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豚鼠腹腔神经节迟慢兴奋性突触后电位与5—HT和P物质的关系 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
应用细胞内记录,研究了豚鼠腹腔神经节细胞非胆碱能迟慢兴奋性突触后电位与5-羟色胺及P物质的相互关系。当重复电刺激内脏大神经时,有78.2%的细胞在动作电位发放后出现LS-EPSP;灌注或压力注射5-HT或SP,分别在68.5%的细胞(102/149)及52.1%的细胞(98/188)上引起5-HT或SP去极化反应,两者差异非常显著(P〈0.01);大部分具有LS-EPSP的细胞对5-HT(73/8 相似文献
运用玻璃微电极细胞内记录技术,观察豚鼠(Cavia porcellus)离体肠系膜下神经节(IMG)细胞非胆碱能迟慢兴奋性突触后电位(Is—EPSP)与蛙皮素(BOM)、P物质(SP)的关系,以探讨肽类神经递质在外周神经系统中的作用。结果显示,SP去极化、BOM去极化与Is—EPSP具有相关性;SP受体脱敏使SP敏感细胞的Is—EPSP减弱或消失,但不影响BOM引起的去极化;BOM受体脱敏使BOM敏感细胞的Is—EPSP减弱或消失,但不影响SP引起的去极化。大部分Is—EPSP阳性细胞对SP、BOM敏感,而对SP、BOM均不敏感的细胞多数不出现Is—EPSP。结果提示,BOM、SP通过IMG细胞膜上相应受体参与了Is-EPSP的形成,受体间无交互脱敏现象。 相似文献
应用细胞内记录,研究了豚鼠腹腔神经节(CG)细胞非胆碱能迟慢兴奋性突触后电位(LS-EPSP)与5-羟色胺(5-HT)及P物质(SP)的相互关系。当重复电刺激内脏大神经(SN)时,有78.2%的细胞(161/206)在动作电位发放后出现LS-EPSP,灌注或压力注射5-HT或SP,分别在68.5%的细胞(102/149)及52.1%的细胞(98/188)上引起5-HT或SP去极化反应,两者差异非常显著(P<0.01);大部分具有LS-EPSP的细胞对5-HT(73/88,83.0%)或SP(68/11459.6%)敏感,而不出现LS-EPSP的细胞仅有少数对5-HT(10/26,38.5%)或SP(11/36,30.6%)敏感,两类细胞的差异非常显著(5-HT:P<0.0001,SP:P<0.01)。上述结果支持5-HT与SP均作为递质参与LS-EPSP形成的观点。此外,在133个细胞上同时检测了5-HT与SP的作用,其中有66个细胞(49.6%)对5-HT及SP均敏感,提示在CG细胞,5-HT与SP之间可能存在某种机能联系。 相似文献
兔肠系膜下神经节细胞的两种非胆碱能性慢突触后电位 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
以常规细胞内记录技术对兔肠系膜下神经节细胞的跨膜电位进行了观察。对节前神经的短串脉冲刺激,可诱发出一串快兴奋性突触后电位(f-EPSP)或顺向动作电位;在此之后,大多数细胞还出现一个持续约2min 的缓慢去极化电位。该电位具有抗箭毒和阿托品性质,受低钙高镁溶液的可逆性阻抑,因而可称为非胆碱能性兴奋性突触后电位,或者也可归入迟慢兴奋性突触后电位(ls-EPSP)。多数细胞的 ls-EPSP 伴有膜电阻增大,电位的幅度随细胞静息电位的超极化而变小;提示在这些细胞上,钾电导的失活很可能参与了电位的发生。以P物质溶液灌流神经节未见该电位有显著改变。另外,在箭毒化加阿托品化的神经节中,还发现少数细胞对节前神经的串刺激发生一个持续约一分钟的超极化电位。它也具有抗胆碱能受体阻断剂的性质,受低钙高镁溶液可逆性阻抑,为此我们命之为“极慢抑制性突触后电位”(vs-IPSP),以区别于“慢抑制性突触后电位”(s-IPSP),后者是通常用以表示一种胆碱能性的慢电位。本文所述的这两种非胆碱能性的突触电位有关递质,尚待探索。 相似文献
蛙皮素对豚鼠肠系膜下神经节细胞的生物电影响 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
应用离休细胞内记录技术,观察了蛙皮素(BOM)对豚鼠离体肠系膜下神经节(IMG)细胞膜电位和膜电阻的影响,结果表明,181个IMG细胞在压力注射BOM(10^-5mol/L,1-15pulse,3-15ms)时呈现缓慢去极化(84.0%),先超极化后去极化(8.3%),和无明显反应(7.7%),在10个细胞上灌流BOM(10^-7-10^-6mol/L,60s),90%的细胞亦缓慢去极化,该去极化反应受低钙/高镁溶液的影响,但不为胆碱和肾上腺素受体阻断剂所阻断;膜电阻表现为减小(60.0%),不变(35.0%)和增大(5.0%),说明BOM可能存在于豚鼠IMG细胞上且发挥易化作用。 相似文献
豚鼠在体肠纱膜下神经节细胞兴奋的来源 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
本文运用在体细胞内记录法,观察了与肠系膜下神经节(IMG)相连的四组神经对IMG神经元电位活动的影响。结果显示切断或阻滞任一组神经均使IMG细胞电活动受抑。其中结肠神经(CV)和腹下神经(HN)分别传导源自结肠尾段和膀胱等盆腔脏器的外周性兴奋,节间神经(MN)同时传导源自脊髓的中枢性和结肠的外周性兴奋。定量研究表明外周比中枢的影响更重要。因此IMG不仅是传统认为的“信息传递站”,而且对中枢和外周 相似文献
本实验通过豚鼠离体肠系膜下神经节(IMG)的细胞内生物电记录方法观察到:(1)5-羟色胺(5-HT 1-100μmol/L)灌流可在部分 IMG 细胞引起与非胆碱能迟慢兴奋性突触后电位(Is-EPSP)相似的缓慢去极化;(2)持续灌流5-HT 可使对5-HT 敏感的 IMG 细胞的Is-EPSP 明显阻抑;(3)5-HT 去极化及5-HT 敏感细胞的 Is-EPSP 均可为5-HT 再摄取抑制剂氟苯氧丙胺(50μmol/L)所增大,而对5-HT 不敏感细胞的 Is-EPSP 则不受这种药物的影响,(4)5-HT 合成抑制剂对氯苯丙氨酸(PCPA)预处理可使 IMG 细胞的 Is-EPSP 的出现率和去极幅度均明显减低。上述结果表明:5-HT 可能参与介导豚鼠部分 IMG 细胞的Is-EPSP。 相似文献
