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Gene duplication plays an important role in the evolution of organisms by allowing functional innovation and the divergence of duplicate genes. Previous studies found two PI-like genes in grass species, suggesting functional divergence between the paralogous copies. Here, we reconstructed the evolutionary history of two PI genes from major lineages of grasses and other monocot species, and demonstrated that two PI genes (PI1 and PI2) arose from a whole genome duplication that occurred in a common ancestor of extant grasses. Molecular evolutionary analyses at the family and tribal levels found strong purifying selection acting on two genes in grasses, consistent with the conserved class B function of the PI genes. Importantly, we detected different patterns of selective relaxation between the duplicated PI genes although no signature of positive selection was found. Likelihood ratio tests revealed that the ω ratio for M domain is significantly higher in PI1 than in PI2 but that for K domain is significantly higher in PI2 than in PI1. These findings imply that complementary selective relaxation occurs in two PI genes after duplication, and provide additional molecular evidence for the subfunctionalization of the duplicated PI genes in grasses.  相似文献   

The duplication-degeneration-complementation (DDC) model predicts that subfunctionalization of duplicated genes is a common mechanism for their preservation. The additional Hox complexes of teleost fish constitute a good system in which to test this hypothesis. Zebrafish have two hoxb complexes, with two hoxb5 genes, hoxb5a and hoxb5b, the expression patterns of which suggest subfunctionalization of an ancestral hoxb5 gene. We characterized conserved non-coding elements (CNEs) near the zebrafish hoxb5 genes. One CNE, J3, is only retained in the hoxb5a locus, whereas the others, J1 and J2, are present in both hoxb5 loci. When tested individually, the enhancer activity of individual CNEs, including J3, extensively overlapped and did not support a role in subfunctionalization. By contrast, reporter transgene constructs encompassing multiple CNEs were able to target reporter gene expression to unique domains of hoxb5a and hoxb5b expression. The deletion of J3 from the hoxb5a locus resulted in expression that approached that of hoxb5b, whereas its insertion in the hoxb5b locus increased reporter expression and rendered it more similar to that of hoxb5a. Our results highlight the importance of interactions between CNEs in the execution of complementary subfunctions of duplicated genes.  相似文献   

Gene duplication events produce both perfect and imperfect copies of genes. Perfect copies are said to be functionally redundant when knockout of one gene produces no 'scoreable', phenotypic effects. Preserving identical, duplicate copies of genes is problematic as all copies are prone to accumulate neutral mutations as pseudogenes, or more rarely, evolve into new genes with novel functions. We summarise theoretical treatments for the invasion and subsequent evolutionary modification of functionally redundant genes. We then consider the preservation of functionally identical copies of a gene over evolutionary time. We present several models for conserving redundancy: asymmetric mutation, asymmetric efficacy, pleiotropy, developmental buffering, allelic competition and regulatory asymmetries. In all cases, some form of symmetry breaking is required to maintain functional redundancy indefinitely.  相似文献   

Gene duplication, arising from region-specific duplication or genome-wide polyploidization, is a prominent feature in plant genome evolution. Understanding the mechanisms generating duplicate gene copies and the subsequent dynamics among gene duplicates is vital because these investigations shed light on regional and genome-wide aspects of evolutionary forces shaping intra- and interspecific genome contents, evolutionary relationships, and interactions. This review discusses recent gene duplication analyses in plants, focusing on the molecular and evolutionary dynamics occurring at three different timescales following duplication: (1). initial establishment and persistence of cytotypes, (2). interactions among duplicate gene copies, and (3). longer term differentiation between duplicated genes. These relative time points are presented in terms of their potential adaptive significance and impact on plant evolutionary genomics research.  相似文献   

Amphioxus Hairy genes have gone through a number of lineage-specific duplications, resulting in eight members, some of which are differentially expressed in the embryo. In order to gain insights into the evolution and function of this gene family we have compared their genomic structure and searched for conserved non-coding sequence elements. We have found that introns have been lost independently from these genes at least twice and after the duplication events. By carrying out phylogenetic footprinting between paralogues expressed in the embryo, we have found a differential distribution of conserved elements that could explain the limited overlap in expression patterns of Hairy genes in the amphioxus embryo. Furthermore, clustering of RBP-Jk binding sites in these conserved elements suggests that amphioxus Hairy genes are downstream targets of the Notch signaling pathway, as occurs in vertebrates. All of this evidence suggests that amphioxus Hairy genes have gone through a process of subfunctionalization shortly after their duplication, representing an extreme and rapid case of the duplication-degeneration-complementation model.  相似文献   


Key message

The heterodimer formation between B-class MADS-box proteins of GsAP3a and GsPI2 proteins plays a core role for petal formation in Japanese gentian plants.


