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Both isotopic and microelectrode studies reveal a significant Ca2+ influx at fertilization which if freely distributed in the cytoplasm would equal 1–2 × 10−5 M. The role, if any, of this influx is disputed. We have attempted to reevaluate contradictory findings by others on this role. Our results with Strongylocentrotus purpuratus and Lytechinus pictus eggs, assessing fertilization with acrosome-reacted sperm in EGTA-buffered media (free [Ca2+], 4.4 × 10−8 M) indicate that exogenous Ca2+ is not required for fertilization and subsequent cleavage. The contradictory findings by others may have resulted from reduced fertilizability in Ca2+-free seawater, which can be circumvented by higher sperm concentration and by a sensitivity to temperature in Ca2+-free medium, which can be bypassed by carrying out fertilization at lower temperature. Also consistent with the absence of a requirement for this Ca2+ influx, we found that Ca2+ uptake can be induced in eggs by depolarizing the membrane with high [K+], but there is no resultant activation of egg metabolism. Under our conditions for fertilization in Ca2+-free media, there is no effect on the block to polyspermy but the initiation of the cortical reaction may be delayed. The data support the hypothesis that sperm induce release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores, perhaps by affecting an equilibrium between Ca2+ sequestration and Ca2+ release.  相似文献   

Although it is well known that species vary in their vulnerability to extinction, the reasons are poorly understood. Theory predicts that long-lived species with slow life histories (small litters, slow growth, late maturation) should be at greater risk than short-lived species with high potential rates of increase. This hypothesis was tested by comparing life-history traits of two species of sympatric, elapid snakes: the endangered broad-headed snake, Hoplocephalus bungaroides, and common small-eyed snake, Cryptophis nigrescens. From 1992 to 2000 a mark–recapture study of both species was undertaken in Morton National Park, south-eastern Australia, and this information was used to construct transition matrices for each species. The endangered H. bungaroides was found to mature late (6 years of age), had a high juvenile (54.7%) and adult (81.6%) survival rate, and a long generation length (10.4 years). In striking contrast, the common C. nigrescens matured early (within 3 years), had a lower juvenile (30.4%) and adult (74.4%) survival rate (but higher recruitment rate), and a substantially shorter generation length (5.9 years). Elasticity analyses revealed that H. bungaroides was considerably more sensitive to survival past the age of 2 years (68.6%) than C. nigrescens (37.4%). These results provide support for the hypothesis that species with slow life histories are more vulnerable to extinction.  相似文献   

Tuya  Fernando  Boyra  Arturo  Sanchez-Jerez  Pablo  Barbera  Carmen  Haroun  Ricardo 《Hydrobiologia》2004,519(1-3):211-214
We sampled 36 coastal rocky reefs throughout the overall Canarian Archipelago and consider (1) the daily macroalgal consumption of the long-spined sea urchin Diadema antillarum and (2) the daily net production of macroalgae along temperate rocky-substrates, to provide evidence that Diadema antillarum plays an important role in the structure of the shallow benthic environment of the eastern Atlantic. D. antillarum was found to be the main key-herbivore species, as it controls by its own the algal assemblages, with negligible contribution of other grazing species.  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested that gross primary production (GPP) of terrestrial vegetation can be estimated directly with the satellite-based Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI). However, the reported EVI–GPP relationships showed wide variability, with the regression functions showing widely scattered data. In the present study, we examined the possible reasons for this variability in the EVI–GPP relationship using daily EVI values from satellite and field measurements and daily flux-based GPP in a cool-temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest in Japan. The variability appears to be caused by noise due to cloud contamination in the satellite data as well as the different seasonality of EVI and GPP, especially during the leaf-expansion period. Our findings indicate that improvement of cloud screening and consideration of the leaf-expansion period are critical when applying the EVI–GPP relationship.  相似文献   

We examined the impact of adding scallop shells (byproduct of the fisheries) to sandy and rocky sea bottoms in the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence. The effect of adding shells was greatest on sandy bottoms where species richness increased 3.7-fold and species diversity 1.9-fold. The increase in most species was due to immigration rather than new settlement. Trials examining the effect of different densities of shells in plots of the same size (4 m2) showed that species diversity increased rapidly with shell abundance and levelled off when shells covered half of the bottom, whereas species richness only levelled off when shells almost completely covered the bottom. Trials examining the effect of the size of the shell patches (shell density being kept constant) showed that species diversity was already maximal in 1-m2 plots, whereas species richness only attained a plateau at 4 m2. Our small-scale trials indicate that the addition of shells would have a positive impact, increasing numerous invertebrates, including commercial species (scallops, whelks and urchins).  相似文献   

