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In Zenaida doves, Zenaida aurita, of Barbados, previous work has shown that social learning is associated with foraging ecology in the field: in captive experiments, group-foraging birds learn more readily from a conspecific tutor, while territorial birds learn from the heterospecific they most often feed with in mixed-species aggregations, the Carib grackle, Quiscalus lugubris. This study examines foraging ecology and social learning in a dove population that experiences both territorial defence and occasional group feeding, Brandon's Beach. In part I, we document the dual foraging pattern seen in this population, which lives only a few hundred metres from the group-foraging harbour population studied in previous work. In part II, we show that doves from Brandon's Beach, consistent with their dual foraging experience, learn as readily from a conspecific as they do from a heterospecific tutor; control doves from the adjacent harbour site learn primarily from a conspecific tutor. Field sightings of banded individuals caught at the harbour and Brandon's show strong site fidelity, but sufficient movement between areas (4%) to make reproductive divergence between the two neighbouring populations highly unlikely, suggesting that social learning differences between them are non-genetic.  相似文献   

The social system of 4 adult Chinese hamsters was analysed under semi-natural conditions in a large enclosure. In all trials the home ranges overlapped, but were patterned in a different way and patrolled in turn. ♂♂ were inferior and less aggressive than ♀♀ and had to change their nest site more frequently. The observed social organization is based on a dominance order influenced by home range site and by activity.  相似文献   

In many cities, the feral rock dove is an abundant bird species that can harbor Chlamydophila psittaci. We determined the prevalence and genotype of C. psittaci in fresh fecal samples from feral pigeons in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The prevalence was 7.9% overall (26/331; 95% confidence interval, 5 to 11). Ten genotyped PCR-positive samples were all genotype B.  相似文献   

Behaviour has direct links to wing morphology in bird species. Many studies have postulated migration to be one of the most important forces of selection acting on wing morphology, particularly in relation to wing pointedness. Studies in passerines have found that adults have longer and more pointed wings than juveniles, especially in migratory species. We analysed differences in wing morphology between age groups of the European Turtle Dove, a non‐passerine migratory species that benefits from rounded wings during their daily activity, due to its ground‐feeding behaviour and acrobatic flight style. Our results show that adults of this species have longer but more rounded wings than juveniles. This suggests that in this species wing morphology in juveniles is selected to facilitate the first migration, whereas other selection forces (e.g. flight manoeuvrability) are more important after the first moult. These data also explain why juveniles are not as adept at escaping from predators or hunters as adults.  相似文献   

The ability to unlearn a previously established association is an important component of behavioural flexibility and may vary according to species ecology. Previously, two closely related sympatric Darwin’s finches were found to differ in their learning abilities. Small tree finches (Camarhynchus parvulus) outperformed woodpecker finches (Cactospiza pallida) in reversal learning but performed worse in an operant task. We attributed this difference to the habit of woodpecker finches to engage in long bouts of energetic pecking during extractive foraging. Persistently repeating one action without reward could favour performance in operant tasks but also limit behavioural flexibility. Here, we tested whether perseverance is the reason for woodpecker finches’ depressed reversal learning performance. Two new reversal conditions allowed the disentanglement of two sources of error in reversal learning: perseverant choice of the previously rewarded stimulus and failure to respond to the previously non‐rewarded stimulus. For the within‐species comparison, we predicted that woodpecker finches should find it more difficult to learn to avoid the previously rewarded stimulus than learning to choose the previously non‐rewarded stimulus. For the species comparison, we predicted the woodpecker finches should make more errors of perseverance than small tree finches. As performance could also be influenced by reaction to novelty, we compared neophobic responses between species and related them to reversal learning proficiency. We found no significant difference in reversal learning in the predicted direction, but found a negative correlation between neophobia and reversal learning at the inter‐ and the intraspecific level, which points towards a general relationship between reaction to novelty and flexibility.  相似文献   


