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Among eight populations of grayling Thymallus thymallus that shared common ancestors 8–28 generations earlier, mean egg mortality ranged between 1·2 and 59·8%; mortality during yolk sac absorption was low (0middot;0–8middot;0%) and mean survival to swim-up was high (90–97%), with two exceptions (20% and 50%). Survival probabilities differed significantly among populations, even after statistically adjusting for size at swim-up and water depth, water velocity, gravel size and temperature. Development time from fertilization to first observed swim-up was significantly different among populations, ranging between 27 to 40 days, or 264 to 280 degree-days. Mean specific growth rates during the first external feeding period varied between 1·2 and 2·0% day-1 among populations. Population-specific growth rates were independent of temperature. Rates of divergence were of the same order as in other salmonid studies showing rapid evolution. The phenotypic differences may be due partly to genetic differentiation among the populations.  相似文献   

In a series of experiments on the growth and nutrition of copper-limited birch (Betula pendula Roth) plants, growth was controlled by the relative addition rate of copper, RCu (d–1). This was 0·05, 0·10, 0·15 or 0·20 d–1 with free access to all other nutrients. An additional treatment provided free access to all nutrients. The pH in the nutrient solution was ≈ 4·5 and conductivity was 100 μS cm–1. At steady-state growth, there was a linear relationship between the relative growth rate, RG, and RCu. The [Cu] of the plants ranged from 2·4 to 2·7 μg g–1 dry mass (DM) in all treatments with limiting RCu and was ≈ 28 μg g–1 in the free access treatment. The plants showed specific copper deficiency symptoms at limitation. Total non-structural carbohydrate concentrations and the fraction of plant DM partitioned to roots was much less at copper limitation than at free access. The uptake rate of copper per unit root growth rate, dCu/dWr (μmol g–1 root DM) was unaffected by the copper supply. Low rates of plant growth at copper limitation were associated with high values of specific leaf area (SLA; 47 m2 kg–1) and leaf area ratio (LAR; 28 m2 kg–1 plant DM) but lower values of net assimilation rate (NAR; 2·5 kg m–2 leaf DM d–1) than were found at free access, 28 m2 kg–1 (SLA), 17 m2 kg–1 DM (LAR) and 14 kg m–2 leaf DM d–1 (NAR), respectively. It is not obvious from the present data how the growth response can help alleviate copper limitation in the field.  相似文献   

Growth rate varies widely among species and the trade-off between growth rate and storage or maintenance traits is a principal axis of variation between species. Many plant species have substantial root stores, but very little is known about how growth rate modifies responses of these stores to defoliation and other stresses. Species with different growth rates are predicted to respond in distinct ways, because of variation in the pre-defoliation allocation to storage. Here, we quantified the dynamics of stored carbohydrates in seven species with varying growth rate, following defoliation in a pot experiment. For faster growing species, there was significant reduction in carbohydrate concentration following defoliation, followed by relatively fast recovery, whereas for slower growing species, carbohydrate concentration levels remained relatively invariant across treatments. Results for total carbohydrates mirrored those for concentration, but were not as significant. Our findings were consistent with the idea that faster growing species respond more rapidly than slower growers to defoliation, through changes in carbohydrate pool concentrations. Growth rate as an indicator of life-history and ecological strategy may therefore be key to understanding post-defoliation recovery and storage strategies.  相似文献   

In organisms with dormant stages, life‐history responses to past pollution can be studied retrospectively. Here, we study such responses in a rotifer (Brachionus calyciflorus) from the once heavily copper‐polluted Lake Orta (Italy). We extracted resting eggs from sediments, established clonal lineages from hatchlings, and exposed newborns of these lineages to one of three copper concentrations that each mimicked a specific period in the lake''s pollution history. For each rotifer, we daily collected life‐table data. We then estimated treatment‐specific vital rates and used a stage‐structured population model to project population growth rate λ. We also estimated elasticities of λ to vital rates and contributions of vital rates to observed Δλ between copper treatments. As expected, λ decreased with increasing copper concentration. This decrease resulted mostly from a decline in juvenile survival rate (SJ ) and partly from a decline in the survival rate of asexually reproducing females (SA ). Maturation rate, and with one exception fecundity, also declined but did not contribute consistently to Δλ. λ was most elastic to SJ and SA , indicating that survival rates were under stronger selection than maturation rate and fecundity. Together, our results indicate that variation in juvenile survival is a key component in the rotifers’ copper response. The consistent decrease in SJ with increasing copper stress and the sensitivity of λ to that decrease also suggest that juvenile survival is a useful indicator of population performance under environmental pollution.  相似文献   

