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The Mediterranean basin has been identified as a biodiversity hotspot, about whose soil microbial diversity little is known. Intensive land use and aggressive management practices are degrading the soil, with a consequent loss of fertility. The use of organic amendments such as dry olive residue (DOR), a waste produced by a two-phase olive-oil extraction system, has been proposed as an effective way to improve soil properties. However, before its application to soil, DOR needs a pre-treatment, such as by a ligninolytic fungal transformation, e.g. Coriolopsis floccosa. The present study aimed to describe the bacterial and fungal diversity in a Mediterranean soil and to assess the impact of raw DOR (DOR) and C. floccosa-transformed DOR (CORDOR) on function and phylogeny of soil microbial communities after 0, 30 and 60 days. Pyrosequencing of the 16S rRNA gene demonstrated that bacterial diversity was dominated by the phyla Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, and Actinobacteria, while 28S-rRNA gene data revealed that Ascomycota and Basidiomycota accounted for the majority of phyla in the fungal community. A Biolog EcoPlate experiment showed that DOR and CORDOR amendments decreased functional diversity and altered microbial functional structures. These changes in soil functionality occurred in parallel with those in phylogenetic bacterial and fungal community structures. Some bacterial and fungal groups increased while others decreased depending on the relative abundance of beneficial and toxic substances incorporated with each amendment. In general, DOR was observed to be more disruptive than CORDOR.  相似文献   

Loss of photosynthetic area can affect soil microbial communities by altering the availability of fixed carbon. We used denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and Biolog filamentous-fungus plates to determine the effects of artificial defoliation of pines in a mixed pine-spruce forest on the composition of the fungal community in a forest soil. As measured by DGGE, two fungal species were affected significantly by the defoliation of pines (P < 0.001); the frequency of members of the ectomycorrhizal fungus genus Cenococcum decreased significantly, while the frequency of organisms of an unidentified soil fungus increased. The decrease in the amount of Cenococcum organisms may have occurred because of the formation of extensive hyphal networks by species of this genus, which require more of the carbon fixed by their host, or because this fungus is dependent upon quantitative differences in spruce root exudates. The defoliation of pines did not affect the overall composition of the soil fungal community or fungal-species richness (number of species per core). Biolog filamentous-fungus plate assays indicated a significant increase (P < 0.001) in the number of carbon substrates utilized by the soil fungi and the rate at which these substrates were used, which could indicate an increase in fungal-species richness. Thus, either small changes in the soil fungal community give rise to significant increases in physiological capabilities or PCR bias limits the reliability of the DGGE results. These data indicate that combined genetic and physiological assessments of the soil fungal community are needed to accurately assess the effect of disturbance on indigenous microbial systems.  相似文献   

为了解羊肚菌(Morel)烂柄病的发生对土壤真菌群落结构的影响,采用Illumina MiSeq高通量测序技术,对健康羊肚菌根际土、烂柄病发病子实体根际土及相同环境下未栽培羊肚菌土壤的真菌群落结构进行研究。结果表明,测序样品共获得344 163条序列,归为7个真菌门。各样品真菌多样性分析结果表明,未栽培土壤真菌群落多样性较高,栽培羊肚菌根际土壤真菌多样性显著降低,烂柄病发生后土壤真菌多样性增加。群落结构分析表明,烂柄病根际优势真菌类群为拟青霉属(Paecilomyces)、木霉属(Trichoderma)、葡萄穗霉属(Stachybotrys)、枝顶孢属(Acremonium)、Paratritirachium、Zopfiella、被孢霉属(Mortierella)和柄孢壳属(Podospora)。烂柄病的发生改变了土壤真菌群落结构,促进了根际真菌的繁殖。为了解羊肚菌烂柄病的发生、传播机理及防治提供了参考。  相似文献   

Changes in soil microbial community structure due to improvement are often attributed to concurrent shifts in floristic community composition. The bacterial and fungal communities of unimproved and semi-improved (as determined by floristic classification) grassland soils were studied at five upland sites on similar geological substrata using both broad-scale (microbial activity and fungal biomass) and molecular [terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP), automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (ARISA)] approaches. It was hypothesized that microbial community structure would be similar in soils from the same grassland type, and that grassland vegetation classifications could thus be used as predictors of microbial community structure. Microbial community measurements varied widely according to both site and grassland type, and trends in the effect of grassland improvement differed between sites. These results were consistent with those from similar studies, and indicated that floristic community composition was not a stable predictor of microbial community structure across sites. This may indicate a lack of correlation between grassland plant composition and soil microbial community structure, or that differences in soil chemistry between sites had larger impacts on soil microbial populations than plant-related effects.  相似文献   

辛硫磷在柚园土壤中的残留动态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
按沙田柚园上桔实雷瘿蚊的防治期适期喷施40%辛硫磷乳油(3.75kg/hm2),其在不同果园土壤中的原始沉积量为81.65~132.96mg/kg,半衰期为2.7~4.5d,药后7d各处理点辛硫磷的消解率均在90%以上.  相似文献   