We previously isolated six B-class MADS-box genes (GsAP3a, GsAP3b, GsTM6, GsPI1, GsPI2, and GsPI3) from Japanese gentian (Gentiana scabra). To study the roles of these MADS-box genes in determining floral organ identities, we investigated protein–protein interactions among them and produced transgenic Arabidopsis and gentian plants overexpressing GsPI2 alone or in combination with GsAP3a or GsTM6. Yeast two-hybrid and bimolecular fluorescence complementation analyses revealed that among the GsPI proteins, GsPI2 interacted with both GsAP3a and GsTM6, and that these heterodimers were localized to the nuclei. The heterologous expression of GsPI2 partially converted sepals into petaloid organs in transgenic Arabidopsis, and this petaloid conversion phenomenon was accelerated by combined expression with GsAP3a but not with GsTM6. In contrast, there were no differences in morphology between vector-control plants and transgenic Arabidopsis plants expressing GsAP3a or GsTM6 alone. Transgenic gentian ectopically expressing GsPI2 produced an elongated tubular structure that consisted of an elongated petaloid organ in the first whorl and stunted inner floral organs. These results imply that the heterodimer formation between GsPI2 and GsAP3a plays a core role in determining petal and stamen identities in Japanese gentian, but other B-function genes might be important for the complete development of petal organs.

Kitano T  Saitou N 《Immunogenetics》2000,51(10):856-862
Rh and its homologous Rh50 gene products are considered to form heterotetramers on erythrocyte membranes. Rh protein has Rh blood group antigen sites, while Rh50 protein does not, and is more conserved than Rh protein. We previously determined both Rh and Rh50 gene cDNA coding regions from mouse and rat, and carried out phylogenetic analyses. In this study, we determined Rh50 gene cDNA coding regions from African clawed frog and Japanese medaka fish, and examined the long-term evolution of the Rh blood group and related genes. We constructed the phylogenetic tree from amino acid sequences. Rh50 genes of African clawed frog and Japanese medaka fish formed a cluster with mammalian Rh50 genes. The gene duplication time between Rh and Rh50 genes was estimated to be about 510 million years ago based on this tree. This period roughly corresponds to the Cambrian, before the divergence between jawless fish and jawed vertebrates. We also BLAST-searched an amino acid sequence database, and the Rh blood group and related genes were found to have homology with ammonium transporter genes of many organisms. Ammonium transporter genes can be classified into two major groups (amt alpha and amt beta). Both groups contain genes from three domains (bacteria, archaea, and eukaryota). The Rh blood group and related genes are separated from both amt alpha and beta groups.  相似文献   

The genus Listeria contains the two pathogenic species Listeria monocytogenes and Listeria ivanovii and the four apparently apathogenic species Listeria innocua, Listeria seeligeri, Listeria welshimeri, and Listeria grayi. Pathogenicity of the former two species is enabled by an approximately 9 kb virulence gene cluster which is also present in a modified form in L. seeligeri. For all Listeria species, the sequence of the virulence gene cluster locus and its flanking regions was either determined in this study or assembled from public databases. Furthermore, some virulence-associated internalin loci were compared among the six species. Phylogenetic analyses were performed on a data set containing the sequences of prs, ldh, vclA, and vclB (all directly flanking the virulence gene cluster), as well as the iap gene and the 16S and 23S-rRNA coding genes which are located at different sites in the listerial chromosomes. L. grayi represents the deepest branch within the genus. The remaining five species form two groupings which have a high bootstrap support and which are consistently found by using different treeing methods. One lineage represents L. monocytogenes and L. innocua, while the other contains L. welshimeri, L. ivanovii and L. seeligeri, with L. welshimeri forming the deepest branch. Based on this perception, we tried to reconstruct the evolution of the virulence gene cluster. Since no traces of lateral gene transfer events could be detected the most parsimonious scenario is that the virulence gene cluster was present in the common ancestor of L. monocytogenes, L. innocua, L. ivanovii, L. seeligeri and L. welshimeri and that the pathogenic capability has been lost in two separate events represented by L. innocua and L. welshimeri. This hypothesis is also supported by the location of the putative deletion breakpoints of the virulence gene cluster within L. innocua and L. welshimeri.  相似文献   

