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The discovery of the key role of Toll-like receptors (TLRs) in initiating innate immune responses and modulating adaptive immunity has revolutionized our understanding of vertebrate defence against pathogens. Yet, despite their central role in pathogen recognition and defence initiation, there is little information on how variation in TLRs influences disease susceptibility in natural populations. Here, we assessed the extent of naturally occurring polymorphisms at TLR2 in wild bank voles (Myodes glareolus) and tested for associations between TLR2 variants and infection with Borrelia afzelii, a common tick-transmitted pathogen in rodents and one of the causative agents of human Lyme disease. Bank voles in our population had 15 different TLR2 haplotypes (10 different haplotypes at the amino acid level), which grouped in three well-separated clusters. In a large-scale capture–mark–recapture study, we show that voles carrying TLR2 haplotypes of one particular cluster (TLR2c2) were almost three times less likely to be Borrelia infected than animals carrying other haplotypes. Moreover, neutrality tests suggested that TLR2 has been under positive selection. This is, to our knowledge, the first demonstration of an association between TLR polymorphism and parasitism in wildlife, and a striking example that genetic variation at innate immune receptors can have a large impact on host resistance.  相似文献   

The deployment of the immune system has the obvious potential to ameliorate infection outcomes, but immune responses can also harm hosts by either damaging host tissues or monopolizing resources, leading to enhanced mortality. To gain insight into such a 'cost of immunity' when the crustacean Daphnia magna is challenged with the bacterium Pasteuria ramosa, we measured survivorship among hosts that resisted infection following exposure to various strains and doses of the parasite. In the first of two experiments, these exposures were: single exposures with relatively non-aggressive strains, double exposures with non-aggressive strains, and exposure to aggressive strains. Mortality increased across this gradient of exposure. In a second experiment, we varied the dose of the most aggressive P. ramosa strain and found that resisting infection when a large dose was applied resulted in greater mortality than when a medium or low dose was applied. Assuming that resistance is accomplished with an immune response, and that more aggressive parasites and/or larger doses of parasites are more immunostimulatory, these data are compatible with a cost of immunity. Indeed, in terms of survival, resisting parasites can be more harmful than infection.  相似文献   

The exoskeleton of arthropods forms an efficient protection against pathogens, but this first line of defence is periodically weakened during ecdysis, increasing the opportunity for surrounding pathogens to invade the body cavity. Since the richness of pathogens in the environment can be spatially and temporally variable, arthropods may have a fitness advantage in moulting in a place and time of low infection risk. Consistent with this hypothesis, we found that the amphipod crustacean, Gammarus pulex, exhibits temporal adjustment of the moult cycle in response to elevated risks of infection. Interestingly, this phenomenon is variable between two populations and independent of levels of immune defences. These results suggest that plasticity of the moult cycle in response to elevated risks of infection is adaptive and may result from adaptation to local variations in the risk of infection.  相似文献   

Livestock breeding programmes have created resistant (R) and susceptible (S) sheep that differ in their ability to control parasites through their immune function but potentially also their grazing behaviour (i.e. parasite avoidance). Using the Perendale genetic lines, we tested the hypothesis that R-sheep avoid parasites more effectively, reducing their parasite exposure/challenge, compared with S-sheep. However, in grazing systems, parasite-rich areas are also forage rich, suggesting that parasite avoidance behaviours are associated with nutritional penalties. We first created a naturally heterogeneous sward structure of gaps and tussocks and then used focal behavioural observations to quantify the sward selection of R- and S-sheep. Tussock swards were more nitrogen rich (41%), offered increased forage intake rates (32%) and contained 17 times more parasite larvae than gap swards. All the animals avoided grazing the tussock swards. However, the R-sheep grazed the tussock swards to a lesser degree than the S-sheep. We conclude that selection for genetic resistance has resulted in animals that, despite being well armed to fight parasitism through improved immune function, adopt parasite avoidance strategies with associated nutritional disadvantages. This experiment highlights the role of host behaviour in the control of parasitism and suggests that animals can be bred to avoid disease.  相似文献   