Early models of the regulation of initiation of DNA replication by protein complexes predicted that binding of a replication initiator protein to a replicator region is required for initiation of each DNA replication round, since after the initiation event the replication initiator should dissociate from DNA. It was, therefore, assumed that binding of the replication initiator is a signal for triggering DNA replication. However, more recent investigations have revealed that in many replicons this is not the case. Studies on the regulation of the replication of plasmids derived from bacteriophage lambda demonstrated that, once assembled, the replication complex can be inherited by one of the two daughter plasmid copies after each replication round and may function in subsequent replication rounds. Since this DNA-bound protein complex bears information about specific initiation of DNA replication, this phenomenon has been called "protein inheritance." A similar phenomenon has recently been reported for oriJ-based plasmids. Moreover, the current model of the initiation of DNA replication in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae proposes that the origin recognition complex (ORC) remains bound to one copy of the ori sequence (the ARS region) after initiation of DNA replication. Thus, it seems plausible that protein inheritance is not unique for lambda plasmids, but may be a common phenomenon in the control of DNA replication, at least in microbes.  相似文献   

Habitat modification and invasive species are significant drivers of biodiversity decline. However, distinguishing between the impacts of these two drivers on native species can be difficult. For example, habitat modification may reduce native species abundance, while an invasive species may take advantage of the new environment. This scenario has been described as the driver‐passenger model, with ‘passengers’ taking advantage of habitat modification and ‘drivers’ causing native species decline. Therefore, research must incorporate both habitat modification and invasive species impact to successfully investigate native species decline. In this paper, we used the common myna (Acridotheres tristis) as a case study to investigate the driver‐passenger model. We investigated changes in bird abundance, over 2 years, in relation to different habitat types and common myna abundance. We hypothesized that the common myna is both a passenger of habitat change and a driver of some bird species decline. Our results indicated that the abundance of many native species is greater in high tree density nature reserves, while the common myna was uncommon in these areas. Common myna abundance was almost three times higher in urban areas than nature reserves and declined rapidly as tree density in nature reserves increased. Our findings indicated that the common myna is primarily a passenger of habitat change. However, we also observed negative associations between common myna abundance and some bird species. We stress the importance of simultaneously investigating both invasive species impact and habitat modification. We suggest habitat restoration could be a useful tool for both native species recovery and invasive species control. Understanding the drivers of native species decline will help inform impact mitigation and direct further research.  相似文献   

It is thought that the prefrontal cortex (PFC) subserves cognitive control processes by coordinating the flow of information in the cerebral cortex. In the network of cortical areas the central position of the PFC makes difficult to dissociate processing and the cognitive function mapped to this region, especially when using whole brain imaging techniques, which can detect frequently activated regions. Accordingly, the present study showed particularly high rate of increase of published studies citing the PFC and imaging as compared to other fields of the neurosciences on the PubMed. Network measures used to characterize the role of the areas in signal flow indicated specialization of the different regions of the PFC in cortical processing. Notably, areas of the dorsolateral PFC and the anterior cingulate cortex, which received the highest number of citations, were identified as global convergence points in the network. These prefrontal regions also had central position in the dominant cluster consisted exclusively by the associational areas of the cortex. We also present findings relevant to models suggesting that control processes of the PFC are depended on serial processing, which results in bottleneck effects. The findings suggest that PFC is best understood via its role in cortical information processing.  相似文献   

There are approximately 55,000 described Acari species, accounting for almost half of all known Arachnida species, but total estimated Acari diversity is reckoned to be far greater. One important source of currently hidden Acari diversity is cryptic speciation, which poses challenges to taxonomists documenting biodiversity assessment as well as to researchers in medicine and agriculture. In this review, we revisit the subject of biodiversity in the Acari and investigate what is currently known about cryptic species within this group. Based on a thorough literature search, we show that the probability of occurrence of cryptic species is mainly related to the number of attempts made to detect them. The use of, both, DNA tools and bioassays significantly increased the probability of cryptic species detection. We did not confirm the generally-accepted idea that species lifestyle (i.e. free-living vs. symbiotic) affects the number of cryptic species. To increase detection of cryptic lineages and to understand the processes leading to cryptic speciation in Acari, integrative approaches including multivariate morphometrics, molecular tools, crossing, ecological assays, intensive sampling, and experimental evolution are recommended. We conclude that there is a demonstrable need for future investigations focusing on potentially hidden mite and tick species and addressing evolutionary mechanisms behind cryptic speciation within Acari.  相似文献   

