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An emulsifiable concentrate formulation of the synthetic pyrethroid insecticide deltamethrin was applied in a plunge dip, 3 weeks after shearing, to a group of 5 Merino sheep infested with sheep body lice, Bovicola ovis. Deltamethrin concentrations on the wool were measured at regular intervals between 1 and 98 days after treatment and were not significantly different (P > 0.05) between sites on the dorsal mid-line, upper or lower flank. Levels in the tip of the fleece were significantly greater than those in the base, indicating that there was little movement of deltamethrin down the staple as the wool grew. Most lice were killed after 20 h of exposure in vitro to wool samples collected between 1 and 28 days after treatment. However, many lice survived in samples containing a similar concentration of deltamethrin, but collected between 35 and 98 days after treatment. Numbers of lice surviving increased with the sampling time after treatment, suggesting that the bioavailability of the deltamethrin changed as the insecticide aged in the fleece. Some transfer of deltamethrin occurred from treated to untreated sheep. The levels of deltamethrin were higher in sheep placed in contact with the treated group at 14 days after treatment than in those which were in contact from 43 days after treatment.  相似文献   

Abstract  Results of laboratory bioassays indicated that spinosad was equally effective against sheep lice populations that were susceptible to insecticides or resistant to pyrethroid, organophosphorus or insect growth regulator (IGR) insecticides. Spinosad had similar toxicity against susceptible strains of lice to that previously reported for diazinon, but lower toxicity than cypermethrin. Lethal concentrations of spinosad and diazinon caused knock down of lice within 6 h of exposure and death within 24 h. Prior to the current phasing out of diazinon as a sheep dip, most wool producers, needing to control pyrethroid- or IGR-resistant lice infestations in short-wool, would have chosen to use diazinon. Our results suggest that spinosad is an effective alternative for treatment of lice resistant to other chemical groups.  相似文献   

The in vitro proliferation assay was used to determine lymphocyte responsiveness to soluble antigen of B. ovis and to Concanavalin A (Con A) in peripheral blood, spleen and various lymph nodes from B. ovis-infested and naive lambs. From March to July, an assay of monthly blood samples showed generally higher proliferative responses to antigen and Con A in B. ovis-infested than naive lambs. The proliferative response of cells from the skin-draining prescapular lymph nodes to B. ovis antigen was significantly higher in B. ovis-infested than naive lambs. Responses of cells from the medial iliac, mediastinal and mesenteric lymph nodes (which do not receive lymph from the skin) and spleen showed no significant differences between groups. Within the B. ovis-infested lambs, the response of cells from the prescapular lymph node was significantly higher than that from any other lymphoid organ examined. Responsiveness of the prescapular, medial iliac and mesenteric lymph node and spleen cells to Con A was not significantly different between groups, while mediastinal lymph node cells showed a significantly higher response in B. ovis-infested lambs. The data indicate that the antigen-specific cellular immune response is operating mainly locally, at the level of the skin and draining lymph nodes. Responses to the T cell mitogen Con A did not support non-specific immunodepression as reported in other ectoparasite/host systems.  相似文献   

A model for nematodiasis in lambs was expanded to incorporate both the contribution of ewes to nematode epidemiology and the genetic parameters required to simulate the development of anthelmintic resistance in the nematode population. The expanded model was used to assess the impact of various drench and grazing management strategies for ewes and lambs on the rate of development of anthelmintic resistance. Three grazing management options, under a range of drenching schedules, were compared: one in which lambs and ewes were rotationally grazed as separate flocks over the same area after weaning (common grazing); a second in which lambs were grazed, after weaning, on areas from which ewes were excluded (separate grazing); and a third in which lambs were moved to “safe” pasture at weaning and again in early autumn (integrated control). Drenching strategies examined under the first 2 grazing options included a 5 lamb-drench “preventive” programme with 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 additional lamb drenches, and 0 or 1 ewe drench treatment at either tail-docking or mating. Under the third grazing option, lambs were given either 1 or 2 drench treatments at or following each move to safe pasture and ewes 0 or 1 drench treatment at either tail-docking (i.e., 3–4 weeks after lambing) or mating. Model output suggests that drenching ewes prior to any lamb drenching programme is likely to significantly increase selection for drench resistance by pre-selecting the larval challenge to the lambs and, under some grazing systems, by reducing the diluting effect of eggs of susceptible genotypes passed by undrenched ewes. The results highlight the potential importance of undrenched ewes as a refuge for susceptible worm genotypes and indicate that on its own, drenching frequency is likely to be a poor indicator of selection pressure for resistance and thus of limited value in selecting strategies for the management of anthelmintic resistance.  相似文献   

