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Ohne ZusammenfassungFrau Prof. Dr.E. Schiemann zum 80. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

During recent years finds from several prehistoric and medieval periods have thrown new light on the history of the spread of rye. It is now proven that wild rye is indigenous to Anatolia and was already domesticated there by the early Neolithic at the beginning of agriculture. Secale migrated to Central Europe as a weed among other cereals, and single grains of weed rye have been recorded there since the early Neolithic. The number of finds increased during the Bronze Age and Iron Age, and the status of rye changed from weed to crop plant, probably in the course of the early Iron Age. This acculturation of Secale cereale in central and eastern Europe was obviously independent of the earlier one in Anatolia. The first stages towards deliberate cultivation happened unintentionally through harvesting close to the ground, so that the rye was permanently represented in the seed corn. From this point rye was able to take advantage of its competitive strength on poor soils and in areas with unfavourable climate. The start of rye as a crop in its own right during the pre-Roman Iron Age and Roman period presumably took place independently in different areas. The expansion of intensive rye cultivation occurred in the Middle Ages. However, new finds from north-west Germany, which are presented here, show that in this area rye has been cultivated as a main crop on poor soils since the Roman period. In two maps all rye finds up to 1000 A.D. are shown, which after critical consideration can be regarded as cultivated rye.  相似文献   

From the secretly prepared chocolate-flavoring condiment oi the Aztec emperor, Montezuma, to the ice cream-flavoring ingredient oi today, vanilla has tor tour centuries been an important item in the spice trade of the world. Originally Mexican, about 90% oi the world’s 1,000 annual metric tons oi vanilla “beans” come from Mada’gascar, nearly 50% oi which are consumed in the United States.  相似文献   

羊肚菌的多样性、演化历史及栽培研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
杜习慧  赵琪  杨祝良 《菌物学报》2014,33(2):183-197
羊肚菌属Morchella真菌是一类珍稀食用和药用真菌,具有重要的经济和科研价值。从羊肚菌属的分类研究、物种多样性、物种分布与生态多样性、演化历史、人工栽培等方面,对新近的研究成果进行了综述,总结了世界羊肚菌研究中取得的主要成绩,指出了仍然存在的主要问题及解决这些问题的相应思路和对策。  相似文献   

O. Schou 《Protoplasma》1984,121(1-2):99-113
Summary The stigmatic papillae of the distylous speciesPrimula obconica are studied by means of cytochemical, light and electron microscopic techniques. The papillae on thrum stigmas are smaller than those on pin stigmas. At the bud stage, secretory vesicles are not a conspicious part of the cytoplasm, although certain signs of secretory activity are present. The young papillae bear the thin, superficial pellicle typical to dry stigmas. Small vesicles are numerous in mature papillae of both morphs, and seem to originate from the ER. A layer of closely packed, osmiophilic globuli is present in the outermost part of mature walls of pin papillae. At sites with cuticle disruption, the globuli seem to migrate outwards to be incorporated with the copious, blistery exudate. Due to this exudate the pin stigma is characterized as wet. Cytochemical tests suggest that the exudate contains mainly lipids, and different carbohydrates and protein are detected. It reacts positively in tests for peroxidase, acid phosphatase, and non-specific esterases. The thrum stigma remains dry at maturity, with a distinct pellicle also reacting positively to the enzyme tests. Only a few, scattered osmiophilic globuli, sized and situated as those in the pin papillae walls, are found in the thrum walls, and they do not form a proper layer.Thus the generally accepted correlation between dry stigmas and the sporophytic kind of self-incompatibility system is not substantiated withinP. obconica, and the possible influence of the dimorphisms to the pollen/stigma interaction is discussed.  相似文献   

The age of the introduction of cereal cultivation in northern Europe has long been debated by researchers from many disciplines, in particular archaeology and palaeoecology. Over the past 40 years extensive palynological data have been collected concerning pre-industrial land use in northern Fennoscandia. This paper reviews palynological studies that include records of fossil cereal pollen from northernmost Sweden, Finland and Norway at latitudes north of 63°N. The geographical extent of known early cultivation sites is constantly expanding, with more than 100 records of cereal pollen pre-dating ad 1700. The oldest records of scattered cereal pollen derive from Neolithic times. Periods of continuous cultivation, indicated by cereal pollen recorded recurrently in the sediment profiles, derive from the Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age. Collectively, the reviewed pollen records indicate that cereal cultivation was first introduced into areas close to the coast and later to the interior, and that it may have been practiced locally long before sedentary settlements based on intensive cultivation were established during medieval times. The data do not indicate a latitudinal spread of cultivation from south to north. However, methodological problems relating to pollen morphology of cereals, site characteristics and lack of connections to archaeologically excavated sites imply that the value of many early cereal pollen finds remains unclear. To increase our understanding of the context in which cereal cultivation was introduced in northernmost Fennoscandia, multidisciplinary studies integrating palaeoecology, archaeology and history are needed.  相似文献   

