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Resumen El procedimiento de intercambio iónico empleado en este trabajo ha mostrado ser un método eficiente, sencillo y rápido, para eliminar las fracciones antigénicas aniónicas de un extracto crudo deP. brasiliensis.Su empleo permitió la obtención de un antígeno purificado que contiene algunas de las fracciones catiónicas del extracto crudo. El antígeno responsable de la formación del arco E fue identificado en el extracto purificado, mediante análisis inmunoelectroforético.  相似文献   

Two hypotheses about the ralationship of diabroticina beetles and plants in the family Cucurbitaceae are tested: (1) evolution of sensory receptors for cucurbitacins by diabroticina beetles was in part due to the predator protection offered by ingestion of these compounds, and (2) commercial varieties of cucurbitacin-producing cucumber offer Diabrotica undecimpunctata howardi Barber chemical protection from some potential sources of natural controlSpotted cucumber beetles fed either Marketmore 70 cucumber which contains cucurbitacin-C or Marketmore 72 which totally lacks cucurbitacin were presented to four species of vertebrate predators that commonly occur in the summer and/or winter habitats of D. u. howardi: Bufo americanus, B. fowleri, Peromyscus maniculatus, Colinus virginianus. None of the four species were significantly deterred from preying on beetles that had eaten Marketmore 70 cucumber. These results do not support either of the two hypotheses. The limitations of these negative results as evidence for refutation of the first hypothesis are discussed.
Résumé Deux hypothèses concernant les relations entre les Diabroticina et les Cucurbitaceae ont été examinées: (1) l'évolution chez les Diabroticina des récepteurs pour les Cucurbitacines est due en partie à la protection contre les prédateurs apportée par la consommation de ces produits (2) les variétés modernes de concombres produisant de la cucurbitacine fournissent à D. undecimpunctata howardi Barber une protection chimique contre quelques sources potentielles de lutte biologique.Des D. undecimpunctata howardi, ayant consommé soit des concombres Marketmore 70 contenant de la cucurbitacine C, soit des concombres Marketmore 72 qui ont totalement perdu leur cucurbitacine, ont été présentés à quatre espèces de vertébrés prédateurs, qui s'observent fréquemment dans les habitats d'été ou d'hiver de D. undecimpunctata howardi soient Bufo americanus, B. fowleri, Peromyscus maniculatus, Colinus virginianus. Aucune de ces quatre espèces n'est significativement dissuadée d'attaquer les coléoptères qui on consommé les concombres Marketmore 70. Ces résultats n'étayent aucune des deux hypothèses. La discussion porte sur les limites de ces résultats négatifs comme preuve de la réfutation de l'hypothèse 1.

Synopsis Commercial samples of Erythrosin B (CI 45430), Erythrosin Y (CI 45425), Fluorescein (CI 45350), Phloxine (CI 45410) and Rose Bengal (CI 45440) have been analysed by thin-layer chromatography. The Erythrosins were found to be mixtures consisting in the main of 4-iodofluorescein, 4,5-di-iodofluorescein, 2,4,5-triiodofluorescein and 2,4,5,7-tetraiodofluorescein, in some instances together with 2,4,5-tri-iodo-4,5,6,7-tetrachlorofluorescein and 2,4,5,7-tetraiodo-4,5,6,7-tetrachlorofluorescein. Samples of Fluorescein were mixtures of the nominal dye usually with traces of several unidentified, fluorescent components. Those of Phloxine consisted mainly of mixtures of 4-bromo-4,5,6,7-tetrachlorofluorescein, 4,5-dibromo-4,5,6,7-tetrachlorofluorescein, 2,4,5-tribromo-4,5,6,7-tetrachlorofluorescein and 2,4,5,7-tetrabromo-4,5,6,7-tetrachlorofluorescein, often with 4,5,6,7-tetrachlorofluorescein Samples of Rose Bengal were mixtures of 4-iodo-4,5,6,7-tetrachlorofluorescein, 4,5-di-iodo-4,5,6,7-tetrachlorofluorescein, 2,4,5-tri-iodo-4,5,6,7-tetrachlorofluorescein and 2,4,5,7-tetraiodo-4,5,6,7-tetrachlorofluorescein together with some unidentified components.Most of the commercial dye samples gave an insoluble residue when extracted with methanol. This residue was usually inorganic carbonate or halide. Some possible practical consequences of the various impurities are discussed.  相似文献   