Theories and models attempt to explain how and why particular plant species grow together at particular sites or why invasive exotic species dominate plant communities. As local climates change and human‐use degrades and disturbs ecosystems, a better understanding of how plant communities assemble is pertinent, particularly when restoring grassland ecosystems that are frequently disturbed. One such community assembly theory is priority effects, which suggests that arrival order of species into a community alters plant–plant interactions and community assembly. Theoretically, priority effects can have lasting effects on ecosystems and will likely be altered as the risk of invasion by exotic species increases. It is difficult to predict how and when priority effects occur, as experimental reconstruction of arrival order is often difficult in adequate detail. As a result, limited experimental studies have explored priority effects on plant community assembly and plant invasions. To determine if and how priority effects affect the success of invasive species, we conducted a greenhouse study exploring how the arrival order of an invasive grass, Bromus tectorum, affects productivity and community composition when grown with native grasses. We found evidence for priority effects, as productivity was positively related to dominance of B. tectorum and was greater the earlier B. tectorum arrived. This suggests that priority effects could be important for plant communities as the early arrival of an invasive species drastically impacted the productivity and biodiversity of our system at the early establishment stages of plant community development.  相似文献   

The potential to adapt to novel environmental conditions is a key area of interest for evolutionary biology. However, the role of multiple selection pressures on adaptive responses has rarely been investigated in natural populations. In Sweden, the natterjack toad Bufo calamita inhabits two separate distribution areas, one in southernmost Sweden and one on the west coast. We characterized the larval habitat in terms of pond size and salinity in the two areas, and found that the western populations are more affected by both desiccation risk and pond salinity than the southern populations. In a common garden experiment manipulating salinity and temperature, we found that toads from the west coast populations were locally adapted to shorter pond duration as indicated by their higher development and growth rates. However, despite being subjected to higher salinity stress in nature, west coast toads had a poorer performance in saline treatments. We found that survival in the saline treatments in the west coast populations was positively affected by larger body mass and longer larval period. Furthermore, we found negative genetic correlations between body mass and growth rate and their plastic responses to salinity. These results implicate that the occurrence of multiple environmental stressors needs to be accounted for when assessing the adaptive potential of organisms and suggest that genetic correlations may play a role in constraining adaptation of natural populations.  相似文献   

Biotypic variation is of major concern in breeding for host plant resistance to insects. The existence or development of aggressive biotypes can lead to a rapid break-down of host plant resistance. Therefore the study of biotypic variation should be included in breeding programs for resistance to insects. In the present study we measured the reproduction of randomly collected females of ten different populations of the insect herbivore Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on one susceptible and two resistant cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) accessions. Significant differences between thrips populations were observed on all three cucumber accessions. None of the populations had a significantly higher reproduction than the Dutch reference population NL1. For three populations, the Dutch population NL1, a population from New Zealand (NZ), and an Italian population (IT), partial life history parameters, such as reproduction rate, developmental time and survival were determined and the relative rate of increase r r was calculated. On all three cucumber accessions the r r-value of population NZ was lower than of populations NL1 and IT. It is concluded that there is biotypic variation in F. occidentalis with regard to performance on cucumber plants with different levels of resistance. Reproduction is a good criterion for differentiating biotypes of F. occidentalis on cucumber.  相似文献   

