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The relationship betweenIr genes and Ia antigens was studied in the T-cell proliferative responses to two synthetic polypeptides poly(glu40ala60) (GA) and poly(glu51lys34tyr15) (GLT15). The response to GA was found to be controlled by anIr gene in theI-A subregion, whereas the anti-GLT15 response was shown to be under dual control, oneIr gene mapping probably in theI-A subregion, and the other in theI-E subregion. We obtained two different lines of evidence suggesting identity ofIr and Ia genes. First, the presence of certain serologically identified allelic forms of the I-A-encoded A molecule correlated with the responder status to GA both in inbred strains and in B10.W lines, the latter carrying wild-derivedH-2 haplotypes. Thus the Ir and Ia phenotypes were not separable in strains of independent origin. Second, the anti-GA response was completely inhibited by monoclonal antibodies against determinants on the A molecule (Ia.8, 15, and 19), but not by a monoclonal antibody against a determinant on the E molecule (Ia.7). In contrast, the anti-GLT15 response was only inhibited by a monoclonal antibody against the E molecule, but not by antibodies against the A molecule. Our data support the hypothesis that Ia antigens, as restriction elements for T-cell recognition, may in fact be the phenotypic manifestation ofIr genes.  相似文献   

The immune response patterns of inbred and congenic strains of mice against terpolymers poly(glu57lys38ala5) and poly(glu54lys36ala10) have been studied. Initial recognition of the polymers is ascribed to ‘GA’ receptors (Ir-GA gene product) on T cells of mice ofH-2 haplotypes,a,b,f,k ands, and ‘GL’ receptors (Ir-GL gene product) of mice ofH-2 p,H-2 q andH-2 j haplotypes, and to GA and/or GL receptors of mice ofH- 2d andH- 2r haplotypes. The specificity of the antibody is directed predominantly against GL. The inability to elicit antibody with GA specificity has been ascribed to the lack of significant concentrations of GA sequences in the polymers to interact with appropriate receptors on B cells. The weakest responders were mice of H-2b haplotype. F1 hybrids (responders×nonresponders) were all responders demonstrating the dominant character of responsiveness. Wide variations in antibody levels produced among strains of mice of theH-2 k andH-2 b haplotypes are ascribed to genes not linked toH-2.  相似文献   

We examined the antigen recognition of the class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) of 45 poly(glu60 ala30 tyr10) (GAT)-reactive T-cell clones isolated by limiting dilution cloning of a pool of in vivo-primed and in vitro-restimulated A.TL lymph-node T cells. Each clone expressed the Thy-1.2+, Lyt-1+, Lyt-2-, LFA-1+, Ia-, and H-2Dd+ cell-surface phenotype and exhibited strict specificity for GAT on syngeneic antigen-presenting cells (APCs). The monitoring of the proliferative responses of these clones in the presence or absence of GAT, using APCs from strains with 11 independent H-2 haplotypes, revealed several distinct specificity patterns: (i) most (31 of 45, 73%) T-cell clones recognized GAT in a self-I-Ak-restricted manner; (ii) other alloreactive clones (5 of 45, 11%) were stimulated to proliferate, irrespective of the presence of GAT, in response to allodeterminants expressed on H-2s, H-2d, H-2f or H-2u spleen cells; (iii) a third T-cell clone subset (4 of 45, 9%) was activated by GAT in the context of not only self-I-Ak but also nonself restriction Ia determinants; and (iv) three clones (7%) exhibited a triple specificity, i.e., they recognized GAT in the context of self and nonself Ia determinants and were alloreactive. One of the latter clones responded to GAT in an apparently non-MHC-restricted manner and recognized an I-Ab allodeterminant. These data provide direct evidence that the antigen-specific and alloreactive T-cell repertoires overlap and that the self-MHC restriction of GAT-specific T-cell responses is not absolute in A.TL mice.  相似文献   

