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Sixty-two samples of Antarctic soils, mosses, penguin guano, algae and lichens were examined for the presence of aerobic endospore-forming bacteria; 36 samples (58%) yielded such organisms, and two samples from Edmonson Point (74 degrees 21'S 165 degrees 08'E) and one sample from Apostrophe Island (73 degrees 32'S 167 degrees 24'E), northern Victoria Land, yielded strains of Bacillus thuringiensis. Further isolations from two of the samples, appreciable variation in biotypes among the strains, failure of the strains to grow on routine B. thuringiensis media, and the fact that one of the sampling sites is very rarely visited by humans, suggest that the organisms were living in these soils rather than being chance contaminants. A representative strain, from Apostrophe Island, was identified as serovar pirenaica (H57).  相似文献   

Biotic communities and ecosystem dynamics in terrestrial Antarctica are limited by an array of extreme conditions including low temperatures, moisture and organic matter availability, high salinity, and a paucity of biodiversity to facilitate key ecological processes. Recent studies have discovered that the prokaryotic communities in these extreme systems are highly diverse with patchy distributions. Investigating the physical and biological controls over the distribution and activity of microbial biodiversity in Victoria Land is essential to understanding ecological functioning in this region. Currently, little information on the distribution, structure and activity of soil communities anywhere in Victoria Land are available, and their sensitivity to potential climate change remains largely unknown. We investigated soil microbial communities from low- and high-productivity habitats in an isolated Antarctic location to determine how the soil environment impacts microbial community composition and structure. The microbial communities in Luther Vale, Northern Victoria Land were analysed using bacterial 16S rRNA gene clone libraries and were related to soil geochemical parameters and classical morphological analysis of soil metazoan invertebrate communities. A total of 323 16S rRNA gene sequences analysed from four soils spanning a productivity gradient indicated a high diversity (Shannon-Weaver values > 3) of phylotypes within the clone libraries and distinct differences in community structure between the two soil productivity habitats linked to water and nutrient availability. In particular, members of the Deinococcus/Thermus lineage were found exclusively in the drier, low-productivity soils, while Gammaproteobacteria of the genus Xanthomonas were found exclusively in high-productivity soils. However, rarefaction curves indicated that these microbial habitats remain under-sampled. Our results add to the recent literature suggesting that there is a higher biodiversity within Antarctic soils than previously expected.  相似文献   

The endolithic microbial communities of the Antarctic represent a borderline lifestyle in the most hostile ice-free areas of the continent. The extreme adaptation of microbes in these communities renders them very sensitive to environmental changes. To date, the actual distribution of these communities has never been investigated; yet, this information would define the geographic limits for life at present and supply a useful tool for monitoring any possible future variation related to climate change. In this study, most of the outcrops of Northern and of one site in Southern Victoria Land were recorded by altitudinal and sea distance gradients. The presence of endolithic life was determined by in situ observation, by microscopic observation of rock fragments in the laboratory, and, for doubtful samples, by culture experiment. Colonizers were present in more than 87 % of the visited sites. The presence of lithic life in Victoria Land appears to be wider than that reported 14 years earlier. The colonization trend follows climatic variation, with epiliths prevailing in coastal sites and decreasing towards the interior, while chasmoendoliths and cryptoendoliths increase and become predominant from the coast towards the inland sites. Typical cryptoendolithic colonization was exclusive on porous rocks as sandstone, chasmoendolithic colonization occurred even in less porous but translucent rocks as granite and quartz. Multivariate analysis of the combined results clearly indicates the pivotal role of the rock type in the colonization of endolithic micro-organisms; sandstone allows lithobionts to push themselves towards areas characterized by harsher conditions.  相似文献   

Benthic algal mats and phytoplankton of Lake Gondwana (Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica) were investigated. Biomass, chlorophyll content and floristic analyses were carried out on algal mats. The mats are composed of two layers different in colour, floristic composition and chlorophyll content. The algal flora of the mats amount to 34 taxa (19 Cyanophyta, 7 Bacillariophyta, 8 Chlorophyta). The phytoplankton community is species-poor (only 5 taxa). Crytophyta account for about 98% of total algal density.  相似文献   

Given the diminished role of biotic interactions in soils of continental Antarctica, abiotic factors are believed to play a dominant role in structuring of microbial communities. However, many ice-free regions remain unexplored, and it is unclear which environmental gradients are primarily responsible for the variations among bacterial communities. In this study, we investigated the soil bacterial community around Terra Nova Bay of Victoria Land by pyrosequencing and determined which environmental variables govern the bacterial community structure at the local scale. Six bacterial phyla, Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, Chloroflexi, Cyanobacteria, and Bacteroidetes, were dominant, but their relative abundance varied greatly across locations. Bacterial community structures were affected little by spatial distance, but structured more strongly by site, which was in accordance with the soil physicochemical compositions. At both the phylum and species levels, bacterial community structure was explained primarily by pH and water content, while certain earth elements and trace metals also played important roles in shaping community variation. The higher heterogeneity of the bacterial community structure found at this site indicates how soil bacterial communities have adapted to different compositions of edaphic variables under extreme environmental conditions. Taken together, these findings greatly advance our understanding of the adaption of soil bacterial populations to this harsh environment.  相似文献   