Persistence by adaptation is called evolutionary rescue. Evolutionary rescue is more likely in populations that have been previously exposed to lower doses of the same stressor. Environmental fluctuations might also reduce the possibility of rescue, but little is known about the effect of evolutionary history on the likelihood of rescue. In this study, we hypothesised that the ubiquitous operation of generalised stress responses in many organisms increases the likelihood of rescue after exposure to other stressors. We tested this hypothesis with experimental populations that had been exposed to long‐term starvation and were then selected on different, unrelated stressors. We found that prior adaptation to starvation imposes contrary effects on the plastic and evolutionary responses of populations to subsequent stressors. When first exposed to new stressors, such populations become extinct more often. If they survive the initial exposure to the new stressors, however, they are more likely to undergo evolutionary rescue.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to study theindividual and combined effects of currentvelocity and substratum composition on thewaterlouse Asellus aquaticus (L.). Bothfactors affected growth, mortality, behavior,and food consumption of A. aquaticus.Short-term effects of increasing currentvelocity depended on the type of substratum. Critical currentvelocity for detachment was almost the same onsand as on a polished surface whereas on gravelA. aquaticus could withstand highercurrent velocities by hiding in interstitialspaces. Long-term experiments with differentcombinations of current velocity and substratumcomposition showed that current velocity had agreater effect than substratum on survival andgrowth. Substratum, however, had a greaterinfluence on the distribution of individuals inthe experimental units. Since growth wasreduced at high current velocity and no changesin levels of food intake were observed it isconcluded that a substantial amount of energyis required for withstanding current at higherflow rates. Furthermore, mortality showed astrong inverse correlation to growth. Theinteraction of effects of natural habitatfactors may be better understood using anexperimental and modeling approach focusing onenergy budgets.  相似文献   

To increase the commercial production of Oenococcus oeni strains to be used for biological deacidification of wines, substrates addition and pH control have been optimized. The highest biomass yield of Oenococcus oeni (Y=6.9 mg mmol–1 sugar) was obtained when 55 mmol glucose l–1 and 30 mmol fructose l–1 were added both to the culture medium, and the pH was controlled at 4.8. Fructose was used as carbon and energy source, but also as electron acceptor improving the ability to reoxidize NAD(P)H.  相似文献   

A total of 244 plants from two species, Lythrum salicaria and Epilobium glandulosum, were grown individually in hydroponic sand culture from seed for 36 d. Until day 27 all plants experienced an irradiance of 550 μmol m?2 s?1 PFD and on day 27 half of the plants were subjected to a neutral shade treatment in which irradiance was reduced to 100 μmol m?2 s?1 photon fluy density (PFD). Measures of relative growth rate, net assimilation rate, specific leaf area, biomass partitioning to leaves, roots, structural tissues (i.e. stems, petioles and inflorescences) and tissue density were obtained from intensive harvests three or four times per day. The shade treatment caused an immediate decrease in relative growth rate and net assimilation rate. Within hours the specific leaf area of the shaded plants increased and leaf tissue density decreased, thus partially offsetting the decrease in relative growth rate. Biomass partitioning was not affected.  相似文献   

Aims Increasing anthropogenic nitrogen (N) deposition has been claimed to induce changes in species composition and community dynamics. A greenhouse experiment was conducted to examine the effect of increased N availability on growth and functional attributes of seedlings of five tree species with different life history characteristics under varying irradiances. The following questions have been addressed: (i) how do the pioneer and non-pioneer species respond in absolute growth and relative growth rate (RGR) to the interaction of light and nitrogen? (ii) how does the interaction between irradiance and nitrogen availability modulate growth attributes (i.e. functional attributes)? (iii) is there any variation in growth responses between leguminous and non-leguminous species along the light and nitrogen gradients?Methods Seedlings of five tree species (Acacia catechu, Bridelia retusa, Dalbergia sissoo, Lagerstroemia parviflora and Terminalia arjuna) were subjected to twelve combinations of irradiance and N levels. Various growth traits, including height (HT), basal area (BA), whole plant dry biomass (M D), leaf mass per unit area (LMA), leaf area ratio (LAR), net assimilation rate (NAR), RGR, biomass fractions, root-to-shoot ratio (R:S) and leaf nitrogen content, were studied to analyse intra- and inter-specific responses to interacting light and N gradients.Important findings Significant interactions for irradiance and N availability for majority of growth attributes indicates that growth and biomass allocation of seedlings were more responsive to N availability under high irradiance. However, species responded differentially to N addition and they did not follow successional status. Slow growers (B. retusa, a shade-tolerant species and L. parviflora, a light demander) exhibited greater response to N enrichment than the fast growers (A. catechu, D. sissoo and T. arjuna). However, N-mediated increment in growth traits was greater in non-legumes (B. retusa, L. parviflora and T. arjuna) compared with that of legumes (A. catechu and D. sissoo). Allocation of biomass to root was strongly suppressed at the highest N supply across species; however, at high irradiance and high N availability, a greater suppression in R:S ratio was observed for B. retusa. NAR was a stronger determinant of RGR relative to LAR, suggesting its prominent role in increased RGR along increasing irradiances. Overall, a higher growth response of slow-growing species to elevated N levels, particularly the non-pioneers (B. retusa and L. parviflora) suggests that future N deposition may lead to perturbations in competition hierarchies and species composition, ultimately affecting community dynamics in nutrient-poor tropical dry forests.  相似文献   