The immune responses of inbred mice to the terpolymers poly(glu48-Iys32 ala20) GLA20, poly(glu36lys24ala40) GLA40, and poly(glu24lys16ala60) GLA60 were studied. Antibody levels were measured with the homologous, as well as with the crossreacting polymers (glu60ala40) GA and (glu60lys40) GL. It was determined that the terpolymers consist of many determinants of varying immunogenic strengths which account for the dose dependency requirements for responsiveness as follows: mice ofH-2 haplotypesa, b, d, k, ands respond to ten and 100g GLA20 and GLA40 and to one, ten, and 100 g GLA60; mice ofH-2 haplotypesp, q, andr do not respond well to any concentration of GLA20 but respond well to 100 g GLA40 and teng GLA60. That the congenic mice C3H.NB (H-2 p) and B10.R111 (H-2 r), having responder backgrounds of C3H (H-2 k) and C57BL/10 (H-2 b) mice, respectively, do not respond would suggest strongly that there is linkage of responsiveness toH-2 in the above strains. In addition, the responsiveness of AQR mice to GLA60 would map theIr gene(s) to the right of theK region, and most likely in theI region. The antibody against GLA20 was directed against GL. Responses of miceof H-2 haplotypesp, q, andr against GLA40 and GLA60 were directed predominantly against unique GLA determinants that were neither GA nor GL. Mice of the other respondingH-2 haplotypes (a, b, d, k, ands) produced antibody against these unique GLA specificities, as well as against GL and/or GA determinants. The importance of measuring responses with the homologous polymer is therefore demonstrated. It was postulated that the recognition of GLA20 at the T-cell level is via GLA determinants having a limited amount of alanine, which are different from those helical GLA determinants recognized in the polymers GLA40 and GLA60.  相似文献   

A single DBA/2 mouse, immunized with L-glutamic acid60-L-alanine40 (GA), was used to produce hybridoma cell lines. Seven hybridoma anti-GA antibodies were obtained for idiotypic analyses. Two hybridoma anti-L-glutamic acid60-L-alanine30-L-tyrosine10 (GAT) antibodies, preferentially reactive to GA, were studied in parallel. Anti-idiotypic antisera to purified anti-GAT and anti-GA serum antibodies and to hybridoma anti-GA antibodies were analyzed by idiotype binding and inhibition of idiotype binding assays. Five of the nine hybridoma antibodies exhibited common GA-1 idiotypic specificities previously demonstrated on the majority of anti-GA antibodies of inbred mouse strains of differing immunoglobulin heavy chain linkage groups; these hybridoma antibodies also possessed private idiotypic determinants. Two GA-1 negative hybridoma anti-GA antibodies appeared identical by immunochemical criteria, arguing that somatic hybridization does not artifactually generate private idiotypic determinants. The results demonstrate that the common GA-1 idiotype system is associated with a family of nonidentical but idiotypically related antibody molecules present in a single DBA/2 mouse, and these antibodies are part of the "GA-1 idiotypic family".  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (mAb's) recognizing the CD3 T-cell differentiation antigen induced the generation of suppressor cells. These cells inhibited (1) proliferative responses of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) to PHA and allogeneic cells in mixed leukocyte culture; (2) proliferative responses of purified E-rosette-negative cells to Staphylococcus aureus Cowans I; and (3) de novo immunoglobulin synthesis and secretion in the pokeweed mitogen (PWM)-induced differentiation system. Monoclonal antibodies recognizing other T-cell differentiation antigens (anti-Leu 2a, anti-Leu 3a, and anti-Leu 5) did not induce the generation of suppressor cells, even at very high antibody concentrations. Statistically significant differences were not observed in the ability of the OKT3 and anti-Leu 4 mAb's to induce suppressor cells. Monocytes were not required for the generation of anti-CD3-induced suppressor cells. F(ab')2 fragments of the OKT3 mAb's were equally effective when compared with intact antibody molecules in inducing suppressor cells, although they did not induce proliferative responses. Proliferation was not required for the induction of suppressor cells. Irradiation (2500 rad) of PBMC before incubation with the anti-CD3 mAb did not affect the generation of suppressor cells. Furthermore, anti-CD3-induced suppressor cells were radioresistant. Addition of recombinant IL-2 to the cultures of responding cells and suppressor cells did not reverse the suppression. In vitro treatment of anti-CD3-induced suppressor cells with either the OKT4 mAb plus complement or the OKT8 mAb plus complement partially decreased the suppression of proliferative responses of PBMC to PHA or allogeneic cells in mixed lymphocytes culture. However, treatment with both OKT4 and OKT8 mAb's plus complement or the OKT11 mAb plus complement completely abolished the suppression. These results suggest that the suppressor cells are of the T11+T4+T8- and T11+T4-T8+ phenotypes. In other experiments, T4+T8- and T8+T4- cells were isolated from PBMC treated for 48 hr with anti-CD3 mAbs. Both these two populations significantly inhibited proliferative responses of autologous PBMC to PHA and de novo immunoglobulin synthesis and secretion by mixtures of purified T4 and B cells from normal donors, in the PWM-induced differentiation system. These results demonstrate that anti-CD3-induced suppressor cells are of the T4 or T8 phenotype. Treatment of purified T4+T8- and T8+T4- cells with anti-CD3 mAb's resulted in the generation of suppressor cells, suggesting that the precursors of the anti-CD3-induced suppressor cells can belong to either of these two populations.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Following interaction of the random polymer (Glu60,Phe40)n (GPhe) with antigen-presenting accessory cells (APC), unusual costimulatory activities were noted in several murine T cell systems. When GPhe, in contrast with other random copolymers (GT,GL), was added during "inhibition" and T cell "repertoire" studies as a (negative) control to GLA-reactive nonclonal T cell lines of haplotypes H-2d (DCL-2) or H-2bm12, augmentation of T cell proliferation ([3H]thymidine incorporation ([3HT]) to homologous antigen was observed. Augmentation by GPhe was also observed in the response of a GLPhe-reactive (H-2s X H-2d)F1 T cell line and the allogeneic response of the clonal T cell line D10.G4.1. This augmentation was critically dependent on the concentration of adherent accessory cells. Although the mechanism of action of GPhe remains, as yet, undefined, the GPhe-mediated enhancement of DCL-2 (a TH2, H-2d anti-GLA, T cell line) proliferation was not dependent upon the production of either IL-1 or IL-6 by accessory cells. In addition, enhanced DCL-2 proliferation was not accompanied by a significant increase in detectable IL-4 release.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that the IgM anti-hapten plaque-forming cell (PFC) response to trinitrophenyl (TNP)-conjugated l-glutamic acid60-l-alanine30-l-tyrosine10 (GAT) is not under conventional Ir gene control in an in vitro microculture system. To explore this phenomenon, we examined both the anti-hapten and anti-carrier antibody responses to TNP-GAT in the microculture supernatants using a solid-phase radioimmunoassay (RIA). We show that splenocytes from GAT-responder BALB/c mice produce anti-hapten and anti-carrier antibody responses to TNP-GAT in microcultures, while splenocytes from GAT-nonresponder DBA/ 1 mice produce anti-hapten but not anti-carrier responses to TNP-GAT in these culture conditions. We further demonstrate that supernatants from rat splenocyte cultures stimulated by concanavalin A (Con A) similarly drive unprimed, T-lymphocyte-depleted splenocytes to produce anti-hapten but not anti-carrier antibody responses to TNP-GAT in microcultures. This observation suggests that T-cell-B-cell contact may not be required for the generation of anti-hapten responses by splenocytes to TNP-GAT in microcultures and may explain the absence of conventional Ir gene control of such responses in these cultures.  相似文献   

