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Pten regulates neuronal arborization and social interaction in mice   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
CNS deletion of Pten in the mouse has revealed its roles in controlling cell size and number, thus providing compelling etiology for macrocephaly and Lhermitte-Duclos disease. PTEN mutations in individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have also been reported, although a causal link between PTEN and ASD remains unclear. In the present study, we deleted Pten in limited differentiated neuronal populations in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus of mice. Resulting mutant mice showed abnormal social interaction and exaggerated responses to sensory stimuli. We observed macrocephaly and neuronal hypertrophy, including hypertrophic and ectopic dendrites and axonal tracts with increased synapses. This abnormal morphology was associated with activation of the Akt/mTor/S6k pathway and inactivation of Gsk3beta. Thus, our data suggest that abnormal activation of the PI3K/AKT pathway in specific neuronal populations can underlie macrocephaly and behavioral abnormalities reminiscent of certain features of human ASD.  相似文献   

The spatial regulation of Pten is critical for its role as a tumour suppressor with both nuclear and cytoplasmic locations being implicated with distinct functions. In the cytoplasm, Pten plays a central role in opposing PI3K/Akt cell signalling, whereas in the nucleus, Pten is important for maintaining genome stability and enhancing the tumour suppressor activity of APC‐CDH1. Despite this diversity in protein function at different subcellular locations, there is limited knowledge on how Pten is able to find different cellular niches. Here, we report that Rab5 GTPase is required for efficient trafficking and ubiquitination of Pten on endosomes inside the cytosol. Using bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) for imaging protein interactions, we observed that ubiquitinated Pten is localized to peri‐nuclear and nuclear regions of the cell. Nuclear trafficking of Pten required both Rab5 as well as the E3 ligase adaptor protein Ndfip1. Rab5 colocalization with Pten was observed on endosomes and expression of a dominant negative form of Rab5 significantly reduced Pten ubiquitination and nuclear trafficking. Genomic deletion of Ndfip1 abrogated nuclear trafficking of ubiquitinated Pten, even in the presence of Rab5. Our findings show that endosomal trafficking and ubiquitination are important mechanisms for the subcellular distribution of Pten.   相似文献   