运用在体细胞内电位记录法,观察了与肠系膜下神经节(IMG)相连的四组神经对IMG神经元自发电位活动的影响,结果显示扩和结肠或膀胱时,IMG细胞自发电位活动增加;切断或阻滞任一组神经均使IMG细胞电位活动受抑。其中结肠神经和腹下神经分别传导源自结肠尾段和膀胱等盆腔脏器的外周性兴奋,节间神经同时传导源自脊髓的中枢性和结肠的外周笥兴奋,肠系膜下神经节细胞的兴奋不仅源自脊髓,而且来源于结肠和膀胱。定量研究表明后者比前者对神经节细胞兴奋的影响更大。 相似文献
刺激鲫鱼小脑腹外侧区诱发的Mauthner细胞兴奋性突触后电位 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
实验采用微电极胞内记录技术探查鲫鱼Mauthner细胞(M-细胞)对小脑刺激的电反应特征。电刺激鲫鱼小脑腹外侧部,可在双侧M-细胞胞体、腹侧树突和外侧树突近端记录到一种复合性兴奋性突触后电位(小脑诱发性EPSP)。小脑诱发性EPSP潜伏期较短(0.63±0.09 ms),持续时间较长(5.49±1.13 ms),幅度分级和刺激频率依从等特征。以较高强度刺激小脑常引起M-细胞顺向激活。多点胞内连续穿刺实验显示小脑诱发性EPSP起源于腹侧树突远端。实验结果提示,小脑-M-细胞通路可能包含一组长短不等的神经元链,它们根据链的短或长,由近及远依次投射在腹侧树突远端。 相似文献
银杏内酯B对豚鼠腹腔神经节神经元Fast-EPSP的抑制效应 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
应用细胞内记录技术,观察并分析了银杏内酯B(GB)对豚鼠(Cavia porcellus)离体腹腔神经节(CG)神经元快兴奋性突触后电位(fast-EPSP)的影响及可能机制.用4×10-6mol/L的GB灌流CG,fast-EPSP的幅值均明显降低,与对照组相比有显著性差异(n=12,P<0.05);用低Ca2 /高Mg2 Krebs液灌流,fastEPSP被完全抑制(n=3);用高Ca2 Krebs液灌流,fast-EPSP幅度则增大(n=12,P<0.05),而用4×10-6mol/L GB与高Ca2 Krebs液联合灌流,fast-EPSP幅度则减小(n=12,P<0.05).结果提示,GB对CG神经元fast-EPSP的抑制效应可能与减少或抑制CG神经元的外Ca2 内流有关. 相似文献
Summary Coexistence of peptides in the small intensely fluorescent cells was demonstrated by immunocytochemistry for met-enkephalin-Arg-Gly-Leu, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, somatostatin, neuropeptide Y and dynorphin. In the extreme example, a single cell was immunoreactive to all 5 peptides examined. Four peptides coexisted in 8% and three peptides in 13% of SIF cells. In 10% of SIF cells no peptide immunoreactivity could be detected. The most prevalent peptide was met-enkephalin (in 46% of cells), then vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (45%), somatostatin (39%), neuropeptide Y (31%) and dynorphin (24%). Met-enkephalin and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide coexisted most commonly (25%). 相似文献
Summary The vascular system in the inferior mesenteric ganglion of the guinea pig was studied to clarify the transport pathway of transmitters released by the small intensely fluorescent (SIF) cells to the principal ganglionic neurons. Reconstruction of about 1500 1-m-thick serial sections of the ganglion demonstrated its portal system. SIF cells were tightly packed and formed two or three clusters under the capsule of the ganglion. Branches from the inferior mesenteric artery ran directly toward these clusters and broke up into a number of coiled and looped sinusoid capillaries among the SIF cells. They then drained into a large sinus surrounding the clusters in the ganglion. Capillaries were derived from this sinus and ramified among the principal ganglionic neurons. After supplying the neurons, these vessels drained into veins surrounding the ganglion. Therefore, as we observed two distinct groups of capillaries, we call this sinus the intraganglionic portal sinus. All the transmitters secreted from the SIF cells are collected into this intraganglionic portal sinus and are then conveyed through the capillaries to the principal ganglionic neurons. 相似文献
