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The kinesin-2 family motor KIF3A/B works together with dynein to bidirectionally transport intraflagellar particles, melanosomes, and neuronal vesicles. Compared with kinesin-1, kinesin-2 is less processive, and its processivity is more sensitive to load, suggesting that processivity may be controlled by different gating mechanisms. We used stopped-flow and steady-state kinetics experiments, along with single-molecule and multimotor assays to characterize the entire kinetic cycle of a KIF3A homodimer that exhibits motility similar to that of full-length KIF3A/B. Upon first encounter with a microtubule, the motor rapidly exchanges both mADP and mATP. When adenosine 5′-[(β,γ)-imido]triphosphate was used to entrap the motor in a two-head-bound state, exchange kinetics were unchanged, indicating that rearward strain in the two-head-bound state does not alter nucleotide binding to the front head. A similar lack of front head gating was found when intramolecular strain was enhanced by shortening the neck linker domain from 17 to 14 residues. In single-molecule assays in ADP, the motor dissociates at 2.1 s−1, 20-fold slower than the stepping rate, demonstrating the presence of rear head gating. In microtubule pelleting assays, the KDMt is similar in ADP and ATP. The data and accompanying simulations suggest that, rather than KIF3A processivity resulting from strain-dependent regulation of nucleotide binding (front head gating), the motor spends a significant fraction of its hydrolysis cycle in a low affinity state but dissociates only slowly from this state. This work provides a mechanism to explain differences in the load-dependent properties of kinesin-1 and kinesin-2.  相似文献   

The kinesin-3 family (KIF) is one of the largest among the kinesin superfamily and an important driver of a variety of cellular transport events. Whereas all kinesins contain the highly conserved kinesin motor domain, different families have evolved unique motor features that enable different mechanical and functional outputs. A defining feature of kinesin-3 motors is the presence of a positively charged insert, the K-loop, in loop 12 of their motor domains. However, the mechanical and functional output of the K-loop with respect to processive motility of dimeric kinesin-3 motors is unknown. We find that, surprisingly, the K-loop plays no role in generating the superprocessive motion of dimeric kinesin-3 motors (KIF1, KIF13, and KIF16). Instead, we find that the K-loop provides kinesin-3 motors with a high microtubule affinity in the motor''s ADP-bound state, a state that for other kinesins binds only weakly to the microtubule surface. A high microtubule affinity results in a high landing rate of processive kinesin-3 motors on the microtubule surface. We propose that the family-specific K-loop contributes to efficient kinesin-3 cargo transport by enhancing the initial interaction of dimeric motors with the microtubule track.  相似文献   

Mammalian KIF3AC is classified as a heterotrimeric kinesin-2 that is best known for organelle transport in neurons, yet in vitro studies to characterize its single molecule behavior are lacking. The results presented show that a KIF3AC motor that includes the native helix α7 sequence for coiled-coil formation is highly processive with run lengths of ∼1.23 μm and matching those exhibited by conventional kinesin-1. This result was unexpected because KIF3AC exhibits the canonical kinesin-2 neck-linker sequence that has been reported to be responsible for shorter run lengths observed for another heterotrimeric kinesin-2, KIF3AB. However, KIF3AB with its native neck linker and helix α7 is also highly processive with run lengths of ∼1.62 μm and exceeding those of KIF3AC and kinesin-1. Loop L11, a component of the microtubule-motor interface and implicated in activating ADP release upon microtubule collision, is significantly extended in KIF3C as compared with other kinesins. A KIF3AC encoding a truncation in KIF3C loop L11 (KIF3ACΔL11) exhibited longer run lengths at ∼1.55 μm than wild-type KIF3AC and were more similar to KIF3AB run lengths, suggesting that L11 also contributes to tuning motor processivity. The steady-state ATPase results show that shortening L11 does not alter kcat, consistent with the observation that single molecule velocities are not affected by this truncation. However, shortening loop L11 of KIF3C significantly increases the microtubule affinity of KIF3ACΔL11, revealing another structural and mechanistic property that can modulate processivity. The results presented provide new, to our knowledge, insights to understand structure-function relationships governing processivity and a better understanding of the potential of KIF3AC for long-distance transport in neurons.  相似文献   

