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During the course of fertilization in mammals, free-swimming sperm bind tightly to receptors located in the egg extracellular coat, or zona pellucida. Recently, the hamster sperm receptor, a 56,000 Mr zona pellucida glycoprotein called hZP3, was identified and partially characterized (C. C. Moller et al., (1990). Dev. Biol. 137, 276-286). Here, we describe genomic cloning of hZP3, certain organizational features of the hZP3 gene, and primary structures of hZP3 mRNA and polypeptide. The findings are compared with reported results of comparable analyses of the mouse sperm receptor, an 83,000 Mr zona pellucida glycoprotein called mZP3. Such comparisons reveal a high degree of conservation of genomic organization and polypeptide structure for the two mammalian sperm receptors, despite the considerable difference in their Mrs. These findings are of interest in view of the extremely restricted expression of the ZP3 gene during development and the important role of ZP3 oligosaccharides in gamete adhesion.  相似文献   

Immature sperm from the caput epididymis are immotile and infertile. It is thought that caput epididymal sperm are infertile due to their immotility, as well as to an inability to bind to the zona pellucida, suggesting the absence of a functional receptor for the zona. However, the sperm receptor for the zona pellucida has been identified previously as the enzyme galactosyltransferase (GalTase) (L. C. Lopez et al. (1985) J. Cell Biol. 101, 1501-1510) and is present on the surface of caput as well as cauda epididymal sperm (N. F. Scully et al., (1987) Dev. Biol. 124, 111-124.). In this paper we examine this apparent conflict and show that immotile caput epididymal sperm are able to bind to the zona pellucida if they are first washed free of caput epididymal secretions, which contain factors that inhibit sperm-zona binding. Consistent with this finding are results that show that caput epididymal fluid is capable of inhibiting the binding of mature, cauda epididymal sperm to the zona pellucida. Caput epididymal fluid contains, among many other components, a soluble GalTase and an alpha-lactalbumin-like protein, both of which are capable of inhibiting mouse sperm-zona binding. Thus, caput epididymal sperm have the appropriate receptor, i.e., GalTase, for the zona pellucida, to which they can bind if removed from the inhibitory factors that mask their zona-binding ability.  相似文献   

During fertilization in mice, acrosome-intact sperm bind via plasma membrane overlying their head to a glycoprotein, called ZP3, present in the egg extracellular coat or zona pellucida. Bound sperm then undergo the acrosome reaction, which results in exposure of inner acrosomal membrane, penetrate through the zona pellucida, and fuse with egg plasma membrane. Thus, in the normal course of events, acrosome-reacted sperm must remain bound to eggs, despite loss of plasma membrane from the anterior region of the head and exposure of inner acrosomal membrane. Here, we examined maintenance of binding of sperm to the zona pellucida following the acrosome reaction. We found that polyclonal antisera and monoclonal antibodies directed against ZP2, another zona pellucida glycoprotein, did not affect initial binding of sperm to eggs, but inhibited maintenance of binding of sperm that had undergone the acrosome reaction on the zona pellucida. On the other hand, polyclonal antisera and monoclonal antibodies directed against ZP3 did not affect either initial binding of acrosome-intact sperm to eggs or maintenance of binding following the acrosome reaction. We also found that soybean trypsin inhibitor, a protein reported to prevent binding of mouse sperm to eggs, did not affect initial binding of sperm to eggs, but, like antibodies directed against ZP2, inhibited maintenance of binding of sperm that had undergone the acrosome reaction on the zona pellucida. These and other observations suggest that ZP2 serves as a secondary receptor for sperm during the fertilization process in mice and that maintenance of binding of acrosome-reacted sperm to eggs may involve a sperm, trypsin-like proteinase.  相似文献   