The feeding value of Phyllanthus discoideus (also called Margaritaria discoidea) leaves was evaluated using eight two‐year‐old West African Dwarf sheep fed natural grass hay. Four of the animals were fistulated ruminally and used for ammonia and volatile fatty acid determination in the fluid. Dried leaves of Phyllanthus discoideus were offered at two levels (25% and 50% of DMI, diets D25% and D50%, respectively) as supplements to the basal hay diet. The CP content of the control, D25% and D50% diets were 11.5, 12.6 and 13.6%, respectively, and their digestible energy amounted to 58.2, 61.1 and 56.9%, respectively. Rumen liquor was sampled one hour before and one, three and five hours after the morning feeding.

Sheep fed the control diet had a higher ruminai ammonia concentration than those fed diet D25%. Similarly, ruminai ammonia concentration was higher in sheep fed the control diet than those fed the diet D50%. Five hours after feeding the ruminai ammonia concentration was significantly lower than one hour after feeding.

The VFA concentrations in rumen fluid of sheep fed the control diet was inferior to those fed diets D25% and D50%. Sheep fed diet D50% showed significantly higher VFA concentrations than those fed diet D25%. Digestibility of organic matter and digestible energy did not show any significant difference. However, a marginal increase in organic matter digestibility of 3.5% was observed in diet D25% compared with the control diet. There was no significant difference in the N‐digestibility in sheep fed the control, D25% and D50% diets. Nevertheless, a marginal improvement in N‐digestibility (1.5%) and N‐retention (2.7%) was observed with the highest level of Phyllanthus discoideus (D50%).

In conclusion, Phyllanthus discoideus appears as a particularly valuable feedstuff because it contains low levels of condensed tannins (12.8 g/kg), high CP content (156 g/kg) and a relatively high GE content (19.3 kJ/gDM). Although the improvement in N‐digestibility and N‐retention were only marginal the feeding of Phyllanthus discoideus could be justified under extreme shortage of feed resources during dry season. It should also be mentioned that a much more pronounced effect by supplementation with Phyllanthus discoideus could be expected when poor quality grass hay prevalent in West Africa during the dry season is fed. Phyllanthus discoideus could serve as a supplement to poor quality grass at 25% to 50% of supplementation.  相似文献   

It is well established that dietary protein supply can influence the peri-parturient breakdown of immunity to nematode parasites but there is no information on the importance of exposure to nematode larvae during pregnancy for this response. We investigated this by exposing housed pregnant sheep, scanned as carrying two lambs, to a vaccinating infection with a trickle mixed infection of Teladorsagia circumcincta and Trichostrongylus colubriformis larvae (L3) or to no infection during weeks − 9 to − 4 relative to parturition. At the beginning of week − 3 all sheep were treated with anthelmintic to remove any vaccinating worm burden and from week − 2 to week +6 received a trickle challenge infection with the same nematodes. Within each vaccinating treatment there were two nutritional treatments (no. = 20 per subgroup) designed to provide 1.5 or 1.0 and 1.3 or 0.8 of metabolisable protein (MP) requirement during pregnancy and lactation, respectively. Five ewes were necropsied during weeks +1 and +3 to measure worm burdens and mucosal inflammatory cells and the remainder maintained until week +6. Serum levels of total, IgA and IgE antibodies against L3 antigen of each nematode were measured.Scanning errors and lamb losses resulted in some ewes carrying and/or rearing only one lamb. Numbers of lambs reared was therefore introduced as a treatment effect. Vaccinating infection delayed the peri-parturient rise in faecal egg count (FEC) by an average of 2 weeks but its effect on FEC during the first 6 weeks of lactation was smaller and less persistent than that of dietary MP supply and single- v. twin-suckling.Populations of both nematodes were lower in association with high MP supply, vaccination and single suckling. These changes were associated with increases in numbers of mucosal mast cells (MMC) as a result of both increased MP supply and vaccination. Evidence for a more rapid return of host ability to limit populations of the abdominal nematode T. circumcincta than of the intestinal nematode T. colubriformis was associated with fewer eosinophils and more globule leucocytes (GL) in abomasal than in intestinal tissue.None of the serum antibody isotypes was affected by dietary protein supply. Total and IgA antibodies were maintained by a current larval (vaccinating) intake. IgA titres, however, increased progressively during pregnancy, especially in twin-bearing ewes. IgE titres appeared to be sensitive primarily to the reproductive cycle itself, peaking around parturition.This work supports the conclusion that availability of MP supply influences the recruitment and activity of cells of the immune armoury of the gastro-intestinal tract to nematode parasites. The precise outcome may differ with site and/or nematode species.  相似文献   