While the host immune system is often considered the most important physiological mechanism against parasites, precontact mechanisms determining exposure to parasites may also affect infection dynamics. For instance, chemical cues released by hosts can attract parasite transmission stages. We used the freshwater snail Lymnaea stagnalis and its trematode parasite Echinoparyphium aconiatum to examine the role of host chemical attractiveness, physiological condition, and immune function in determining its susceptibility to infection. We assessed host attractiveness through parasite chemo‐orientation behavior; physiological condition through host body size, food consumption, and respiration rate; and immune function through two immune parameters (phenoloxidase‐like and antibacterial activity of hemolymph) at an individual level. We found that, although snails showed high variation in chemical attractiveness to E. aconiatum cercariae, this did not determine their overall susceptibility to infection. This was because large body size increased attractiveness, but also increased metabolic activity that reduced overall susceptibility. High metabolic rate indicates fast physiological processes, including immune activity. The examined immune traits, however, showed no association with susceptibility to infection. Our results indicate that postcontact mechanisms were more likely to determine snail susceptibility to infection than variation in attractiveness to parasites. These may include localized immune responses in the target tissue of the parasite. The lack of a relationship between food consumption and attractiveness to parasites contradicts earlier findings that show food deprivation reducing snail attractiveness. This suggests that, although variation in resource level over space and time can alter infection dynamics, variation in chemical attractiveness may not contribute to parasite‐induced fitness variation within populations when individuals experience similar environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Dietary carotenoids have been shown to confer immunological benefits to some species of animals in which males also use these pigments to attract mates. Thus, the potential exists for an allocation trade-off between the sexual and immunological functions of carotenoids. Food availability may also influence immune system function. The present study examined the effects of carotenoid and food availability on the resistance of male guppies ( Poecilia reticulata Peters) from four wild populations to the parasite Gyrodactylus turnbulli Harris. Intermediate levels of carotenoid ingestion resulted in the lowest parasite loads, which suggests that carotenoids strengthen parasite resistance at low levels but either benefit parasites or suppress host immunity at high levels. Males raised on the high-food level initially had fewer parasites, suggesting heightened innate immunity relative to males raised on the low-food level. Over the course of the experiment, however, the high-food males supported higher parasite population growth rates than the low-food males. The results obtained emphasize the importance of evaluating the effects of diet on multiple aspects of immune system function, and caution against assuming that positive effects of carotenoids on immunity in one context will automatically translate to other contexts.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 89 , 301–309.  相似文献   

Innate immunity relies entirely upon germ-line encoded receptors, signalling components and effector molecules for the recognition and elimination of invading pathogens. The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster with its powerful collection of genetic and genomic tools has been the model of choice to develop ideas about innate immunity and host-pathogen interactions. Here, we review current research in the field, encompassing all layers of defence from the role of the microbiota to systemic immune activation, and attempt to speculate on future directions and open questions.  相似文献   

