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2,3-丁二醇是克雷伯氏菌发酵产1,3-丙二醇的主要副产物,为减少2,3-丁二醇的产生,利用Red重组技术对克雷伯氏菌2,3-丁二醇合成途径关键酶基因budC和budA进行了敲除。突变株发酵性能实验结果表明,所获得的两株突变株生长性能受到不同程度的影响;budC基因的缺失使菌株1,3-丙二醇产量提高了10%,2,3-丁二醇降低为原来的70%,而budA基因缺失则使菌株无2,3-丁二醇和1,3-丙二醇的产生,但乳酸、琥珀酸、乙醇和乙酸的产量较出发菌株都有明显增长。通过进一步对budC基因缺失菌株主要产物分析,推测在该菌中存在2,3-丁二醇回补途径,这一结果为低副产物克雷伯氏菌的改造提供了新依据。  相似文献   

利用Red同源重组技术,快速敲除肺炎克雷伯氏菌中的编码D-乳酸脱氢酶的两个基因——ldhA和dld,获得KG1-1和KG1-2两个突变株,并研究了敲除编码D-乳酸脱氢酶基因丧失合成D-乳酸的KG1-1菌株的1,3-PD产量和菌体生长变化,实验结果表明乳酸合成缺失对现有工艺1,3-丙二醇发酵无影响。  相似文献   

1,3-丙二醇(1,3-propanediol,1,3-PD)可用于工业合成多种化合物,包括聚酯、聚醚和聚氨酯。发酵法生产1,3-PD具有巨大潜力。本文从代谢途径分析入手,梳理了肺炎克雷伯氏菌厌氧代谢途径的相关酶及催化作用,较详细地综述了其产1,3-PD关键酶的分子改造、基因工程菌株的构建和关键酶基因表达、副产物相关代谢酶基因敲除等方面的最新进展,并展望了其今后的发展前景。  相似文献   

甘油脱水酶是催化由甘油到1,3-丙二醇过程中的关键酶,它需要在辅酶B_(12)存在的情况下才能有效的进行催化;而在此催化过程中甘油脱水酶会出现失活现象,研究表明辅酶B_(12)可以有效的促使甘油脱水酶复活。因此,辅酶B_(12)在由甘油生物催化生产1,3-丙二醇过程中起到非常重要的作用。本研究利用PCR扩增技术,从Escherichia K-12菌株中扩增出产VB_(12)关键酶—腺苷钴胺素合成酶基因cobs,其序列与NCBI上已经公布的序列比对,同源性为99.6%,将基因cobs与产1,3-丙二醇关键酶基因dhaB、yqhD在Klebsiella pneumoniae中共表达,发酵结果显示重组菌所需额外添加的VB_(12)由原始菌株的0.01 g/L下降到0.004 g/L。  相似文献   

【目的】提高克雷伯氏菌胞内还原力以强化1,3-丙二醇合成。【方法】将来源于大肠杆菌的木糖异构酶基因在克雷伯氏菌中异源表达,构建重组菌。研究重组菌添加不同浓度木糖为辅底物与甘油共发酵过程中代谢产物和NADH的变化规律。【结果】与对照菌相比,重组菌细胞内还原力NADH提高了0.1?0.3倍,1,3-丙二醇产量达到23.31 g/L,提高20%,1,3-丙二醇转化率从0.60 mol/mol提高到0.73 mol/mol。【结论】木糖异构酶基因的表达强化了木糖代谢途径,经磷酸戊糖途径积累大量还原力,促进了1,3-丙二醇的生成。  相似文献   

张燎原  曹阳  夏启容  洪燕  方柏山 《生物信息学》2006,4(3):102-104,127
用Swiss—Model和Modeller对来源于Klebsiella pneumonide的1,3-丙二醇氧化还原酶(PDOR)进行三级结构建模,并对所得的6个目标模型进行评价和比较,从中选择最好的一个模型,预测了辅酶NADP+和Fe2+在PDOR结构空间的近似位置,并定位了与NADP^+和Fe^2+作用的相关残基。  相似文献   