This study aimed to identify the association between lnc-LAMC2-1:1 polymorphism rs2147578 and the recurrence of ovary cancer, as well as to study the underlying mechanism of rs2147578 in ovary cancer. Real-time polymerase chain reaction, Western blot analysis, immunohistochemistry, 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay, Logrank test, and Kaplan-Meier analysis were carried out to explore the role of rs2147578 in ovary cancer. No obvious difference was observed concerning all clinical characteristics among 90 patients genotyped as CC (N = 28), CG (N = 38), and GG (N = 24) in their rs2147578 polymorphism. In addition, the subjects carrying the CC genotype had longer recurrence-free survival time and showed a lower level of malignancy compared with those carrying CG and GG genotypes. Lnc-LAMC2-1:1 and miR-128 were lowly expressed in the CC group, while deleted in colorectal cancer (DCC) was highly expressed in the CC group. Furthermore, DCC was identified as a target gene of miR-128, and miR-128 mimics decreased the luciferase activity of cells cotransfected with wild-type DCC 3′-untranslated region. Lnc-LAMC2:1-1 directly targeted and affected miR-128 expression, and the G allele in lnc-LAMC2-1:1 rs2147578 upregulated miR-128 expression. Transfection with a miR-128 precursor evidently downregulated the expression of lnc-LAMC2-1:1, miR-128, and DCC expression, but did not affect the expression of ABCC5 and body mass index. Finally, miR-128 precursor promoted cell proliferation and inhibited cell apoptosis. Compared with lnc-LAMC2-1:1 rs2147578C allele, the G allele increases the risk of ovarian cancer by reducing the binding between lnc-LAMC2-1:1 and miR-128-3p, which in turn further decreases the expression of DCC and inhibits cell apoptosis.  相似文献   

Summary Patch-clamp studies have been employed in order to check whether the assumption of a multi-ion single-file pore is necessary for the explanation of the anomalous mole fraction effect or whether this effect can also be explained by a single-barrier enzyme kinetic model. Experiments in the cell-attached configuration were done on the tonoplast membrane of cytoplasmic droplets ofNitella in solutions containing 150 mol m–3 of K+ plus Tl+ with seven different K+/Tl+ ratios. At first sight, the results seem to support the multi-ion single-file pore, because apparent open channel conductivity displays the anomalous mole fraction effect, whereas open-probability has not been found to be dependent on the K+/Tl+ ratio. Changes in open probability would be expected for a single-barrier enzyme kinetic model with a lazy state. On the other hand, the lazy-state model is more successful in explaining the measuredI-V curves. The entire slope of the apparent open channel current-voltage curves rotates with changing K+/Tl+ ratios in the whole voltage range between –100 and + 80 mV. Numerical calculations on the basis of multi-ion single-file pores could create the anomalous mole fraction effect only in a limited voltage range with intersectingI-V curves. The apparent absence of an effect on open probability which is postulated by the lazy-state model can be explained if switching into and out of the lazy state is faster than can be resolved by the temporal resolution of 1 msec.  相似文献   

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