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The Middle–Upper Jurassic transition is a geodynamic benchmark in the evolutionary history of several peri-Atlantic basins. Contrary to the vast Tethyan and peri-Tethyan areas, in the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal), this interval corresponds to a major basin-wide disconformity preceded by a complex forced regression that induced sharp facies variations across the depositional systems. The Middle Jurassic units below are fully marine, whereas the Upper Jurassic sediments (Lower?-Middle Oxfordian), correspond to freshwater/brackish lacustrine, grading into punctuated brackish-restricted lagoonal and shallow-marine paleoenvironments. This study presents total organic carbon and palynofacies data of 34 samples (total analyzed thickness about 85 m) collected from three key sections encompassing the Middle–Upper Jurassic transition in the central-northern sector of the Lusitanian Basin. The palynofacies of the analyzed part of Middle Jurassic units (Cabo Mondego Formation) are characteristic of marine environments at their base, evidencing upwards a regressive trend of the depositional systems. Total organic carbon content is generally low, reaching up to 1.94 wt%. The Upper Jurassic Cabaços Formation presents kerogen assemblages mostly of continental origin, although punctuated by minor intervals of marine influence. Total organic carbon content is more variable, reaching up to 30.56 wt%. Intraclasts of re-deposited fragments of microbial mats were found incorporated in the kerogen assemblages, which point to highly dynamic erosional and depositional processes. Diversity of Botryococcus sp. occurrences was confirmed as an indicator of the degree of paleoenvironmental stability. The vertical distribution and comparison of the kerogen assemblages of the different sections indicate major changes of these parameters among relatively close settings and along narrow vertical intervals, attesting to the high sedimentary dynamics observed in the Lusitanian Basin.  相似文献   

The micromammal sequence of the Calatayud-Montalbán Basin in Northeast Central Spain is exceptional in terms of its faunal richness and dating accuracy. However, until now, several classical localities with ages close to the Middle to Late Miocene transition have never been directly tied to the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale. Here, we present an updated stratigraphic framework for the Daroca area, resulting in new and better-constrained ages for the micro- and macromammal-bearing sites of Toril, Carrilanga, and Pedregueras, and the macromammal site Los Andurriales. Toril is correlated to chron C5Ar.1r with an age of 12.7 Ma. Carrilanga and Los Andurriales are dated at 11.3 Ma, slightly older than the nearby sites Nombrevilla 9–10 (11.2 Ma). The fauna of these latter sites just pre-dates the entry of Hipparion, which is supposed to have its first appearance in Europe also at 11.2 Ma. The age of Pedregueras 2A is estimated at 10.6 Ma, constraining the local Zone H–I boundary and the first Iberian occurrence of Cricetulodon to 10.7 or 10.6 Ma. With an age of 10.4 Ma, the site of Pedregueras 2C is documenting the presence of very rare Murinae in Europe long (ca. half a million years) before their attainment of general dominance.  相似文献   

Charcoal analysis reveals various palaeo-ecological phases from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age. Agriculture starts about 7000 B.P. in favourable ecological conditions. Most of the charcoal spectra from sites on the coast represent thermomediterranean holm-oak forest; those from the inland mountains represent mesome-diterranean holm-oak forest. The Neolithic I Impressed Ware people were the first to clear the forest to plant their crops. This clearance of primary woodland resulted in the development of secondary vegetation of pine woods or scrub. The scrub reached its maximum during the Bell Beaker phase and Bronze Age in the Cova de les Cendres. In the Neolithic II open air sites, the percentages of Quercus ilex/coccifera remain high. This may be the result of a different exploitation of the land, or suitable conditions for the growth and survival of the vegetation.  相似文献   

A new species,Brongniartia papyracea (Fabaceae: Faboideae), from southern Jalisco and southwestern Michoacán, is described and illustrated. Its morphological affinities withB. podalyrioides from central Mexico are discussed, and habitat data are given.
Résumé  Se describe una especie nueva,Brongniartia papyracea (Fabaceae: Faboideae), del sur de Jalisco y suroeste de Michoacán, México. Se discuten sus afinidades morfológicas conB. podalyrioides des centro de México y se proporcionan datos de su hábitat.