The kinesin-3 motor KIF1A functions in neurons, where its fast and superprocessive motility facilitates long-distance transport, but little is known about its force-generating properties. Using optical tweezers, we demonstrate that KIF1A stalls at an opposing load of ~3 pN but more frequently detaches at lower forces. KIF1A rapidly reattaches to the microtubule to resume motion due to its class-specific K-loop, resulting in a unique clustering of force generation events. To test the importance of neck linker docking in KIF1A force generation, we introduced mutations linked to human neurodevelopmental disorders. Molecular dynamics simulations predict that V8M and Y89D mutations impair neck linker docking. Indeed, both mutations dramatically reduce the force generation of KIF1A but not the motor’s ability to rapidly reattach to the microtubule. Although both mutations relieve autoinhibition of the full-length motor, the mutant motors display decreased velocities, run lengths, and landing rates and delayed cargo transport in cells. These results advance our understanding of how mutations in KIF1A can manifest in disease.  相似文献   

The kinesin-3 family contains the fastest and most processive motors of the three neuronal transport kinesin families, yet the sequence of states and rates of kinetic transitions that comprise the chemomechanical cycle and give rise to their unique properties are poorly understood. We used stopped-flow fluorescence spectroscopy and single-molecule motility assays to delineate the chemomechanical cycle of the kinesin-3, KIF1A. Our bacterially expressed KIF1A construct, dimerized via a kinesin-1 coiled-coil, exhibits fast velocity and superprocessivity behavior similar to WT KIF1A. We established that the KIF1A forward step is triggered by hydrolysis of ATP and not by ATP binding, meaning that KIF1A follows the same chemomechanical cycle as established for kinesin-1 and -2. The ATP-triggered half-site release rate of KIF1A was similar to the stepping rate, indicating that during stepping, rear-head detachment is an order of magnitude faster than in kinesin-1 and kinesin-2. Thus, KIF1A spends the majority of its hydrolysis cycle in a one-head-bound state. Both the ADP off-rate and the ATP on-rate at physiological ATP concentration were fast, eliminating these steps as possible rate-limiting transitions. Based on the measured run length and the relatively slow off-rate in ADP, we conclude that attachment of the tethered head is the rate-limiting transition in the KIF1A stepping cycle. Thus, KIF1A''s activity can be explained by a fast rear-head detachment rate, a rate-limiting step of tethered-head attachment that follows ATP hydrolysis, and a relatively strong electrostatic interaction with the microtubule in the weakly bound post-hydrolysis state.  相似文献   

Mammalian KIF3AC contains two distinct motor polypeptides and is best known for its role in organelle transport in neurons. Our recent studies showed that KIF3AC is as processive as conventional kinesin-1, suggesting that their ATPase mechanochemistry may be similar. However, the presence of two different motor polypeptides in KIF3AC implies that there must be a cellular advantage for the KIF3AC heterodimer. The hypothesis tested was whether there is an intrinsic bias within KIF3AC such that either KIF3A or KIF3C initiates the processive run. To pursue these experiments, a mechanistic approach was used to compare the pre-steady-state kinetics of KIF3AC to the kinetics of homodimeric KIF3AA and KIF3CC. The results indicate that microtubule collision at 11.4 μm−1 s−1 coupled with ADP release at 78 s−1 are fast steps for homodimeric KIF3AA. In contrast, KIF3CC exhibits much slower microtubule association at 2.1 μm−1 s−1 and ADP release at 8 s−1. For KIF3AC, microtubule association at 6.6 μm−1 s−1 and ADP release at 51 s−1 are intermediate between the constants for KIF3AA and KIF3CC. These results indicate that either KIF3A or KIF3C can initiate the processive run. Surprisingly, the kinetics of the initial event of microtubule collision followed by ADP release for KIF3AC is not equivalent to 1:1 mixtures of KIF3AA plus KIF3CC homodimers at the same motor concentration. These results reveal that the intermolecular communication within the KIF3AC heterodimer modulates entry into the processive run regardless of whether the run is initiated by the KIF3A or KIF3C motor domain.  相似文献   

