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Deep infections by melanized fungi deserve special attention because of a potentially fatal, cerebral or disseminated course of disease in otherwise healthy patients. Timely diagnostics are a major problem with these infections. Rolling circle amplification (RCA) is a sensitive, specific and reproducible isothermal DNA amplification technique for rapid molecular identification of microorganisms. RCA-based diagnostics are characterized by good reproducibility, with few amplification errors compared to PCR. The method is applied here to species of Exophiala known to cause systemic infections in humans. The ITS rDNA region of five Exophiala species (E. dermatitidis, E. oligosperma, E. spinifera, E. xenobiotica, and E. jeanselmei) was sequenced and aligned in view of designing specific padlock probes to be used for the detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the Exophiala species concerned. The assay proved to successfully amplify DNA of the target fungi at the level of species; while no cross-reactivity was observed. Amplification products were visualized on 1% agarose gels to verify the specificity of probe-template binding. Amounts of reagents were minimized to avoid the generation of false positive results. The sensitivity of RCA may help to improve early diagnostics of these difficult to diagnose infections.  相似文献   

Among wide applications of nucleotide analogs, their roles in enzyme catalytic reactions are significant in both fundamental and medical researches. By introducing analogs into circular templates, we succeeded in determining effects of four analogs on RCA efficiency for three different DNA polymerases. Results showed an obvious suppression effect for 2′-OMeRNA modification, which might be due to the size of the C2′-modified moieties. 2′-F RNA, LNA and PS had little interference, suggesting good analog candidates for application in RCA. Different polymerases and nucleobases made a little difference according to analogs we used. These results are useful for understanding polymerase catalytic mechanism and analogs applications in RCA reaction.  相似文献   

Mutations in small heterodimer partner (SHP) and hepatocyte nuclear factor 4alpha (HNF4alpha) are associated with mild obesity and diabetes mellitus, respectively. Both receptors work together to determine the normal pancreatic beta-cell function. We examined their subcellular localization and interaction in living cells by tagging them with yellow and cyan variants of green fluorescent protein (GFP) variants. Expressed SHP resided only in the cytoplasm in COS-7 cells which lacks HNF4alpha, but predominantly in the nucleus in insulinoma cells (MIN6). HNF4alpha was localized exclusively in the nuclei of both cells, coexpressed with HNF4alpha in COS-7 cells, redistributed in the nucleus, depending on the amount of HNF4alpha. We found fluorescence resonance energy transfer between GFP-tagged SHP and HNF4alpha, indicating a specific close association between them in the nucleus. The results strongly suggest that SHP exists primarily in the cytoplasm and is translocated into the nucleus on interacting with its nuclear receptor partner HNF4alpha.  相似文献   

Ribosomal protein L16 is an essential component of the bacterial ribosome. It organizes the architecture of aminoacyl tRNA binding site in the ribosome 50S subunit. The three-dimensional structure of L16 from Thermus thermophilus HB8 was determined by NMR. In solution, L16 forms an alpha+beta sandwich structure combined with two additional beta sheets located at the loop regions connecting the two layers. The terminal regions and a central loop region did not show any specific secondary structure. The structured part of L16 could be superimposed well on the C(alpha) model of L16 determined in the crystal structure of the ribosome 50S subunit. By overlaying the L16 solution structure onto the coordinates of the ribosome crystal structure, we constructed the combined model that represents the ribosome-bound state of L16 in the detailed structure. The model showed that L16 possesses residues in contact with helices 38, 39, 42, 43 and 89 of 23S rRNA and helix 4 of 5S rRNA. This suggests its broad effect on the ribosome architecture. Comparison of L16 with the L10e protein, which is the archaeal counterpart, showed that they share a common fold, but differ in some regions of functional importance, especially in the N-terminal region. All known mutation sites in L16 that confer resistance to avilamycin and evernimicin were positioned so that their side-chains were exposed to solvent in the internal cavity of the ribosome. This suggests the direct participation of L16 as a part of the binding site for antibiotics.  相似文献   

The isoprenoid quinones exist widely among prokaryotes and eukaryotes. They play essential roles in respiratory electron transport and in controlling oxidative stress and gene regulation. In the isoprenoid quinone biosynthetic pathway, polyprenyl pyrophosphates are used as isoprenoid side-chain precursors. Here we report the crystal structure of a novel polyprenyl pyrophosphate binding protein, TT1927b, from Thermus thermophilus HB8, complexed with its ligand. This protein belongs to the YceI-like family in the Pfam database, and its sequence homologs are present in a broad range of bacteria and archaea. The structure consists of an extended, eight-stranded, antiparallel beta-barrel. In the hydrophobic pore of the barrel, the protein binds the polyisoprenoid chain by hydrophobic interactions. Its overall structure resembles the lipocalin fold, but there is no sequence homology between TT1927b and the lipocalin family of proteins.  相似文献   