Previous studies show that caspase-6 and caspase-8 are involved in neuronal apoptosis and regenerative failure after trauma of the adult central nervous system (CNS). In this study, we evaluated whether caspase-6 or -8 inhibitors can reduce cerebral or retinal injury after ischemia. Cerebral infarct volume, relative to appropriate controls, was significantly reduced in groups treated with caspase-6 or -8 inhibitors. Concomitantly, these treatments also reduced neurological deficits, reduced edema, increased cell proliferation, and increased neurofilament levels in the injured cerebrum. Caspase-6 and -8 inhibitors, or siRNAs, also increased retinal ganglion cell survival at 14 days after ischemic injury. Caspase-6 or -8 inhibition also decreased caspase-3, -6, and caspase-8 cleavage when assayed by western blot and reduced caspase-3 and -6 activities in colorimetric assays. We have shown that caspase-6 or caspase-8 inhibition decreases the neuropathological consequences of cerebral or retinal infarction, thereby emphasizing their importance in ischemic neuronal degeneration. As such, caspase-6 and -8 are potential targets for future therapies aimed at attenuating the devastating functional losses that result from retinal or cerebral stroke.Stroke is the second-leading cause of disability and death in high-income countries.1 Thromboembolism, the physical blockage of a cerebral blood vessel, is a major cause of stroke.2 The bulk of ischemic episodes occur by occlusion of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) and its branches.3 Cerebral ischemia causes neuronal energy depletion and programmed cell death (apoptosis), both of which are facilitated by intermediate factors such as the release of excess excitatory amino acids,4 reactive oxygen species,5 free-radical formation, and inflammation.6The majority of cerebral infarcts in humans originate from previously formed thrombi that detach from damaged carotid arteries and become lodged in branches of the MCA. Cerebral ischemia can be experimentally induced by injecting either a heterogeneous or an autologous pre-formed clot into the MCA. Thromboembolic stroke models are valuable in studying ischemic infarction because they recapitulate the hallmark symptoms of human cerebrovascular disease.7, 8 Moreover, thromboembolic-induced stroke shows predictable changes in blood flow and a more consistent degree of infarct distribution, relative to other models of middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO).8, 9Retinal ischemia is also a common cause of visual impairment and blindness.10 Retinal ischemia induced by ligation or clamping of the ophthalmic artery is a reproducible model of CNS stroke that is highly amenable to experimental manipulations.10, 11 As the retina is an extension of the diencephalon, retinal blood vessels share similar anatomical and physiological properties with those in the brain, and possess a blood–retinal barrier analogous to the blood–brain barrier.12 Following the induction of retinal ischemia, ~50% of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) die within the first 2 weeks after stroke.13Cysteine-aspartic proteases (caspases) are a family of enzymes that orchestrate apoptosis, necrosis, and inflammation.14, 15 They are first synthesized as pro-caspases (zymogens) that consist of a prodomain, a small subunit (~p10 kDa) and a large subunit (~p20 KDa). Caspase-6 (CASP6) activation requires proteolytic processing (cleavage) of the zymogen into ~p10 and ~p20 fragments.14, 16 Caspase-8 (CASP8) activation occurs by dimerization, which causes a conformational change of the zymogen.17 Caspases orchestrate cell death in many neurodegenerative conditions: CASP6-dependent axon degeneration has been shown to contribute to Alzheimer''s disease pathology,15, 18 and neurodegeneration associated with Huntington''s disease,19 in several experimental models.15, 18 Furthermore, CASP8 promotes apoptosis induced by a Parkinson-associated mutation in leucine-rich repeat kinase 2.20, 21Owing to early findings that caspases -3 and -9 were not involved in axonal degeneration,22 CNS axon degeneration was believed to be caspase-independent; however, it has been discovered that CASP6 is required for neuronal axon degeneration in vitro.18 Furthermore, we have shown a prominent role for CASP6 and CASP8 in RGC apoptosis and regenerative failure after optic nerve transection or optic nerve crush.20 In these injury models, CASP6 appears to activate CASP8 in injured RGCs and the inhibitory peptides Z-VEID-FMK and Z-IETD-FMK confer significant neuroprotection, while promoting axon regeneration in the crushed optic nerve.20 More recently, it was shown that CASP8 mRNA levels were increased in the ischemic cortex following MCAO.23 Consequently, we chose to examine the neuroprotective effects of CASP6 or CASP8 inhibition following cerebral or retinal ischemic injury, under normothermic conditions.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress and neuronal death/survival signaling in cerebral ischemia   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
It has been demonstrated by numerous studies that apoptotic cell death pathways are implicated in ischemic cerebral injury in ischemia models in vivo. Experimental ischemia and reperfusion models, such as transient focal/global ischemia in rodents, have been thoroughly studied and the numerous reports suggest the involvement of cell survival/death signaling pathways in the pathogenesis of apoptotic cell death in ischemic lesions. In these models, reoxygenation during reperfusion provides oxygen as a substrate for numerous enzymatic oxidation reactions and for mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation to produce adenosine triphosphate. Oxygen radicals, the products of these biochemical and physiological reactions, are known to damage cellular lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids and to initiate cell signaling pathways after cerebral ischemia. Genetic manipulation of intrinsic antioxidants and factors in the signaling pathways has provided substantial understanding of the mechanisms involved in cell death/survival signaling pathways and the role of oxygen radicals in ischemic cerebral injury. Future studies of these pathways could provide novel therapeutic strategies in clinical stroke.  相似文献   

Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) is a main cause of mortality and severe neurologic impairment in the perinatal and neonatal period. However, few satisfactory therapeutic strategies are available. Here, we reported that a rapid nuclear translocation of phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome TEN (PTEN) is an essential step in hypoxic-ischemic brain damage (HIBD)- and oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD)-induced neuronal injures both in vivo and in vitro. In addition, we found that OGD-induced nuclear translocation of PTEN is dependent on PTEN mono-ubiquitination at the lysine 13 residue (K13) that is mediated by neural precursor cell expressed developmentally downregulated protein 4-1 (NEDD4-1). Importantly, we for the first time identified α- and γ-adaptin binding protein (Aagab) as a novel NEDD4-1 regulator to regulate the level of NEDD4-1, subsequently mediating Pten nuclear translocation. Finally, we demonstrated that genetic upregulation of Aagab or application of Tat-K13 peptide (a short interference peptide that flanks K13 residue of PTEN) not only reduced Pten nuclear translocation, but also significantly alleviated the deficits of myodynamia, motor and spatial learning and memory in HIBD model rats. These results suggest that Aagab may serve as a regulator of NEDD4-1-mediated Pten nuclear translocation to promote functional recovery following HIBD in neonatal rats, and provide a new potential therapeutic target to guide the clinical treatment for HIE.Subject terms: Cognitive ageing, Neurological disorders  相似文献   