Allochronic isolation between the two host races of the bisexual generation ofA. mukaigawae (Mukaigawa) (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) was demonstrated in the field. Assortative mating seems to occur in the bisexual generation of each race. Genetic changes of ovipositional preference probably played an important role in the host race formation; it is likely that little or no genetic change in survival was required in this process. A difference in host phenology seems to have caused the allochronic isolation of the bisexual generation between the parent population on the original host tree species and its daughter population on the new host tree species. Gene flow between them may have been restricted ever since the initial host shift. The host race formation of this wasp probably represents an example of sequential evolution.
Résumé L'isolement allochronique de 2 races spécifiques aux hôtes différents a été prouvé dans la nature pour la génération bisexuée deA. mulaigawae (Hymen., Cynip.). Des accouplements assortis semblent exister à l'intérieur de la génération bisexuée de chaque race. Des différences génétiques dans le choix du lieu de ponte doivent jouer un rôle important dans la formation de ces races; il n'est probablement pas nécessaire qu'il y ait des changements génétiques dans la survie, pour obtenir cette genèse. Une différence dans la phénologie des hôtes semble avoir entraîné l'isolement allochronique dans la génération bisexuée entre les populations parentales suivant l'espèce originelle d'arbre hôte, et dans ses populations filles suivant les nouvelles espèces d'arbres hôtes. Le flux génique entre ces populations peut avoir été limité depuis le changement initial d'hôtes. Chez ce cynipide la formation de races, en fonction de l'hôte, représente probablement un exemple d'évolution séquentielle.

Résumé Nous avons fait élever des larves d'Anergates atratulus par des ouvrières deMyrmica laevinodis à 22°C. Pour y parvenir, il n'est pas utile de faire hivernerensemble les larves d'Anergates et les ouvrières deMyrmica. La présence de larves autochtones n'empêche pas lesMyrmica d'élever des larves d'Anergates. Dans toutes les expériences lesMyrmica ont été soumises au fridavant de recevoir des larves d'Anergates. Aucune reine deMyrmica n'a été utilisée dans ces expériences.Sur les 64 larves d'Anergates que nous avons utilisées, 38 se sont transformées en imagos. C'est au début de l'adoption et au moment des métamorphoses que périrent la plupart des 26Anergates perdus. Les femelles vécurent en général 2 ou 3 jours et cherchèrent très tôt à quitter le nid natal. Les mâles vécurent 2 à 3 semaines.
Summary Larvae ofAnergates atratulus were experimentally reared by workers ofMyrmica laevinodis, at 22°C. An overwintering of both larvae ofAnergates and workers ofMyrmica is not necessary for the success of that experiment. The presence of larvae ofMyrmica does not keep theMyrmica from rearing larvae ofAnergates. The workers ofMyrmica have been cooled, in all the experiments, before receiving larvae ofAnergates. No queen ofMyrmica have been used in that experiments.38 of the 64 larvae ofAnergates used became imagos. Most of the 26 lostAnergates died at the beginning of the adoption and during the metamorphosis. The females lived generally 2 or 3 days and tried, very early, to leave their native nest. The males lived 2 or 3 weeks.

Anergates atratulus Myrmica laevinodis, 22 . bmecme Anergates Myrmica. Myrmica Anergates. Myrmica Anergates. Myrmica . 64 Anergates , 38 . 26 Anergates 2 3 . 2 3 .

