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Abstract  Three new species of the mayfly genus Austrophlebioides Campbell and Suter are described from the Wet Tropics bioregion of north-eastern Australia: A . rieki sp. n., A . wooroonooran sp. n. and A . porphyrobranchus sp. n. The three species are similar, and are characterised in the male imago by the presence of a prominent ventral projection on each lobe of the penes and segment one of the claspers narrowing at about one-third length, and in the nymph by the absence of fine setae along the outer margin of the mandible between the median setal tuft and the outer incisor. The generic diagnosis of the nymphal stage is modified slightly to accommodate the three new species.  相似文献   

A new species of Thraulodes from Mexico is described from male and female imagines. The male imagines of this species have very characteristic genitalia that allow its easy separation from the other known species of the genus.  相似文献   

Two mayfly species Prosopistoma trispinum sp.n. and P. unicolor sp.n. collected from southwestern China are described as new to science, their main diagnostic larval characters are illustrated. The larvae of P. trispinum sp. n. can be differentiated by the large number of mandibular bristles, fewer spines on the inner margins of fore tibiae and mesonotal color pattern. The larva of P. unicolor sp. n. can be distinguished by its uniform reddish brown mesothoracic carapace which has no median ridge, and by more tiny serrated foretibial bristles. New distributional records for P. annamense Soldán et Braasch in China are first provided. The habitats of Chinese Prosopistomatidae show they can live in lotic water from stream to large river.  相似文献   

Three new species of Thraulodes from Venezuela are described. One species is known from male and female imagines, and the other two only from male imagines. With this, the known Thraulodes species for Venezuela are four. A key for the male imagines of the known species of Thraulodes from Venezuela is provided.  相似文献   

The nymph, female subimago and egg of Prosopistoma pearsonorum sp. n. are described from localities in far north Queensland, Australia. This is believed to be the only species of Prosopistoma known from Australia, the previous record of P. sedlaceki Peters being a misidentification.  相似文献   


New genera Isothraulus, Arachnocolus, and Penniketellus are established for three species of leptophlebiid mayfly from New Zealand. Each genus is monotypic and endemic to New Zealand. Isothraulus and Arachnocolus are known only from the northern North Island, and Penniketellus is known only from the Arthur's Pass area of the central South Island. The male and female imago, nymph, and egg of Isothraulus abditus n.sp., the male imago, male subimago, and nymph of Arachnocolus phillipsi n.sp., and the male and female imago, female subimago, and egg of Penniketellus insolitus n.sp. are described. The relationships of each genus and the ecology of nymphs of each species are discussed.  相似文献   

The mature larva of a new species, Neoephemera projecta sp. n., from China is described in detail. It represents a new country record of the genus for China. The discovery shows that the genus Neoephemera McDunnough has a more extensive Holarctic distribution than previously known. Ecological vicariance instead of geographic isolation is therefore favoured as presumed cause of the origin of the three neoephemerid genera.  相似文献   

中国香港细蜉属三新种记述(蜉蝣目:细蜉科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述了采自中国香港的细蜉科Caenidae,细蜉属Caenis3新种:点刻细蜉Caenis aspera sp.nov.、双突细蜉Caenis bicornis sp.nov.和光滑细蜉Caenis lubrica sp.nov.。模式标本均保存在中国广州华南农业大学昆虫学系昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Two new species of the heptageniid mayfly genus Afronurus Lestage, Afronurus meo sp. n. and Afronurus mnong sp. n., are described from Vietnam with line-drawings of key characters. The larvae of A. meo can be characterized by rowed minute spines in the posterior margin of the abdominal terga 1-9 and distinct markings on anterior head, dorsal femora, and abdominal terga. The larvae of A. mnong can be characterized by scattered simple stout setae on the anterior margin and dorsal surface of femora, rowed acute spines on the posterior margin of abdominal terga 1-9, and plain brown body color. Their diagnoses, material data, distributions, and habitat and biological data are provided.  相似文献   


Three new genera—Austroclima, Mauiulus, and Cryophlebia—are established for species of Leptophlebiidae from New Zealand. The following new combinations are included: Austroclima sepia (Phillips) and Cryophlebia aucklandensis (Peters). Atalophlebioides sepia is redescribed as Austroclima sepia and a neotype is designated. Two new species, Austroclima jollyae and Mauiulus luma, are described. All life stages are described, and the relationships of each genus are discussed. Keys are given to male and female imagos, subimagos, and nymphs of each species, and to all New Zealand genera with species previously placed in Atalophlebioides.  相似文献   

本文对我国大陆地区溪颏蜉属Rhithrogena作了初步的分类研究。其中,报道1新种(黄溪颏蜉Rhithrogena lutea,sp.nov.)、2个中国新记录种(贝氏溪颏蜉R.bajkovae Sowa和赖氏溪颏蜉R.lepnevae Brodsky),并对其它3种[武夷溪颏蜉R.wuyinensis(Gui et al.),comb.nov.、三刺溪颏蜉R.trispina Zhou et Zheng和东方溪颏蜉R.orientalis You(=三港溪颏蜉R.sangangensis You,新异名)]作了订正,并给出了我国己知7种的成虫检索表。新种——黄溪颏蜉R.lutea,sp.nov.,(仅知成虫,图14))标本采自四川省九寨沟县双河镇附近河旁(正模♂,副模4♂♂10♀♀,2000-VIII-11,采集人为谢强和周长发),区别于该属其它己知种的最明显特征就是阳茎无阳端突、生殖孔的边缘具2枚齿突。标本保存在南京师范大学生命科学学院。  相似文献   