A short period of global ischemia results in the death of selected subpopulations of neurons. Some advances have been made in understanding events which might contribute to the selectivity of this damage but the cellular changes which culminate in neuronal death remain poorly defined. This overview examines the metabolic state of tissue in the post-ischemic period and the relationship of changes to the development of damage in areas containing ischemia-susceptible neurons. During early recirculation there is substantial recovery of ATP, phosphocreatine and related metabolites in all brain regions. However, this recovery does not signal restitution of normal energy metabolism as reductions of the oxidative metabolism of glucose are seen in many areas and may persist for several days. Furthermore, decreases in pyruvate-supported respiration develop in mitochondria from at least one ischemia-susceptible region at times coincident with the earliest histological evidence of ischemia-induced degeneration. These mitochondrial changes could simply be an early marker of irreversible damage but the available evidence is equally consistent with these contributing to the degenerative process and offering a potential site for therapeutic intervention.Submitted as an Overview article for the volume of Neurochemical Research in honor of Alan N. Davison.  相似文献   

During recovery after a transient global cerebral ischemia (TGCI), rat electrocorticogram (ECoG) shows epochs of synchronized activity (SA) alternating with epochs of low amplitude background activity (BA). The aim of this study was to compare the changes in these electrical activities during a 30-min recovery period that followed either a noninjuring (3 minutes, N=10) or an injuring (10 minutes, N=10) TGCI. During TGCI there was a 3 fold reduction in amplitudes of both SA and BA but no changes in frequency. During reperfusion following a 3 minutes TGCI, the amplitudes of both SA and BA recovered to about 70%. During the reperfusion that followed a 10 minutes TGCI, BA showed no recovery, whereas SA recovered to about 40%. During the 30 min reperfusion, there was a timedependent decrease in the frequency of SA, but independent on the duration of TGCI. In contrast, the frequency of the BA did not change during reperfusion. Our data indicate that following cerebral ischemia the recovery of SA can take place independently of BA. The lack of recovery in BA may indicate early subcortical neuronal damage.  相似文献   

Replication of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) in non-dividing cells critically depends on import of the viral pre-integration complex into the nucleus. Genetic evidence suggests that viral protein R (Vpr) and matrix antigen (MA) are directly involved in the import process. An in vitro assay that reconstitutes nuclear import of HIV-1 pre-integration complexes in digitonin-permeabilized cells was used to demonstrate that Vpr is the key regulator of the viral nuclear import process. Mutant HIV-1 pre-integration complexes that lack Vpr failed to be imported in vitro, whereas mutants that lack a functional MA nuclear localization sequence (NLS) were only partially defective. Strikingly, the import defect of the Vpr- mutant was rescued when recombinant Vpr was re-added. In addition, import of Vpr- virus was rescued by adding the cytosol of HeLa cells, where HIV-1 replication had been shown to be Vpr-independent. In a solution binding assay, Vpr associated with karyopherin alpha, a cellular receptor for NLSs. This association increased the affinity of karyopherin alpha for basic-type NLSs, including that of MA, thus explaining the positive effect of Vpr on nuclear import of the HIV-1 pre-integration complex and BSA-NLS conjugates. These results identify the biochemical mechanism of Vpr function in transport of the viral pre-integration complex to, and across, the nuclear membrane.  相似文献   