The carbohydrate determinants of keratan sulphate recognized by three monoclonal antibodies (5-D-4, 1-B-4 and MZ15) have been investigated by solid-phase radioimmunoassay using bovine corneal keratan sulphate as the immobilized reference antigen. The antibodies appeared highly specific for sulphated poly(N-acetyllactosamine) sequences, for their binding was strongly inhibited by preparations of keratan sulphate, but not by glycoproteins with non-sulphated poly(N-acetyllactosamine) sequences of I and i antigen types, a desulphated keratan sulphate hexasaccharide, an array of neutral and sulphated mono- and disaccharides and other glycosaminoglycans. Inhibition of binding assays using a series of structurally characterized sulphated di, tetra-, hexa-, octa- and decasaccharides, and partially characterized larger oligosaccharides, isolated from bovine corneal keratan sulphate after digestion with endo-beta-galactosidase (see preceding two papers in this journal) showed that the smallest oligosaccharide reactive with all three antibodies was the linear pentasulphated hexasaccharide, E-II although antibody 1-B-4 reacted with a tetrasulphated analogue. The heptasulphated octasaccharide, G-III, was more active; among the structurally characterized keratan sulphate oligosaccharides the nonasulphated decasaccharide, I-IV, was the most active. Thus, the hepta- and octasaccharide sequences, indicated by brackets below are proposed as candidate antigenic structures recognized by the three monoclonal antibodies. (Formula: see text). Antibody 5-D-4 differs from the other two antibodies in reacting relatively strongly with a minor oligosaccharide which chromatographs as a hexasulphated octasaccharide, G-I, and most strongly with a minor sulphated, linear dodecasaccharide, J-II, which has been partially characterized [Tang, P.W., Scudder, P., Mehmet, H., Hounsell, E. F. & Feizi, T., unpublished results] and may contain N-sulphated glucosamine residues.  相似文献   