Terrestrial vegetation at Canada Glacier,Southern Victoria Land,Antarctica   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Summary Bryophyte flushes in the vicinity of Canada Glacier in S.S.S.I. No. 12, Taylor Valley, Southern Victoria Land, were investigated in order to describe the vegetation present and to investigate factors affecting vegetation distribution. Biomass values from 950 to 1,250 g m–2 (dry weight) and vegetated areas up to 14,450 m2 indicate this is a significant area of bryophyte growth in Southern Victoria Land. The pattern of plant species in relation to water flow was investigated through detailed mapping. This is the first confirmed identification of Bryum argenteum, and Pottia heimii, and the first report of Bryum pseudotriquetrum from this area. Tissue nitrogen values for plants at this site are lower than other reported data, but it seems unlikely this would be a limiting factor for growth. It is concluded that, in this area, summer water flow in conjunction with microtopography has the greatest influence in determining where mosses, cyanobacteria and algae grow.  相似文献   

The terrestrial ecosystems of Victoria Land, Antarctica are characteristically simple in terms of biological diversity and ecological functioning. Nematodes are the most commonly encountered and abundant metazoans of Victoria Land soils, yet little is known of their diversity and distribution. Herein we present a summary of the geographic distribution, habitats and ecology of the terrestrial nematodes of Victoria Land from published and unpublished sources. All Victoria Land nematodes are endemic to Antarctica, and many are common and widely distributed at landscape scales. However, at smaller spatial scales, populations can have patchy distributions, with the presence or absence of each species strongly influenced by specific habitat requirements. As the frequency of nematode introductions to Antarctica increases, and soil habitats are altered in response to climate change, our current understanding of the environmental parameters associated with the biogeography of Antarctic nematofauna will be crucial to monitoring and possibly mitigating changes to these unique soil ecosystems.  相似文献   

Thirty-five strains of microfungi, isolated from various sites in Victoria Land, Antarctica, were grown at eight temperatures ranging from 0 to 45°C. Only 1 strain (Chaetomium sp. from hot soil) was a thermotolerant mesophile; other strains were psychrophilic (2 strains) or psychrotrophic (32 strains). The fitness of different species to thermal instability is discussed, based on the width of the growth rate curves.  相似文献   

Diversity of Soil Yeasts Isolated from South Victoria Land,Antarctica   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Unicellular fungi, commonly referred to as yeasts, were found to be components of the culturable soil fungal population in Taylor Valley, Mt. Discovery, Wright Valley, and two mountain peaks of South Victoria Land, Antarctica. Samples were taken from sites spanning a diversity of soil habitats that were not directly associated with vertebrate activity. A large proportion of yeasts isolated in this study were basidiomycetous species (89%), of which 43% may represent undescribed species, demonstrating that culturable yeasts remain incompletely described in these polar desert soils. Cryptococcus species represented the most often isolated genus (33%) followed by Leucosporidium (22%). Principle component analysis and multiple linear regression using stepwise selection was used to model the relation between abiotic variables (principle component 1 and principle component 2 scores) and yeast biodiversity (the number of species present at a given site). These analyses identified soil pH and electrical conductivity as significant predictors of yeast biodiversity. Species-specific PCR primers were designed to rapidly discriminate among the Dioszegia and Leucosporidium species collected in this study.  相似文献   

Total concentrations of algal pigments, organic C, C, N, P and S were determined in surface sediments from the littoral zone of 21 lakes in ice-free areas of northern Victoria Land (Antarctica) with different climatic and environmental conditions. Concentrations of major ions and nutrients were also determined in water samples from the same lakes. The latter samples had extremely variable chemical compositions; however, all the lakes resulted oligotrophic. Pigment concentrations in surface sediments were comparable to those reported for other Antarctic lakes and lower than those in oligotrophic lakes at lower latitudes. Cyanophyta, Chlorophyta and Bacillariophyta were the main taxa identified. These taxa correspond to those reported in previous microscopy-based studies on Antarctic phytoplankton and phytobenthos. Discriminant Function Analysis and Canonical Correspondence Analysis of data indicate that the distribution of pigments in these Victoria Land lakes depends mainly on their geographical location (particularly the distance from the sea) and nutrient status.  相似文献   

