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This study tested the hypothesis that acuity of behavioral responses to food odor in three commercially important species of marine fish would increase as juvenile length increased. Swimming activity among two size groups of fish was measured in the presence of a series of squid extract dilutions. Increased swimming activity in juvenile Pacific halibut Hippoglossus stenolepis Schmidt, walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma Pallas, and sablefish Anoplopoma fimbria Pallas was stimulated above threshold concentrations of squid extract, expressed as dilution from full strength. Maximum chemosensory acuity was observed in smaller (8-14 cm total length, TL) Pacific halibut and walleye pollock, while larger sablefish (15-23 cm TL) continued to develop acuity. Response thresholds were highest (10 3 dilution) in Pacific halibut, at intermediate levels (10 4-10 6 dilution) in walleye pollock and smaller sablefish and reached the lowest levels (10 13 dilution) in larger sablefish. The widely held view that dissolved free amino acids (DFAA) are the primary chemosensory stimulants for fish food searching may not be valid for sablefish, as they detected squid extract at dilutions containing DFAA that appeared to be far below ambient sea water DFAA concentrations.  相似文献   

Large herbivores may modify the ecosystem in a way that affects habitat quality and resource availability for other fauna. The increase in wild ungulate abundance in many areas may therefore lead to ecosystem changes, affecting distribution and reproduction of other species. Moose (Alces alces) in Scandinavia is a good example of a herbivore that has recently increased in abundance and has the potential to affect the ecosystem. In this study, we investigated how different levels of moose winter activity around supplementary feeding stations for moose affect reproduction in two insectivorous passerines: great tits (Parus major) and pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca). The two bird species showed contrasting responses to high moose activity at feeding stations. Great tits avoided habitats with high moose activity, where fledging success and feeding frequency was lower than at low moose activity habitats. Flycatchers nested more often at high moose activity habitats where fledging weight and feeding frequency were higher than at low moose activity habitats. Filming of nest boxes with great tits showed an increase in adult Lepidoptera in the diet at supplementary feeding stations for moose, and a smaller size of caterpillar prey at intermediate moose activity. The results support the hypothesis that herbivores may affect insectivorous passerines through changed arthropod food availability.  相似文献   

The spatial stock complexity of marine fish species requires that population structure is taken into account in fisheries management. The aim of this study was to determine whether the amino acid composition (AAC) of the adult fish allows the identification of subpopulations within the stock. During a cruise in November 2003 along the entire Mediterranean coast of Spain, individuals were collected of the following pelagic species: Sardina pilchardus, Sardinella aurita, Engraulis encrasicolus, Trachurus trachurus, Trachurus mediterraneus, Scomber scombrus and Scomber colias. Individuals of S. pilchardus and E. encrasicolus were also collected from the waters of the Strait of Sicily in 2002 and 2003. The AAC of the fish eyes was seen to be species specific, and therefore, the differences in AAC among species may be based on inherited characters. Moreover, a clear differentiation was seen between the Spanish and Sicilian populations of S. pilchardus and E. encrasicolus. Furthermore, in the Spanish waters of the Mediterranean Sea, discriminant analysis revealed a substantial separation between the northern and southern subpopulations of S. pilchardus, S. aurita and E. encrasicolus. Temporal variations in AAC within species in each area were lower than the spatial variations observed among areas for each species, probably reflecting the influence on the AAC of the contrasting environmental characteristics of each area. Our results indicate that the ACC of the eyes in adult fish is a good tool for discriminating among subpopulations in pelagic marine fish species.  相似文献   

Growth, net photosynthetic rate (P N), chlorophyll fluorescence induction kinetics, and stromal fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (sFBPase) in annual legumes native to the Mediterranean region, two clovers (Trifolium subterraneum L. ssp. oxaloides Nyman cv. Clare and T. michelianum Savi cv. Giorgia) and two Medicago species (M. polymorpha L. cv. Anglona and M. truncatula Gaertn. cv. Paraggio), shifted from 20 to 10 °C for 1 d or developed at 10 °C were compared with controls kept at 20 °C. Cold development produced a larger stimulation of growth in the clover cv. Giorgia and the Medicago cv. Paraggio. Transferring plants to low temperatures affected P N relatively less in clovers than in Medicago plants. Development at 10 °C relieved the inhibition of photosynthesis in Giorgia and Paraggio, but not in Clare and Anglona, which correlated with increases in the maximum rate of carboxylation by ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, RuBPCO (Vcmax), and the photon-saturated rate of electron transport (Jmax). In Medicago, transfer from high to low temperature inhibited photosynthesis in a lesser extent in Anglona than in Paraggio, which showed severe limitations at level of Vcmax and Jmax. Development at 10 °C in Paraggio produced an efficient photosynthetic cold acclimation, this being associated with a two-fold increase of quantum yield of photosystem 2 electron transport (F/F'm) and with the activity of sFBPase. By contrast, Anglona showed an irreversible inhibition of P N coupled with the reduction of carbon metabolism by impairment of Calvin cycle enzyme activities such as RuBPCO and sFBPase, resulting in a poor cold acclimation of photosynthesis in this cultivar.  相似文献   