杨莹  王传华  刘艳红 《生态学报》2010,30(22):6082-6090
通过设置4个光照梯度(25%、12%、6%和3%自然光)模拟鄂东南低山丘陵地区落叶阔叶林林下的光环境,研究了2种耐荫性不同的树种幼苗--麻栎(Quercus acutissima)和化香(Platycarya strobilacea)不同光强下的存活率、光合特性、生长和生物量分配,探讨了低光环境中耐荫性不同的树种幼苗维持自身碳平衡的机制和权衡"存活-生长"选择的生活史策略。结果表明:(1)低光下的2个树种幼苗的生长、光合特性和生物量分配具有显著性差异。(2)各个光照梯度下麻栎幼苗都生长良好,存活率保持在35%以上,而化香幼苗遭遇高的死亡率,80d后3%和6%自然光下的幼苗全部死亡;低光环境中麻栎幼苗比化香幼苗具有更大的表观光量子(AQY)和最大净光合效率(Pmax),更低的光补偿点(LCP)和暗呼吸效率(Rd),即耐荫性较强的麻栎幼苗比耐荫性较弱的化香幼苗具有更高的低光碳同化率和碳捕获能力。(3)2个树种幼苗的成活率与RGR呈负相关关系,各个光照梯度下耐荫性较弱的化香幼苗的相对生长率(RGR)显著高于耐荫性较强的麻栎幼苗,而两个树种幼苗的净同化率(NAR)无明显差异。相对于麻栎幼苗较高的根生物量比(RMR),化香幼苗将更多的生物量分配给叶部,因而具有较高的叶生物量比(LMR)、叶面积比(LAR)和比叶面积(SLA)。不同耐荫性的幼苗生长及生物量分配方式的差异是植物"存活-生长"权衡后的结果,耐荫性弱的化香幼苗具有较高的生长潜力和较弱的自我保护能力,而耐荫性强的麻栎幼苗具有更高的低光碳储量,能够维持更好的低光碳平衡,具有竞争优势。  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Freshwaters form a gradient from small temporary waters to large permanent waters. Identifying and examining traits that restrict the distribution of species along this gradient are crucial to the understanding of community structure in these habitats.
2. Using dragonfly larvae species, differences in traits important for growth and survival were studied.
3. The traits were studied in a series of laboratory experiments using two pairs of dragonfly species that coexist in the Namibian semi-desert. One species pair was from the most temporary part of the water permanence gradient and the other species pair from an intermediate part of the gradient.
4. As predicted, activity, capture rate, and growth rate were significantly greater in the two temporary water species. Contrary to the prediction made in the work reported here, species differences in microhabitat selection were not related to the species' habitat origin. Cannibalism did not differ between species.
5. The results lend support to the hypothesis that selection has favoured certain combinations of trait values and that these traits are important for a successful life in temporary and permanent waters.  相似文献   