Ribosomal protein L27 is located near the peptidyltransferase center at the interface of ribosomal subunits, and is important for ribosomal assembly and function. We report the crystal structure of ribosomal protein L27 from Thermus thermophilus HB8, which was determined by the multiwavelength anomalous dispersion method and refined to an R-factor of 19.7% (R(free) = 23.6%) at 2.8 A resolution. The overall fold is an all beta-sheet hybrid. It consists of two sets of four-stranded beta-sheets formed around a well-defined hydrophobic core, with a highly positive charge on the protein surface. The structure of ribosomal protein L27 from T. thermophilus HB8 in the RNA-free form is investigated, and its functional roles in the ribosomal subunit are discussed.  相似文献   

Characterization of regions flanking a known sequence within a genome, known as genome walking, is a cornerstone technique in modern genetic analysis. In the present work we have developed a new PCR-dependent, directional genome walking protocol based on the unique circularization property of a novel DNA ligase, CircLigase. In the first step, PCR based primer extension is performed using a phosphorylated primer, designed to extend from the boundary of the known sequence, into the flanking region. This linear amplification results in the generation of single-stranded (ss) DNA, which is then circularized using CircLigase. Using the hyperbranching activity of Phi29 DNA polymerase, the circular ssDNA is then linearized by rolling circle amplification, resulting in copious amounts of double stranded concatameric DNA. Nested primers are used to amplify the flanking sequence using inverse PCR. The products are resolved on an agarose gel and the bands whose mobility change due to the nested location of the primer combination used are identified, extracted, and cloned into a plasmid vector for sequencing. Empirical proof for this concept was generated on two antimicrobial biosynthetic genes in Pseudomonas sp. LBUM300. Using the hcnB and phlD genes as starting points, ca 1 kb of flanking sequences were successfully isolated. The use of locus specific primers ensured both directionality and specificity of the walks, alleviating the generation of spurious amplicons, typically observed in randomly primed walking protocols. The presented genome walking protocol could be applied to any microbial genome and requires only 100-150 bp of prior sequence information. The proposed methodology does not entail laborious testing of restriction enzymes or adaptor ligation. This is the first report of a successful application of the novel ligase enzyme, CircLigase for genomic walking purposes.  相似文献   

Fluorescence techniques have been used to study the structural characteristics of many proteins. The thermophilic enzyme NAD-glutamate dehydrogenase from Thermus thermophilus HB8 is found to be a hexameric enzyme. Fluorescence spectra of native and denatured protein and effect of denaturants as urea and guanidine hydrochloride on enzyme activity of thermophilic glutamate dehydrogenase (t-GDH) have been analyzed. Native t-GDH presents the maximum emission at 338 nm. The denaturation process is accompanied by an exposure to the solvent of the tryptophan residues, as manifested by the red shift of the emission maximum. Fluorescence quenching by external quenchers, KI and acrylamide, has also been carried out.  相似文献   

The thermophilic bacterium Thermus thermophilus synthesizes lysine through the alpha-aminoadipate pathway, which uses alpha-aminoadipate as a biosynthetic intermediate of lysine. LysX is the essential enzyme in this pathway, and is believed to catalyze the acylation of alpha-aminoadipate. We have determined the crystal structures of LysX and its complex with ADP at 2.0A and 2.38A resolutions, respectively. LysX is composed of three alpha+beta domains, each composed of a four to five-stranded beta-sheet core flanked by alpha-helices. The C-terminal and central domains form an ATP-grasp fold, which is responsible for ATP binding. LysX has two flexible loop regions, which are expected to play an important role in substrate binding and protection. In spite of the low level of sequence identity, the overall fold of LysX is surprisingly similar to that of other ATP-grasp fold proteins, such as D-Ala:D-Ala ligase, PurT-encoded glycinamide ribonucleotide transformylase, glutathione synthetase, and synapsin I. In particular, they share a similar spatial arrangement of the amino acid residues around the ATP-binding site. This observation strongly suggests that LysX is an ATP-utilizing enzyme that shares a common evolutionary ancestor with other ATP-grasp fold proteins possessing a carboxylate-amine/thiol ligase activity.  相似文献   

