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When females mate with multiple partners within a single reproductive cycle, sperm from rival males may compete for fertilization of a limited number of ova, and females may bias the fertilization of their ova by particular sperm. Over evolutionary timescales, these two forms of selection shape both male and female reproductive physiology when females mate multiply, yet in monogamous systems, post-copulatory sexual selection is weak or absent. Here, we examine how divergent mating strategies within a genus of closely related mice, Peromyscus, have shaped the evolution of reproductive traits. We show that in promiscuous species, males exhibit traits associated with increased sperm production and sperm swimming performance, and females exhibit traits that are predicted to limit sperm access to their ova including increased oviduct length and a larger cumulus cell mass surrounding the ova, compared to monogamous species. Importantly, we found that across species, oviduct length and cumulus cell density are significantly correlated with sperm velocity, but not sperm count or relative testes size, suggesting that these female traits may have coevolved with increased sperm quality rather than quantity. Taken together, our results highlight how male and female traits evolve in concert and respond to changes in the level of post-copulatory sexual selection.  相似文献   

Inter- and intraspecific studies in gonochoristic animals reveal a covariation between sperm characteristics and the size of the female reproductive tract, indicating a rapid evolutionary divergence, which is consistent with the theory of post-copulatory sexual selection. Simultaneous hermaphrodites differ from species with separate sexes (gonochorists) in that they possess both functional male and female reproductive organs at the same time. We investigated whether in hermaphroditic animals intraspecific variation in reproductive traits results from divergent coevolution, by quantifying the variation in male and female traits among six natural populations of the snail Arianta arbustorum and examining the covariation in interacting traits. There was a significant among-population variation in spermatophore volume, number of sperm transferred and sperm length, as well as in volume of the sperm storage organ (spermatheca) and number of tubules, but not in spermatheca length. We found a positive association between sperm number transferred and spermatheca volume. This result suggests that the same post-copulatory mechanisms as in gonochorists drive the correlated evolution of reproductive characters in hermaphrodites.  相似文献   

Sperm length is extremely variable across species, but a general explanation for this variation is lacking. However, when the risk of sperm competition is high, sperm length is predicted to be less variable within species, and there is some evidence for this in birds and social insects. Here, we examined intraspecific variation in sperm length, both within and between males, and its potential associations with sperm competition risk and variation in female reproductive tract morphology across dung flies. We used two measures of variation in sperm size, and testis size was employed as our index of sperm competition risk. We found no evidence of associations between sperm length variation and sperm competition or female reproductive tract variation. These results suggest that variation in sperm competition risk may not always be associated with variation in sperm morphology, and the cause(s) of sperm length variation in dung flies remains unclear.  相似文献   

We describe six polymorphic, trinucleotide microsatellite loci that were isolated from the yellow dung fly Scathophaga stercoraria (Diptera: Scathophagidae), a model system for examining the mechanisms behind sperm competition in species with internal fertilization. These microsatellites yielded between 3 and 11 alleles per locus in a sample of 20–48 dung flies collected from several sites in Cheshire, UK. Observed and expected heterozygosities varied between 0.195 and 0.900 and 0.335–0.842, respectively. These markers should allow us to investigate postcopulatory sexual selection processes in this fly much more fully than has been possible in the past.  相似文献   