Insects can adapt to temperate environments by increasing levels of resistance to cold conditions over winter and/or altering reproductive patterns to focus reproduction in favourable conditions. In temperate areas, Drosophila melanogaster persists over winter at the adult stage. A previous experiment, conducted with flies kept in outdoor population cages in the temperate winter, indicated that temperate populations produced more eggs than did tropical populations following an abrupt increase in reproduction in late winter. In contrast, the tropical populations produced more eggs prior to the increase. Both patterns resulted in a higher net number of surviving offspring for temperate populations. Here we again examine the clinal pattern in reproduction using outdoor cages, this time held under tropical winter conditions. In this environment, surprisingly, egg production was higher and on average earlier in populations originating from temperate areas. However, mortality rates also increased with latitude of origin, and the relationship of lifetime egg production to latitude should therefore be measured. To test the role of altered pattern of egg production per se in the reproductive advantage of temperate populations in the temperate winter, we tested the performance of laboratory lines selected for altered reproductive patterns, under temperate winter conditions. Lines selected for high early fecundity exhibited this characteristic in the field cages and lines selected for late reproduction exhibited a relatively high fecundity in spring. The timing of the abrupt increase in egg production was identical in these sets of lines and occurred at the same time in recently collected populations, suggesting evolutionary conservation of the switch. These findings suggest that changes in early and late reproduction per se determine adaptation to temperate winter conditions, and illustrate how laboratory selection lines can be used to understand traits underlying adaptive shifts in field performance.  相似文献   

Phytoremediation of hydrocarbons in soil involves plants and their associated microorganisms. Differences in environmental conditions and restrictions on species importation mean that each country may need to identify indigenous plants to use for phytoremedation. Screening plants for hydrocarbon tolerance before screening for degradation ability may prove more economical than screening directly for degradation. Thirty-nine cold-tolerant plants native, or exotic and naturalized, in western Canada were assessed for their ability to survive in crude oil-contaminated soil. Four naturalized grasses (i.e., Agropyron pectiniforme, Bromus inermis, Phleum pratense, and Poa pratensis), three naturalized legumes (i.e., Medicago sativa, Melilotus officinalis, and Trifolium repens), two native forbs (i.e., Artemisia frigida and Potentilla pensylvanica), one native grass (i.e., Bromus ciliatus) and two native legumes (i.e., Glycyrrhiza lepidota and Psoralea esculenta) exhibited phytoremediation potential, based on survival. We determined the effect of increasing crude oil concentrations on total and root biomass, and relative growth rate of those species with the highest survival. The addition of 0.5%, 1%, and 5% (crude oil wt/fresh soil wt) crude oil to soil significantly decreased both the total biomass by at least 22% of the control and the relative growth rate of all species except P. esculenta. Root biomass significantly decreased by at least 22% with crude oil addition in all species except P. esculenta and A. frigida. Total biomass production in contaminated soil had a significant negative correlation with the relative growth rate in uncontaminated soil.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Cyclic population dynamics of forest caterpillars are often associated with epizootics of nucleopolyhedrovirus, but it is not known how these viruses persist between generations or through the fluctuations in host population density. 2. To explore the question of virus persistence at different phases of the population cycle, the nucleopolyhedroviruses of two species of tent caterpillar that co‐occur in British Columbia, Canada, Malacosoma californicum pluviale (western tent caterpillar) and Malacosoma disstria (forest tent caterpillar), were characterised. The cross‐infectivity of the viruses in these two host species was investigated to determine whether there might be a route for virus persistence via the alternative host species. Any virus produced in the cross‐infections was characterised to confirm true cross‐infection or to ascertain whether cross‐inoculation triggered latent virus persisting within the population. 3. The virus associated with forest tent caterpillars (MadiNPV) did not infect western tent caterpillars from low‐density populations, nor did it trigger a latent virus infection; however, inoculation of forest tent caterpillars from high‐density populations with virus from western tent caterpillars (McplNPV) resulted in viral infection, but without a dose–response relationship. 4. Analysis of DNA profiles of virus resulting from cross‐infection of the forest tent caterpillar with McplNPV, revealed that 88% of these infections were caused by MadiNPV rather than McplNPV; however the virus from all 44 infected individuals was identical and differed in DNA profile from the stock MadiNPV used for cross‐infection. This suggests strongly that forest tent caterpillars from high‐density field populations harbour a latent, persistent, or sublethal form of MadiNPV that was triggered by exposure to nucleopolyhedrovirus from the western tent caterpillar. 5. Virus was not activated in western tent caterpillars collected over 2 years of late population decline and the first year of population increase.  相似文献   

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