Barley yield under saline water cultivation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
B. Pal  C. Singh  H. Singh 《Plant and Soil》1984,81(2):221-228
Summary In a microplot experiment conducted during the winter seasons of 1979–80 and 1980–81 on a sandy loam soil in the semi-desert tract, the accumulation of salts was found to be highest in March after harvest of the barley crop grown with saline water of EC values ranging from 2.2 to 24 mmhos/cm. The average EC of saturation extract of the surface soil layer (0–15 cm) was 0.79 times that of the applied irrigation water at the time of crop harvest, however, accumulated salts of the winter season were leached by the following monsoon rains. The average SAR of saturation extract of soil was 1.5 times that of the irrigation water in March but quite low in November. Highly significant correlations, (+0.90 to 0.99) at the post irrigated period between ECse of soils and EC of waters and SARse of soils and SAR of waters have been observed. Barley could be grown economically with irrigation water upto EC 16 mmhos/cm; however an average reduction in grain yield or not more than 43.5% compared to the yield under irrigation with tube well water of EC 2.2 mmhos/cm, was obtained. The starch, N and P contents decreased and that of K and Na increased in the grain with the use of saline waters. The performance of DL-85 variety was best and its K/Na ratio was also higher than that of other tested varieties.  相似文献   

机械作业下土壤理化性质和生态因子的变化   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
夏萍  任丽 《应用生态学报》2002,13(3):319-322
通过 3年对黄淮海农业机械化推广的研究 ,探讨了机械综合作业对旱作农业的影响 .结果表明 ,机械化秸秆还田、化肥深施、土壤深松和免耕覆盖等综合技术的合理配套实施 ,可以改善土壤理化性状 ,具有明显的生物学效应 .与传统作业相比 ,机械综合作业使土壤容重减少 0 .0 8g·cm-3 ,有机质含量增加12 % ,水分利用率提高 10 .1%~ 13.6 % ,小麦玉米产量增加 12 18kg·hm-2 .  相似文献   

A two-phase metabolism ofCandida utilis occurred during batch cultivation in a molasses mash. It was characterized by intensive accumulation of biomass without a lag, utilization of glucose, formation of acetate and ethanol and their conversion to ethyl acetate during the first phase. In the second phase the accumulation of biomass continued and was accompanied by simultaneous utilization of ethyl acetate or amino acids, contained in molasses or produced by the culture during the first phase. A content of betaine, ash, non-assimilable nitrogen and reducing compounds as well as osmotic pressure increased with increasing density in separated mashes. The culture adapted to this medium during a two-stage continuous cultivation divided according to the two-phase nature of the metabolism. In the course of the adaptation the culture developed the ability to utilize succinate, glutamate, citrate and other originally non-assimilable compounds. A specific growth rate and productivity of the system increased proportionally with the increased concentration of assimilable substrates during a transition from one steady state to another. The adaptation in batch culture was not successful.  相似文献   

Tzan-Chain Lee  Ban-Dar Hsu 《Protoplasma》2014,251(5):1201-1211
To find out how microalgae cope with heat stress, the small vegetative cells of a synchronous Scenedesmus vacuolatus culture were subjected to heat treatment and then cultured under continuous illumination. The heat-treated cells were found first to enter a degenerative intermediate stage with low cellular activities almost right after the start of the cultivation, which was then followed by a revival. The changes in physiological activities and morphology of the treated cells throughout the whole period of regeneration were explored. The variations in cellular DNA content and protein composition were also investigated. Stressed cells at the end of the degeneration stage were completely bleached and were also characterized by condensed but undegraded chromatin, partially disintegrated chloroplasts but with the thylakoid membrane system retained, partially operating mitochondria, intact plasma membranes, and a dramatically changed profile of cellular proteins. All of our data indicate they were still alive but in a different physiological state than the control cells. Recovery started with regeneration of mitochondrial cristae and redispersion of chromatins. These were followed by regreening and resuscitation of chloroplasts, which often started from one part of a thylakoid membrane system and then spread out. This study provided a unicellular model for studying how plant cells react to a period of stress and recover.  相似文献   

Anacystis nidulans was grown photoautotrophically in a chemostat in the presence of light, air and CO2 as the sole carbon source. Either the amount of the nitrogen source in the medium or light intensity were used as growth-limiting parameters. 1. Cells of high glycogen content obtained by pre-incubation under nitrogen starvation conditions maintained their glycogen content during continuous cultivation. Both growth rate and the amount of cell-mass and of glycogen depended on the nitrate content of the medium and the light intensity. The values for the growth rate, the maximal rates of glycogen synthesis and of cell mass formation were 0.1 h-1, 6 mg/l.h and 17 mg/l.h, respectively. 2. Cells without glycogen which had been transferred from an exponentially growing batch culture to chemostat conditions showed increasing rates of growth and of cell mass formation when the light intensity was increased. A determination of specific values resulted in 0.15 h-1 for growth rate and 23 mg/1.h for cell mass formation. 3. The chemostat apparatus is described in detail.  相似文献   

本文介绍厦门园林植物园收集保存的近30个三角梅品种的生物学特性、栽培管理和繁殖技术。  相似文献   

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