We describe an assemblage of well-preserved, cuticle-bearing plant compressions collected from a single bed in the Upper Triassic of Timber Peak, East Antarctica. The flora is dominated by the seed fern Dicroidium, a morphogenus that is widespread and usually dominant in Middle to Late Triassic plant assemblages throughout Gondwana. Despite its common occurrence, the systematic classification of Dicroidium and its individual species remains problematic. This study demonstrates that a combination of macromorphological and cuticular features enables a suitable discrimination of Dicroidium species. The present Dicroidium assemblage is remarkably diverse and dominated by D. elongatum with subordinate proportions of D. odontopteroides, D. crassinervis, and a new species provisionally named D. sp. A. In addition, D. dubium, D. spinifolium, and D. coriaceum occur sporadically. We reinstitute D. spinifolium and propose an emended diagnosis. Other taxa present include putative bryophyte remains, Lepidopteris langlohensis, and Heidiphyllum elongatum. Another collection of plant fossils from a second plant-bearing horizon at Timber Peak consists of fragmentary remains of Cladophlebis sp. and H. elongatum. Epidermal and cuticular features of the Dicroidium fronds suggest that this flora flourished under favourable climatic conditions, although it was situated at latitudes of about 70° S and must have experienced long annual periods of darkness during the austral winter. The cuticles studied point to a short leaf lifespan and very high photosynthetic performance of Dicroidium fronds. We suggest that this leaf phenology has facilitated the Dicroidium plants to colonize the polar latitudes of the Triassic greenhouse world so successfully.  相似文献   

The invertebrate faunal composition of moss-dominated flushes near the Canada Glacier was, as in similar habitats in continental Antarctic regions, numerically dominated by protozoa, rotifers, nematodes and tardigrades. Mites were of lesser abundance. Although collembola occur in the Taylor Valley, none were found at the study site. The finding of a catenulid flatworm is significant as microturbellarians have only rarely been recorded from Antarctica. Nematode, tardigrade and rotifer densities recorded were comparable to those in other Antarctic regions. These groups were found at a mean depth ranging from 5 to 10.83 mm in the moss. A greater percentage of all groups were in the upper 5 mm of moss cores in post-melt samples than in pre-melt samples.  相似文献   

In Potter Cove, Antarctica, newly ice-free areas appeared due to glacial retreat. Simultaneously, the inflow of sediment increased, reducing underwater photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, 400–700 nm). The aim of this study was to determine the photosynthetic characteristics of two macroalgal species colonizing three newly ice-free areas, A1, A2 and A3, with increasing degree of glacial influence from A1 to A3. Turbidity, salinity and temperature were measured, and light attenuation coefficients (K d) calculated and considered as a proxy for glacial sediment input. The lower depth distribution of the red alga Palmaria decipiens and the brown alga Himantothallus grandifolius was 10 m in A3, 20 m in A2 and 30 m in A1. Both species were then collected, at 5 and 10 m at all areas. Photosynthetic parameters and the daily metabolic carbon balance (CB) were determined. K d was significantly higher in A3 compared with A1 and A2. The CB of P. decipiens was significantly higher in A1 followed by A2 and A3, and significantly higher at shallower than at greater depth. For H. grandifolius CB was significantly lower in A3 and in A2 at deeper depths compared with the rest of areas and depths. The lower distribution limit of the algae was positively correlated to the light penetration. An increase in the sediment run-off due to global warming might lead to an elevation of the lower depth distribution limit but retreating glaciers can open new space for macroalgal colonization. These changes will probably affect macroalgal primary productivity in Potter Cove with consequences for the coastal ecosystem.  相似文献   

Geochemical processes in the Lake Fryxell Basin (Victoria Land,Antarctica)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Major ion, nutrient, transition metal, and cadmium concentrations are presented for nine meltwater streams flowing into Lake Fryxell, a permanently stratified lake with an anoxic hypolimnion in Taylor Valley, Antarctica. For the major ions, stream compositions are considered in terms of dissolution of marine-derived salts and chemical weathering of local rocks. Although Lake Fryxell has undergone significant evaporative concentration, only calcite, of the simple salts, is predicted to precipitate. Geochemical budgets indicate, however, that large quantities of K, Mg, and SO4 have also been removed from the lake. Reverse weathering may be an important sink for K and Mg, although magnesium removal with calcium carbonate phases is also likely. Assuming constancy of composition over recent geologic time, all of the salts in the Fryxell water column could have been delivered under present flows in about three thousand years (chloride age).Comparison of nutrient concentrations in these meltwater streams with other flowing waters in the world reveals that the Fryxell streams are strikingly deficient in NO3-N but not PO4-P. The apparent nitrogen deficiency in Lake Fryxell itself can be attributed to the low annual stream loadings of this nutrient.Stream concentrations and loadings are also presented for Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, and Cd. Dissolved metal concentrations correlate roughly with average crustal abundances, suggesting that chemical weathering is the major source for these elements. Vertical metal profiles within Lake Fryxell itself appear to be governed by the formation of insoluble sulfide phases, or, in the case of Mn, by MnHPO4. However, dissolved nickel levels in sulfide-bearing waters are much higher than can be explained in terms of metal-sulfide equilibria, and we suspect that significant organic complexing of this metal is occurring in the deeper waters.  相似文献   