The paper presents a synthesis of the on-site archaeobotanical investigations of the Terramara di Montale, one of the most important sites of the Terramara cultural system which characterised the Po Plain in the Middle-Late Bronze Age (1650–1200 b.c.). Samples for pollen analysis and macroremains, including seed/fruit and wood/charcoal records, were collected from stratigraphic sequences and occupation levels during the excavations 1996–2001. The results permitted the reconstruction of the main characteristics of the landscape which at the onset of the Terramara rapidly passed from a natural, more forested landscape with mixed oak wood and conifers to a more open and anthropic landscape characterised by cereal fields, pastures and meadows. People felled oaks and other trees such as Populus/Salix and Fraxinus to make piles or walls for houses. Wood from these species was also recorded as charcoal in the hearths. Palynological and carpological data show that the inhabitants of the Terramara largely founded their economy on cereals (mainly Triticum aestivum/durum, T. dicoccum and Hordeum vulgare). They also grew a few legumes (Vicia faba var. minor, Vicia sp. and Lens culinaris). There was also grazing by domestic animals, mainly ovicaprines but also pigs and cattle, and these were fed exploiting wild plants such as Carpinus. In the paper the four main steps of the history of the Terramara are described (before the Terramara, the onset, the Terramara phase, the decline) during which both human influence and climatic changes were important. At the onset of the Terramara (around 1600 b.c.) a warm and possibly dry phase occurred. The intense use of the territory and a climatic deterioration at around 1300 b.c. might have triggered the decline of the Terramara di Montale.  相似文献   

Charred archaeological stones of Olea europaea L. (olive) from Late Bronze Age Ugarit, Syria, were analyzed with geometric morphometry and compared with a morphological differentiation model established on the basis of analyses of modern spontaneous (uncultivated) olive populations and cultivated varieties of various origins within the Mediterranean Basin. The results allow a reinterpretation of the east–west morphological diversity previously observed in wild olives. The archaeobotanical data were compared in detail to the partly geographically structured modern morphological diversity of the cultivated olive. Ancient morphotypes could be distinguished, among which one is dominant in the assemblage. Their diffusion from east to west is shown, and their time of arrival in the northwestern Mediterranean can be evaluated by comparison to archaeological material from that area. Combining morphometric and genetic data, modern reference and archaeological material also guides us in understanding the mechanisms that prevailed in the long-term agrobiodiversity of the olive.  相似文献   

UHPLC/ESI/MS identification of organic compounds is the first step in the majority of screening techniques for the characterization of biologically active metabolites in natural sources. This paper describes a method for the fast identification and characterisation of secondary metabolites in Leptocarpha rivularis DC. (Palo negro) extracts by HPLC/UV (DAD)–Mass Spectrometry (HPLC/MS). The plant is used for the treatment of several diseases since pre-hispanic Mapuche times. Thirty-seven compounds were detected in the aqueous edible extract for the first time including 4 sesquiterpenes, 10 flavonoids, 9 oxylipins, 2 organic acids, and 11 phenolic acids. In addition, phenolic content antioxidant and cholinesterase inhibitory activities were measured for the first time using the edible infusion. The total polyphenol content of the infusion was 230.76?±?2.5?mmol GAE/kg dry weight, while the antioxidant activity was 176.51?±?28.84; 195.28?±?4.83; and 223.92?±?2.95?mmol TE/kg dry weight, for the DPPH, ABTS, and FRAP assays, respectively. The cholinesterase inhibitory activity was 7.38?±?0.03 and 5.74?±?0.06?mmol GALAE/kg, for the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase AChE and BChE, respectively, showing that this plant is a candidate for the isolation of compounds that can be useful for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. Furthermore, this plant could serve also as a raw material for the production of dietary supplements, due to its content of polyphenolic compounds.  相似文献   



