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There are more than 40 different forms of inherited lysosomal storage diseases (LSDs) known to occur in humans and the aggregate incidence has been estimated to approach 1 in 7000 live births. Most LSDs are associated with high morbidity and mortality and represent a significant burden on patients, their families, and health care providers. Except for symptomatic therapies, many LSDs remain untreatable, and gene therapy is among the only viable treatment options potentially available. Therapies for some LSDs do exist, or are under evaluation, including heterologous bone marrow transplantation (BMT), enzyme replacement therapy (ERT), and substrate reduction therapy (SRT), but these treatment options are associated with significant concerns, including high morbidity and mortality (BMT), limited positive outcomes (BMT), incomplete response to therapy (BMT, ERT, and SRT), life-long therapy (ERT, SRT), and cost (BMT, ERT, SRT). Gene therapy represents a potential alternative therapy, albeit a therapy with its own attendant concerns. Animal models of LSDs play a critical role in evaluating the efficacy and safety of therapy for many of these conditions. Naturally occurring animal homologs of LSDs have been described in the mouse, rat, dog, cat, guinea pig, emu, quail, goat, cattle, sheep, and pig. In this review we discuss those animal models that have been used in gene therapy experiments and those with promise for future evaluations.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Direct injection of lentivectors into the central nervous system (CNS) mostly results in localized parenchymal transgene expression. Intrathecal gene delivery into the spinal canal may produce a wider dissemination of the transgene and allow diffusion of secreted transgenic proteins throughout the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Herein, we analyze the distribution and expression of LacZ and SEAP transgenes following the intrathecal delivery of lentivectors into the spinal canal. METHODS: Four weeks after intrathecal injection into the spinal canal of newborn mice, the expression of the LacZ gene was assessed by histochemical staining and by in situ polymer chain reaction (PCR). Following the spinal infusion of a lentivector carrying the SEAP gene, levels of enzymatically active SEAP were measured in the CSF, blood serum, and in brain extracts. RESULTS: Intrathecal spinal canal delivery of lentivectors to newborn mice resulted in patchy, widely scattered areas of beta-gal expression mostly in the meninges. The transduction of the meningeal cells was confirmed by in situ PCR. Following the spinal infusion of a lentivector carrying the SEAP gene, sustained presence of the reporter protein was detected in the CSF, as well as in blood serum, and brain extracts. CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate that intrathecal injections of lentivectors can provide significant levels of transgene expression in the meninges. Unlike intracerebral injections of lentivectors, intrathecal gene delivery through the spinal canal appears to produce a wider diffusion of the transgene. This approach is less invasive and may be useful to address those neurological diseases that benefit from the ectopic expression of soluble factors impermeable to the blood-brain barrier.  相似文献   

Viral vectors provide a highly efficient method for the transfer of foreign genes into a variety of quiescent or dividing eukaryotic cells from many animal origins. While recombinant vectors derived from an increasing number of mammalian viruses (herpes simplex virus, autonomous and non-autonomous parvoviruses, poxviruses, retroviruses, adenoviruses available today, vectors based on murine retroviruses and human adenoviruses constitute preferential candidates for the delivery of marker or therapeutic genes into human somatic cells. The availability of such vectors has made possible the recent transition of human gene therapy from laboratory benches to clinical settings. Most current recombinant vectors have been generated by deleting essential viral genes in order to make space available for the introduction of passenger genes. Such vectors are therefore unable to replicate in the absence of these critical gene products and their production relies on the development of stable complementation cell lines providingin trans the missing viral functions. Although complementation (or packaging) cell lines are available for both adenovirus and retrovirus vectors, their respective drawbacks still limit their use to research applications and phase I clinical trials. The future success or failure of human gene therapy will therefore rely on the production of improved generations of packaging cell lines that can produce safer and more efficient vectors which are fully adapted to large scale production and clinical applications.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Polyethylenimines (PEIs) with high molecular weights are effective nonviral gene delivery vectors. However, the in vivo use of these PEIs can be hampered by their cellular toxicity. In the present study we developed and tested a new PEI polymer synthesized by linking less toxic, low molecular weight (MW) PEIs with a commonly used, biocompatible drug carrier, beta-cyclodextrin (CyD). METHODS AND RESULTS: The terminal CyD hydroxyl groups were activated by 1,1'-carbonyldiimidazole. Each activated CyD then linked two branched PEI molecules with MW of 600 Da to form a CyD-containing polymer with MW of 61 kDa, in which CyD served as a part of the backbone. The PEI-CyD polymer developed was soluble in water and biodegradable. In cell viability assays with sensitive neurons, the polymer performed similarly to low-MW PEIs and displayed much lower cellular cytotoxicity compared to PEI 25 kDa. The gene delivery efficiency of the polymer was comparable to, and at higher polymer/DNA ratios even higher than, that offered by PEI 25 kDa in neural cells. Attractively, intrathecal injection of plasmid DNA complexed by the polymer into the rat spinal cord provided levels of gene expression close to that offered by PEI 25 kDa. CONCLUSIONS: The polymer reported in the current study displayed improved biocompatibility over non-degradable PEI 25 kDa and mediated gene transfection in cultured neurons and in the central nervous system effectively. The new polymer would be worth exploring further as an in vivo delivery system of therapeutic genetic materials for gene therapy of neurological disorders.  相似文献   