The xenosensing constitutive androstane receptor (CAR) is widely considered to have arisen in early mammals via duplication of the pregnane X receptor (PXR). We report that CAR emerged together with PXR and the vitamin D receptor from an ancestral NR1I gene already in early vertebrates, as a result of whole-genome duplications. CAR genes were subsequently lost from the fish lineage, but they are conserved in all taxa of land vertebrates. This contrasts with PXR, which is found in most fish species, whereas it is lost from Sauropsida (reptiles and birds) and plays a role unrelated to xenosensing in Xenopus. This role is fulfilled in Xenopus by CAR, which exhibits low basal activity and pronounced responsiveness to activators such as drugs and steroids, altogether resembling mammalian PXR. The constitutive activity typical for mammalian CAR emerged first in Sauropsida, and it is thus common to all fully terrestrial land vertebrates (Amniota). The constitutive activity can be achieved by humanizing just two amino acids of the Xenopus CAR. Taken together, our results provide a comprehensive reconstruction of the evolutionary history of the NR1I subfamily of nuclear receptors. They identify CAR as the more conserved and remarkably plastic NR1I xenosensor in land vertebrates. Nonmammalian CAR should help to dissect the specific functions of PXR and CAR in the metabolism of xeno- and endobiotics in humans. Xenopus CAR is a first reported amphibian xenosensor, which opens the way to toxicogenomic and bioaugmentation studies in this critically endangered taxon of land vertebrates.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent of Chagas disease is associated with a very high clinical and epidemiological pleomorphism. This might be better understood through studies on the evolutionary history of the parasite. We explored here the value of antigen genes for the understanding of the evolution within T. cruzi. We selected 11 genes and 12 loci associated with different functions and considered to be involved in host-parasite interaction (cell adhesion, infection, molecular mimicry). The polymorphism of the respective genes in a sample representative of the diversity of T. cruzi was screened by PCR-RFLP and evolutionary relationships were inferred by phenetic analysis. Our results support the classification of T. cruzi in 2 major lineages and 6 discrete typing units (DTUs). The topology of the PCR-RFLP tree was the one that better fitted with the epidemiological features of the different DTUs: (i) lineage I, being encountered in sylvatic as well as domestic transmission cycles, (ii) IIa/c being associated with a sylvatic transmission cycle and (iii) IIb/d/e being associated with a domestic transmission cycle. Our study also supported the hypothesis that the evolutionary history of T. cruzi has been shaped by a series of hybridization events in the framework of a predominant clonal evolution pattern.  相似文献   



Venom-expressed sphingomyelinase D/phospholipase D (SMase D/PLD) enzymes evolved from the ubiquitous glycerophosphoryl diester phosphodiesterases (GDPD). Expression of GDPD-like SMaseD/PLD toxins in both arachnids and bacteria has inspired consideration of the relative contributions of lateral gene transfer and convergent recruitment in the evolutionary history of this lineage. Previous work recognized two distinct lineages, a SicTox-like (ST-like) clade including the arachnid toxins, and an Actinobacterial-toxin like (AT-like) clade including the bacterial toxins and numerous fungal homologs.


Here we expand taxon sampling by homology detection to discover new GDPD-like SMase D/PLD homologs. The ST-like clade now includes homologs in a wider variety of arthropods along with a sister group in Cnidaria; the AT-like clade now includes additional fungal phyla and proteobacterial homologs; and we report a third clade expressed in diverse aquatic metazoan taxa, a few single-celled eukaryotes, and a few aquatic proteobacteria. GDPD-like SMaseD/PLDs have an ancient presence in chelicerates within the ST-like family and ctenophores within the Aquatic family. A rooted phylogenetic tree shows that the three clades derived from a basal paraphyletic group of proteobacterial GDPD-like SMase D/PLDs, some of which are on mobile genetic elements. GDPD-like SMase D/PLDs share a signature C-terminal motif and a shortened βα1 loop, features that distinguish them from GDPDs. The three major clades also have active site loop signatures that distinguish them from GDPDs and from each other. Analysis of molecular phylogenies with respect to organismal relationships reveals a dynamic evolutionary history including both lateral gene transfer and gene duplication/loss.


The GDPD-like SMaseD/PLD enzymes derive from a single ancient ancestor, likely proteobacterial, and radiated into diverse organismal lineages at least in part through lateral gene transfer.

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