Vpr, an accessory protein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1, is a multifunctional protein that plays an important role in viral replication. We have previously shown that the region between residues 17 and 74 of Vpr (Vpr(N17C74)) contained a bona fide nuclear localization signal and it is targeted Vpr(N17C74) to the nuclear envelope and then imported into the nucleus by importin α (Impα) alone. The interaction between Impα and Vpr is important not only for the nuclear import of Vpr but also for HIV-1 replication in macrophages; however, it was unclear whether full-length Vpr enters the nucleus in a manner similar to Vpr(N17C74). This study investigated the nuclear import of full-length Vpr using the three typical Impα isoforms, Rch1, Qip1 and NPI-1, and revealed that full-length Vpr is selectively imported by NPI-1, but not Rch1 and Qip1, after it makes contact with the perinuclear region in digitonin-permeabilized cells. A binding assay using the three Impα isoforms showed that Vpr bound preferentially to the ninth armadillo repeat (ARM) region (which is also essential for the binding of CAS, the export receptor for Impα) in all three isoforms. Comparison of biochemical binding affinities between Vpr and the Impα isoforms using surface plasmon resonance analysis demonstrated almost identical values for the binding of Vpr to the full-length isoforms and to their C-terminal domains. By contrast, the data showed that, in the presence of CAS, Vpr was released from the Vpr/NPI-1 complex but was not released from Rch1 or Qip1. Finally, the NPI-1-mediated nuclear import of Vpr was greatly reduced in semi-intact CAS knocked-down cells and was recovered by the addition of exogenous CAS. This report is the first to show the requirement for and the regulation of CAS in the functioning of the Vpr-Impα complex.  相似文献   

Glial (GLT-1 and GLAST) and neuronal (EAAC1) high-affinity transporters mediate the sodium dependent glutamate reuptake in mammalian brain. Their dysfunction leads to neuronal damage by allowing glutamate to remain in the synaptic cleft for a longer duration. The purpose of the present study is to understand their contribution to the ischemic delayed neuronal death seen in gerbil hippocampus following transient global cerebral ischemia. The protein levels of these three transporters were studied by immunoblotting as a function of reperfusion time (6 h to 7 days) following a 10 min occlusion of bilateral common carotid arteries in gerbils. In the vulnerable hippocampus, there was a significant decrease in the protein levels of GLT-1 (by 36-46%, P < 0.05; between 1 and 3 days of reperfusion) and EAAC1 (by 42-68%, P < 0.05; between 1 and 7 days of reperfusion). Histopathological evaluation showed no neuronal loss up to 2 days of reperfusion but an extensive neuronal loss (by approximately 84%, P < 0.01) at 7 days of reperfusion in the hippocampal CA1 region. The time frame of GLT-1 dysfunction (1-3 days of reperfusion) precedes the initiation of delayed neuronal death (2-3 days of reperfusion). This suggests GLT-1 dysfunction as a contributing factor for the hippocampal neuronal death following transient global cerebral ischemia. Furthermore, decreased EAAC1 levels may contribute to GABAergic dysfunction and excitatory/inhibitory imbalance following transient global ischemia.  相似文献   

Resveratrol (3,5,4'-trihydroxystilbene) is a natural polyphenol which is rich in grape seeds and skin. Several studies have revealed that resveratrol possesses neuroprotective effects. In the case of global brain ischemia, there are few reports regarding the protective effect of resveratrol. Therefore, the influence of resveratrol on neuronal damage after transient global brain ischemia remains to be clarified. In the current study, C57BL/6 black mice were subjected to 20 min of transient global brain ischemia and followed by 72 h of reperfusion. Resveratrol (20 or 40 mg/kg, once daily, dissolved in 0.5% carboxymethylcellulose) was administered orally for 7 days before ischemia and daily until the mice were euthanized. The effect of lower or higher dose of resveratrol on neuronal damage, matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) activity and in situ DNA fragmentation (TUNEL) assay in the hippocampus after global ischemia was examined. Neuronal damages were remarkable in CA1 and CA2 pyramidal cell layers after global ischemia. In resveratrol-treated mice (40 mg/kg), neuronal damage was significantly reduced compared with vehicle-treated mice. Mice treated with resveratrol showed reduced MMP-9 activity. Resveratrol also inhibited TUNEL staining. These data suggest that resveratrol, a natural polyphenol, reduces hippocampal neuronal cell damage following transient global ischemia by reducing MMP-9 activity.  相似文献   