The KIF1 subfamily members are monomeric and contain a number of amino acid inserts in surface loops. A particularly striking insertion of several lysine/arginine residues occurs in L12 and is called the K-loop. Two recent studies have employed both kinetic and single-molecule methods to investigate KIF1 motor properties and have produced very different conclusions about how these motors generate motility. Here we show that a hitherto unstudied member of this group, KIF1D, is not chemically processive and drives fast motility despite demonstrating a slow ATPase. The K-loop of KIF1D was analysed by deletion and insertion mutagenesis coupled with characterization by steady state and transient kinetics. Together, the results indicate that the K-loop not only increases the affinity of the motor for the MT, but crucially also inhibits its subsequent isomerization from weak to strong binding, with coupled ADP release. By stabilizing the weak binding, the K-loop establishes a pool of motors primed to undergo their power stroke.  相似文献   

Kinesin-based cargo transport in cells frequently involves the coordinated activity of multiple motors, including kinesins from different families that move at different speeds. However, compared to the progress at the single-molecule level, mechanisms by which multiple kinesins coordinate their activity during cargo transport are poorly understood. To understand these multimotor coordination mechanisms, defined pairs of kinesin-1 and kinesin-2 motors were assembled on DNA scaffolds and their motility examined in vitro. Although less processive than kinesin-1 at the single-molecule level, addition of kinesin-2 motors more effectively amplified cargo run lengths. By applying the law of total expectation to cargo binding durations in ADP, the kinesin-2 microtubule reattachment rate was shown to be fourfold faster than that of kinesin-1. This difference in microtubule binding rates was also observed in solution by stopped-flow. High-resolution tracking of a gold-nanoparticle-labeled motor with 1 ms and 2 nm precision revealed that kinesin-2 motors detach and rebind to the microtubule much more frequently than does kinesin-1. Finally, compared to cargo transported by two kinesin-1, cargo transported by two kinesin-2 motors more effectively navigated roadblocks on the microtubule track. These results highlight the importance of motor reattachment kinetics during multimotor transport and suggest a coordinated transport model in which kinesin-1 motors step effectively against loads whereas kinesin-2 motors rapidly unbind and rebind to the microtubule. This dynamic tethering by kinesin-2 maintains the cargo near the microtubule and enables effective navigation along crowded microtubules.  相似文献   

Obstacles on the surface of microtubules can lead to defective cargo transport, proposed to play a role in neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s. However, little is known about how motor proteins, which follow individual microtubule protofilaments (such as kinesin-1), deal with obstacles on the molecular level. Here, we used rigor-binding mutants of kinesin-1 as roadblocks to permanently obstruct individual microtubule binding sites and studied the movement of individual kinesin-1 motors by single-molecule fluorescence and dark-field scattering microscopy in vitro. In the presence of roadblocks, kinesin-1 often stopped for ∼0.4 s before either detaching or continuing to move, whereby the latter circumvention events occurred in >30% after a stopping event. Consequently, and in agreement with numerical simulations, the mean velocity, mean run length, and mean dwell time of the kinesin-1 motors decreased upon increasing the roadblock density. Tracking individual kinesin-1 motors labeled by 40 nm gold particles with 6 nm spatial and 1 ms temporal precision revealed that ∼70% of the circumvention events were associated with significant transverse shifts perpendicular to the axis of the microtubule. These side-shifts, which occurred with equal likelihood to the left and right, were accompanied by a range of longitudinal shifts suggesting that roadblock circumvention involves the unbinding and rebinding of the motors. Thus, processive motors, which commonly follow individual protofilaments in the absence of obstacles, appear to possess intrinsic circumvention mechanisms. These mechanisms were potentially optimized by evolution for the motor’s specific intracellular tasks and environments.  相似文献   