The ability of mouse zona pellucida glycoprotein ZP3 (mZP3) to function as a sperm receptor is attributable to certain of its oligosaccharides, not to its polypeptide (P. M. Wassarman, 1990. Development 108, 1-17). Here, purified, radioiodinated mZP3 was digested by either papain or V8 protease, and the glycopeptides produced were fractionated by HPLC and assayed for sperm receptor activity in vitro. Each proteolytic digest of mZP3 contained a heavily glycosylated peptide, approximately 55,000 apparent M(r), that exhibited sperm receptor activity in vitro. To determine the region of mZP3 polypeptide from which the active glycopeptides were derived, Western gel immunoblotting, employing an antiserum directed against a specific mZP3 peptide epitope, and automated amino-terminal amino acid sequencing were employed. Results of these experiments strongly suggest that the active glycopeptides produced by digestion of mZP3 with either papain or V8 protease are derived from the same region of the carboxy-terminal half of the mZP3 polypeptide. These and other findings are discussed in terms of mZP3 structure and function.  相似文献   

Past studies have suggested that mouse sperm surface galactosyltransferase may participate during fertilization by binding N- acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) residues in the zona pellucida. In this paper, we examined further the role of sperm surface galactosyltransferase in mouse fertilization. Two reagents that specifically perturb sperm surface galactosyltransferase activity both inhibit sperm-zona binding. The presence of the milk protein alpha- lactalbumin specifically modifies the substrate specificity of sperm galactosyltransferase away from GlcNAc and towards glucose and simultaneously inhibits sperm binding to the zona pellucida. Similarly, UDP-dialdehyde inhibits sperm binding to the zona pellucida and sperm surface galactosyl-transferase activity to identical degrees. Of five other sperm enzymes assayed, four are unaffected by UDP-dialdehyde, and one is affected only slightly. Covalent linkage of UDP-dialdehyde to sperm dramatically inhibits binding to eggs, while treatment of eggs with UDP-dialdehyde has no effect on sperm binding. Heat-solubilized or pronase-digested zona pellucida inhibit sperm-zona binding, and they can be glycosylated by sperm with UDP-galactose. Sperm are also able to glycosylate intact zona pellucida with UDP-galactose. Thus, solubilized and intact zona pellucida act as substrates for sperm surface GlcNAc:galactosyltransferases. Finally, pretreatment of eggs with beta- N-acetylglucosaminidase inhibits sperm binding by up to 86%, while under identical conditions, pretreatment with beta-galactosidase increases sperm binding by 55%. These studies, in conjunction with those of the preceding paper dealing with surface galactosyltransferase changes during capacitation, directly suggest that galactosyltransferase is at least one of the components necessary for sperm binding to the zona pellucida.  相似文献   

Interactions between sperm and zona pellucida (ZP) during mammalian fertilization are not well characterized at the molecular level. To identify sperm proteins that recognize ligand ZP3, we used sonicated sperm membrane fractions as competitors in a quantitative binding assay. Sonicated membranes were density fractionated into 4 fractions. Bands 1-3 contained membrane vesicles, and band 4 contained axonemal and midpiece fragments. In competitive binding assays, bands 1, 2, and 3 but not band 4 were able to compete with live, capacitated, intact sperm for soluble 125I-ZP binding. Affinity-purified ZP fractions consisting of a ZP3-enriched fraction (125I-ZP3) and a fraction enriched for ligands ZP1 and ZP2 and depleted of ZP3 (125I-ZP1/2) were obtained by antibody affinity purification of ZP3. In competitive binding assays, bands 2 and 3 competed for 125I-ZP3 binding, but band 1 did not interact with enriched 125I-ZP3. None of the membrane fractions competed for 125I-ZP1/2 binding. These results demonstrate that band 2 and band 3 contain sperm components that interact with ZP3 alone and that components in band 1 interact with ZP3 in conjunction with either ZP1 or ZP2. These data indicate that there must be at least 2 unique sperm plasma membrane components that mediate intact sperm interactions with ZP glycoproteins in mouse. Bands 2 and 3 are likely to contain a primary ZP-binding protein because they interacted directly with ZP3, whereas band 1 may contain sperm proteins involved in later interactions with the ZP, perhaps transitional interactions to maintain sperm contact with the ZP during acrosomal exocytosis.  相似文献   