Animals, including Humans, are prone to develop persistent maladaptive and suboptimal behaviours. Some of these behaviours have been suggested to arise from interactions between brain systems of Pavlovian conditioning, the acquisition of responses to initially neutral stimuli previously paired with rewards, and instrumental conditioning, the acquisition of active behaviours leading to rewards. However the mechanics of these systems and their interactions are still unclear. While extensively studied independently, few models have been developed to account for these interactions. On some experiment, pigeons have been observed to display a maladaptive behaviour that some suggest to involve conflicts between Pavlovian and instrumental conditioning. In a procedure referred as negative automaintenance, a key light is paired with the subsequent delivery of food, however any peck towards the key light results in the omission of the reward. Studies showed that in such procedure some pigeons persisted in pecking to a substantial level despite its negative consequence, while others learned to refrain from pecking and maximized their cumulative rewards. Furthermore, the pigeons that were unable to refrain from pecking could nevertheless shift their pecks towards a harmless alternative key light. We confronted a computational model that combines dual-learning systems and factored representations, recently developed to account for sign-tracking and goal-tracking behaviours in rats, to these negative automaintenance experimental data. We show that it can explain the variability of the observed behaviours and the capacity of alternative key lights to distract pigeons from their detrimental behaviours. These results confirm the proposed model as an interesting tool to reproduce experiments that could involve interactions between Pavlovian and instrumental conditioning. The model allows us to draw predictions that may be experimentally verified, which could help further investigate the neural mechanisms underlying theses interactions.  相似文献   

Biochemical differences between crop tissue (CT) and crop milk (CM) of pigeons were evaluated in terms of activity of certain enzymes, content of protein and nucleic acids and mitogenisity in vitro. Whereas the activities of aspartate transaminase, alanine transaminase, maltase, trehalase and cellobiase were significantly higher in CT, those of alkaline phosphatase, leucine aminopeptidase, gamma glutamyl transpeptidase, acid phosphatase and lactase were greater in CM. The CM also showed significantly higher levels of protein, DNA and RNA than CT. In contrast, the in vitro mitogenic effect of CT was greater than that of CM, and this property was enhanced during the breeding period. The biochemical composition of crop milk did not differ significantly in the first 4 days of secretion. It appears that certain factors responsible for growth stimulation accumulate in the crop tissue of pigeons during incubation.  相似文献   



A systematic review was conducted for the association between animal feeding operations (AFOs) and the health of individuals living near AFOs.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The review was restricted to studies reporting respiratory, gastrointestinal and mental health outcomes in individuals living near AFOs in North America, European Union, United Kingdom, and Scandinavia. From June to September 2008 searches were conducted in PUBMED, CAB, Web-of-Science, and Agricola with no restrictions. Hand searching of narrative reviews was also used. Two reviewers independently evaluated the role of chance, confounding, information, selection and analytic bias on the study outcome. Nine relevant studies were identified. The studies were heterogeneous with respect to outcomes and exposures assessed. Few studies reported an association between surrogate clinical outcomes and AFO proximity. A negative association was reported when odor was the measure of exposure to AFOs and self-reported disease, the measure of outcome. There was evidence of an association between self-reported disease and proximity to AFO in individuals annoyed by AFO odor.


There was inconsistent evidence of a weak association between self-reported disease in people with allergies or familial history of allergies. No consistent dose response relationship between exposure and disease was observable.  相似文献   

The cognitive and neural mechanisms for recognizing and categorizing behavior are not well understood in non-human animals. In the current experiments, pigeons and humans learned to categorize two non-repeating, complex human behaviors (“martial arts” vs. “Indian dance”). Using multiple video exemplars of a digital human model, pigeons discriminated these behaviors in a go/no-go task and humans in a choice task. Experiment 1 found that pigeons already experienced with discriminating the locomotive actions of digital animals acquired the discrimination more rapidly when action information was available than when only pose information was available. Experiments 2 and 3 found this same dynamic superiority effect with naïve pigeons and human participants. Both species used the same combination of immediately available static pose information and more slowly perceived dynamic action cues to discriminate the behavioral categories. Theories based on generalized visual mechanisms, as opposed to embodied, species-specific action networks, offer a parsimonious account of how these different animals recognize behavior across and within species.  相似文献   

Light limitation caused by dense vegetation is one of the greatest threats to plant survival in natural environments. Plants detect such neighboring vegetation as a reduction in the red to far-red ratio (R:FR) of the incoming light. The low R:FR signal, perceived by phytochromes, initiates a set of responses collectively known as the shade avoidance syndrome, intended to reduce the degree of current or future shade from neighbors by overtopping such competitors or inducing flowering to ensure seed production. At the seedling stage these responses include increased hypocotyl elongation. We have systematically analyzed the Arabidopsis seedling response and the contribution of phyA and phyB to perception of decreased R:FR, at three different levels of photosynthetically active radiation. Our results show that the shade avoidance syndrome, induced by phyB deactivation, is gradually antagonized by phyA, operating through the so-called FR-High Irradiance Response, in response to high FR levels in a range that simulates plant canopy shade. The data indicate that the R:FR signal distinguishes between the presence of proximal, but non-shading, neighbors and direct foliar shade, via a intrafamily photosensory attenuation mechanism that acts to suppress excessive reversion toward skotomorphogenic development under prolonged direct vegetation shade.  相似文献   

