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Twenty‐four microsatellite repeat sequences were identified by screening a total of 4446 eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, expressed sequence tags. Polymerase chain reaction primers were designed to amplify 12 of these loci. After optimizing reaction parameters, eight loci showed high variability with consistent amplification that could be scored unambiguously. Ninety two C. virginica from the James River, VA, were genotyped at these loci. Number of alleles per locus ranged from 11 to 53, expected and observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.69 to 0.97, and from 0.30 to 0.99, respectively. Discrepancies between expected and observed heterozygosities were common and likely caused by null alleles.  相似文献   


In France, national management programs focus research on understanding reproductive factors in Crassostrea gigas to confront problems of the oyster industry. However, little information has been documented in which reproductive patterns include sexual changes. The reproductive cycle of oysters at three sites of the Atlantic coast of France was examined from 1996 to 1998, and the seasonal variations in oocyte size-frequencies, and sex ratio were described. The results showed a synchronism within the population concerning reproductive behavior. Young oocytes are generated after spawning and show no apparent changes during winter. Growth of oocytes begins in spring and cells reach maturity in April-May and are ready for a single spawning season in June-July. Oocytes that were not released during spawning are reabsorbed within the gonad. The significant difference between sites is that spawning occurred 1 month later in the southern area. A modal analysis showed that oocyte populations in the sample individuals are primordially bimodal, but with polymodal occurrences in June-July, in some cases. Irregular alternative sexuality was detected at all sites, and hermaphrodites appear to be a transition phase that allows changes from male to female during early spring. Previous observations, together with the study of the development of oocyte cohorts over time, permit a hypothetical model concerning the kinetics of gametogenesis in C. gigas. The model suggests that primary oocytes are generated from energy supplied from degenerating, as well as young oocytes that do not reach the mature stage within the gonad during autumn-winter. It seems that, during vitellogenesis, there is disintegration of smaller cells coupled with transfer of energy to the larger oocytes, which continue to grow and mature.  相似文献   

An antimicrobial peptide was purified from acidified gill extract of a bivalve mollusk, the American oyster (Crassostrea virginica), by preparative acid-urea--polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography. The 4265.0 Da peptide had 38 amino acids, including 6 cysteines. It showed strongest activity against Gram-positive bacteria (Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis and Staphylococcus aureus; minimum effective concentrations [MECs] 2.4 and 3.0 microg/ml, respectively) but also had significant activity against Gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli D31 and Vibrio parahemolyticus; MECs 7.6 and 15.0 microg/ml, respectively). Comparison of the amino acid sequence with those of other known antimicrobial peptides revealed that the novel peptide had high sequence homology to arthropod defensins, including those from other bivalves, the mussels Mytilus edulis and Mytilus galloprovincialis. This is the first antimicrobial peptide to be isolated from any oyster species and we have named it American oyster defensin (AOD).  相似文献   

Summer mortality is a phenomenon severely affecting the aquaculture production of the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas). Although its causal factors are complex, resistance to mortality has been described as a highly heritable trait, and several pathogens including the virus Ostreid Herpes virus type 1 (OsHV‐1) have been associated with this phenomenon. A QTL analysis for survival of summer mortality and OsHV‐1 load, estimated using real‐time PCR, was performed using five F2 full‐sib families resulting from a divergent selection experiment for resistance to summer mortality. A consensus linkage map was built using 29 SNPs and 51 microsatellite markers. Five significant QTL were identified and assigned to linkage groups V, VI, VII and IX. Analysis of single full‐sib families revealed differential QTL segregation between families. QTL for the two‐recorded traits presented very similar locations, highlighting the interest of further study of their respective genetic controls. These QTL show substantial genetic variation in resistance to summer mortality, and present new opportunities for selection for resistance to OsHV‐1.  相似文献   

We report the development of 18 new polymorphic microsatellite DNA markers derived from Crassostrea gigas expressed sequences tags. Genotyping of 48 wild adult oysters sampled from Marennes-Oléron bay (France) revealed 12 to 48 alleles per locus. Observed and expected heterozygosity levels ranged from 0.64 to 1 and from 0.77 to 0.97, respectively. The development of these new markers creates a useful complementary tool for population genetics studies, parentage analysis and mapping in Pacific oyster, a species of major aquacultural and ecological importance.  相似文献   