Despite decades of research, the mechanism by which the fertilizing spermatozoon penetrates the mammalian vitelline membrane, the zona pellucida (ZP) remains one of the unexplained fundamental events of human/mammalian development. Evidence has been accumulating in support of the 26S proteasome as a candidate for echinoderm, ascidian and mammalian egg coat lysin. Monitoring ZP protein degradation by sperm during fertilization is nearly impossible because those few spermatozoa that penetrate the ZP leave behind a virtually untraceable residue of degraded proteins. We have overcome this hurdle by designing an experimentally consistent in vitro system in which live boar spermatozoa are co-incubated with ZP-proteins (ZPP) solubilized from porcine oocytes. Using this assay, mimicking sperm-egg interactions, we demonstrate that the sperm-borne proteasomes can degrade the sperm receptor protein ZPC. Upon coincubation with motile spermatozoa, the solubilized ZPP, which appear to be ubiquitinated, adhered to sperm acrosomal caps and induced acrosomal exocytosis/formation of the acrosomal shroud. The degradation of the sperm receptor protein ZPC was assessed by Western blotting band-densitometry and proteomics. A nearly identical pattern of sperm receptor degradation, evident already within the first 5 min of coincubation, was observed when the spermatozoa were replaced with the isolated, enzymatically active, sperm-derived proteasomes. ZPC degradation was blocked by proteasomal inhibitors and accelerated by ubiquitin-aldehyde(UBAL), a modified ubiquitin protein that stimulates proteasomal proteolysis. Such a degradation pattern of ZPC is consistent with in vitro fertilization studies, in which proteasomal inhibitors completely blocked fertilization, and UBAL increased fertilization and polyspermy rates. Preincubation of intact zona-enclosed ova with isolated active sperm proteasomes caused digestion, abrasions and loosening of the exposed zonae, and significantly reduced the fertilization/polyspermy rates after IVF, accompanied by en-mass detachment of zona bound sperm. Thus, the sperm borne 26S proteasome is a candidate zona lysin in mammals. This new paradigm has implications for contraception and assisted reproductive technologies in humans, as well as animals.  相似文献   

Sperm acrosomal exocytosis is essential for successful fertilization, and the zona pellucida (ZP) has been classically considered as the primary initiator in vivo. At present, following what is referred to as primary binding of the sperm to the ZP, the acrosome reaction paradigm posits that the outer acrosomal membrane and plasma membrane fuse at random points, releasing the contents of the acrosome. It is then assumed that the inner acrosomal membrane mediates secondary binding of the sperm to the ZP. In the present work we used a live fluorescence imaging system and mouse sperm containing enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) in their acrosomes. We compared the processes of acrosomal exocytosis stimulated by the calcium ionophore ionomycin or by solubilized ZP. As monitored by the loss of EGFP from the sperm, acrosomal exocytosis driven by these two agents occurred differently. When ionomycin was used, exocytosis started randomly (no preference for the anterior, middle or posterior acrosomal regions). In contrast, following treatment with solubilized ZP, the loss of acrosomal components always started at the posterior zone of the acrosome and progressed in an anterograde direction. The exocytosis was slower when stimulated with ZP and on the order of 10 sec, which is in accordance with other reports. These results demonstrate that ZP stimulates acrosomal exocytosis in an orderly manner and suggest that a receptor‐mediated event controls this process of membrane fusion and release of acrosomal components. These findings are incorporated into a model. J. Cell. Physiol. 220: 611–620, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Sperm receptors are located in the mammalian egg extracellular coat, or zona pellucida. Mouse and hamster sperm receptor glycoproteins, mZP3 (83 x 10(3) M(r)) and hZP3 (56 x 10(3) M(r)), respectively, have very similar polypeptides (44 x 10(3) M(r); 81% identical) that are glycosylated to different extents. Purified mZP3 and hZP3 can bind to mouse sperm, prevent them from binding to eggs and induce them to undergo exocytosis, the acrosome reaction, in vitro. A DNA construct that placed the hZP3 gene under the control of mZP3 gene 5'-flanking sequence was used in this report to produce two mouse lines that harbored the foreign sperm receptor transgene. In both lines, the transgene was expressed only by growing oocytes, at a level comparable to that of the endogenous mZP3 gene, and the developmental pattern of transgene expression resembled that of the mZP3 gene. In addition to mZP3, transgenic mouse oocytes synthesized and secreted a glycoprotein indistinguishable from hZP3, and incorporated both glycoproteins into a mosaic zona pellucida. Importantly, hZP3 purified from such zonae pellucidae exhibited both sperm receptor and acrosome reaction-inducing activities in vitro and, following fertilization of transgenic mouse eggs, was inactivated. These results demonstrate that a biologically active foreign sperm receptor can be synthesized and secreted by transgenic mouse oocytes, assembled into a mosaic zona pellucida, and inactivated following fertilization as part of the secondary block to polyspermy.  相似文献   