Top-down control of prey assemblages by fish predation has been clearly demonstrated for zooplankton and macroinvertebrates. However, in the benthic communities of freshwater ecosystems, the impact of fish predation on meiofaunal assemblages is nearly unknown. In this study, the predation effects of juvenile carp (Cyprinus carpio) and gudgeon (Gobio gobio) on meiofaunal abundance, biomass, community structure, and the diversity of nematodes were examined using microcosms that were sampled repeatedly over 64 days. Significant differences in abundance and biomass were found between the two fish treatments (carp and gudgeon) and their respective controls for nematodes, oligochaetes, and crustaceans (copepods, harpacticoids, ostracods, and cladocerans), but not for rotifers. These changes were consistent with top-down control of the freshwater meiofaunal assemblages in the microcosms over time. By contrast, small-bodied meiofauna was more abundant, suggesting indirect facilitation. Neither the species richness nor the diversity of the nematode community was affected by fish predation. The results indicate that predation by juvenile freshwater fish depresses the overall abundance and biomass of meiofaunal assemblages, except for rotifers, and alters the size structure of the meiofaunal community. Therefore, the meiofaunal assemblages of freshwater ecosystems may be influenced by bottom-feeding juvenile fish, e.g., carp and gudgeon, through top-down control of meiofaunal populations.  相似文献   

  1. Alpine treelines are expected to shift upward due to recent climate change. However, interpretation of changes in montane systems has been problematic because effects of climate change are frequently confounded with those of land use changes. The eastern Himalaya, particularly Langtang National Park, Central Nepal, has been relatively undisturbed for centuries and thus presents an opportunity for studying climate change impacts on alpine treeline uncontaminated by potential confounding factors.
  2. We studied two dominant species, Abies spectabilis (AS) and Rhododendron campanulatum (RC), above and below the treeline on two mountains. We constructed 13 transects, each spanning up to 400 m in elevation, in which we recorded height and state (dead or alive) of all trees, as well as slope, aspect, canopy density, and measures of anthropogenic and animal disturbance.
  3. All size classes of RC plants had lower mortality above treeline than below it, and young RC plants (<2 m tall) were at higher density above treeline than below. AS shows little evidence of a position change from the historic treeline, with a sudden extreme drop in density above treeline compared to below. Recruitment, as measured by size–class distribution, was greater above treeline than below for both species but AS is confined to ~25 m above treeline whereas RC is luxuriantly growing up to 200 m above treeline.
  4. Synthesis. Evidence suggests that the elevational limits of RC have shifted upward both because (a) young plants above treeline benefited from facilitation of recruitment by surrounding vegetation, allowing upward expansion of recruitment, and (b) temperature amelioration to mature plants increased adult survival. We predict that the current pure stand of RC growing above treeline will be colonized by AS that will, in turn, outshade and eventually relegate RC to be a minor component of the community, as is the current situation below the treeline.

Background and AimsMangrove plants are mostly found in tropical and sub-tropical tidal flats, and their limited distribution may be related to their responses to growth temperatures. However, the mechanisms underlying these responses have not been clarified. Here, we measured the dependencies of the growth parameters and respiration rates of leaves and roots on growth temperatures in typical mangrove species.MethodsWe grew two typical species of Indo-Pacific mangroves, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza and Rhizophora stylosa, at four different temperatures (15, 20, 25 and 30 °C) by irrigating with fresh water containing nutrients, and we measured growth parameters, chemical composition, and leaf and root O2 respiration rates. We then estimated the construction costs of leaves and roots and the respiration rates required for maintenance and growth.Key ResultsThe relative growth rates of both species increased with growth temperature due to changes in physiological parameters such as net assimilation rate and respiration rate rather than to changes in structural parameters such as leaf area ratio. Both species required a threshold temperature for growth (12.2 °C in B. gymnorrhiza and 18.1 °C in R. stylosa). At the low growth temperature, root nitrogen uptake rate was lower in R. stylosa than in B. gymnorrhiza, leading to a slower growth rate in R. stylosa. This indicates that R. stylosa is more sensitive than B. gymnorrhiza to low temperature.ConclusionsOur results suggest that the mangrove species require a certain warm temperature to ensure respiration rates sufficient for maintenance and growth, particularly in roots. The underground temperature probably limits their growth under the low-temperature condition. The lower sensitivity of B. gymnorrhiza to low temperature shows its potential to adapt to a wider habitat temperature range than R. stylosa. These growth and respiratory features may explain the distribution patterns of the two mangrove species.  相似文献   