干旱与渍涝对砂姜黑土玉米根系干重变化及其分布的影响   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
砂姜黑土主要分布于黄淮海平原的南部(淮北平原、沂河平原和胶莱平原等)和南阳盆地,面积约4×106ha,其中河南省125×106ha[1],是面积较大的中低产田。其低产的主要原因可归结为“旱、涝、僵、薄”,根本原因在于其不良的水分物理特性[2~4]。而关于旱、涝灾害对作物根系的影响还未见报道。砂姜黑土区地势平坦,土层深厚,光、热、水等自然资源比较丰富,具有适宜作物生长发育的有利条件。因而,充分了解和掌握旱、涝灾害对作物根系的影响,因时制宜灌溉、排涝和耕作,对提高该区粮食产量具有重要意义。为此,于1997~1998年探讨了干旱与渍涝对砂…  相似文献   

The entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana is widely used as a biological control agent (BCA) for insect pest control, with fungal propagules being either incorporated into the potting media or soil or sprayed directly onto the foliage or soil. To gain a better understanding of entomopathogenic fungal ecology when applied as a BCA to the soil environment, a case study using tag-encoded 454 pyrosequencing of fungal ITS sequences was performed to assess the fate and potential effect of an artificially applied B. bassiana strain on the diversity of soil fungal communities in an agricultural field in India. Results show that the overall fungal diversity was not influenced by application of B. bassiana during the 7 weeks of investigation. Strain-specific microsatellite markers indicated both an establishment of the applied B. bassiana strain in the treated plot and its spread to the neighboring nontreated control plot. These results might be important for proper risk assessment of entomopathogenic fungi-based BCAs.  相似文献   

Communities of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are crucial for promoting plant productivity in most terrestrial systems, including anthropogenically managed ecosystems. Application of AMF inocula has therefore become a widespread practice. It is, however, pertinent to understand the mechanisms that govern AMF community composition and their performance in order to design successful manipulations. Here we assess whether the composition and plant growth-promotional effects of a synthetic AMF community can be altered by inoculum additions of the isolates forming the community. This was determined by following the effects of three AMF isolates, each inoculated in two propagule densities into a preestablished AMF community. Fungal abundance in roots and plant growth were evaluated in three sequential harvests. We found a transient positive response in AMF abundance to the intraspecific inoculation only in the competitively weakest isolate. The other two isolates responded negatively to intra- and interspecific inoculations, and in some cases plant growth was also reduced. Our results suggest that increasing the AMF density may lead to increased competition among fungi and a trade-off with their ability to promote plant productivity. This is a key ecological aspect to consider when introducing AMF into soils.  相似文献   

Fungal diversity and community composition are mainly related to soil and vegetation factors. However, the relative contribution of the different drivers remains largely unexplored, especially in subtropical forest ecosystems. We studied the fungal diversity and community composition of soils sampled from 12 comparative study plots representing three forest age classes (Young: 10–40 yrs; Medium: 40–80 yrs; Old: ≥80 yrs) in Gutianshan National Nature Reserve in South-eastern China. Soil fungal communities were assessed employing ITS rDNA pyrotag sequencing. Members of Basidiomycota and Ascomycota dominated the fungal community, with 22 putative ectomycorrhizal fungal families, where Russulaceae and Thelephoraceae were the most abundant taxa. Analysis of similarity showed that the fungal community composition significantly differed among the three forest age classes. Forest age class, elevation of the study plots, and soil organic carbon (SOC) were the most important factors shaping the fungal community composition. We found a significant correlation between plant and fungal communities at different taxonomic and functional group levels, including a strong relationship between ectomycorrhizal fungal and non-ectomycorrhizal plant communities. Our results suggest that in subtropical forests, plant species community composition is the main driver of the soil fungal diversity and community composition.  相似文献   

Soil characteristics are important drivers of variation in wet tropical forest structure and diversity, but few studies have evaluated these relationships in drier forest types. Using tree and soil data from 48 and 32 1 ha plots, respectively, in a Bolivian moist and dry forest, we asked how soil conditions affect forest structure and diversity within each of the two forest types. After correcting for spatial effects, soil‐vegetation relationships differed between the dry and the moist forest, being strongest in the dry forest. Furthermore, we hypothesized that soil nutrients would play a more important role in the moist forest than in the dry forest because vegetation in the moist forest is less constrained by water availability and thus can show its full potential response to soil fertility. However, contrary to our expectations, we found that soil fertility explained a larger number of forest variables in the dry forest (50 percent) than in the moist forest (17 percent). Shannon diversity declined with soil fertility at both sites, probably because the most dominant, shade‐tolerant species strongly increased in abundance as soil fertility increased.  相似文献   

 对云南北部的泥石流多发干旱河谷区不同干扰状况下的土壤种子库特征进行子研究。结果表明不同形式的干扰对土壤种子库特征产生不同形式的影响。人工种植合欢(Leucaena glauca)并屏除人和家养动物的影响使土壤种子库的种子密度增大,同时种子组成也由原来的耐旱型为主变为耐荫型为主,马桑(Coriaria sinica)种植并实行年度砍伐降低了种子密度并减少了种子种类,但主成分的性质未发生改变;滑坡与水土流失将很多种子带入其坡积物中,从而降低土壤种子库密度与组成种类;泥石流是破坏地表土壤层和土壤种子库的最主要因素。  相似文献   