Intracellular cargo transport by kinesin family motor proteins is crucial for many cellular processes, particularly vesicle transport in axons and dendrites. In a number of cases, the transport of specific cargo is carried out by two classes of kinesins that move at different speeds and thus compete during transport. Despite advances in single-molecule characterization and modeling approaches, many questions remain regarding the effect of intermotor tension on motor attachment/reattachment rates during cooperative multimotor transport. To understand the motor dynamics underlying multimotor transport, we analyzed the complexes of kinesin-1 and kinesin-3 motors attached through protein scaffolds moving on immobilized microtubules in vitro. To interpret the observed behavior, simulations were carried out using a model that incorporated motor stepping, attachment/detachment rates, and intermotor force generation. In single-molecule experiments, isolated kinesin-3 motors moved twofold faster and had threefold higher landing rates than kinesin-1. When the positively charged loop 12 of kinesin-3 was swapped with that of kinesin-1, the landing rates reversed, indicating that this “K-loop” is a key determinant of the motor reattachment rate. In contrast, swapping loop 12 had negligible effects on motor velocities. Two-motor complexes containing one kinesin-1 and one kinesin-3 moved at different speeds depending on the identity of their loop 12, indicating the importance of the motor reattachment rate on the cotransport speed. Simulations of these loop-swapped motors using experimentally derived motor parameters were able to reproduce the experimental results and identify best fit parameters for the motor reattachment rates for this geometry. Simulation results also supported previous work, suggesting that kinesin-3 microtubule detachment is very sensitive to load. Overall, the simulations demonstrate that the transport behavior of cargo carried by pairs of kinesin-1 and -3 motors are determined by three properties that differ between these two families: the unloaded velocity, the load dependence of detachment, and the motor reattachment rate.  相似文献   

Conventional kinesin is a highly processive molecular motor that takes several hundred steps per encounter with a microtubule. Processive motility is believed to result from the coordinated, hand-over-hand motion of the two heads of the kinesin dimer, but the specific factors that determine kinesin's run length (distance traveled per microtubule encounter) are not known. Here, we show that the neck coiled-coil, a structure adjacent to the motor domain, plays an important role in governing the run length. By adding positive charge to the neck coiled-coil, we have created ultra-processive kinesin mutants that have fourfold longer run lengths than the wild-type motor, but that have normal ATPase activity and motor velocity. Conversely, adding negative charge on the neck coiled-coil decreases the run length. The gain in processivity can be suppressed by either proteolytic cleavage of tubulin's negatively charged COOH terminus or by high salt concentrations. Therefore, modulation of processivity by the neck coiled-coil appears to involve an electrostatic tethering interaction with the COOH terminus of tubulin. The ability to readily increase kinesin processivity by mutation, taken together with the strong sequence conservation of the neck coiled-coil, suggests that evolutionary pressures may limit kinesin's run length to optimize its in vivo function.  相似文献   

Intracellular cargo transport frequently involves multiple motor types, either having opposite directionality or having the same directionality but different speeds. Although significant progress has been made in characterizing kinesin motors at the single-molecule level, predicting their ensemble behavior is challenging and requires tight coupling between experiments and modeling to uncover the underlying motor behavior. To understand how diverse kinesins attached to the same cargo coordinate their movement, we carried out microtubule gliding assays using pairwise mixtures of motors from the kinesin-1, -2, -3, -5, and -7 families engineered to have identical run lengths and surface attachments. Uniform motor densities were used and microtubule gliding speeds were measured for varying proportions of fast and slow motors. A coarse-grained computational model of gliding assays was developed and found to recapitulate the experiments. Simulations incorporated published force-dependent velocities and run lengths, along with mechanical interactions between motors bound to the same microtubule. The simulations show that the force-dependence of detachment is the key parameter that determines gliding speed in multimotor assays, while motor compliance, surface density, and stall force all play minimal roles. Simulations also provide estimates for force-dependent dissociation rates, suggesting that kinesin-1 and the mitotic motors kinesin-5 and -7 maintain microtubule association against loads, whereas kinesin-2 and -3 readily detach. This work uncovers unexpected motor behavior in multimotor ensembles and clarifies functional differences between kinesins that carry out distinct mechanical tasks in cells.  相似文献   