Summary DNA sequencing was used to determine the specific types of DNA base changes induced following in vivo exposure of Escherichia coli to the ethylating agent N-ethyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (ENNG) and the hydroxyethylating agent 1-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-nitrosourea (HENU) using the xanthine guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (gpt) gene as the genetic target. We observed that 22/30 of the ENNG-induced mutations were GCAT transitions, 4/30 were ATGC transitions, 3/30 were ATTA transversions, and 1/30 was an ATCG transversion. We observed that 37/40 HENU-induced mutations were GCAT transitions and that the remaining 3/40 were ATGC transitions. A majority of the GCAT transitions induced by ENNG and HENU (68% and 73%, respectively) occurred at the second guanine of the sequence 5-GG(A or T)-3; this sequence specificity was similar to that previously seen with the alkylating agents N-methyl- and N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU and ENU) and N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG). A DNA strand preference for the GA changes (antisense strand), previously noted for MNU, ENU, and MNNG, was observed following exposure to HENU and ENNG. The ATGC transitions induced by ENNG, HENU, and ENU also exhibit a sequence specificity with 13/13 mutations occurring at the T of the sequence 5-NTC-3. A strand preference was not apparent for these mutations.  相似文献   

Summary A mutant strain of Rhodococcus equi accumulates three metabolites from the androst-4-ene-3,17-dione or from its degradation intermediate, 3a-H-4(3'-propionic acid)-7a-methylhexahydro-1,5-indanedione (MEPHIP). These three metabolites are: 3a-H-4a(3'-propionic acid)-5-hydroxy-7a-methylhexahydro-1-indanone--lactone (HIL); 3a-H-4(3'-trans acrylic acid)-5-hydroxy-7a-methylhexahydro-1-indanone (2'-5-hydroxy-MEPHIP); and 3a-H-4(3'-hydroxy-3'-propionic acid)-5-hydroxy-7a-methylhexahydro-1-indanone (3'-hydroxy-HIL). The behaviour of this mutant allows us to propose a pathway for degradation of the intermediates, methylperhydroindanone propionates. However, during this degradation, the side-chain propionate was eliminated by a-oxidation mechanism. Offprint requests to: A. Miclo  相似文献   

No significant variation in mating activity was observed among eight laboratory strains of the Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae). Two methods were used to select strains showing high and low mating activity: a single pair technique (SP) assessing time to mating and a mass technique (M) based on a mating index. Reciprocal pairings between fast and slow selected lines showed that the difference between the SP lines was female-determined whereas the difference between the M lines depended on the behaviour of both sexes. M selection, irrespective of its direction, affected two courtship parameters, vibration distance and vibration duration both of which tended to be shorter. M selection was also associated with a reduction in startle activity in females.
Résumé Aucune variation significative n'a été observée dans les activités sexuelles de huit souches de laboratoire de la mouche méditerranéenne du fruit, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera Tephritidae).Deux méthodes ont été utilisées pour sélectionner des souches manifestant une activité sexuelle basse ou élevée: une technique utilisant un seul couple (SP), basée sur la durée de la période avant copulation, et une technique de masse (M), basée sur un index d'accouplement.Des appariements réciproques entre les lignées rapides et lentes ont montré que la différence entre les lignées SP était déterminée par les femelles, tandis que la différence entre les lignées M résultait du comportement des deux sexes. La sélection M, quelle que soit sa direction, affects deux paramètres, la distance entre partenaires lors de la vibration et la durée de la vibration qui tous deux tendent à se raccourcir. La sélection M est aussi associée à une réduction de la réaction des femelles à un brusque stimulus lumineux (Startle activity).