Cryptic female choice in the yellow dung fly Scathophaga stercoraria (L.)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Both female choice and male-male competition may take place during reproduction in many species. Female choice tends to be less obvious than male-male competition and consequently has received less attention from researchers. The opportunity for cryptic female choice arises after multiple insemination. Through postcopulatory processes, a female could alter the pattern of paternity among her offspring so that it does not directly reflect the different contributions of sperm made by her mates. To be able to determine if a female alters the relative sperm contributions of her mates, the behaviors and influences of the males must therefore be first taken into account. The interest of each male is to father all the offspring, and the interest of each female is to maximize paternal quality. Female yellow dung flies have complex internal reproductive tracts that may give them considerable control over the fertilization success of stored sperm from different males. In laboratory trials to date, the last male to mate has usually been most successful. In the present study, cryptic choice occurred in Scathophaga stercoraria and the pattern of choice was consistent with previously reported results. The fertilization success of a female's second mate (P2) was substantially larger if a female was kept at constant temperature and if the second male was genetically similar to her at the phosphoglucomutase (Pgm) locus. Females from the field normally have three spermathecae, but some have four. Lines were bred to have either three or four spermathecae. Flies from the different lines were crossed to generate females with similar genetic backgrounds that had either three or four spermathecae. P2 was significantly lower for high-quality females, that is, those that laid larger-than-average-clutches, with four spermathecae than for low-quality females with four spermathecae; female quality had no influence on P2 for females with three spermathecae. The results suggest that only large females may benefit from increased spermathecae number by being able to act against male interests. Females may only have three spermathecae, even though genetic variation for more is present, because selection for more spermathecae is weak.  相似文献   

Several possible explanations for the elaborate species-specific morphology of male front leg clasping organs were tested by comparing six species of Archisepsis, Palaeosepsis and Microsepsis flies. The only previously published hypothesis regarding these clasping organs was refuted by the finding that species-specific portions of the male femur and tibia consistently meshed tightly with prominent veins and folds in the female's wing, rather than meshing with each other. Female wing morphology in the region grasped by the male was relatively uniform and in general did not vary in ways that would prevent non-conspecific males from grasping them, arguing in all but one species against both simple lock-and-key and male-female conflict of interests hypotheses based on morphology. Interspecific differences in male front leg morphology generally represent alternative ways to accomplish the same basic mechanical function of holding tightly onto the relatively invariant female. Despite the fact that female resistance behaviour indicates that male-female conflict over male mounting is common, only one female wing structure in one species resembled an anti-clasper device, giving a second reason to doubt the morphological male-female conflict of interest hypothesis, at least for five of the six species. The positions of probable sensory structures on the wings of females were relatively similar in different species and did not correspond in any obvious way to species-specific features of male clasping structures. This, plus the intraspecific variation in both the positions of these sensilla and the exact site where the male grasped the female's wing, argued against simple 'sensory lock-and-key' ideas about male front leg function. By a process of elimination, it appears that generalized female receptors are able to sense species-specific differences in male front legs. This idea was supported by increased female rejection behaviour in cross-specific pairs.  相似文献   

The complex, species-specific foreleg armature in males of the genus Themira (Diptera: Sepsidae) provides an ideal system for testing competing hypotheses for the evolution of sexually dimorphic character divergence. In sepsid flies, the male holds onto the female by clasping her wing base with his modified forelegs. In the present study, we document the male leg and the female wing morphology using scanning electron microscopy and confocal microscopy. We use a phylogenetic tree for Themira to reconstruct male foreleg and female wing evolution and demonstrate that the male legs have evolved elaborate structures with little or no corresponding changes in wing morphology. This lack of interspecific variation in female wings is not in agreement with the hypothesis of a morphological 'evolutionary arms race' between males and females. However, there is also no evidence for sex-specific wing differences in sensory organs on the wing base that may explain how females could assess males according to Eberhard's 'cryptic female choice' hypothesis. Finally, our study reveals the function of several novel morphological clasping structures and documents that the male foreleg characters in Themira are highly homoplastic. Male forelegs in two clades evolve considerably faster than in other species or clades. These two clades include Themira superba and Themira leachi , species that have some of the most dramatically modified forelegs known in Diptera.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 227–238.  相似文献   