The neck-linker is a structurally conserved region among most members of the kinesin superfamily of molecular motor proteins that is critical for kinesin’s processive transport of intracellular cargo along the microtubule surface. Variation in the neck-linker length has been shown to directly modulate processivity in different kinesin families; for example, kinesin-1, with a shorter neck-linker, is more processive than kinesin-2. Although small differences in processivity are likely obscured in vivo by the coupling of most cargo to multiple motors, longer and more flexible neck-linkers may allow different kinesins to navigate more efficiently around the many obstacles, including microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs), that are found on the microtubule surface within cells. We hypothesize that, due to its longer neck-linker, kinesin-2 can more easily navigate obstacles (e.g., MAPs) on the microtubule surface than kinesin-1. We used total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy to observe single-molecule motility from different kinesin-1 and kinesin-2 neck-linker chimeras stepping along microtubules in the absence or presence of two Tau isoforms, 3RS-Tau and 4RL-Tau, both of which are MAPs that are known to differentially affect kinesin-1 motility. Our results demonstrate that unlike kinesin-1, kinesin-2 is insensitive to the presence of either Tau isoform, and appears to have the ability to switch protofilaments while stepping along the microtubule when challenged by an obstacle, such as Tau. Thus, although kinesin-1 may be more processive, the longer neck-linker length of kinesin-2 allows it to be better optimized to navigate the complex microtubule landscape. These results provide new insight, to our knowledge, into how kinesin-1 and kinesin-2 may work together for the efficient delivery of cargo in cells.  相似文献   

Proper targeting of the βPAK-interacting exchange factor (βPIX)/G protein-coupled receptor kinase-interacting target protein (GIT) complex into distinct cellular compartments is essential for its diverse functions including neurite extension and synaptogenesis. However, the mechanism for translocation of this complex is still unknown. In the present study, we reported that the conventional kinesin, called kinesin-1, can transport the βPIX/GIT complex. Additionally, βPIX bind to KIF5A, a neuronal isoform of kinesin-1 heavy chain, but not KIF1 and KIF3. Mapping analysis revealed that the tail of KIF5s and LZ domain of βPIX were the respective binding domains. Silencing KIF5A or the expression of a variety of mutant forms of KIF5A inhibited βPIX targeting the neurite tips in PC12 cells. Fur-thermore, truncated mutants of βPIX without LZ domain did not interact with KIF5A, and were unable to target the neurite tips in PC12 cells. These results defined kinesin-1 as a motor protein of βPIX, and may provide new insights into βPIX/GIT complex-dependent neuronal pathophysiology.  相似文献   

Kinesin-2 is a major microtubule-based motor in most cell types. Its in vitro motile properties have been analyzed extensively and been found to differ considerably from kinesin-1. Although recombinant kinesin-2 heterodimers exhibit processive movement, the processivity of the native kinesin-2 holoenzyme has never been evaluated. Kinesin-2 can interact with dynactin, a 'processivity factor' for cytoplasmic dynein, which may alter its motile properties. In this study, we analyze the in vitro motility of single native kinesin-2 molecules and determine the effects of dynactin on motor processivity. We find that individual native kinesin-2 molecules travel processively. Dynactin has no effect on velocity but significantly increases the run length of kinesin-2 movements. These results show that the interaction with dynactin has important functional consequences on the activity of the kinesin-2 motor.  相似文献   