In the present report, we have evaluated and compared the modulatory effect of the cytokine interleukin (IL)-10 expressed via viral vector or plasmid DNA on viral antigen-induced cutaneous inflammatory lesions. Our data demonstrate the superior potency of both recombinant vaccinia virus and herpes simplex virus IL-10 expression vectors after single intramuscular administration, but the effects were only short term and only functioned in animals lacking immunity to the viral vectors used for modulation. In contrast, modulatory effects achieved by plasmid DNA expressing IL-10 were delayed in onset and milder in effect but were far more persistent than those achieved by viral vectors. Moreover, plasmid DNA expressing IL-10 provided effective modulation when given repeatedly to animals. Our data also showed that IL-10 gene delivery resulted in a systemic and durable modulatory effect while the effect caused by a single IL-10 protein treatment was transient and confined to the injected site. Our results imply that the viral vector system is superior for obtaining short-term effects, whereas the plasmid DNA approach represents a better strategy to achieve gene therapy to modulate chronic inflammatory lesions.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We have previously found that retrovirus transduction is enhanced when an anionic polymer (chondroitin sulfate C) is added to virus stocks that contain an equal weight concentration of a cationic polymer (Polybrene). This observation was unexpected given that previous work has shown that cationic polymers enhance transduction while anionic polymers have the opposite effect. METHODS: Using model recombinant retroviruses and lentiviruses that encode for the Escherichia coli lacZ gene and quantitative assays of virus adsorption and transduction, we examined the mechanism of enhancement. RESULTS: We found that addition of oppositely charged polymers (Polybrene and chondroitin sulfate C) to virus stocks enhanced gene transfer by increasing the flux of active viruses to the cells. Virus-polymer complexes formed that did not reduce the stability of the viruses, yet were large enough to sediment, delivering the viruses to the cells more rapidly than by simple diffusion. The size of the complexes, the rate of sedimentation, and the levels of gene transfer increased with increasing concentrations of polymers. The degree to which transduction was enhanced ranged from 2- to nearly 40-fold, and varied depending on the type of cells and viruses used. Interestingly, we found that association of the viruses with the polymer complexes did not significantly hinder their ability to complete post-binding steps of transduction. CONCLUSIONS: Complexation of retroviruses with charged polymers significantly improves the efficiency of ex vivo gene transfer by increasing the number of active viruses that reach the cells.  相似文献   