Ten polymorphic microsatellite repeat markers were identified from Crassostrea gigas, expressed sequence tags (EST) deposited in public sequence database. Number of alleles per locus ranged from three to 18, expected and observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.071 to 0.738 and from 0.306 to 0.913, respectively. Marker transferability was tested on other two Crassostrea species and polymorphic products were detected at nine loci. EST‐derived simple sequence repeats provide robust, informative and potentially transferable polymorphic markers suitable for population genetic, parentage, and mapping studies of C. gigas.  相似文献   

Intertidal environments are dynamic, stressful niches and variation in physiological parameters may determine distribution and survival of individuals in a population. We demonstrated that mitochondria of the oyster Crassostrea virginica oxidize malate more readily than other Krebs cycle intermediates and investigated the level of interindividual variability in oyster malate dehydrogenase (MDH) activity and total protein content in muscle tissues. Both MDH activity and total protein evidenced a high level of interindividual variation in heart and adductor among a sample of more than 50 oysters. Normalization to total DNA failed to explain the variation in either MDH activity or protein content of phasic adductor and explained less than 40% of the variation in heart. This range of MDH titers defines a continuum of biochemical phenotypes important for understanding the relative selection forces operative on metabolic pathways within the muscles of the oyster.  相似文献   

Protocols for cryopreservation of sperm and oocytes would provide the ultimate control over parental crosses in selective breeding programmes. Sperm freezing is routine for many species, but oocyte freezing remains problematic, with virtually zero success in aquatic species to date. This paper describes the development of a successful protocol for cryopreserving high concentrations of Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) oocytes. Ethylene glycol (10%) and dimethyl sulfoxide (15%) were found to be the most effective cryoprotectants resulting in post-thaw fertilization rates of 51.0+/-8.0 and 45.1+/-8.3%, respectively. Propylene glycol was less effective and methanol resulted in zero fertilization post-thaw. The use of Milli-Q water rather than seawater as a base medium significantly improved fertilization (20.4+/-3.0 and 8.7+/-2.2%, respectively) as did the inclusion of a 5 min isothermal hold at -10 or -12 degrees C (35.9+/-5.0 and 31.9+/-4.6%, respectively). The optimal cooling rate post-hold was 0.3 degrees C min(-1), with virtually zero post-thaw fertilization with cooling rates of 3 and 6 degrees C min(-1). Using an optimized protocol, post-thaw fertilization rates for oocytes from eight individual females ranged from 0.8 to 74.5% and D-larval yields from 0.1 to 30.1%. For three individuals, larvae were reared through to spat. Development of D-larvae to eyed larvae and spat was similar for larvae produced from unfrozen (24.8+/-4.1% developed to eyed larvae and 16.5+/-3.2% to spat) and cryopreserved (28.4+/-0.6 and 18.7+/-0.5%, respectively) oocytes. The ability to cryopreserve large quantities of oyster oocytes represents a major advance in cryobiology and selective breeding.  相似文献   

Aims: To evaluate the bioaccumulation, retention and depuration rates of nine pathogens and surrogates when two oyster species were co‐localized in tanks of seawater. Methods and Results: Crassostrea ariakensis (n = 52) and Crassostrea virginica (n = 52) were exposed to five virus types, two protozoan and two microsporidian species for 24 h. Oysters were then placed in depuration tanks, and subsets were removed and analysed for micro‐organisms at weekly intervals. The odds of C. ariakensis oysters harbouring mouse norovirus‐1 (MNV‐1), human norovirus (NoV) or haepatitis A virus (HAV) were significantly greater than the odds of C. virginica oysters harbouring the same viruses (MNV‐1 OR = 5·05, P = 0·03; NoV OR = 6·97, P = 0·01; HAV OR = 7·40, P < 0·001). Additionally, compared to C. virginica, C. ariakensis retained significantly higher numbers of transmissive stages of all protozoan and microsporidian species (P < 0·01). Crassostrea ariakensis oysters are also capable of retaining multiple human pathogens for at least 1 month. Conclusions: Crassostrea ariakensis oysters were statistically more likely to harbour enteropathogens and microbial indicators, compared to C. virginica. Individual C. ariakensis were also statistically more likely to retain multiple viruses, protozoa and microsporidia than C. virginica, highlighting the role the species may play in the transmission of multiple diseases. Significance and Impact of the Study: Nonnative Crassostrea ariakensis oysters are under review for their introduction into the Chesapeake Bay. The results of this study suggest that nonnative C. ariakensis oysters may present a serious public health threat to people consuming the oysters raw from contaminated sites.  相似文献   