我国大陆细蜉属Caenis共知5种,其中短铗细蜉Caenis parviforcipis(Zhou et al.)n.comb.由短尾蜉属Brachycercus转移而来;中华细蜉Caenis sinensis Gui et al.稚虫形态在本文中首次描述;另外从标本来看,已知的黑铗细蜉Caenis nigroforceps Zhou et al.实际为近岸细蜉Caenis rivulorum Eaton的新异名;本文描述1新种:花斑细蜉Caenis melanoleuca,sp.nov.;第5种黑点细蜉Caenis nigropunctata Klapalek也根据标本得到了确认。文中还给出了以上5种成虫和4种稚虫的检索表。所有标本都保存在南京师范大学生命科学学院。  相似文献   

Two new species of Coronigoniella Young are described and illustrated: C. osborni, sp. n., from SE. and S. Brazil (Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, and Paraná states), and C. formosa, sp. n., from central W. and SE. Brazil (Goiás and Minas Gerais states, and the Distrito Federal). The presence of a sclerotized plate from the abdominal sternum VIII is reported in females of Coronigoniella for the first time. Taxonomic and morphological notes are given for C. spinosa (Osborn) based on specimens from its type-locality in Mato Grosso State. Tettigonia ruficaput (Walker), a species from Colombia previously considered of uncertain taxonomic position, is transferred to Coronigoniella. Possible host plants of C. osborni, sp. n. are Coleus sp. (Lamiaceae), Symphytum sp. (Boraginaceae), and Vernonia sp. (Asteraceae). The genus Coronigoniella is newly recorded from Alagoas, Bahia, Espírito Santo, Goiás, Minas Gerais, Paraná, and São Paulo states, as well as from the Distrito Federal, Brazil. A map showing the known geographic distribution of the two new species is presented. Resumo Duas novas espécies de Coronigoniella Young são descritas e ilustradas: C. osborni, sp. n., do sudeste e sul do Brasil (estados do Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro e Paraná), e C. formosa, sp. n., do centro-oeste e sudeste do Brasil (estados de Goiás e Minas Gerais, assim como o Distrito Federal). A presença de uma placa esclerosada do esterno abdominal VIII é registrada em fêmeas de Coronigoniella pela primeira vez. Notas taxonômicas e morfológicas sobre C. spinosa (Osborn) são fornecidas, com base em espécimes provenientes da sua localidade-tipo no Estado do Mato Grosso. Tettigonia ruficaput (Walker), uma espécie da Colômbia anteriormente considerada como de posição taxonômica incerta, é transferida para Coronigoniella. Coleus sp. (Lamiaceae), Symphytum sp. (Boraginaceae) e Vernonia sp. (Asteraceae) são possíveis plantas hospedeiras de C. osborni, sp. n. O gênero Coronigoniella é pela primeira vez registrado nos estados de Alagoas, Bahia, Espírito Santo, Goiás, Minas Gerais, Paraná e São Paulo, assim como no Distrito Federal, Brasil. Um mapa mostrando a distribuição geográfica conhecida das duas novas espécies é apresentado.  相似文献   

首次报道曲柄锤角细蜂属Vadana Rajmohana et Narendran,2000在我国分布,并记述采自广东的1新种:皱胸曲柄锤角细蜂Vadana rugosa,sp.nov..模式标本保存在华南农业大学膜翅目标本室.皱胸曲柄锤角细蜂Vadana rugosa,新种(图1~4)本新种与分布于印度的Vadana ...  相似文献   

The adults and egg of Habrophlebia antoninoi sp. n. are described and illustrated from material collected in southern Spain. Although the genitalia of the new species is characteristic of Habrophlebia, the chorionic sculpturing of the egg and the shape and venation of hind wings are unique among European members of the genus. A discussion of its relationships with other European species of Habrophlebia is included and a key to male imagines of European species of Habrophlebia is provided.  相似文献   

Two new species of Farrodes Peters are described. These new species are the first records of Farrodes from continental South America and Argentina, and represent a southward range extension of roughly 4.500 km. Both primary faunal components of Neotropical Leptophlebiidae are present in the north‐argentinean province of Tucuman (27° S). However, these two faunal components are geographically separated along a temperature‐elevation gradient. Farrodes and Thraulodes Ulmer of the Guiana & Brazilian Shields, Warm‐Adapted Genera are common in streams at elevations below 1,550 m. In contrast, the leptophlebiid fauna at elevations above 2,000 m is composed entirely of Patagonian Shield, South Andean, Cold‐Adapted Genera with Meridialaris Peters & Edmunds and Massartellopsis Demoulin being particularly abundant. Streams between 1,550–2,000 m in Tucumán Province remain uncollected and the elevation and conditions at which faunal mixing or replacement occurs remain unknown.  相似文献   

首次记述了蝇科阳蝇属蜜阳蝇Helina fica Xue,1985和耙叶阳蝇Helina rastrella Xue,19852个种的雌性。  相似文献   

A heptageniid mayfly species Paegniodes dao sp. nov. (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) is described from Vietnam. The larva is distinguished by round anterolateral margins of pronotum, triangular‐shaped labrum, rudimentary lamella and well developed fibrillae of gills 1, and light brown body that lacks distinct markings. Diagnosis, line drawings, material, and habitat data are provided.  相似文献   

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