Exploratory behaviour plays an important role in most animals for gathering information about their environment. If it constitutes an adaptation to different environmental conditions exploratory behaviour should differ between species. This has been tested with several hypotheses.
Sixty-one parrot species (Psittacidae) from eight tribes with different diets and habitat preferences were investigated in aviaries. Two tests were carried out. First, a novel object (wooden ring) in the familiar aviary was presented on two test days in the exploration test. Latencies until first contact with the object and the duration of exploration were recorded. Secondly, in the neophobia test, novel objects were placed beside the feeding dish and latencies until first food intake were recorded.
The exploration and neophobia data were related to 12 (13) ecological variables using multiple regression analyses. Phylogenetic relationships were considered.
Species that inhabit complex habitats, such as forest edges, or that feed on buds or species from islands showed the shortest latencies in the exploration test. In contrast, long latencies were related to a diet including a great amount of seeds and/or flowers. The longest duration of exploration occurred in species eating nuts or originating from islands, whereas short durations were related to feeding on seeds. Neophobia was positively related to a diet consisting of insects, and negatively to a diet of leaves. There was no relationship between measures of exploration and neophobia. Exploration and neophobia seem to be tightly related to the ecology of a species.  相似文献   

Nesting habitat of Reed and Marsh Warblers, M. Philips Price

Post-nuptial wing-moult in the Garden Warbler, by T. W. Gladwin  相似文献   

Caribbean avifaunal biogeography has been mainly studied based on mitochondrial DNA. Here, we investigated both past and recent island differentiation and micro-evolutionary changes in the Zenaida Dove (Zenaida aurita) based on combined information from one mitochondrial (Cytochrome c Oxydase subunit I, COI) and 13 microsatellite markers and four morphological characters. This Caribbean endemic and abundant species has a large distribution, and two subspecies are supposed to occur: Z. a. zenaida in the Greater Antilles (GA) and Z. a. aurita in the Lesser Antilles (LA). Doves were sampled on two GA islands (Puerto Rico and the British Virgin Islands) and six LA islands (Saint Barthélemy, Guadeloupe, Les Saintes, Martinique, Saint Lucia and Barbados). Eleven COI haplotypes were observed that could be assembled in two distinct lineages, with six specific to GA, four to LA, the remaining one occurring in all islands. However, the level of divergence between those two lineages was too moderate to fully corroborate the existence of two subspecies. Colonisation of the studied islands appeared to be a recent process. However, both phenotypic and microsatellite data suggest that differentiation is already under way between all of them, partly associated with the existence of limited gene flow. No isolation by distance was observed. Differentiation for morphological traits was more pronounced than for neutral markers. These results suggest that despite recent colonisation, genetic drift and/or restricted gene flow are promoting differentiation for neutral markers. Variation in selective pressures between islands may explain the observed phenotypic differentiation.  相似文献   

Learning the timing of rapidly changing sensory events is crucial to construct a reliable representation of the environment and to efficiently control behavior. The neurophysiological mechanisms underlying the learning of time are unknown. We used functional and structural magnetic resonance imaging to investigate neurophysiological changes and individual brain differences underlying the learning of time in the millisecond range. We found that the representation of a trained visual temporal interval was associated with functional and structural changes in a sensory-motor network including occipital, parietal, and insular cortices, plus the cerebellum. We show that both types of neurophysiological changes correlated with changes of performance accuracy and that activity and gray-matter volume of sensorimotor cortices predicted individual learning abilities. These findings represent neurophysiological evidence of functional and structural plasticity associated with the learning of time in humans and highlight the role of sensory-motor circuits in the perceptual representation of time in the millisecond range.  相似文献   

Rule-based category learning was examined in 4–11 year-olds and adults. Participants were asked to learn a set of novel perceptual categories in a classification learning task. Categorization performance improved with age, with younger children showing the strongest rule-based deficit relative to older children and adults. Model-based analyses provided insight regarding the type of strategy being used to solve the categorization task, demonstrating that the use of the task appropriate strategy increased with age. When children and adults who identified the correct categorization rule were compared, the performance deficit was no longer evident. Executive functions were also measured. While both working memory and inhibitory control were related to rule-based categorization and improved with age, working memory specifically was found to marginally mediate the age-related improvements in categorization. When analyses focused only on the sample of children, results showed that working memory ability and inhibitory control were associated with categorization performance and strategy use. The current findings track changes in categorization performance across childhood, demonstrating at which points performance begins to mature and resemble that of adults. Additionally, findings highlight the potential role that working memory and inhibitory control may play in rule-based category learning.  相似文献   

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