microRNAs (miRNAs) are a new class of non-protein-coding small RNAs, which regulate the expression of more than 30% protein-coding genes. The unique expression profiles of different miRNAs in different types of cancers and at different stages in one cancer type suggest that miRNAs can function as novel biomarkers for disease diagnostics and may present a new strategy for miRNA gene therapy. Anti-miRNAs and antisense oligonucleotides (ASO) have been employed to inhibit specific miRNA expression in vitro and in vivo for investigational and clinical purposes. Although miRNA-based diagnostics and gene therapy are still in their infancy, their huge potentials will meet our need for future disease diagnostics and gene therapy. High efficient delivery of miRNAs into targeted sites, designing accurate anti-miRNA/ASOs, and related biosafety issues are three major challenges in this field.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Gaucher disease is the most common of the lysosomal storage disorders. The primary manifestation is the accumulation of glucosylceramide (GL-1) in the macrophages of liver and spleen (Gaucher cells), due to a deficiency in the lysosomal hydrolase glucocerebrosidase (GC). A Gaucher mouse model (D409V/null) exhibiting reduced GC activity and accumulation of GL-1 was used to evaluate adeno-associated viral (AAV)-mediated gene therapy. METHODS: A recombinant AAV8 serotype vector bearing human GC (hGC) was administered intravenously to the mice. The levels of hGC in blood and tissues were determined, as were the effects of gene transfer on the levels of GL-1. Histopathological evaluation was performed on liver, spleen and lungs. RESULTS: Vector administration to pre-symptomatic Gaucher mice resulted in sustained hepatic secretion of hGC at levels that prevented GL-1 accumulation and the appearance of Gaucher cells in the liver, spleen and lungs. AAV administration to older mice with established disease resulted in normalization of GL-1 levels in the spleen and liver and partially reduced that in the lung. Analysis of the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) from treated mice showed significant correction of the abnormal cellularity and cell differentials. No antibodies to the expressed hGC were detected following a challenge with recombinant enzyme suggesting the animals were tolerized to human enzyme. CONCLUSIONS: These data demonstrate the effectiveness of AAV-mediated gene therapy at preventing and correcting the biochemical and pathological abnormalities in a Gaucher mouse model, and thus support the continued consideration of this vector as an alternative approach to treating Gaucher disease.  相似文献   

The surface epithelium of mid-gestational murine embryos is thought to be an attractive target for gene therapy in vivo, due to its visibility and accessibility from the external surface of the maternal uterus. Almost all studies of in utero gene transfer have adopted viral vectors for infection of fetal epithelium, and depended on intraamniotic introduction and simple incubation of vectors, leading to only infection of the surface layer (periderm) of fetal skin. Here we report a simple and convenient method of gene transfer of plasmid DNA into the deeper portion of surface skin of murine mid-gestational fetus. One to two microlitres of a solution containing a lacZ expression plasmid (0.5-1 microg) and trypan blue (0.05%) were placed onto the surface of a fetus (E 14.5) near the eye by a micropipette attached to a mouthpiece. This fetus was immediately electroporated by placing it between tweezer-type electrodes attached to a square-pulse generator. At 1 and 4 days after gene transfer, fetuses were subjected to histochemical staining for lacZ activity in the presence of X-Gal, a substrate for lacZ. Focal reactions were observed in the skin epidermal layers including periderm and basal layer 1 day after DNA introduction. However, lacZ-positive cells were limited to a skin surface layer, the stratum corneum, in the samples obtained 4 days after gene transfer. Similar observation was also made in the transgenic fetuses (carrying a lacZ gene placed immediately downstream of the loxP-flanked sequence) injected with Cre expression vector. These findings suggest rapid movement of fetal epidermal cells toward the surface during late developmental stages. This local gene transfer approach appears to be effective as a method for skin-targeted gene transfer, enabling study of the role of genes of interest and tracing of cell lineage during fetal skin development.  相似文献   

Gene therapy as a treatment for neuromuscular diseases is an ever-developing concept based on the use of DNA as the therapeutic agent. In the search for appropriate strategies a bottleneck exists, however, concerning the targeting of vectors carrying the therapeutic gene, to all pathologic sites. These diseases are often characterised by multiple widespread lesions spread over a large area, rendering administration by local injection into tissues, clinically irrelevant. With this in mind, we have proposed that circulating cells (monocytes/macrophages), which home naturally to inflammatory lesions, characteristic of degenerating muscle, could be used as shuttles able to track down every damaged site, and deliver there a corrective gene. Our aim is to mobilise a corrective gene from these infiltrating monocyte-macrophages, into muscle cells, a process of in situ cell to cell gene transfer which could be accomplished using a retroviral vector, since the regeneration process involves the proliferation of muscle precursors before they fuse to form replacement fibres. For this, monocyte-macrophages must be engineered into ‘packaging cells’ containing both the replication deficient retrovirus carrying the gene of interest and an helper genome (gag-pol-env) needed for its assembly and secretion. Here, we have transduced a monocyte cell line using a defective murine Moloney leukemia retrovirus carrying the LacZ reporter gene. This provided us with a platform to investigate the possibility of gag-pol-env vector driven packaging of the defective retrovirus by macrophages. We show that an herpes simplex virus type I amplicon harbouring the Moloney gag, pol, env sequences is able to rescue the defective retrovirus vector from macrophages, allowing gene transfer into muscle precursor cells. After fusion, these cells gave rise to genetically modified myotubes in vitro. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular diseases are a major cause of fatality, disability, and economic burden in Western civilization. Although the pharmaceutical industry has delivered a plethora of drugs for treatment of diverse cardiovascular complaints, there remain many conditions for which pharmacological regimens are either nonexistent or largely ineffective. In contrast, remarkable progress has been made in the field of vascular gene transfer in the last decade. The vast majority of studies are preclinical, although a number of high profile vascular gene therapy clinical trials are in progress. In principle, vascular gene therapy represents an unprecedented opportunity to treat a host of cardiovascular diseases in humans although many scientific, clinical, and ethical obstacles remain. Here we discuss the rapid progress in preclinical vascular gene therapy, highlight the most appropriate gene delivery vectors, and discuss the advances toward the ultimate goal of an efficient and safe gene therapy for diverse cardiovascular diseases.  相似文献   