A large number of fresh water and saline ponds are located in the Labyrinth (77° 33 S, 160° 50 E) of the upper Wright Valley in the Dry Valleys region of southern Victoria Land, Antarctica. It is situated near the terminus of the Wright Upper Glacier between 800–1000 m above sea level. From a limnological point of view, the most interesting problems concerning these saline ponds are the origin of their salts and their evolutional history.Chloride ion contents vary remarkably among the ponds ranging from 0.0049 to 52.4 g kg–1. Surprisingly, more than a half of the ponds are saline with the highest chloride ion content being 2.7 times greater than that of seawater. The D and 18O values of the pond waters indicate a snow and/or glacial meltwaters origin, and that the ponds underwent subsequent alteration due to evaporation or freezing. The composition of chemical components reveal no evidence of trapped seawater. Thus the salt concentrations in the Labyrinth pond waters must be explained principally by the accumulation of atmospheric salts and subsequent repeated cycles of evaporation and freezing of the pond waters over considerable time periods.  相似文献   

We sequenced the mitochondrial (mt) DNA cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene to examine comparative phylogeographic patterns for the springtail Gomphiocephalus hodgsoni and the mite Stereotydeus mollis throughout their ranges in southern Victoria Land, Antarctica. Our aim was to extend previous genetic work to encompass a large ice-free area in the Dry Valleys. In particular, we sought to determine if this new region harboured high levels of genetic diversity and if patterns of genetic structure were congruent across taxa. Phylogenetic and nested clade analyses for G. hodgsoni and S. mollis showed similar patterns of population sub-structuring among locations and highlighted several potential refugia that may have existed during glacial maxima. We identified greater levels of genetic divergence in S. mollis and suggest that there is a nucleotide substitution (mutation) rate difference between S. mollis and G. hodgsoni, and/or that S. mollis has had a longer association with the Antarctic landscape.  相似文献   

The environmental physiology of three speciesof Collembola: Cryptopygus cisantarcticus, Isotoma klovstadi (Isotomidae) and Friesea grisea (Neanuridae) was investigated from November 2002 to February 2003 at Cape Hallett, North Victoria Land, Antarctica. All three species were freeze avoiding, and while supercooling points were variable on seasonal and daily scales in I. klovstadi and C. cisantarcticus, they remained largely static in F. grisea. LT50 (temperature where 50% of animals are killed by cold) was -13.6, -19.1 and -19.8 degrees C for C. cisantarcticus, I. klovstadi and F. grisea, respectively. Upper lethal temperature was 34, 34 and 38 degrees C for C. cisantarcticus, I. klovstadi and F. grisea. Critical thermal minimum onset (the temperature where individuals entered chill coma) was ca. -7, -12 and -8 degrees C for C. cisantarcticus, I. klovstadi and F. grisea, and 25% of I. klovstadi individuals froze without entering chill coma. Critical thermal maximum (the onset of spasms at high temperature) was 30, 33 and 34 degrees C for C. cisantarcticus, I. klovstadi and F. grisea. Haemolymph osmolality was approximately 720 mOsm for C. cisantarcticus and 680 mOsm for I. klovstadi, and both species showed a moderate degree of thermal hysteresis, which persisted through the season. Desiccation resistance was measured as survival above silica gel, and the species survived in the rank order of C. cisantarcticus< I. klovstadi = F. grisea. Desiccation resulted in an increase in haemolymph osmolality in I. klovstadi, and water was quickly regained by desiccation-stressed individuals that had access to liquid water, but not by individuals placed in high humidity, indicating that this species is unable to absorb atmospheric water vapour. SDS-PAGE did not suggest any strong patterns in protein synthesis either seasonally or in response to temperature or desiccation stress. Microclimate temperatures were measured at sites representative of collection sites for the three species. Microclimate temperatures were highly variable on a diurnal and weekly scale (the latter relating to weather patterns), but showed little overall variation across the summer season. Potentially lethal high and low temperatures were recorded at several sites, and it is suggested that these temperature extremes account for the observed restriction of the less-tolerant C. cisantarcticus at Cape Hallett. Together, these data significantly increase the current knowledge of the environmental physiology of Antarctic Collembola.  相似文献   

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