Polyandry, where multiple mating by females results in the temporal and spatial overlap of ejaculates from two or more males, is taxonomically widespread and occurs in varying frequencies within and among species. In decapods (crabs, lobsters, crayfish, and prawns), rates of polyandry are likely to be variable, but the extent to which patterns of multiple paternity reflect multiple mating, and thus are shaped by postmating processes that bias fertilization toward one or a subset of mated males, is unclear. Here, we use microsatellite markers to examine the frequency of multiple mating (the presence of spermatophores from two or more males) and patterns of paternity in wild populations of western rock lobster (Panulirus cygnus). Our data confirm that >45% of females had attached spermatophores arising from at least two males (i.e., confirming polyandry), but we found very limited evidence for multiple paternity; among 24 clutches sampled in this study, only two arose from fertilizations by two or more males. Single inferred paternal genotypes accounted for all remaining progeny genotypes in each clutch, including several instances when the mother had been shown to mate with two or more males. These findings highlight the need for further work to understand whether polyandry is adaptive and to uncover the mechanisms underlying postmating paternity biases in this system.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate selection of male morphological traits during copulation, a laboratory experiment was performed with the promiscuous seedbug Lygaeus simulans. Three male traits suspected as putative targets of selection were measured: weight, fluctuating asymmetry of a measure on the forewings, and length of a conspicuous genital structure, the processus gonopori. As fitness measures we considered total fecundity (number of fertilized eggs), insemination and fertilization success (established if a female laid fertilized eggs after copulation), and the interval between copulation and oviposition. Eighty-four males were allowed a single copulation with one virgin female each. Out of 67 copulations, 27 (40.2%) resulted in fertilized eggs and the oviposition latency ranged from 6 to 26 days. Regressions of male traits on the fitness measures showed significant phenotypical selection of two male traits: (1) males of average weight are more likely to achieve fertilization and (2) the oviposition latency was shorter for males with lower asymmetry. The copulation-oviposition interval may be especially important for male fertilization success because Lygaeus males perform copulatory mate guarding and the last male copulating with a female fertilizes most of the eggs. No selection of the genitalic trait was detected.  相似文献   

Sperm competition and cryptic female choice profoundly affect sperm morphology, producing diversity within both species and individuals. One type of within-individual sperm variation is sperm heteromorphism, in which each male produces two or more distinct types of sperm simultaneously, only one of which is typically fertile (the "eusperm"). The adaptive significance of nonfertile "parasperm" types is poorly understood, although numerous sperm-heteromorphic species are known from many disparate taxa. This paper examines in detail two female-centred hypotheses for the evolution and maintenance of this unconventional sperm production strategy. First, we use game theoretical models to establish that parasperm may function to protect eusperm from female-generated spermicide, and to elucidate the predictions of this idea. Second, we expand on the relatively undeveloped idea that parasperm are used by females as a criterion for cryptic female choice, and discuss the predictions generated by this idea compared to other hypotheses proposed to explain sperm heteromorphism. We critically evaluate both hypotheses, suggest ways in which they could be tested, and propose taxa in which they could be important.  相似文献   

One of the most sweeping of all patterns in morphological evolution is that animal genitalia tend to diverge more rapidly than do other structures. Abundant indirect evidence supports the cryptic female choice (CFC) explanation of this pattern, which supposes that male genitalia often function to court females during copulation; but direct experimental demonstrations of a stimulatory function have been lacking. In this study, we altered the form of two male genital structures that squeeze the female’s abdomen rhythmically in Glossina pallidipes flies. As predicted by theory, this induced CFC against the male: ovulation and sperm storage decreased, while female remating increased. Further experiments showed that these effects were due to changes in tactile stimuli received by the female from the male’s altered genitalia, and were not due to other possible changes in the males due to alteration of their genital form. Stimulation from male genital structures also induces females to permit copulation to occur. Together with previous studies of tsetse reproductive physiology, these data constitute the most complete experimental confirmation that sexual selection (probably by CFC) acts on the stimulatory properties of male genitalia.  相似文献   

It is now widely recognized that sexual selection has been important in the rapid and divergent evolution of male genital morphology. However, distinguishing among putative mechanisms of sexual selection acting on male genital morphology represents a considerable challenge. Although there is growing evidence that variation in the size and/or shape of male genital structures can determine a male's success in gaining fertilizations, our knowledge of the functional morphology of male genitalia remains limited. Here we examine the functional morphology of genital sclerites that are known to influence paternity in the dung beetle Onthophagus taurus . We show that three of the sclerites form a functionally integrated unit that generates the tubular-shaped spermatophore and delivers its opening to the female's spermathecal duct. A fourth sclerite acts as a holdfast device during copulation. Our observations shed light on the mechanism by which these sclerites influence a male's paternity, and their patterns of phenotypic and genetic (co)variation.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 257–266.  相似文献   