Summary Thirty-one toria genotypes were compared with three well-established cultivars, Ludhiana Composite-2, K-1 and TCSU-2 (standard testers). The genotypes, which were almost identical to a standard tester in response to environmental variations and which also had other desirable characteristics, were considered to be acceptable for commercial cultivation. Using this criterion, TCSU-7, TH-5 and TH-4 were found to be acceptable for commercial cultivation. TH-4 and TCSU-7 were found superior to TH-5 if r2 can be considered as a measure of the agronomical manipulations expected in environmental variations.  相似文献   

European pear (Pyrus communis L.) is among the important fruit species for which only few genetic studies have been carried out. Available evidence indicates that simple sequence repeats (SSR) are very useful as molecular markers because they are codominant, highly polymorphic, abundant and reproducible. The present paper reports more than 100 apple SSR markers in two populations of European pear; a total of 41 SSR markers were then positioned on a genetic linkage map of the cross Passe Crassane × Harrow Sweet and 31 in the map Abbè Fétel × Max Red Bartlett. Syntenic relationships between pear and apple maps have been considered for the chromosomes carrying two or more SSR markers. The alignment among the two maps supports the colinearity of the two genomes with respect both to identification and to orientation of the linkage groups.  相似文献   

In February 1978, in Puerto Montt (Chile) the palearctic species Drosophila subobscura was detected. The expansion of the species in this country has been very rapid, and now it is found over a distance of at least 2000 km North-South. The newly established populations are very flourishing and show a high degree of inversion chromosomal polymorphism. On the basis of the chromosomal arrangements present, an hypothesis can be formulated about the origin and characteristics of the founder group. Possibly, the founders came from Eastern or South Eastern Spain and formed a group of 10 or more individuals. The colonization of D. subobscura in Chile seems to follow the model of expansion of a cosmopolitan species, passively transported by man rather than the more active expansion of colonizers less tied to human activity, envisaged in Carson's models of colonization processes. The high level of chromosomal polymorphism observed in the populations of D. subobscura in Chile, coincides with this interpretation.This work has been supported by a grant from the Programa de Cooperación con Iberoamérica. Ministerio de Universidades e Investigación. Spain, by the Comisión de Investigación de la Universidad de Chile (Proyecto B-027-794) and Proyecto PNUD/UNESCO (RLA 78/024).  相似文献   

Glucoamylase production inAspergillus terreus was induced, in order, by glucose, cellobiose, sorbitol, sucrose, -methyl mannoside and -methyl glucoside. Optimal induction was at 38°C, pH 4.0 and with 8 mg glucose/ml. Cycloheximide at 10 g/ml completely inhibited induction indicatingde novo protein synthesis was involved in induction of glucoamylase.
Résumé La production de gluco-amylase est induite chezAspergillus terreus, en ordre décroissant, par le glucose, le celloboise, le sorbitol, le sucrose, l'-methylmannoside et l'-methylglucoside. L'induction est optimum à 38°C, pH 4.0 et en présence de 8 mg de glucose parml. La cycloheximide à 10 g par ml inhibe complètement l'induction, ce qui implique use synthèse de protéinede novo dans l'induction de la gluco-amylase.

Se diferencian 5 arcos de precipitatión en la técnica de inmunoelectroforesis (IEF) luego de enfrentar sueros de 16 pacientes de paracoccidioidomicosis a la paracoccidioidina. El arco l presente en todos los sueros es asimilado a arcos presuntamente específicos descritos previamente. En immunoelectroosmoforesis-inmunodifusión (IEOF-ID) se observaron bandas anódicas y bandas catódicas en todos los casos. La comparación de los resultados obtenidos con las 2 técnicas reveló siempre un mayor número de arcos en IEOF-ID lo que se debería a la aparición de los arcos de localizatión catódica 1 y 2 del inmunoelectroforegrama, tanto en el lado anódico como en el catódico de las láminas de IEOF-ID.
Summary Immunoelectroporesis (IEF) and immunoelectroosmophoresis-immunodiffusion (IEOP-ID) (1) were comparatively used in the diagnosis of 16 patients with mycologically proved paracocidioidomycosis.In IEF, 5 different precipitin arcs were found and identified with arable numbers. Arc. 1, cathodic, present in all the patients, is assimilated to specific arcs previously described by other authors.In IEOP-ID both cathodic and anodic arcs were observed in all the sera.A high number of precipitin arcs were revealed by IEOP-ID technique in comparison to IEF in every case. This should be due to the presence of cathodic arcs 1 and 2 of the immunoelectrophoregram at both sides of the IEOP-ID preparate.