In rats responsiveness to branched synthetic polypeptides carrying a Pro--L backbone, such as (T,G)-Pro--L or (Phe,G)-Pro-L and to Pro--L itself is controlled by Ir genes which are linked to the major histocompatibility genes. The level of antibody production to these polypeptides does not fall into strict high or low responder categories but covers the range in between. (T,G)-pro--L and Pro--L elicit a very similar response pattern which, however, differs from that obtained with (Phe,G)-Pro--L. Anti-(T,G),Pro--L antibodies do not cross-react with (T,G)-A--L, but do so extensively with Pro--L. Anti-(Phe,G)-Pro--L antibodies show cross-reactivity to (Phe,G)-A--L only when the antibody-producing strain is a high responder to (Phe,G)-A--L. These results when considered in view of data obtained in mice on genetic control of the immune response to (T,G)-Pro--L suggest that at least two unlinked Ir genes are involved in controlling anti-Pro--L responsiveness.  相似文献   

To explore the role of the T3, T4, and LFA-1 molecules in high and low "avidity" interactions between SB2-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) clones and their targets, monoclonal antibody-mediated inhibition of cytotoxicity has been studied in experiments that vary the "avidity" of interaction in three different ways. 1) Previous results have been extended with respect to different CTL clones assayed on the same SB2-positive target cells. Differences between clones in susceptibility to anti-T3 inhibition paralleled variations in anti-T4 inhibition, and both correlated inversely with the "avidity" of the effector-target interaction (inferred previously from studies of conjugate dissociation). 2) A high "avidity" clone, 8.4, was identified that lysed not only SB2-positive cells but also cross-reacted on a few SB2-negative cells. Cold target inhibition studies confirmed the cross-reaction, and together with conjugate dissociation studies, indicated that cross-reaction to be of lower "avidity" than the specific recognition of SB2. Cross-reactive lysis was much more susceptible to inhibition by anti-T3 and anti-T4 than was specific lysis. 3) Anti-T3 and anti-T4 blocking was analyzed in the presence of anti-Ia antibody to reduce the amount of Ia antigen available on the target. Anti-T3 and anti-T4 antibody blocking was more efficient after the addition of anti-Ia antibody concentrations that (by themselves) produced minimal inhibition of lysis. As a control, anti-LFA-1 antibody blocking was analyzed in each of these three experimental systems that compare interactions of different "avidity"; minimal variation was observed in the efficiency of inhibition by anti-LFA-1. Thus, anti-T3 and anti-T4 inhibition correlates inversely with the "avidity" of that CTL-target interaction, but anti-LFA-1 inhibition does not.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the single poly(A) binding protein, Pab1, is the major ribonucleoprotein associated with the poly(A) tails of mRNAs in both the nucleus and the cytoplasm. We found that Pab1 interacts with Rna15 in two-hybrid assays and in coimmunoprecipitation experiments. Overexpression of PAB1 partially but specifically suppressed the rna15-2 mutation in vivo. RNA15 codes for a component of the cleavage and polyadenylation factor CF I, one of the four factors needed for pre-mRNA 3'-end processing. We show that Pab1 and CF I copurify in anion-exchange chromatography. These data suggest that Pab1 is physically associated with CF I. Extracts from a thermosensitive pab1 mutant and from a wild-type strain immunoneutralized for Pab1 showed normal cleavage activity but a large increase in poly(A) tail length. A normal tail length was restored by adding recombinant Pab1 to the mutant extract. The longer poly(A) tails were not due to an inhibition of exonuclease activities. Pab1 has previously been implicated in the regulation of translation initiation and in cytoplasmic mRNA stability. Our data indicate that Pab1 is also a part of the 3'-end RNA-processing complex and thus participates in the control of the poly(A) tail lengths during the polyadenylation reaction.  相似文献   

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