Yu JH  Lin BY  Deng W  Broker TR  Chow LT 《Journal of virology》2007,81(10):5066-5078
Human and animal papillomavirus DNA replicates as multicopy nuclear plasmids. Replication requires two viral proteins, the origin-recognition protein E2 and the replicative DNA helicase E1. Using genetic, biochemical, and immunofluorescence assays, we demonstrated that efficient nuclear import of the human papillomavirus (HPV) type 11 E1 protein depends on a codominant bipartite nuclear localization sequence (NLS) and on phosphorylation of the serine residues S89 and S93 by the mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs), extracellular signal-regulated kinase, and c-Jun N-terminal protein kinase. The NLS and the MAPK substrates are located within a 50-amino-acid-long peptide near the amino terminus, previously designated the localization regulatory region (LRR). The downstream NLS overlaps the cyclin-binding motif RRL, which is necessary for phosphorylation by the cyclin-dependent kinases to inactivate a dominant nuclear export sequence, also in the LRR. Alanine mutations of the MAPK substrates significantly impaired nuclear import, whereas phospho-mimetic mutations partially restored nuclear import. We further identified two MAPK docking motifs near the C terminus of E1 that are conserved among E1 proteins of many HPVs and bovine papillomavirus type 1. Mutations of these MAPK docking motifs or addition of specific MAPK inhibitors significantly reduced nuclear import. Interestingly, a fraction of the NLS-minus E1 protein was cotransported with the E2 protein into the nucleus and supported transient viral DNA replication. In contrast, E1 proteins mutated in the MAPK docking motifs were completely inactive in transient replication, an indication that additional properties were adversely affected by those changes.  相似文献   

Nerve growth factor (NGF) mediates the survival and differentiation of neurons by stimulating the tyrosine kinase activity of the TrkA/NGF receptor. Here, we identify SHP-1 as a phosphotyrosine phosphatase that negatively regulates TrkA. SHP-1 formed complexes with TrkA at Y490, and dephosphorylated it at Y674/675. Expression of SHP-1 in sympathetic neurons induced apoptosis and TrkA dephosphorylation. Conversely, inhibition of endogenous SHP-1 with a dominant-inhibitory mutant stimulated basal tyrosine phosphorylation of TrkA, thereby promoting NGF-independent survival and causing sustained and elevated TrkA activation in the presence of NGF. Mice lacking SHP-1 had increased numbers of sympathetic neurons during the period of naturally occurring neuronal cell death, and when cultured, these neurons survived better than wild-type neurons in the absence of NGF. These data indicate that SHP-1 can function as a TrkA phosphatase, controlling both the basal and NGF-regulated level of TrkA activity in neurons, and suggest that SHP-1 regulates neuron number during the developmental cell death period by directly regulating TrkA activity.  相似文献   

Cerebral ischemia is a major cause of adult disability and death worldwide. Evidence suggests that Bax-dependent initiation and activation of intrinsic apoptotic pathways contribute to ischemic brain injury. We investigated the Bax-inhibiting peptide VPALR, designed from the rat Ku70-Bax inhibiting domain, on the apoptotic neuronal cell death and behavioral deficits following global cerebral ischemia. The pentapeptide was infused into the left lateral ventricle of the rat brain by intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injection 1 h after cerebral ischemia, and results showed that it highly permeated hippocampal neurons and bound to Bax protein in vivo. Post-treatment with VPALR reduced the delayed neuronal damage by approximately 78% compared to the non-treated ischemic control and scrambled peptide-treated rats. TUNEL analysis revealed that VPALR markedly reduced the ischemia-induced increase in apoptotic neuronal death in rat hippocampal CA1 region. VPALR post-treatment also significantly attenuated Bax activation and its mitochondrial translocation as compared with scrambled peptide-treated animals. Concomitantly, Bax-inhibiting peptide-treated rats showed reduced cytochrome c release from mitochondria to cytosol and reduced caspase-3 activation in response to cerebral ischemia, indicating that activation of the intrinsic apoptotic pathway was reduced. Furthermore, Bax-inhibiting peptide improved spatial learning and memory performance in the Morris water maze, which was seriously affected by global cerebral ischemia. In conclusion, Bax inhibition by cell-permeable pentapeptides reduced apoptotic neuronal injury in the hippocampal CA1 region and behavioral deficits following global ischemia. These results suggest that Bax is a potential target for pharmacological neuroprotection and that Bax-inhibiting peptide may be a promising neuroprotective strategy for cerebral ischemia.  相似文献   

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