Mammalian sperm possess a guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory protein (G protein), with properties similar to Gi, that appears to be involved in the signal transduction pathway required for zona pellucida (ZP)-mediated acrosomal exocytosis. Mouse sperm treated with pertussis toxin (PT), a toxin that functionally inactivates Gi proteins, bind to the ZP of mouse eggs but are inhibited from undergoing acrosomal exocytosis. We have measured high-affinity GTPase activity and GTPγ[35S] binding in mouse sperm homogenates incubated in the absence and presence of ZP glycoproteins isolated from either ovulated eggs or from ovarian homogenates to determine whether this extracellular matrix can activate the sperm-associated Gi protein. An increase in GTP hydrolysis (~50% over basal activity) and GTPγ[35S] binding (~25–60% over basal activity) is observed when sperm homogenates are incubated in the presence of solubilized ZP glycoproteins, and the increase in GTPase activity is dependent on the concentration of ZP added to the homogenates. Accompanying this increase is a reduction in the ability of PT to catalyze in vitro [32P]ADP-ribosylation of a Mr = 41,000 sperm Gi protein, suggesting that the increase in GTPase activity and GTPγ[35S] binding is associated with the activation of a PT-sensitive sperm G protein(s). The ability of the ZP to stimulate high-affinity GTPase activity in these homogenates appears to be dependent on the capacitation state of the sperm from which the homogenates are prepared. These data suggest that a component(s) of the ZP may function in a manner similar to that of other ligands by binding to a sperm surface-associated receptor and subsequently activating a G protein coupled to an intracellular signal transduction cascade(s) required for induction of acrosomal exocytosis.  相似文献   

Biologically active phorbol esters or a diacylglycerol induce mouse eggs to modify the zona pellucida such that sperm receptor activity is retained but the ability of bound sperm to undergo a complete acrosome reaction is lost (Y. Endo, R.M. Schultz, and G.S. Kopf. 1987. Dev. Biol. 119, 199-209). We now show that purified ZP3 from 12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol-13-acetate (TPA)-treated eggs possesses full sperm receptor activity but has lost its ability to induce a complete acrosome reaction. The modification of the acrosome reaction-inducing activity of ZP3 from these TPA-treated eggs differs from ZP3 isolated from two-cell embryos, which cannot initiate the acrosome reaction. These results demonstrate the dissociation of the two biological activities of ZP3 and may provide a system to assess the components of ZP3 involved in the acrosome reaction.  相似文献   

There are at least two binding sites for the mouse egg zona pellucida on the surface of mouse sperm: a site with galactosyltransferase (GT) activity inhibitable by uridine-5'-diphosphate-dialdehyde (UDPd) and alpha-lactalbumin, and a trypsin inhibitor-sensitive (TI) site that hydrolyzes guanidinobenzoate (GB) esters. Characterization of GT activity gave the Km for UDP galactose as 37 microM with N-acetylglucosamine as galactose acceptor, and Vmax as 0.37 pmol/min/10(6) sperm. UDP galactose from 12.5-100 microM inhibited sperm binding to zona-intact eggs in a concentration-dependent manner with close correlation to GT activity (r = 0.95). To assess the independence and spatial relationship of the two types of site, cross-perturbation studies were performed. p-Nitrophenyl-GB, a low molecular mass inhibitor specific for the TI site, had no effect on the enzyme activity of the GT site. Conversely, UDPd, a specific inhibitor of GT, had no effect on GB hydrolysis. Weak inhibitions were found when soybean trypsin inhibitor (SBTI) was included with the GT assay and when GB hydrolysis was assayed in the presence of alpha-lactalbumin or asialo-agalacto-(alpha 1-acid glycoprotein). Acid-solubilized zona protein (ASZP) weakly inhibited the GT reaction, while stronger inhibition was seen with chymotrypsin-solubilized zona protein (CSZP). ASZP inhibited sperm binding to zonae with the same concentration dependence associated with inhibition of GB hydrolysis, but the inhibition of GT enzyme activity was on the same order as that found with SBTI, indicating that ASZP was only binding to the TI site under enzyme assay conditions. The results support the hypothesis that the two types of site are independent in binding their specific zona ligands, but are close enough for steric perturbation of the enzyme activity of one site by macromolecules bound to the other. The different interactions of solubilized zona preparations with the GT site under enzyme assay conditions are an indication that conditions which favor the enzyme activity of the site may interfere with the physiological binding functions of the site.  相似文献   