发展可再生能源,尤其是生物能源,具有显著的能量收益和碳减排效益。随着石油等不可再生资源的减少,许多大宗传统石油化工产品正不断被使用可再生原料的生物制造产品替代。生物发酵法生产1,3-丙二醇(1,3-PDO)顺应了这一潮流,具有广阔的发展前景。提高微生物发酵竞争力,优化发酵法生产1,3-PDO水平,势必增加1,3-PDO的生产效益。对肺炎克雷伯氏菌(Klebsiella pneumoniae)发酵法进行1,3-PDO生产的代谢机理、菌株筛选和利用、发酵参数的选择和优化以及发酵工程策略的设计和监测等进行综述,为利用生物柴油副产物甘油生产有重要工业价值的1,3-PDO产品提供参考。  相似文献   

微氧条件下,考察肺炎克雷伯氏菌发酵生产1,3-丙二醇过程中柠檬酸和丙酮酸对发酵过程的影响。摇瓶实验结果表明:添加柠檬酸能抑制菌体生长和1,3-丙二醇合成;丙酮酸对菌体生长和1,3-丙二醇合成有一定的促进作用。5 L发酵罐批式发酵表明:补料培养基中加入8 g/L丙酮酸,1,3-丙二醇的产量提高了约10.8%,转化率提高了约4.4%,比生长速率提高了约10.8%。上述结果初步表明,强化能量的产生能够有效促进1,3-丙二醇的合成,可以利用分子生物学手段强化丙酮酸的产生以促进1,3-丙二醇的合成。  相似文献   

1,3-丙二醇(1,3-PD)是一种重要的化工原料,发酵法生产1,3-PD是一条新颖且具有潜在竞争力的生产途径。本研究在前期工作的基础上,将分别来源于大肠杆菌和肺炎克雷伯氏菌的基因片段yqhD和dhaB串联表达,构建重组表达载体pYX212-zeocin-pGAP-yqhD-pGAP-dhaB;并得到重组酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)W303-1A/pYX212-zeocin-pGAP-yqhD-pGAP-dhaB。该重组菌和对照S.cerevisiae分别以葡萄糖为底物摇瓶发酵72h后,重组酿酒酵母发酵液中1,3-PD含量约为1.5g/L;而对照菌株不产1,3-PD。以上结果表明本研究在国内首次成功构建了直接以葡萄糖为底物发酵生产1,3-PD的酿酒酵母基因工程菌。为进一步将dhaB、yqhD基因导入其他以葡萄糖为底物高产甘油的酵母宿主中表达,获得以葡萄糖为底物一步法发酵高产1,3-丙二醇工程菌打下了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

对肺炎克雷伯氏菌(Klebsiellapneumoniae)发酵生产1,3-丙二醇(1,3-Propanediol,1,3.PD)的补碱策略进行了研究。分别利用NaOH、氨水、KOH三种溶液作为pH调节剂,优化三种pH调节剂并得到按一定比例混合的混合碱。当采用混合碱调控发酵pH值为7.0时,1,3-丙二醇的产量达到了55dL,比无pH调控(对照)发酵过程发酵水平提高了10.6倍。  相似文献   

Cheng KK  Zhang JA  Liu DH  Sun Y  Yang MD  Xu JM 《Biotechnology letters》2006,28(22):1817-1821
Broth containing 152 g glycerol l−1 from Candida krusei culture was converted to 1,3-propanediol by Klebsiella pneumoniae. Residual glucose in the broth promoted growth of K. pneumoniae while acetate was inhibitory. After desalination treatment of glycerol broth by electrodialysis, the acetate in the broth was removed. A fed-batch culture with electrodialytically pretreated broth as␣substrate was developed giving 53 g 1,3- propanediol l−1 with a yield of 0.41 g g−1 glycerol and a productivity of 0.94 g l−1 h−1.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2007,42(4):740-744
The conversion of glycerol to 1,3-propanediol (PDO) using Klebsiella pneumoniae M5al under anaerobic condition was scaled up from scale 5 to 5000 l in series. A simple strategy for scale-up was to transfer the optimized conditions of a lab scale bioreactor to pilot-scale fermentation. Multistage inocula were developed and their fermentation abilities were assessed in a small-scale fermenter. The experimental results showed that inoculum development in the early steps of a scale-up process could influence the outcomes of a large scale fermentation. Through three-stage liquid inoculum development and a pulse addition of (NH4)2SO4 and yeast extract at 30 h of fermentation, the best results in a 5000 l fermentation were achieved leading to 58.8 g l−1 1,3-propanediol with a yield of 0.53 mol mol−1 glycerol and productivity of 0.92 g l−1 h−1. This is the first report on pilot-scale 1,3-propanediol production using K. pneumoniae.  相似文献   

