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Chrysophycean scales were examined in surface sediments collected from 22 high mountain lakes on the southern slope of the Central Alps, some in Italy and some in Switzerland. The study area receives slightly acidic precipitation and summer lake pH ranges between 5.2 and 8.0. In each lake chrysophycean scale assemblage was dominated by one or two species and its composition was related to lakewater pH. Five short cores were examined in low-alkalinity lakes and evidence of recent lake acidification was found.  相似文献   

Silica-scaled chrysophytes are a special group in the phytoplankton of rivers and shallow lakes. They are present the whole year at low density, but sometimes — mainly during autumn and spring — some species can become frequent and very numerous to form real water blooms.In this study, seven species of silica-scaled chrysophytes have been recorded and identified by electron microscopy of phytoplankton samples from some rivers and shallow lakes in Hungary. Most of these silica-scaled chrysophytes have previously been found in eutrophic and hypertrophic localities, and almost all of them are common and widely distributed, even cosmopolitan. Only Synura echinulata Korshikov has not previously been recorded from Hungary. Some of them as Synura curtispina (Petersen & Hansen) Asmund, S. petersenii Korshikov, Mallomonas acaroides Perty emend. Ivanov, M. tonsurata Teiling were frequently found in the phytoplankton samples. Sometimes in autumn and winter Synura petersenii was the most abundant species in the phytoplankton and formed blooms.  相似文献   

Mallomonas robusta (Matvienko)Péterfi & Momeu (Mallomonopsis robusta) has been investigated by transmission electron microscopy and is redescribed in detail. Its silica armour, consisting of scales and bristles, exhibits a very peculiar fine structural pattern. Differences and possible relationships with other species are discussed. The Romanian material is designated as the nomenclatural type (neotype).  相似文献   

Epilimnetic sulfate reduction and its relationship to lake acidification   总被引:2,自引:11,他引:2  
Sulfate reduction occurred from 0–3 cm below the surface of the epilimnetic sediments of three northwestern Ontario lakes, including L.223, which has been experimentally acidified by additions of sulfuric acid. Shallow water sites were conducive to SO4 2– reduction because decomposition in these predominantly sandy sediments caused oxygen concentrations to decrease rapidly within mm below the interface. The occurrence of methanogenesis just below the depth of minimum SO4 2- concentration demonstrated that availability of organic carbon was not a limiting factor for sulphate reduction.Laboratory studies showed that SO4 2- reduction rates in mixed sediments were lower at pH 4 than at pH 6. However, sulfate gradients in sediments indicated that there was no effect of acidification on sulfate reduction in situ. This was probably because microbial H+ consumption in the epilimnetic sediments maintained steep pH gradients below the sediment-water interface. The pH increased from = 5.0 to 6.5 or higher by a depth of 3.0 cm into the sediments.  相似文献   

In southwest Sweden, the two species of loon, Gavia stellata and G. arctica, have shown different trends in population size and production of young during the last decades. Both species fish in oligotrophic freshwaters, susceptible to acidification. The number of breeding sites occupied by G. stellata has been reduced by almost 50% during the last 40–50 years. For G. arctica, there are no indications of significant declines in population size or reproductive success during the last 20 years. The different trends in numbers and production of young might reflect different susceptibility to the ecological changes in acidified lakes. G. stellata prefer fishing lakes with high abundance of Acerina cernua and salmonid and cyprinid fish, such as Coregonus albula and Rutilus rutilus. They also feed their prefledged chicks almost entirely on cyprinid and salmonid fish. G. arctica prefer fishing lakes with high transparency and, when feeding in groups, high abundance of Perca fluviatilis. Their young can be fed on aquatic insects as a supplement to the fish diet. Thus, G. stellata to a higher degree than G. arctica relies on fish which are susceptible to low pH, and G. arctica may also benefit from the increased abundance of aquatic insects in lakes with reduced predation from fish. Furthermore, high water transparency is important for the selection of lakes by G. arctica but not by G. stellata. In G. stellata, high contents of mercury in eggs can be related to the intake of fish in lakes affected by acidification.  相似文献   

A new unicellular species of the genusChrysosphaerella (Chrysophyceae) was found in fresh-water ponds in Switzerland, Japan, and the U.S.A. It is described asC. solitaria. The genus is divided into two subgenera:Chrysosphaerella, comprising the colonial species, andPseudochrysosphaerella, the unicellular ones.  相似文献   

The PIRLA project is a broadly interdisciplinary paleolimnological investigation of five to fifteen comparable watershed/lake systems from each of four low-alkalinity regions in North America that are currently receiving acid deposition. The areas are the Adirondack Mountains (N.Y.), northern New England, northern Great Lakes states, and northern Florida. The primary objective of the study is to provide a detailed reconstruction of the recent acidification histories of a representative suite of lakes from each of the regions. The study will increase our understanding of the timing, rates, and magnitude of acidification (and other chemical changes), and the regional and inter-regional patterns of lake acidification.  相似文献   