In most organisms, kinesin-5 motors are essential for mitosis and meiosis, where they crosslink and slide apart the antiparallel microtubule half-spindles. Recently, it was shown using single-molecule optical trapping that a truncated, double-headed human kinesin-5 dimer can step processively along microtubules. However, processivity is limited (~8 steps) with little coordination between the heads, raising the possibility that kinesin-5 motors might also be able to move by a nonprocessive mechanism. To investigate this, we engineered single-headed kinesin-5 dimers. We show that a set of these single-headed Eg5 dimers drive microtubule sliding at about 90% of wild-type velocity, indicating that Eg5 can slide microtubules by a mechanism in which one head of each Eg5 head-pair is effectively redundant. On the basis of this, we propose a muscle-like model for Eg5-driven microtubule sliding in spindles in which most force-generating events are single-headed interactions and alternate-heads processivity is rare.  相似文献   

Several mammalian kinesin motor proteins exist as multiple isoforms that arise from alternative splicing of a single gene. However, the roles of many motor protein splice variants remain unclear. The kinesin-3 motor protein KIF1B has alternatively spliced isoforms distinguished by the presence or absence of insertion sequences in the conserved amino-terminal region of the protein. The insertions are located in the loop region containing the lysine-rich cluster, also known as the K-loop, and in the hinge region adjacent to the motor domain. To clarify the functions of these alternative splice variants of KIF1B, we examined the biochemical properties of recombinant KIF1B with and without insertion sequences. In a microtubule-dependent ATPase assay, KIF1B variants that contained both insertions had higher activity and affinity for microtubules than KIF1B variants that contained no insertions. Mutational analysis of the K-loop insertion revealed that variants with a longer insertion sequence at this site had higher activity. However, the velocity of movement in motility assays was similar between KIF1B with and without insertion sequences. Our results indicate that splicing isoforms of KIF1B that vary in their insertion sequences have different motor activities.  相似文献   

Hereditary spastic paraplegias (HSPs) comprise a group of genetically heterogeneous neurodegenerative disorders characterized by spastic weakness of the lower extremities. We have generated a Drosophila model for HSP type 10 (SPG10), caused by mutations in KIF5A. KIF5A encodes the heavy chain of kinesin-1, a neuronal microtubule motor. Our results imply that SPG10 is not caused by haploinsufficiency but by the loss of endogenous kinesin-1 function due to a selective dominant-negative action of mutant KIF5A on kinesin-1 complexes. We have not found any evidence for an additional, more generalized toxicity of mutant Kinesin heavy chain (Khc) or the affected kinesin-1 complexes. Ectopic expression of Drosophila Khc carrying a human SPG10-associated mutation (N256S) is sufficient to disturb axonal transport and to induce motoneuron disease in Drosophila. Neurofilaments, which have been recently implicated in SPG10 disease manifestation, are absent in arthropods. Impairments in the transport of kinesin-1 cargos different from neurofilaments are thus sufficient to cause HSP–like pathological changes such as axonal swellings, altered structure and function of synapses, behavioral deficits, and increased mortality.  相似文献   

The processive movement of single-headed kinesins is studied by using a ratchet model of non-Markov process, which is built on the experimental evidence that the strong binding of kinesin to microtubule in rigor state induces a large apparent change in the local microtubule conformation. In the model, the microtubule plays a crucial active role in the kinesin movement, in contrast to the previous belief that the microtubule only acts as a passive track for the kinesin motility. The unidirectional movement of single-headed kinesin is resulted from the asymmetric periodic potential between kinesin and microtubule while its processivity is determined by its binding affinity for microtubule in the weak ADP state. Using the model, various experimental results for monomeric kinesin KIF1A, such as the mean step size, the step-size distribution, the long run length and the mean velocity versus load, can be well explained quantitatively. This local conformational change of the microtubule may also play important roles in the processive movement of conventional two-headed kinesins. An experiment to verify the model is suggested.  相似文献   

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