Cystocarpic and sterile plants of Gigartina skottsbergii produce -carrageenans, while tetrasporophytes produce -carrageenans. No seasonal variation in the carrageenan yields in the three stages was evident. Yields were clearly higher in cystocarpic (34.1–64.7%) and sterile samples (32.3–71.8%) than in tetrasporic plants (10.1–34.0%). Chemical characteristics of the polysaccharides for any stage are the same throughout the year.The authors are Research Members of the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina.The authors are Research Members of the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina.  相似文献   

Embryogenic avocado cultures were exposed to ionizing irradiation in order to determine its effect on proliferation and subsequent somatic embryo development. The approximate PD50 as determined by linear regression is 35 Gy 2 weeks after irradiation for Fuerte 2.11.1 and 4 weeks after irradiation for T362 2.11.1. Irradiation of embryogenic cultures did not significantly affect the number of early stage Fuerte 2.11.1 somatic embryos that developed directly from irradiated cultures; however, 10–50 Gy inhibited somatic embryo development. Irradiation of T362 2.11.1 embryogenic cultures at 25–50 Gy inhibited the number of intermediate and mature stages of somatic embryos that developed directly from irradiated cultures, and 50 Gy inhibited somatic embryo maturation. Inhibition of somatic embryo development could be partially offset by proliferation of irradiated embryogenic cultures as suspensions. Irradiation up to 10 Gy significantly increased the number of mature Fuerte 2.11.1 somatic embryos that developed from suspension cultures. Irradiation with doses up to 25 Gy stimulated development of heart stage T362 2.11.1 somatic embryos; however, mature somatic embryo development was suppressed at dosages of 10 Gy and greater.  相似文献   

This study provides a critical historical review and analysis of the variety of human expressions which have been erroneously labeled under the grandiose category mass hysteria. It is argued that Western science reductionist approaches to the classification of mass hysteria treat it as an entity to be discovered transculturally, and in their self-fulfilling search for universals systematically exclude what does not fit within the autonomous parameters of its Western-biased culture model, exemplifying what Kleinman (1977) terms a category fallacy. As a result of objectivist methodologies, the etiology of actions labeled as mass hysteria is typically viewed as deviant, irrational or abnormal behavior resulting from a malfunctioning proper social order. However, what constitutes the correct social order is a function of a researcher's historical sociocultural and/or scientific milieu. This study reviews the problem, advocating Geertz's (1973) culturally relativistic approach to understanding various cross-cultural behavior that is sensitive to and tolerant of the unique context and milieu of participants. Mass or epidemic hysteria is viewed as an invention of Western psychiatry and should be abandoned and replaced with the term collective exaggerated emotions. Instead of attempting to discover a neatly packaged, unitary external disease entity, the focus of a meaning-oriented approach emphasizes the deciphering of foreign realities, semantic networks and symbol systems.  相似文献   

Summary Crude protein extracts from single seeds of nondomesticated Mexican bean accessions were analysed by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for variability in phaseolin protein. Six new phaseolin types; M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, which contained polypeptides within the same range of molecular weights (51,000 to 45,000 daltons) as occur in the S, T and C phaseolin types of cultivated beans were identified. No T and C types were found among the non-domesticated Mexican accessions, and the S type occurred in less than 7% of the seeds screened. Genetic analyses of F2 progenies from crosses between Sanilac (S), and five of the M types showed that each M phaseolin phenotype was allelic to the S type and expressed codominantly.  相似文献   