Research on cooperatively breeding species has shown that their population dynamics differ from those of conventional breeders. Populations of cooperators are structured into groups, and group‐level Allee effects are likely common. We assess the ability of phenomenological models, lacking explicit group structure, to describe population dynamics in cooperative meerkats Suricata suricatta, and we assess potential Allee effects at the population level. Using maximum likelihood model fitting and information theoretic model selection, applied to time series data from a wild meerkat population, we find simple models that incorporate rainfall and conventional density dependence to be the most parsimonious of the models considered. Detecting no population‐level Allee effect, we conclude that explicit consideration of population structure will be key to understanding the mechanisms behind population dynamics in cooperatively breeding species.  相似文献   

Allen's rule (1877) predicts ecogeographical anatomical variation in appendage proportions as a function of body temperature regulation. This phenomenon has been tested in a variety of animal species. In macaques, relative tail length (RTL) is one of the most frequently measured appendages to test Allen's rule. These studies have relied on museum specimens or the invasive and time-consuming capturing of free-ranging individuals. To augment sample size and lessen these logistical limitations, we designed and validated a novel noninvasive technique using digitalized photographs processed using LibreCAD, an open-source 2D-computer-aided design (CAD) application. This was used to generate pixelated measurements to calculate an RTL equivalent, the Tail to Trunk Index (TTI) = (tail [tail base to anterior tip] pixel count/trunk [neck to tail base] pixel count). The TTI of 259 adult free-ranging toque macaques (Macaca sinica) from 36 locations between 7 and 2,087 m above sea level (m.a.s.l.) was used in the analysis. Samples were collected from all three putative subspecies (M. s. sinica, aurifrons, and opisthomelas), at locations representing all altitudinal climatic zones where they are naturally distributed. These data were used to test whether toque macaque tail length variation across elevation follows Allen's rule, predicting that RTL decreases with increasing elevation and lower temperature. Our results strongly supported this prediction. There was also a statistically significant, negative correlation between elevation and annual average temperature. The best predictor for the TTI index was elevation. Significant subspecies differences in RTL are linked in part to their ecological and altitudinal niche separation, but overall the variation is seen as the species' adaptation to climate. The method developed for the quick morphometric assessment of relative body proportions, applicable for use on unhabituated free-ranging animals, widens the range of materials available for research studying morphological characteristics and their evolution in primates.  相似文献   

The contribution of common species to overall species richness in many cases is greater than that of rare species. However, the explanation of this phenomenon remains vague. One hypothesis is that this is a sampling issue and not a biological one. Therefore standardization methods like the information index and empirical variance have been proposed. But, these standardizations do not explicitly compare the significance of the dataset size of the common and rare sub-assemblage. Here, we investigate the role of dataset size in accounting for the capacity of common and rare species to contribute to diversity spatial patterns. We used a dataset of 5148 vascular plant species recorded in 16,439 sample plots in the Greek Natura 2000 network. Species were ranked according to the number of sample plots they occupied in ascending (rare to common), descending (common to rare) and random order. We analyzed the correlation between the richness of each sub-assemblage and total species richness. When comparing among sub-assemblages with equal number of species, common species are clearly the better predictors of total species richness. But, when comparing among sub-assemblages with equal number of occurrence records, the patterns changed. Common and rare species contribution to the overall richness pattern was comparable, with rare species contributing slightly less than widespread species in some cases and the opposite in other cases. However in all cases, sub-assemblages of random species remarkably outperformed the equal sized sub-assemblages of common or rare species. Our results suggest that common and rare species are biased samples of the community and that equal sized random samples are more representative; thus the greater contribution of common species than rare species to biodiversity patterns might be more a sampling issue than a biological effect of commonness or rarity.  相似文献   