Costly resistance mechanisms have been cited as an explanation for the widespread occurrence of parasitic infections, yet few studies have examined these costs in detail. A malaria-mosquito model has been used to test this concept by making a comparison of the fitness of highly susceptible lines of mosquitoes with lines that are resistant to infection. Malaria infection is known to cause a decrease in fecundity and fertility of mosquitoes; resistant mosquitoes were thus predicted to be fitter than susceptible ones. Anopheles gambiae were selected for refractoriness/resistance or for increased susceptibility to infection by Plasmodium yoelii nigeriensis. Additional lines that acted as controls for inbreeding depression were raised in parallel but not exposed to selection pressure. Selections were made in triplicate so that founder effects could be detected. Resistance mechanisms that were selected included melanotic encapsulation of parasites within 24 h postinfection and the complete disappearance of parasites from the gut. Costs of immune surveillance were assessed after an uninfected feed, and costs of immune deployment were assessed after exposure to infection and to infection and additional stresses. Mosquito survivorship was unaffected by either resistance to infection or by an increased burden of infection when compared with low levels of infection. In most cases reproductive fitness was equally affected by refractoriness or by infection. Resistant mosquitoes did not gain a fitness advantage by eliminating the parasites. Costs were consistently associated with larval production and egg hatch rate but rarely attributed to changes in blood feeding and never to changes in mosquito size. No advantages appeared to be gained by the offspring of resistant mosquitoes. Furthermore, we were unable to select for refractoriness in groups of mosquitoes in which 100% or 50% of the population were exposed to infection every generation for 22 generations. Under these selection pressures, no population had become completely refractory and only one became more resistant. Variations in fitness relative to control lines in different groups were attributed to founder effects. Our conclusion from these findings is that refractoriness to malaria is as costly as tolerance of infection.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the role of origin‐related, environmental, sex, and age factors on host defence mechanisms is important to understand variation in parasite intensity. Because alternative components of parasite defence may be differently sensitive to various factors, they may not necessarily covary. Many components should therefore be considered to tackle the evolution of host–parasite interactions. In a population of barn owls (Tyto alba), we investigated the role of origin‐related, environmental (i.e. year, season, nest of rearing, and body condition), sex, and age factors on 12 traits linked to immune responses [humoral immune responses towards sheep red blood cells (SRBC), human serum albumin (HSA) and toxoid toxin TT, T‐cell mediated immune response towards the mitogen phytohemagglutinin (PHA)], susceptibility to ectoparasites (number and fecundity of Carnus haemapterus, number of Ixodes ricinus), and disease symptoms (size of the bursa of Fabricius and spleen, proportion of proteins that are immunoglobulins, haematocrit and blood concentration in leucocytes). Cross‐fostering experiments allowed us to detect a heritable component of variation in only four out of nine immune and parasitic parameters (i.e. SRBC‐ and HSA‐responses, haematocrit, and number of C. haemapterus). However, because nestlings were not always cross‐fostered just after hatching, the finding that 44% of the immune and parasitic parameters were heritable is probably an overestimation. These experiments also showed that five out of these nine parameters were sensitive to the nest environment (i.e. SRBC‐ and PHA‐responses, number of C. haemapterus, haematocrit and blood concentration in leucocytes). Female nestlings were more infested by the blood‐sucking fly C. haemapterus than their male nestmates, and their blood was less concentrated in leucocytes. The effect of year, season, age (i.e. reflecting the degree of maturation of the immune system), brood size, position in the within‐brood age hierarchy, and body mass strongly differed between the 12 parameters. Different components of host defence mechanisms are therefore not equally heritable and sensitive to environmental, sex, and age factors, potentially explaining why most of these components did not covary. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 90 , 703–718.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in immunocompetence are predicted by the hypothesized trade-off between reproduction and self-maintenance, whereby immune function is a measure of self-maintenance and reproductive effort is seasonally dependent. We examined seasonal patterns in immunological, haematological and body condition parameters for male and female freshwater fish. In two different populations, the relative size of the spleen and the chemotaxic migration activity of head kidney granulocytes decreased immediately before and after spawning, respectively. Those decreases were accompanied by an increase in haematocrit values shortly before and after spawning in both populations and a decrease in the relative body weight in one population, possibly due to physiological stress caused by increased activity during the spawning period. Breeding-related changes in other measures studied (phagocytosis activity of head kidney granulocytes, blood IgM concentration, white cell count and red cell count) were absent or inconsistent. Some of the results are in line with the idea of a trade-off between reproduction and immune defence. The present data suggest that the differential responses of the immune system may have different temporal patterns, which should be taken into account in immunoecological studies.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 78 , 117−127.  相似文献   

Identifying the processes maintaining genetic variability in wild populations is a major concern in conservation and evolutionary biology. Parasite-mediated selection may strongly affect genetic variability in wild populations. The inbreeding depression theory predicts that directional selection imposed by parasites should act against the most inbred hosts, thus favouring genetic diversity in wild populations. We have tested this prediction by evaluating the strength and shape of the relationship between the load of a harmful fin-feeder ectoparasite ( Tracheliastes polycolpus ) and the genome-wide genetic diversity (i.e. heterozygosity measured at a set of 15 microsatellites) of its fish host, the rostrum dace ( Leuciscus leuciscus ). Contrary to expectation, we found a nonlinear relationship between host genetic diversity and ectoparasite load, with hosts that were either homozygous or heterozygous harbouring significantly fewer parasites than hosts with an intermediate level of heterozygosity. This relationship suggests that parasites could increase the variance of global heterozygosity in this host population through disruptive selection on genetic diversity. Moreover, when genetic diversity was measured at each locus separately, we found two very strong positive associations between host genetic diversity and the ectoparasite load. This latter result has three main implications: (i) genome-wide effect cannot alone explain the nonlinear relationship between global heterozygosity and ectoparasite load, (ii) negative non-additive allelic interactions (i.e. underdominance) may be a mechanism for resisting ectoparasite infection, and (iii) ectoparasites may favour homozygosity at some loci in this host population.  相似文献   