[目的]克雷伯氏菌发酵生产1,3-丙二醇过程中发生噬菌体感染会严重影响宿主菌的生长和目标产物的生成,因此分离克雷伯氏菌噬菌体并考察其生物学特性对预防和控制噬菌体感染具有重要意义.[方法]采用敏感指示菌法及Adams双层平板法从感染噬菌体的肺炎克雷伯氏杆菌发酵液中分离得到一株噬菌体;纯化后用磷钨酸负染法电镜观察;手工法提取噬菌体核酸,酶切后琼脂糖凝胶电泳分析;同时考察了其最佳感染复数、一步生长曲线及对温度、pH、紫外线、乙醚和氯仿等理化因素的敏感性等生理特性;最后考察了噬菌体对肺炎克雷伯氏杆菌生长和发酵的影响.[结果]分离出一株肺炎克雷伯氏杆菌溶源性噬菌体,其噬菌斑为无晕环透明圆斑,直径约1.5 mm;其头部为直径约60 nm-70 nm的球体,有一长约160 nm的丝状长尾;基因组核酸能被双链DNA内切酶EcoR Ⅰ及HindⅢ切开,大小约42 kb;对高温和紫外线敏感,耐碱性而受强酸抑制,对氯仿不敏感;最佳感染复数为1,潜伏期与裂解期均为50 min,裂解量为343个;感染噬菌体的肺炎克雷伯氏杆菌的细胞生长延滞约8h,代谢流偏向乳酸途径.[结论]该噬菌体属于无包膜长尾噬菌体,能改变克雷伯氏菌发酵生产1,3-丙二醇的代谢规律,为1,3-丙二醇发酵生产过程中噬菌体感染的预防和控制研究奠定了基础.  相似文献   

In a previous study, we showed that 1,3-propanediol (1,3-PD) was still produced from glycerol by the Klebsiella pneumoniae mutant strain defective in 1,3-PD oxidoreductase (DhaT), although the production level was lower compared to the parent strain. As a potential candidate for another putative 1,3-PD oxidoreductase, we identified and characterized a homolog of Escherichia coli yqhD (88% homology in amino acid sequence), which encodes an alcohol dehydrogenase and is well known to replace the function of DhaT in E. coli. Introduction of multiple copies of the yqhD homolog restored 1,3-PD production in the mutant K. pneumoniae strain defective in DhaT. In addition, by-product formation was still eliminated in the recombinant strain due to the elimination of the glycerol oxidative pathway. An increase in NADP-dependent 1,3-PD oxidoreductase activity was observed in the recombinant strain harboring multiple copies of the yqhD homolog. The level of 1,3-PD production during batch fermentation in the recombinant strain was comparable to that of the parent strain; further engineering can generate an industrial strain producing 1,3-propanediol.  相似文献   

Klebsiella pneumoniae 1,3-propanediol:NAD+ oxidoreductase.   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
Fermentative utilization of glycerol, a more reduced carbohydrate than aldoses and ketoses, requires the disposal of the two extra hydrogen atoms. This is accomplished by sacrificing an equal quantity of glycerol via an auxiliary pathway initiated by glycerol dehydratase. The product, 3-hydroxypropionaldehyde, is then reduced by 1,3-propanediol NAD+:oxidoreductase (1,3-propanediol dehydrogenase; EC, resulting in the regeneration of NAD+ from NADH. The pathway for the assimilation of glycerol is initiated by an NAD-linked dehydrogenase. In Klebsiella pneumoniae the two pathways are encoded by the dha regulon which is inducible only anaerobically. In this study 1,3-propanediol:NAD+ oxidoreductase was purified from cells grown anaerobically on glycerol. The enzyme was immunochemically distinct from the NAD-linked glycerol dehydrogenase and was an octamer or hexamer of a polypeptide of 45,000 +/- 3,000 daltons. When tested as a dehydrogenase, only 1,3-propanediol served as a substrate; no activity was detected with ethanol, 1-propanol, 1,2-propanediol, glycerol, or 1,4-butanediol. The enzyme was inhibited by chelators of divalent cations. An enzyme preparation inhibited by alpha,alpha'-dipyridyl was reactivated by the addition of Fe2+ or Mn2+ after removal of the chelator by gel filtration. As for glycerol dehydrogenase, 1,3-propanediol oxidoreductase is apparently inactivated by oxidation during aerobic metabolism, under which condition the enzyme becomes superfluous.  相似文献   

Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology - 1,3-Propanediol (1,3-PDO) is a monomer for the synthesis of various polyesters. It is widely used in industries including cosmetics, solvents, and...  相似文献   

本研究主要对克雷伯杆菌甘油转化1,3-丙二醇代谢途径中的2个关键酶甘油脱氢酶(GDH)、1,3-丙二醇氧化还原酶(PDOR)反应机制和动力学进行了研究。首先,通过初速度和产物抑制动力学研究确定了GDH、PDOR双底物酶促反应机制为有序BiBi机制,明确了由反应物消耗到产物生成之间的历程。其次,建立了GDH、PDOR双底物酶促反应动力学模型,由动力学模型可知,在偶合反应中,如果GDH和PDOR酶量相同,GDH氧化反应成为限速反应,而辅酶I将主要以氧化型NAD+形式存在。动力学信息为酶法合成1,3-丙二醇和代谢工程研究提供理论指导。  相似文献   

Klebsiella pneumoniae was shown to convert glycerol to 1,3-propanediol, 2,3-butanediol and ethanol under conditions of uncontrolled pH. Formation of 2,3-butanediol starts with some hours' delay and is accompanied by a reuse of the acetate that was formed in the first period. The fermentation was demonstrated in the type strain of K. pneumoniae, but growth was better with the more acid-tolerant strain GT1, which was isolated from nature. In continuous cultures in which the pH was lowered stepwise from 7.3 to 5.4, 2,3-butanediol formation started at pH 6.6 and reached a maximum yield at pH 5.5, whereas formation of acetate and ethanol declined in this pH range. 2,3-Butanediol and acetoin were also found among the products in chemostat cultures grown at pH 7 under conditions of glycerol excess but only with low yields. At any of the pH values tested, excess glycerol in the culture enhanced the butanediol yield. Both effects are seen as a consequence of product inhibition, the undissociated acid being a stronger trigger than the less toxic diols and acid anions. The possibilities for using the fermentation type described to produce 1,3-propanediol and 2,3-butanediol almost without by-products are discussed. Received: 4 February 1998 / Received revision: 30 March 1998 / Accepted: 13 April 1998  相似文献   

Five bacterial strains screened from a batch of 39 samples could convert glycerol anaerobically to 1,3-propanediol (1,3-PD). One of the strains, XJ-Li, which could synthesize 1,3-PD with a higher concentration, was identified and characterized. Phylogenetic analysis of the strain XJ-Li included the study of morphology, physiological and biochemical characteristics. In addition, 16SrDNA sequences were created. The results indicated that this strain is a member of Klebsiella pneumoniae. The optimal cultivation parameters for pH and temperature were determined as 8.0 and 40 °C, respectively. The optimized nitrogen source and carbon source were 6.0 g/L of (NH4)2SO4 and 20 g/L of glycerol, respectively. After 8 h in batch fermentation, both the 1,3-PD concentration and glycerol consumption reached the maximum, with 12.2 g/L of 1,3-PD and 1.53 g/L h of productivity, and a molar yield of 1,3-PD to glycerol of 0.75. Fed-batch fermentation also indicated a higher molar yield of 0.70, and the concentration of 1,3-PD reached 38.1 g/L after 66.4 g/L of glycerol consumption. The results of batch and fed-batch fermentations demonstrated that K. pneumoniae XJ-Li would be an excellent 1,3-PD producer.  相似文献   

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