The effect of low temperatures (14°C/8°C, day/night) on polypeptide synthesis in leaves of two soybean ( Glycine max [L.] Merr.) cvs (Verdon and Maple Arrow) differing in cold sensitivity was investigated. The two cultivars were initially characterized in terms of cold tolerance according to their growth at the young plant stage at 14°C/8°C. Verdon was found to be more tolerant than Maple Arrow. In vivo [35S]-methionine labeled polypeptides were resolved by two-dimensional electrophoresis. Autoradiograms were computer analyzed to evidence and quantify significative changes occurring after 5 days at 14°C/8°C, and to compare the response of the two cultivars. Most of the observed changes were quantitative. The two cultivars essentially exhibited a common modified polypeptide pattern in response to cold temperatures, but the changes were quantitatively more pronounced in the most tolerant cultivar. Computer analysis of two-dimensional electrophoresis gels allowed, for the first time, characterization of cultivar differences in terms of protein pattern under cold conditions.  相似文献   

Wei JN  Kang L 《Chemical senses》2006,31(5):467-477
In the present study, Y-tube olfactometric assays demonstrated that headspace volatile extracts collected from leaf miner-damaged, or artificially damaged, bean plants were more attractive to naive females of the parasitoid insect Opius dissitus than those collected from healthy plants. Headspace extracts from both Liriomyza huidobrensis and Liriomyza sativae second-instar larvae-damaged beans were analyzed by coupled gas chromatography-electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD). Of nine EAD-active volatiles identified, (3E)-4,8-dimethyl-1,3,7-nonatriene, (3Z)-hexenyl acetate, (syn)-2-methylpropanal oxime, and (syn)-2-methylbutanal oxime were the most abundant compounds that evoked significant electroantennogram (EAG) responses. Compounds (3Z)-hexen-1-ol, (anti)-2-methylbutanal oxime, linalool, beta-caryophyllene, and (3E,7E)-4,8,12-trimethyl-1,3,7,11-tridecatetraene also elicited clear EAG responses but were present in smaller amounts. Choice experiments in a Y-tube olfactometer indicated that synthetic versions of (3Z)-hexen-1-ol, 2-methylpropanal oxime, 2-methylbutanal oxime, 3-methylbutanal oxime, linalool, (E,E)-alpha-farnesene, and (3E,7E)-4,8,12-trimethyl-1,3,7,11-tridecatetraene were attractive individually, while (3Z)-hexenyl acetate and (3E)-4,8-dimethyl-1,3,7-nonatriene were unattractive at concentrations similar to those obtained from the headspace collection. Moreover, a blend of nine EAD-active volatiles was significantly more attractive relative to hexane (solvent). A mixture of oximes, tereponids, and green leaf volatiles may facilitate host location by female O. dissitus.  相似文献   