Summary Applying a double-immunofluorescence technique, the porcine ovary is demonstrated to receive two populations of NPY-immunoreactive nerve fibres originating from the inferior mesenteric ganglion: one with colocalized tyrosine hydroxylase and supplying predominantly the ovarian vasculature, and a second, solely NPY-immunoreactive and almost exclusively associated with growing follicles. A third group of tyrosine hydroxylase-and dopamine--hydroxylase-positive, but NPY-negative nerve fibres is associated with ovarian blood vessels and, to a minor extent, with ovarian follicles. As revealed by retrograde tracing, the vast majority of postganglionic neurons projecting to the ovary is located in a discrete area of the ganglion, suggesting a somatotopic organization of the porcine inferior mesenteric ganglion. Moreover, the finding indicate that three subpopulations of postganglionic sympathetic neurons with different chemical codes supply different target components of the porcine ovary. The physiological relevance of the described neurons in the nervous control of ovarian functions remains to be elucidated.A portion of these results has been presented in abstract form (Majewski et al. 1991) 相似文献
Electrical stimulation of the frog glossopharyngeal (GP) nerve evoked slow hyperpolarizing potentials (HPs) in taste cells. This study aimed to clarify whether slow HPs were postsynaptically induced in taste cells. The slow HPs were recorded intracellularly with a microelectrode. When Ca2+ concentration in the blood plasma was decreased to approximately 0.5 mM, the amplitude of slow HPs reduced and their latency lengthened. When the Ca2+ concentration was increased to approximately 20 mM, the amplitude of slow HPs increased and their latency shortened. Addition of Cd2+ to the plasma greatly reduced the amplitude of slow HPs and lengthened their latency. These data suggest that the slow HPs are dependent on presynaptic activities in the GP nerve terminals in the taste disk. Of various antagonists injected intravenously for blocking receptors of neurotransmitter biogenic amines and peptides, only antagonists for substance P blocked the slow HPs at 2-4 mg/kg body wt. Application of substance P of 2 mg/kg to the plasma induced hyperpolarizing responses in taste cells, whose amplitude was the same as that of the slow HPs induced by GP nerve stimulation. Application of a nonselective cation channel antagonist, flufenamic acid, to the plasma blocked the slow HPs. These results suggest that the slow HPs are generated by closing the nonselective cation channels in the postsynaptic membrane of taste cells following possible release of substance P from the GP nerve terminals in the taste disk. 相似文献