Three new subgenera, Gervillaria (Platygervillaria), Isognomon (Iranognomon), and Mytilaster (Persiaster), and seven new species, Gervillaria (Platygervillaria) alifera, Isognomon (Iranognomon) arkelli, Inoperna (Inoperna) striata, Mytilaster (Persiaster) ancestralis, Astarte persipulla, Orthotrigonia fazli, and Gissaromya abramovi, from the Jurassic of Iran are described.  相似文献   

The extremes of dinosaur body size have long fascinated scientists. The smallest (<1 m length) known dinosaurs are carnivorous saurischian theropods, and similarly diminutive herbivorous or omnivorous ornithischians (the other major group of dinosaurs) are unknown. We report a new ornithischian dinosaur, Fruitadens haagarorum, from the Late Jurassic of western North America that rivals the smallest theropods in size. The largest specimens of Fruitadens represent young adults in their fifth year of development and are estimated at just 65–75 cm in total body length and 0.5–0.75 kg body mass. They are thus the smallest known ornithischians. Fruitadens is a late-surviving member of the basal dinosaur clade Heterodontosauridae, and is the first member of this clade to be described from North America. The craniodental anatomy and diminutive body size of Fruitadens suggest that this taxon was an ecological generalist with an omnivorous diet, thus providing new insights into morphological and palaeoecological diversity within Dinosauria. Late-surviving (Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous) heterodontosaurids are smaller and less ecologically specialized than Early (Late Triassic and Early Jurassic) heterodontosaurids, and this ecological generalization may account in part for the remarkable 100-million-year-long longevity of the clade.  相似文献   

A method was devised for isolating the insoluble content of the acrosome granule of sperm of the oyster Crassostrea gigas. The method involves the dissolution of the entire cell, except for the acrosome granule, in the detergent sodium lauroyl sarcosinate (sarcosy I). The isolated acrosome granule content is ring-shaped and is 84% protein by weight. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electro-phoresis of this material yields from 1 to 4 bands of 65,000; 53,000; 43,000 and 34,000 apparent molecular weight, all of which stain with the PAS reaction indicating the material is a glycoprotein. The 65,000 molecular weight component is always present, but the presence of the other three bands varies with each preparation. The isolated acrosome granules agglutinate formaldehyde-fixed oyster eggs. A trypsin-generated glycopeptide digest of oyster egg surfaces inhibits the agglutinin activity of the isolated acrosome granules. We propose that the acrosomal glyco-protein material is oyster sperm bindin which functions as the adhesive substance bonding the sperm to the egg during fertilizaion.  相似文献   

Didactyl tracks of theropod affinity are reported in this study based on a small sample of footprints in sandstones within the Middle Jurassic (Aalenian-Bajocian) Dansirit Formation in the Baladeh area, Alborz Mountains, Iran. These tracks superficially resemble footprints attributed to small deinonychosaurian dinosaurs known mainly from the Cretaceous of Asia. The relative length of the traces of digits III and IV is atypical for deinonychosaurids, especially dromaeosaurids, but could potentially be attributed to a troodontid-like trackmaker. The possibility of small Middle Jurassic deinonychosaurian trackmakers cannot be ruled out on the basis of the age of these traces. However, reports of pre-Cretaceous tracks of deinonychosaurian or deinoychosaur-like affinity remain rare and problematic. To date previous reports of pre-Cretaceous didactyl tracks pertain to a variable range of footprint morphologies, some of which predate known deinonychosaurian body fossil occurrences.  相似文献   