The mass occurrence of the large hyperiid Themisto libellula was recorded in both the western and the eastern Bering Sea within 2007–2011. Those were the years of a relatively long 6-year period of cold, which was caused mainly by the inflow of cold waters from the north; this is confirmed by the distribution of bottom and surface temperatures and also by the ice-cover values. This hyperiid became dominant in the diet of salmon, walleye pollock, herring, and several other nekton fish species. T. libellula periodically spreads southward with cold northern waters, finding favorable conditions in “new” areas. Being a rapidly growing species with a short life cycle, within 1 or 2 years it reaches a high abundance, which then gradually declines and remains at a mean or low level, as usually occurs with species that were introduced into a new habitat. After the environmental conditions deteriorate, as a “warm” period arrives with changes in the general circulation and a growing inflow of warmed Pacific waters, the southern boundary of the species range moves back far northward and it completely disappears in the areas where it prevailed in the plankton and was a main forage item in the diet of many fish species. Taking into account the durations of warm and cold periods from 1980 until 2010, an event like this in the Bering Sea can be expected within 1 or 2 years. In the eastern Bering Sea, the abundance and dominance of a number of zooplankton species may vary simultaneously. This effect is more pronounced in T. libellula and for this reason the species is considered as a biological indicator of the described climatic changes in the Bering Sea.  相似文献   

Several processes are hypothesised to mediate the relationship between local (microsite) plant species richness and the topographical heterogeneity of the surrounding landscape. In a topographically heterogeneous landscape with various habitats occurring close to each other, local species richness may be enriched by species from surrounding habitats due to the spatial mass effect (sink‐source dynamics). In contrast, increased habitat fragmentation due to spatial heterogeneity may have a negative effect on local species richness. The spatial mass effect is thought to be more pronounced in communities with a higher ratio of generalists, as generalists are more likely to establish viable populations in sink habitats. To reveal the pattern of local species richness along a gradient of landscape topographical heterogeneity at middle altitudes of the Bohemian Massif, we used 2551 forest vegetation plots stored in the Czech National Phytosociological Database. We developed an analytical approach relating the pattern of local species richness of vegetation types to the gradient of landscape topographical heterogeneity. An increase or decrease in species richness with increasing landscape heterogeneity was related to changes in the generalist/specialist ratio, and also to changes in soil reaction and productivity estimated through Ellenberg indicator values. Local species richness along a gradient of increasing landscape heterogeneity increased in nutrient‐poor vegetation and decreased in nutrient‐rich vegetation. Nutrient‐poor vegetation types, such as thermophilous and acidophilous oak forests, also had a high proportion of habitat generalists, supporting the hypothesis that increased richness in heterogeneous landscapes may result from the spatial mass effect. However, the same pattern may be explained by a shift in environmental conditions along the landscape heterogeneity gradient, such as increasing productivity of nutrient‐rich vegetation types or increasing soil reaction of most vegetation types in more heterogeneous landscapes. We discuss available evidence and conclude that these two explanations need not be mutually exclusive.  相似文献   

A recent explanation of the declining species richness gradient with increasing latitude away from the tropics implicated broad scale habitat variability, an associated range expansion, and a resulting increase in niche breadth. The niche breadth in turn was thought to affect richness by competition and rescue effect. While all three factors appear to be correlated, neither the postulated nor alternative causal mechanisms have been tested. We conduct such a test using a system which has all the attributes of the large scale pattern but which, in contrast to continental scale observations, allows for estimation or control of crucial variables such as taxonomic composition, habitat heterogeneity, habitat variability, exact species distribution, and local richness. Specifically, we test the alternative that the correlation between the geographical range of species and local diversity is a function of differential species survival and link this phenomenon to habitat variability. We use 40 species of aquatic invertebrates inhabiting a landscape of 49 miniature rock pools on the coast of Jamaica. The system we examined exhibits a gradient of increasing richness with decreasing habitat variability, analogous to the broad scale latitudinal pattern. Furthermore, species with broader ecological ranges are also broadly distributed. Superficially, this appears to be in agreement with the older explanations but two facts suggest different causes. First, there is no evidence of a rescue effect maintaining high richness in many habitats despite their proximity to species sources. Second, ecologically broad species coexist with habitat specialists without reducing richness in jointly occupied habitats.  相似文献   

Environmental Biology of Fishes - Among Tashan cave barb Garra tashanensis inhabiting a small cave in southwest Iran, two mental disc (sucking mouth disc) forms were observed. To assess their...  相似文献   

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