Seventy-three taxa of silica-scaled chrysophytes were found with LM and TEM in 264 samples from 141 Finnish water bodies, including the genera Mallomonas (40 taxa), Synura (9), Chrysosphaerella (3), Spiniferomonas (8) and Paraphysomonas (13). More than half of the taxa are recorded for the first time from Finland and five (Mallomonas actinoloma v. actinoloma, M. favosa, M. mangofera f. gracilis, M. scrobiculata and Spiniferomonas serrata) are new to Europe. Most taxa are illustrated with TEM micrographs and the taxonomy of some interesting species is discussed in detail. The seasonal occurrence of the commonest species is described.  相似文献   

The new speciesMallomonas transsylvanica is described in detail. Its silica armour has been examined by light and electron microscopy. Differences and possible relationships with other species are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Cells ofEpipyxis pulchra possess two heteromorphic flagella that differ markedly in function, particularly during motility and prey capture. Flagellar heterogeneity is achieved during the course of at least three cell cycles. Prior to cell division, cells produce two new long, hairy flagella while the parental long flagellum is transformed into a new short, smooth flagellum. The parental short flagellum remains a short flagellum for this and subsequent cell division cycles. Although flagellar transformation requires only two cell cycles, developmental differences exist between daughter cells and the maturation of a flagellum/basal body requires at least three cycles.  相似文献   

Chrysophyte (mallomonadacean) scales were examined from the surface sediments of 18 lakes from eastern Finland, representing a wide range of limnological characteristics. Scales were always well preserved and 23 taxa were observed. The relative frequencies of the dominant taxa were plotted relative to the average autumn lakewater pH. The distribution of chrysophyte species in the calibration set was ordinated by means of DECORANA analysis. The occurrence of these species appeared to be closely related to pH, colour and nutrients in the ordinated lake groups. Chrysophyte scales are potentially useful environmental and paleolimnological indicators in eastern Finland.  相似文献   

The silica-scaled chrysophytes—here mainly represented by the freshwater genera Mallomonas and Synura—have special problems in dispersal from one habitat to another because they cannot tolerate desiccation. Their dispersal is limited by the fragile construction and aquatic habit. Dispersal from one water body to another involves dangerous changes of the environment, and the ability to avoid desiccation during transport is crucial. So, air-borne and ectozoic dispersal by birds or mammals can only work at short distances. This danger may be avoided by endozoic dispersal of thick-walled cysts; as far as they can tolerate the digestion fluids in the intestine. In spite of these difficulties, Chrysophytes have been dispersed worldwide, but they display various distinct distribution patterns, e.g., cosmopolitan, arctic-northern temperate, bipolar, and tropical. Quite a large proportion may be considered endemic, occurring only within a restricted area. Even if the exact dispersal methods are elusive, the distribution of chrysophytes around the world proves their ability for dispersal. On the other hand, the different degree of distribution shows the varying success of the individual species. The distribution of a species at a given time depends on several factors: dispersal capacity—available vectors—suitable available habitats—and most important: sufficient time for dispersal. It is remarkable that the chrysophytes—in spite of their fragile cell construction and apparently low dispersal capacity—show distribution types comparable to those found in, e.g., blue–greens and desmids, whose cell construction appears much better adapted for dispersal. Special Issue: Protist diversity and geographic distribution. Guest editor: W. Foissner  相似文献   

S. Lavau  R. Wetherbee 《Protoplasma》1994,181(1-4):259-268
Summary The structure and development of the elaborate scale case ofMallomonas adamas (Synurophyceae) was studied throughout the cell cycle. Immediately following division, scale cases normally possess 30 siliceous scales, or 5 rows of 6 scales each. Scale rows overlap one another and spiral around the cell in a clockwise direction when viewed from either end of the cell. Throughout interphase, a duplicate set of 30 scales is manufactured and secreted into the existing scale case in a precise sequence, resulting in a scale case with 60 scales, or 5 rows of 12 scales each. Scales are not added to the scale case in rows, but individually positioned within the cytoplasm and inserted one at a time over the entire surface of the cell. Scales appear to occupy specific positions in the scale case. Scale cases are dynamic cell coverings, their elaborate patterning being maintained throughout cell growth and during division when half the parental scales are inherited by each daughter cell.  相似文献   