We report a simple method to isolate plasmids from single colonies ofAgrobacterium tumefaciens by means of rolling circle amplification. The amplified DNA can be digested by restriction enzymes for plasmid verification and transformed intoEscherichia coli for plasmid rescue. Compared with conventional procedures, this method eliminates liquid culturing ofAgrobacterium cells and subsequent DNA isolation and enables large-scale plasmid analyses.  相似文献   

Plasmid transfers among bacterial populations can directly influence the ecological adaptation of these populations and their interactions with host species and environment. In this study, we developed a selective multiply‐primed rolling circle amplification (smRCA) approach to enrich and characterize circular plasmid DNA from sponge microbial symbionts via high‐throughput sequencing (HTS). DNA (plasmid and total community DNA) obtained from sponge (Cinachyrella sp.) samples and a bacterial symbiont (Vibrio sp. CyArs1) isolated from the same sponge species (carrying unknown plasmids) were used to develop and validate our methodology. The smRCA was performed during 16 hr with 141 plasmid‐specific primers covering all known circular plasmid groups. The amplified products were purified and subjected to a reamplification with random hexamer primers (2 hr) and then sequenced using Illumina MiSeq. The developed method resulted in the successful amplification and characterization of the sponge plasmidome and allowed us to detect plasmids associated with the bacterial symbiont Vibrio sp. CyArs1 in the sponge host. In addition to this, a large number of small (<2 kbp) and cryptic plasmids were also amplified in sponge samples. Functional analysis identified proteins involved in the control of plasmid partitioning, maintenance and replication. However, most plasmids contained unknown genes, which could potentially serve as a resource of unknown genetic information and novel replication systems. Overall, our results indicate that the smRCA‐HTS approach developed here was able to selectively enrich and characterize plasmids from bacterial isolates and sponge host microbial communities, including plasmids larger than 20 kbp.  相似文献   

Summary Induction of the SOS response in Escherichia coli results in an increase in the relative rate of synthesis of single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB). In contrast to RecA protein, this increase is slow and does not lead to higher SSB levels. The significance of ssb induction to SOS repair is discussed.  相似文献   

Periplasmic binding proteins (PBPs) comprise a protein superfamily that is involved in prokaryotic solute transport and chemotaxis. These proteins have been used to engineer reagentless biosensors to detect natural or non-natural ligands. There is considerable interest in obtaining very stable members of this superfamily from thermophilic bacteria to use as robust engineerable parts in biosensor development. Analysis of the recently determined genome sequence of Thermus thermophilus revealed the presence of more than 30 putative PBPs in this thermophile. One of these is annotated as a glucose binding protein (GBP) based on its genetic linkage to genes that are homologous to an ATP-binding cassette glucose transport system, although the PBP sequence is homologous to periplasmic maltose binding proteins (MBPs). Here we present the cloning, over-expression, characterization of cognate ligands, and determination of the X-ray crystal structure of this gene product. We find that it is a very stable (apo-protein Tm value is 100(+/- 2) degrees C; complexes 106(+/- 3) degrees C and 111(+/- 1) degrees C for glucose and galactose, respectively) glucose (Kd value is 0.08(+/- 0.03) microM) and galactose (Kd value is 0.94(+/- 0.04) microM) binding protein. Determination of the X-ray crystal structure revealed that this T. thermophilus glucose binding protein (ttGBP) is structurally homologous to MBPs rather than other GBPs. The di or tri-saccharide ligands in MBPs are accommodated in long relatively shallow grooves. In the ttGBP binding site, this groove is partially filled by two loops and an alpha-helix, which create a buried binding site that allows binding of only monosaccharides. Comparison of ttGBP and MBP provides a clear example of structural adaptations by which the size of ligand binding sites can be controlled in the PBP super family.  相似文献   

Mutating the histidine at position 55 present at the subunit interface of the tetrameric E. coli single stranded DNA binding (SSB) protein to tyrosine or lysine leads to cells which are UV- and temperature-sensitive. The defects of both ssbH55Y (ssb-1) and ssbH55K can be overcome by increasing protein concentration, with the ssbH55K mutation producing a less stable, readily dissociating protein whose more severe replication and repair phenotypes were less easily ameliorated by protein amplification. In this study we selected and analyzed E. coli strains where the temperature sensitivity caused by the ssbH55K mutation was suppressed by spontaneous mutations that changed the glutamine at position 76 or 110 to leucine. Using guanidinium chloride denaturation monitored by sedimentation diffusion equilibrium experiments in the analytical ultracentrifuge, we demonstrate that the double mutant SSBH55KQ76L and SSBH55KQ110L proteins form more stable homotetramers as compared to the SSBH55K single mutant protein although they are less stable than wild-type SSB. Additionally, the single mutant proteins SSBQ76L and SSBQ110L form tetramers which are more resistant to guanidinium denaturation than wild-type SSB protein.  相似文献   