We review possible effects of sexual selection upon sperm morphology, and sexual skin morphology, in primates. Comparative morphometric studies, involving 31 species representing 21 primate genera, revealed a positive relationship between volume of the sperm midpiece, occurrences of multiple partner matings by females, and large relative testes sizes, which indicate sperm competition. The midpiece houses the mitochondria required to power sperm motility. Hence, sperm competition may have influenced the evolution of increased mitochondrial loading in species where females mate with multiple partners during the fertile period. Females of some Old World monkey species and female chimpanzees exhibit large estrogen-dependent sexual skin swellings during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle. Studies of mandrills support the conclusion that swellings act primarily as sexually attractive, graded signals and that swelling size may indicate current reproductive quality. Measurements of the genitalia in chimpanzees indicate a secondary function for female swellings. The swelling increases the operating depth of the female's vagina by 50% during the fertile phase of her cycle. Males have evolved long, filiform penes capable of placing sperm close to the os cervix during competitive multipartner matings. This may exemplify how morphologic specializations in females can influence the coevolution of advantageous genitalic specializations in males: the phenomenon that Eberhard (1985) dubbed cryptic female choice.  相似文献   

In this paper, I consider the criteria necessary to demonstrate the postcopulatory ability of females to favor the sperm of one conspecific male over another, that is, sperm choice. In practice it is difficult to distinguish between sperm competition and sperm choice, and sperm choice can be demonstrated only if the effects of sperm competition can be controlled. Few studies have used experimental protocols that do this, so evidence for sperm choice is limited. Moreover, in those studies in which sperm choice occurs, it does so to avoid incompatible genetic combinations and is therefore unlikely to result in directional sexual selection.  相似文献   

Links between sex allocation (SA) and sexual conflict in simultaneous hermaphrodites have been evident since Charnov''s landmark paper published 30 years ago. We discuss two links, namely the potential for sexual conflict over SA between sperm donor and recipient, and the importance of post-copulatory sexual selection and the resulting sexual conflict for the evolution of SA. We cover the little empirical and theoretical work exploring these links, and present an experimental test of one theoretical prediction. The link between SA and sexual conflict is an interesting field for future empirical and theoretical research.  相似文献   

Odonates were the first group of organisms where sperm competition and last male sperm precedence have been identified. With the development of 10 microsatellites for the emperor dragonfly Anax imperator, the function and priority patterns of the multiple sperm storage organs of females can be studied and compared between species in natural populations. In addition, two microsatellite loci developed for the sister species Anax parthenope, are also highly polymorphic in A. imperator. For the presented 12 microsatellite loci, the number of alleles per locus ranged from two to 24. Observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.07 to 0.88.  相似文献   

Rapid divergence in external genital structures occurs in nearly all animal groups that practice internal insemination; explaining this pattern is a major challenge in evolutionary biology. The hypothesis that species‐specific differences in male genitalia evolved under sexual selection as courtship devices to influence cryptic female choice (CFC) has been slow to be accepted. Doubts may stem from its radical departure from previous ideas, observational difficulties because crucial events occur hidden within the female's body, and alternative hypotheses involving biologically important phenomena such as speciation, sperm competition, and male‐female conflicts of interest. We assess the current status of the CFC hypothesis by reviewing data from two groups in which crucial predictions have been especially well‐tested, Glossina tsetse flies and Roeseliana (formerly Metrioptera) roeselii bushcrickets. Eighteen CFC predictions have been confirmed in Glossina and 19 in Roeseliana. We found data justifying rejection of alternative hypotheses, but none that contradicted CFC predictions. The number and extent of tests confirming predictions of the CFC hypothesis in these species is greater than that for other generally accepted hypotheses regarding the functions of nongenital structures. By this criterion, it is reasonable to conclude that some genital structures in both groups likely involved sexual selection by CFC.  相似文献   

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