Few outbreaks of the serious enterovirus 71 (EV71) infections, which affect the central nervous system (CNS), had been reported in Japan before 2000. During June through August 2000, a patient died of pulmonary edema caused by brainstem encephalitis accompanied by EV71-induced hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD), and many patients complicated by serious CNS disease, including paralysis, were hospitalized in a restricted area in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan (K-area). During the same period, endemics of HFMD were reported in other areas in Hyogo Prefecture, where EV71 was isolated from HFMD patients, but few patients developed aseptic meningitis. The isolations of EV71 from K-area patients were difficult with the use of Vero cells, so the strains were isolated by use of GL37 cells; Vero cells, however, could isolate EV71 strains from other areas in Hyogo Prefecture. We sequenced VP4 coding regions of these EV71 isolates and found that the isolates from K-area had the same sequence, which, except for one isolate, was different from the sequences of EV71 strains isolated from other areas of Hyogo Prefecture. Although these results were not enough to state that EV71 from K-area was a virulent strain, it seemed reasonable to conclude that serious CNS diseases in K-area were caused by EV71 because it was the only infectious agent detected in the inpatients of K-area.  相似文献   

安全、有效、具有靶向性的病毒载体是基因治疗药物在临床上得以应用的关键。microRNA是一类单链、内源性的转录后调控小分子,它的发现为开发具有靶向性调控能力的病毒载体提供了新的研究方法。以下在介绍microRNA调节病毒载体靶向性原理的基础上,着重介绍microRNA在清除复制能力病毒的污染、消除转基因特异性免疫、增强肿瘤靶向性基因治疗、开发活体疫苗等领域的应用。  相似文献   

Krabbe disease (KD) is an inherited neurological disorder caused by the deficiency of galactocerebrosidase activity resulting in accumulation of psychosine, which leads to energy depletion, loss of oligodendrocytes, induction of gliosis, and inflammation by astrocytes in CNS. In this study, for the first time, we report the regulation of 'cellular energy switch,' AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), by psychosine in oligodendrocytes and astrocytes. Psychosine treatment significantly down-regulated AMPK activity, resulting in increased biosynthesis of lipids including cholesterol and free fatty acid in oligodendrocytes cell line (MO3.13) and primary astrocytes. Pharmacological activator of AMPK, 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-β-4-ribofuranoside (AICAR) attenuated the psychosine-mediated down-regulation of AMPK and restored altered biosynthesis of lipids. AICAR treatment also down-regulated psychosine induced expression of proinflammatory cytokines and inducible nitric oxide synthase in primary astrocytes. However, AICAR treatment had no effect on psychosine induced-reactive oxygen species generation, arachidonic acid release, and death of oligodendrocytes; suggesting the specific role of AMPK in regulation of psychosine-mediated inflammatory response of astrocytes but not in cell death of oligodendrocytes. This study delineates an explicit role for AMPK in psychosine induced inflammation in astrocytes without directly affecting the cell death of oligodendrocytes. It also suggests that AMPK activating agents act as anti-inflammatory agents and can hold a therapeutic potential in Krabbe disease/twitcher disease, particularly when used in combination with drugs, which protect oligodendrocyte cell loss, such as sPLA2 inhibitor [ Giri et al. , J. Lipid Res. 47 (2006), 1478 ].  相似文献   

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