Résumé Les sites d'élaboration de l'ACTH, de l'-MSH et de la -MSH ont été recherchés par immunofluorescence à l'aide de sérums préparés contre l'-MSH, la -MSH bovine et la -(1–24) corticotropine synthétiques. L'absence de réaction croisée entre ces différents antigènes conduit à admettre que, dans les espèces testées (bovins, ovins et porcins), les cellules du lobe intermédiaire élaborent simultanément l' et la -MSH, tandis que les cellules corticotropes du lobe antérieur secrètent l'ACTH et la -MSH, l'-MSH étant absente de la pars distalis; la spécificité de la réaction paraît due à l'absence de déterminants anticorps dirigés contre l'heptapeptide commun à ces trois hormones polypeptidiques.
Immunofluorescent localization in adenohypophyseal cells of corticotrophic and - and -Melanotrophic secretions in the cow, the sheep, and the pig
Summary The sites of production of ACTH, -MSH, and -MSH were studied by immunofluorescence using antisera prepared against synthetic -MSH, bovine -MSH and -(1–24) corticotropin. The absence of cross-reactions between the different antigens lead us to conclude that, in bovine, ovine and porcine species, the cells of the intermediate lobe produce - and -MSH simultaneously, while the corticotrophic cells of the anterior lobe secrete ACTH and -MSH (-MSH is absent in the anterior lobe). It seemed that the specificity of the secretion is due to the absence of antibody determinants against the hepta-peptide, common to the three polypeptide hormones.
1 Abréviations utilisées: MSH: Melanocytes Stimulating Hormone; ACTH: Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone; PAS: Periodic Acid-Schiff (reaction d'Hotchkiss Mac-Manus); Ac.: Anticorps; Ag. Antigène; C: Complément.  相似文献   

Summary On t.l.c. plates 125I-cholera toxin binds to a disialoganglioside tentatively identified as GDlb with about 10 times less capacity than to ganglioside GM1. Binding of labeled toxin to both gangliosides was abolished in presence of excess amounts of unlabeled B subunit. Ganglioside extracts from human or pig intestinal mucosa showed toxin binding to gangliosides GM1 and GD1b. In ganglioside-containing lipid monolayers the penetration of the toxin was independent of the ganglioside binding capacity.Abbreviations GM2 Gal-NAc14Gal(3-2NeuAc)14G1c1Cer - GM1 Gal3Ga1-NAc14Gal(32NeuAc)14G1c11Cer - GD1a NeuAc23Ga113Gal-NAc14Gal(32NeuAc)14G1c11Cer - GD1b Gall3Gal-NAcl4Gal(32NeuAc82NeuAc)14Glc11Cer - GT1b NeuAc23Ga113Ga1-NAcal4Gal(3-2NeuAc82NeuAc)14G1c11Cer - dpPC 1,2-hexadecanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine - dpPE 1,2-hexadecanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine  相似文献   

Sami Lakkis 《Hydrobiologia》1973,43(1-2):235-252
2275 samples have been collected with the Continuous Plankton Recorder of Hardy at a standard depth of 10 meteres in the English Channel and the Bay of Biscay between 1958–1965. Biological as well as statistical analyses have been carried out to provide data on annual fluctuations of 34 species of copepods and phytoplankton. Methods of analysis of variance and the correlation coefficient analysis were used for this purpose. The results are presented in the form of triangular matrices showing the annual fluctuations of species in the different areas considered and the relationship between different species in each area. These methods allowed us to define separate groups of species that could be called annual communities.

Extrait d'une thèse de Doctorat en Oceanographie biologique, soutenue à la faculté des Sciences de Paris le 19 décembre 1967. Ce travail a été subventionné par the Office of Naval Research, Department of the United States Navy en vertu du contrat No 62558-3612.

Extrait d'une thèse de Doctorat en Oceanographie biologique, soutenue à la faculté des Sciences de Paris le 19 décembre 1967. Ce travail a été subventionné par the Office of Naval Research, Department of the United States Navy en vertu du contrat No 62558-3612.  相似文献   

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