This paper deals with some Middle Jurassic fossil plants from southern margin of the Eerduosi Basin. There are 36 species in 13 genus in this flora, i.e. Equisetum multi- dentatus Oishi, E. sp., Coniopteris hymenophylloides (Brongn.) Seward, C. bella Harris, C, burejensis (Zalessky) Seward, C. szeiana Choweet Yeh, C. tatungensis Sze, C. spp., Todites williamsoni (Brongn.) Seward, T. cf. williamsoni (Brongn.) Seward, Cladophle- bis asiatica Chow et Yeh, C. argutula (Heer) Fontaine, C. hsiehiana Sze, C. ( Gleichenites) takeyamae Oishi et Takahasi, C. cf. gracils Sze C. triangularis Oishi, C. grabauiana P’an C. cf punctata (Thoms) Chow et Yeh, C. spp., Baiera cf. concinna (Heer) Kawasaki, B. furcata (L. et H.) Braun, B. sp., Sphenobaiera longifolia (Pomel) Florin, Ginkgo obrutchewi Seward, G. sp., Phoenicopsis angustifolia Heer P. manchurica (Yo- koyama) Yabe, p. sp., Czekanowskia rigida Heer, C. sp., Pterphyllum sp., Elatocladus cf manchurica (Yokoyama) Yabe, E. sp., Podozamites lanceolatus (L. et. H.) Braun P. sp., Carpolithus sp. etc. The dominant groups of this flora are Filicopsida and Ginkgopsida. So it could be compared with the flora of Yanan Formation from inner Earduosi Basin and other floras from Northeast, Northwest and China, such as the floras of Dutung, Mentougon and Dongsheng etc. This flora is different from the Late Triassic flora and the Early Jurassic flora of North China. It belongs to the Coniopteris-Phoenicopsis flo- ra, which was assigned to Early-Middle Jurassic flora by Prof. Sze. But after studying, the authers believe that this flora should belong to Middle Jurassic rather than Early Jurassic. The climate was warm and damp in that time in North China.  相似文献   

Marteilioides chungmuensis, a protozoan paramyxean parasite, infects the oocytes of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. The effects of infection on the reproductive cycle of C. gigas were investigated over two consecutive years at Okayama Prefecture, Japan. In male oysters, gonadal development began during February/March, maturity was achieved in June and spawning activity extended from July to September. In November and December, male oysters were not seen, probably because their gonads regressed to connective tissue and they transformed into undifferentiated oysters. By contrast, female oysters, in which parasite spore formation occurred, were still carrying oocytes until the following March and the spawning process of female oysters took 5 months longer than that of males in epizootic areas. The prevalence of M. chungmuensis infection increased from July to September, when most female oysters had their spawning period, and declined from October to the following April when oysters were at the spent stage. The prevalence of infection increased again in May of the following year and high prevalence was observed in the following July. When prevalence was compared between oysters of different age classes, higher prevalence was detected in older than in younger oysters. Histological examination showed that infected oysters produced oocytes continuously and spawned repeatedly from October to March, during which period healthy oysters were reproductively inactive. Parasites can infect the oocytes of infected oysters throughout the longer spawning period. These observations suggest that M. chungmuensis extends the reproductive period of infected oysters for its own reproductive benefit.  相似文献   

Yanliaoa is a common fossil in the Middle Jurassic of western Liaoning, eastern Inner Mongolia and northern Hebei Province, China. It is an important element of the Yanliao biota. The genus was established by Pan in 1977 for fossil plants from the Middle Jurassic Haifanggou Formation in Xiasanjiaochengzi, western Liaoning Province, and in present paper, the genus Yanliaoa is studied based on new material. Pan never designated a type specimen and his fossil material cannot be located. We designate a type specimen here for Yanliaoa, so that the genus name Yanliaoa remains valid. Yanliaoa sinensis Pan emend. Tan et al., is found in the same locality and formation as the lost specimens, Y. sinensis of Pan, 1977. Yanliaoa daohugouensis n. sp., a new species with epidermal anatomy, is from the Middle Jurassic Daohugou, Inner Mongolia. A holotype is also selected from the new material for this new species. Characters of the leafy shoots and ovulate cones of Yanliaoa are emended. The epidermal anatomy of this genus is described for the first time. Compared with other extant and extinct species of Cupressaceae s. l., the current species can be distinguished from any known species both by the leafy shoot characters and its epidermal anatomy. It further indicates that Yanliaoa is an extinct and endemic conifer found in the Middle Jurassic of northeastern China.  相似文献   