A new species ofMallomonas, M. alphaphora (Chrysophyceae), was found in freshwater ponds in the Perth region, Western Australia. It is distinguished from other species ofMallomonas by its very distinctive scale and bristle morphology and is placed in a new section,Alphaphorae, of the genusMallomonas. Dedicated to Prof. DrL. Geitler on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of his birthday.  相似文献   

Blooms ofChrysochromulina breviturrita Nich. (Prymnesiophyceae) have been found to be restricted to lakes above pH 5.5 even though the alga is able to tolerate pH 4.0 in laboratory culture. A possible explanation is the increased transparency in acidifying lakes and a sensitivity ofC. breviturrita to high light intensities. A comparison was made withMougeotia sp., a filamentous green alga which co-occurs in moderately acidic lakes and has a similar pH tolerance range. This alga forms dense, floating mats or amorphous clouds in the upper littoral zone, where it would be exposed to full sunlight irradiances. In cultures ofC. breviturrita, prolonged exposures to 1600 μE · m−2 · s−1 (I0′) resulted in reductions in cell yield which were dependent age at the onset of exposure to high light intensity. Only cultures exposed to high light intensities during late stationary phase were able to recover to control levels and no recovery occurred if these cultures were nitrogen deficient.Mougeotia was more tolerant of both high light intensity and nitrogen limitation during the recovery period. The inability ofC. breviturrita to recover from the effects of high light intensity during nitrogen deprivation may be particularly important in small, stratified lakes which are undergoing acidification. The slow rate of vertical circulation, and increasing transparency, would prolong exposure of the alga to the high irradiance levels of nutrient-deficient epilimnetic waters. This suggests that the geographic distribution ofC. breviturrita may be explained in part by the increasing light intensities in lakes undergoing acidification.  相似文献   

The Surface Water Acidification Programme (SWAP) was set up as collaborative research project involving scientists from Norway, Sweden and the UK. Its aim was to evaluate the factors responsible for fish decline in acid streams and lakes. A substantial sub-project was concerned with the palaeolimnological evidence for acidification and its causes. The central technique used was diatom analysis. In order to harmonise methodology between the seven diatomists from four laboratories in three countries a programme of taxonomic quality control was organised, involving slide exchanges, ‘blind’ counting, and regular workshops. In addition a calibration data-set of surface sediment diatoms and water chemistry from 170 lakes was constructed and archived on DISCO, the UCL diatom database. This data-set was used to generate diatom-chemistry transfer functions for pH, DOC and total Al using a weighted averaging technique. Application of the pH transfer function to sediment cores from a range of lakes demonstrated a dose-response relationship between lake sensitivity to acidification (as represented by mean Ca2+ values) and acid deposition (g S m -2 yr -1), indicating the overwhelming importance of acid deposition as the cause of lake acidification.  相似文献   

Summary Cellular potential and pH measurements (pH i ) were carried out in the perfused kidney ofNecturus on proximal tubules with standard and recessed-tip glass microelectrodes under control conditions and after stimulation of tubular bicarbonate reabsorption. Luminal pH and net bicarbonate reabsorption were measured in parallel experiments with recessed-tip glass or antimony electrodes, both during stationary microperfusions as well as under conditions of isosmotic fluid transport. A mean cell pH of 7.15 was obtained in control conditions. When the luminal bicarbonate concentration was raised to 25 and 50mm, pH i rose to 7.44 and 7.56, respectively. These changes in pH i were fully reversible. Under all conditions intracellular H+ was below electrochemical equilibrium. Thus the maintenance of intracellular pH requires active H+ extrusion across one or both of the cell membranes. The observed rise in pH i and the peritubular depolarization after stimulation of bicarbonate reabsorption are consistent with enhanced luminal hydrogen ion secretion and augmentation of peritubular bicarbonate exit via an anion-conductive transport pathway.  相似文献   

The present study examines sublethal effects of near-future (year 2100) ocean acidification (OA) on regenerative capacity, biochemical composition, and behavior of the sea star Luidia clathrata, a predominant predator in sub-tropical soft-bottom habitats. Two groups of sea stars, each with two arms excised, were maintained on a formulated diet in seawater bubbled with air alone (pH 8.2, approximating a pCO2 of 380 μatm) or with a controlled mixture of air/C02 (pH 7.8, approximating a pCO2 of 780 μatm). Arm length, total body wet weight, and righting responses were measured weekly. After 97 days, a period of time sufficient for 80% arm regeneration, pyloric caecal indices, and protein, carbohydrate, lipid, and ash levels were determined for body wall and pyloric caecal tissues of intact and regenerating arms of individuals held in both seawater pH treatments. The present study indicates that predicted near-term levels of ocean acidification (seawater pH 7.8) do not significantly impact whole animal growth, arm regeneration rates, biochemical composition, or righting behavior in this common soft bottom sea star.  相似文献   

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