suggested that the effects of these small signal molecules are not critical to V. fischeri dominance. Taken together, these data provide evidence that the specificity of the squid-vibrio symbiosis begins early in the interaction, in the mucus where the symbionts aggregate outside of the light organ.  相似文献   

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