Phytochelatin synthases (PCS) play key roles in plant metal tolerance. They synthesize small metal‐binding peptides, phytochelatins, under conditions of metal excess. Respective mutants are strongly cadmium and arsenic hypersensitive. However, their ubiquitous presence and constitutive expression had long suggested a more general function of PCS besides metal detoxification. Indeed, phytochelatin synthase1 from Arabidopsis thaliana (AtPCS1) was later implicated in non‐host resistance. The two different physiological functions may be attributable to the two distinct catalytic activities demonstrated for AtPCS1, that is the dipeptidyl transfer onto an acceptor molecule in phytochelatin synthesis, and the proteolytic deglycylation of glutathione conjugates. In order to test this hypothesis and to possibly separate the two biological roles, we expressed a phylogenetically distant PCS from Caenorhabditis elegans in an AtPCS1 mutant. We confirmed the involvement of AtPCS1 in non‐host resistance by showing that plants lacking the functional gene develop a strong cell death phenotype when inoculated with the potato pathogen Phytophthora infestans. Furthermore, we found that the C. elegans gene rescues phytochelatin synthesis and cadmium tolerance, but not the defect in non‐host resistance. This strongly suggests that the second enzymatic function of AtPCS1, which remains to be defined in detail, is underlying the plant immunity function.  相似文献   

昆虫天然免疫反应分子机制研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张明明  初源  赵章武  安春菊 《昆虫学报》2012,55(10):1221-1229
昆虫体内缺乏高等脊椎动物所具有的获得性免疫系统, 只能依赖发达的天然免疫系统抵抗细菌、 真菌、 病毒等外源病原物的侵染。本文概括了昆虫天然免疫反应发生和作用的分子机制相关进展, 重点阐述了重要免疫相关因子在昆虫天然免疫反应中的功能和作用机制。昆虫天然免疫反应分为体液免疫和细胞免疫两种, 二者共同作用完成对病原物的吞噬 (phagocytosis)、 集结 (nodulation)、 包囊 (encapsulation)、 凝结 (coagulation)和黑化(melanization)等。当昆虫受到外界病原物的侵染时, 首先通过体内的模式识别蛋白(pattern recognition proteins/receptor, PRPs)识别并结合病原物表面特有的模式分子(pathogen-associated molecular pattern, PAMPs), 继而一系列包括丝氨酸蛋白酶和丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂在内的级联激活反应被激活和调控, 产生抗菌肽、 黑色素等免疫效应分子, 清除或杀灭外源物。抗菌肽是一类小分子量的阳离子肽, 具有广谱抗菌活性, 针对不同类型的病原物, 抗菌肽的产生机制也不尽相同。昆虫体内存在着两种信号转导途径调节抗菌肽的产生: 一是由真菌和大部分革兰氏阳性菌激活的Toll途径; 二是由革兰氏阴性菌激活的Imd途径(immune deficiency pathway)。这两个途径通过激活不同转录因子调控不同抗菌肽基因的表达参与昆虫体内的天然免疫反应。  相似文献   