An osteological study and a taxonomic diagnosis are presented for the mesopelagic, oviparous ophidioid fish genus Brotulataenia. Its relationships are probably with a large group of benthic deep-sea oviparous genera. Brotulataenia has been known previously from three North Atlantic specimens assigned to two species. The present study is based on 33 specimens from the North and South Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and the Indian Ocean, and placed in four species, two of which are described as new. Two species are excessively elongate and are interpreted as being derived forms; they are lighter in color than are the two short-bodied species and may live higher in the water column.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The genus Eucalyptus occupies a broad ecological range, forming the dominant canopy in many Australian ecosystems. Many Eucalyptus species are renowned for tolerance to aridity, yet inter-specific variation in physiological traits, particularly water relations parameters, contributing to this tolerance is weakly characterized only in a limited taxonomic range. The study tests the hypothesis that differences in the distribution of Eucalyptus species is related to cellular water relations. METHODS: Six eucalypt species originating from (1) contrasting environments for aridity and (2) diverse taxonomic groups were grown in pots and subjected to the effects of water deficit over a 10-week period. Water potential, relative water content and osmotic parameters were analysed by using pressure-volume curves and related to gas exchange, photosynthesis and biomass. KEY RESULTS: The six eucalypt species differed in response to water deficit. Most significantly, species from high rainfall environments (E. obliqua, E. rubida) and the phreatophyte (E. camaldulensis) had lower osmotic potential under water deficit via accumulation of cellular osmotica (osmotic adjustment). In contrast, species from low rainfall environments (E. cladocalyx, E. polyanthemos and E. tricarpa) had lower osmotic potential through a combination of both constitutive solutes and osmotic adjustment, combined with reductions in leaf water content. CONCLUSIONS: It is demonstrated that osmotic adjustment is a common response to water deficit in six eucalypt species. In addition, significant inter-specific variation in osmotic potential correlates with species distribution in environments where water is scarce. This provides a physiological explanation for aridity tolerance and emphasizes the need to identify osmolytes that accumulate under stress in the genus Eucalyptus.  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated that the devil stinger produces reactive oxygen species (ROS) during early development from fertilized egg to larva. To determine whether ROS generation is a common feature in marine fish species, we conducted chemiluminescence analysis using ROS specific probe (L012) on larvae of six marine fish species. Marbled rockfish, black rockfish, and devil stinger showed higher levels of chemiluminescence response (CR), whereas the levels of CR of sevenband grouper, tiger puffer, and red seabream were fairly lower. These CRs were inhibited by the addition of superoxide dismutase. Hypersensitive photon-counting microscopic observation of black rockfish suggested that ROS production was concentrated in the head area. Our results suggest that the larvae of these six marine fishes produce ROS to considerably different extents depending on species, and that rockfish species, belonging to ovoviviparous fish, tend to produce much higher levels of ROS especially at the later larval stage.  相似文献   

Brycon gouldingi and B. falcatus were the most abundant and widespread of five species of the genus captured in a sampling study encompassing 5 years (1995–2000) in the upper Rio Tocantins, where the river was impounded by the Serra da Mesa hydroelectric dam. Given that impoundments constitute a disturbance to which species will show demographic and biological responses, we assessed such responses of these two omnivorous fishes, whose genus is regarded as vulnerable to impoundments. Both species increased greatly in numbers during the initial reservoir filling period. Brycon gouldingi had higher abundance values than B. falcatus in all sampling months, except in the pre-impoundment period. Both species showed a significant weight increment relative to body length during the time they remained in the reservoir. No reproductive individuals of B. gouldingi were recorded in the study area, but those few of Brycon falcatus were found in both wet and dry seasons, suggesting a more opportunistic strategy of reproduction. Both species were omnivorous and overlapped broadly in diet. The proportions of dietary items, however, varied in relation to fish size class and water dynamics (lotic versus lentic sites). Terrestrial arthropods composed a larger proportion of the diet of smaller-sized individuals and those from lentic sites, whereas seeds and fruits contributed more to the diet of both larger-sized individuals and those from lotic environments. Except for fish and aquatic heteropterans, which were consumed mainly in the reservoir, all other food items were allochthonous, indicating the dependence of these two species of Brycon on the terrestrial environment. The two species responded similarly to the alterations imposed by the impoundment of the upper Tocantins, although reproduction/recruitment pattern was slightly different between species. As observed in other regions of Brazil, impoundments and deforestation appear to produce negative cumulative effects on species of Brycon. These impacts call for greater efforts to conserve and manage members of this diverse and widespread genus. Handling editor: S.M. Thomaz  相似文献   

Soil flooding is an environmental constraint that is increasingly important for forest ecosystems, affecting tree growth and regeneration. As a result, selection pressure will alter forest diversity and distribution by favouring tree species tolerant of soil oxygen deprivation. Sessile and pedunculate oaks are the most abundant oak species and they exhibit a strong differential tolerance to waterlogging. In order to gain some understanding of the mechanisms of tolerance of both species to hypoxia, we undertook the characterization of the physiological, morphological, cellular and molecular responses of both species to flooding stress. Our results indicate that pedunculate oak, the more tolerant species, succeeded in maintaining its growth, water status and photosynthetic activity at a higher level than sessile oak. Furthermore, pedunculate oak developed aerenchyma in its root cortex as well as adventitious roots. The later exhibited a strong accumulation of class1 non-symbiotic haemoglobin localized by in situ hybridization in the protoderm and in some cortical cells. In conclusion, the higher tolerance of pedunculate oak to flooding was associated with an enhanced capacity to maintain photosynthesis and water homeostasis, coupled with the development of adaptive features (aerenchyma, adventitious roots) and with a higher expression of non-symbiotic haemoglobin in the roots.  相似文献   

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