According to one prominent model, each protomer in the activated nucleoprotein filament of homologous recombinase RecA possesses two DNA-binding sites. The primary site binds (1) single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) to form presynaptic complex and (2) the newly formed double-stranded (ds) DNA whereas the secondary site binds (1) dsDNA of a partner to initiate strand exchange and (2) the displaced ssDNA following the strand exchange. RecA protein from Pseudomonas aeruginosa (RecAPa) promotes in Escherichia coli hyper-recombination in an SOS-independent manner. Earlier we revealed that RecAPa rapidly displaces E.coli SSB protein (SSB-Ec) from ssDNA to form presynaptic complex. Here we show that this property (1) is based on increased affinity of ssDNA for the RecAPa primary DNA binding site while the affinity for the secondary site remains similar to that for E.coli RecA, (2) is not specific for SSB-Ec but is also observed for SSB protein from P.aeruginosa that, in turn, predicts a possibility of enhanced recombination repair in this pathogenic bacterium.  相似文献   

DnaA protein has the sole responsibility of initiating a new round of DNA replication in prokaryotic organisms. It recognizes the origin of DNA replication, and initiates chromosomal DNA replication in the bacterial genome. In Gram-negative Escherichia coli, a large number of DnaA molecules bind to specific DNA sequences (known as DnaA boxes) in the origin of DNA replication, oriC, leading to the activation of the origin. We have cloned, expressed, and purified full-length DnaA protein in large quantity from Gram-positive pathogen Bacillus anthracis (DnaABA). DnaABA was a highly soluble monomeric protein making it amenable to quantitative analysis of its origin recognition mechanisms. DnaABA bound DnaA boxes with widely divergent affinities in sequence and ATP-dependent manner. In the presence of ATP, the KD ranged from 3.8 × 10−8 M for a specific DnaA box sequence to 4.1 × 10−7 M for a non-specific DNA sequence and decreased significantly in the presence of ADP. Thermodynamic analyses of temperature and salt dependence of DNA binding indicated that hydrophobic (entropic) and ionic bonds contributed to the DnaABA·DNA complex formation. DnaABA had a DNA-dependent ATPase activity. DNA sequences acted as positive effectors and modulated the rate (Vmax) of ATP hydrolysis without any significant change in ATP binding affinity.  相似文献   

Shikimate dehydrogenase (EC catalyses the fourth step of the shikimate pathway which is required for the synthesis of the aromatic amino acids and other aromatic compounds in bacteria, microbial eukaryotes, and plants. The crystal structures of the shikimate dehydrogenase AroE from Thermus thermophilus HB8 in its ligand-free form, binary complexes with cofactor NADP+ or substrate shikimate, and the ternary complex with both NADP(H) and shikimate were determined by X-ray diffraction method at atomic resolutions. The crystals are nearly isomorphous with the asymmetric unit containing a dimer, each subunit of which has a bi-domain structure of compact alpha/beta sandwich folds. The two subunits of the enzyme display asymmetry in the crystals due to different relative orientations between the N- and C-terminal domains resulting in a slightly different closure of the interdomain clefts. NADP(H) is bound to the more closed form only. This closed conformation with apparent higher affinity to the cofactor is also observed in the unliganded crystal form, indicating that the NADP(H) binding to TtAroE may follow the selection mode where the cofactor binds to the subunit that happens to be in the closed conformation in solution. Crystal structures of the closed subunits with and without NADP(H) show no significant structural difference, suggesting that the cofactor binding to the closed subunit corresponds to the lock-and-key model in TtAroE. On the other hand, shikimate binds to both open and closed subunit conformers of both apo and NADP(H)-liganded holo enzyme forms. The ternary complex TtAroE:NADP(H):shikimate allows unambiguous visualization of the SDH permitting elucidation of the roles of conserved residues Lys64 and Asp100 in the hydride ion transfer between NADP(H) and shikimate.  相似文献   

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