A precise approach to the quantification of relationships between suture complexity, as measured by fractal analysis (step-line procedure), the architecture of shells, and the main colonized environments, has been made in a set of Late Jurassic ammonites ( N =507). Statistically significant differences between fractal-dimension ( D f) mean values of evolute and involute shells are interpreted as caused by differences in the surface:volume ( S:V ) ratio. Suture complexity is also related to the shape of whorl section. The lowest D f values correspond to subcircular whorl sections (low S:V ratio) and the highest ones to acute sections (high S:V ratio). The shape of flanks shows correlation with suture complexity. The highest values of D f are found in planulate shells and the lowest ones in whorl cross sections with convex flanks. Highly significant differences appear between D f mean values from unsculptured shells and those from ammonites with ribs and/or tubercles of medium to large size. Multivariate analysis shows a combined variation of shell features and suture complexity, resulting in a heterogeneous distribution of D f values within the ammonite morphospace, mainly according to structural (shell architecture) and ornamental (sculpture strength rather than density) factors. Finally, the data obtained on relationships between suture complexity and the colonized environments (epicontinental vs. epioceanic inhabitants) suggest that suture complexity is not primarily related to bathymetry, and/or that no major differences in habitat depths existed between epicontinental and epioceanic ammonites.  相似文献   

The bacterium Roseovarius crassostreae causes seasonal mortalities among commercially produced eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica) grown in the Northeastern United States. Phylogenetically, the species belongs to a major lineage of marine bacteria (the Roseobacter clade), within which Roseovarius crassostreae is the only known pathogen to be isolated in laboratory culture. The objective of the current study was to determine the location and nature of R. crassostreae interactions with oysters affected by juvenile oyster disease (JOD). Scanning electron microscopy of diseased individuals revealed abundant colonization of the inner shell surfaces by bacteria which were morphologically similar to R. crassostreae. The same types of cells were also observed on and within layers of host-derived conchiolin on the inner valves. Most bacterial cells were alive as determined by the use of a fluorescent viability stain. Further, most were clearly attached at the cell poles, which is consistent with the ability of R. crassostreae to express polar fimbriae. When material from the pallial fluid, soft tissue and inner valve surfaces was cultured, the highest numbers of R. crassostreae were recovered from the inner valves. These samples also contained the greatest abundance of R. crassostreae as a percentage of total colonies. Cloning and sequencing of 16S rRNA genes provided culture-independent evidence of the numerical dominance of R. crassostreae among the bacterial consortia associated with the inner shell surfaces of JOD-affected animals. The ability of R. crassostreae to colonize shell and conchiolin is consistent with the described JOD-pathology and may aid the bacteria in avoiding hemocyte-mediated killing.  相似文献   

The proposition to introduce the Asian oyster Crassostrea ariakensis to the mid-Atlantic region of the USA is being considered with caution, particularly after the discovery of a novel microcell haplosporidian parasite, Bonamia sp., in North Carolina. Although this parasite was found to be pathogenic in C. ariakensis under warm euhaline conditions, its persistence in C. ariakensis exposed to various temperature and salinity combinations remained unresolved. In this laboratory experiment, we tested the influence of temperature in combination with a wide range of salinities (10, 20 and 30 psu) on Bonamia sp. Temperature was either changed from warm (>20 °C) to cold (6 °C for 6 weeks) and back to warm or maintained constant and warm. Warm temperature was associated with higher host mortality than cold temperature, suggesting that temperature influenced Bonamia sp. pathogenicity. The effect of salinity was revealed under warm temperature with highest mortality levels observed in infected C. ariakensis exposed to 30 psu. When temperature was increased following low-temperature exposure, Bonamia sp. was not detected; however sub-optimal experimental conditions may have contributed to this result, making it difficult to draw conclusions regarding the reemergence of the parasite after low-temperature exposure. Although the overwintering of Bonamia sp. in C. ariakensis will need to be further investigated, the results presented here suggest that Bonamia sp. may be able to persist in C. ariakensis under a combination of low temperature and meso- to euhaline salinities.  相似文献   

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