Comparing patterns of diversity and divergence between populations at immune genes and neutral markers can give insights into the nature and geographic scale of parasite-mediated selection. To date, studies investigating such patterns of selection in vertebrates have primarily focused on the acquired branch of the immune system, whereas it remains largely unknown how parasite-mediated selection shapes innate immune genes both within and across vertebrate populations. Here, we present a study on the diversity and population differentiation at the innate immune gene Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) across nine populations of yellow-necked mice (Apodemus flavicollis) and bank voles (Myodes glareolus) in southern Sweden. In yellow-necked mice, TLR2 diversity was very low, as was TLR2 population differentiation compared to neutral loci. In contrast, several TLR2 haplotypes co-occurred at intermediate frequencies within and across bank vole populations, and pronounced isolation by distance between populations was observed. The diversity and differentiation at neutral loci was similar in the two species. These results indicate that parasite-mediated selection has been acting in dramatically different ways on a given immune gene in ecologically similar and sympatric species. Furthermore, the finding of TLR2 population differentiation at a small geographical scale in bank voles highlights that vertebrate innate immune defense may be evolutionarily more dynamic than has previously been appreciated.  相似文献   

Trade-offs between life history and other traits play a key role in shaping the evolution of individuals. It is well established theoretically that the shapes of trade-off curves are as crucial to the evolutionary outcome as their strengths. However, measuring the shape of these relationships directly is often impractical. Here we use an indirect approach that examines the patterns seen within a population and then use theory to infer the shape of the trade-off curve. Using a bioassay we found that most individuals had either high susceptibility or relatively high resistance to a microparasite in a lepidopteran host population. According to general theory, this type of pattern in resistance would be most likely with a deceleratingly costly impact on fitness of increasing resistance. The implications and generality of the approach are discussed, along with the implications of the results to our understanding of the nature of innate resistance to parasites.  相似文献   

The release of any species into a novel environment can evoke transmission of parasites that do not normally parasitize the host as well as potentially introducing new parasites into the environment. Species introductions potentially incur such risks, yet little is currently known about the parasite fauna of introduced primate species over the long term. We describe the results of long‐term monitoring of the intestinal parasite fauna of an unprovisioned, reproducing population of chimpanzees introduced 40 years earlier (1966–1969) onto Rubondo Island in Lake Victoria, Tanzania, a non‐native habitat for chimpanzees. Two parasitological surveys (March 1997–October 1998 and October 2002–December 2005) identified Entamoeba spp. including E. coli, Iodamoeba buetschlii, Troglodytella abrassarti, Chilomastix mesnili, Trichuris sp., Anatrichosoma sp., Strongyloides spp., Strongylida fam. gen. sp., Enterobius anthropopitheci, Subulura sp., Ascarididae gen. sp., and Protospirura muricola. The parasite fauna of the Rubondo chimpanzees is similar to wild chimpanzees living in their natural habitats, but Rubondo chimpanzees have a lower prevalence of strongylids (9%, 3.8%) and a higher prevalence of E. anthropopitheci (8.6%, 17.9%) than reported elsewhere. Species prevalence was similar between our two surveys, with the exception of Strongyloides spp. being higher in the first survey. None of these species are considered to pose a serious health risk to chimpanzees, but continued monitoring of the population and surveys of the parasitic fauna of the two coinhabitant primate species and other animals, natural reservoir hosts of some of the same parasites, is important to better understand the dynamics of host–parasite ecology and potential long‐term implications for chimpanzees introduced into a new habitat. Am. J. Primatol. 72:307–316, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) contains the most variable genes in vertebrates, but despite extensive research, the mechanisms maintaining this polymorphism are still unresolved. One hypothesis is that MHC polymorphism is a result of balancing selection operating by overdominance, but convincing evidence for overdominant selection in natural populations has been lacking. We present strong evidence consistent with MHC-specific overdominance in a free-living population of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) in northernmost Europe. In this population, where just two MHC alleles were observed, MHC heterozygous fish had a lower parasite load, were in better condition (as estimated by a fatness indicator) and had higher survival under stress than either of the homozygotes. Conversely, there was no consistent association between these fitness measures and assumedly neutral microsatellite variability, indicating an MHC-specific effect. Our results provide convincing empirical evidence consistent with the notion that overdominance can be an important evolutionary mechanism contributing to MHC polymorphism in wild animal populations. They also support a recent simulation study indicating that the number of alleles expected to be maintained at an MHC loci can be low, even under strong heterozygote advantage.  相似文献   

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