Nematode-resistant tropical legumes are effective in reducing populations of plant-parasitic nematodes when used in rotation systems. Mixed cropping is a common practice of many small farmers in Central America, but little is known about the effects of tropical legumes on nematode communities under these systems. To examine the effects of intercropping on the nematode fauna associated with squash (Cucurbita pepo) and cucumber (Cucumis sativa) in Honduras, two field experiments were conducted to compare nematode density and diversity in soil under cucurbits grown as a monocrop with that in soil under cucurbits intercropped with alfalfa (Medicago sativa) or hairy indigo (Indigofera hirsuta). A parallel series of field tests compared soil nematode communities associated with a cucurbit monocrop and a cucurbit intercropped with marigold (Tagetes patula), which may decrease nematode populations through the production of toxic root exudates. Among all four tests, over a period of 90 days, there were no consistent differences in densities of various nematode genera or trophic groups in intercropped versus monocropped plants, nor were there consistent differences in community diversities among treatments.  相似文献   

Spatial scaling of microorganisms has been demonstrated over the last decade. However, the processes and environmental filters shaping soil microbial community structure on a broad spatial scale still need to be refined and ranked. Here, we compared bacterial and fungal community composition turnovers through a biogeographical approach on the same soil sampling design at a broad spatial scale (area range: 13300 to 31000 km2): i) to examine their spatial structuring; ii) to investigate the relative importance of environmental selection and spatial autocorrelation in determining their community composition turnover; and iii) to identify and rank the relevant environmental filters and scales involved in their spatial variations. Molecular fingerprinting of soil bacterial and fungal communities was performed on 413 soils from four French regions of contrasting environmental heterogeneity (Landes<Burgundy≤Brittany<<South-East) using the systematic grid of French Soil Quality Monitoring Network to evaluate the communities’ composition turnovers. The relative importance of processes and filters was assessed by distance-based redundancy analysis. This study demonstrates significant community composition turnover rates for soil bacteria and fungi, which were dependent on the region. Bacterial and fungal community composition turnovers were mainly driven by environmental selection explaining from 10% to 20% of community composition variations, but spatial variables also explained 3% to 9% of total variance. These variables highlighted significant spatial autocorrelation of both communities unexplained by the environmental variables measured and could partly be explained by dispersal limitations. Although the identified filters and their hierarchy were dependent on the region and organism, selection was systematically based on a common group of environmental variables: pH, trophic resources, texture and land use. Spatial autocorrelation was also important at coarse (80 to 120 km radius) and/or medium (40 to 65 km radius) spatial scales, suggesting dispersal limitations at these scales.  相似文献   

This study assesses the potential of fungal bioaugmentation and the effect of maltosyl-cyclodextrin amendment, as an approach to accelerate fluorene biodegradation in soil slurries. 47 fungal strains isolated from a contaminated site were tested in the biodegradation of fluorene. Results showed the greater efficiency of "adaptated" fungi isolated from contaminated soil vs. reference strains belonging to the collection of the laboratory. These assays allowed us to select the most efficient strain, Absidia cylindrospora, which was used in a bioaugmentation process. In the presence of Absidia cylindrospora, more than 90% of the fluorene was removed in 288 h while 576 h were necessary in the absence of fungal bioaugmentation. Maltosyl-cyclodextrin, a branched-cyclodextrin was chosen in order to optimize fluorene bioavailability and biodegradation in soil slurries. The results of this study indicate that Absidia cylindrospora and maltosyl-cyclodextrin could be used successfully in bioremediation systems.  相似文献   

Bacteria play important roles in mineral weathering and soil formation. However, few reports of mineral weathering bacteria inhabiting subsurfaces of soil profiles have been published, raising the question of whether the subsurface weathering bacteria are fundamentally distinct from those in surface communities. To address this question, we isolated and characterized mineral weathering bacteria from two contrasting soil profiles with respect to their role in the weathering pattern evolution, their place in the community structure, and their depth-related changes in these two soil profiles. The effectiveness and pattern of bacterial mineral weathering were different in the two profiles and among the horizons within the respective profiles. The abundance of highly effective mineral weathering bacteria in the Changshu profile was significantly greater in the deepest horizon than in the upper horizons, whereas in the Yanting profile it was significantly greater in the upper horizons than in the deeper horizons. Most of the mineral weathering bacteria from the upper horizons of the Changshu profile and from the deeper horizons of the Yanting profile significantly acidified the culture media in the mineral weathering process. The proportion of siderophore-producing bacteria in the Changshu profile was similar in all horizons except in the Bg2 horizon, whereas the proportion of siderophore-producing bacteria in the Yanting profile was higher in the upper horizons than in the deeper horizons. Both profiles existed in different highly depth-specific culturable mineral weathering community structures. The depth-related changes in culturable weathering communities were primarily attributable to minor bacterial groups rather than to a change in the major population structure.  相似文献   

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