Escherichia coli guanine-N2 (m2G) methyltransferases (MTases) RsmC and RsmD modify nucleosides G1207 and G966 of 16S rRNA. They possess a common MTase domain in the C-terminus and a variable region in the N-terminus. Their C-terminal domain is related to the YbiN family of hypothetical MTases, but nothing is known about the structure or function of the N-terminal domain.  相似文献   

We present a detailed pollen and charcoal record of a 368-cm-long sediment core from the lowland Campos (grassland) region near the city of São Francisco de Assis in the western Rio Grande do Sul State in southern Brazil. Based on four AMS radiocarbon dates, the record represents the last about 22,000 cal yr BP. The region was naturally covered by Campos throughout the recorded glacial and Holocene period under cold and relatively dry and warm and dry condition, respectively. Initial expansion of gallery forest after 5170 cal yr BP indicates a change to wetter climatic conditions. Maximum extent of gallery forest after 1550 cal yr BP reflects the wettest recorded period. There is some evidence of plant migration from the eastern Atlantic coastal lowland reaching the western lowland, first after mid Holocene times by Cecropia and, possibly, species of Myrsine and Moraceae and later, after about 1000 cal yr BP, by species of Alchornea and Acalypha. Multivariate analysis revealed that the long-term pollen composition dynamics is a two-phase process, with random, chaotic changes characterizing some periods when climate conditions were likely more stable, and directional compositional changes (phase transitions) in periods coincide with major climate and/or anthropogenic changes. Natural fires were rare during full- and lateglacial periods, but became frequent at the beginning of the Holocene, suggesting the beginning of human occupation of the western lowland at that time. Highest fire frequency is found during the wet late Holocene period, suggesting an increase of indigenous populations in the São Francisco de Assis region.  相似文献   

Here we describe a new genus and species of giant ground sloth, Xibalbaonyx oviceps (Megalonychidae, Xenarthra), from the drowned cave system of the northeastern Yucatán Peninsula. The specimen is Late Pleistocene in age and was discovered in the Zapote sinkhole (cenote) near Puerto Morelos in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo. Xibalbaonyx oviceps differs significantly from all hitherto known Megalonychidae including those from the Greater Antilles and South America. The new taxon suggests a local Caribbean radiation of ground sloths during the Late Pleistocene, which is consistent with the dispersal of the group along a Mexican corridor.  相似文献   

Trypsins are key proteins important in animal protein digestion by breaking down the peptide bonds on the carboxyl side of lysine and arginine residues, hence it has been used widely in various biotechnological processes. In the current study, a full-length cDNA library with capacity of 5·105 CFU/ml from the duck (Anas platyrhynchos) was constructed. Using express sequence tag (EST) sequencing, genes coding two trypsins were identified and two full-length trypsin cDNAs were then obtained by rapid-amplification of cDNA end (RACE)-PCR. Using Blast, they were classified into the trypsin I and II subfamilies, but both encoded a signal peptide, an activation peptide, and a 223-a.a. mature protein located in the C-terminus. The two deduced mature proteins were designated as trypsin-IAP and trypsin-IIAP, and their theoretical isoelectric points (pI) and molecular weights (MW) were 7.99/23466.4 Da and 4.65/24066.0 Da, respectively. Molecular characterizations of genes were further performed by detailed bioinformatics analysis. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that trypsin-IIAP has an evolution pattern distinct from trypsin-IAP, suggesting its evolutionary advantage. Then the duck trypsin-IIAP was expressed in an Escherichia coli system, and its kinetic parameters were measured. The three dimensional structures of trypsin-IAP and trypsin-IIAP were predicted by homology modeling, and the conserved residues required for functionality were identified. Two loops controlling the specificity of the trypsin and the substrate-binding pocket represented in the model are almost identical in primary sequences and backbone tertiary structures of the trypsin families.  相似文献   

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