The mammalian sperm acrosome reaction (AR) is essential to fertilization and is believed to be initiated in vivo by ZP3, a glycoprotein component of the egg zona pellucida (ZP). Recently, we reported the results of antagonist studies suggesting that a nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) containing an alpha7 subunit (alpha7nAChR) plays a role in the human sperm AR initiated by recombinant human ZP3 or by acetylcholine (ACh). Here, we show that ACh can initiate the mouse sperm AR and that antagonists of the nAChR inhibit the AR initiated by ACh or by ZP obtained from ovarian oocytes (isolated heat-solubilized mouse ZP). Preincubation with three antagonists of the nAChR, alpha-bungarotoxin (100 nM), alpha-conotoxin IMI (100 nM), and methyllycaconitine (100 nM), significantly blocked AR initiation by ACh or by isolated heat-solubilized mouse ZP (P 相似文献   

Capacitated mouse sperm undergo the spontaneous acrosome reaction in suspension and the zona-induced acrosome reaction when bound to isolated, intact zonae pellucidae. The zona-induced acrosome reaction in the mouse resembles, in part, ligand-receptor-mediated exocytotic processes that occur in some somatic cells. Since such processes have been shown to be mediated in part by protein kinase C-catalyzed protein phosphorylation, the effects of phorbol esters, which are potent activators of this kinase, on both the spontaneous and the zona-induced acrosome reaction were examined. At concentrations up to 10 microM, 12-tetradecanoyl phorbol-13-acetate (TPA) had no effect on the time course of the spontaneous acrosome reaction as scored by the chlortetracycline (CTC) fluorescence assay. Capacitated, acrosome-intact sperm display Pattern B in the CTC assay with fluorescence on the anterior head; fully acrosome-reacted sperm display Pattern AR with no fluorescence on the head. The time course of the loss of Pattern B in the zona-induced acrosome reaction was markedly accelerated by 65 nM TPA as compared to controls, whereas the appearance of Pattern AR was retarded. The appearance of Pattern S, which is characterized by punctate fluorescence on the head and which marks an intermediate state between Pattern B and Pattern AR in the controls, was accelerated by 65 nM TPA to the same extent as the loss of Pattern B at early times post-binding to zonae. The disappearance of Pattern S at later times post-binding to zonae was retarded by 65 nM TPA to the same extent as the appearance of Pattern AR. The transitions between the fluorescence patterns, designated the B-to-S and the S-to-AR transitions, therefore define two stages of the zona-induced acrosome reaction, which are affected in opposite directions by TPA. The effects of 65 nM TPA are mimicked by 60 nM 4-beta-phorbol-12,13-didecanoate (4-beta-PDD) while the 4-alpha isomer is without effect. Such stereospecificity is similar to that reported for the activation of protein kinase C. The diacylglycerol, 1-oleyl-2-acetylglycerol, which is also known to activate protein kinase C, mimicked the effects of TPA and 4-beta-PDD on the time courses of the B-to-S and S-to-AR transitions. These results suggest that protein kinase C may play an intermediary role in the zona-induced mouse sperm acrosome reaction.  相似文献   

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